Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco wonderworker. All prayers to St. John of Shanghai

  • 29.09.2019


Born into a noble Orthodox family, which financially supported the Svyatogorsk Monastery on the Seversky Donets. The well-known church leader of the 18th century, Metropolitan John of Tobolsk (Maximovich), who was glorified by the Russian Church as a saint in 1916, belonged to the same family.

  • Father - Boris Ivanovich Maksimovich (-), of Serbian origin, Izyum district marshal of the nobility of the Kharkov province.
  • Mother - Glafira Mikhailovna.

His brothers also lived in exile. One received a higher technical education and worked as an engineer in Yugoslavia, the other, after graduating from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, worked in the Yugoslav police.

Education and early years

He graduated from the Petrovsky Poltava Cadet Corps () and the Faculty of Law of Kharkov University (). Even in his youth he was a believer, his spiritual mentor was the Kharkov Archbishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky). Initially, he wanted to enter the Kiev Theological Academy instead of the university, but at the insistence of his parents he received a law degree.

Like many Russian emigrants, he greatly respected the King of Yugoslavia Alexander I Karageorgievich, who patronized the refugees from Russia. Many years later, he served a memorial service for him at the scene of his murder on one of the streets of Marseille. Other Orthodox clerics, out of false shame, refused to serve with Vladyka outside. Then Vladyka John took a broom, laid episcopal eagles on a swept section of the pavement, lit a censer, and served a memorial service in French.

Bishop in China

Ministry in Western Europe

According to contemporaries,

in everyday life, Vladyka was unpretentious: he wore vestments made of the cheapest fabric, put on sandals on his bare feet, and often went completely barefoot, no matter what the weather, giving shoes to the poor. He was a true non-possessor, a follower of another great Russian saint - the Monk Nil of Sora. He was a man of God.

The activity of Vladyka John was highly appreciated not only by many Orthodox people, but also by representatives of other confessions. There is a story about how in Paris a Catholic priest told his flock that in modern world there are miracles and saints, the proof of which is the Russian Saint John Barefoot (Saint Jean Pieds) walking along the Parisian streets - he meant Vladyka John.

Service in the USA

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "John of Shanghai (Maximovich)" is in other dictionaries:

    This page is proposed to be renamed John of Shanghai and San Francisco. Explanation of reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: To rename / October 9, 2011. Perhaps its current name does not meet the standards of the modern ... ... Wikipedia

    - (in the world Mikhail Borisovich Maksimovich) (06/4/1896 07/2/1966), saint, archbishop, one of the brightest bearers of spiritual values ​​and ideals of Holy Russia in Russian emigration. Born in with. Adamovka, Kharkov province. in a pious noble family ... ... Russian history

    Contents 1 Men 1.1 A 1.2 V 1.3 D 1.4 I ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Maksimovich. Mikhail Maksimovich: Maksimovich, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1804 1873) scientist: historian, botanist, ethnographer, philologist, first rector of Kiev University. Maksimovich, Mikhail ... ... Wikipedia

Successor he himself as the ruling bishop; Juvenaly  (Kilin) ​​as hierarch of the Moscow Patriarchate Name at birth Mikhail Borisovich Maksimovich Birth 4 (16) June(1896-06-16 )
Adamovka village, Izyumsky uyezd, Kharkov Governorate, Russian Empire Death July 2(1966-07-02 ) (70 years old)
  • Seattle, Washington, USA
  • California
Canonized 1994 (ROCOR), 2008 (ROC) in the face saints Day of Remembrance June 19 and September 29 (Julian calendar) revered in Orthodoxy John of Shanghai at Wikimedia Commons

Archbishop John(in the world Mikhail Borisovich Maksimovich; June 4 (16), village Adamovka, Izyumsky district, Kharkov province - July 2, Seattle, Washington, USA) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCOR); Archbishop of Western America and San Francisco. An outstanding hierarch and spiritual leader, a missionary who, according to eyewitnesses, showed cases of clairvoyance and miracles.

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    He was born on June 4, 1896 in the town of Adamovka, Izyumsky district, Kharkov province (now the Slavyansky district of the Donetsk region) in a noble Orthodox family, which financially supported the Svyatogorsky monastery on the Seversky Donets. Father - Boris Ivanovich Maksimovich (1871-1954); Izyum district marshal of the nobility of the Kharkov province. Mother - Glafira Mikhailovna Stefanovich-Sevastyanovich (died in 1952). The parents emigrated and lived in Venezuela in the 1950s. Father's uncle - General Konstantin Klavdievich Maksimovich. The well-known church leader of the 18th century, Metropolitan John of Tobolsk (Maximovich), who was glorified by the Russian Church as a saint in 1916, also belonged to this same family.

    From childhood, he was distinguished by deep religiosity, his favorite reading was the lives of the saints. , however, according to family tradition, he chose a military education, enrolling in 1907 in the Petrovsky Poltava cadet corps, which he graduated in 1914.

    He expressed a desire to study further at the Kiev Theological Academy, however, at the insistence of his parents, he entered the law faculty of Kharkov University. Independently studied spiritual literature. He was acquainted with Archbishop Anthony of Kharkov (Khrapovitsky), who became the leader of his spiritual life. Michael was greatly impressed by the arrival in Kharkov of Bishop Varnava  (Nastich), later Patriarch of Serbia.

    In 1918 he graduated from the law faculty of Kharkov University. During the reign of Hetman P. P. Skoropadsky in Ukraine, he served in the provincial court. When Kharkov was occupied by the army of General A.I. Denikin, he again served in court. He was a member of the parish council.

    Life in Yugoslavia

    During the retreat of the White troops, he left with his family for the Crimea. In November 1920 he was evacuated to Constantinople, from where in 1921 he arrived in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes together with his parents and two brothers. One of them received a higher technical education and worked as an engineer in Yugoslavia, the other, after graduating from the Faculty of Law of Belgrade University, worked in the Yugoslav police.

    In 1924, Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), who by that time headed the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), ordained him as a reader in the Russian Trinity Church in Belgrade.

    On behalf of Metropolitan Anthony, he prepared a report on the origin of the law on succession to the throne in Russia, in which he examined the question of how this law corresponds to the spirit of the Russian people and its historical traditions.

    On October 13, 1925 he graduated from the theological faculty of the University of Belgrade. Received the highest grades (10 points) in 5 of the 28 subjects he passed.

    After graduating from the University of Belgrade, he was appointed as a teacher of the law at the Serbian State Gymnasium in the city of Velika Kikinda.

    From 1927 he taught pastoral theology and church history in the Theological Seminary of the Apostle John the Theologian of the Ohrid diocese in the city of Bitola. Bishop Nikolai  (Velimirovich), addressing the seminarians, spoke of John Maksimovich as follows: “Children, listen to Father John; he is an angel of God in human form."

    During the summer holidays, he lived in the Milkovo Monastery, closely communicated with the rector - Archimandrite Ambrose  (Kurganov), Archimandrite Thaddeus Vitovnitsky (then a young novice Tomislav) warmly recalled his conversations at the monastery obediences. After the rector died in May 1933, the situation in the monastery changed.

    During the same period, he published a number of theological works (“Honoring the Mother of God and John the Baptist and a new direction in Russian theological thought”, “How the Holy Orthodox Church honored and honors the Mother of God”, “Teaching about Sophia - the Wisdom of God”), in which, from the patristic positions argued with supporters of the theological concept of "sophiology", first of all, with the priest Sergius Bulgakov.

    Like many Russian emigrants, he greatly respected the King of Yugoslavia Alexander I Karageorgievich, who patronized the refugees from Russia. Many years later, he served a memorial service for him at the scene of his murder on one of the streets of Marseille. Other Orthodox clerics, out of false shame, refused to serve with Vladyka outside. Then Vladyka John took a broom, laid episcopal eagles on a swept section of the pavement, lit a censer, and served a memorial service in French.

    Bishop in China

    On June 10 of the same year, in the Russian Trinity Church in Belgrade, he was consecrated as a bishop. The consecration was headed by Metropolitan Anthony, who at the same time sent a letter to Archbishop Demetrius  (Voznesensky), where he wrote: “As my soul, as my heart, I send you Vladyka Bishop John. This small, physically weak person, almost like a child in appearance, is a miracle of ascetic stamina and rigor in our time of general spiritual relaxation.

    He arrived in Shanghai on December 4, 1934, where by that time about 50,000 Russian refugees lived. He was able to quickly resolve differences between Orthodox parishes.

    Under Bishop John in Shanghai, the construction of the St. Nicholas Church (1935) was completed - a temple-monument to the Tsar-Martyr. In 1936, he opened the courtyard of the Beijing Women's Intercession Monastery, where 15 sisters labored. Other temples were built in Shanghai, including the Cathedral in honor of the God’s Mother “Guide of sinners .

    He himself arrived at the camp on Tubabao a few days before Easter 1949, which was an event of exceptional importance in the spiritual life of the camp. According to the memoirs of A. N. Knyazev: “Vladyka John of Shanghai arrived at Tubabao in a jeep and immediately proceeded to the Holy Mother of God Cathedral, where he was met by Hieromonk Modest, Priest Father Philaret of Astrakhan and Protodeacon Father Konstantin Zanevsky and the Bishops’ Choir led by G. Agafonov . The cathedral was overflowing with Vladyka's admirers. After a prayer service and a cup of tea, Vladyko proceeded to St. Seraphim Church, where he was also greeted with bell ringing, and in the church - Archpriest Father Afanasy Shalobanov and Father Nikolai Kolchev, Hieromonk Father Nikolai and Deacon Father Pavel Metlenko. The choir sang under the direction of I. P. Mikhailov. After a short service, Vladyko went to the Holy Archangel-Michael Church, and here he was greeted with a bell ringing by Archpriest Father Matvey Medvedev and Father David Shevchenko with a choir led by M. A. Shulyakovsky.

    He devoted his stay on Tubabao, which lasted about three months, to meeting the spiritual needs of his flock and getting to know everyday life refugees. He left the camp on July 12, 1949, heading to the US capital, Washington, where he petitioned the US Congress to grant Tubaba residents the right to permanent residence in the United States. During his stay in Washington, he founded the parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad there, now known as the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. A minority of the refugees went to Australia.

    Ministry in Western Europe

    On November 27, 1950, by decision of the ROCOR Council of Bishops, he was appointed Archbishop of Western Europe; he retained control of the remaining parishes of the Shanghai diocese (in Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.). Prior to his arrival in the diocese, it was temporarily ruled by Bishop Leonty of Geneva  (Bartoshevich).

    July 21, 1951 arrived in Paris, lived in Meudon at the Resurrection Church. Since the Russian Parisian churches were under the jurisdiction of the Western European Exarchate of Russian parishes of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Brussels was considered the official residence of Archbishop John, he was titled "Archbishop of Brussels and Western Europe." The center of activity of Archbishop John was the Brussels temple in the name of Job the Long-suffering, founded in memory of Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich.

    On October 21, 1953, the Council of Bishops decided: “To approve for Archbishop John, in addition to the title of Archbishop of Brussels and Western Europe, the title of Administrator of the Russian Orthodox Churches in China and the Philippines.”

    He spent much of his time in the vicinity of Paris. In 1952 he moved from Meudon to Versailles, lived under the diocesan administration, housed in the building of the Russian Cadet Corps named after Nicholas II; was chairman of the board of trustees of the cadet corps. Often visited Lesninsky Bogoroditsky convent in Fourque, served in Paris in temporarily rented premises. In December 1961, he consecrated the Parisian church of All the Saints who shone forth in the Russian land.

    Under him, the veneration of Western saints of the undivided church (that is, those who lived before the separation of the Catholic Church from the Orthodox) was restored in the diocese. V Orthodox churches they began to commemorate the patroness of Paris, Saint Genevieve  (Genovefa), the enlightener of Ireland, Saint Patrick  (Patricius) and other saints famous in the West. He was actively engaged in missionary activities, took Orthodox churches in France and Holland under his tutelage, contributed to the training of local clergy, and the publication of liturgical literature in French and Dutch. He also ministered to Greek, Arabic, Bulgarian and Romanian Orthodox parishes, giving them a special status. Contributed to the emergence of Western Rite parishes. Ordained a Spanish Orthodox priest for the Madrid Mission.

    During his tenure as a diocesan bishop, a church was erected in the name of St. Righteous Job the Long-suffering in Brussels in memory of Tsar-Martyr Nicholas Alexandrovich. According to contemporaries,

    in everyday life, Vladyka was unpretentious: he wore vestments made of the cheapest fabric, put on sandals on his bare feet, and often went completely barefoot, no matter what the weather, giving shoes to the poor. He was a true non-possessor, a follower of another great Russian saint - the Monk Nil Sorsky. He was a man of God.

    The activity of Vladyka John was highly appreciated not only by many Orthodox people, but also by representatives of other confessions. A story has been preserved of how a Catholic priest in Paris told his flock that there are miracles and saints in the modern world, the proof of which is the Russian Saint John Barefoot (saint Jean Pieds Nus) walking along the Parisian streets - he meant Bishop John.

    Service in the USA

    In 1962 he moved to the USA. At the end of the year, at the request of the spiritual children with whom he left Shanghai, he was instructed by the Synod Abroad to head the diocese of San Francisco. The local Russian community experienced a deep split there.

    With the arrival of Bishop John, there was a hope that he would be able to bring peace to the affairs of the Russian colony and would resume work on the construction of the cathedral in San Francisco. The arrival of the saint moved things off the ground, donations poured in abundantly, and construction resumed. But it did not bring peace. Denunciations flew to the Synod against Vladyka and a coalition of his opponents began to organize, which was joined by influential clerics of the "conservative" synodal party - Archbishop Nikon   (Rklitsky), Archbishop Anthony   (Sinkevich) of Los Angeles, Archbishop Vitaly   (Ustinov) of Canada, Archbishop Chicago Seraphim  (Ivanov) and the secretary of the Synod, Protopresbyter Georgy Grabbe.

    During this period, he was considered one of the main candidates for the position of the head of the Synod ROCA, in conditions when the aged Bishop Anastassy led the church only nominally. However, Vladyka John faced intrigues on the part of some church leaders who, almost immediately after his appointment to the chair, contributed to the initiation of proceedings against him on charges of financial violations during construction. cathedral in San Francisco. He was supported by some of the ROCA bishops, among whom were Bishops Leonty  (Filippovich), Savva (Sarachevitch), Nektary (Kontsevich), who arrived at the trial, as well as Archbishop Averky (Taushev). The consideration of the case in the San Francisco court in 1963 ended with the complete acquittal of Vladyka John.

    On August 13, 1963, the ROCOR Council of Bishops, after a long, over a year, comprehensive study of the San Francisco Troubles, decided to appoint Archbishop. John (Maximovich).

    In response, in San Francisco, on August 18, an “Extraordinary Meeting of the Initiative Group of Opponents of the Archbishop. John." At this meeting, the "Group for the Purity of the Synod" stated that they were not alone, that "the circle of Archbishop John has already been brought to the attention of the American Union of Churches, which has promised support." It should be noted that the American Union of Churches consists mainly of representatives of Protestant denominations. The opponents of the saint were not stingy with slander, at the same meeting they accused the saint that “for half a year he has been negotiating with the Greek and Serbian Churches ... in order to go to one of them ... and for this purpose he is striving to seize the property of the Sorrowful Cathedral … ow. John surrounded himself with people with a communist past” (ibid.), and so on.

    Archbishop John was very strict about violations of traditional Orthodox piety. So, when he found out that some of the parishioners on the eve of the Sunday vigil were having fun at the ball on the occasion of the Halloween holiday, he went to the ball, silently walked around the hall and just as silently left. On the morning of the next day, he promulgated a decree “On the inadmissibility of participation in entertainment on the eve of Sunday and holiday services”:

    The sacred rules tell us that the eve of the feast days should be spent by Christians in prayer and reverence, preparing for participation or presence at the Divine Liturgy. If all Orthodox Christians are called to this, then this applies even more so to those directly participating in church services. Their participation in entertainment on the eve of holidays is especially sinful. In view of this, those who were on the eve of Sunday or a holiday at a ball or similar entertainments and amusements cannot participate in the choir the next day, serve, enter the altar and stand on the kliros.

    He died on July 2, 1966, while praying in his cell during his visit to St. Nicholas Parish in Seattle in front of the Kursk-Root Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God. The body lay in the coffin for 6 days in the heat, while no smell was felt and, according to eyewitnesses, the hand of the deceased remained soft. The remains of St. John Maksimovich were not subjected to decay and are openly in the tomb of the cathedral. The commission for canonization, which examined the relics of Bishop John, found that they are similar to the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the Orthodox East.

    After his death, many believers confirmed in writing the facts of miracles that were performed through the prayer of Vladyka John. A chapel has been built in the room where the saint died.

    Canonization and veneration

    The issue of his canonization was discussed in May 1993 at the ROCOR Council of Bishops. Only Archbishop Anthony  (Sinkevich) spoke out against the canonization, while the First Hierarch of ROCOR, Metropolitan Vitaly  (Ustinov) noted that “he used to slow down the glorification of Archbishop John, but now he does not want to be in opposition to glorification, leaving aside everything personal.” On May 7, the Council decided to glorify Saint John (together with Saints Innocent of Moscow and Nicholas of Japan), timed to coincide with the celebration in 1994 of the jubilee of the 200th anniversary of Orthodoxy in America. On May 13, it was decided to time the canonization to the day of the repose of Archbishop John - July 2, 1994.

    On July 2, 1994, the celebrations of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad took place on the occasion of his canonization. Metropolitan Vitaly's sermon at the glorification of Archbishop John contained the following words:

    We hungry and thirsty want to be satisfied with the truth of God at the shrine of St. John. We came to him with a deep sense of gratitude for the fact that he was worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven for all of us, the weak and weak. We always rejoice when someone manages to escape from the tenacious claws of the prince of the world and be vouchsafed eternal bliss. Our gratitude to St. John also dissolves with a feeling of deep repentance. You, Father John, our saint, came out of our midst, you know us and our main inconsolable grief - Russia! So help!

    At the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on June 24-29, 2008, he was glorified for church-wide veneration.

    On January 9, 2015, the First Hierarch of ROCOR, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, in response to the petition of the Presidium of the Association of Cadets of Russian Cadet Corps Abroad and the decision of the annual meeting of the New York Association of Cadets Abroad on October 24, 2014, “with joy and satisfaction” blessed the proclamation St. John the heavenly patron of Russian foreign cadets.

    Attitude to the Moscow Patriarchate

    However, in 1955, Bishop John published an appeal in which he praised the act of a part of the Palestinian monks who had not joined the Moscow Patriarchate at that time. In it he wrote:

    Knowing the subordination of the Moscow Church authorities to the Soviet government, knowing that the Moscow Patriarch is not a free servant of God and His Church, but a slave of the God-fighting authorities, those Holy Monasteries and institutions refused to recognize his authority and remained subject to the authority of the free part of the Russian Church - the Russian Synod of Bishops Orthodox Church abroad, although through recognition they could have great material benefits. The Russian Monasteries in the Holy Land are the personification of a pure Christian conscience in the Middle East, and their presence and confession do not allow the Orthodox peoples there to open their hearts to the influence of church authorities, which are dependent on the enemy of the Church and God. The courageous feat of confessing the truth by those Abodes evokes a feeling of compunction and is worthy of admiration for it.

    He did not agree with those who called the Moscow Patriarchate the "Soviet Church" or the "Red Church".

    It is understandable when ordinary people who are not familiar with church language, but it is not suitable for responsible and theological conversations. When the entire hierarchy of Southwestern Russia passed into Uniatism, the Church continued to exist in the person of the believer Orthodox people who, after many sufferings, restored his hierarchy. Therefore, it is more correct to speak not about the "Soviet Church", which in the correct understanding of the word "Church" cannot be, but about the hierarchy, which is in the service of the Soviet government. The attitude towards her can be the same as towards other representatives of that power. Their rank gives them the opportunity to act with great authority and replace the voice of the suffering Russian Church and mislead those who think of learning from them about the real position of the Church in Russia. Of course, among them there are both conscious traitors, and simply those who simply cannot find the strength to fight environment and those who go with the flow - this is a matter of their personal responsibility, but on the whole it is the apparatus of Soviet power, the godless power. Being with the same hierarchy in the liturgical field, for grace acts independently of personal dignity, in the socio-political field it is a cover for Soviet atheistic activity. Therefore, those who are abroad and join its ranks become conscious accomplices of that power.


    • Teaching about Sophia the Wisdom of God. - Warsaw, 1930.
    • How the Orthodox Church honored and honors the Mother of God. Ladomirova: Pochaev printing house 1932. (the same: Ladomirova: Pochaev printing house 1937).
    • Word at naming by bishop of Shanghai May 27, 1934. Belgrade.
    • The origin of the law of succession to the throne in Russia / Foreword. John, Ep. Shanghai. Shanghai, 1936.
    • The spiritual state of the Russian emigration. Belgrade, 1938.
    • Holy Russia - Russian land. M., 1997.
    • Conversations about the Last Judgment. M., 1998.
    • Words like in the saints of our father John, archbishop. Shanghai ...: Collection of sermons, teachings, messages, instructions and decrees. San Francisco, 1994 (2nd edition: M., 1998.).
    • May the Russian land be renewed. M., 2006.
    • Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky // Our News. - 1997. - No. 448.

    On July 2, 1994, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia canonized the marvelous saint of God of the 20th century, St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco, the miracle worker.

    Archbishop John was born on June 4/17, 1896 in the south of Russia in the village of Adamovka, Kharkov province. At holy baptism, he was named Michael in honor of the Archangel of the Heavenly Forces, Michael the Archangel.

    From childhood, he was distinguished by deep religiosity, stood at prayer for a long time at night, diligently collected icons, as well as church books. Most of all he loved to read the lives of the saints. Michael loved the saints with all his heart, was completely imbued with their spirit and began to live like them. The holy and righteous life of the child made a deep impression on his French Catholic governess, and as a result she converted to Orthodoxy.

    Vladyka speaks of his youth in his Word at the time of his nomination as a bishop: “From the first days that I began to realize myself, I wanted to serve truth and truth. my life for her..."

    His father was the marshal of the nobility, and his uncle was the rector of Kiev University. A similar secular career, apparently, was being prepared for Mikhail. In 1914 he graduated from the Poltava Cadet Corps and entered the Kharkov Imperial University, Faculty of Law, from which he graduated in 1918. But his heart was far from this world. "Studying the secular sciences," he says in the same Word, "I went deeper and deeper into the study of science from the sciences, into the study of the spiritual life."

    During civil war Together with his parents, brothers and sister, Mikhail was evacuated to Yugoslavia, where he entered the Belgrade University at the Faculty of Theology.

    In 1924, he was ordained a reader in the Russian church in Belgrade, and two years later he was tonsured a monk in the Milkovo Monastery, taking the name John in honor of his ancestor, St. John (Maximovich) of Tobolsk. On the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, the young monk became a hieromonk. During these years, he was a teacher of the law at the Serbian State Gymnasium, and since 1929 he became a teacher and educator at the Serbian seminary of the Ohrid diocese in the city of Bitola. And then, for the first time, his wondrous life was revealed.

    The students were the first to discover his great feat of asceticism: they noticed that he did not go to bed and that when everyone fell asleep, he began to walk around the hostel at night, making the sign of the cross over those who were sleeping; who will straighten the blanket, whom he will cover warmer. The young hieromonk prayed unceasingly, served the Divine Liturgy daily, fasted rigorously, ate only once a day late in the evening, never got angry, and with special fatherly love inspired the students with lofty Christian ideals. Father John was a rare prayer book. He was so immersed in the texts of prayers as if he were just talking with the Lord, Holy Mother of God, angels and saints who stood before his spiritual eyes. The gospel events were known to him as if they were taking place before his eyes.

    Finally, they made sure that he did not sleep on the bed, and if he fell asleep, it was only when, from exhaustion, he was fettered by sleep during the prostration in the corner under the icons. There were those who even put buttons under his sheets to make sure he would lie down on the bed. Many years later, he himself admitted that from the day of his monastic vows, he did not sleep, lying on the bed. This is a very difficult feat carried by the ancient saints. The great founder of the cenobitic monasteries, St. Pachomius the Great, when he received the rules of monastic life from the Angel, heard that "the brethren should not sleep lying down, but let them arrange seats with sloping backs and sleep sitting on them" (rule 4). The meekness and humility of Father John resembled those immortalized in the lives of the greatest ascetics and hermits.

    Bishop Nikolai (Velimirovich), the Serbian Chrysostom, greatly appreciated and loved the young hieromonk John, and even then spoke of him: “If you want to see a living saint, go to Bitol to Father John.”

    In 1934, it was decided to raise him to the bishopric. But he himself was far from this: when he was summoned to Belgrade, nothing of the sort came into his head, as can be seen from the story of one of his acquaintances from Yugoslavia. Having once met him on a tram, she asked him why he was in Belgrade, to which he replied that he had come to the city, as he had received a message by mistake instead of some other hieromonk John, who was supposed to be ordained a bishop. When the next day she saw him again, he told her that, alas, the mistake turned out to be worse than he expected, for it was decided to consecrate him as a bishop.

    Immediately after being elevated to the rank of bishop, St. John went to Shanghai. Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) wrote to Archbishop Demetrius in the Far East about the young bishop: “... instead of myself, I, as my soul, as my heart, send to you Vladyka Bishop John. severity in our time of universal spiritual relaxation!"

    In Shanghai, a large flock, a large unfinished cathedral and an unresolved jurisdictional conflict awaited him. Vladyka John immediately restored ecclesiastical unity, established ties with the Serbs, Greeks, and Ukrainians, and set about building a huge cathedral in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Guest of Sinners," which was completed along with a three-story parish house with a bell tower. He paid particular attention to spiritual education and made it a rule to be present at oral catechism examinations in all Orthodox schools in Shanghai. He was the inspirer and leader of the construction of churches, a hospital, an orphanage, homes for the elderly, a commercial school, a women's gymnasium, a public canteen, etc., in a word, all the social initiatives of Russian Shanghai.

    But the most striking thing about him was that, taking such a lively and active part in so many secular affairs, he was absolutely alien to the world. At the same time, he lived, as it were, in another world, as if communicating with the other world, as evidenced by numerous eyewitness accounts. From the very first day, Vladyka served the Divine Liturgy daily, but if he could not, then he received the Holy Gifts. He never spoke at the altar. After the liturgy, he remained in the altar for three or four hours, and somehow remarked: "How difficult it is to break away from prayer and move on to earthly things." He ate once a day, during the Great and Christmas fasts he ate only prosphora. I never went "on a visit", but unexpectedly appeared at those in need of help. I never rode a rickshaw, but visited the sick daily with the Holy Sacrament. If the patient's condition became critical, Vladyka would come to him at any hour of the day or night and pray at his bedside for a long time. He possessed both foresight and the gift of such a prayer that the Lord hears and quickly fulfills the request. Numerous cases of healing of the hopelessly ill through the prayers of St. John are known.

    Dr. A.F. Baranov said: “Once in the city of Shanghai, Vladyka John was invited to a dying child, recognized by doctors as hopeless, who, having arrived at the apartment, went straight to the room in which the patient was, although no one had yet managed to show Vladyka where the dying man was. examining the child, Vladyka directly "fell" in front of the image, which is very typical for him, and prayed for a long time, then, reassuring his relatives that the child would recover, he quickly left. invited. Eyewitness Colonel N. N. Nikolaev confirmed with all the details.

    N.S. Makova testifies:

    “I would like to inform you about a miracle that my very good friend Lyudmila Dmitrievna Sadkovskaya once told me about repeatedly. This miracle that happened to her was recorded in the archives of the District Hospital in Shanghai, China.

    It was in Shanghai. She was fond of sports - horse racing. Once she was riding a horse on a reykors, the horse was frightened of something, threw her off, and she hit her head hard on a stone, losing consciousness. She was brought unconscious to the hospital, a council of several doctors gathered, recognized the situation as hopeless: she would hardly survive until morning, there was almost no pulse, her head was broken and small pieces of the skull were pressing on the brain. In this position, she must die under the knife. Even if her heart allowed for an operation, then with all the successful outcome, she should remain deaf, dumb and blind.

    Her Native sister After listening to all this, in despair and bursting into tears, she rushed to Archbishop John and began to beg him to save her sister. The Lord agreed; came to the hospital and asked everyone to leave the room and prayed for about two hours. Then he called the head physician and asked to examine the patient. Imagine the doctor's surprise when he heard that her pulse was like that of a normal healthy person. He agreed to perform the operation immediately, only in the presence of Archbishop John. The operation went well, and what was the surprise of the doctors when, after the operation, she came to her senses and asked for a drink. She saw and heard everything. She still lives - she speaks, sees and hears. I've known her for thirty years."

    L.A. Liu said: “Vladyka came to Hong Kong twice. It’s amazing that, not knowing Vladyka, I wrote him a letter, asking for prayers and to take care of a widow with children, and besides, I wrote about one interesting personal spiritual question, but did not receive an answer "A year has passed. Vladyka arrived, and I fell into the crowd meeting him. Vladyka, turning to me, said: "It was you who wrote me a letter!" I was very amazed, since Vladyka had never known me and had not seen me before. It was in the evening in the church. After the prayer service, he stood in front of the lectern and gave a sermon. I stood next to my mother, and we both saw the light that surrounded Vladyka right up to the lectern, a radiance about thirty centimeters wide around it. This went on for quite a long time. When the sermon ended, I, struck by such an unusual phenomenon, told N.V. Sokolova, who came up to me, about what we had seen. She replied: "Yes, many believers saw this extraordinary phenomenon." My husband, who was standing nearby, also saw this light, ok scolding the Lord."

    Nun Augusta saw how at the liturgy during the consecration of the Holy Gifts, the Holy Spirit in the form of fire descended on the Chalice:

    “Vladyka John served. The altar was open. Vladyka said the prayer "Take, eat, this is my body" and... "this is my blood... for the remission of sins", and after that he knelt down and made a deep bow. At that time, I saw the Chalice with the Holy Gifts not covered, and at that time, after the words of the Lord, a light descended from above and sank into the Chalice. The shape of the light was similar to a tulip flower, but larger. Never in my life did I think that I would see the real consecration of the Gifts by fire. My faith flared up again. The Lord showed me the faith of the Lord, I felt ashamed of my cowardice."

    When the Communists came to power in China, the Russians were again forced to flee, most through the Philippines. In 1949, about 5 thousand Russians from China lived on the island of Tubabao in the camp of the International Refugee Organization. The island was in the path of seasonal typhoons that sweep over this sector of the Pacific Ocean. However, during all 27 months of the existence of the camp, he was only once threatened by a typhoon, but even then he changed course and bypassed the island. When a Russian spoke to the Filipinos about his fear of typhoons, they said there was no reason to worry, since "your holy man blesses your camp every night from all four sides." When all the Russians left, a terrible typhoon hit the island and completely destroyed all the buildings of the camp.

    The Russian people, living in dispersion, had in the person of the lord a strong intercessor before the Lord. Nurturing his flock, Saint John did the impossible. He himself traveled to Washington to negotiate the resettlement of destitute Russian people to America. Through his prayers, a miracle happened! Amendments were made to American laws and most of the camp, about 3 thousand people, moved to the USA, the rest to Australia.

    In 1951, Archbishop John was appointed head of the Western European Diocese of the Russian Church Abroad. He constantly traveled all over Europe; served the Divine Liturgy in French, Dutch, as he used to serve in Greek and Chinese, and later in English; He was known as a perspicacious and unmercenary healer. In Europe, and then in 1962 in San Francisco, his missionary work, firmly based on a life of constant prayer and the purity of Orthodox teaching, bore abundant fruit. The glory of the lord spread both among the Orthodox and among the non-Orthodox population. In one of the Parisian Catholic churches, the priest said, addressing the youth: “You demand proof, you say that now there are no miracles or saints. Why do you need theoretical evidence when a living saint walks the streets of Paris - Saint Jean Nus Pieds ( Saint John Barefoot).

    Vladyka was known and highly honored all over the world. In Paris, the dispatcher of the railway station delayed the departure of the train until the arrival of the "Russian archbishop." All European hospitals knew about this bishop who could pray for the dying all night long. He was called to the bed of a seriously ill person - be he a Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox or whatever - because when he prayed, God was merciful.

    The sick servant of God Alexandra lay in a Paris hospital, and the bishop was told about her. He handed over a note that he would come and teach her Holy Communion. Lying in a common ward, where there were about 40-50 people, she felt embarrassed in front of the French ladies that an Orthodox bishop would visit her, dressed in incredibly worn clothes and, moreover, barefoot. When he gave her the Holy Gifts, a French woman on a nearby bed said to her: “How lucky you are to have such a confessor. My sister lives in Versailles, and when her children get sick, she drives them out into the street where Bishop John usually walks and asks him to bless them. After receiving the blessing, the children immediately get better. We call him a saint."

    The children, despite the usual strictness of the lord, were absolutely devoted to him. There are many touching stories about how the blessed one, in an incomprehensible way, knew where a sick child could be and at any time of the day or night came to console him and heal him. Receiving revelations from God, he saved many from impending disaster, and sometimes appeared to those who needed it most, although such a transfer seemed physically impossible.

    The blessed Vladyka, a saint of the Russian Diaspora, and at the same time a Russian saint, commemorated the Moscow Patriarch at divine services along with the First Hierarch of the Synod of the Russian Church Abroad.

    Turning to history and seeing the future, St. John said that in troubled times Russia fell so that all her enemies were sure that she was mortally stricken. In Russia there was no tsar, power and troops. In Moscow, foreigners were in power. People "fell out of spirit", weakened and waited for salvation only from foreigners, before whom they fawned. Death was inevitable. In history it is impossible to find such a depth of the fall of the state and such a speedy, miraculous uprising of it, when people rose spiritually and morally. Such is the history of Russia, such is its path. The subsequent severe suffering of the Russian people is a consequence of Russia's betrayal of itself, its path, its vocation. Russia will rise in the same way as it has risen before. Will rise when faith flares up. When people rise spiritually, when again they will have a clear, firm faith in the truth of the Savior’s words: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Truth, and all this will be added to you.” Russia will rise when it loves the Faith and the confession of Orthodoxy, when it sees and loves the Orthodox righteous and confessors.

    Vladyka John foresaw his death. June 19 (July 2), 1966, on the feast day of the Apostle Jude, during an archpastoral visit to Seattle with a miraculous icon Mother of God Kursk-Root, at the age of 71, before this Hodegetria of the Russian Diaspora, a great righteous man passed away to the Lord. Sorrow filled the hearts of many people around the world. After the death of Vladyka, Bishop James of The Hague wrote with a contrite heart: “I don’t have and won’t have any more spiritual father who would call me at midnight from another continent and say: “Go to bed now. What you pray for, you will receive.”

    The four-day vigil was crowned with a funeral service. The bishops who were conducting the service could not restrain their sobs, tears streamed down their cheeks, glittered in the light of countless candles near the coffin. Surprisingly, at the same time, the temple was filled with quiet joy. Eyewitnesses noted that it seemed that they were present not at the funeral, but at the opening of the relics of the newly acquired saint.

    Soon, miracles of healing and help in everyday affairs began to occur in the tomb of the lord.

    Time has shown that St. John the Wonderworker is a quick help to all who exist in troubles, illnesses and mournful circumstances.

    04.06 (16.06) 1896 - 19.06 (02.07) 1966

    Holy ascetic of universal significance

    This word about Archbishop John came out of the mouth of one of the priests closest to him when Vladyka died on earth.

    How many people know about him at home, in Russia? And in the world, thousands of people revere him as a great righteous man.

    During his lifetime, he prayed for everyone who needed help, convinced that "before God, all people are equal," and the power of his prayer testified to the truth of Orthodoxy. Vladyka never shared his views, and in general, he was very strict with regard to everything related to canonical rules, however, people of different confessions came to his church with gratitude for prayerful help, and there were many cases of conversion to Orthodoxy.

    One Catholic priest, a Frenchman, having exhausted his arguments in a sermon addressed to young people, once exclaimed: “You demand proof, you say that now there are neither miracles nor saints. Why should I give you theoretical proofs when today the saint walks the streets of Paris - Saint Jean Pieds-Nus (Saint John Barefoot)!

    In the photographs, Vladyka John often looked unattractive, that is, completely monastic: a stooped figure, dark hair with gray hair randomly loose over his shoulders. During his lifetime, he also limped and had a speech impediment that made communication difficult. But all this had absolutely no meaning for those who had to experience experimentally that in spiritual terms he was a completely exceptional phenomenon - an ascetic in the image of the saints of the first centuries of Christianity.

    Memory of Shanghai

    For his spiritual pupils, Vladyka remained the same as he was before - a friend, a prayer book, to whom one could turn for help at any day and hour. I was struck by his accessibility, complete unpretentiousness and forgetfulness of himself for the sake of others. In Europe, Archbishop John was recognized as a man of holy life, so Catholic priests also turned to him with a request to pray for the sick.

    And in his declining years, a new church "obedience" awaited him. At the request of thousands of Russians who knew Vladyka from Shanghai, he was transferred to the largest cathedral parish of the Russian Church Abroad, in San Francisco.

    The situation within the Russian community at that time was not simple; they saw in him the only shepherd capable of restoring the world, and this last segment turned out to be a “godfather” for the lord in the full sense. The usual duties were supplemented by the chores associated with the construction of a cathedral in honor of the icon of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and caring for the flock in conditions when life according to the “laws of the world” also penetrated the church fence, seeking to supplant the norms of Christian ethics.

    For example, the following episode became a difficult test for Vladyka John: one day on the eve of St. rights. John of Kronstadt, a part of his parish became involved in the celebration of the American "", and then, to the complete amazement and shame of the participants, Vladyka came to this "ball" and, without uttering a word, slowly walked around the hall, looking into the faces.

    And then, as if all hell had risen against him, the now middle-aged archbishop was awaiting trial “before outsiders”, at which he was sued for “concealing the funds raised for the construction of the cathedral.” In the end, the charges brought against him were dropped, but then, during the process, another feature of his spiritual appearance was especially clearly manifested - the childish mildness, the surprisingly peaceful state with which he met attacks addressed to him. Not only during the investigation, but also afterward, in the circle of his close ones, Vladyka refrained from requiting “the like,” and when asked who was the culprit of the confusion, he answered simply: “The Devil.”

    The death of Archbishop John was also surprising. On that day, July 2, 1966, he served the liturgy, and for a long time, in total about three hours, remained in the altar. In the materials about his life and ministry, collected by the brotherhood of St. Herman of Alaska, there is also evidence that the bishop was, apparently, informed of his imminent exodus. His death was instant. To the last, in a monastic way, he remained on his feet, and died in an armchair, in his office.

    At the relics of Archbishop John in San Francisco, an inextinguishable lamp is maintained, many candles are burning. Now Vladyka John intercedes before the Lord for his Orthodox Church and for the world already in the Church of Heaven, Triumphant.

    To the brotherhood of Rev. Herman of Alaska, from year to year, testimonies of help come through a prayerful appeal to him. And in courses on hagiology, Vladyka John is already spoken of as an ascetic who combined several images of service: a holy missionary, a theologian, an ascetic prayer book, a guardian of the poor, and a gracious, perspicacious elder.

    In 2008, by the decision of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco was glorified as a church-wide saint, his name was included in the Month of the Russian Orthodox Church.


    [i] Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), hegumen Herman (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. Preliminary information about the life and miracles of Archbishop John (Maximovich). / Devotees of piety of the XX century. The rule of faith, Russian pilgrim. M., 1993. S. 61-62

    Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), Hegumen Herman (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. pp. 293-294

    Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), Hegumen Herman (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. p.218

    Vladyka followed the charter of the monastic life of Paisius the Great (4th century), who received the following rule from the mouth of an angel: “And they (monks) should not sleep lying down, but you should make such seats so that they have support for the head.” (Quoted from: Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), Abbot Herman (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. P. 30)

    [v] Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), hegumen German (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. S. 69

    Cit. Quoted from: Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), Hegumen Herman (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. S. 47

    Cit. Quoted from: Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), Hegumen Herman (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. S. 31.

    It was the day of the heavenly patron of the Kronstadt pastor - Rev. John of Rylsky

    He then told one of the parishioners that he would no longer have to receive his blessing.

    Recommended reading sources and literature:

    1. Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), Hegumen Herman (Podmoshensky). Blessed John the Wonderworker. Preliminary information about the life and miracles of Archbishop John (Maximovich). / Devotees of piety of the XX century. The rule of faith, Russian pilgrim. M., 1993
    2. Saint of the Russian Diaspora, Ecumenical Wonderworker John (Maximovich). M., 1997.
    3. Savva (Sarashevich), Bishop Chronicle of the veneration of the archbishop. John (Maximovich): Miracles of God today. Platinum; Moscow: Valaamsk. about-in, 1998.
    4. Determination of the consecrated Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church according to the report of the Chairman of the Synodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna.Council of Bishops 2008 (
    5. John of Shanghai (Maximovich). Material from Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia. (


    Hieromonk John (Maximovich), 1934

    John (Maximovich), Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, Shanghai, saint, miracle worker.
    In the world Maksimovich Mikhail Borisovich was born on June 4/17, 1896 in the village of Adamovka, Kharkov province. At holy baptism, he was named Michael in honor of the Archangel of the Heavenly Forces, the Archangel Michael. He came from a noble family of Maksimovichs, among his ancestors was the enlightener of Siberia, St. John of Tobolsk. Mikhail's parents, Boris and Glafira, raised their son in piety.
    From childhood, Mikhail was distinguished by deep religiosity, stood at prayer for a long time at night, diligently collected icons, as well as church books. Most of all he loved to read the lives of the saints. Michael loved the saints with all his heart, was completely imbued with their spirit and began to live like them. And his aspirations were expressed in children's games - he turned toy soldiers into monks, and fortresses into monasteries. The Svyatogorsk Monastery, which stood not far from the estate of the Maksimovichs, disposed young Mikhail to a thoughtful attitude towards life. The holy and righteous life of the child made a deep impression on his French Catholic governess, and as a result she converted to Orthodoxy.
    Mikhail thought of devoting his life to serving his homeland, joining either the military or the civil service. At first, he entered the Petrovsky Poltava Cadet Corps, from which he graduated in 1914. Then he studied at the Faculty of Law of Kharkov Imperial University, graduating in 1918. He studied excellently, although he devoted part of his time to the study of the lives of saints and spiritual literature. Kharkov church life contributed to the initial steps of young Michael along the path of piety. The relics of the wonderworker Archbishop Meletius (Leontovich) rested in the tomb of the Kharkov Cathedral, who spent the nights in prayer, standing with his hands up. Michael fell in love with this saint and began to imitate him in the feat of staying awake at night. Thus, young Michael gradually began to develop a desire to devote himself entirely to God, and in connection with this, high spiritual qualities began to manifest in him: abstinence and a strict attitude towards himself, great humility and compassion for those who suffer. During the years of teaching, Archbishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky), who became his spiritual mentor, had a particularly strong influence on him, and Michael began to delve deeper into the study of spiritual life. In the end, as he recalled, the local monastery and temple became closer to him than any secular institution.
    The tragedy of 1917-1918 finally convinced him of human weakness, of the fragility of everything earthly. He decided to renounce the world and devote himself entirely to the service of God. During the civil war, the Maksimovich family was evacuated to Yugoslavia, where Mikhail entered the university at the theological faculty in Belgrade, graduating in 1925.

    Lord of Shanghai

    In May 1934, Hieromonk John was consecrated Bishop of Shanghai, Vicar of Peking, and departed to join his flock.
    The new bishop arrived at his cathedra on the day of the feast of the Entrance into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and, with redoubled zeal, continued his pastoral and ascetic work here. Here he immediately took up the restoration of church unity, establishing contact with local Orthodox Serbs, Greeks and Ukrainians. Possessing inexhaustible energy, in Shanghai, Vladyka John was the inspirer of many undertakings, he took the most active part in many public undertakings of the Russian community. Here he completed the construction of a new cathedral in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Guest of Sinners", erected the majestic St. Nicholas Church - "Temple-Monument to the Tsar Martyr Emperor Nicholas II and His August Family", founded a nursing home and an orphanage in honor of St. Tikhon Zadonsky. Vladyka populated the shelter with abandoned children, whom he fearlessly collected from the streets and slums of Shanghai.

    Bishop of Shanghai John

    Initially, 8 orphans lived in the shelter, over the years the shelter began to give shelter to hundreds of children, and in total 1,500 children passed through the shelter. The children, despite the usual strictness of Vladyka, were absolutely devoted to him, and the prelate himself labored for them before the Lord - so, when during the war the orphanage did not have enough food to feed the children, Vladyka prayed all night, and in the morning - a call: a representative of which an organization with a large donation to the orphanage. During the Japanese occupation, Vladyka declared himself the temporary head of the Russian colony and showed great courage in defending the Russians before the Japanese authorities.
    As before, the saint strengthened himself and enlightened his flock by the daily celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Vladyka was very strict at the altar, demanding exact knowledge and following the rules, forbidding any conversation during the service, and very often remained in the church for a long time after the service. Then he visited the sick daily, taking confession and sharing the Holy Mysteries with them. If the patient's condition became critical, Vladyka would come to him at any hour of the day or night and pray at his bedside for a long time. There are numerous cases of healing hopelessly ill through the prayers of St. John, his unexpected appearances at the right time. The saint also visited prisoners in prisons and the mentally ill and possessed in a hospital for the insane. And everywhere he evangelized and preached, awakening the conscience of some and warming the hearts of others.
    The strict ascetic life of Vladyka was expressed not only in fasting (he ate food only once a day, and ate only prosphora during fasts) and sleep deprivation. In order to avoid worldly fame and attention, Vladyka adopted the features of foolishness, in which his feat shone even brighter. So, St. John went everywhere either barefoot or in sandals alone, even in winter. He wore his cassock to such a state of disrepair that it looked more like a beggar's clothes.

    Exodus from China

    With the coming of the communists to power in China, the Russians who did not take Soviet citizenship were again doomed to an exodus. Most of Vladyka's Shanghai flock went to the Philippines - in 1949, about 5,000 Russians from China lived on the Philippine island of Tubabao in the camp of the International Refugee Organization. The island was in the path of seasonal typhoons that sweep over this sector of the Pacific Ocean. However, during all 27 months of the existence of the camp, he was only once threatened by a typhoon, but even then he changed course and bypassed the island. When a Russian spoke to the Filipinos about his fear of typhoons, they said there was no cause for concern, as "your holy man blesses your camp every night from all four directions." When the camp was evacuated, a terrible typhoon hit the island and completely destroyed all the buildings.

    Bishop John of Shanghai on the island of Tubabao

    The Russians not only survived on the island, but were also able to leave it thanks to the saint, who himself traveled to Washington and ensured that American laws were amended and most of the camp, about 3 thousand people, moved to the USA, and the rest to Australia.

    Archbishop of Western Europe

    In 1951, Archbishop John was appointed to minister to the flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in Western Europe and Africa with the title "Brussels and Western European" and with a chair in Paris. Here, Vladyka began to restore the memory and veneration of the ancient Orthodox saints of the West and brought many new converts from local peoples to the bosom of the Church, joining many French and Dutch parishes to the Church Abroad. His fame spread throughout the population. So, in one of the Catholic churches in Paris, the local priest tried to inspire the youth with the following words: “You demand proof, you say that now there are no miracles, no saints. Why should I give you theoretical proof when Saint Jean Beausoy walks the streets of Paris today ". In Paris, the dispatcher of the railway station delayed the departure of the train until the arrival of the "Russian Archbishop". All European hospitals knew about this bishop who could pray for the dying all night long. He was called to the bed of a seriously ill person - be he a Catholic, a Protestant, an Orthodox or anyone else - because when he prayed, God was merciful. So, in a Paris hospital, one Orthodox woman was lying, embarrassed in front of her neighbors in the ward of the arrival of a ragged and barefoot bishop to her. But when he gave her the Holy Gifts, a Frenchwoman on the nearest bed said to her: “How happy you are that you have such a confessor. My sister lives in Versailles, and when her children get sick, she drives them out into the street, along which Bishop John usually walks, and asks him to bless them. After receiving the blessing, the children immediately get better. We call him a saint."

    Archpastor of San Francisco

    In 1962, due to difficulties with the construction of a new cathedral in San Francisco, St. John, at the request of thousands of former Shanghai flocks of the bishop who now lived there, was appointed to the Western American see. At this time, an old friend of Vladyka, Archbishop Tikhon of San Francisco, retired, in his absence the construction of the cathedral was suspended, and the quarrel paralyzed the community. The saint endured many sorrows here, and was even forced to appear in a civil court and give an answer to absurd accusations of shortcomings in the parish council. But with love and long-suffering, the saint brought the matter to an end, and in 1964 the cathedral in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" was erected. And in last years earthly life, despite the enmity, the saint continued to work miracles with his vigilant prayers.

    Death and veneration

    On July 2, 1966, on the feast day of the Apostle Jude, during an archpastoral visit to the city of Seattle with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of the Kursk-Root, at the age of 71, the great righteous man passed away to the Lord. He served the Divine Liturgy and remained in the altar alone with the icon for another three hours, then visiting the spiritual children near the cathedral with the miraculous icon, he proceeded to the room of the church house where he stayed. The attendants seated Vladyka in a chair and saw that he was already moving away. So Vladyka gave his soul to God before the Hodegetria of the Russian Diaspora.
    The funeral service for Vladyka was officiated by Metropolitan Philaret. For six days Vladyka lay in the coffin, but, despite the heat, there was no smell of corruption, and his hand remained soft. At the funeral service, both the multitude of those assembled and the bishops themselves officiating the service could not restrain their sobs. Surprisingly, at the same time, the temple was filled with quiet joy. Eyewitnesses noted that it seemed as if they were present not at the funeral, but at the opening of the relics of the newly acquired saint.
    The saint was buried in a tomb under the cathedral he built. Soon, miracles of healing and help in everyday affairs began to occur here. Time has shown with many testimonies that St. John the Wonderworker is a quick help to all who exist in troubles, illnesses and mournful circumstances.
    In 1994, a special commission for the glorification of Vladyka found his relics incorruptible, and on July 2, 1994, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia canonized the marvelous saint of God of the 20th century, St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco wonderworker. His general church glorification in the Russian Orthodox Church was accomplished by the decision of the Council of Bishops of June 24, 2008. His memory is celebrated on June 19, old style / July 2, NS).
    Already during his lifetime, many believers considered the elder a saint, through his prayers numerous miracles of healing were performed, the most difficult vital tasks of those who believed in the power of his prayers were solved in an incredible way.

    From the memoirs of the spiritual children of Blessed John:

    "Father John was a rare prayer book. He was so immersed in the texts of prayers that it seemed as if he was talking with God, the Most Holy Theotokos, angels ..."
    “In 1939, my faith began to waver, I decided not to go to church anymore, but to go to friends. My path lay past the cathedral, and now I heard singing in the temple.
    I went to the temple. Bishop John served. The altar was open. Vladyka said a prayer: "Come, eat, this is My Blood... for the remission of sins," then he knelt down and made a deep bow. I saw the Cup with the Holy Gifts not covered, and at that time, after the words of the Lord, a light descended from above into the Cup. The shape of the light was similar to a tulip flower, but larger. Never in my life did I think that I would really see the consecration of the Gifts by fire. My faith flared up again. The Lord showed me the faith of the Lord, I felt ashamed for my cowardice. "(Mother Augusta)
    “I saw how his face sometimes literally transformed during the Liturgy, especially during the days of Great Lent, shining with an unearthly light, and his eyes always full of divine love, radiating inexpressible joy, inaccessible to sinners - and that was a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. But what was the most amazing thing is his gift to see the human heart and draw him to Christ. In the end, if it were not for this righteous man, I would never even have thought about the possibility for me of the pastoral ministry of the Church." (Father George Larin)
    “In San Francisco, my husband, having got into a car accident, was very sick, he lost control of his balance and suffered terribly. Knowing the power of the Masters’ prayers, I thought: if I could invite Vladyka to my husband, but I was afraid to do this at that time due to being busy Bishops, two days pass, and suddenly Vladyka enters us, accompanied by B. M. Troyan, who brought him in. Vladyka was with us for five minutes...
    This was the most difficult moment of the illness, after visiting Vladyka, the husband began to recover. Later I met B. M. Troyan, and he told me that he was driving the car when he was taking Vladyka to the airport. Suddenly the Lord says to him:
    - Let's go to Liu now.
    He replied that they would be late.
    Then the Lord said:
    - Can you take on a person's life?
    There was nothing to do, and he took Vladyka to us. However, Vladyka did not miss the plane, for he was detained." (L. A. Liu)
    “Once in Shanghai, Vladyka John was called to the bedside of a dying child, whose condition, according to doctors, was hopeless. Entering the house, Vladyka John went straight to the room where the sick boy was lying, although no one had yet managed to show him where to go. even starting to examine the child, Vladyka prostrated himself before the icon in the corner of the room, and prayed for a long time. Then, assuring the relatives that the child would recover, he quickly left. And indeed, by morning the child felt better, and soon he recovered - without medical help. (Dr. A.F. Baranov-Erie, Pennsylvania)
    “I was the head of a church district in the Philippines, sometimes accompanied Vladyka to the hospital in the city of Guan, where seriously ill Russians were lying. Vladyka visited them, gave them pocket Gospels and small icons. Once, entering the Russian hospital department, we heard terrible screams, coming from afar. To Vladyka's question, the sister said that she was hopelessly ill, who had been placed in a former American military hospital adjacent to this building. Vladyka immediately decided to go to the sick woman. I followed him... Approaching the sick woman, Vladyka laid her on her head cross to her and began to pray. I went out. Vladyka prayed for a long time, then confessed her and took communion. When we left, she no longer screamed, only moaned softly. After a while we again arrived at the hospital and barely had time to drive our jeep into the yard how a woman ran out of the hospital and threw herself at the feet of Vladyka. It was that "hopeless" patient for whom he prayed." (G. Larin - Sydney)
    Once, from constant standing, Vladyka's leg became very swollen, and the doctors, fearing gangrene, ordered him to go to the hospital. After long requests, Vladyka was finally persuaded to go to a Russian hospital. But he did not stay long in it: on the very first evening he secretly fled to the cathedral, where he served all-night vigil. A day later, the swelling of the leg disappeared without a trace.
    Vladyka visited prisons and served the Liturgy for the prisoners. Often, at the sight of Vladyka, the mentally ill calmed down and took communion with reverence. One day Vladyka John was invited to take Communion to a dying man in a Russian hospital in Shanghai. Vladyka took a priest with him. Arriving at the hospital, he saw a young and cheerful man, about 20 years old, playing the harmonica. This young man was to be released from the hospital the next day. Vladyka John called him with the words: “I want to give you communion now.” The young man immediately confessed and took communion. The astonished priest asked Vladyka why he did not go to the dying man, but lingered with the apparently healthy young man. Vladyka replied: "He will die tonight, and the one who is seriously ill will live for many more years." And so it happened.

    In Shanghai, singing teacher Anna Petrovna Lushnikova taught Vladyka to breathe correctly and pronounce words correctly, and this helped him improve his diction. At the end of each lesson, Vladyka paid her $20. Once, during the war, in 1945, she was seriously wounded and ended up in a French hospital. Feeling that she might die at night, Anna Petrovna began to ask the sisters to call Vladyka John to give her communion. The sisters refused to do this, as the hospital was locked up in the evenings due to martial law. In addition, there was a strong storm that night. Anna Petrovna was eager and called out to Vladyka. Suddenly, at about 11 am, Vladyka appeared in the ward. Not believing her eyes, A.P. asked Vladyka if this was a dream, or if he really came to her. Vladyka smiled, prayed, and gave her communion. After that, she calmed down and fell asleep. The next morning she felt well. No one believed A.P. that Vladyka visited her at night, since the hospital was tightly locked. However, the roommate confirmed that she also saw Vladyka. Most of all, they were struck by the fact that a 20-dollar bill was found under Anna Petrovna's pillow. So Vladyka left material proof of this incredible event.
    Vladyka's former Shanghai servant, now Archpriest Georgy L., says: “Despite Vladyka's strictness, all the servants loved him very much. For me, Vladyka was an ideal that I wanted to imitate in everything. So, during Great Lent, I stopped sleeping in bed, and lay down on the floor, stopped eating ordinary food with my family, and ate bread and water alone ... My parents became worried and took me to Vladyka. After listening to them, the Saint ordered the watchman to go to the shop and bring sausage. In response to my tearful pleas that I did not want to break Great Lent, the wise Archpastor ordered me to eat sausage and always remember that obedience to parents is more important than self-willed deeds. “How can I go on, Vladyka?” I asked, still wanting to do something "especially" ascetic. “Go to church the way you used to go, and at home do what your father and mother tell you.” I remember how upset I was then that Vladyka did not assign me any “special” feats.”
    Anna Khodyreva says: “My sister Xenia Ya., who lived in Los Angeles, had a severe and long pain in her arm. She went to doctors, was treated with home remedies, but nothing helped. Finally, she decided to turn to Vladyka John and wrote him a letter in San Francisco. Some time passed, and the hand got better. Ksenia even began to forget about the previous pain in her arm. One day, while visiting San Francisco, she went to the cathedral for worship. At the end of the service, Vladyka John gave the cross to be kissed. Seeing my sister, he asks her: “How is your hand?” But Vladyka saw her for the first time! How did he recognize her and the fact that her arm hurt?
    Anna S. recalls: “My sister and I had an accident. A drunken young man was driving towards me. He hit the car door with great force on the side where my sister was sitting. An ambulance was called and the sister was taken to the hospital. Her condition was very serious - her lung was pierced and a rib was broken, which made her suffer a lot. Her face was so swollen that her eyes could not be seen. When Vladyka visited her, she raised her eyelid with her finger and, seeing Vladyka, took his hand and kissed it. She could not speak, because there was a cut in her throat, but tears of joy flowed from the slits of her eyes. Since then, Vladyka visited her several times, and she began to recover. One day, Vladyka arrived at the hospital and, entering the general ward, said to us: “Musa is very ill now.” Then he went to her, drew the curtain beside the bed, and prayed for a long time. By that time, two doctors had approached us, and I asked them how serious the situation of my sister was and whether it was worth calling her daughter from Canada? (We hid from our daughter that the mother had an accident). The doctors replied: “To call or not to call relatives is up to you. We do not guarantee that she will live until the morning.” Thank God that she not only survived that night, but completely recovered and returned to Canada… My sister and I believe that the prayers of Vladyka John saved her.”
    Archbishop John said: “The highest prayer is that when a person forgets all his goals, even the loftiest ones, burning with one desire - to draw closer to the Lord, to lay his head at His feet, to give his whole heart. This is perfect love. and perfect prayer. When you want only to breathe in the Lord, only to live in Him, to love Him, to hide in His closeness, in His inexpressible love.
    The statements of St. John Maksimovich about prayer sound like spiritual testaments for us today: “The babble of a child is pleasing to Him. The Lord accepts all human petitions, no matter how small and insignificant they may be, if the human heart rejoices and trembles, standing before the face of the Lord. great in this coming. Everything imperfect is made perfect. Do not be embarrassed by the magnitude or insignificance of your petitions, but seek, first of all, not what you want to ask, but the One whom you want to ask. Unworthy are the requests of only those who love the Lord less, than the thing or deed they ask for. But if you love the Lord most of all, then blessed is your every petition, both great and small, and every request of yours will be fulfilled, and that which, according to God's will, will not be fulfilled, will bring you greater good. than the one that will be fulfilled. And always a great fruit remains in our soul from prayer - we ascend to heaven, to the Creator ... "

    Saint John of Shanghai
    and San Francisco Wonderworker

    Kondak 1
    Chosen by the Miracle Worker and a fair servant of Christ, exude a valuable world of inspiration and an inexhaustible abundance of miracles to the whole world. Praise Thee with love and call Thee:

    Ikos 1
    In the form of an angel, reveal to You in the last times of all creation, the Creator, with the mercy of God, cares about the people of the earth. Looking at Your virtues, Most Blessed John, we cry out to Tisitsa:

    Rejoice, fulfilling the will of God with fear and trembling!

    Kondak 2
    Seeing the plentiful outpouring of Your virtues, glorious Saint John, as a life-giving source of the miracles of God, give us drink, crying out to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 2
    A mind filled with love, as well as theology, the God-wise John, and wise in the knowledge of God and adorned with love for suffering people, teach us to know the True God, as we, in tenderness, cry out to Thee:
    Rejoice, unshakable stronghold of the Truth of Orthodoxy!
    Rejoice, precious vessel of the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
    Rejoice, honest accuser of unbelief and false doctrine!
    Rejoice, zealous doer of the commandments of God!
    Rejoice, unsleeping ascetic, not giving yourself rest!
    Rejoice, beloved shepherd of the flock of Christ!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 3
    By the power of the grace of God, the good orphan-giver and mentor of the young men appeared to you,
    educating them in the fear of God and preparing them for the service of God.
    For this reason, for the sake of Your child, they look at You and thankfully cry out to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 3
    I truly have, Father John, from heaven a song to you who sing to be, and not from the earth: how can anyone from a person be able to preach your great works. We, bringing to God even imams, cry out to Tisitsa:
    Rejoice, covering Your children with unceasing prayer!
    Rejoice, protector of Your flock with the Sign of the Cross!
    Rejoice, great receptacle of love, ignoring the differences of languages!
    Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp!
    Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness!
    Rejoice, giver of spiritual sweets to those in need!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 4
    We are overcome by a spiritual storm: how worthy it is to praise Your miracles, Blessed John. For thou hast gone to the end of the universe for the sake of salvation and the preaching of the gospel to those in darkness. Thanking God for Your apostolic labors, we sing to Him: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 4
    Hearing the near and far greatness of Your miracles, by God's mercy, even to our time. In You, God glorified, we marvel and cry in fear:
    Rejoice, enlightener of those who are in the darkness of unbelief!
    Rejoice, bringing Your people from the far East to the West!
    Rejoice, source of miracles poured out by God!
    Rejoice, thou who admonishes the erring with love!
    Rejoice, speedy comforter of those who repent of their sins!
    Rejoice, support of those who come by the right path!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 5
    The divine light appeared to you, dispersing the storms of all the fierce ones, existing on the island from the deadly whirlwinds, guard with your prayers, Saint John, and protect with the Sign of the Cross. Teach us, who call on Thee for help, Holy Wonderworker, to cry out to God with boldness: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 5
    Seeing your many help in misfortunes and circumstances, Most Blessed Father John, bold intercessor before the Throne of God and quick helper in troubles. For this reason, we also trust in Your patronage before God and cry out to You:
    Rejoice, banisher of dangerous elements!
    Rejoice, thou who deliverest from thy needs by thy prayer!
    Rejoice, giver of bread to the starving!
    Rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask!
    Rejoice, comforter in the sorrows of those who are!
    Rejoice, thou who didst abduct many fallen from perdition!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 6
    Preaching like a new Moses, the rotten one appeared to you, leading Your people out of captivity of slavery, Blessed John. Deliver us from the slavery of sin and the enemies of God's salvation, as we cry out to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 6
    Ascension by Thy prayer, Thou hast done the impossible, O good Shepherd, and bowed the powers of the world to compassion for Thy people. For this sake, we are with them and thankfully cry out to Ty:
    Rejoice, diligently helping Thee to those who call!
    Rejoice, deliverer from unrighteous murder!
    Rejoice, protector from slander and slander!
    Rejoice, protector of the innocent from bonds!
    Rejoice, reflector from the attack of the wicked!
    Rejoice, darkener of lies and revealer of truth!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 7
    Although ardently glorify the Saints of the West, who have fallen away from the truth, you restored their veneration in the Orthodox Church, O lover of the saints of the East and West. Today with them in heaven, pray to God for us, singing on earth to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 7
    Newly seeing You, the chosen one of God, who, together with the saints of ancient Gaul, You appeared in the last times as one from these, inspiring Your flock to observe Orthodox faith as these in the West confess. Keep us in this faith to abide, crying out to Ty:
    Rejoice, New Martin in abstinence, deeds and miracles of Thy!
    Rejoice, New Germane in the confession of Your Orthodox Faith!
    Rejoice, New Hilarion in Divine Theology!
    Rejoice, New Gregory, in the veneration and glorification of God's Pleasures!
    Rejoice, New Faust, with your tender love and monastic zeal!
    Rejoice. New Caesar in firm love to the Rules of the Church of God!
    Rejoice, Holy Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 8
    We saw a terrible miracle at the end of your earthly life, Passion-bearer Saint John, you were raised to the New World, preaching ancient Christianity there and accepted persecution for the sake of your righteousness, preparing your soul for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Marveling now at Your patience and long-suffering, we gratefully cry out to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 8
    You were all the worker of the grapes of Christ, God-bearing Father, you did not know peace to the end of Your laborious belly, help us unworthy in our deeds, we will also be faithful to God, marvelous servant of God John, as if glorifying we cry to Thee:
    Rejoice, enduring to the end and attaining salvation!
    Rejoice, worthy to die before the icon of the Mother of God!
    Rejoice, courageous guardian of faith in the midst of the persecution of the unrighteous!
    Rejoice, as if you were a good shepherd to your flock, who, as a ruling hierarch, accepted the death while sitting!
    Rejoice, having comforted the flock with Your miraculous return after death!
    Rejoice, giver of many miracles to Your cancer with faith and love flowing!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 9
    All angelic nature rejoiced at the ascent of Your soul to the heavenly abode, but we, marveling at Your miracle on earth, manifested by the action of the Holy Spirit, sing to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 9
    The multi-talked vetii will not be able to announce the strength of your holy life, O righteous Father John, the sanctuary of the ineffable God. Oh, the wondrous manifestation of God to our unbelieving time, we silently glorify Thee, crying out like this:
    Rejoice, Chamber of Divine Commands!
    Rejoice, small and weak receptacle of angelic abodes!
    Rejoice, ladder, with which we comfortably ascend to heaven!
    Rejoice, clinic of all ailments soon to heal!
    Rejoice, secret vault of the deed of prayer!
    Rejoice, brightly decorated temple of the Holy Spirit!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 10
    At least save the world, even the Savior of the new saint sent us all. Thus, through Him, from the dark depths of sin, Thou called us. Hear Thee, calling us to repentance, Most Blessed Father John, we, in the virtue of misery, cry out to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 10
    Thou art a wall to all who resort to Your heavenly intercession, Father John, the same, protect us from the demonic militia, free us from various ailments, misfortunes and needs, crying out to You with faith:
    Rejoice, blind insight!
    Rejoice, by the power of prayer you give life on your deathbed to those who exist!
    Rejoice from rebellion and keep scolding!
    Rejoice, saving moisture of those perishing in the fire of sorrow irrigating!
    Rejoice, paternal intercession of the lonely and abandoned!
    Rejoice, holy Teacher of those who seek the truth!

    Kondak 11
    Singing incessantly Holy Trinity, Blessed Father John, with thought, speech and good deeds you brought: with many understanding of the true Faith, you clarified the commands, by faith, hope and love instructing us in the Trinity to the One God to sing: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 11
    The light-giving lamp of Orthodoxy appeared to those who were in the darkness of ignorance, thou good shepherd of the flock of Christ. So, after Your Assumption, you reveal the truth to the ignorant of it, enlightening the souls of the faithful, crying out to you like this:
    Rejoice, enlightenment of the wisdom of God to those who are in unbelief!
    Rejoice, rainbow of the quiet joy of the meek!
    Rejoice, thunder, fearful of those who persist in sin!
    Rejoice, lightning, burning heresy!
    Rejoice, resurrection of the dogmas of Orthodoxy!
    Rejoice, irrigation of Divine Thought!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 12
    The grace given to Thee from God poured out knowingly: we perceive this with reverence and gratitude, flowing to Your miraculous intercession, O All-Praised Father John, glorifying Your miracles, we cry out to God: Hallelujah!

    Ikos 12
    Singing praises to God, marvelously glorified in You, a meek and humble servant, appear to the fallen and unfaithful world, which has created nothing equal to the gift of Your miracles. Marveling at them, we bow with the saints and honor Thee:
    Rejoice, new star of righteousness shining in the sky!
    Rejoice, new prophet, delivering us from the reign of evil!
    Rejoice, new Jonah, prophesying death from sin!
    Rejoice, new Baptist, call everyone to prayer and repentance!
    Rejoice, New Paul, who bore the burden of preaching the Gospel!
    Rejoice, new apostle, bright preaching of faith!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 13
    O Most Bright and Favorable Saint of God, Our Holy Father John, the consolation of all in the sorrows of those who are, accept our present prayer offering and beg the Lord to get rid of hell for us by Your God-pleasing intercession, for after death he himself said: "Tell the people, although I died, but I'm ALIVE": Hallelujah! (thrice)

    Ikos 1
    In the form of an angel, reveal to You in the last times of all creation, the Creator, with the mercy of God, cares about the people of the earth. Looking at Your virtues, Most Blessed John, we cry out to Tisitsa:
    Rejoice, adorned with piety from early childhood!
    Rejoice with fear and trembling in the will of God!
    Rejoice, revealing the grace of God in secret blessings!
    Rejoice, quick hearing of those who suffer far away!
    Rejoice, loving haste to the salvation of your neighbors!
    Rejoice, rejoicing to all who fall to Thee with faith!
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!

    Kondak 1
    Chosen by the Miracle Worker and a fair servant of Christ, exude precious peace and inspiration and an inexhaustible abundance of miracles to the whole world. Praise Thee with love and call Thee:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Our Father John, Wonderworker of the last times!


    to Saint John, Wonderworker of the last times

    Oh, Holy Hierarch, our Father John, Good Shepherd and seer of human souls. Now at the Throne of God pray for us, as if he himself said posthumously: “Although I died, but I am ALIVE”. Begged the All-Generous God to grant us forgiveness in sins, let us boldly rise in spirit and shake off the despondency of this world and cry out to God for granting us humility and inspiration, God-consciousness and the spirit of piety on all paths of our life. Like a merciful orphan-giver and an experienced guide on earth, now be the leader of Moses and in the turmoil of the Church the all-embracing admonition of Christ.
    Hear the groaning of the embarrassed youths of our hard times, overwhelmed by all-evil demons, and shake off the laziness of despondency of the exhausted shepherds from the onslaught of the spirit of this world and languishing in idle stupor.
    Let us tearfully cry out to Thee, O warm prayer book, visit us orphans, drowning in the darkness of passions, waiting for Your fatherly guidance, let us be illuminated by the non-evening light, where You stay and pray for Your children, scattered across the face of the universe, but still stretching towards the light with weak love where the light of Christ our Lord abides, to Him is honor and power now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


    We magnify, we magnify Thee, Saint Father John, and we honor Your holy memory. You pray for us Christ our God.

    Troparion (Ch. 6)

    Glorious apostle of Christ's heir, / Thou hast appeared to save us of little faith and cold hearts. / Thou hast clothed the ancient saints with grace and deeds, / For this sake, from God, the heavenly secrets have been received. / Oh, kind Syrup-bearer, giving hope to the outcast world, / Oh, Lamp of Christ, Divine flame / at dawn Doomsday kindled. / Pray for us, St. John, may our hearts be kindled with the flame of saving love for Christ / and that our souls may be saved in the last time.