Best casein protein for weight loss - which one to buy? Casein: what is it? Why casein protein is not recommended.

  • 15.10.2019

Casein protein is considered one of the most valuable sports high-protein foods. At the same time, it is the best in its category of slow proteins. But in order for the supplement to fulfill its purpose, it is important to understand why it is needed, how it works, and how to take casein correctly.

Casein protein is a protein supplement sports nutrition resulting from the enzymatic curdling of milk. It belongs to the category of slow, because, getting into the stomach, it does not begin immediate complete absorption, but forms a dense clot that is absorbed from 8 to 12 (micellar) hours. It becomes clear why drinking casein, because the slow absorption capacity allows it to provide the body with all the necessary amino acids. long time. And although they cannot replace fast protein, this product is indispensable for supporting muscle mass in the absence of the ability to maintain an amino acid pool for a long time, in particular at night when a person sleeps.

Casein protein performs the following functions:

  • Nourishes muscles for 8-12 hours, which allows you not to worry about restoring and protecting them from catabolism during sleep, as well as during the day, in between meals.
  • Slows down the absorption of other types of protein.
  • Renders anabolic effect.
  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Suppresses appetite, without harm to health.

In fact, drinking casein protein for muscle gain is less preferable than fast whey protein. It will not be able to provide fast amino concentration in the muscles in the right quantities when needed and suppresses appetite, thereby disrupting a high-calorie diet. But even with this program, one of the main, primary tasks is to preserve tissues and fibers from the negative effects of cortisol and the catabolic reaction.

If we talk about When is the best time to take casein?- this is during the period of night rest, and it is also very convenient at a time when there is no opportunity to eat normally and satisfy the protein needs of the body for a long time.

During the day or half an hour before bedtime, when gaining mass, you need to drink 30-45 grams of casein.

How to drink casein for weight loss

Suppressing appetite with a low-calorie diet during weight loss, without harm to the body, is a very important task in weight loss. And casein successfully copes with it. At the same time, which is important, it also provides the body with all the necessary amino acids during the period of dietary nutrition.

When losing weight, you need to drink casein in portions of 15-20 grams instead of 1-2 meals(optional), pre-workout and at full dosage of 30 grams at night. However, in the morning and after training, you should not replace fast protein with them.

Special instructions for taking casein

  • Depending on the presence or absence of a special diet, protein can be dissolved in any liquids- milk, water, juice, compote and so on.
  • You can combine casein with any sports nutrition, however, despite its thermogenic properties, which are natural for protein, it is less effective in this regard as whey. Therefore, the combination with thermogenic drugs is relevant only in complex mixtures.
  • Casein is a harmless product, however, in some cases, there are still individual intolerances to this additive. Before use, you should still read the contraindications.
  • Although it can replace 1-2 meals, it is still impossible to refuse regular meals while taking it. The share of standard food should be at least 50% of protein consumed per day.

Answers on questions

Can you drink casein protein after a workout?

Casein protein after exercise is appropriate only as part of complex mixtures. However, before training, for an hour or two, you can drink it to protect the amino acid pool, for the entire period of activity.

Do I need to drink casein on rest days?

- one of the most common proteins in bodybuilding, a multi-component protein that is the result of enzymatic curdling of milk. Casein is digested longer than all other types of protein, when it enters the stomach, a clot is formed from it, which is digested for a long time and provides the athlete's body with amino acids for a long time. Also, casein protein has the ability to slow down the digestion of other types of protein and suppress appetite, compared to other proteins, casein has a slight anabolic effect, but its advantage is in long-term muscle nourishment with amino acids, so athletes often take it before bed.

casein for weight gain

Casein will be less effective than other types of protein at gaining muscle mass, so purchasing this type will be reasonable if you have enough whey protein (preferred for mass gain). If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then it is best to take casein protein at night, this way you slow down catabolic processes and protect your muscles from the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. During sleep, you will be 8 hours without food, anabolic processes will slow down, so strong anti-catabolic protection is needed. During the day, it is more effective to take whey protein.

Use of casein protein for weight loss

Take casein protein if your goal is to eliminate hunger. Casein on drying is a means to preserve muscles. If you want to maintain muscle mass, but reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, then it is most effective to take whey protein in the afternoon and casein an hour before bedtime. During weight loss, it is recommended to take casein protein 2-4 times a day - in the morning, before training, in between meals and an hour before bedtime. It is very important for those athletes who are allergic to whey or egg protein.

How to take casein protein

Casein is recommended to take 30-40g at a time (you need to dissolve it in water, milk or juice). Plain casein without sweeteners will have a curd taste, you can diversify it by adding fruit, jam or cocoa to the smoothie. To prepare it, you should use a shaker or mixer.

It is best to buy casein protein from well-known manufacturers who value their reputation. You can also buy casein from not-so-popular sports nutrition companies if they provide lab results for their products. Some manufacturers produce mixed protein formulas with different sources protein, most of these supplements are overpriced, casein is more profitable to buy separately.

Do not take more than 40g of casein protein at a time. The use of this protein in large quantities can cause indigestion. Some people may be allergic to casein, signs of allergy can be abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, athletes with allergies are better off using other types of protein.

Casein protein helps athletes build muscle mass and increase strength. It is especially useful for those people who are allergic to whey or egg protein. Also, casein is useful for weight loss, it suppresses appetite and helps maintain muscle during drying. It is easily digested and absorbed, so it is often used in diet food. This protein is highly valued because of the almost complete spectrum of amino acids, casein is able to satisfy all the needs of the body and the athlete's muscle tissues, it lacks only one amino acid - glycol, which is interchangeable and perfectly synthesized by the body.

Making casein is not a complicated process, and therefore many companies produce this protein, which is not always of high quality. It is worth buying such sports complexes from companies with many years of experience and a well-deserved reputation. There is no harm from casein protein, like any other protein, in itself, but some athletes may take it in too high doses. If you do not follow all the recommendations for the use of products, then you risk ruining your health - the kidneys and liver will suffer from an excess of protein. It is worth remembering that a natural athlete needs 1.5-2g of protein per 1kg of weight for growth and progression, professional athletes who take additional pharmacology consume 3-4g of protein.

5th place located micellar casein MRM 100%- a protein of slow and gradual assimilation, has a unique amino acid composition and has an excellent anti-catabolic effect. The supplement contains biologically active enzymes that help the athlete's body to effectively digest and assimilate amino acids.

Fourth place in the ranking of the best casein proteins ranked Casein Pro by Universal Nutrition, this supplement is sold in 3 flavors - vanilla, chocolate and biscuit cream. This complex consists of the purest micellar casein, in one serving of the supplement contains 24 grams of protein. The intake of this protein helps to maintain the anabolic environment in the body.

In third place is Casein from MusclePharm, which is 80% protein. Great for stimulating muscle growth, most effective for fighting catabolism at night. The supplement includes a complex of enzymes and probiotics that help to better absorb the product.

Honorary second place occupied the complex Elite Casein by Dymatize, which contains 24g of protein per serving. Dymatize Casein is a high quality protein that is a great source of amino acids to help you build the muscle mass you want.

Supplement Leader recognized complex Gold Standard 100% Casein from an American manufacturer Optimum Nutrition. One scoop contains 34 grams of protein, of which 24 grams is pure casein. ON is one of the best casein proteins on the sports supplement market and is a good source of protein to inhibit catabolism and promote muscle growth.

The problem of effective weight loss, in modern world, one of the most important. Athletes follow a low-calorie diet, but in combination with active training, this is not enough, the body may not receive useful substances, including protein, a constant feeling of hunger, negatively affects the central nervous system, fat burns, leaving sagging folds, since there is absolutely not enough protein for that. to provide muscle growth and relief.

Of course, athletes take different types protein, but this does not stop hunger, as they are quickly absorbed in the body. That is why it is advisable to simply and quickly lose weight with casein protein.

At night, the muscles worked so hard during the day try to keep growing and repairing. And they need protection and nutrition so that the body does not start to break them down to replenish reserves. Night sleep lasts an average of about 8 hours and none of the proteins, except for casein, is able to support muscles during this time.

Casein for weight loss is advisable to drink before bedtime. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it breaks down very slowly and nourishes the tissues with amino acids until the morning.

For lovers of a night snack, calcium caseinate is a definite salvation. After all, until it is completely absorbed, it lies in the stomach in a dense lump, forcing it to “think” that it is full and does not need food, at the same time, without overloading it.

casein post workout

Casein protein for weight loss can also be taken after a workout, but in combination with fast proteins, such as whey. since it will not be able to provide a quick replenishment of the protein window. But, after the whey protein will provide prompt assistance to the muscles, casein will prevent the desire to snack and instantly replenish lost strength with a large amount of high-calorie food.

It is important to know how to take casein protein for weight loss so as not to overdo it and not harm the body.

How to drink casein

The weight loss cycle is very loyal to the intake of casein. During this period, you can drink 2-4 servings, between meals, 20-25 grams. At night, this dosage is doubled. But the daily rate of protein should not be overloaded - 2g / kg of body weight, the optimal dosage and not comply with it - a risk to the liver and kidneys.

You should choose drugs from trusted brands. Only they guarantee high efficiency of application. Best Reviews about casein protein for weight loss, rightfully belong to such drugs as:

  • Elite Casein Dymatize
  • Gold Standard 100% Casein Optimum Nutrition
  • Casein Pro Universal Nutrition

Good day to all. For a long time we have not touched on nutrition issues, today we will try to fix it. Let's talk about casein protein or just casein.

Casein is the main protein found in cow's milk. It accounts for about 80 percent, the remaining 20 is whey protein. Casein protein is obtained from whole milk by ultrafiltration. Thanks to the gentle processing method, the output is a high-quality product with a good composition of essential amino acids.

The main difference between casein protein and whey protein is the rate at which it is absorbed by the body. Casein has a slow absorption rate. After casein enters the stomach, it transforms into a kind of clot, which is digested for quite a long time, gradually saturating the body with the necessary amino acids.

When to Take Casein Protein (Casein)

I think everyone understands that in order to achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to combine the intake of whey and casein protein. Let me remind you that it is absorbed much faster. This is its value. It is indispensable in situations where it is necessary to quickly saturate the body with amino acids: immediately after sleep and after intense training.

Casein should be taken if a long break in meals is foreseen: before bedtime and in between main meals. The slow absorption of casein from the gastrointestinal tract gives it anti-catabolic properties. What does it mean? Catabolism is the process of breaking down muscle tissue. Simply put, casein minimizes muscle breakdown during long breaks between meals (sleep, work, study, etc.).

How to take casein

To prepare a drink, you need to dilute one portion of the powder in a glass cow's milk. For this, it is best to use a sports shaker, since casein protein is usually poorly soluble, and stirring it with a spoon in a glass is simply torment.

The portion size is selected individually depending on body weight, fitness level and energy needs of the body. As a rule, 30-40 grams of powder is enough to provide the body with nutrients for 8 ocloc'k.

In addition, casein can be used in fat burning. This is due to its ability to reduce appetite while providing the body with essential nutrients. In this case, 15-10 grams of powder per serving is enough.

So, today we learned all the subtleties of the reception protein shakes. Let me remind you that immediately after sleep you need to drink a serving of whey protein, in between main meals, use a serving of casein, before and after training, take one serving of whey protein and refuel with casein protein at night.

By following these simple rules, you will provide your body with the necessary amount building material that develop into large, strong, sculpted muscles.

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What is casein protein and how does it help you lose weight?

Casein is a complex protein caseinogen obtained during the fermentation of milk, which, when soured, forms a curd clot. V casein blends the complex vegetable protein gluten is also added, which is also converted into peptides, and then into amino acids necessary for the cellular structure.

In the human stomach, casein protein is digested for up to eight hours and gradually provides the body with the necessary amino acids. At the same time, casein slows down the digestion of other types of protein.

Once in the stomach, casein powder, under the influence of gastric enzymes, coagulates and forms a curdled lump, which gradually releases nutrients. The slow breakdown of casein means that it can be used before long breaks in meals and at bedtime.

Protein blends can be consumed by men and women of all ages

Casein protein most intensively affects the body with weight loss, as it suppresses appetite for a long time. It is produced in several forms:

  • calcium caseinate and sodium caseinate - they are formed during the processing of milk by acid coagulation, in which milk proteins are deposited. Caseinates are the cheapest type of casein, but unfortunately they do not dissolve very well in liquids;
  • micellar casein is obtained by ultrafiltration of milk and is purified from fats and carbohydrates. Compared to caseinates, it is easier to consume and more palatable.

Micellar casein is absorbed more slowly than caseinates (over twelve hours), which is especially important for weight loss. It maintains the necessary concentration of amino acids in the blood, prevents the destruction of muscle mass and removes appetite for a long time.

Another advantage of micellar casein is its ability to quickly dissolve in water or milk. It prolongs the feeling of satiety and reduces the likelihood of "breaking" the diet.

How to use

When losing weight, casein protein is consumed 2-4 times a day: in the morning before breakfast, in the afternoon before lunch, in the evening before dinner (or instead of dinner), or before training and before bed.

It is easy to calculate how much protein you need per serving: you need 1.5–2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. In the case where it is impossible to eat or need to suppress appetite for 6-8 hours, use approximately 30 g of casein to replace regular food and provide muscle nutrition. Simple casein without sweeteners and flavoring components has a curd flavor, and at home you can cook the following diet treats with casein:

  • Shakes with juices or skimmed milk - mix in a blender according to the recommendations on the packaging of the casein manufacturer.
  • Low-fat yogurt with casein and flakes - stir yogurt with casein, add flakes, muesli or pieces of steamed dried fruit.
  • Fat-free cottage cheese with casein and fruits - mix milk or yogurt with casein so that it dissolves, add cottage cheese and chopped fruits or berries.
  • Baking with casein - you can add protein to diet cookies and breads along with flour, but in no case should you replace flour with it, otherwise the texture of the dough will be disturbed.

Side effects

Casein protein is perceived by the body as ordinary food, therefore it is contraindicated for those people who are allergic to dairy products. Signs of immunity of the body to this protein: diarrhea, nausea, bloating.

Do not take more than 40 g of casein protein at a time - this can cause stomach upset. With impaired pancreatic function, problems with the digestive tract can also be observed: diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.

To find out how your body reacts to this protein, it is enough to consume 10-15 g and monitor your well-being for several hours.