Black magic in the church. What is a church love spell and how to do it yourself

  • 29.06.2020

An informative article that reveals the essence of church rites. The link to the source is indicated below. I will read your opinion with interest.
The article is aimed at revealing the special meaning of many church rites, sacred rites from the point of view of magic (the science of Magic) and is not anti-religious in nature, but only informs about the true mechanisms of what is happening in churches.

“One has only to read the missal and follow those rituals that are incessantly performed by the Orthodox clergy and are considered Christian worship, in order to see that all these rituals are nothing more than various methods of witchcraft, adapted to all possible cases of life. In order for a child, if he dies, to go to heaven, you need to have time to anoint him with oil and redeem him with the uttering of well-known words; in order for the parent to cease to be unclean, it is necessary to pronounce well-known spells; so that there is success in business or a quiet life in a new home, so that bread is born well, the drought stops, so that the journey is safe, in order to recover from an illness, in order to ease the situation of the deceased in the next world, for all this and a thousand other circumstances, there are well-known incantations that a priest pronounces in a certain place and for a well-known offering. " L.N. Tolstoy from a letter to the decision of the Synod to excommunicate him from the church on April 4, 1901.

Most of the church rituals that take place in the church are based on magic. It is important to understand this.
Take, for example, the rite of communion: a person is given a loaf - the flesh of Christ and red wine - his blood. And it is not important that a person drinks and eats it. The important thing is that he is consciously attuned to the fact that he eats the flesh of Christ and drinks his blood.
In Voodoo magic - the most terrible of magic - this is the blackest rite: to eat the flesh of your defeated enemy and drink his blood to make his essence your slave forever.
In the rite of communion, the principle of identification is used. Identification means the transfer of astral-mental properties from one essence to another. That is, a person, identifying himself with Christ, takes on the properties of an already deceased person, thereby joining the world of the dead.
Baptism is a rite of blocking the development of a person's essence, a rite of connecting another donor to the egregor of the Orthodox Church.

This is a way to make a person blind so that he does not understand what is happening in his life and in the world around him.
What is baptism?
Let's turn to the brochure “On the Sacrament of Baptism” published by the Orthodox publishing house “Blagovest” in 2001 and analyze some aspects of this rite.

1. About sinfulness.
"... man is naturally born a sinner and guilty before the justice of God."
The main task of the church is to awaken in a person the feeling of guilt, to make him pray and repent, and to keep him in fear.
If this succeeds, the person becomes a “servant of God” (remember: “The servant of God is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ...”), “the slain sheep” and merges into the “flock” of Christ, and becomes ideologically controlled. To this is added the energetic dependence, which is put to a person during the rite of baptism.

2. Baptism.

"If a newborn baby is to be baptized, then on the fortieth day the priest reads a special prayer over his mother."
From this, I think, it is already clear that in the rite of baptism there is a connection with the energy of death.

3. Confirmation.
At chrismation, a person receives the "gifts of the Holy Spirit." Otherwise, these gifts are called "seals of the gift of the Holy Spirit." These seals are crosswise applied to the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs.
Thus, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th energy centers are closed, which are responsible for the inviolability of will, clairvoyance, creativity and human feelings), and the organs of perception of information are also blocked.
Miro, by the way, is also used to anoint the dead.
“In anointing of oil, just as in chrismation, I see the techniques of crude witchcraft, as in the veneration of icons and relics, as in all those rituals, prayers, and incantations with which the missal is filled. In communion I see the deification of the flesh and the perversion of Christian teaching. In the priesthood, apart from the obvious preparation for deception, I see a direct violation of the words of Christ, who directly forbids calling anyone teachers, fathers, instructors (Matt. XXIII, 8-10). " L.N. Tolstoy, from a letter April 04, 1901.

4. tonsure.
Small strands are cut crosswise on the back of the head, near the forehead, on the right and left sides of the head. Then the hair is rolled up in a piece of wax and thrown into the font.
In magic, this is called death-envolting!
With the help of this ritual, a person is completely attached to the Christian egregor, and at the same time to the egregor of magic.

5. Churching.
The priest reads the prayer: "Now let go of Thy servant, Master, according to Thy verb in peace: as if my eyes see Thy salvation, I have prepared before the face of all people, light in the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Thy people Israel" - everything is clear. comments are superfluous.
On the early stages the baptismal ceremony had no biblical basis.
Adolf Harnack, a renowned theologian, writes on this subject:
"It is impossible to directly prove that Jesus instituted baptism, since the words quoted by Matthew (28:19) are not the words of God."
It is also interesting to note that baptism is performed in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, which was not in any of the early manuscripts.
Adolph Harnack points out that "this threefold formula is alien to the mouth of Jesus and did not have the authority in the apostolic era, which it should have had if it came from Jesus himself."
Another point is the inconsistency of the sacrament of baptism in general Christian theology.
Baptism, as it is now understood, means that the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, enters into a person and takes away sins from him. If we accept this, then it is not clear how, at a later stage in the life of the same person, Satan expels the Holy Spirit from him and leads the person into sin by temptation.
The question arises: can the devil tempt a person who is filled and guarded by the Holy Spirit?
Thus, it is very clear that baptism is not at all based on the teachings of Jesus.
And let's hear what the eniologists have to say about the rite of baptism.
Anastasia NATALICH, eniokorrektor Research Center "ENIO":
“It is believed that a baptized child is protected by divine power, while an unbaptized child is more vulnerable. The natural desire of parents - to protect their child from all sorts of troubles - obliges to follow the traditions. Everybody does it, which means it's "right."

Suddenly something happens, the thought immediately arises: "Maybe because he was unbaptized, and therefore not protected?" You need to understand that best protection the child is the parents. This is how nature works.
Conflicts, misunderstandings, troubles between father and mother are reflected in the child.
As for the ceremony, then, firstly, to carry it out at an irresponsible age is a violation of a person's will.
Christ was baptized at the age of 33. A person must decide for himself whether he needs it or not.
Secondly, water is involved in the baptism ceremony - a universal carrier of information, ideally preserving and structuring information. What information the church water carries is another question ...
It is not uncommon for a person to be baptized with a middle name. During the correction, eniologists, as a rule, see exactly the second name of the child.
A person opens another parallel channel, which gives a serious energy load on fate. The same burden arises if a person is named after someone else.
If a child has two names, he begins to live with two streamers, and the passage of fate is a little more difficult. "
Any ceremony introduces a person into an altered state of awareness. Hypnosis, meditation, breathing exercises, contemplation, defocusing of attention, prayer, etc. have the same effects.
But in an altered state of consciousness, a person cannot fully analyze what is happening and the likelihood of an alien influence on his consciousness is very high, in other words - a zombie.

6. Wedding.
The wedding is a ritual of a voluntary love spell - although almost all the married do not know about it. Wedding rings carry a symbol of the partner's energy, reinforced by the will and energy of the Egregor of the Church and influencing the human biofield as a permanent synchronizer of the energies of two people, uniting them and linking them for life. Strengthening this ritual is carried out by a threefold exchange of rings by the newlyweds. In the classics, the groom is given a gold ring, and the bride is given a silver ring. This strengthens the subordination of the wife to her husband. Although this tradition is becoming less well known. Since ancient times, a long train has been recommended for the bride. wedding dress- there is a sign that the longer it is, the longer the young live. But from an esoteric point of view, a long train is the grounding of the bride and anchoring by the elements of the earth. Dressing (symbolically holding over the head) crowns (wreaths) - enhances the influence of the Church (her Egregor) on the crowned, securing the love spell on behalf of the Church and its Power. The energies are cut off along the sahasrara chakra and the block is imposed by the Egregor of the church. At the same time, there is a selection of energy in the Egregor of the Church - actually reducing the life time of the married. The Church calls for the same consolidation of the union three times. A sort of magical closure of the circle of ritual.

7. Confession.
"In the periodic forgiveness of sins in confession, I see a harmful deception, only encouraging immorality and destroying the fear of sinning." From a letter to L.N. Tolstoy April 04, 1901
In confession there is a psychotherapeutic option to alleviate a person's negative attitude towards their actions. The Church through the priest “forgives” sins before God, “cleansing” a person's luggage. This is done through a prayer for absolution, a ritual of purification from Magic, when building a connection with the Supreme, God, before whom there is a purification, but without the energetic component of the ritual, without burning the negative and working with the past, modeling the present and the future. This is a truncated ritual adapted to the modern canonical activity of the Church. But this is a ritual.
It will not be a secret that magic and the church have similarities. The main task of both sides is the spiritual growth of the community. There is more than enough in common between church and magic. Take at least the representatives of both. The ministers of the church, as well as shamans, sorcerers and healers, try to achieve communication with more higher power than they themselves, they also create vibrations, which is what subsequent generations teach.

Rituals will not be an exception, because during magic rituals a spell is read, which in essence is very similar to a church prayer. That is, a person turns to something higher. A true representative of the church, like a true magician, has only one goal - they must help people and maintain universal harmony.

This church is considered one of the most esoteric in the city (Turin is considered a city of magic - together with Lyon and Prague, it forms a triangle of white magic. In addition, Turin is the apex of the "Triangle of Black Magic", the sides of which stretch towards London and San Francisco). In front of the church there are 2 sculptures - Statua della Fede and Statua della Religione. The statue of Faith holds in his left hand a chalice associated with the Grail. It is said that this relic is hidden somewhere in Turin, and the statue's gaze indicates the direction in which to look for it.

Over the course of the centuries, kingdoms, governments, laws, generations have changed, but the church and magic have been going side by side for many centuries unchanged. Unfortunately, not all magicians and not all priests strive to give good to people and help evolution. The fact is that there are also such representatives of these two representatives of the higher image who only hide behind a name, but basically they do it for their own benefit. But I hasten to rejoice that not all are like that, there are actually right people who are able to give light to the world and devote their lives to this.

But the former, basically, can only criticize both the church and magical powers, including psychics, love spells, and so on. In such cases, a person often asks the question, they say, since the church is so holy, why then is it against magical forces and everything connected with it, why does the church repel magic when there is God's commandment "do not judge." Everything is extremely simple! The real church will not condemn magic or anything else, because according to the word of God we are all brothers, and we are all equal, and we are all created in his image. And only representatives of the false church condemn magic.

V different sources you can find different interpretations of the word "magic". You and I need to deal with this concept and then everything will fall into place and it will be clear why we have combined such two things - magic and Christianity - which have always been considered incompatible.
So what do people use to call magic? We call magic what we cannot scientifically explain. Consider a simple example: casting treatment.
During this procedure, the healer changes his energy state by reciting special prayers. He turns to the Higher Consciousness, to the Higher Reason and asks for help. That through his hands God help heal the sick. When contact with the Higher Forces is established, they transmit several specific streams of energy that protect the magician and heal the person. All this, of course, happens if the healer is competent and conscientious. It turns out that nothing supernatural happened - the magician, as a guide, helped you to get the necessary energy. It was possible, of course, just to pray (this is not forbidden by the church), but the result would have forced myself to wait, and I would have had to pray more than once or twice. (I know a case when one mother prayed every day for her drinking son. After 15 (fifteen) years he stopped drinking. Yes, it is possible, there will be no sin in this, maybe. Or maybe it will. After all, if you will all these 15 years swearing and lamenting about the same booze, then fate will punish you for intemperance.) You don't have to turn to magicians, then you yourself need to influence the situation deeper than just prayers.
Can you meekly endure everything and keep praying? Then go ahead! You will definitely achieve results with a strong and unrelenting faith.
The healer, unfortunately or fortunately, does not have an extra 15 years, and there are a lot of people asking for help, so there are rituals that help speed up the result, bring the desired goal closer. This is the same as medical treatment: you are not only taken with pills, but also injections are prescribed - intramuscular, intravenous, you are treated with current, ultrasound. And we are already used to it. Because the scientists explained that pills work like this, and injections work differently, and ultrasound has such and such capabilities. All this is called complex treatment. That's the same with the witch!
Have you ever seen an ultrasound? Did you hold it in your hands? The pill, of course, you see and know what it is made of, what it will heal, although you can hardly imagine the processes that will occur in your body as a result chemical reactions... Now try to understand how ultrasound works and understand how energy flow works. The same! Nothing supernatural!
Let's take a look at Christianity from the point of view of magic. This religion, in its essence, fully meets the requirements of Nature. Without revealing the secrets of nature, Christianity attunes its followers to the harmonious development of the soul, body, relations with the outside world: the commandments are aimed at spiritual development and harmonious interaction with others, fasts are aimed at purifying the physical body.
There is nothing in religion that would harm human nature. Any religion preaches fasting at certain times of the year, for a person it is a blessing. From a physical point of view, the human body needs to be unloaded sometimes.
In Christianity, there is the sign of the cross, imposed on the Orthodox. It is believed that it protects from external and internal evil spirits. Yes it is. But, from an energetic point of view, the sign of the cross regulates the biofield, restores it, after it, after the correct distribution of energy, health is restored. And the fact is that it has long been known about the existence of meridians running through the physical and energy body. Meridians penetrate the body and pass through the fingers. It is by closing certain meridians and mixing the action of individual streams that we get a certain energy state by touching ourselves with fingers folded in a special way.
In India, the addition of hands is called mudra. And these mudras heal people! We can get the same thing. During the imposition of the cross, there is an even distribution of energy. So what is this? This is the law of the universe. This natural process... And isn't this the Magic of Nature? A person regularly makes passes on himself (in this case, the sign of the cross) and is healed! This is a miracle!
It turns out that magic has answers to all questions. Magic is a phenomenon of nature, the universe. These are processes taking place in living and inanimate objects. It's just that we are used to calling magic what scientists have not yet been able to make out on the shelves. We call Magic everything that the Church calls this word.
To finally dot the i's, let's take examples from the Bible - there is no more sacred book.
The birth of Jesus Christ was foretold by the stars. Those. some knowledge in astrology was already there and it was not considered a sin to use them.
Plus, as we all know from the Bible, the stars are also created by God. So they influence us according to the understanding of God. No one denies that our Sun has different activities that affect us. Everyone knows that during eclipses, loud events are bound to occur. Children born on the day of the eclipse differ in character and fate from those born at the same time but in a different year. Other planets are also affected. Again, not without the knowledge of God, because it says: "Your will is both in heaven and on earth."
Further, the Bible writes about the miraculous properties of water: "Everything that the unclean touches, put into the water until evening and it will be clean again." And this is not about natural tangible dirt. Then what about? This means that the Bible still recognizes the presence of fluids, energy. And water really washes away not only dirt, but also foreign and negative vibrations. These are the properties of water. This is recognized in the Bible and it is not denied by magicians, but moreover, it is always used for the benefit of man.

Church and magic go hand in hand with each other as often as they often go apart. Magic itself is neutral. It is a collection of secret knowledge and techniques for their application. A person always has the right to choose. This right was given to him from above. He must decide for himself to use his magic in difficult times, or to act on his own. Magic can bring both good and evil, it all depends on the person who uses it. Magic is magic, it is a way to achieve harmony and happiness with the help of external forces. We also go to church to ask for a miracle, we wait for magic. Is it not a miracle that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they spoke in all the languages ​​of the world? Isn't it a miracle that seriously ill people were healed from one touch of them in the name of God? Priests are often the main opponents of magic and extrasensory perception. But why? Is it not from God that psychics receive this gift - to heal people? Is it a sin to help others? The Church opposes magic only because it is often used for selfish purposes, to the detriment of others. When, with the help of magic, a person wants to deprive another person of will, affects his psyche and feelings, sends damage and curses. If a person uses magic for good purposes, to heal people, remove negativity, etc., then I think he is not committing a sin. If the priest claims that any psychic will be rejected by the church, I do not believe in it. I believe that God judges people according to their deeds, and if a person helped people get rid of the disease, then how can the church reject him? It is important that in the soul of a person, whether he is a psychic, a magician or a simple person. In one of the Gospels forbidden by the Church, the following words are said: “The Kingdom of God is within you, and everywhere around you! Not in buildings made of stone and wood ... "Because it is important that inside the psychic, the priest, and whether he commits his actions in the name of God or ...

“About Christ, who drove bulls, sheep and sellers out of the temple, they should have said that he was blaspheming. If he came now and saw what is being done in his name in the church, then with even greater and more legitimate anger he would probably have thrown away all these terrible antimensions, and spears, and crosses, and cups, and candles, and icons, and all that by means of which they, by conjuring, hide God and his teaching from people. " L.N. Tolstoy, from a letter April 04, 1901.

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Almost all the rituals that take place in the church are based on magic. It is important to understand this.

Take, for example, the rite of communion: a person is given a loaf - the flesh of Christ and red wine - his blood. And it is not important that a person drinks and eats it. The important thing is that he is consciously attuned to the fact that he eats the flesh of Christ and drinks his blood. In Voodoo magic - the most terrible of magic - this is the blackest rite: to eat the flesh of your defeated enemy and drink his blood to make his essence your slave forever. In the rite of communion, the principle of identification is used. Identification means the transfer of astral-mental properties from one essence to another. That is, a person, identifying himself with Christ, takes on the properties of an already deceased person, thereby joining the world of the dead.

Baptism is a rite of blocking the development of a person's essence, a rite of connecting another donor to the egregor of the Orthodox Church. This is a way to make a person blind so that he does not understand what is happening in his life and in the world around him. What is baptism? Let's turn to the brochure “On the Sacrament of Baptism” published by the Orthodox publishing house “Blagovest” in 2001 and analyze some aspects of this rite.

1. "... man is naturally born a sinner and guilty before the justice of God." The main task of the church is to awaken in a person the feeling of guilt, to make him pray and repent, and to keep him in fear. If this succeeds, the person becomes a “slave of God” (remember: “The servant of God is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ...”), “slain sheep” and merges into the “flock” of Christ's rams, and becomes ideologically controlled. To this is added the energetic dependence, which is put to a person during the rite of baptism.

2. "if a newborn baby is to be baptized, then a priest reads a special prayer over his mother on the fortieth day." From this, I think, it is already clear that in the rite of baptism there is a connection with the energy of death.

3. At chrismation, a person receives the “gifts of the Holy Spirit”. Otherwise, these gifts are called “seals of the gift of the Holy Spirit”. These seals are crosswise applied to the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs. Thus, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th energy centers are closed, which are responsible for the inviolability of will, clairvoyance, creativity and human feelings), and the organs of perception of information are also blocked. Miro, by the way, is also used to anoint the dead.

4. tonsure. Small strands are cut crosswise on the back of the head, near the forehead, on the right and left sides of the head. Then the hair is rolled up in a piece of wax and thrown into the font. In magic, this is called death-envolting!
With the help of this ritual, a person is completely attached to the Christian egregor, and at the same time to the egregor of magic.

5. Churching. The priest reads the prayer: "Now let go of Thy servant, Master, according to Thy verb in peace: as if my eyes see Thy salvation, I have prepared before the face of all people, light in the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Thy people Israel" - everything is clear. comments are superfluous.

In the early stages, the baptismal ceremony had no biblical basis.

Adolf Harnack, a renowned theologian, writes on this subject:
"It is impossible to directly prove that Jesus instituted baptism, since the words quoted by Matthew (28:19) are not the words of God." It is also interesting to note that baptism is performed in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, which was not in any of the early manuscripts. Adolph Harnack points out that "this threefold formula is alien to the mouth of Jesus and did not have the authority in the apostolic era, which it should have had if it came from Jesus himself." Another point is the inconsistency of the sacrament of baptism in general Christian theology.

Baptism, as it is now understood, means that the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, enters into a person and takes away sins from him. If we accept this, then it is not clear how, at a later stage in the life of the same person, Satan expels the Holy Spirit from him and leads the person into sin by temptation. The question arises: can the devil tempt a person who is filled and guarded by the Holy Spirit? Thus, it is very clear that baptism is not at all based on the teachings of Jesus.

And let's hear what the eniologists have to say about the rite of baptism. Anastasia NATALICH, eniokorrektor Research Center "ENIO":

“It is believed that a baptized child is protected by divine power, while an unbaptized child is more vulnerable. The natural desire of parents - to protect their child from all sorts of troubles - obliges to follow the traditions. Everybody does it, which means it's "right." Suddenly something happens, the thought immediately arises: "Maybe because he was unbaptized, and therefore not protected?" You need to understand that the best protection for a child is the parents. This is how nature works. Conflicts, misunderstandings, troubles between father and mother are reflected in the child. As for the ceremony, then, firstly, to carry it out at an irresponsible age is a violation of a person's will. Christ was baptized at the age of 33. A person must decide for himself whether he needs it or not. Secondly, water is involved in the baptism ceremony - a universal carrier of information, ideally preserving and structuring information. What information the church water carries is another question ...

It is not uncommon for a person to be baptized with a middle name. During the correction, eniologists, as a rule, see exactly the second name of the child. A person opens another parallel channel, which gives a serious energy load on fate. The same burden arises if a person is named after someone else. If a child has two names, he begins to live with two streamers, and the passage of fate is a little more difficult. "

Any ceremony introduces a person into an altered state of awareness. Hypnosis, meditation, breathing exercises, contemplation, defocusing of attention, prayer, etc. have the same effects. But in an altered state of consciousness, a person cannot fully analyze what is happening and the likelihood of an alien influence on his consciousness is very high, in other words - a zombie.

Partners News

Most of the church rituals that take place in the church are based on magic. It is important to understand this. Here we will reveal the special meaning of many church rites and "sacred rites" from the point of view of magic (the science of Magic). This article is not anti-religious in nature, but only informs about the true mechanisms of what is happening in the temples.

“One has only to read the missal and follow those rituals that are incessantly performed by the Orthodox clergy, and are considered Christian worship, in order to see that all these rituals are nothing more than various methods of witchcraft, adapted to all possible cases of life.

In order for a child, if he dies, to go to heaven, you need to have time to anoint him with oil and redeem him with the pronunciation of well-known words.

In order for the parent to cease to be unclean, it is necessary to pronounce well-known spells. So that there is success in business or a quiet life in a new home, so that bread is born well, the drought stops, so that the journey is safe, in order to recover from an illness, in order to ease the situation of the deceased in the next world, for all this and a thousand other circumstances, there are well-known incantations that a priest pronounces in a certain place and for a well-known offering. "

Take, for example, the rite of communion.

A person is given a loaf - the flesh of Christ and red wine - his blood. And it is not important that a person drinks and eats it. What matters is that he is consciously attuned to eating the flesh of Christ and drinking his blood.

In Voodoo magic - the most terrible of magic, this is the blackest rite! Eat the flesh of your defeated enemy and drink his blood - to make his essence your slave forever.

In the rite of communion, the principle of identification is used. Identification means the transfer of astral-mental properties from one essence to another. That is, a person, identifying himself with Christ, takes on the properties of an already deceased person, thereby joining the world of the dead.

Baptism is a rite of blocking the development of a person's essence, a rite of connecting another donor to the egregor of the Orthodox Church. This is a way to make a person blind so that he does not understand what is happening in his life and in the world around him.

What is baptism? Let's turn to the brochure "On the Sacrament of Baptism" published by the Orthodox publishing house "Blagovest" in 2001 and analyze some aspects of the rituals.

1. Baptism

"... And whoever was baptized received that wonderful garment in Christ, which covers everything base and shameful in a person."

Note, it does not deliver, but covers.

"If a newborn baby is to be baptized, then on the fortieth day the priest reads a special prayer over his mother."

From this, we think, is enough to make it clear that in the rite of baptism there is a connection with the energy of death.

2. About sinfulness

"... man is naturally born a sinner and guilty before the justice of God."

The main task of the church is to awaken in a person the feeling of guilt, to make him pray and repent, and to keep him in fear.

If this succeeds, then the person becomes a "servant of God"!

Remember: "The servant of God is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ...", "the slain sheep" and merges into the "flock" of Christ, and becomes ideologically governed.

To this is added the energetic dependence, which is put to a person during the rite of baptism.

If you get sick with fanaticism: PGM (Orthodoxy of the Brain); put on a leather jacket and a swastika and go look for someone to pour out your inferiority complex; start zealously and fanatically defending the religion of the Prophet Muhammad, defending "kill the unfaithful" ... and other forms of fanaticism, then the diagnosis is unambiguous - you have only two signal systems and the world is clearly divided into "bad" and "good", and there is no independent thinking, reason.

Such “believers” are characterized by a sensory-emotional level of perception - this is a complete denial of the logical perception of the world. It leads to trouble when a person becomes completely controllable. The results of the fanaticism of sects and religions are known to all.

3. Confirmation

At chrismation, a person receives the "gifts of the Holy Spirit." Otherwise, these gifts are called "seals of the gift of the Holy Spirit." These seals are crosswise applied to the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs.

Thus, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th energy centers, which are responsible for the inviolability of will, clairvoyance, creativity and human feelings, are closed, and the organs of perception of information are blocked.

Miro, by the way, is also used to anoint dead people.

“In anointing of oil, just as in chrismation, I see the techniques of crude witchcraft, as in the veneration of icons and relics, as in all those rituals, prayers, and incantations with which the missal is filled. In communion I see the deification of the flesh and the perversion of Christian teaching.

In the priesthood, in addition to the obvious preparation for deception, I see a direct violation of the words of Christ - directly forbidding anyone to be called teachers, fathers, mentors. (Matt. XXIII, 8-10) ".

4. tonsure

Small strands are cut crosswise on the back of the head, near the forehead, on the right and left sides of the head. Then the hair is rolled up in a piece of wax and thrown into the font.

In magic, this is called death-envolting!

With the help of this ritual, a person is completely attached to the Christian egregor, and at the same time to the egregor of magic.

5. Churching

The priest reads prayers, then “introduces (or brings the baby) into the church and brings it to the royal doors, saying:“ The servant of God is brought into church in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen; He will enter Thy house and worship Thy holy temple. In the middle of the church he will sing for you. "

After that, if a woman (girl) is churched, she applies to the halves royal gates, and “the priest reads the prayer:“ Now let go of Thy servant, Master, according to Thy verb in peace: as my eyes see Thy salvation, I have prepared before the face of all people, light for the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Thy people Israel. ”

Men walk around the altar (boys walk around). After all this, all present kiss the dead Christ on the cross.

Everything is clear, comments are superfluous.

In the early stages, the baptismal ceremony had no biblical basis.

Adolf Harnack, a renowned theologian, writes on this subject:

"It is impossible to directly prove that Jesus instituted baptism, since the words quoted by Matthew (28:19) are not the words of God."

It is also interesting to note that baptism is performed in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, which was not in any of the early manuscripts.

Adolph Harnack points out that "this threefold formula is alien to the mouth of Jesus and did not have the authority in the apostolic era, which it should have had if it came from Jesus himself."

Another point is the inconsistency of the sacrament of baptism in general Christian theology.

Baptism, as it is now understood, means that the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, enters into a person and takes away sins from him. If we accept this, then it is not clear how, at a later stage in the life of the same person, Satan expels the Holy Spirit from him and leads the person into sin by temptation.
The question arises - can the devil tempt a person who is filled and protected by the Holy Spirit?

Thus, it is very clear that baptism is not at all based on the teachings of Jesus.

Here is what the eniologists have to say about the baptismal ceremony.

Anastasia NATALICH, eniokorrektor Research Center "ENIO":

“It is believed that a baptized child is protected by divine power, and not a baptized child is more vulnerable. The natural desire of parents - to protect their child from all sorts of troubles - obliges to follow the traditions. Everybody does it, which means it's "right."

Suddenly something happens, the thought immediately arises: "Maybe because he is not baptized, and therefore not protected?" You need to understand that the best protection for a child is the parents. This is how nature works.

Conflicts, misunderstandings, troubles between father and mother are reflected in the child.

As for the ceremony, then, firstly, to carry it out at an irresponsible age is a violation of a person's will.

Christ was baptized at the age of 33. A person must decide for himself whether he needs it or not.

Secondly, water is involved in the baptism ceremony - a universal carrier of information, ideally preserving and structuring information. What information the church water carries is another question ...

It is not uncommon for a person to be baptized with a middle name. During the correction, eniologists, as a rule, see exactly the second name of the child.

A person opens another parallel channel, which gives a serious energy load on fate. The same burden arises if a person is named after someone else.

If a child has two names, he begins to live with two streamers, and the passage of fate is a little more difficult. "

Any ceremony introduces a person into an altered state of awareness. Hypnosis, meditation, breathing exercises, contemplation, defocusing of attention, prayer and so on have the same effects.

But in an altered state of consciousness, a person cannot fully analyze what is happening and the likelihood of an alien influence on his consciousness is very high, in other words - a zombie.

6. Wedding

The wedding is a ritual of a voluntary love spell - although almost all the married do not know about it. Wedding rings carry a symbol of the partner's energy, reinforced by the will and energy of the Egregor of the Church and influencing the human biofield as a permanent synchronizer of the energies of two people, uniting them and linking them for life. Strengthening of this ritual is carried out by a threefold exchange of rings by the newlyweds.

In the classics, the groom is given a gold ring, and the bride is given a silver ring. This strengthens the subordination of the wife to her husband. Although this tradition is becoming less well known. Since ancient times, a long train of a wedding dress has been recommended for a bride - there is a sign that the longer it is, the longer the young live. But from an esoteric point of view, a long train is the grounding of the bride and anchoring by the elements of the earth. Dressing (symbolically holding over the head) crowns (wreaths) - enhances the influence of the Church (her Egregor) on the crowned, securing the love spell on behalf of the Church and its Power. The energies are cut off along the sahasrara chakra and the block is imposed by the Egregor of the church. At the same time, there is a selection of energy in the Egregor of the Church - actually reducing the life time of the married. This consolidation of the union by the Church is also called to bypass the analogion three times - a kind of magical closure of the circle of ritual.

7. Confession

"In the periodic forgiveness of sins in confession, I see a harmful deception, only encouraging immorality and destroying the fear of sinning."

In confession there is a psychotherapeutic option to alleviate a person's negative attitude towards their actions. The Church through the priest “forgives” sins before God, “cleansing” a person's luggage. This is done through a prayer for absolution, a ritual of cleansing from Magic, when building a connection with the Supreme, God, in front of whom is cleansing, but without the energy component of the ritual, without burning the negative and working with the past, modeling the present and the future. This is a truncated ritual adapted to the modern canonical activity of the Church - but it is a ritual.

It will not be a secret that magic and the church have similarities. The main task of both sides is the spiritual growth of the community. There is more than enough in common between church and magic. Take at least the representatives of both. The ministers of the church, as well as shamans, sorcerers and healers, try to achieve communication with a higher power than themselves, they also create vibrations, which are taught to subsequent generations.

Rituals will not be an exception - after all, during magic rituals, a spell is read, which in essence is very similar to a church prayer. That is, a person turns to something higher. A true representative of the church, like a true magician, has only one goal - they must help people and maintain universal harmony.

The church in Turin is considered one of the most esoteric. Turin is considered a city of magic - together with Lyon and Prague, it forms a triangle of white magic. In addition, Turin is the apex of the "Triangle of Black Magic", the sides of which stretch towards London and San Francisco.

In front of the church there are 2 sculptures - Statua della Fede and Statua della Religione.

Statue of faith

Those who do not understand the history of religion believe that the Grail is just a glass or a symbol pointing to the treasures of the knights of the Templars, and this matter is buried under the church.

Those who are more knowledgeable in this matter are convinced that we are not talking about a glass, but about a person who collected the blood of Christ after he was crucified on the Cross, and still others - that we are talking about a feminine principle, and this idea was well illustrated by the film "The Da Vinci Code" ... The angel of the statue of Vera hands her a book, which she holds with her hand.

The statue of Faith holds in his left hand a chalice associated with the Grail.

Statue of Religion

It is said that this relic is hidden somewhere in Turin, and the statue's gaze indicates the direction in which to look for it.

Over the centuries, kingdoms, governments, laws, generations have changed, but the church and magic have been going side by side for many centuries unchanged. Unfortunately, not all magicians and not all priests strive to give good to people and help evolution. The fact is that there are also such representatives of these two forces who only hide behind a name, but basically they do it for their own benefit. But we hasten to rejoice that not all are like that - there are actually right people who are able to give light to the world and devote their lives to it.

But the former, basically, can only criticize both the church and magical powers - including psychics, love spells and so on. In such cases, a person often asks the question, they say, since the church is so "holy", why, then, is it against magical powers and everything that is connected with it. Why does the church repel magic when there is God's commandment "do not judge." Everything is extremely simple! The real church will not condemn magic or anything else - because according to the word of God we are all brothers, and we are all equal, and we are all created in his image. And only representatives of the false church condemn magic.

In different sources, you can find different interpretations of the word "magic". You and I need to deal with this concept and then everything will fall into place and it will be clear why we have combined such two things - magic and Christianity - which have always been considered incompatible.

So what do people use to call magic?

We call magic what we cannot explain scientifically (although science is also gray magic).

Consider a simple example - wax casting.

During this procedure, the healer changes his energy state by reciting special prayers. He turns to the Higher Consciousness, to the Higher Reason and asks for help. That through his hands God help heal the sick. When contact with the Higher Forces is established, they transmit several specific streams of energy that protect the magician and heal the person.

All this, of course, happens if the healer is competent and conscientious. It turns out that nothing supernatural happened - the magician, as a guide, helped you to get the necessary energy. It was possible, of course, just to pray (this is not forbidden by the church), but the result would have forced myself to wait, and I would have had to pray more than once or twice.

I know a case when one mother prayed every day for her drinking son, and after 15 (fifteen!) Years he stopped drinking. Yes, it is possible and so - there will be no sin in this ... maybe. And maybe it will. After all, if you swear all these 15 years and lament about the same booze, then fate will punish you for incontinence, and the drinker will suffer for a very long time.

You don't have to turn to the magicians, then you yourself need to influence the situation deeper than just prayers.

Can you meekly endure everything and keep praying?

Then go ahead! You will definitely achieve results with a strong and unrelenting faith.

The healer, unfortunately or fortunately, does not have an extra 15 years, and there are a lot of people asking for help - therefore there are rituals that help to speed up the result, to bring the desired goal closer. This is the same as medical treatment - you are not only taken with pills, but also injections are prescribed - intramuscular, intravenous, you are treated with current, ultrasound. And we are already used to it. Because the scientists explained that pills work like this, and injections work differently, and ultrasound has such and such capabilities. All this is called complex treatment. That's the same with the witch!

Have you ever seen an ultrasound? Did you hold it in your hands? The pill, of course, you see and know what it is made of, what it will treat - although you can hardly imagine the processes that will occur in your body as a result of chemical reactions. Now try to understand how ultrasound works and understand how energy flow works. The same! Nothing supernatural!

Let's take a look at Christianity from the point of view of magic.

This religion, in its essence, fully meets the requirements of Nature. Without revealing the secrets of nature, Christianity tunes its followers to the harmonious development of the soul, body, relations with the outside world - the commandments are aimed at spiritual development and harmonious interaction with others, fasts are aimed at purifying the physical body.

There is nothing in religion that would harm human nature. Any religion preaches fasting at certain times of the year - this is a blessing for a person. From a physical point of view, the human body needs to be unloaded sometimes.

In Christianity, there is the sign of the cross, imposed on the Orthodox. It is believed that it protects from evil spirits - external and internal. Yes it is. But, from an energy point of view, the sign of the cross regulates the biofield, restores it - after it, after the correct distribution of energy, health is restored. And the fact is that it has long been known about the existence of meridians running through the physical and energy body. Meridians penetrate the body and pass through the fingers. It is by closing certain meridians and mixing the action of individual streams that we get a certain energy state by touching ourselves with fingers folded in a special way.

In India, folding of hands is called mudra. And these mudras heal people! We can get the same thing. During the imposition of the cross, there is an even distribution of energy.

So what is this? This is the law of the universe. This is a natural process. And isn't this the Magic of Nature? A person regularly makes passes on himself (in this case, the sign of the cross) and is healed! This is a miracle!

It turns out that magic has answers to all questions. Magic is a phenomenon of Nature, the Universe. These are processes taking place in living and inanimate objects. It's just that we are used to calling magic what scientists have not yet been able to make out on the shelves. We call Magic everything that the Church calls this word.

To finally dot the "i" s, let's take examples from the Bible - there is no more sacred book.

The Nativity of Jesus Christ was predicted by the stars - that is, some knowledge in astrology was already available and it was not considered a sin to use it.

Plus, as we all know from the Bible, the stars are also created by God. So they influence us according to the understanding of God. No one denies that our Sun has different activities that affect us. Everyone knows that during eclipses, loud events are bound to occur. Children born on the day of the eclipse differ in character and fate from those born at the same time but in a different year. Other planets are also affected. Again, not without the knowledge of God, since it is said: "Your will is both in heaven and on earth."

Then what about?

This means that the Bible still recognizes the presence of fluids, energy. And water really washes away not only dirt, but also foreign and negative vibrations. These are the properties of water. This is recognized in the Bible and it is not denied by magicians, but moreover, it is always used for the benefit of man.

Church and magic go hand in hand as often as they often go apart. Magic itself is neutral. It is a collection of secret knowledge and techniques for their application. A person always has the right to choose - this right is given to him from above. He must decide for himself to use his magic in difficult times, or to act on his own. Magic can bring both good and evil - it all depends on the person who uses it.

Magic is magic, it is a way to achieve harmony and happiness with the help of external forces. We also go to church to ask for a miracle, we wait for magic. Is it not a miracle that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they spoke in all the languages ​​of the world? Isn't it a miracle that seriously ill people were healed from one touch of them in the name of God? Priests are often the main opponents of magic and extrasensory perception. But why? Is it not from God that psychics receive this gift - to heal people? Is it a sin to help others?

The Church opposes magic only because it is often used for selfish purposes, to the detriment of others. When, with the help of magic, a person wants to deprive another person of will, it affects his psyche and feelings, sends damage and curses. If a person uses magic for good purposes, to heal people, remove negativity, and so on, then he is not committing a sin.

If the priest claims that any psychic will be rejected by the church, then do not believe it. God judges people according to their deeds, and if a person helped people get rid of the disease, then how can the church reject him? It is important that in the soul of a person, whether he is a psychic, a magician or a simple person.

In one of the gospels forbidden by the church, the following words are said:

“The Kingdom of God is within you, and all around you! Not in buildings made of stone and wood ... ".

Therefore, it is important that inside the psychic, the priest, and whether he commits his actions in the name of God or ...

“About Christ, who drove bulls, sheep and sellers out of the temple, they should have said that he was blaspheming.

If he came now and saw what is being done in his name in the church, then with even greater and more legitimate anger, he probably would have thrown out all these terrible antimensions, and spears, and crosses, and bowls, and candles, and icons, and all that, by means of which they, conjuring, hide God and his teaching from people. "

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Over the past decade, marked by an active revival of church life, Sunday schools in one form or another have appeared in most parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church... They make a significant contribution to the churching and religious education of children, not only from church families, but also those whose parents are far from the Church.

Over the past decade, marked by an active revival of church life, Sunday schools in one form or another have appeared in most parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church. They make a significant contribution to the churching and religious education of children, not only from church families, but also those whose parents are far from the Church. At the same time, in the process of comprehending the activities of Sunday schools, it turns out that in the work of many of them there are many problems, both organizational and methodological in nature. This, in particular, was discussed at the recent Christmas Educational Readings. The result is not enough effective work Sunday schools often become a formal education and superficial churching of their pupils and, as a result, the subsequent departure from the Church of many of them in adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, at present, the task of improving methodological approaches to educational activities Sunday schools and their organizational structure. In this newsletter, we include materials that explore the challenges of parish religious education and share the best practices of Sunday schools.

Orthodox teaching and upbringing of children in the conditions of modern parish life

Fr. Constantine, what is the place of the Sunday School in the life of the Church?

The place of Sunday schools in church life and their internal structure should be determined by the main task that is set before them. This is the churching and church education of children.

Of course, existing Sunday schools often solve other educational and educational tasks, so that the students of these schools, when they go into the Church, acquire useful knowledge and skills, which can only be rejoiced in. But without churching, even knowing the Sacred history and liturgy by heart can be useless for the salvation of the soul and even harmful. Therefore, the task of churching and church education should be considered as the main one, and all the rest - only in relation to it.

What, in your opinion, should be the Sunday school curriculum?

At first glance, it seems certain that doctrinal subjects, such as the Orthodox catechism, Sacred history, liturgy and others, should be the basis of the Sunday school. If our children know the commandments of God, orient themselves well in the Bible, understand the meaning of the liturgy and other divine services and sacraments, this will make them church people. But will it?

First, the knowledge of the Law of God in a non-church person may not be useful to him. After all, just as it is unpleasant for any of the people if someone, not loving him, finds out something about him, so it is not pleasing to God that someone should find out about Him with a cold heart. The basic truths of faith must necessarily be preached to children, but this is not the same as teaching the Law of God. Theology should be comprehended, first of all, not with the mind (although this is desirable if possible), but with the heart. But a heartfelt knowledge of God, spiritual experience is gained not so much in the classroom as - with the assistance of the grace of God - in general in life: in the family, in the church community, in worship, in personal prayer, in communication with the confessor, and in the classroom too.

Secondly, education, as a rule, is impossible without some coercion, but when it comes to adult church people (for example, seminary students), you can say: "If you do not want to study, go away." In a Sunday school, however, this approach is unacceptable. Coercion in teaching doctrinal disciplines can turn many disciples away from the Church.

Finally, the experience of the Sunday school that I am leading shows that it is not difficult for young men and women who are churchgoers to prepare themselves for an exam in the Law of God, even if this discipline was poorly taught in Sunday school (due to the lack of good teachers of the law). From 1994 to 1999, 13 graduates of our Sunday school entered various universities of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In light of the above, it seems even dangerous to require that doctrinal subjects be taught in every Sunday school. It is desirable but not required. And, in any case, it is not necessary that they be its core.

What should be the core of a Sunday school?

What God will send. The answer may seem frivolous, but let's remember that the main task of the Sunday school is the churching of children. That is, we want children to get used to the church community through her. For this, the Sunday school itself must be an organic part of the parish community, and the leading teachers of the school must be its active members.

But the community is not assembled artificially, it is impossible. It is possible and even sometimes necessary to invite a specialist, for example, a teacher of the Law of God. He may be a wonderful, godly person, a high-class teacher, and he may develop good relationships with the abbot, ward staff, and parishioners — all of which, however, are not enough for a person to become a member of the congregation. There is some kind of mystery here. In any case, it is clear that the core of the Sunday school can only be activities that can be carried out by people who are already part of the community.

Of course, with great organizational skill, you can "put together" an Orthodox-oriented educational institution with the teaching of the Law of God and any other subjects. But if it does not become a living part of the church community, children will not become churchgoers through it. It is natural for a good Sunday school to start with one teacher - the abbot, and then his spiritual children (as they appear) and people who are invited specifically to work in Sunday school join in the work.

What are the most preferred core occupations?

First, the children's choir. Figuratively speaking, its efficiency is much higher than that of other occupations. To create a small children's choir, one rehearsal room and one Orthodox professional choir who loves children are enough. Of course, a choir made up of musically uneducated children, most likely, will not be able to perform at prestigious concerts. But through the choir, children are naturally drawn to the liturgy; the choir itself is a unifying business, requires relatively little funds and provides for the preparation and conduct of the holidays. If a children's choir sings during the liturgy, it is natural for the children to receive communion. Of course, one cannot give Communion to children against their will or scold for unwillingness to receive the Communion.

Secondly, let's say about the participation of Sunday school pupils in divine services. Older boys may serve at the altar. Of course, not all. Not everyone wants, not everyone is capable of this, not every temple can accommodate everyone. In our church, altar men, regardless of age, are required to behave reverently during the service, strict obedience to elders, and participate in cleaning the altar.

There are Sunday schools, the core of which is the collection of materials about the new martyrs, social service, pilgrimages to holy places, teaching icon painting, and various crafts. Of course, teaching of the Law of God can be such a core, if it works.

Continuing the topic of the participation of pupils in divine services, I would like to ask what, in your opinion, is the pedagogical potential of church rituals?

We all know, of course, that ceremonies do not save themselves. It is important that within a person, and external piety is valuable only insofar as it is a manifestation of internal piety. On the other hand, it is also known that the outside influences the inside. When a person is in simplicity, not being proud that he is supposedly pleasing God, kisses an icon or lights a candle, or bows, then his soul adjusts to the actions of the body, and then bodily actions acquire spiritual meaning, help a person to tune in to prayer.

But in addition to this, church rituals also have teaching potential. For example, bowing before an icon and kissing it, a person learns that the icon is an object of worship, learns to honor the one who is depicted on it. When a child kisses the blessing hand of the priest, he learns without explanation that the priest is a significant person. Introducing children to church rites, it is possible to subtly but effectively contribute to the rooting of many Christian truths in their hearts and minds.

Here, we note that systematic reading for children Holy Scripture(not the "Children's Bible"!) and the lives of the saints (not fairy tales on everyday themes!) has a very deep impact on children. The word of God lies in the heart of a person as a seed, and if it is not rejected wicked heart(the reaction of the mind is not even so important), then it will sprout and bear fruit. Outwardly, this may seem imperceptible, but the significance for the spiritual life of a person will be much more important than any truths perceived only by the mind.

We often hear that one of the main problems of Sunday schools is the non-church behavior of their pupils. What, in your opinion, is the problem here and what are the ways to solve it?

I think that the reason for such phenomena, common to many church schools, is not necessarily the poor work of teachers and poor home education. Although, of course, there are shortcomings, but even if we were holy and brilliant, the difficulties with the morality of adolescents in a church school would not disappear. Why?

First, today's children spend most of their time in a non-church environment. It should be borne in mind that the influence of the surrounding corrupted world is deep and it largely determines the worldview and tastes of not only children who have recently come to school, but also those who have spent several years with us, and even children from church families.

Secondly (and this is the main thing), in addition to the seducing world and the evil spirits operating in it, there is also the mysterious providence of God about a person (including about each of our disciples), which does not always coincide with our good, at first glance, plans.

And thirdly, there is human freedom. He either freely accepts God's good will for himself, or he willfully rejects it and lives as he is allowed.

Therefore, without relinquishing our responsibility for the spiritual destinies of children in our church schools, we must still accept the fact that most adolescents in transitional age will upset church educators with their behavior. And the question should be raised not how to completely avoid this, but how we should behave with our pupils, as they are. Tolerate bad behavior of teenagers is our parental cross. And parents in the flesh, and parents in school.

In a church school, to which children are not attached to anything external (for example, the opportunity to receive a good education in some subject for free), there will certainly be a large dropout rate. And a church school, in which there is not a large dropout rate, will face the problem of non-church behavior of church children. One could simply expel everyone who acts unworthy of the high title of a student of a church school. But that would mean depriving children of spiritual support at the very time when they need it most.

Teenagers are not as bad as they might seem when faced with their sometimes very unsightly actions. Not everything, but much in their behavior is determined not by their will, but by age, which, as you know, passes, and by worldly temptations. Therefore, we do not hide the truth about spiritual life from the children, considering the lowering of moral requirements a dangerous deception, and we call evil evil, but we do not expel them from Sunday school to the last opportunity.

If we want to help children outgrow their spiritually harmful hobbies, we should try, remaining ourselves, to get in such contact with them so that they do not hide their views and experiences from us. If we keep in communication with children only a high ascetic tone, then the majority of even believing children will be out of our influence.

But should a priest go to a disco in order to be there with children (such experiments are known)? I think not, otherwise the children will perceive condescension to their weakness as a blessing, and these are very different things. You can know about the uncommendable behavior of one of the guys and do not focus on this until the time, but when it is convenient and useful, show your real attitude. If the priest himself will participate in the usual pastime of modern children (even with a good purpose), then how will he be able to direct them to the highest?

How to behave in specific situations? When do you need to "tighten the nuts" and when to relax? When it is harsh to put in front of a boy or a girl, and maybe even in front of the whole class, the question: "Either you change your behavior, or you leave," and when to pretend that you have not noticed even a very serious offense? May God help us in solving these problems.

A teacher can be, at best, alive and in agreement with the will of the Lord, His instrument, even a co-worker, but there is no method of salvation and cannot be. There are methods of teaching, methods of moral education, but there are no methods of salvation. From this, of course, it does not follow that you do not need to work with children, but it follows that you need to rely only on God, you need to pray for children to God. The very work with children in Sunday school should be an outward manifestation of heartfelt prayer for them. Precisely the heart. There is little oral and little mental prayer. There must be a heartfelt desire turned to God for a teenager to embark on the true path of Christ, leading to eternal life. How strong is this desire in us and is it directed towards God? This is a question facing every parish priest and every church teacher. Our children are in a difficult and dangerous situation. At the same time, they are mentally weak, but spiritually they are not completely determined. They must be literally begged.

O. Konstantin, please tell us about the experience of your Sunday school at the Assumption Church in Krasnogorsk

More than 200 children are currently studying at the Sunday school at the Assumption Church in Krasnogorsk. It consists of two parts: an ordinary Sunday school, which is not particularly different from most Sunday schools, where children come 1-2 times a week, and a church music school, whose students receive education in the amount of the choir department of the state children's music school.

The concept of our parish work with children can be summarized as follows. The congregation at the temple is a big, friendly family, consisting of church-going people. Children, being on the territory of the temple and communicating with them, gradually themselves become one of them and become church people. At the same time, it almost does not matter what subjects are in such a Sunday school. It is important to involve children in communication, and those who want to become churched will join churches.

We have attracted big number children, making them and their parents interested in free music education. I will not go into details now, but I will talk about what I see as vitality and what is the insufficiency of our concept and how we propose to solve the problems that have arisen. To do this, I will tell you a little about how our parish and school life began and how it developed.

In 1991, when a Sunday school was born at the Assumption Church in Krasnogorsk, our church community was very small, about 10-20 people. When we first went to Optina Pustyn in 1992, everyone fit in a 25-seat PAZik, in 1993 45 people went, and since 1994 we no longer fit in one bus. There were many young men and women in the community who, quite decently, but with pleasure and interest, communicated with each other, made friends, fell in love. Many people tried to spend more time in the church and at the church, if possible they went to work in church. There was a warm spiritual relationship, while people took church quite seriously: they prayed, received communion, tried to fight their passions.

It was in such an atmosphere that our Sunday school developed at first. The children loved her very much. School classrooms were located next to the rooms where the abbot's family lived, and there was also a church refectory nearby. In general, a big family. Sunday School was an organic part of it. Children, getting used to Sunday school, naturally got used to the church community and, of course, began to live a liturgical life together with adults.

In the course of comprehending the above, the concept of the Sunday school was born as a kind of family, into which children must be introduced under any pretext, if only they were in the church environment. Soul communication with Orthodox people, feasible participation in church affairs, participation in divine services, communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, of course, greatly facilitated and contributes to the churching of children.

The vitality of this concept manifested itself in various aspects. I would like to note at least that out of several dozen children who went through our Sunday school, about twenty became altar holders and choristers, one was ordained, several people study in different universities of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In order not to get too rosy an impression, I will say that several of our graduates, unfortunately, have grown cold to church life, have stopped taking communion. As far as I can tell, the reason is that they were overwhelmed by fleshly passions in adolescence. Some of them, we hope, will eventually return to the Church, and some, perhaps, not. But here the point is not in the concept of educational work, but in the tragedy of our earthly life, which is not a place of rest, but a field of spiritual warfare.

Now about the insufficiency of the concept of churching under consideration. It began to be felt by us two years ago, and we are becoming more aware of it.

First, the community has grown in number. This in itself, of course, is good, but there are no friendly companies of a hundred people. And about how many brothers and sisters began to sit down at festive table for Christmas or Easter.

Secondly, the youth, of which the original community mainly consisted, got married and got married, and children went and multiplied. Busy with household chores, people naturally began to spend less time in church, coming only to services.

Thirdly, if for the first three or four years, as a rector and chairman of the Parish Council, I could hire almost everyone who was eager to work in the church, now the staff is full, and it is rarely necessary to hire new people. On the other hand, the needs of the temple forced and still force to accept staff of suitable qualifications, but not necessarily those of their own kind and in spirit. Thus, the composition of the community became less and less the same as the composition of the staff. And if the first years after the opening of the church, children, coming to Sunday school, came at the same time, as it were, to a large family, now this is no longer the case. I cannot say that it has become bad, non-churchly, but it has become not at all as comfortable as it used to be.

Fourthly, noticeable changes have taken place in the students. In the first years of the existence of the Sunday school, children came or their parents brought them to it for the sake of communion with the Church, and we already gave the children a musical education (in order to keep them from absenteeism), now a significant number of children appeared who were brought to our school just for free education. With most parents, there is almost no live communication, we almost never see them either in church or at school events, and the attitude of parents to school and to the Church, of course, affects the relationship of children.

Our concept turned out to be vital if the community is small, consists of completely church people and there are warm friendly relations between its members. Then it doesn't matter what to do with the children, if only they just came and they liked it. We taught the children to sing, sight-read choral parts and play the piano, and along the way, as if by chance, they also became involved in church life. Now we feel and see that it is necessary to improve the concept of our long-existing school "on the fly".

How do you see the future of your school in this regard?

In the current situation, when the number of the parish community is about a hundred people, when its composition and structure are far from the composition and structure of the parish staff, when the majority of community members are family people (there are not so few unmarried young people, but today they are not the main tone in the community) and cannot spend a lot of time in the church (except for participation in services), when it is the temple worship that has become the business that unites everyone, I think, and Sunday school should not remain just, so to speak, a gateway through which children are drawn into church life, but she herself must live a full-fledged liturgical life.

We intend to complete the current academic year, basically, according to the old curriculum, and from the next academic year we intend to introduce weekly participation of all school choirs in the liturgy (now they sing at the service once a month), singing ”and reduce piano lessons to the minimum. We will try to maintain the level of singing and, if possible, increase it, but we will not hold on to the standard of a secular music school as before. This, of course, will not please all parents and not all students. Someone will leave us, but someone, I think, God will send to their place.

About the concept of the Sunday school "Life-Giving Source"

Sunday School at the Church of the Icon Mother of God « Life-Giving Source"In Tsaritsyno, was organized with the blessing of the rector of the church, Archpriest Georgy Breev in October 1991. In the first period of the school's existence, its activities, for the most part, were of a traditional nature. At that time, about 50 children of school age studied at the school and 12 teachers worked. Adults did not study at Sunday school at that time.

Since September 1995, the Life-Giving Source Sunday School has become a kind of living laboratory for streamlining teaching and educational work and developing the concept of a family Sunday school.

The creative activity of the Life-Giving Source Sunday School began with an understanding of a number of typical pedagogical mistakes associated with religious education and catechesis. The attention of the teachers was drawn to the fact that the spiritual knowledge taught at school was very quickly lost by children, and the process of churching, the need for which teachers constantly pointed out to children, was difficult and superficial. Often in adolescence, children completely lost interest in attending both school and church.

It was suggested that in the course of religious education and catechesis, teachers cannot take the correct position in relation to students: there is an unjustified identification of the functions of a teacher, educator and the functions of a priest, pastor. A priest is empowered by God to preach the Gospel, to interpret the Commandments of God, calling for Salvation. The task of teachers is not so much a call to Salvation as the formation of spiritual will, i.e. desire to be saved. For this, in turn, it is necessary to reveal to the students the essence of the Orthodox faith in such a way that it is perceived by them not as a set of requirements and prohibitions, but as a system of spiritual values ​​that fill life with meaning and content.

When the need for Salvation is simply declared or sounds like an appeal, then churching is artificially forced and is accomplished superficially. This instills in students not love for God and the Church, but either ecclesiastical magic, which is dangerous for the Orthodox faith, or - a feeling of the need to fulfill an obligatory religious duty. Obviously, in both cases, the foundations of a person's personal freedom are undermined, therefore, in adolescence, many young men and women begin to openly resist such calls and demands.

The second significant mistake made in the course of catechesis is that teachers often unwittingly distort the gospel spirit of the spiritual disciplines taught. The Savior's assertion that the world lies in evil due to human sins is often presented to students in such a way that this leads them not to the conclusion about the need to transform themselves and the world around them, but to a fearful and cowardly desire to hide from the problems of this world in the Church. In this regard, Salvation itself is interpreted as the need to run and hide behind the walls of the temple from temptations and temptations, and not as the need for spiritual exploit to overcome our weakness with the help of God, through active Christian love towards neighbors. In this regard, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to build the activities of the Sunday school in such a way that it resembles a kind of spiritual greenhouse, which only helps to protect and shelter students from the evil surrounding world. The school should educate and strengthen in a person faith in the good providence of God and the willingness to fulfill the holy duty of the soldier of Christ, who affirms peace, goodness and love wherever the Lord directs him.

The third mistake in the activities of Sunday schools is associated with the separation of the spiritual education of children from the natural conditions of their upbringing and development in the family, as well as the desire to abstract from those sick problems that children and adolescents face in families on the present stage life of the country. The desire to "soar" over the real pressing problems of the family, to show an idealized picture of human life, the lack of readiness to delve into the difficult and sometimes tragic circumstances of the life of children in the family, turns Orthodoxy into a "dream of the beautiful", deprives students of a sober and humble attitude to objective difficulties life. As a result of such a position, teachers do not strengthen, but, on the contrary, unwittingly weaken the spiritual strength of their students, forming unjustified expectations that family life can change by itself. Moreover, drawing a rosy picture of the life of a believer, which does not coincide with the harsh reality, teachers mentally win over children for whom it is especially difficult to live in families. The illusion of being able to replace the mother and father of an unfortunate child may not exist for long, but it turns out to be extremely harmful for the parents, and for the child, and for the teacher himself. The family way of life is a very stable and solid psychological formation. Its influence on the child's soul and the spiritual potential of the development of his personality is very great, therefore the naive assumption about the rapid overcoming of negative stereotypes of consciousness is hardly justified. Teachers should not forcibly invade family life through the consciousness of children, their task is to actively help parents raise their own children in a Christian way, delving into their problems, spiritually enlightening and suggesting useful pedagogical techniques.

The fourth source of Sunday school problems is associated with underestimating the danger of neophyte enthusiasm and ignoring the achievements of pedagogical and psychological science. The declarative, emotionally-exalted manner of presenting spiritual knowledge, associated with the installation immediately, without delay, “to become churched”, emasculates the deep spiritual content of teaching and does not give students the opportunity to think over and feel the Word of God. Obsessive and pretentious emotionality tires the listeners and makes the teacher's speech artificial.

It follows from what has been said that for the effective operation of the Sunday school, it is necessary to develop a special concept that would take into account the difficulties and disadvantages noted above. This concept should reflect: the main goals and objectives of spiritual education and catechesis, the basic methodological approach to the organization of religious education and upbringing, organizational and pedagogical methods and methods of working with students, the expected results of the work.

First of all, it is necessary to single out the specific function performed by the Sunday school, which is the initial stage of religious education. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a significant part of Sunday school students is still at a crossroads, still trying to find Orthodox faith, hoping that the Sunday school teachers will help them with this. The student brings into his mind the experience of worldly Everyday life, taking place in the family, and in the current conditions is often already destroyed or on the verge of destruction. Problems, conflicts, contradictions, resentments and disappointments - this is the background on which the teaching of spiritual disciplines is to be built. In the lessons of the Law of God and the Catechism, the student gradually gets acquainted with the peculiarities of church life in the Christian community, entering into which requires the assimilation of fundamentally different relationships: patience, humility, meekness, faith, hope and love. The sermon about Salvation, at first perceived only by the mind, must still be reasonably comprehended and enriched with personal religious and mystical experiences, as well as the practical experience of Christian work to transform one's family life. Thus, the Sunday school has its own specific goals and objectives, fulfilling the function of a kind of "transitional bridge" connecting secular and church life. This transition cannot be accomplished in one leap and requires certain efforts and time. On the one hand, Sunday school should help a person to spiritually comprehend the experience of life in the world; on the other hand, it should show him the true Source of sanctification and transformation of this life - the Savior Christ - and make Him a spiritually close and desirable Image. It can be said that the main goal of the Sunday School activity is the formation of the will to Salvation in a modern person living in a disintegrating family.

The relationship between the church and the world, mediated by the activities of the Sunday school, must correspond to the gospel spirit of the redemptive mission of Christ the Savior, who did not reject the world, but accepted voluntary death on the cross for it, defeating the malice of this world with divine sacrificial Love. The Crucifixion of Christ is the conversion and call of mankind to the feat of fullness of life in God and with God, the feat of unceasing service to neighbors. Guided by these considerations, you understand that the basis for the creation of a Sunday school that educates true Orthodox Christians should be based on the idea of ​​spiritual exploit and selflessness, which should be revealed through examples that are understandable modern man... Thus, there will be a necessary deepening of the concept of "churching" and a transition to its true meaning, based on the acceptance of the Lord's Cross.

The above shows that the organization of the Sunday school presupposes the creation of a special spiritual and cultural environment, i.e. an atmosphere that fosters understanding and thirst for Christian exploits. The desired spiritual environment is formed by the appropriate orientation of the sermons of the priests and the conduct of thematic classes by the teachers. In order for lessons in spiritual disciplines to reveal the deep meaning of churching, Sunday school teachers must have a personal spiritual experience of overcoming various life difficulties and trials. In the words of the Russian Orthodox philosopher I.A. Ilyin, "Christ should not be preached, but confessed."

Realizing that the pupils of the Sunday school, first of all, need spiritual comprehension and the Christian arrangement of living conditions in the family, it is advisable to accept not only children, but also their parents for teaching in Sunday school. Teaching spiritual disciplines to parents should contain not only the disclosure of the dogmas of the Orthodox Church, the Commandments of God and the spiritual laws of the universe, but also examples of the manifestation of divine truths in practical life people. Particular attention should be paid to cases from everyday life concerning family relationships and raising children. In this case, parents have the opportunity to discover the powerful spiritual potential of the Orthodox family and the joyful feeling of the spiritual involvement of family members with each other.

But in order for people to have the opportunity to receive practical experience family life built on a Christian basis, Sunday School should help them organize new types of communication and interaction with each other. Therefore, at the Sunday school, not only spiritual and educational, but also spiritual and practical activities should develop in a number of directions, in fact, uniting people and restoring their previously destroyed relationships. Priority areas should include those that allow you to recreate joint prayer and liturgical communication, general family leisure (circles and creative studios), a common experience of the holidays, joint excursion and pilgrimage trips, general home reading, visiting literary-poetry and musical evenings, joint work, etc. An essential factor in the regulation and normalization of family relations can be the help of an Orthodox psychologist-consultant who provides an accessible charity reception.

In general, the structure of the educational process organized in a family Sunday school can be represented in the form of three concentric circles: the central link is liturgical communication between parents and children, joint participation in church Sacraments; the middle link is their parallel spiritual enlightenment (catechesis); and the external link is practical communication and interaction, organized on a Christian basis in a number of vital areas.

Thanks to the family orientation of the Life-Giving Source Sunday School, the number of students (children and adults) in it has reached 450 people in four years of work. The school employs more than 40 teachers, including 15 people - leaders of circles and creative studios, which have the opportunity to attend not only children, but also their parents. Every month Sunday school students have the opportunity to make 2-3 family excursion and pilgrimage trips to the monasteries of Moscow and the holy places of the Moscow region. During the year, the Sunday school organizes 5 general school holidays, among which the family holiday "Father's House" is very popular.

Spiritual disciplines are taught in Sunday school by experienced teachers, most of whom have a spiritual education received at the St. Tikhon Theological Institute or at the catechism courses of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Moscow Patriarchate. During the academic year, 6-7 times all the students of the Sunday school attend services and jointly participate in the Church Sacraments.

The foregoing convinces of the advisability of further development of the concept of a family Sunday school and the exchange of experience in organizing its work.

I.N. Moshkova- the director of the Sunday school
"Life-Giving Spring" in Tsaritsyno,
PhD in Psychology

The article is aimed at revealing the special meaning of many church rites, sacred rites from the point of view of magic (the science of Magic) and is not anti-religious in nature, but only informs about the true mechanisms of what is happening in churches.

"One has only to read the missal and follow those rituals that are incessantly performed by the Orthodox clergy and are considered Christian worship, in order to see that all these rituals are nothing more than various methods of witchcraft, adapted to all possible occasions of life. , if he dies, went to heaven, you need to have time to anoint it with oil and redeem it with the uttering of well-known words; in order for the parent to cease to be unclean, it is necessary to pronounce certain spells; so that there is success in business or a quiet life in a new house, in order for the bread was well born, the drought stopped, so that the journey was safe, in order to be cured of an illness, in order to alleviate the situation of the deceased in the next world, for all this and a thousand other circumstances there are known spells that are in a certain place and for the famous offerings the priest pronounces. " L.N. Tolstoy from a letter to the decision of the Synod to excommunicate him from the church on April 4, 1901.

Most of the church rituals that take place in the church are based on magic. It is important to understand this.

Take, for example, the rite of communion: a person is given a loaf - the flesh of Christ and red wine - his blood. And it is not important that a person drinks and eats it. The important thing is that he is consciously attuned to the fact that he eats the flesh of Christ and drinks his blood.

In Voodoo magic - the most terrible of magic - this is the blackest rite: to eat the flesh of your defeated enemy and drink his blood to make his essence your slave forever.

In the rite of communion, the principle of identification is used. Identification means the transfer of astral-mental properties from one essence to another. That is, a person, identifying himself with Christ, takes on the properties of an already deceased person, thereby joining the world of the dead.

Baptism is a rite of blocking the development of a person's essence, a rite of connecting another donor to the egregor of the Orthodox Church.

This is a way to make a person blind so that he does not understand what is happening in his life and in the world around him.

What is baptism?

Let's turn to the brochure “On the Sacrament of Baptism” published by the Orthodox publishing house “Blagovest” in 2001 and analyze some aspects of this rite.

1. About sinfulness.

"... man is naturally born a sinner and guilty before the justice of God."

The main task of the church is to awaken in a person the feeling of guilt, to make him pray and repent, and to keep him in fear.

If this succeeds, the person becomes a “servant of God” (remember: “The servant of God is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ...”), “the slain sheep” and merges into the “flock” of Christ, and becomes ideologically controlled. To this is added the energetic dependence, which is put to a person during the rite of baptism.

2. Baptism.

"If a newborn baby is to be baptized, then on the fortieth day the priest reads a special prayer over his mother."

From this, I think, it is already clear that in the rite of baptism there is a connection with the energy of death.

3. Confirmation.

At chrismation, a person receives the "gifts of the Holy Spirit." Otherwise, these gifts are called "seals of the gift of the Holy Spirit." These seals are crosswise applied to the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs.

Thus, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th energy centers are closed, which are responsible for the inviolability of will, clairvoyance, creativity and human feelings), and the organs of perception of information are also blocked.

Miro, by the way, is also used to anoint the dead.

“In anointing of oil, just as in chrismation, I see the techniques of crude witchcraft, as in the veneration of icons and relics, as in all those rituals, prayers, and incantations with which the missal is filled. In communion I see deification of the flesh and perversion of Christian teaching. priesthood, in addition to the obvious preparation for deception, I see a direct violation of the words of Christ - directly forbidding anyone to be called teachers, fathers, instructors (Matt. XXIII, 8-10) ". L.N. Tolstoy, from a letter April 04, 1901.

4. tonsure.

Small strands are cut crosswise on the back of the head, near the forehead, on the right and left sides of the head. Then the hair is rolled up in a piece of wax and thrown into the font.

In magic, this is called death-envolting!

With the help of this ritual, a person is completely attached to the Christian egregor, and at the same time to the egregor of magic.

5. Churching.

The priest reads the prayer: "Now let go of Thy servant, Master, according to Thy verb in peace: as if my eyes see Thy salvation, I have prepared before the face of all people, light in the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Thy people Israel" - everything is clear. comments are superfluous.

In the early stages, the baptismal ceremony had no biblical basis.

Adolf Harnack, a renowned theologian, writes on this subject:

"It is impossible to directly prove that Jesus instituted baptism, since the words quoted by Matthew (28:19) are not the words of God."

It is also interesting to note that baptism is performed in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, which was not in any of the early manuscripts.

Adolph Harnack points out that "this threefold formula is alien to the mouth of Jesus and did not have the authority in the apostolic age, which it should have had if it came from Jesus himself."

Another point is the inconsistency of the sacrament of baptism in general Christian theology.

Baptism, as it is now understood, means that the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, enters into a person and takes away sins from him. If we accept this, then it is not clear how, at a later stage in the life of the same person, Satan expels the Holy Spirit from him and leads the person into sin by temptation.

The question arises: can the devil tempt a person who is filled and guarded by the Holy Spirit?

Thus, it is very clear that baptism is not at all based on the teachings of Jesus.

And let's hear what the eniologists have to say about the rite of baptism.

Anastasia NATALICH, eniokorrektor Research Center "ENIO":

"It is believed that a baptized child is protected by divine power, and an unbaptized child is more vulnerable. The natural desire of parents - to protect their child from all sorts of troubles - obliges them to follow traditions. Everyone does so, which means it is" right. "

Suddenly something happens, the thought immediately arises: "Maybe because he is unbaptized, which means he is not protected?" You need to understand that the best protection for a child is the parents. This is how nature works.

Conflicts, misunderstandings, troubles between father and mother are reflected in the child.

As for the ceremony, then, firstly, to carry it out at an irresponsible age is a violation of a person's will.

Christ was baptized at the age of 33. A person must decide for himself whether he needs it or not.

Secondly, water is involved in the baptism ceremony - a universal carrier of information, ideally preserving and structuring information. What information the church water carries is another question ...

It is not uncommon for a person to be baptized with a middle name. During the correction, eniologists, as a rule, see exactly the second name of the child.

A person opens another parallel channel, which gives a serious energy load on fate. The same burden arises if a person is named after someone else.

If a child has two names, he begins to live with two streamers, and the passage of fate is a little more difficult. "

Any ceremony introduces a person into an altered state of awareness. Hypnosis, meditation, breathing exercises, contemplation, defocusing of attention, prayer, etc. have the same effects.

But in an altered state of consciousness, a person cannot fully analyze what is happening and the likelihood of an alien influence on his consciousness is very high, in other words - a zombie.

6. Wedding.

The wedding is a ritual of a voluntary love spell - although almost all the married do not know about it. Wedding rings carry a symbol of the partner's energy, reinforced by the will and energy of the Egregor of the Church and influencing the human biofield as a permanent synchronizer of the energies of two people, uniting them and linking them for life. Strengthening this ritual is carried out by a threefold exchange of rings by the newlyweds. In the classics, the groom is given a gold ring, and the bride is given a silver ring. This strengthens the subordination of the wife to her husband. Although this tradition is becoming less well known. Since ancient times, a long train of a wedding dress has been recommended for a bride - there is a sign that the longer it is, the longer the young live. But from an esoteric point of view, a long train is the grounding of the bride and anchoring by the elements of the earth. Dressing (symbolically holding over the head) crowns (wreaths) - enhances the influence of the Church (her Egregor) on the crowned, securing the love spell on behalf of the Church and its Power. The energies are cut off along the sahasrara chakra and the block is imposed by the Egregor of the church. At the same time, there is a selection of energy in the Egregor of the Church - actually reducing the life time of the married. The Church calls for the same consolidation of the union three times. A sort of magical closure of the circle of ritual.

7. Confession.

"In the periodic forgiveness of sins in confession, I see a harmful deception, only encouraging immorality and destroying the fear of sinning." From a letter to L.N. Tolstoy April 04, 1901

In confession there is a psychotherapeutic option to alleviate a person's negative attitude towards their actions. The Church through the priest "forgives" sins before God, "cleansing" the luggage of a person. This is done through a prayer for absolution, a ritual of purification from Magic, when building a connection with the Supreme, God, before whom there is a purification, but without the energetic component of the ritual, without burning the negative and working with the past, modeling the present and the future. This is a truncated ritual adapted to the modern canonical activity of the Church. But this is a ritual.

It will not be a secret that magic and the church have similarities. The main task of both sides is the spiritual growth of the community. There is more than enough in common between church and magic. Take at least the representatives of both. The ministers of the church, as well as shamans, sorcerers and healers, try to achieve communication with a higher power than themselves, they also create vibrations, which are taught to subsequent generations.

Rituals will not be an exception, because during magic rituals a spell is read, which in essence is very similar to a church prayer. That is, a person turns to something higher. A true representative of the church, like a true magician, has only one goal - they must help people and maintain universal harmony.

Over the course of the centuries, kingdoms, governments, laws, generations have changed, but the church and magic have been going side by side for many centuries unchanged. Unfortunately, not all magicians and not all priests strive to give good to people and help evolution. The fact is that there are also such representatives of these two representatives of the higher image who only hide behind a name, but basically they do it for their own benefit. But I hasten to rejoice that not all are like that, there are actually right people who are able to give light to the world and devote their lives to this.

But the former, basically, can only criticize both the church and magical powers, including psychics, love spells, and so on. In such cases, a person often asks the question, they say, since the church is so holy, why then is it against magical forces and everything connected with it, why does the church repel magic when there is God's commandment "do not judge." Everything is extremely simple! The real church will not condemn magic or anything else, because according to the word of God we are all brothers, and we are all equal, and we are all created in his image. And only representatives of the false church condemn magic.

In different sources, you can find different interpretations of the word "magic". You and I need to deal with this concept and then everything will fall into place and it will be clear why we have combined such two things - magic and Christianity - which have always been considered incompatible.

So what do people use to call magic? We call magic what we cannot scientifically explain. Consider a simple example: casting treatment.

During this procedure, the healer changes his energy state by reciting special prayers. He turns to the Higher Consciousness, to the Higher Reason and asks for help. That through his hands God help heal the sick. When contact with the Higher Forces is established, they transmit several specific streams of energy that protect the magician and heal the person. All this, of course, happens if the healer is competent and conscientious. It turns out that nothing supernatural happened - the magician, as a guide, helped you to get the necessary energy. It was possible, of course, just to pray (this is not forbidden by the church), but the result would have forced myself to wait, and I would have had to pray more than once or twice. (I know a case when one mother prayed every day for her drinking son. After 15 (fifteen) years he stopped drinking. Yes, it is possible, there will be no sin in this, maybe. Or maybe it will. After all, if you will all these 15 years swearing and lamenting about the same booze, then fate will punish you for intemperance.) You don't have to turn to magicians, then you yourself need to influence the situation deeper than just prayers.

Can you meekly endure everything and keep praying? Then go ahead! You will definitely achieve results with a strong and unrelenting faith.

The healer, unfortunately or fortunately, does not have an extra 15 years, and there are a lot of people asking for help, so there are rituals that help speed up the result, bring the desired goal closer. This is the same as medical treatment: you are not only taken with pills, but also injections are prescribed - intramuscular, intravenous, you are treated with current, ultrasound. And we are already used to it. Because the scientists explained that pills work like this, and injections work differently, and ultrasound has such and such capabilities. All this is called complex treatment. That's the same with the witch!

Have you ever seen an ultrasound? Did you hold it in your hands? The pill, of course, you see and know what it is made of, what it will heal, although you can hardly imagine the processes that will occur in your body as a result of chemical reactions. Now try to understand how ultrasound works and understand how energy flow works. The same! Nothing supernatural!

Let's take a look at Christianity from the point of view of magic. This religion, in its essence, fully meets the requirements of Nature. Without revealing the secrets of nature, Christianity attunes its followers to the harmonious development of the soul, body, relations with the outside world: the commandments are aimed at spiritual development and harmonious interaction with others, fasts are aimed at purifying the physical body.

There is nothing in religion that would harm human nature. Any religion preaches fasting at certain times of the year, for a person it is a blessing. From a physical point of view, the human body needs to be unloaded sometimes.

In Christianity, there is the sign of the cross, imposed on the Orthodox. It is believed that it protects from external and internal evil spirits. Yes it is. But, from an energetic point of view, the sign of the cross regulates the biofield, restores it, after it, after the correct distribution of energy, health is restored. And the fact is that it has long been known about the existence of meridians running through the physical and energy body. Meridians penetrate the body and pass through the fingers. It is by closing certain meridians and mixing the action of individual streams that we get a certain energy state by touching ourselves with fingers folded in a special way.

In India, the addition of hands is called mudra. And these mudras heal people! We can get the same thing. During the imposition of the cross, there is an even distribution of energy. So what is this? This is the law of the universe. This is a natural process. And isn't this the Magic of Nature? A person regularly makes passes on himself (in this case, the sign of the cross) and is healed! This is a miracle!

It turns out that magic has answers to all questions. Magic is a phenomenon of nature, the universe. These are processes taking place in living and inanimate objects. It's just that we are used to calling magic what scientists have not yet been able to make out on the shelves. We call Magic everything that the Church calls this word.

To finally dot the i's, let's take examples from the Bible - there is no more sacred book.

The birth of Jesus Christ was foretold by the stars. Those. some knowledge in astrology was already there and it was not considered a sin to use them.

Plus, as we all know from the Bible, the stars are also created by God. So they influence us according to the understanding of God. No one denies that our Sun has different activities that affect us. Everyone knows that during eclipses, loud events are bound to occur. Children born on the day of the eclipse differ in character and fate from those born at the same time but in a different year. Other planets are also affected. Again, not without the knowledge of God, because it says: "Your will is both in heaven and on earth."

Further, the Bible writes about the wonderful properties of water: "Everything that the unclean touches, put into the water until evening and it will be clean again." And this is not about natural tangible dirt. Then what about? This means that the Bible still recognizes the presence of fluids, energy. And water really washes away not only dirt, but also foreign and negative vibrations. These are the properties of water. This is recognized in the Bible and it is not denied by magicians, but moreover, it is always used for the benefit of man.

Church and magic go hand in hand with each other as often as they often go apart. Magic itself is neutral. It is a collection of secret knowledge and techniques for their application. A person always has the right to choose. This right was given to him from above. He must decide for himself to use his magic in difficult times, or to act on his own. Magic can bring both good and evil, it all depends on the person who uses it. Magic is magic, it is a way to achieve harmony and happiness with the help of external forces. We also go to church to ask for a miracle, we wait for magic.

Is it not a miracle that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they spoke in all the languages ​​of the world? Isn't it a miracle that seriously ill people were healed from one touch of them in the name of God? Priests are often the main opponents of magic and extrasensory perception. But why? Is it not from God that psychics receive this gift - to heal people? Is it a sin to help others? The Church opposes magic only because it is often used for selfish purposes, to the detriment of others. When, with the help of magic, a person wants to deprive another person of will, affects his psyche and feelings, sends damage and curses. If a person uses magic for good purposes, to heal people, remove negativity, etc., then I think he is not committing a sin.

If the priest claims that any psychic will be rejected by the church, I do not believe in it. I believe that God judges people according to their deeds, and if a person helped people get rid of the disease, then how can the church reject him? It is important that in the soul of a person, whether he is a psychic, a magician or a simple person. In one of the Gospels forbidden by the Church, the following words are said: “The Kingdom of God is within you, and everywhere around you! Not in buildings made of stone and wood ... "Because it is important that inside the psychic, the priest, and whether he commits his actions in the name of God or ...

"They should have said that he was blaspheming about Christ, who drove the bulls, sheep and merchants out of the temple. If he came now and saw what is being done in his name in the church, terrible antimensions, and spears, and crosses, and cups, and candles, and icons, and all that by means of which they, conjuring, hide God and his teaching from people. " L.N. Tolstoy, from a letter April 04, 1901. Midgard.Info

Something like this))) What is your opinion?