How to make a private house in minecraft. How to privatize territory in Minecraft on the server

  • 19.10.2019

Everyone, starting to play Minecraft on our Minecraft servers with a launcher and mods, wondered how to privatize a territory in Minecraft, and in our case, how to privatize a territory in Minecraft on a server? In this article, we will try to break it down and explain every aspect: you will learn how to create your first region, how to allocate a territory for private, what flags are and how to use them, basic commands for working with regions and private territory in Minecraft.

Create a region

First, you need a wooden axe, which you can get with the //wand command.

Please note that a wooden ax does not cut wood!

The right mouse button is used to select the first private point, while the left mouse button is used to select the second private point. Also, to select positions, you can use the commands //hpos1 and //hpos2 (in this case, you need to look at the block that you want to mark) or //pos1 and //pos2 (you must stand on the block that you want to select as a position) .

The selection of the territory consists of a cuboid, that is, it is necessary to select diagonally.

After you enter the //wand command, you will receive the following message in the chat:

Let's start with the allocation of territory. We marked 2 points with a wooden axe:

The selected territory is indicated in the world green grid. If you have selected the territory incorrectly or have already selected, but the green grid remains, you can clear the selection with the //sel command. By the way, you can select an already created region with a green grid using the /region select command

And so, we have identified the territory, but in terms of height it occupies only 1 block. Now you need expand the territory in height (Y coordinate).

You can expand or reduce the region in the following directions:

  • north- north.
  • south- south.
  • west- west.
  • east- East
  • up- up.
  • down- way down.
  • Looking at one side of the world.
  • To the sky and to the bedrock.

To indicate the direction, you can use the short names of the sides ( N, S, W, E, U, D).
To reduce the region, use the //contract command
You can determine the size of the region with the //size command

For clarity, examples of expanding and reducing the selected region:
The //expand 10 up command will expand the region up by 10 cubes

Using the command //contract 10 down the region will decrease from top to bottom by 10 cells

And so, we expanded the territory in height, for which we received the following messages:

As soon as we have allocated a territory, it is necessary to create a region and thereby seize territory.

To save the region, use the / rg claim command<название региона>. And so, I named my region DanchikMINER123, therefore, my command will look like this: / rg claim DanchikMINER123 .

If you did everything correctly, you will receive the following message:

Deleting a region

To remove a region, use the /region remove command.<название региона> . Only region owners can delete a region

If you made a mistake when selecting a territory, but the region has already been saved, you can select the points again and update it using the /region update command<название региона>

Checking the region

To check the territory for the presence of the region - take an ordinary stick and right-click on the territory:

Adding a Player to a Region

Also, you can add a player to your region with two commands: /rg addmember<ваш регион> <ник игрока>- in this case, the player is added to the region as a member. He can build on it, but he cannot govern the region itself.

/rg addon command<ваш регион> <имя игрока>should only be used if you trust the player! It gives you full power over the region: you can add/remove players from it, set flags and delete the region itself.


For greater security of your region were invented flags. The /region flag command is used to set the flag value.<название региона> <флаг> <значение флага>. Most of the flags available to players can have only three values ​​- allow (allow), deny (prohibit), none (by default).

Flag Description Meaning* Rights
use vanilla buttons, things, doors, gates, music blocks, etc. deny All players
pvp Allows or disables PvP in your region. deny All players
chest access Allows or denies the use vanilla chests. deny All players
fake-players Allows or disables the use of certain special items from mods. deny All players
mods Allows or denies the use of items from mods. deny All players
ic2 Allows or denies the use of items from the mod Industrial Craft 2. deny All players
lava flow Enables or disables lava flow. allow All players
water flow Allows or prohibits the flow of water. allow All players
vehicle-place Enables or disables the installation of carts. allow All players

* - default value.

For example, take the flag pvp(prohibits PvP in the region), thus, to enable PvP - you need to write the following command: / region flag<название регионе>pvp allow .

The flags are also divided into groups, of which there are only five:

Let's look at the example of the flag use:

  1. Create a new region, the default flag is use always set to deny
  2. We add a participant to the region, we see that he cannot open doors, workbenches, tables, etc.
  3. To avoid this, we need to enable the use flag for the group members, that is, participants
  4. We write the following command: / rg flag my_region -g members use allow
  5. Now participants can open doors, workbenches, tables, for all others, the flag will be the default, i.e. deny

You have been building your house in Minecraft for a long time and painstakingly. Selected or developed a project and design. The blocks were carefully selected and carefully installed. As a result, you have a magnificent house in which you enjoy spending time in the game. And you proudly show it to your friends and say that you did all this with your own hands. And suddenly, one fine moment, someone came and occupied your house.

To eliminate the possibility that someone in the game without permission and brazenly takes your house, there is a system of private territories. There are several ways to privatize a house in Minecraft.

  1. First we need a wooden axe. If you don't have one, just type //wand in the chat. To open a chat, press the "T" button. Now we need to determine the perimeter of the private area. Go to point "A" and mark it with an axe. Now go to point "B" and do the same. Now we need to expand our rectangle up (if you have a house) or down (if you want to also private the basement). There are commands for this: // expand 20 up - expands the territory by 20 blocks up; // expand 20 down - expands the territory down by 20 blocks too. Of course, choose the number of blocks yourself, depending on the height or depth of your house.
    But you can immediately designate the entire private territory. First, as in the first case, mark point “A” with an ax. And then point "C".
  2. In the second method, we do not need any items. You just need to stand on point "A" and type the command //pos 1 . And then stand on point "C" and type //pos 2 . But to get to point "C" you have to build something that looks like a ladder or a pillar. You can of course, as in the first method, specify the points "A" and "B", and then expand the territory with the //expand command.
  3. In the third option, you need to point the point "A" with the cursor and write the command //hpos 1 . Then indicate the point "C" and again write the command //hpos 2. The easiest and easiest way to private at home.

Having determined the territory (region) for private, type the command in the chat /rg claim [name of your territory]. For example, if you privatize a house, then the territory will be called home and the private command will look like this: / rg claim home .

Now you know how to privatize your house or any territory in Minecraft. But there are also several useful commands regarding private in the game.

  • /region addmember [territory name] [player nickname] - add the owner of the territory, he will have the same rights as you.
  • /region removemember [territory] [player nickname] - we remove the co-owner.
  • /region redefine [territory] — change your private territory.
  • /region select [territory] - Choose a territory.
  • /region list- display a list of private territories.
  • /region remove [territory] - remove the private area.
  • /region info [territory] - we display information on a private territory.
  • /region flag [territory] [flag name] [position] — we protect your territory from creepers and other mobs that can

The house, having obtained and accumulated many different materials, installed everything necessary for life in it, for example, a bed, a TV set and other interesting items, it is only natural that you want to protect them from attacks by other players.

It is very important to ensure not only the safety of the house, but also to prevent the opening of chests and theft of diamonds. Naturally, all this can be hidden, surrounded, and housing can be built in a hard-to-reach place. But the most effective method of protection is the privatization of territories.

What you need for private territory in Minecraft

To privatize anything, you need an axe. To make it, you need to put three boards in the crafting window in the upper left corner, and two sticks in the middle cell and the cell below it. This way you will be able to craft a wooden axe. But if you replace the boards with cobblestones, gold or diamonds, you can get a stone, gold or diamond tool, respectively.

How to privatize a territory in Minecraft

To implement a private, you must determine the approximate size of the territory that you want to make private. You should approach the starting point of the area to be privatized and click on the selected block with the left mouse button so that the inscription "First position set" appears on the screen. Next, you need to proceed to the next point and click on the right mouse button. You also need to highlight the top and bottom points.

Minecraft has special commands that allow you to privatize a territory. So, /region define(/region redefine) is used to change the private zone. The /region claim request gives you the option to claim a region for yourself. The inscription /region select selects the region. To view information about , type /region info.

Locked items can be used not only by you, but also by your friends in Minecraft. The /region addowner(/region removeowner) command allows you to change the owners of a region. By adding a friend to this list, you can give him exactly the same rights as you. You can type /region list to see a list of all the territories you have secured.

You can change the size of the attached territory in height using the //expand command<кол-во кубов> <направление>. To select the height and depth of a private, you need to enter the appropriate number of blocks, and to determine the direction, the English words down - down, up - up are used. You can remove a private by entering the phrase / region remove<имя зоны>

Thus, having learned how to privatize a territory in Minecraft, you can safely build beautiful houses, hide the extracted wealth in them, close chests from outside access. You can also form teams with friends and share the use of restricted areas.


Every player starting should know;
What is privat territory or how to privatize a house in Minecraft
otherwise, you can lose everything acquired, this is not a single game for you, where only you and you play! There are many different people on minecraft servers and
not everyone has a good intention.

So that this does not happen, let's figure it out in detail - what is

Private territory in Minecraft

For private territory in Minecraft you will need; a stack of any blocks and a wooden ax, the ax itself for private, and the blocks to build a pillar under it to mark the second top point. Blocks you have to dig up, but wooden ax for private can be obtained by writing a command in the chat //wand and pressing Enter .

And so, you dug up the blocks, you have a wooden ax, now you need to find a territory for building a house and secure it.

When choosing a territory for your house, pay attention to nearby houses, as their privacy may interfere with your future privacy, giving an error like
Having chosen a place for a house, imagine what it will be like for you and proceed to private.
Privatize the territory diagonally, as shown in the picture.

How to make private in minecraft

In order for you to know how to make a private in minecraft, I describe in detail. Having chosen the territory, we are preparing to mark the first point, make a deepening,
(the depth depends on how far you go down when building a house, often a basement is built under the house, so this also needs to be taken into account)
and by pressing the left mouse button we mark the first point of private.
Next, we go along the diagonal of your chosen territory and start building a pillar,
(the pole should be at least 5 - 6 blocks higher than your future home) and right-click mark the second private point (right on the block you're standing on).

Having marked both points, we write the private command /region claim [region name],
for example: / region claim dom7 , then press Enter ,
at the same time, a record should appear in the chat
Region saved as dom7, in your case instead of dom7 the name of your region.

That's all! Your territory is reserved!

How to check private in minecraft

I think everyone knows how to check private skin in minecraft.
Therefore, we take the skin in our hands and check the correctness of the private,
this entry should come out:

If everything is fine, we start building a house, without forgetting
put a point at home by typing the /sethome command.
Also, when building a house and after the construction is completed, check all corners with leather for the presence of privat.
But if this inscription did not come out, then a reason should appear in the chat for which
failed to capture the territory.
Possible causes and their solutions.
Selected area touches another region
You will have to look for exactly where your region is in contact with someone else's private.
You have exceeded the region limit - marked more than 30,000 blocks
Help: By purchasing, you increase both the size and the number of private regions.
Shrink your region
You used all your regions (everyone is different, we have 3 regions available on our servers)
What are you doing here anyway?.
I am sure that everyone understood how to privatize a house in Minecraft,
and yet, for those who are in the tank, I advise you to watch a video about private as well.
Private house in Minecraft

Commands for private in Minecraft


The main team for private territory in Minecraft
/region claim [Region name] - Create region.
(All this is written with a space and without brackets)

How to add a friend to private

When thinking about how to add a friend to private, you must remember;
Prescribing | by adding a friend or someone to your private, you endanger both the house and your property!
Since after adding your "friend" can simply break everything, you are solely responsible for this action! The administration will not return anything to you and will not help you in any way, so think about whether it is worth adding someone to your private.
/region addmember [Region name] [Player nickname] - Add Resident to Region
(Nicks through a space if there are a lot of people).

/region addowner [Region name] [Player nickname]Add owner to region
(as well as you will be able to manage the region)

/region select [Region name] -Highlight the selected region.
/region info [Region name] - View information about the region.

How to remove a region in Minecraft

- Removing private.

Decided to expand the region or move, you should know how to delete a region in Minecraft. There is - if the house does not have a private, then it is nobody's and any player has the right to pick it up or break it, so remember;
Removing a private will lead to the loss of everything acquired!
/region remove [Region name] -
/region delete [Region name] - Delete the region you created.

How to remove a friend from private

To remove a friend from a private, you need to know the appropriate commands.
/region removemember [Region name] [Player nickname] - Remove a resident from a private.
/region removeowner [Region name] [Player nickname]Remove owner from private.

Actually everything! Now knowing the commands for private territory and your territory will be under reliable protection. Build houses, fortresses and castles, create clans and guilds, play for fun on servers.

Let's approach this issue from this side: what does it mean to privatize, what is it for and where is it used?

Territory privacy is the process of selecting a certain part of the terrain in Minecraft and describing it with some commands that do not allow anyone other than its owner or user to change the composition of this territory. This is necessary so that the insidious Griefers cannot rob your house in Minecraft.

The following question arises: who are Griefers? As they said in one series about the Zombie Apocalypse, there is nothing more dangerous for a person than another person. After all, Griefers are Minecraft players who are too lazy to extract resources and other things in Minecraft themselves, and who rob other players for profit. True, there are also Griefers who, instead of robbing Minecraft players, set traps in their homes to laugh. It is for such reptiles that we need to privatize a house.

From what I told you, we can conclude that you need to privatize only on large servers, because there are no Griefers in a single player game. In order to be able to privatize the territory on your server, you need to install a special Minecraft Bukkit plugin “World Guard”.

To privatize a house, you need to select a region. Any part of a region selected in Minecraft is a cuboid. This means that you can only select a territory in the form of a parallelepiped (no other shapes). It is marked with two dots.

The first and easiest way to select a region

Select one block with the left button while holding a wooden ax in hand (it can be obtained an infinite number of times with the //wand command), and the other with the right button while also holding an ax. These will be the extreme points of our cuboid. But this method is not the most convenient. With it, you will have to erect high pillars and dig deep holes so that you can choose the extreme point.

Attention: brackets below< >commands do not need to be written. This applies to all of this text.

To make your work easier, we set the commands:
// expand<длина> <направление>– Thus, we will expand the region in the direction we set.
For example: //expand 7 up - The territory allocation increases by 7 cubes from the bottom up.

// contract<длина> <направление>- So we will reduce the selection of the region in the direction we set.
For example: //contract 9 down - The territory allocation is reduced by 9 cubes from top to bottom.

We can choose from the following directions:

  1. down;

The first changes the parameter in the direction we are looking. The second two do it down or up.

Let's talk more about the contract command

By choosing the direction me, we will decrease the region by the number FROM us that we specified. By specifying the up side, we will make the region smaller from the bottom up - which means that its bottom face will rise up. You can also use a third argument between the first and last, which will give you the ability to specify the amount of shrinkage of the selection from one side to the other.

If we want to shift your entire selection from head to head:
//shift<длина> <направление>.
Example://shift 3 down - This will shift our selection 3 blocks down.

To select a block from a distance, you need the following commands:
//hpos1 (instead of left click);
//hpos2 (instead of right click).

Thanks to these commands, extreme points appear in those blocks that are behind the cross located in the middle of the screen.

When you change the selection of the region in the chat, the coordinates of the outermost block and the number of blocks in the selected region at the moment are shown.

Now that our private territory is selected, it can be saved with a name that we ourselves will come up with:
/region claim<имя региона>– Saves the designated cuboid as a region with a name of our own making.

Actually, this is already a reserved territory, but it can be configured.

Each private has its owning players (owner) and their users (member). Owners can change the region settings, and add other owners and just users. The latter can only build, destroy, use doors, chests, etc. - in general, to do only what is possible in the unclaimed territory. When we create a region, we immediately acquire the status of its owner.

To register another player as the owner or user of the region, you will need the following commands:
/region addon<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region addowner MyRegion MyFriend Somebody;

/region addmember<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region addmember MyRegion MyFriend Somebody.

To remove them, you need to know the following:
/region removeowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region removeowner MyRegion MyFriend Somebody;

/region removemember<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region removemember MyRegion MyFriend Somebody.

Let's look at this with an example

Two friends Super_Ninja and Duper_Ninja joined a Minecraft server and built a house. Super Ninja was tasked with locking him up. He typed in /region claim Ninja_Dojo. After that, he added his friend Duper_Ninja as the owner of this region: /region addowner Ninja_Dojo Duper_Ninja. After a while they decided to make the house more beautiful. They called two more players Samurai_Jack and Samurai_Petya to help. Duper_Ninja added them to the region so they couldn't kick them out: /region addmember Ninja_Dojo Samurai_Jack Samurai_Petya. When they finished, the diamonds disappeared from their chest. Super_Ninja suspected those two assistants. And he entered: region removemember Ninja_Dojo Samurai_Jack Samurai_Petya. From that moment on, they were no longer members of the private. But then Super_Ninja found out that Duper Ninja did it. Then he removed that too: /region removeowner Ninja_Dojo Duper_Ninja. Now he is the only one who can do anything in the Ninja_Dojo region.

IMPORTANT POINT: You can’t allocate territory that was not reserved by you, allocate more than 50,000 blocks of territory or from the sky to Bedrock, call the private after someone else’s name and “take over the world of Minecraft”.