SEO plugins for WordPress. Great review of the best SEO plugins for WordPress Best plugin for seo wordpress

  • 11.11.2020

If you type “SEO” in the WordPress plugins directory, you will get 49 pages of search results in response. Considering that there are 20 results on each page, there are 980 results in total, quite a lot ...

One of the most popular WordPress SEO plugins with over five million active installs.

What can be done with it:

  • create an XML map;
  • verify your site in webmaster tools (Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, etc.);
  • exclude (noindex) certain types of content from indexing (for example, pages of categories, tags, media, etc.);
  • create title and description meta tag templates;
  • optimize AMP pages (this requires Glue for Yoast and AMP).

As far as page-level optimization is concerned, with Yoast you can:

  • Add a metablock to all posts and pages. Here you can set title tags, meta descriptions, Open Graph tags, etc.

  • There is also a feature that shows how well the page is optimized for the main keywords.

However, do not pay too much attention to this. The functionality is simple and aimed at the exact occurrence of keywords in headings and subheadings, as well as the content itself. These factors are not the main ranking factors, and the desire to score the maximum number of points here often leads to a deterioration in the quality of the content.

  • The readability analysis is a bit more useful, as speaks about how convenient your content is for perception. It also evaluates the length of sentences and the location of subheadings.

Conclusion: A good starter plugin for most WordPress sites.

In general, the functionality is similar to Yoast SEO, but at the same time it has more customization options and useful additions.

For example, the plugin can be used to:

  • editing the robots.txt file through a convenient user interface (requires a free add-on);
  • editing .htaccess file without FTP (also requires free add-on);
  • blocking "bad" bots, including referral spam (also requires a free add-on);
  • adding markup to display links in the site snippet in search results;
  • auto-generate meta descriptions.

The plugin also supports AMP.

Perhaps the most powerful SEO plugin on the market - it combines great functionality and a convenient user interface. There is even a setup wizard that guides you through the installation process.

What Rank Math has:

When switching to Rank Math from Yoast or All in One SEO Pack, all settings can be imported.

The SEO Framework

Another alternative to Yoast and All in One SEO Pack - everything is very similar in functionality.

Google recommends breaking up long sheets of text into logical chunks and linking each one to a corresponding link in the content at the top of the page. This is exactly what the plugin does – it adds content to posts and pages to make them easier to navigate.

Here's what it looks like:

Because such content makes long pages less complex, you can expect improvements in behavioral factors: time spent on the page, bounce rate, time between going to the site and returning to the search results.

Also, the plugin can add additional links to the snippet, which will positively affect the CTR.

As for the plugin itself, it's super customizable. You can choose on which pages and in which part the content should appear, the type of subheadings.

The plugin also reports 301 redirects, and there is also an option to replace the redirect link with the final version.

But the plugin also has disadvantages - it can seriously increase the loading speed of the site, especially if cheap and slow hosting is used. Therefore, it is better to run it periodically for verification, and disable it the rest of the time.

The plugin compresses and optimizes images on the site, which significantly affects the speed of page loading. How much images will be reduced, the user chooses independently in the settings.

The plugin supports JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF files.

There is also an optimizer for already loaded images.

A simple plugin for lazy loading images. When it is enabled, images that are outside the visible part of the screen are not loaded until the user scrolls to them. You can also specify pages in the settings where lazy loading of images is not needed.

Lazy loading can be disabled for images on certain site elements, such as widgets and gravatars.

The plugin allows multilingual sites to add the hreflang tag to the pages indicating the region and language of the content.

A simple plugin for creating 301 redirects and more.

The plugin creates a static HTML version of the dynamic content on the site and then shows it to visitors instead of slow loading dynamic versions. For most users, basic caching functionality will suffice.


The plugin minifies, compresses and caches scripts and styles and ultimately speeds up the loading of the site. There is also built-in functionality for delayed loading and setting up the loading of Google Fonts.

Really Simple SSL

The plugin is useful when switching the site from HTTP to HTTPS. Firstly, it offers SSL certificates for free, and secondly, it helps to set up redirects to the HTTPS version of the site.

Anti spam

The plugin filters spam comments and does not require captcha.

The plugin is useful for users who want to add nofollow links to the site, but do not understand HTML. The plugin solves this problem by adding a feature to the visual editor.

WordPress is the most used blogging platform in the world. Over 20% of websites are made in WordPress. If you have such a site, then you need to optimize the articles or other content on your site for search engines such as Google, Yahoon and Bing. This will allow them to crawl and index your website.

Here you can choose and use them to give your site an amazing look. After installing the theme, you need to install the WordPress SEO plugin. Optimization is a very time-consuming area, it requires a lot of knowledge, work, and experience. Luckily, WordPress offers a variety of SEO plugins.

Here you will find a list of the best SEO plugins for WordPress. After installing these plugins, you will notice big changes in the search engine promotion of your site.

1. YOAST WORDPRESS SEO PLUGIN - SEO plugin for WordPress

Yoast wordpress seo plugin is the best SEO plugin for WordPress. It can help you improve your site's search rankings. You can fully optimize your website with Yoast wordpress seo plugin.

Important features of Yoast wordpress seo plugin:

  • Content optimization
  • Page Analysis
  • Technical search engine optimization
  • Meta tags and links
  • Sitemap XML
  • RSS optimization
  • manupilate .htaccess and robots.txt files
  • Integration into society
  • Multisite Compatibility
  • Import/Export functionality

Yoast seo plugin will help you focus on the main keywords when writing an article. It does all the technical optimization to improve your content.

How to use Yoast wordpress seo plugin

This plugin is very easy to use. Below is a real screenshot of the Yoast plugin as it will appear in each post.

  • Above you can see a snippet of an image that shows the plugin in action.
  • Keyword tab: Place the first keyword in this tab. You will see how often the keyword is used in the post. In it, you can maintain keyword density.
  • SEO Meta Title Tab: Write your Meta Title on this page. This is one of the most important tabs for your entry. The focus keyword is set only here. It must be less than 70 characters.
  • Meta description tab: write a short summary of your post that will be displayed on the Google search engine page. It usually contains less than 156 characters. You must include both keywords - primary and secondary.


This plugin can easily optimize your WordPress blog for search engine promotion. This is the best WordPress SEO plugin after Yoast WordPress seo plugin. It has a built-in XML sitemap display system, directly displays your sitemap to Google and Bing, and improves your site's search ranking.

Important Features of All In One Seo Pack Plugin For WordPress:

  • Google analytics support
  • Support for customizing post types for SEO
  • Promotion of reference URLs
  • Automatic site title optimization for Google and other search engines
  • Automatically generated Meta tags on the website

All in one seo pack is the best SEO plugin for WordPress that automatically optimizes your site for search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing.


As everyone knows, the ALT attribute plays an important role in search engine promotion. It is one of the important components of search engine optimization, because it describes images for search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing.

The SEO Friendly Images Plugin For WordPress provides the ability to automatically add alt and title attributes to all your blog images. If your images are missing alt or title attributes, then this plugin will add them according to your choice.

Installing and Using the SEO Friendly Images Plugin


Squirrly seo plugin is a great SEO plugin for WordPress. This is an exceptional tool that allows you to optimize your content as well as promote it in search engines. It is user friendly and search engine friendly.

Squirrly seo plugin will help you create content that is both Google search engine friendly and user friendly. This is a great SEO plugin for WordPress that creates a great experience for both crawlers and readers of your content.

Important features of Squirrly seo plugin for WordPress:

  • It gives you SEO tips as you enter your content.
  • Helps in optimizing articles
  • Suggests the keywords your customers are searching for
  • Has keyword analysis algorithms
  • Gives professional editing advice
  • Analyzes each article separately
  • Optimizes content for readers
  • Provides free images to use
This is how Squirrly seo plugin works


This WordPress SEO plugin is very useful for any blog or website. It checks all posts, comments, and other content on the site. It tells us if it finds a broken link or some missing image on the site.

Broken link checker plugin will monitor your entire site and blog for broken links that lead nowhere.

Important features of Broken link checker plugin for WordPress:

  • Monitors links on the site page, in comments or user fields
  • Finds a broken or broken link
  • Notifies via control panel or email
  • Alerts search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo about broken links
  • Extremely customizable
This is how the Broken link checker plugin works

If you are using another WordPress SEO plugin, you can suggest your best plugin in the comments. We will review it and add it to the list.

Meet Petya. Petya has a very cool blog - beautiful, functional, full of the most useful and interesting information. Not a blog, but just a fairy tale. But Google does not agree with this, which means that Petya's visitors are parents and a girlfriend. And that's because Petya doesn't know anything about SEO.

SEO - or rather, SEO - is search engine optimization (Search Engine Optimization). And properly implementing SEO on your blog is not an easy task. It includes optimizing articles and posts for keywords, using human-readable URLs, working on the site structure and a detailed analysis of all external links. In general, Google rankings are affected byover 200 factors - and these are only those that are published and proven.

Of course, you can start following all 200 manually, or you can try to write code that does it for you. But it is much easier and more efficient to use SEO plugins and applications.

Yoast SEO

If you want to install only one plugin on your blog, let it be Yoast. Yoast is an add-on of incredible scale for WordPress that is fully focused on optimizing your blog content for search engines.

Yoast SEO allows you to:

  1. Manage titles, keywords, and descriptions on every page and every blog post.
  2. Optimize posts and pages for social networks using the protocol open graph.
  3. Create a sitemap and Twitter Maps
  4. Inform search engines about the publication of new posts
  5. Use your RSS footer.

And much, much more...

All in all, Yoast is an SEO plugin that can do a lot. But far from everything he does well, so you should play it safe and install other plugins from the list below.

All in One SEO Pack

Free, but there is a paid version

All in One SEO Pack is an alternative for Yoast SEO. All in One SEO Pack also offers a huge number of settings and options to improve site optimization, but it uses different interface design principles.

If Yoast is very beginner-friendly, with its organized settings pages and helpful tips, then All in One SEO is a system designed from the ground up for professionals. Therefore, the number of settings on the page looks intimidating, and many of the life-saving features of Yoast are simply missing. On the other hand, All in One SEO Pack's own SEO tools are more powerful.

The advantage of All in One SEO Pack is its ability to disable features that the user does not need. This allows you to optimize the plugin and use it even on a weak hosting. Of the minuses - there is no analogue to Yoast's content analysis tools. Russian-speaking bloggers are unlikely to miss them, but they are indispensable for SEO of English texts.

Link Patrol


It allows you to evaluate and optimize links - for example, to make sure that links are not spammy, look natural and generally contribute to the development of the site, rather than hinder it.

The plugin is paid, but it works much faster than free editions and allows you to achieve good results without slowing your blog down to the speed of a turtle.

SEO Friendly Images

Free, but there is a paid version

Adding images to a post is easy. But you will have to get confused if you want a search bot to find them and add them to the catalog. Especially if your site is aimed at visual content, because then it will take a lot of time to work with images.

SEO Friendly Images automatically fills in all the right tags based on the context. When working with Russian-language content, it makes sense to first look at the results of its work - after all, the rules of Russian and English are very different and the plugin may well pick up a union or a particle as a tag.

SEO Smart Link


Linking articles and posts on your site is a great way to help readers visit more pages. The problem is that when there are a lot of articles on the blog, it is difficult to find those that are suitable for linking.

SEO Smart Link solves this problem. Using tags and keywords, it automatically relinks your pages and posts. The plugin has difficulties with the Russian language, so you should carefully view the results of its work. But nothing better for automatic linking has yet been invented.

Google Keyword Planner


Google Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool. Using the limitless possibilities of Google, it shows the number of searches, the relative popularity and difficulty of each keyword.

Anyone who wants to optimize their site should use Google Keyword Planner.


If you don't trust official Google tools - is for you. According to the developers, Google Keyword Planner hides some keywords - unlike Therefore, after a request in Keyword Planner, it makes sense to repeat it on and check if there are any more popular keys that Keyword Planner did not indicate.

Yoast SEO - #1 WordPress SEO Plugin

Since 2008 Yoast SEO has helped millions of websites worldwide to rank higher in search engines. This WordPress SEO plugin helps you with your search engine optimization. Are you not entirely convinced? Yoast SEO is the favorite WordPress SEO plugin of millions of users worldwide!

As Yoast's mission is SEO for Everyone, the plugin’s users range from the bakery around the corner to some of the most popular sites on the planet.


Do you know who your competitors are in your niche? There's a reason why they are your competitors: they do what you do. And they might even do it better right now. That does not mean you can't win from them, but it does mean you need all the help to get on top and stay on top! Yoast SEO is here to help you out as we’ve helped millions of people worldwide with their WordPress SEO efforts.


Yoast SEO does everything in its power to please both visitors and search engine spiders. A dedicated team of developers, testers, architects and SEO experts work daily to improve the plugin with every release. Yoast SEO offers:

  • Title and description templates to keep snippets consistent in search results.
  • A state-of-the-art Schema implementation helps search engines make sense of your site and increases the chance on those coveted rich results.
  • The most advanced XML sitemap features at the click of a button.
  • Full control over your site's breadcrumbs.
  • Automatically set canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content.
  • [Premium] support for Yoast SEO Premium users.
  • the ability to expand Yoast SEO with the News SEO , Video SEO , Local SEO and WooCommerce SEO extensions.


We know content is king, that's why Yoast SEO is famous for its readability analysis and its SEO analysis. Yoast SEO gives you:


Whether you are a business owner or blogger, a content creator, a developer or an SEO expert: Yoast SEO helps you keep your website in perfect shape. Yoast SEO:

Premium support

The Yoast team aims to provide regular support for the Yoast SEO plugin on the forums. But please understand that we do prioritize our premium support. This one-on-one email support is available to people who bought Yoast SEO Premium .

How do I add my site to Google Search Console?

It is straightforward to add your website to Google Search Console.
1. Create a Google Search Console account and login into your account.
1. Click ‘Add a property’ under the search drop-down.
1. Enter your website URL in the box and click ‘Continue’.
1. Click the arrow next to ‘HTML tag’ to expand the option.
1. Copy the meta tag.
1. Log in to your WordPress website.
1. Click on ‘SEO’ in the dashboard.
1. Click on ‘General’.
1. Click on the ‘Webmaster Tools’ tab.
1. Paste the code in the Google field and click ‘Save Changes’.
1. Go back to Google Search Console and click ‘Verify’.

How do I install Yoast SEO breadcrumbs?

The steps below are a temporary solution as manual edits made to theme files may be overwritten with future theme updates. Please contact the theme developer for a permanent solution. We’ve written an article about the importance of breadcrumbs for SEO .

To implement the function in Yoast SEO, you will have to edit your theme. We recommend that prior to any editing of the theme files, a backup is taken. Your host provider can help you take a backup.
Copy the following code into your theme where you want the breadcrumbs to be. If you are not sure, you will need to experiment with placement:


*if* (function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb')) (


Common places where you could place your breadcrumbs are inside your single.php and/or page.php file just above the page's title. Another option that makes it really easy in some themes is by just pasting the code in header.php at the very end.

In most non-WooTheme themes, this code snippet should not be added to your functions.php file.
Alternatively, you can manually add the breadcrumb shortcode to individual posts or pages:

If you need more details or a step by step guide, read our Implementation guide for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs .

How to set noindex for URL?

Yoast SEO provides multiple options for setting a URL or group of URLs to noindex. Read more about how to do this in this guide.

Google shows the wrong description, how can I fix this?

If you’ve crafted nice meta descriptions for your blog posts, nothing is more annoying than Google showing another description for your site completely in the search result snippet.

Possible causes could be:
1.wrong description in code
2. Google cache is outdated
3. Search term manipulation
4. Google ignored the meta description

How often is Yoast SEO updated?

Yoast SEO is updated every two weeks. If you want to know why, please read this post on why we release every two weeks !

How can I get support?

The plugins you buy at Yoast are called ‘premium plugins’ (even if Premium isn’t in its name) and include a complete year of free updates and premium support. This means you can contact our support team if you have any questions about that plugin.

I have a question that is not listed

Your question most likely has an answer in our knowledge base:

Members and Developers

Yoast SEO is an open source project. The following contributors contributed to the development of the plugin:




Release Date: January 15th, 2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a bug where the Yoast SEO metabox would not be shown on custom post types and taxonomies when the settings of our plugin were never saved before.
  • Fixes a bug where the default titles for custom post types and taxonomies were not shown in the Search Appearance settings when the settings of our plugin were never saved before.


Welcome to another year of helping you achieve your goals with your site! Today, it's time for the first in a long line of releases planned for 2020: Yoast SEO 12.8. In this release, you'll find a number of bug fixes and performance enhancements. Find out more about this release in our 12.8 release post !

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a bug where clicking the notification center buttons would result in an incorrect icon and a misplaced focus style for the dismiss and restore buttons.
  • Fixes a bug where create and update actions would be done twice on multisite environments in combination with MultilingualPress.
  • Fixes a bug where an empty page title would cause the breadcrumbs schema to set a wrong url.
  • Fixes a bug where author archives for authors without post would show up in the search results, even though the "Show archives for authors without posts in search results?" option was enabled.
  • Fixes a bug where the styling was missing from admin error notices in WordPress 5.3.
  • Fixes a bug where the results of the images alt attribute SEO assessment in the Classic Editor were incorrect when the image did not have an alt attribute but did have a title attribute.


  • Optimizes the options retrieval processes. Props to Alex Bouma for his testing and suggestions.
  • Adds the possibility to declare an identifier when integrating with the Schema output.
  • Fixes the documentation in the Schema HowTo file. Props to timvaniersel.
  • Fixes the documentation in the Breadcrumbs file. Props to alfiosalanitri.
  • Moves the paginated comments notice from the dashboard to WordPress’ Site Health screen.


Release Date: December 12th, 2019

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a bug where the metabox would be broken when a relative URL was configured as WP_CONTENT_URL . Props to FPCSJames .


Release Date: December 10th, 2019

Yoast SEO 12.7 is out today - signaling the last release of 2019. This release is all about cleaning up and fixing bugs. Since we have a two-week release schedule, we can quickly respond to any bug we might find. Find out more about this release in our 12.7 release post !

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a bug where sub-sitemaps were rendered for non-public custom post types. Props to @stodorovic .
  • Fixes a bug where nested gallery images were not included in the image count in the sitemap. Props to @stodorovic .
  • Fixes a bug where the notification center 'dismiss' and 'restore' buttons had no focus style.
  • Improves security by adding output escaping.

Earlier versions

For a list of changes from earlier versions, please refer to

Hello, friends! The best SEO plugin for WordPress is the SEO plugin by Yoast, I think many bloggers already know this. This article shows its benefits, and the video shows in detail how to set it up. There is nothing complicated, you just need to do the setup procedure in accordance with the recommendations.

pluginSEO by Yoast

Today, most bloggers understand what SEO site optimization is, as you know, you can’t do without it. There will be no promotion of a site, a blog without SEO optimization, which means that you will not have traffic with all the ensuing consequences. The most important SEO optimization tool is the so-called SEO plugins. Only one such plugin can be installed on a site (blog) - it is important to choose the best one.

In this article, we are going to take a look at the SEO plugin by Yoast, which is the best SEO plugin for WordPress, we will talk about its benefits. For sites built on WordPress, setting up the SEO by Yoast plugin is shown in the video below.

So, the developers of the plugin are the team. There are several paid premium versions of the Yoast SEO plugin, and there is a free version. For regular WordPress blogs, the free version will be enough.

BestSEOplugin forWordpress

Why Yoast is the best SEO plugin for WordPress? It's about its benefits:

  1. The plugin has a high level of security. Suffice it to say that plugin updates come almost every week. It is not always convenient, but it is better to immediately update the installed version, it is safer.
  2. The plugin has a wide range of different settings that affect the promotion of articles and blogs. For example, it analyzes the page for proper SEO settings.
  3. The plugin has a wide range of settings for titles, metadata, tracks descriptions (descriptions) with the issuance of comments.
  4. Shows the density of keywords, the readability of the text of articles, the presence of pictures, as well as their correct signing, shows the presence of a key phrase in the link to the article.
  5. Generates an XML sitemap for major search engines.
  6. Removes duplicate pages from the blog, which is very important now.
  7. The plugin provides the creation of breadcrumbs and many other benefits.

I used to have the All in One SEO Pack plugin installed, which is good, but Yoast is still the best SEO plugin for WordPress due to the benefits I described above. I installed the SEO by Yoast plugin two years ago and now I can't get enough of it.

WordPress, SEO by Yoast,setting

So, the plugin is designed exclusively for sites (blogs) made on WordPress. The SEO by Yoast setup is shown in the video below, in this part of the article I will manage with a general description. Why? The fact is that the duration of the video in which the settings are shown is as much as 45 minutes. Imagine how much text you need to write and show screenshots so that the reader understands everything! I think readers will take this with understanding.

There are two points to be noted. If you have a new blog (website), then you just go to the blog admin panel, find the plugin with the specified name, install it on the blog. Next, on the site made on WordPress, you need to configure the SEO by Yoast plugin as shown in the video below:

If you have the All in One SEO Pack plugin installed or another, then after installing the SEO by Yoast plugin, you need to import all the settings from the previous plugin. This procedure is not shown in the video, but I think you can figure it out yourself.

Plugin settingsAll in One SEO pack

There is nothing much to write in this part of the article, it will present a video demonstrating the settings of the All in One SEO Pack plugin. This video was recorded a long time ago, but many readers ask me questions. Not everyone wants to install the best SEO plugin for WordPress, the SEO plugin by Yoast.

This video was recorded for an article on the blog "". Perhaps the title of the article is not entirely relevant to the title of the video, and many readers simply do not see it. So, if you want to work with the All in One SEO Pack plugin, turn on the video and see how to configure the specified plugin:

Of course, everything changes quickly on the Internet, but the essence of the settings remains the same, the main thing is to understand how it works and how it works.


So, this article introduces the best SEO plugin for WordPress called SEO by Yoast. The videos posted in the article show how to enter the control panel of the plugin by Yoast, how to make its basic settings. Even if you are a beginner, you can easily set up the SEO plugin correctly, and your blog will be properly promoted in search engines.

Of course, it would be necessary to show how to correctly fill out the SEO plugin after each article is written, but I think it would be correct to reflect this in a new article. I will write this article later. I did not plan to publish this article, but I recorded a video for students " Earning Academy, who is over 50". But at the request of blog readers, today I decided to write such an article and submit a video for work. I am sure that this information will help many bloggers. Good luck to you!

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