Why is my sister dreaming. Find out exactly what your sister dreamed about! Dream interpretation

  • 15.10.2019

A sister dreaming in night dreams is a related, significant, difficult symbol. Moreover, in a dream it can be seen as a sister, or half-sister. For this reason, the explanation provided various dream books happens to be different. Read the interpretation carefully, and then determine specifically for your case which explanation is more suitable for you.

Relation degree

Why is my sister dreaming? The fundamental value depends on how related you are: if you compare twins and cousins, then in this case you can see a huge difference.

A sister in a dream often displays unpleasant obstacles that prevent her from realizing her plans. Miller's dream book says that you are under pressure from the guardianship of relatives - this explanation is considered the most common. According to Medea's dream book - when a sister dreamed, older than you in years, there is a lack of female complicity, friendly revelations. One way or another, Medea prophesies worries, worries and unrest.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, in night dreams, the female image personifies a nimble competitor, the youngest - the expression of the sleeping person herself. Vanga recommends looking around: someone from your environment needs support and attention.

As the Small Velesov dream book indicates, you may be given an expensive gift. But when I dreamed of two Native sister- it is worth waiting for only untruthful gossip and heavy grief. Second cousin - mention: on the personal front, you should not allow rash acts, make urgent conclusions. In addition, cousins ​​are able to dream of ending relations with relatives, or minor injury.

An explanation of twin dreams is provided based on whether the sleeping person has a twin. If present, incidents in a dream are explained literally, if absent, this is an omen of anxiety. According to the recommendations Esoteric dream book, it is worth focusing on the state of your health, energy balance.

Especially positive interpretations are presented in relation to what the birth of a little sister is dreaming of - peaceful joy will prevail in your house.

Why see an outsider in such a role? Dream Interpretations indicate: one of your relatives will secure the marriage bond, perhaps it will be you.

wedding and pregnancy

Marriage, initially, is an omen of major changes in the life of a girl, or for someone who has considered a similar incident, moreover, with the direct participation of a dream vision character. Will the changes be good or bad? In reality, you already have a legal husband - soon your dreams will come true, no - there will be a reason to complain about feeling unwell.

Sometimes it happens to see in a dream how a girl gets married - a feeling of losing something valuable. As the dream book indicates, a sister in a wedding dress - you are expected to part for a long time, grieve due to separation. I dreamed that they were invited to a solemn marriage - the explanations will affect you. Watching a young lady get married is not considered a predictive dream.

To see that she is heading down the aisle, being in a great position, prophesies a large wealth.

according to Miller's dream book

The half-sister you saw in a dream means intrusive guardianship and painful inspection.

Why is my sister dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

the request will be denied; reproaches or rival (for women).

Why do relatives dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

distance; troubles, failures in business.

To dream of relatives, family, mother, father

according to Loff's dream book

Relatives are significant figures in both real life as well as in a dream. For this reason, the interpretation of dreams with the presence of relatives is not an easy task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations, which may be based on the dream script or on the laws of classical psychology. The reason for the predominance of dreams about the family lies in the desire of each person to answer the question of what state of affairs in the family is “normal”, and then apply the knowledge gained in practice. A huge number of clients take courses psychological treatment, basing their complaints on the desire to have a normal family or a normal marriage. This idea comes from our relatives and how well they fit or don't fit our definition of normal. Dreams about family can reinforce or undermine our "normal" perception of family. Relationships within the extended family are important for the development of family concepts and traditions. As you grow older and subject critical analysis the notion of "normal", by bringing it into line with your own views of life, these traditions either take a deeper hold in your mind or conflict with your own ideas. The obligations of family members, as well as the procedure and schedule for the implementation of certain assignments, depend on the levers of influence that exist in the "extended family". As a result, we create our own family history, which determines our true position within this cell of society and outlines its position in our system of world perception. At the archetype level, dreams involving relatives can be interpreted as the desire of the sleeper to see how he interacts with a large human community consisting of relatives. To interpret dreams of this kind, it is necessary to determine which of the relatives took part in the dream, and also to establish whether they are actually alive: often deceased relatives continue to live in our dreams. Usually there are the following reasons for this: either the action taking place in a dream reminds you of the ritual aspects of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with him remains unclear. As a rule, dreams about relatives are periodically repeated. Such a repetition can have prophetic or historical significance, especially if the central figures in the dream are relatives with whom you have friction on an emotional level, or there are concerns about their state of health. In the case of friction on an emotional level, a dream can indicate the cause of this friction and indicate the possibility of eliminating it. In the case of the precarious health of some relatives, a dream can warn of the impending death of a family member. The place and basis for the appearance of relatives in a dream have importance for their interpretation. For example, if only women are present in your dream doing things that they traditionally did together, this may mean that you are reuniting with your family in some new capacity. Here are some interpretations of this dream: 1. The reluctance to join women in their cause is a hint of a conflicting attitude towards family traditions. 2. Joining a group consisting exclusively of persons of the opposite sex - confusion with determining one's place in the family. 3. Joining a group of family members who have a common unique feature, for example: all bald, all with cancer, all widowers, all single - indicates identification with such a group or fear of sharing fate with those for whom you feel pity or sadness. Despite the fact that family members are significant figures, in a dream they can carry a different semantic load. The free associations you often have in this regard are the key to unraveling their influence on your sleep and the meaning of this influence. Typical figures of family members, such as fathers and mothers or their images, are symbolic in dreams. Regardless of their attitude to them, they were the first people who influenced the formation of our personality, which includes our reaction to the world as well as self-assessment and internal system values. Thus, another significant aspect of dreams involving relatives is the reflection of the positive or negative influence of individual relatives on the formation of your ego and strengths personality. your strengths and weaknesses often alternately manifest themselves in different generations. For example, in one generation, the father expresses his anger quite violently. In the next generation, anger falls into the taboo category and is not expressed at all. In this regard, dreams about one parent have a compensatory effect. Sometimes in a dream you can see a family member close to you in an unusual environment for him, for example, scuba diving in the company of a grandmother. As a rule, dreams of this kind are replete with many other symbols and images that indicate its true meaning.

Dreamed of a family

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream some kind of family, friendly and happy, promises you health and prosperity, but if there is neither peace nor health in the family, this portends you despondency and disappointment.

Dreamed cousin

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your cousin in a dream means disappointment and disappointment. This dream portends sad events in your life. To dream that you are carrying on a lively correspondence with your brother and sister means the final break between families.

Why is my brother dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

hostility in business or family; (in a dream) - an enemy in reality; died - the end of the lawsuit; burying a brother is the end of enmity.

See brothers or sisters in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about brothers and sisters are quite common. If you have brothers and / or sisters in your life, then it is assumed that they will be present in dreams about your family. The work of interpreting a dream begins if one of your brothers and/or sisters is absent, or if you suddenly have brothers and/or sisters in your dream who do not exist in reality. If the absence of a brother or sister that exists in real life is one of the central moments of the events taking place in a dream, then perhaps this reflects your perception of the family as a whole. If you or your sibling do not get along with the family, then the dream of an incomplete family reflects a break in family relations with one or more persons. Sometimes, if you tend to identify with your work colleagues, they may appear in the family in the form of a newfound brother or sister. If the solution proposed in a dream is quite acceptable for you, then this may portend a constructive partnership. However, this event can cause a little anxiety: in dreams of this nature, you may feel that the new brother sister penetrates too deeply into your life and claims to be too close, from your point of view, family relationships.

A dream about a sister is a rather common phenomenon, especially if a sister is available in reality. But it also happens that a sister dreamed, who actually does not exist. There are a lot of dream books and interpretations that tell about what the sister is dreaming of, what to expect if there was a dream involving the sister.

What is the dream of a sister in Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, the sister who came to your dream is considered as a harbinger of some news related specifically to this sister.

If the sister is not a sister, but a half sister, then soon someone will begin to patronize you overly intrusively, and such guardianship will become a burden to you. The dream warns you, giving you the opportunity to stop such actions in time.

Sister in a dream - Vanga's dream book

Vanga's dream book interprets the appearance of a sister in a dream as a good omen only if in reality you and your sister have a good relationship. This means that in the near future you will need support, and support will come from your sister.

If you have a difficult relationship with your sister, then a dream can be an omen of quarrels and troubles. A quarrel in a dream portends serious problems in relations with your sister and other relatives. A stranger who called herself your own sister in a dream is a harbinger of romance.

Sister - interpretation according to Freud's dream book

If you are a woman and you dreamed about your sister, know that in reality you have or will soon have a sexual competitor.

If you are a man, then a dream about a sister means your desire to change your sexual partner or find her, if one is not currently available. As a rule, such a dream in Freud's interpretations cannot but be associated with interpersonal relationships that affect intimate relationships.

Why see a sister in a dream - Loff's dream book

The interpretation of dreams in which the sister is present in Loff's dream book is very original. Sister in a dream

If you dreamed about the absence of a sister that you have in the real world, then this indicates your awareness of your individuality.

What does Nostradamus tell about the dreaming sister

And what is the dream of a sister in the dream book of Nostradamus? Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus interprets the appearance of a sister in a dream as follows. You may receive news related to your sister. Or someone will start obsessively interfering in your affairs.

A dreaming sister may portend bad thoughts and disappointment in her actions. The death or departure of a sister in a dream means happy changes in your life.

Seeing a sister just sitting in a dream can portend her wedding. In addition, a dream about a sister can mean a lack of attention to you and resentment associated with this.

If a sister had a dream - Jung's dream book

Seeing a sister in a dream means that the family has good, even relations. Talk to your sister - the conflict will soon be resolved.

A beautifully dressed sister in a dream can only mean well-being and peace in the family. Jung's dream book can interpret the dream about the sister differently. For example, a sister in a dream is a lack of elementary support and warmth in reality, troubles and problems.

If a young woman saw her sister in a dream, then this may portend the imminent appearance of a rival. Seeing your deceased sister in a dream means being in an anxious state.

What is the dream of the husband's sister or the boyfriend's sister

To see a husband's sister in a dream means a quick acquaintance with interesting person that will grow into something more. Perhaps you will soon begin to receive signs of attention, and the main thing here is not to miss this attention.

If in a dream there were other people besides the husband's sister, then this is for a feast associated with the celebration of the name day. The sister-in-law, who visited your dream with a dog or cat, promises a quick meeting with an old friend.

What is the dream of a sister or cousin

Almost all dream books agree on the interpretation of dreams in which a cousin is present. Resentment, failure, quarrels - this is what such a dream portends. Perhaps you are waiting for discord between your family and your cousin's family.

Smooth, friendly relations with a cousin in reality may not save you from conflict, which is what the dream warns about. The basis of the quarrel will be gossip and intrigue, and if you need support from your sister, you will get indifference.

Pregnant sister - dream book

If you dreamed about your unmarried sister being pregnant, then this can only mean one thing - she will soon get married. If in a dream you rejoice at her pregnancy, this can be regarded as very good sign, the marriage will be long and happy.

If you saw your married sister pregnant, then serious changes in life await her and her husband. But these are good or sad changes - it depends on your impressions after waking up. A depressed state means that the dream is bad, and a joyful one portends good changes in the sister's life.

Why dream of a sister's wedding

Almost all interpreters of dreams cannot give an unambiguous interpretation of a dreamed wedding. Usually, a wedding in a dream marks the coming changes in life. And a sister's wedding could mean a change in either her life or yours.

A dream about the wedding of an unmarried sister can mean the likelihood of an imminent illness, a dream, as it were, calls to pay attention to health. If the sister is married, then some of your old dreams await you. And while the sister will take a direct part in this.

What are the relatives of the former dreaming of? According to the dream book, a vision signals a bad emotional state, grief, hatred for a partner with whom they have already parted. But sometimes their images in a dream portend changes, the possibility of resuming relationships.

Regrets for the past, nostalgia

Such a dream indicates regrets about missed or unfulfilled chances in past relationships.

see relatives ex boyfriend means: you are now in a bad emotional state due to failures that have happened. Do not overdramatize the situation - over time everything will work out.

What is the dream of the mother of a guy you no longer meet? The dream interpretation explains: you are upset because of a failed relationship, you miss him.

The relatives of the guy with whom they recently broke up point to an attack of nostalgia. But you shouldn't give in to it.

Changes in personal life, new acquaintances

The plot in a dream, when you calmly talked with them or learned something interesting, promises: soon personal life things will change for the better. You need to be patient and wait for this hour.

Relatives dreamed ex-husband with whom you did something together? The dream book tells you: there are new meetings and acquaintances ahead.

Why dream of a feast with the relatives of the former husband? You stayed on good terms with them and, if necessary, you can ask for help.

Don't give in to negative emotions

In a dream, did you happen to see drunk relatives of a husband whom you divorced? The dream interpretation reports: the sleeping woman wants to get away from reality. You should not wish for the impossible: you need to be patient and overcome difficulties.

Had a dream that they were cursing or saying nasty things? In reality, hostility towards the former partner will become very aggravated - perhaps due to some of his unseemly acts.

Who was that?

Remember who exactly dreamed:

  • mother-in-law - intrigues of enemies;
  • father-in-law - meetings with unpleasant people;
  • sister - gossip about personal life;
  • brother - trouble at work;
  • other relatives - a difficult period will begin.

Scandals, troubles

The sister of the former spouse in a dream portends a family scandal - says the dream book. And if she reports that her brother wants to return to you, she can interfere in the life of the sleeping a dangerous person and do great harm.

Had a dream of talking to the mother of a former boyfriend? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: in reality it was she who caused your separation.

Have you seen a former mother-in-law in a dream who says something neutral? She regrets that you divorced her son. Perhaps the woman regrets her nagging at you.

Interpretation according to Miller

What are the relatives of the former dreaming of? According to Miller's dream book, the vision hints at the seriousness and solidity of the lost relationship. If you are to blame for the breakup, ask for forgiveness, try to make peace.

If you do not have any sister, even a second cousin, the appearance of an unknown sister in a dream is quite possible. The sister in your dream is you. This is a projection of your real feelings, dreams, fears, hidden emotions.

Your attitude towards your sister in a dream shows true attitude to yourself. Maybe you are full of love and tenderness, ready to surround her with care and help in solving problems. Maybe your little sister is crying, and you play with her, distract her with toys, buy a smart dress and braid her pigtails.

You strive to give the baby what you yourself are deprived of and what you would like to receive for yourself - care, attention, love. You lack this, you dream of selfless care, gifts, beautiful things.

In the second option, you experience irritation and indignation towards your sister in a dream. You don't like the unceremonious manner of an obnoxious girl, you would love to punch her. It is she who is to blame for all your troubles. She mocks you and sets you up for trouble. Perhaps in a dream you expressed frankly what you think about her behavior.

In fact, you only demonstrate the true attitude towards yourself, which you yourself hide from yourself. dissatisfaction with oneself early stages is a great tool to motivate and increase productivity, you have to work better and do more, because you can’t hide from the internal censor, you can’t deceive him.

The next stage of dissatisfaction with oneself and a cruel inner censor is depression. Yes, you do not meet your own rigid standards, you do not cope. Obviously, you are not as smart, talented, efficient as you would like. Dissatisfaction with oneself develops into depression, apathy and, if not stopped in time, can even cause mental illness.

Most often, people hide dissatisfaction with themselves under the mask loved one in a dream. To understand what the sister is dreaming of, let's turn to dream books compiled by leading psychologists and interpreters of dreams. If your sister dreams too often, go to a good psychologist. The specialist will help to understand difficult internal experiences.

The main meanings of a sister in a dream

  • Your own sister in a dream is you yourself. Whether or not you have a real sister. In the most striking cases, you will see your twin, which you allegedly did not know about for many years. Such a dream is a clear call for the help you need. It seems that you are a prisoner of the demands of others, and your own false ideas about what should be.
  • If your husband's sister is dreaming, you should be wary of a rival. Yes, this girl looks very sweet and innocent, does not arouse any suspicion. They are so close since childhood and share secrets, you love how she affects your husband in your dream. Turn on the big alarm siren and get predatory smiles - it's time.
  • The death of a sister in a dream - everything is in order with a real sister. You just backed yourself into a corner and rehearsed tragic scenarios. Perhaps you need to give up your usual lifestyle and change something drastically. Most likely, you consider yourself special, not like everyone else. Sometimes you think that you are better than others, sometimes - that is much worse. This is fine. Surprisingly, everyone considers himself special and not like that. In this we are all the same.
  • If your relative cries in a dream, complains - you are unhappy with yourself or you are not satisfied with the current situation. Tears are a sign of impotence. You need to overcome it and take control into your own hands.

What is the dream of a sister in dream books

  • Miller's dream book connects the appearance of a sister in a dream with excessive guardianship from relatives or with a loss of self-control. You are constantly looking at yourself from the side instead of full life. Do not harass yourself and those around you with nit-picking. This world is not perfect.
  • The English dream book draws attention to the behavior of the sister in a dream. If she cries and worries, it is quite possible that you cannot decide on some serious step. For example, you don't know if you should get married. Cuddling with sister English dream book- to quick and serious quarrels in the family. But you can kiss her - in this case, the dream book promises complete well-being. Fight with your own sister, slap her in the face for something - do not try to compensate for the absence of a strict parent. Life is not a prison.
  • If your sister in a dream is in an abnormal state - drunk or talking nonsense, deliberate nonsense - you are confused and lied to. Take a break, relax, try to remember who and what you said. Does not work? Maybe other people won't remember either. Remove too colorful details from your stories about yourself and fictional details. Life will become easier.
  • The female dream book sees relatives as a need for support and help.


Seeing a sister in a dream is an interesting sign. In fact, you yourself came to negotiate. You are very lucky, because many people have to spend years to understand themselves and learn to understand how you really feel. And your sister in a dream - at a glance. Try to study your projection, understand your real feelings. Most likely, you yourself are putting sticks in your wheels.

If you scold your imaginary sister in a dream, then you are very unhappy with yourself and this is a deep feeling. Constant dissatisfaction with oneself is a destructive feeling. Learn to love yourself as you are, do something good for yourself. Since self-control is so strong - try not a stick, but a carrot.

Give yourself days off, let yourself lie in bed as much as you like in the morning, break strict plans and do not be angry with yourself. You need to rest. Do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones. Based on the opinions expressed, it will be easier to form your own.