How to spell o and e after words hissing at the root. Vowel after vowel

  • 21.10.2019

Why you need to remember the rule

In Russian, the syllables CHO and CHO, SHO and SHE, ZHO and SHE, SCHO and SCHÁ are read the same way. Compare: crazy - study, seam - silk, gooseberries - yellow, ratchet - cheeks.

This is because the letters H and W stand only for soft sounds, and Zh and Sh are only hard, the neighboring vowel cannot soften an already soft or always hard sound.


To choose the right letter correctly, determine in which part of the word it is located: at the root or behind the root.

If the letter is in the root, then you can try to pick up such a single-root word in which E is clearly audible. E and Y alternate, so Y can always be checked. For example, yellow - turn yellow. If your word does not match the same root with E - write O.

It is more convenient to learn all the words in the root of which O is written after hissing, and proceed by the elimination method: if the word is in the magic list, write O, if the word is not in the list, select Y. Here are a few words from the list: gooseberries, heartburn, anchovies, seam, shock, rustle, junk, kharcho. The list is updated with borrowed words and is constantly growing. Now in our collection there are about 40 words, the root of which should be written O. Full list can be obtained and learned in the course .

And now let's see how to choose the desired letter, if it turned out to be in suffix or ending.

There is a completely different principle at work here. First of all, you need to determine whether there is an action in the meaning of the word. The choice of letter depends on this: in verbs and verbal words, it is written Yo, in other cases - O.

Let's take the word "Overnight". There is a verb "to spend the night". The meaning of this word is action. We write after H - Y. Let's take the word "girl". There is no "girl" verb. There is no action in the meaning of this word. After H is written O. An exception- vest.

Most textbooks provide a wording of the rule related to stress. We do not contradict the basic rule of 1956, but consider only one of its points - the stressed position of the letter. In an unstressed position, it is almost impossible to make a mistake ( want more, little brother). The vowels after Ts are also quite clearly heard, this paragraph of the rule does not cause difficulty when writing.

What to look out for

  • Note: suffix OK after hissing is always written with O, even if there is an action in the meaning of the word (engine, jump, etc.).
  • In a special group it is necessary to allocate words with suffix ЁР indicating the type of occupation. This suffix is ​​always written with the letter Y. There are few words in which this suffix appeared after hissing. Here is an almost exhaustive list: conductor, trainee, boyfriend, retoucher, massage therapist, simulator, traveling salesman.
  • Until recently, the exception was the word small things. It was written with y. Now the word has been brought under the main rule.
  • In words burn and arson The letter must be chosen according to the part of speech: in nouns it is written O, in verbs - Y. For instance: boy yo g hand. What did the boy do? Burned his hand. The word burn is a verb. We write Y. cool O g hurts a lot. What hurts? Burn. In this sentence, "burn" is a noun. We write the letter O. We also select the letters in the sentences “The boy set fire to poplar fluff” and “He almost committed arson.”


Word bug champions river, girl, hand(behind the root, no action).

W yo sweat(letter at the root, check whisper)

Dash yo out(letter at the root, checked cheaper)

W O rox(letter behind the root, is in the list)

Urine yo ny(letter in suffix, participle)

dirizh yo R(suffix ёr)

Such O To(suufix ok)

Pecs yo T(verb ending)

Key O m(noun ending)

Night yo vka(suffix of a verbal noun, there is an action to spend the night)

History of the rule

Now all formulations of the rule are attempts different ways to bring into the system the spontaneously formed norms of spelling. The emphasis here is on tradition. Over the centuries, people have written a lot of words with combinations of hissing and O with Yo without any rules, as you like. It was necessary to bring the spelling of all these words to uniformity even during the reform of 1918. Ushakov proposed to do this more than a hundred years ago. But for some reason, at that revolutionary time, the proposal of philologists was not accepted. And now we have a very uncomfortable rule. Not even a rule, but its absence and an attempt to describe the linguistic element with schemes.

Illogicality and inconvenience, a huge number of exceptions and contradictions in the use of O and E after hissing is evident to many specialists, therefore it is proposed to reform the rule constantly at every opportunity. Perhaps that is why the rule is not included in either the USE or the GIA as a separate issue. Children will learn, and suddenly - reform! But until the proponents of change win, let's teach the rule as it is.

The Russian language is flexible, strong, rich. Although the spelling of words is not as complicated as, for example, English, it also has many pitfalls. One of these obstacles to the correct writing are words that include the letters o-e-e after hissing. The table O, E, E after hissing in different parts speech.

It would seem that everything is simple. We learned the rule that when we hear about after hissing, we write e. Suddenly, the words “ramrod” or “burn” appear from somewhere. And the last word for some reason, you can also see it in the form of a “burn”. Such deceit can puzzle not only a schoolboy, but also an adult. This happens because the spelling of these vowels after hissing is determined by more than one rule.

It also depends on whether the named vowels are stressed or unstressed, in which part of the word or which part of speech they are written. Under different circumstances, the spelling will be different. You need to know these rules well so as not to be mistaken when you have to write words with such a spelling.

It is easiest to remember when after the hissing there is a sound E under stress. In this case, the letter E is always written. And in adjectives, and in participles, and in all other parts of speech: tin, rustle, Zhenya, egg.

But the words with the shock sound O are no longer so simple. It can be transmitted by the letters both Yo and O. We will dwell on this in more detail later.

Vowels O, Yo, E after hissing

If E or E (which was heard as O) was written in a stressed word, then the letter E is written in an unstressed position after the hissing ones. It does not matter where it stands - in the root, suffixes or endings.


  • whisper - whispers (at the root);
  • peas - cockerel (in the suffix);
  • watchman - siskin (at the end).

Some words with an unstressed E just need to be remembered, since it is impossible to check them with a stressed position. For example: lisping, wish, heck.

The letter O in an unstressed position is written after hissing in several cases.

- in some words that came to us from other languages. These words just need to be remembered. Here are a few for example:

  • majordomo;
  • Scotland;
  • banjo;
  • ranch;
  • highway.

- if these are complex abbreviated words or in words with the prefix inter-. For instance, interregional, intersectoral etc.

- also in words not included in literary norm, but invented by the authors of texts that formed them from existing ones. Example: fresh(from fresh according to the model white).

After hissing and "c"

If after hissing we hear percussive sound Oh, we don't always write what we hear. Sometimes o is written behind a soft h, and after a hard w or w - e. How to determine the correct option?

The stress will always be Yo, when in single-root words there is an alternation after hissing stressed O and unstressed E.


  • bees - bee;
  • whisper - whisper.

If there is no such alternation in the roots of words, then O is written.

  • Gooseberry;
  • the seam;
  • slum;
  • clink glasses.

In the words that came to Russian from different languages, where the letter ё conveys a special sound from the source language, it is written ё. Example: Schoenberg, Schoenbruni.

The rules do not apply to many common or proper names. The names of rivers and cities, names and surnames are written in accordance with how it is reflected in the documents. John, Pechora, Zhora, Kalachov/Kalachev, Chernyshev/Chernyshov.

Otherwise, it is important to pay attention to which part of the word and which part of speech has the stressed sound O.

When a noun is formed from a verb, then Y is written in suffixes. Example: overnight (overnight). On the contrary, if the noun is formed from other parts of speech, then after the hissing, O will stand: cub, wolf cub etc.

If a word is formed with the suffix ЁР, it will have ё after the sibilants: caretaker, conductor.

There is also such an interesting group of words that are similar in sound, but different in spelling. Nouns are written with O, and verb forms with Y: arson - set on fire; burn - burn.

Spelling e, e, o after hissing and c


In suffixes under stress in participles we write Yo, in unstressed positions E.


In adverb suffixes, the letter O will be written if it is under stress. The unstressed suffix will be with E: fresh, smelly.

The rule does not apply to adverbs yet.


In adjective suffixes formed from nouns, we write O.

Adjectives formed from verbs are written in such cases with Y. Example: brocade - gilded (from the verb to gild).


In most cases, if after the hissing we hear a shock O, then this sound in the letter is transmitted as Y.

But for nouns and adjectives in the endings, O is written under stress, and E without stress.

The exercise

Insert missing letters and mark spellings.

It was fresh ... Sh ... k - this is our ... mu! F…nglör beat off ch…ch…weaving and pushed his shoulder…m J…on. Yes, you mazh ... r in the hood ... no.

Spelling of vowels after sibilants W, W, H, W and C.

1. Vowels S, Yu, E, I after hissing are not written:h a SCH a , well and zn, SCH at ka.

Exceptions: brooch Yu ra, w Yu ri, parash Yu T.

2. Spelling Oh - Yo after hissing

1) B roots under stress ifNo related words withE:

kryzh O penetrated, w O in, obzh O ra, saddler , thicket, sh O roch, prim , slum

1) B roots under stress ifthere is related word toE (alternation occurs, the stress shifts):

w yo sweat - whisper yo yellow - turn yellow,

SCH yo chka - cheek, h yo rt - hell yo rdochka - poles

2) In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs underaccent :

rech O na, friend O k, hedgehog O nok, penny O vy, brick O m, alien O y, hot O

2) In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbswithout accents :

rech e nka, nut e k, orange e wow, comrade e m, older e y, melodious e

3) A fluent vowel in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives:

princesses - princes O n, funny - funny O n

3) In the endings and suffixes of verbs, verb forms and words formed from verbs:

coast yo sh, save yo ny, carcass yo ny, carcass yo nka, raskorch yo howl, cramp yo bathroom, cramps yo vka

w O fer, sh O colade, w O ngler, w O ce, hood O n, f O kay

4) In the suffix -yor- foreign words:

conductor yo r, experience yo r, courtship yo R

BUT: major


vech O R , BUT vech yo rka(newspaper)

oh O G (noun)arms


oh yo G(verb) hand

3. Vowels O - E, S - I after C

1) Under stress :

tsok O t, face O wow, dance O r, well done O m

2) B foreign language words without accents:

hertz O g, palazzo O

3) In a phrasefly-ts O coat

No accent:

towels e m

dance e vat

mirrors e

In suffixes and endings:

hens s n

birds s

white people s th


gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick, chick

In the roots of words and words on-tion:

c and rkul

c and rk

national and I am

acacia and I am

about her

Ch..porny black..rt in clothes..nke sat on a hard..stumpy sofa and drank cheap..your stomach..y coffee, occasionally h..repenting with his reflection in heavy ..scrap of a glossy ..twisted samovar, standing on a brocade ..howl of a tablecloth w..cold color. Ch..rt was obzh..ra and, despite the and sick liver..nku, he gorged himself on kryzh..vnik with condensed..milk. After eating and threatening his reflection with his fingers..m, h..rt, well done..quickly shaking his h..lkoy, he started dancing..wat chech..tku. The ringing of his hooves was so strong that in the ground floor they thought that a horse was prancing upstairs. However, ch..rt was not a very skillful dancer..rum and, having made one not entirely successful jump..k, crashed into a samovar and burned..g his piglet..k, covered with soft wool..rstkoy. Ozh..g was very heavy..l. Disappointed..nny black..short..y sheep..y rushed to the barrel..nku with urine.. apples and put a burnt..nny piglet..k.

They say the truth that God does not save careless”, -


At the root of the word, if you can pick up a test word withletter e :

hёrt - devil, bechyo vka - bech eva (rope)

At the root of borrowed words

(remains in the testO ):

sh o colade

without accent : good, si ´ tc e m

In the endings and suffixes of nouns. and adj.under stress : big, girly

In adverb suffixeswithout accent : Louder. Exception - more

In adverb suffixesunder stress :

hot o

Fluent O

without accent : earring e k - earring

Fluent e in noun. and brief adj. m. kindunder stress : prince ó n - princess

In verbs: bake ё sh, delimit ё vyvat

In suffix - yonn- (-yon-) participles:


In suffixes of verbal nouns:

thickening yo nka, carcass yo nka, night yo vka, cramps yo vka,

demarcation ё vka, retouching ё vka, koch ё vka, burn ё nk,

push yo nka, length, shearing yo nka,

detachment, tension

kwash yo nka (sour milk)

NO kvash ó nka (vessel)

Suffix - er- in borrowed words: conductor

Exception: dance ó r

In words formed from the wordwhat:

moreover, no matter what

Remember: ozh e g hand - verb

vech yo rka (newspaper)

kama ´ sh e vka - bird

ozh o g hands - noun.

evening or r

Here's some fun, invigorating advice for you:

V word root after the sizzling

What do you hear under stress?

O is heard. Y is written.


Rustle, clink glasses, slum,

Pulp, heartburn and thicket,

Seam, gooseberries and gluttons,

Ramrod, prim and blinders,

Show, joule, gherkin,

Rozhon, borjomi and dude,

Hood, major and shorts,

Shock, kharcho, anchovy, junks,

Ratchet, joker, choh, evening -

Remember this whole set.

After the hissing, do not rush:

The rhyme includes - O write.

Memorize words with Yo

We write Yo in the words: cheap,

Twine, overnight stay and uprooting,

Heavy, condensed, trainee, boyfriend,

Liver, stew and conductor.

Spelling of vowels after hissing and C in suffixes and endings


Snow is falling from the sky..

With a white and porches..m

The house seems to us a palace .. m.

And now, my friend, pay attention:

In suffixes and endings

At the edge of the word, at the very end,

After hissing and after C

Under the accent is written O,

E - unstressed, only everything.

Now practice:

The princess is crying, dressed in,

And the stupid king will not understand in any way,

What is the reason for those tears and what a trouble.

And the poor man rushes about here and there.

Courtiers ..then hold advice,

After all, there are no obvious reasons for hysteria.

Perhaps the part is disheveled,

Or maybe stung by a bee .. lka?

The princess whispered in the doctor's ear:

Kryzh .. vnika well .. I really want to.

All in and hold a family council -

Kryzh .. there is no vnik in the city.

In the thicket .. the forest messenger galloped,

Across the river kryzh .. vnik he suddenly saw.

Along the narrow railroad, swaying, past ..l,

But I'm glad that kryzh .. went into our princess ..l.

Princess, wearing a woolen hood ..n,

Waiting for the messenger, she went up to the balcony.

A messenger rushed from the black forest,

Kryzh .. he brought a vnik, and here the fairy tale ends.

The king is delighted ... n, he is overjoyed.

On a platter to the messenger, he carries sh..colade.

And in the cheek the princess kisses him.

The king remained silent, did not say anything.


A stiff devil in black silk clothes sat on a hard sofa and drank cheap acorn coffee, occasionally clinking glasses with his reflection in a heavy glossy samovar standing on a brocade tablecloth chocolate color. The devil was a big glutton and, despite heartburn and a diseased liver, ate gooseberries with condensed milk. Having eaten and shaking his reflection with his finger, the devil, shaking his bangs valiantly, started to dance the tap dance. The clatter of his hooves was so strong that in the basement they thought that a horse was prancing upstairs. However, the devil was not a very skillful dancer and, having made one not entirely successful jump, crashed into a samovar and burned his piglet, covered with soft wool. The burn was very severe. The upset devil rushed like a sheep to a barrel of soaked apples and put a burnt snout into it. “They say the truth that God does not protect the careless,” the devil cursed with a damn proverb.

After w, h, w, u, the letters u, i, s, e are not written, but the letters y, a, and, e are written, for example: miracle, pike, hour, grove, sorrel, fat, sew, tire, boss.
The letters s, e, y, i are allowed only in the following cases:
  1. In the few borrowed common nouns: jury, parachute (and derivatives parachute, parachutist, airborne, etc.), brochure (and in all formations from this word: brochure, brochure, brochure, etc.), fichu (outdated, lace scarf), montage (apparatus for raising or lowering liquid by pressure), embouchure (mouthpiece, part wind instrument)* Shutte (fungal disease of pine seedlings), sheng (Chinese musical instrument, a genus of harmonica).
  2. In borrowed proper names and surnames: Jules, Chun, Saint-Just, Schütz, Sheng Li, I. Avizhius, Čiurlionis, Y. Marcinkyavičius, Levon Mkrtchyan and others, as well as in geographical names: Longjumeau, Kaišiadbris, Pirčiupis (Lithuanian village), Siauliai, Truong Thanh (Vietnamese village), etc.
The use of letters u, i, s, e after hissing in borrowed words is caused by the need to reflect in writing (graphic means) the peculiarity of pronunciation in the word, characteristic of the source language: the letters u, i emphasize the soft pronunciation of the hissing, letters s, e - hard.
If after w, h, w, u under stress is pronounced o, then the letter o is written, without stress it is written e:
  1. In the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulderb, knifebm, shalashbm, shoulderbm, Fomi-chbm, cloak, mezhby, rein, dushby, candle, sling, alien (alien, alien, oh alien), big (big, big - shbmu, o big), borschbm, fistula, cartilage, Ilyichbm, Kuzmichbm, elder (older, elder, o elder), etc., but without stress: obbrvysh, finish, silly, bag, ignorant, jacket, tornado, porridge, prey, sij, holy, knife, gathering, spectacle, Sivvich, Petrovich, Gnedich, Misha, prickly (prickly, about prickly), larger (big, about bbl), hot (hot, about hot), etc. Also under the accent is written about in the endings of the middle gender short forms adjectives: fresh legend, general assumption, but without stress: the substance is viscous, etc., adverbs: naked, nagischbm (a frozen form of the instrumental case of nouns), etc. : kalanchey, candle, reins, ticks (genitive case plural from the tower, candle, knife, rein, tick, etc.).
  2. In the suffixes of nouns: -ok, for example: rozhbk, cockerel, hook, borschbk, balychbk, dyachbk, zhenishbk; - onok: bear, mouse, galchbnok, barrel, turkey-shbnok, arapchbnok; -onk-a: book, shirt, hand, money, river; but without stress: ovryzhek, order, cake, little book, etc .; adjective names: -ov-, for example: hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas, walrus, reed, uzbvy, Fomichbva hat, Kuzmichbva car, but without stress: orange, punchy, pear, guzhevby, melingevsh, cartilage, etc .; -on-, -ok- (with fluent -o-): funny, princess, kishbk; but without stress: earrings, sinful, strishen, needed, must, etc .; adverbs, for example: hot to argue, general to speak, but without stress: to move awkwardly, etc. Exception: still.
  3. After words hissing at the root, o is written if, when the word changes or when other words are formed from the same root, the stress remains constant and o does not alternate with e; obzhbra, gooseberry, zhbm, treshchbtka, slum, thicket, chbkatsya, chbporny, shbv, shbroh, shbry; borzhbm, pizhbn, rozhbn, anchbus, chbmga, dzhbul, chbh, etc., as well as in given names, surnames and geographical names: Ashbt, Zhbrzh, Shblokhov. Shbshin, Chbser, Shbu, Shchbrs, Pechbrin, Pechbra (but the Pechersk Lavra, Melnikov-Pechersky), Izhbra, Chbna, Shbsha, etc. In the words zhor (region, strong biting of fish), zazhbr (special, ice jam during the ice drift, water under the snow when melting), burn (and burn, burn, burn, burn), burn (outdated, canteen), burn row (obsolete), burn (and burn, burn, burn) is written about ( in other formations from this root, before the suffix -a-, it is written and: to gorge, fatten, get fat, etc.).
  4. The letter o after hissing under stress is also written in compound words. For example: ZHOKH (“Journal of General Chemistry”), CHON (special purpose units), SHOM-2 (crushed stone cleaning machine), etc.
The letter o after sibilants is usually stressed, but in a number of borrowed words o is also written in an unstressed syllable. For example: crepe georgette, highway, chocolate, chauvinist, juggler, scottish woman, jockey, shoshbny (Indian tribe), ryncho, bynjo, majordomo, as well as names, surnames and geographical names: Jolid Curie, Jonatyn Swift, Giordino Bruno , Giovanni Boccaccio, Shoty Rustaveli, Shostakbvich, Correggio, Chopin, Sholbn, Sholapur and others.
In all other cases, after w, h, w, u, the letter e (e) is written under stress, although it is pronounced o, namely:
  1. In verb endings -eat, -et, -eat, -et, for example: lie, lie, bake, bake, cut, cut, burn, burn, burn, burn, grind, grind, etc.
The letter e (ё) is also written in the prepositional case of the pronoun what: on what, about what, with what and in words formed from this form (moreover, useless, nothing at all).
  1. In the verbal suffixes -yovyva-, -yova-, for example: shade, migrate, shade, delimit (delimited, delimited), yeasted, retouched, etc.
  2. In the passive participle suffix -yonn- (-yon-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detachment, softened, softened; simplified, simplicity; scientist, learning; crushed; burnt, burnt.
  3. In the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk-, for example: migration, demarcation, shading. They should be distinguished from nouns that arose from nominal adjectives (they always write -ov- under stress, regardless of the suffix in the adjective: -ov- or -ev-): For example: pear (although pear), gugbvka ( although guzhevdy), knife (although knife and knife), uzbvnik (zhbvy). Also hrychbvka, melo-chbvka (from nouns grunt, trifle with the suffix -ovk-). In the words kamyshevka (songbird), Grrshevka (settlement) and similar words, e is written, since the stress does not fall on the suffix.
  1. In the suffix of borrowed nouns -ёr, for example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend.
  2. To write e (e) at the root of a word, one of two conditions is necessary: ​​a) when a word changes or when new words are formed from the same root, the stress goes to another syllable: yellow- (turn yellow), hard (hard), millstones (millstones) , acorn (acorns), wheat (millet), cheap, cheap (cheaper), silk (silky), wool (woolen), lattice, lattice (sieve), alkali (alkaline), whisper (whisper); shuttle (shuttle), bangs (brow); b) the stress does not move to another syllable, but there is an alternation of ё and е in the root: even (odd), report, account (deduction, subtract), burned, set fire, set fire (burn, set fire), walked (walked), chew ( chew), perch (pole), slit (slit), calculation (comb). For a number of words we find both conditions. For example: purse - purse - purse, devil - devil - devilry, cheap - cheaper - cheap, etc.
Different spellings have been introduced for the same-sounding formations from the verb to burn: in nouns it is written about, in verbs - e. For example: severe burn, burn fuel, accusation of arson, underburned brick, heartburn, charcoal burner, gas burner, Prozhogin and burnt face, burnt everything firewood, set fire to a house, burned a lot of fuel, burned a jacket, etc. It is written about and in an adjective if it is formed from a noun. For example, burn disease, burn department of the hospital. The word zhzhenka is written with ё, since this letter is a suffix, not a root. The words vecherka (region, evening rest), “Vechorka” (evening newspaper) are written with ё (correlate with the word evening), but are outdated. vechbr (the day before) should be written with Fr.
  1. And a completely different, but also heart-grabbing impression from the "Concert" Dzhsrdzhtsne (foreign surname) (N. Kuzmin). 2. A broom walks with a hot scratch (scratch) on a raspberry back (A. Tvardovsky). 3. Cold is like a burn (verb ending) to the heart (A. N. Tolstoy). 4. Spirka looked at him with a hard (gesture) grin on the yellow (turn yellow) bilious (bile) face of the painter (V. Panov). 5. Three daughters (A. Griboedov) grow up in a family unprime (chbporno). 6. Where to go from the princesses (in the noun suffix under stress) (A. Griboyedov). 7. He flew through the snowdrifts barefoot, in a shirt torn on his stomach (in the noun suffix under stress) and short shorts (in the noun suffix under stress) (I. Bunin). 8. You are upset (verb), my poor Avdey (I. Turgenev). 9. Vladimir Lugovskoy read wonderful poems about a bear (in the suffix of the adjective without stress) bear (in the suffix of the noun under stress) (V. Emelyanov). 10. We clinked (clinked, clinked) for the health of the artists (JI. Tolstoy). 11. But these words did not shock Chachikov (shock) (K. Paustovsky). 12. An unwashed Tatar child walked (verb) ahead (in the suffix of a noun under stress) (V. Lugovskoy). 13. The valley is dotted with warriors, the system flows behind the system (verb) (A. Pushkin). 14. Despite the extraordinary strength of his physical abilities, he [Troekurov] ra: for two he suffered from gluttony (zhor) (A. Pushkin). 15. The ruler is weak and crafty, a bald dandy (dandy), an enemy of labor, inadvertently warmed by fame, then reigned over us (A. Pushkin). 16. But now the crowd hesitated, a whisper (whisper) ran through the hall (A. Pushkin).