What is a trichogram? – AgroDrone unmanned technologies. Trichogramma oviform - application of trichogramma Trichogramma application

  • 01.06.2019

For effective treatment of a disease, it is very important to correctly determine both the current state of the problem and its causes. And the more accurately the diagnosis is made, the faster you can achieve high-quality treatment results.

Diagnosis of hair problems

Abundant hair loss, various diseases of the scalp - seborrhea, dandruff, increased fat content - this is quite unpleasant and unaesthetic. It is very difficult to solve this problem on your own, since you must first determine the source of the problem. For this, it is recommended to contact professional help to the doctor - .

It is worth noting that hormonal disruptions can cause problems with hair, taking a variety of medicines, bad habits, frequent stress, malnutrition, etc. Sometimes problems can be a sign of a serious disease of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, or diabetes. Therefore, trying to ignore hair problems or trying to deal with them on your own can only aggravate the health condition.

During the initial examination, the trichologist determines the history of the disease and the nature of the symptoms.

Chronic diseases and factors that may have an impact on them are taken into account: injuries, psycho-emotional state, diet, lifestyle, medications and medicines that the patient takes, hair care products. If necessary, consultations of doctors of related specialties are appointed.

To obtain in-depth information about the pathology, the trichologist conducts research: computer trichoscopy (this method allows you to examine the image of the root and hair shaft, as well as the scalp with multiple magnification, allows you to obtain information about the structure, thickness of the hair, makes it possible to identify defects - hair fracture, split ends, etc.); trichometry ( microscopic examination to determine the timing and stage of alopecia); trichogram (study of follicles, the rate of growth and hair loss is determined).

In some cases, when a trichologist needs Additional Information about the causes of the disease or aesthetic defect, additional studies are prescribed - a blood test or a multi-element hair analysis (spectral analysis).

Diagnostics is carried out on modern high-precision equipment by a trichologist with experience. A consultation with diagnostics lasts about 1.5 hours, however, to fully determine the picture of the disease, another 1-2 weeks are needed to receive the test results. When the doctor receives all the information about the causes of a particular disease, he will draw up an individual treatment program.

Trichogram: the purpose of the study and indications for use

Trichogram is a special diagnostic method that helps to identify signs of hair loss, diffuse alopecia and other hair pathologies. Diagnostics allows you to determine the following diseases of the scalp:

  • oily or dry dandruff;
  • seborrhea;
  • violation of the sebaceous glands.

The main indications for the procedure are: peeling, dandruff and itching of the scalp; increased fat content of hair and not only at the roots, but also at the tips; split ends of hair, brittleness and dryness of hair; increased hair loss.

Trichogramma algorithm

The procedure does not cause any discomfort and pain, and it does not require any special preparation. Diagnostic procedures are carried out before treatment and without fail after treatment in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy selected by the doctor.

Several methods can be used to diagnose. The first method is the examination of approximately eighty hairs of the patient under a microscope. During the examination period, the doctor determines the thickness of the hairs, the condition of the bulbs, the condition of the hair along the entire length. Next, the scalp is examined under a microscope in order to determine the presence of fungal disease(including seborrhea), as well as to detect the number of bulbs in the dormant stage and in the initial growth stage. In progress this method trichologist determines the following types alopecia: cicatricial, non-scarring, alopecia.

The second method involves the procedure through the use of an immersion liquid. This method allows you to determine the level of oily hair, the presence of fungal diseases and the state of the vessels of the head. Non-immersion trichoscopy is usually prescribed to determine the volume of dandruff, flaking and hyperkeratosis.

Diagnosis of hair condition - phototrichogram

More reliable diagnostic results can be obtained by conducting a phototrichogram. For diagnostics, special equipment is used, which transmits all information to the computer through the sensor. As a result, all received data is processed by a special program and a diagnosis with data is displayed on the monitor.

This type of trichogram is carried out in two stages.

The first stage involves shaving a small area on the head (approximately one square centimeter). Often, in order to obtain more accurate research data, several sections on the head are shaved (one should be on the back of the head). The skin on the shaved area is tinted with special dyes.

At the second stage, using a sensor, a camera and a computer, a study of the prepared skin areas is carried out in two or three days. The doctor-trichologist takes a series of pictures.

All received images are processed by a computer: the number of active hairs (in the growth phase), passive hairs (in the sleep phase), the number of ingrown hairs, etc. are counted.

After the diagnosis and obtaining all the necessary results, the trichologist selects the most effective and adequate treatment. It is worth noting that therapy is usually prescribed for at least six months, after which it is mandatory to undergo a second diagnosis.

To become an eco-farmer and switch to organic farming, you need to stop using pesticides. To do this, they must be replaced by biological means plant protection, and just read about one of these in our material.

It's no secret that the excessive use of pesticides, which began with the times, has led to environmental degradation. In this regard, organic farming began to gain more and more popularity, in which only organic fertilizers and means of protection are used.

How it works?

From May to August, pests on various plants begin to pupate, mate and lay their eggs. At this time, you need to track the appearance of pests and predict egg deposition. It should also be taken into account that several outbreaks of insect activity may occur during this period. For example, the stem borer develops on corn before the cotton bollworm, so crops have to be processed several times.

IN agriculture use the usual and range trichogram. The regular one respawns simultaneously after being applied, while the ranged one respawns several times at certain intervals. Thus, if a ranged trichogram is entered, then the protection period will be longer.

The life expectancy of a trichogram in the field is 2-5 days. Most of the eggs are laid by the female in the first three days, while destroying the eggs of pests.

When and how much to pay?

The period of application of the trichogram is determined by the appearance of pests on various plants. At the same time, there are also standard terms for its introduction, at this time the pests are most active. So, for example, in mid-May, a trichogram should be applied for crops of wheat, barley and peas, at the end of the month - to protect cabbage, pepper, tomato and sugar beets. The insect is also used to process corn and sunflowers in late June and July, respectively. It must be remembered that after the first detection of pest eggs, the trichogram must be applied for two days.

If cultures are subject to a large number of different pests, then several "settlements" of trichograms can be made. For example, such plants include corn, cabbage and sunflower. Basically, two approaches are made for processing crops and the difference between the resettlement takes 10-14 days. The exception is orchards- in this case, trichograms are sprayed three times with the same interval.

The effective application rate of Trichogramma is 100-200 thousand individuals per hectare. Depending on the number of pests and the type of plant, the desired level of application of the protective agent in this range may fluctuate. For example, if you do one resettlement, then for the treatment of sunflower crops you need to apply from 100 thousand trichograms per hectare, two resettlements - 60 thousand each. This is the optimal level, but if there are a lot of pests, then the norms can be increased.

Trichogramma will cost you 25-30 UAH per 100 thousand individuals. But at the same time, the cost of its introduction must also be taken into account.

How to make a trichogram?

Trichogramma can be resettled manually, as well as with the help of drones, drones, airplanes or a hang glider. The first method is effective only on small fields. To decompose a trichogram by hand, it is thrown into a jar, which is filled with decomposing material. For example, acacia leaves. Then the contents of the jar are applied per hectare.

It is important to remember that Trichogramma must be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 ° C before making. Having taken out of the cold, eggs with insects are kept for 1-1.5 days at room temperature. The awakened trichogram is visible to the naked eye - it intensively runs around the bag. Only after she is hatched can it already be settled across the field.

To make a trichogram using flying equipment, it must be equipped with a tank with material and a sprayer. In this case, the introduction is carried out at a height of not more than 10 meters. The material used for filling is semolina. It is also needed to check equipment settings and perform application control. For a trial application on 10 hectares, you need 100 g of semolina and 10 g of Trichogramma. In addition, two extra grams of semolina are placed in the container, and after a trial application, the same amount of excess semolina should remain there. If this happened, it means that the application equipment is set up correctly and Trichogramma can be applied to the entire area.

Is it profitable to make a trichogram and where is it used?

To understand how beneficial the use of trichograms, let's turn to such a concept as biological effectiveness. In Ukraine, this figure is at the level of 65-75%. That is, 65-75% of pests will be destroyed if a trichogram is used to treat crops. This is a good result, because, for example, in Germany, the biological effectiveness of this insect is . The most effective trichogram can be used in Australia and Brazil - 80-100%.

Mostly Ukrainians use Trichogramma to protect vegetables and grain crops. In some other countries it is used for other plants. For example, in Vietnam it protects tobacco, in Australia - plums and cotton, in Egypt - sugar cane and olives, in India - citrus fruits. But there is one crop that is processed by this method in almost every country - corn.

Eco-friendly products are much more expensive than conventional products. And one way to increase farmers' profits could be to switch to eco-products. And the use of trichograms is the first step towards organic products that will save you from the chemical treatment of crops.

During the growing season, Trichogramma in natural conditions gives 3-5 generations!

Trichogramma is used to combat leaf-eating and gnawing scoops, stem borers, and garden pests.

The release of the trichogram is carried out in two steps: at the beginning of the oviposition of the main types of scoops and stem borers, and with the onset of mass oviposition of these pests. With the aviation method of resettlement, the trichogram is released once, but at the same time, the timing of the revival of the trichogram is taken into account.

Release standards.

Beets, winter crops, perennial grasses, millet, sunflower, vegetables - 800-1000 individuals per 100 square meters, corn from 1 to 2 thousand individuals per 100 square meters.

Application of Trichogramma in personal plots:

Trichogramma destroys about 80 species of scoops, stem and meadow moths. It develops inside the eggs of insect pests infected with it. Eggs affected by Trichogramma acquire a dark color after a few days.

Trichogramma is released during the laying period of pests.

In the conditions of central Ukraine, scoops develop in 2 generations. Against each generation of cutworms, 2-3 releases of Trichogramma are carried out with an interval of 10-12 days.

Against the first generation, the trichogram is released in the third decade of May, against the second - in the third decade of August.

The first release coincides with the beginning of oviposition of pests, the 2nd and 3rd - with the period of their mass oviposition. Therefore, in order to obtain high efficiency from the use of Trichogramma, it is necessary to carry out 4-6 of its releases per season.

Release scheme: the contents of the package are divided into 2-3 parts. The first part is placed for rebirth, and the rest is placed in a refrigerator or icebox, where they can be stored for about one month at a temperature of +2 - +3 ° C and a humidity of 85-90%.

At room temperature, the adult insect emerges from the egg in 3-5 days. The revived trichogram lives 10-12 days.

About a day before the revival of the trichogram (when the first single insects appear in the bag), paper balls with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm are placed in 1-liter jars, or withered leaves of plants (amaranth, acacia), or inflorescences of clover, cumin, carrots, beans . On a plot of 0.5 hectares, 50 balls (leaves) are used. Trichogrammed eggs are poured into the same jar and the neck is covered with a cloth. When the insects are evenly placed on the balls or leaves, they can be released onto the site. Most of the balls are desirable to be placed on carrots, onions, cabbage, canteen and fodder beet. Subsequent releases follow the same pattern.

Irina Leonidovna Ermolaeva, a specialist in plant protection against pests and diseases, tells.

In our gardens there are not only visible enemies, but also friends. These are various predatory beetles, ground beetles, hoverflies, ladybugs, ants and spiders, which, while eating, invisibly help us, destroying pests on different stages development.

To attract beneficial insects and to stimulate their active work, nectarifers should be sown, i.e. plants that attract such helpers. These are phacelia, mustard, buckwheat, carrot seeds, onions, etc. Moreover, it is necessary to create a flower-nectar conveyor - sow them in different dates between rows or empty spaces.

fly tahina

One of the many beneficial insects is the tahina fly. The range of pests that it destroys is simply huge, and its effectiveness is high. Suffice it to say that the number of silkworms, sawflies, leafworms, moths, tahini moths is kept under constant control. The survival and accumulation of these flies is facilitated by the presence of flowering carrots, parsnips, goutweed and other umbrella crops.

The body of tachin flies is usually covered with strong bristles, and therefore they are also called sand flies. The family of flies-tachin has about 5 thousand species.

Tahini flies find their hosts in different ways. Some types of flies lay their very small eggs on the surface of the leaf where the caterpillar feeds. Caterpillars, eating the leaf, swallow the eggs, then larvae appear inside the caterpillar, which feed on the body of the host insect, which leads to its death. Other species lay their eggs directly into the body of the insect host. And, finally, there are types of tahini, the larvae of which themselves find the owner and bite into his body.

Tahini flies lay a large number of eggs, and therefore one fly can kill many caterpillars.

Ants and spiders

Ants and spiders do a great job of destroying pests. Coriander and anise can be sown next to cabbage. When sown at the same time, they bloom from May to September. Their flowers feed many beneficial insects and do not attract butterflies whose caterpillars damage cabbages.

Ants are nurses. They build their houses in the soil and above it and are of great benefit. Numerous passages of ants make the soil looser, and this improves the breathing conditions for plant roots. Getting their own food, ants bring a huge number of insect pests and their larvae into the passages and chambers of the anthill: the inhabitants of only one anthill destroy an average of up to 20 million garden pests per year. But it is worth watching for an increase in the number of ants, this can lead to oppression of the garden, and because of the favorite delicacy of ants that aphids secrete, they also contribute to the settlement of aphid colonies. Here you need to think about whether to leave the ants in their areas or not.

Spiders. A significant part of the prey of spiders of the families of jumping spiders (Salticidae), funnel spiders (Agelenidae), wolf spiders (Licosidae), side-walker spiders (Thomisidae) is made up of such dangerous pests as a harmful turtle, Colorado potato beetle, meadow moth, different kinds moths, many Diptera.

Attention! I want to warn you that beneficial insects, like pests, overwinter in the bark, leaves, in the soil on garden plot. And in the summer, you should not catch all the insects you see in the garden, because you can leave the garden without defenders - beneficial insects, which are called entomophages.


Everyone knows what a ladybug looks like, but not everyone knows what benefits it brings. She is prolific and lays eggs in small groups of 30, the eggs are yellow, similar to the eggs of the Colorado potato beetle and hawthorn butterflies.

An adult beetle eats 100-200 aphids per day, the larvae are ten times more voracious than mites, whiteflies (Aleyrodidae) and mealybugs (Coccoidea).

Ladybugs will be attracted to our garden by plants of the Compositae family: daisies, tansy, or yarrow.

Ladybug Larva

ground beetles

These workers can be seen in the process of digging or loosening the soil. These are nocturnal predators that prey on insects living in the soil: moth pupae, moths, larvae of click beetles (wireworms), gall midges. Destroy slugs and caterpillars. The menu of one ground beetle per day is about one hundred moth larvae, 5 adult moth caterpillars and 5-6 weevil larvae. And the larvae are much more voracious than adults, they sit in dug holes and grab insects crawling past.

To have more ground beetles in the garden, take care of soil fertility. Those. apply organic fertilizers, humus, etc. in spring and autumn.


This is a gentle and slender insect. The color is pale green. Adult insects feed on the nectar of flowers, aphids, pollen, as well as the mites and aphids themselves, destroying up to 4000 individuals per day. The larvae suck spider mites and aphids. The lacewing prefers cool shady places covered with thickets of ferns for breeding.


A two-centimeter ktyr cannot be confused with any other fly. Powerful paws armed with bristles and suckers. A strong proboscis, pointed at the end, protrudes from the flattened head. They ktyr can pierce even such a strong shell as beetles have.

Ktyri, destroying a lot of harmful insects, bring undoubted benefits. Their menu includes beetles, flies, fillies, leafhoppers, butterflies and even caterpillars. Not only adult insects are useful, but also larvae that live in the soil and destroy the larvae of click beetles, beetles and dark beetles, locust eggs and caterpillars that gnaw on the scoop.

Interesting. The largest ktyri reach 5 centimeters. You should not touch the ktyri with your hands - their bite is as painful as a prick of a bee sting.

Such flies are attracted to plants from the aster family - goldenrod, chamomile, daisies, as well as various types of mint - catnip, peppermint and spearmint.


This is an egg-eater, the mass reproduction of which has already been put on an industrial basis. Trichogramma females lay their eggs in the eggs of many pests - apple codling moth, yellow and pale-legged gooseberry sawfly, meadow moth, cabbage scoop, cabbage white and others.

Since these insects are very small, they take nectar from small open flowers such as anise, dill. A good shelter for them are plants of the celery family.

From the above, it follows that the more nursery plants in the garden, the less pest problems you will have. These plants can be placed along the edges of the garden or border areas with vegetables. It is necessary to select plant species in such a way that they bloom for a long time, replacing each other. Marigolds, alyssum, tansy, chamomile, daisies are suitable for this. Savory, lavender, hyssop, basil, rosemary, oregano bloom for a long time.

You can name many more useful insects - our helpers. But their number is still less than pests. Birds, frogs and toads, dragonflies, spiders - many animals help to keep the garden and vegetable garden clean from pests and healthy. But they themselves are not protected from chemicals.

Chemical treatments primarily destroy beneficial insects, since for a number of reasons they are more sensitive to chemistry and, in addition, their numbers are much smaller. Against the backdrop of an abundant forage base and lack of natural enemies pests remaining after treatment begin to multiply intensively. First of all, this applies to sucking pests - aphids and mites, which give several generations during the growing season.

This information is for lovers of chemistry and for those who consider it necessary to destroy everything that flies, crawls, jumps around the site.

Currently entering trichograms using drones is the most modern and effective way biological protection of agricultural plants from harmful insects.

Trichogramma are very small hymenoptera insects. It is propagated in laboratories.

Trichogramma larvae hatch sexually mature and after hatching can begin to mate with each other. Thus, up to 14 generations of Trichogramma can develop per season.

Trichogramma effective in destroying corn (stem) and meadow moths, cotton scoops, gnawing and leaf-eating scoops, Colorado potato beetle, moths, moths, leafworms, codling moths, American white butterflies and other pests that lay eggs, before the appearance of their harmful stage - caterpillars. These types of pests lead a hidden lifestyle. Chemicals in such cases, they are ineffective, since they destroy entomophagous insects, which subsequently leads to the most undesirable results.

Trichogramma is used for biological protection of crops such as: corn, sunflower, wheat, barley, peas, soybeans, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, sugar beets.

The introduction of trichograms is carried out in two or three chronological stages, which correspond to the timing of egg laying by pests:

  • at the very beginning of the process of laying malicious eggs;
  • at the stage of mass laying of eggs by pests;
  • one to two weeks after the second stage.

Trichogram effectiveness can vary from 40-50% to 85%.

Benefits of Trichogramma

  • This method of bioprotection of plants is environmentally friendly, which makes it possible to use it in organic farming.
  • High penetrating power. Trichogramma destroys the germs of even those pests whose eggs are in the ground or in the stems of plants.
  • Has a wide spectrum of activity.
  • Cheaper than chemical treatment of plants.
  • Long lasting agent.

Let's compare the costs of applying Trichogramma and insecticides in relation to corn and sunflower crops.

The average price of a systemic insecticide against scoops, moths, and corn borers varies (depending on the manufacturer) - from $ 10 to $ 15 at a rate of 1 ha. Considering that pests have 2-3 or even 4 generations, at least two treatments are required.

Drug costs for two treatments will be $20 to $30. This cost does not include additional costs such as: fuel, water supply, staff salaries. The cost of a single application of a trichogram (including the cost of the trichogram itself) ranges from $3.5 to $4. Accordingly, the total cost of double application of Trichogramma will be from 6 to 8 $. Thus, we see that the application of Trichogramma is three times cheaper than the use of insecticides. Data are as of 2016.

Considering that in 1 working day 1 drone can contribute from 500 hectares, it is not difficult to assume that savings for the farm can be up to $ 3,000 per 100 hectares.

To date, there are two ways to use trichograms- ground (mechanized or manual) and from the air.

Trichogramma can be sprayed over fields using drones or small aircraft.

Using small aircraft is difficult and expensive. It must be properly operated and maintained. Have a crew of qualified pilots who can take off at the right time. In addition, you must have special licenses and permissions to fly.

It is easier and cheaper to use drones for spraying. They are more convenient to operate, they do not need a runway, they do not need to spend fuel. Drones can take off anywhere, fly at very low altitudes, and can handle areas even at night without human control. Such a drone evenly sprays Trichogramma in all parts of the field in the right dosage. With the help of one drone, 500 hectares can be covered with Trichogramma during the day.

This method of pest control is economical and absolutely harmless to humans and the environment. Its use contributes to solving the problem of nature conservation and the integrated use of natural resources. beneficial organisms in plant protection.