The test showed two strips but. What to do if a pregnancy test is positive - tips for expectant mothers

  • 02.07.2020

Pregnancy test positive, but no pregnancy. Why? This happens in the practice of any doctor. The reasons for a false positive test may vary, depending on various circumstances. And how do they work What is hCG?

The principles of operation of almost all tests are the same. They respond to the level of a hormone produced by the chorion, resulting in a reaction and the appearance of color, stripes or other indications.

Problems with the test itself

Why does it happen that there is no pregnancy, but the test is positive? This happens if the test purchased at the pharmacy turned out to be defective. Another reason may be incorrectly following the instructions. Some tests need to be placed under a stream of urine, others need to be immersed in a container. Do not confuse which tests should be done as. The exposure time can also affect the result. Do not overexpose the strip in the container, plus you need to keep it strictly perpendicular to the glass. Whether you are pregnant or not, you will find out in a few minutes. Do not look at the results too soon: the reaction on litmus paper may not have happened yet.

So, it happens that a pregnancy test is positive, but there is no pregnancy. This is due to the fact that you were sold an expired product. Therefore, carefully check the expiration date and production date when buying. For the accuracy of the result, it is recommended to buy several tests from different manufacturers and firms at once and do them in turn, but not immediately on the same day. So the chance of error will be much less. Remember that proper storage must also be provided in your home if you expect to get an accurate result.

Diseases of the small pelvis

What to think when a pregnancy test is positive but not pregnant? The reasons for this phenomenon may be hidden in diseases of the small pelvis, in which it increases significantly. This can be caused by cancer, as well as problems in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and lungs. A false positive result is a reason to contact your doctor for testing and diagnosis.

Termination of pregnancy for early dates, as well as a miscarriage, are also causes of an incorrect test result. But it should be remembered that this can only be observed within a few days after the incident.


Why else does it happen that a pregnancy test is positive, but there is no pregnancy? An ectopic or missed pregnancy can also give out such a reaction. Ultrasound will help confirm or refute your doubts. If suddenly the egg began its development in the fallopian tube, and not inside the reproductive organ, doctors decide to remove this egg, sometimes even together with the fallopian tube. carried out by a doctor, will allow you to choose the best way surgical intervention.

So, if all options are excluded, but still the pregnancy test is positive, but there is no pregnancy - what could it be? Too early in pregnancy, not all tests give the correct result. You may need an ultrasound. Remember that not all offices are equipped with modern devices, which means that it is sometimes impossible to see a fertilized egg. And the test can determine the presence of pregnancy about ten days after intercourse. If you doubt the results of your own research, it is worth donating blood to clarify the fact of conception.

Psychological aspect

Why is there no pregnancy, but the test is positive? The psychological state of a woman can also give such a reaction. In medical practice, there are such cases when a woman sees a second strip where it does not exist, or it seems to a girl that she is, but she is not so bright.


The reception can also give a false positive result. Therefore, you should stop taking these funds and after 12-15 days the reaction on the test will be correct. Such drugs are prescribed for delayed puberty or infertility with anovulation.

If you doubt the reliability of the test, then in any gynecological clinic or in a laboratory designed for testing, you can have a venous blood test, the accuracy of which is many times higher than that of a urine test. The turnaround time for analysis is one to two days.

Many feel the birth of a new life within themselves intuitively. They notice changes in behavior and in the emotional background, but they are in no hurry to conduct the test, since for the correct result it is necessary to wait a certain time. After all, the level of hCG rises daily after successful fertilization, and the next delay, the result will be much more accurate than the previous one.

In any case, if there is no pregnancy, and the test is positive, consult a gynecologist. Sometimes the doctor will suggest doing an in-cab test to make sure you followed the instructions correctly. It happens that women are surprised at the sudden opposite result, then the specialist will tell you where the mistake was made, so that next time everything was done correctly.

A little about tests

Test strips are the cheapest type of pregnancy test. The inconvenience lies in the fact that it is necessary to collect urine in a container, and the accuracy of the test is not too high. In this case, urine should be only morning due to the slight sensitivity of litmus.

Tablet tests also require urine collection. But at the same time they do not need to be loaded. The kit comes with a special disposable pipette. These tests are much more sensitive and can detect pregnancy even in the early stages.

Inkjet is the third generation of pregnancy tests. They are easy to use and their results are accurate. The result is correctly determined even if the level of hCG is slightly elevated. However, the price of these devices is much higher than all the others.

They are 99% accurate. The result here appears as a "plus" if fertilization has occurred, or a "minus" if pregnancy has not occurred. The result will be displayed a day after the event. It is worth remembering that all types of tests are one-time, and their reuse is unacceptable. Electronic versions are no exception.


If there is no pregnancy, and the test is positive, but you feel that you did something wrong, or you feel changes, but you are not sure about the fact of conception, it is better to ask a gynecologist for help to accurately explain the instructions, take all the tests and go through research to exclude fact of ectopic pregnancy. Check the health of your sexual partner. After all, the reasons for failure can be very different. Joint research with a spouse will increase the chances of quick conception and the likelihood of being born healthy child. Almost all problems with this issue are solved thanks to modern development medicine and a competent approach of a specialist.

Whatever the ratings say, and among the best inventions of the last century, women call 2 strips - a pregnancy test. An affordable purchase at a pharmacy allows you to get tested in the morning to find out if a long-awaited event has occurred or if you need to try again. After 5 minutes, a second line should appear near the control test strip, exactly the same. But even more questions remain on women's forums, mainly due to the fact that the second strip in a pregnancy test has different characteristics.

Why does a pregnancy test show two lines?

Most pharmacy tests for determining pregnancy work on the principle of litmus paper from the chemistry room. Only this reagent is designed to determine not an acidic or alkaline environment, but the presence of the chorionic hormone or hCG in the urine. This substance is produced by the fetal egg - this is the placenta.
Important: A similar substance is often found in the blood of non-pregnant women, up to 5 units per milliliter. Therefore, a weak strip can be in single women and virgins. From the first days after fertilization, the concentration of these complex molecules steadily increases - the main sign, and not just two strips of a pregnancy test!

Today, several varieties of determinants of the level of hCG in urine and blood are produced. Blood tests are carried out in the laboratory. Pharmacy highly sensitive pregnancy tests "2 strips" determine the hormone of the chorion in the morning urine, when its concentration is highest.

Tests have a different threshold:

  • ultra sensitive, enough hCG levels of 10 mU / ml and above (5-7 days after fertilization or fusion of the sperm with the egg);
  • classic 2 strips (pregnancy test), which respond to a concentration above 25 mU / ml, used for a large delay and associated symptoms.
Test systems are distinguished by the method of application:
  1. Strip tests are the most common and affordable, most girls who have not had sexual intimacy know how to use them. With the indicated side, the strips are dipped into the collected urine (dry and clean dishes), after 5 minutes (even earlier) you can find out about pregnancy or its absence.
  2. Inkjet pregnancy tests with two strips are considered the most convenient. You don’t need to collect anything, you can urinate on the “litmus”, the answer will appear almost immediately. This is convenient if the girl is away from home - at her chosen one, on the road or at a party. But do not think that they can be used immediately after an intimate relationship, only with a delay.
  3. Tablet tests are recommended by doctors because they are protected by a case. An indicator with a reagent is less susceptible negative influence, so their accuracy reaches 100%. Take a little urine with a pipette (included) and drip it into the test window, in a few minutes there will be an answer.
It is up to the woman to choose inkjet pregnancy tests, which show two stripes, or electronic ones that give out the inscription “pregnon” (pregnant) and “non pregnon” (not pregnant).

Tip: You should not buy spoiled test systems at a discount, which are imposed in a pharmacy. They may be expired or not stored properly. Most often, ladies buy 2-3 tests different type- to be sure.

What does 2 lines on a pregnancy test mean?

Before using any test system, it is important to read the instructions so that there is no confusion. It says which side to lower into the analyzes or not to do this at all. It is better to do any self-examination in the morning, and do not drink a lot of liquids the day before (watermelons are even worse), so as not to dilute the composition of the urine.

"Streaky tests", as they are often called, should not be used before a delay. But over a longer period, for various reasons, they can give a dubious result:

  • false positive (when there is no pregnancy) test;
  • false negative (when there was fertilization, but the test does not highlight).
Everything is clear with the test strip, but why are there two of them? On the forums, they often ask, “what do two stripes on a pregnancy test mean?” But everything is simple here, the first strip is the standard, it is the control one, the result is compared with it.

It is a different look that gives the right to doubt pregnancy when the second line is different:

  • color;
  • intensity;
  • uneven staining;
  • phantom manifestation (was, then evaporated).
A pale strip does not give complete confidence in pregnancy, intensely stained - 99% probability.

A line of low intensity occurs in the presence of hormone-like substances in the blood or urine. Many women are surprised to learn that men are tested for testicular cancer in the same way. Tumor processes (in women and men) produce complex molecules to which the reagent reacts, but this strip is weak.

A pale strip also occurs at a short gestational age, when the concentration of the hCG hormone has not yet reached the required level.

If the pregnancy was not planned in advance, the delay in menstruation becomes a cause for joyful excitement or anxiety.

You can confirm or deny the fact of conception using a pregnancy test, modern method diagnostics available at home. In most cases, the test shows an accurate result.

After the release of the egg from the follicle, the level of chorionic gonadotropin begins to rise steadily.

During fertilization, an increase in the concentration of the hormone occurs every 2 days by 2 times. Detected in the urine and blood of a woman.

  • Strip test.

This is the cheapest th option. However, the sensitivity of this test is low in comparison with analogues.

Most often, the cause of the error is insufficient impregnation of the indicator window with liquid.

Tests look like paper strips that should be lowered into a container filled with urine. A positive result is the appearance of 2 colored stripes.

  • Tablet tests.

The device has 2 windows. When urine enters the first "window", the result appears in the second.

The cost of a tablet test is higher, as is the guarantee of an accurate result.

  • Jet test.

The highest quality and most expensive test.

The principle of operation is based on the interaction of particles of a special substance with hCG, which allows you to find out the result after a minute. To diagnose pregnancy using an inkjet test, it is not necessary to collect biological material in a separate container.

  • Electronic.

Can be dipped in a glass of urine or used on the principle of inkjet tests.

Such a gadget will write “+” on the electronic scoreboard if the pregnancy is confirmed and “-” if there is no pregnancy.

Some electronic pregnancy tests may have advanced features. For example, the Clearblue test also shows the gestational age from conception.

The Clearblue Electronic Test is used only 1 time. The device is not a reusable pregnancy test.

Advantages modern technique undeniable. There is no need to interpret the clarity and color of the stripes, you can find out the result at any time, since it is preserved and does not change under the influence of external factors.

Reliability of results

The probability of error when using test strips depends on the expiration date, correct execution procedures, individuality of the course of physiological processes in the body. It is advisable to purchase tests from reliable manufacturers.

Often, a weakly expressed test is a direct consequence of a violation of the instructions.

The most reliable is the analysis of morning urine, which should be collected immediately after waking up.

If this is not possible, you can store urine for several hours in the refrigerator.

Hypersensitive tests

Accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages before the delay in menstruation allows supersensitive tests:

  • The leader is the FRAUTEST line.

The Human Gesellschaft once again confirms the German quality. Almost all types of tests are presented on the modern market of pharmacological products. At the same time, even cheap options are highly accurate and sometimes allow you to diagnose pregnancy a few days before the delay.

Frautest DOUBLE CONTROL strips, 15 mIU/ml, are highly sensitive.

  • The BB test strip with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml, as well as the BB-Lux, is produced by the French company Innotech International.
  • The Swiss company SENSITIVE ECONOM supplies TEST for BEST No. 10 to Russia, also intended for diagnosing pregnancy before a delay.
  • Highly sensitive tests include test strips of the latest generation Home Test Express, USA, which allow you to determine the level of hCG, starting from 10 mIU / ml.

The range of tests designed for early diagnosis of pregnancy is quite wide.

Unfortunately, other Russian-made products often fail. Therefore, the most accurate result is obtained using the products of a foreign manufacturer.

The reason for the appearance of a faintly colored second strip on a test to determine pregnancy

Sometimes a woman doubts conception, since the strip on the test is weakly visible. However, in a normally developing pregnancy, inexpressive coloration is possible for several reasons.

  • The test was carried out before the delay of menstruation.

In this case, an increase in hCG is not enough to accurately determine conception. Therefore, the strip turns out to be slightly colored.

For the reliability of the result, it is necessary to re-diagnose after 2-3 days.

  • If ovulation is delayed.

In this case, the production of hCG begins later. Causes of late ovulation are premenopause, gynecological diseases, imbalance of pituitary hormones, frequent stress.

Late ovulation can occur within 3 months after abortion or 1 year after childbirth.

  • If hormonal therapy is carried out.

Against the background of the use of hormonal drugs, the increase in hCG may look weak. In this case, the second strip on the test will be paler. In addition, a false positive test is present if it is performed earlier than 2 weeks after embryo transfer into the uterine cavity.

  • If the embryo stops developing.

There is a slow decrease in the concentration of hCG in the body of a woman. Therefore, if the test shows a weak second strip, then this may indicate. As a rule, the suspicion of a missed pregnancy is confirmed if, 3 weeks after ovulation, a clear color of the strip is not observed.

  • If it develops.

In fact, the pathology can also be accompanied by the normal production of hCG.

It is impossible to determine only with the help of the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristic symptoms and the results of the examination by hardware methods.

And, accordingly, a mild test is possible with an ectopic pregnancy with fetal developmental arrest.

Sometimes during an ectopic pregnancy, the production of hCG is disrupted, since there are no optimal conditions for the development of the embryonic membrane. In this case, the test may be false negative.

  • The test itself is faulty.

When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the specified period of validity, the integrity of the package. Much also depends on the conditions in which the test was stored.

For example, the test should be stored at temperature regime 2-28°C, and use after warming up the product to room temperature. When in the refrigerator, the test loses its quality.

  • Some types of oncology.

So, chorioncarcinoma or bubble drift, oncology of the intestines, as well as the organs of the genitourinary system, are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of hCG.

Normally, the level of chorionic gonadotropin does not exceed 5 mIU / ml. If an increased value is detected and there is no pregnancy, a thorough examination should be performed.

  • Spontaneous abortion or artificial termination of pregnancy.

If parts of the fetal egg remain in the uterine cavity. The decrease in hCG levels occurs gradually, and the test may show a false positive result.

Personal experience

In total, I had 7 pregnancies - two of them ended in miscarriages, one was ectopic. After conception, in all seven cases, I did a pregnancy test. Some occurred at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, others after a delay.

In those cases when the test was done before the delay, the indicator showed a weak strip. After menstruation, sometimes there was a weak strip, in other cases it was bright, clear. But I will make a reservation that the test showed a pale pink color after menstruation only when confirmed ectopic pregnancy. During the normal course of pregnancy, the second strip on the test was painted in a bright saturated color.

For all four "normal" pregnancies (now I am pregnant with the fourth), the test can show the intensity of the color due to the term itself. If you suspect pregnancy, but have not yet gone for an ultrasound, and the test showed a pale pink stripe, it is better to play it safe. In my case, I found an ectopic.

It is better, of course, to do a second test in two weeks, if you are scheduled for an ultrasound in a month. The more weeks you have, the brighter the indicator should be. If he still remains pale, you need to sound the alarm. Most likely, pregnancy has occurred, but the fetus has either died or there is an ectopic pregnancy.

The main thing is if there is a suspicion of a delay, if there is no pain, a pale strip on the test indicates only a short period. Or you are not pregnant, but the test is defective (what else needs to be confirmed by ultrasound and analysis).

Tatiana, 30.

Even with the appearance of a strip of pale color, a pregnancy test should be regarded as positive. This is an occasion to visit a gynecologist. Further diagnosis using blood sample analysis and ultrasound will help confirm pregnancy.