Xylophone - musical instrument - history, photo, video. Xylophone: interesting facts, video, history, photo, listen Message about xylophone musical instrument

  • 04.02.2021

(from Greek xylo - tree + background - sound)- with a certain pitch. It is a series of wooden blocks of different sizes, tuned to certain notes.

The bars are struck with sticks with spherical tips or special hammers that look like small ones (in the jargon of musicians, these hammers are called " goat legs»).

Xylophone tone sharp, clicking in the forte and soft, gurgling in the piano.

Origin, history

It has an ancient origin - the simplest instruments of this type have been and are still found among different peoples of Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America.

In Europe, the first mention of the xylophone dates back to the beginning of the 16th century: Arnolt Schlick, in a treatise on musical instruments, mentions a similar instrument called hueltze glechter. Until the 19th century, the European xylophone was a fairly primitive instrument, consisting of about two dozen wooden bars, tied into a chain and laid out on a flat surface for playing. The convenience of carrying such an instrument attracted the attention of itinerant musicians.

The improvement of the xylophone dates back to the 1830s. The Polish musician Mikhoel Guzikov expanded its range to two and a half octaves, and also changed the design, arranging the bars in a special way in four rows. This model of the xylophone was used for more than a hundred years.

On a modern xylophone, the bars are arranged in two rows like piano keys, equipped with resonators in the form of tin tubes and placed on a special table-stand for ease of movement.

The role of the xylophone in music

First known case use of the xylophone in the orchestra - Ferdinand Cauer's Seven Variations, written in 1810, in the middle of the 19th century. The French composer Kastner included his parts in his works.

One of the most famous writings that involve the xylophone - a symphonic poem by Camille Saint-Saens " Dance of death» (1872).

Currently the xylophone is used in a symphony orchestra, on the stage, extremely rarely - as a solo instrument.

Video: Xylophone on video + audio

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Sale: where to buy/order?

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Ding-ding, tone-tone,


The xylophone climbed onto the cabinet,

He was afraid of the flamingo.

- You, flamingo, wait!

Do not knock hard with your beak,

Better get a wand.

And you will hear a gentle sound.

Just a miracle - a xylophone.

"Xylophone" in Greek means singing tree. The first xylophone appeared, perhaps, when a primitive man hit a dry tree with a stick and heard an unusual sound. Currently, similar simple xylophones are found in Africa, Asia and South America. It was brought to Europe by itinerant musicians.

A xylophone consists of a large number of wooden blocks that emit sounds of different pitches when struck. Bars are made of maple, alder, walnut, sometimes rosewood. They are placed on a braided rope made of straw, matting or rubber. The design is usually installed on a table, sometimes resonators are fixed under the bars - hollow metal cylinders. The sound of the xylophone is jerky, dryish and clicking. It is extracted with the help of "goat legs" - wooden sticks with thickenings at the ends, similar to spoons.

Sometimes, instead of wooden blocks, metal ones are used. This is a metallophone or vibraphone. He has all the records on the same level, while on the xylophone the bars corresponding to the black keys of the piano are slightly raised. The vibraphone is a complex design. It is placed on a special three-frame table-stand, moved on four wheels. Appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. Due to its characteristic timbre and great virtuosity, the vibraphone is widely used in music.

But if you attach a keyboard mechanism like a piano to a metallophone, you get a celesta instrument. It was made by the master Auguste Müster in 1886. It is more convenient to play the celesta than with sticks on a metallophone. And the sound is just as gentle and sonorous. During his visit to Paris, P. I. Tchaikovsky heard the celesta and was so fascinated by its magical sound that he introduced the party of this instrument into his compositions: the ballad "Voivode" and the ballet "The Nutcracker".

The xylophone was first used in an orchestra by Ferdinand Cauer in the middle of the 19th century. in "Seven Variations" One of the most famous compositions in which the xylophone is involved is the symphonic poem by Saint-Saens "Dance of Death". The Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov in The Tale of Tsar Saltan entrusted the xylophone with the song “In the garden, in the garden” to depict a squirrel gnawing golden nuts.

The xylophone is the oldest percussion instrument, the history of which goes back to the deep past. But even today, the simplest instruments of this type are found among the peoples of Africa, Latin America, and also Southeast Asia.

For many years, the xylophone was a rather primitive instrument that was very easy to build on your own: blocks of wood were tied into a chain and placed on a flat surface. Sound was produced by striking the sticks. Such an instrument was especially convenient for traveling musicians.

Sticks for playing the xylophone can be with spherical tips (malets) or special hammers that look like small spoons (musicians call these hammers “goat legs”).

Variations of the xylophone have existed for many years in many cultures.

It's a big homemade xylophone.

Cheerful xylophonist - this is our time

And here is the xylophone of the Bwa people (Mali)

Instrument name

The name of the instrument in different languages ​​sounds almost the same and translated from Greek means: xulon - "wood, wood" + ponn - "sound". in Italian - Xilofono, in French - Xylophone.

History of the instrument

As we have already said, the xylophone is the simplest ancient musical instrument. But if we talk about its modern version, then approximately in this form it became known in Europe from the 15th-16th centuries, although it remained a simple instrument until the musician M. Guzikov paid attention to it. Here it should be told in more detail.

Mikhoel Iosef Guzikov (1806-1837)

Mikhoel Yosef Guzikov- Belarusian and Jewish xylophonist-virtuoso. He created a classic model of this instrument and was one of the first to become a solo performer on it.

The future musician was born in a family of poor musicians. As a child, he was taught to play the flute and dulcimer (an instrument of the genus cymbals). He often performed as a street musician, but suffered a serious illness, which gave a complication to the lungs - wind instruments became inaccessible to him. The young musician first played the Belarusian folk instrument, which was like a xylophone, and then began to improve this instrument. In essence, he created a modern model of a four-row xylophone with a volume of two and a half octaves of the chromatic range.

Xylophone improved by M. Guzikov

He achieved such mastery of performance on this instrument that he began to give solo concerts. Guzikov's performances in 1834 in Kiev, Moscow, and Odessa were so popular that the following year the Polish violinist Karol Lipinski and the poet Alphonse Lamartine helped him organize tours in Paris, Prague, Frankfurt, Vienna and other European cities.

Usually M. Guzikov performed in a traditional Jewish costume, the ensemble of his relatives accompanied the game, and these concerts were a huge success. They performed folk Jewish melodies, their own arrangements of works by Weber, Paganini and other famous composers.

But, unfortunately, poor health did not allow the talented musician to continue performing - he died of tuberculosis at the age of 31.

The xylophone model created by Guzikov was used for several decades practically without changes. Thanks to him, the xylophone was able to become a full-fledged instrument of classical music.

Contemporary xylophone

Percussion self-sounding musical instrument xylophone began to be included in the orchestra from the 19th century. It consists of a set of about 40 chromatically tuned wooden blocks made of maple, walnut, fir, rosewood or spruce, arranged in 4 vertical columns on bundles of straw, matting or rubber, which do not dampen their sonority.

During the game, the xylophone is placed on a special table, which is sometimes equipped with resonators - copper sleeves of various sizes, brought under the bars - the sound of the xylophone becomes more melodious.

Currently, keyboard-like instruments with bars arranged in 2 rows, like piano keys, are more often used. The sound is extracted by two sticks carved from wood with thickenings at the ends ("goat's legs"). The timbre of the xylophone is sonorous and piercing, clicking, and in the upper register it is rather dry.

Xylophones come in a variety of sizes and range from 1.5 to 3.5 octaves. The range of a keyboard-like xylophone is f-c4 or c1-c4.

Using a xylophone

The xylophone is used as an orchestral and solo instrument. It is notated in the treble clef, in the score its part is located under the part of the bells and above the part of the celesta.

Currently, symphonic, pop, folk, wind, big band and other orchestras include a xylophone in their composition. There are even orchestras consisting only of percussion instruments, including xylophones. For instance, ensemble Marimba Mix from St. Petersburg.

Various musical genres also cannot do without this instrument - folk, Latin American, classical music, ragtime, musical, jazz, even rock, etc.

Many composers used the xylophone in their compositions: D. Shostakovich in the ballet suite "The Golden Age", A. Khachaturian in the ballet "Gayane" (the famous saber dance), I. Stravinsky in the ballet "Petrushka", V. Oransky in the ballet "Three fat man”, D. Klebanov in the ballet “Stork”, etc.

The xylophone, although a rather simple instrument, boldly declares itself as a soloist, in its performance the works of great composers written for other instruments sound great. And especially for the xylophone, P. Creston, M. de Falla, A. Hovaness, D. Corigliano, S. Slonimsky, A. Aslamas, V. Blok, J. Delescluse, A. Jacques, B. Moshkov, D. Paliev, O. Chishko, E. Khandzhiev and many others.

Xylophone performers

The first virtuoso xylophonist was its creator, Mikhoel Guzikov. Famous xylophone performers are K. Mikheev, I. Troyanov, M. Eichhorn, M. Raskatov, M. Maslovsky, V. Shteiman, O. Khvedkevich, A. Emelyanov, N. Kurganova, V. Snegirev, A. Ogorodnikov, K Fishkin, T. Egorova, E. Galoyan, H. Breuer, B. Becker, E. Glennie, I. Finkel, A. Poddubny, A. Reshetova and many others.

Alexandra Makarova

One of the most famous compositions in which the xylophone is used is Camille Saint-Saens's symphonic poem Dance of Death (1872).

Varieties of the xylophone

There are a lot of ethnic varieties of the xylophone. Almost every nation has its own xylophone.

Balafon popular in Angola, Guinea, Mali, Madagascar, Cameroon, Congo, Senegal, Gambia, Ivory Coast.

Timbilais the national instrument of Mozambique.

Mokkin- A xylophone from Japan.

Vibraphone and bells(metallophones) - varieties of the xylophone, the sound plates of which are made not of wood, but of metal, all these instruments are united by the same structure.

Marimba- a xylophone with metal resonator tubes suspended under the bars. The marimba differs from the xylophone in range and timbre, respectively, and in the size of the keys and resonators. Like the xylophone, the resonator is a metal or wooden tube suspended vertically below the key. In the traditional form of the instrument, this function is performed by a dried gourd.

The marimba originated in southern Mexico, then became a common instrument in Africa, Central and North America. It is used mainly in academic music, most often as a solo instrument or for playing in an ensemble.

The tips of the marimba sticks are wrapped with woolen or cotton threads. The choice of sticks allows the musician to get a whole range of different timbres.

Tubaphone- This is a xylophone in which the bars are replaced by pipes.

Glockenspiel … Spelling Dictionary

GLOCKENSPIEL- (Greek metallon metal, and phone sound). Xylophone, in which wooden plates are replaced by metal ones. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. metallophone (see metal + ... background) the general name of a group of music ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

glockenspiel- bell, vibraphone, glockenspiel, xylophone, gong Dictionary of Russian synonyms. metallophone n., number of synonyms: 6 vibraphone (2) ... Synonym dictionary

GLOCKENSPIEL- [alo], glockenspiel, husband. (from Greek metallon metal and phone sound) (music). Percussion musical instrument, consisting of a series of steel plates of different lengths, fastened with cords. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

GLOCKENSPIEL- In our time, there are quite a few instruments, the sound of which arises from the vibration of an elastic metal body. These are triangles, gong, bells, cymbals and other percussion instruments. All of them are united by a common name ... ... Music dictionary

Glockenspiel- a musical instrument sometimes used in an orchestra (Carillon, Glockenspiel). It consists of a series of steel plates of various lengths, supported at their nodal points by cords or straw cords. Pitch, i.e., the number of vibrations in ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Glockenspiel- m. Percussion musical instrument, consisting of a number of specially selected metal plates, which are struck with wooden mallets. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

glockenspiel- he is a metallof, but ... Russian spelling dictionary

glockenspiel- (2 m); pl. metallophones, R. metallophones / new ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

glockenspiel- Metal platelarny bilgele ber tärtiptә tezep eshlәngәn һәm agach chүkechcheklәr belәn sugyp uyny torgan coral music … Tatar telenen anlatmaly suzlege


  • Developing set "Little musician" according to the method of M. Lazarev,. Educational set "Little musician" for children from 1 to 5 years old, aimed at developing the creative abilities of the baby and teaching him to play musical instruments. Includes: 15 cards...

The Flight FX-12R xylophone is a must buy for every kid or adult, the xylophone is made of wood and, unlike the metallophone, has an unusually pleasant sound!

Xylophone as the first instrument for a baby is a great choice!

The melodious sound of the xylophone will bring pleasure to the baby and parents, the learning process is very simple and accessible, this is the ideal solution for the initial musical training of the baby. The keys of the xylophone correspond to the white keys of the piano, and the baby will easily master a new instrument - a melody, a piano or a synthesizer, or even an accordion, playing already familiar melodies.

To teach kids, we have prepared colored stickers for the keys, thanks to which you can play according to the Semitsvetik method. Put stickers on the top of the keys, select a song, and start playing - colored notes don't require musical literacy!

Xylophone- a percussion musical instrument, has an ancient origin - the simplest instruments of this type are found among different peoples of Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. In Europe, the first mention of the xylophone dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. It is a series of wooden bars of different sizes, tuned to certain notes, which are struck with sticks. The instrument can be used both solo and in an ensemble.


  • Xylophone FLIGHT FX-12R
  • Has 12 keys
  • 2 sticks included
  • Set of colored stickers
  • Composition: wood, metal, fabric
  • Xylophone tuning: from lower A on large keys to upper E on small keys.

Before - red
Mi is yellow
Fa - green
Salt - blue
La - blue
C is purple.

When playing the xylophone, place the large keys on the left.

The order of labels from large to small keys is blue, purple, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, red, orange, yellow.

"Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits!"

Now you can play according to the "SEMITSVETIK" method.

METHOD "SEMI-COLOR" for xylophone 12 keys

We place the large keys of the xylophone on the left, the small keys on the right.

Large keys are low tones, small keys are high. The smaller the key, the higher the sound.

Pitch Notes- on the xylophone diagram - 2 sizes of keys, from large to small from left to right. They represent the pitch of the note. Large keys - we play on the left side of the xylophone, small keys - on the right.

The height of the rectangle in the diagram will indicate the key corresponding in height.

Duration– the width of the keys indicates the duration of the note.

A square is a half, a half-square is a quarter, and so on. The thinner the note, the shorter the duration.

Exclusive Semitsvetik technique, step by step.

  • Learning to play according to the "Semitsvetik" pattern on the xylophone
  • Learn notes by verse
  • We remember the visual correspondence of the melody to the written color notes.
  • Melodies and songs are selected according to the repertoire of piano textbooks for elementary education
  • We turn to the piano, playing familiar melodies.

From xylophone to piano.

The keys of the xylophone are located in the same way as the keys of the piano, and this formed the basis of the Semitsvetik teaching methodology. We use a xylophone with colored keys as the first instrument of the baby, we play the xylophone according to the Semitsvetik scheme. The bottom line is that, having learned to play the xylophone, the baby will easily move on to playing the piano. At the same time, he will not only learn to play, but will also know the notes, their names and location. We tried to select the melodies that traditionally begin training, so the baby will be familiar with the repertoire in advance and will easily master playing any instrument.

Xylophones are made of natural wood, tuned to a humidity of 40 percent, with changes in humidity, a slight change in tuning is possible. With increasing humidity, the system decreases, with a decrease it rises. With a significant change in tuning, you can independently adjust the xylophone:

  • to lower the tone, sand the key from below or make a notch in AVERAGE parts, on the bottom plane
  • to increase the tone, sand the bottom of the key along EDGE(on the lower plane of the protruding parts).

FLIGHT FX-12R Xylophone (12 notes)