How many people live with prostate cancer. Life with chronic prostatitis How long do people live with prostatitis

  • 23.02.2021
Can life be full with prostatitis? Live or exist men with prostatitis? This article does not analyze the causes and manifestations of prostatitis, it provides advice for the daily life of a man with this disease and the possibility of treating the prostate.

Lifestyle with prostatitis

How does it look like the life of a man who once found out, after long wanderings from an infectious disease specialist to a urologist and who underwent rather humiliating methods of collecting tests, that he had chronic prostatitis? First, it is an urgent search for a cure, advice from different doctors, searching the Internet, on forums, identifying other people with this problem, constantly comparing test results, and possibly visiting other urologists. As a result, after 2-3 years of ordeals, a man finds “his” doctor and understands that he must visit him 1-2 times a year, drink medicines that are constantly changing or remain the same, and also go through the same humiliating collection analyzes and massage of the prostate gland.

What other problems in life with this disease? This is sometimes depression due to insufficient production of serotonin, premature ejaculation, or other visible symptoms of chronic prostatitis. These are symptoms such as: frequent urination at night, weak and uncontrolled urination, pain in the prostate or lower abdomen, pain during urination and ejaculation, or vice versa, ejaculation without any sensations. A striking example is that in a patient, ejaculation occurs in the form of a simple flow of sperm, it no longer “shoots”, as before. All this strains, sometimes infuriates, spoils the sex life, lowers self-esteem.

Quality of life with prostatitis

How to live fully, without forbidding yourself small and big joys? Let's designate a few tips for a full life for a person suffering from chronic prostatitis.

  • The first is self-hypnosis through the use of prayers or positive attitudes. Praise yourself, say that everything will work out for you, everything is fine, look for the positive in everything.
  • The second is the limitation of oneself in work, since it is often typical for men with such a disease to be a workaholic. Finding a hobby for yourself, and one that is recommended by a urologist, for example: swimming, running, will also help to have fun and increase self-esteem.
  • The third is proper nutrition, for example, products that help prevent exacerbation of prostatitis and produce serotonin (the hormone of happiness). For example: pumpkin seeds, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, beans, buckwheat, lentils, dates, figs.
  • The fourth is a proper sex life. Circulation disorders in the prostate gland and possible stagnation of the secretion of this organ are aggravated by insufficiently complete ejaculation, too long sexual intercourse. Therefore, both sexual abstinence and prolonged sexual arousal, which did not end with ejaculation, are clearly unacceptable. What is important is the regularity of sexual life, a certain established rhythm. This requires a permanent partner who knows about the disease and will always support.
    Regular sex life improves health and prolongs life.
  1. Reduces stress levels.
  2. Promotes closer and more trusting relationships.
    Orgasm releases the neurotransmitter oxytocin, which induces feelings of closeness and care.
  3. Strengthens immunity.
    Sexual intercourse even once a week leads to an increase in the level of immunoglobulin A.
  4. Prevents prostate cancer.
  • The fifth is refusal or rare and small use of alcohol (better - red wine), stopping smoking, taking drugs (unless, of course, you drink, smoke or "dabble" in drugs), avoid hypothermia, always keep your feet dry and warm, do not forget visit a sauna or take a hot bath with a mandatory short-term dousing with cold water upon exiting it.
  • Get enough sleep! But don't oversleep. Sleep at night, daytime sleep is not beneficial.
  • Be sure to do morning exercises with an emphasis on exercises that improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  • Very useful: Uddiyana Bandha Mudra and Mula Bandha Mudra.

    Forget about prostatitis, remembering it

    Living a full quality life, a man suffering from prostatitis should, as it were, forget about his illness, remembering it. How is this possible? To do this, you should not get hung up on the disease, think less and read about it, but periodically visit a urologist for prevention, testing and treatment. The doctor will prescribe drugs to achieve a long-term and stable antidepressant, anti-asthenic effect and restore the prostate gland. All this will help you feel like a real man again!

    Currently, the survival prognosis for prostate cancer directly depends on how timely therapeutic measures are taken, how much the body fights the tumor process, and also on what stage the malignant tumor is at and how it can be treated.

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    Survival prognosis

    Depending on the stage at which prostate cancer is located, it is possible to make a prognosis for life expectancy. It is important to carry out timely treatment, which will help eliminate a dangerous complication.

    At stage 1

    This stage in the development of the disease is usually very difficult to detect. This is due to the fact that the tumor usually does not spread beyond the prostate gland, at the reception the urologist cannot probe it. Ultrasound diagnostics also cannot determine the presence of neoplasms.

    It is possible to identify the disease at this stage only with the help of a regular preventive examination of the blood fluid for antigens or tumor markers. If the concentration of the antigen in the blood fluid is exceeded, we can talk about a predisposition to oncological processes or that the first stage of the disease develops in the body.

    With timely diagnosis of pathology at this stage of development, it is possible to increase life expectancy by more than 17 years. Usually death at this stage is not predicted. In the absence of metastases, the pathology is easily amenable to therapeutic effects.

    It is not easy to determine the percentage of survival from a malignant neoplasm at this stage, since it is problematic to make a correct diagnosis. This stage is characterized by the isolation of the pathological process and the location of pathogenic agents in different planes of the penis. Usually, the focus of localization is the surface of the gland; the pathological process has not yet penetrated into the organ itself. Survival at this stage is high. More than 95% of patients can live for 10 years after they are diagnosed.

    At 2 stages

    This degree of development of the disease is characterized by rapid progression in the body. Prostatic disease can already be diagnosed with the help of an ultrasound examination of the organ. With a timely examination and timely treatment, the oncologist predicts the exclusion of a lethal outcome over the next five years.

    At this stage, the neoplasm increases in size so much that the doctor can already feel it, but at this stage there are still no metastases, the tumor is located within the tissues of the prostate gland. Usually during this period it occupies about 50% of the tissues of the organ. Surgery and treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible. Removal of the neoplasm and subsequent therapy will prevent the development of metastases, or another consequence of the disease.

    In some cases, oncology involves expectant management for a patient who has any contraindication to radical or conservative treatment.

    At this stage, the following options for eliminating the main ailment are offered:

    • radical prostatectomy with excision of lymph nodes;
    • exposure;
    • brachytherapy;
    • complex irradiation;
    • cryodestruction.

    A person should not die at this stage, despite his age. With prostatectomy, the survival rate is 99% at five years, 90% at 10 years, and 85% at 15 years. The brachytherapy procedure is an effective option for dealing with pathology. If the disease progresses slowly, the prognosis is 95% 10-year survival. If the cancer cells spread quickly, these figures decrease to 80-85%.

    To reduce the risk of a return of the disease with a radical removal of the organ, complex radiation therapy is prescribed in parallel by oncologists. The reliability of predictions of survival during cryodestruction has not yet been indicated. It is known that the absence of recurrence is observed in 80% of patients within 5 years.

    At 3 stages

    At this stage, in many cases the prognosis is negative. The tumor spreads beyond the boundaries of the prostate capsule, passes to the seminiferous tubules. But metastases are still absent. The method of therapeutic action is directly determined by the results of diagnostic measures. During this period, treatment involves:

    1. Carrying out complex radiation and drug exposure.
    2. Treatment through the use of hormonal drugs.
    3. Radical prostatectomy with excision of lymph nodes.

    There is no waiting strategy. In the third stage, the five-year survival prognosis is about 50%. The main task of specialists is to slow down the spread of malignant processes in the body and alleviate pronounced symptoms. Choosing the tactics of therapy, doctors take into account all the indicators and individual characteristics of the patient's body.

    In the last stages

    4 and 5 degrees of development of the disease are characterized by an unfavorable outcome. During this period, growths quickly spread to other organs. In some cases, they can form in one day. Cancer agents are carried with the blood and lymph fluid. This causes damage to regional and central lymph nodes. Since in the pre-mortem period there is an intensive growth of metastases, the patient suffers from severe swelling. When metastases penetrate into bone tissues, this is manifested by pronounced painful sensations, cranial, femoral, vertebral, costal bones are affected.

    The choice of treatment and the individual characteristics of the body of each patient directly affect what life expectancy will be. If there are metastases in nearby or distant organs, the fight against the disease becomes much more difficult. When prostate cancer is diagnosed at stages 4 and 5, the prognosis is usually poor. And no matter which treatment option is chosen by the oncologist, it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease. And if the treatment is chosen incorrectly, the overall survival rate is no more than 30% within 5 years. There is no possibility of cure through any of the therapy options.

    At these stages of the development of the disease, it is impossible to control the spread of metastases and cancer cells in the body. There is the formation of multiple new foci of pathological processes. The tissues of those organs that are located in close proximity to the prostate gland are affected - the bladder, rectum, urethral sphincter. The general condition of the patient deteriorates sharply. The task of doctors at these stages is to prolong the life of the patient. Therapy options are radiation and drug therapy, which are aimed at alleviating the patient's condition and maximizing life extension.

    Dependence of the prognosis on symptoms

    The first two stages of development are characterized by tumor growth, there are no metastases. Growths appear already at the third stage. The person feels intense pain.

    The fourth and fifth stages are characterized by the spread of metastases to other organs. With cancer with metastases, the duration and quality of life are reduced. If the pathological process quickly spreads through organs and systems, the patient's life expectancy can be no more than two years.

    Risk Factors Affecting Prognosis

    The following factors can affect life expectancy:

    • timeliness of therapy;
    • the age category of the sick person;
    • the presence or absence of growths;
    • leading a right or wrong way of life;
    • patient nutrition;
    • variant of the chosen therapeutic effect;
    • individual characteristics of the organism;
    • the rate of spread of pathological processes;
    • correct diagnosis.

    How to improve your chances of survival

    The prognosis of survival is determined by the stage of development of the pathology and the type of tumor detected. Of course, it is not possible to prevent the development of the pathological process. But it is important to undergo preventive examinations by a urologist after the age of 45 once a year. So you can identify the pathology in the early stages of development and effectively deal with it.

    With a timely ultrasound examination and screening of the prostate gland, the slightest changes in the tissues of the organ can be determined. And the right treatment will help increase the chances of survival. It is also necessary to treat inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system in time, regardless of the nature. A man should not ignore the symptom of diseases, contact a urologist, andrologist, oncologist in time.

    When prostate cancer is diagnosed, to reduce the proliferation and aggressiveness of cancer cells, doctors recommend excluding foods that contain carcinogens and animal fats from the diet:

    • fried foods;
    • food cooked on an open fire;
    • fast food;
    • fatty foods;
    • smoked meats;
    • margarine.

    To prevent the development of pathology in the future, doctors recommend systematically consuming foods that include lycopene: tomatoes, grapefruits, apricots, papaya.

    Prostatitis is a bacterial inflammation of the prostate gland, which, in the vast majority of cases, without proper treatment and prevention develops into chronic prostatitis. With him, a man has to live almost his entire adult life.

    In order to facilitate the course of the disease as much as possible and minimize discomfort, as well as restore the joy of normal life, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following information.

    What is the lifestyle for chronic prostatitis?

    One of the most effective treatments is right way of life. It excludes the possibility of manifestation of complications that will bring real discomfort or, moreover, will reduce all intimate life to nothing. Despite all the benefits of drugs, without proper care for one's own health, one should not expect excessive results from drug therapy.

    It is worth noting that more than 65% of men who completely reworked their usual lifestyle for a new one noticed a significant improvement in the treatment process, as well as a fairly high-quality normalization of potency.

    With prostatitis, you need to fight not only with medicines, but also with the right lifestyle!

    Helpful Tips for Optimizing Your New Lifestyle – Starting with Exercise

    The first thing to note is the necessity and obligation of drug therapy. Its composition will allow you to deal the main blow to the disease, followed by a set of physical exercises specially designed to reduce blood stasis in the pelvic area and eliminate the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels. Best of all with the disease, as well as its chronic manifestations, an active lifestyle will help to cope. It is, first of all, physical exercises.

    Such physical therapy can be divided into three complex exercises, namely:

    1. Kegel exercises.Their main task is to constantly maintain the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, by alternating their tension and weakening. As a result of such simple actions, blood flow increases in the pelvic region, and metabolism is also established. In addition, the patient is recommended to conduct an active self-massage of the muscle ring around the anus.
    2. Second exercise - "a bike". To perform it, you need to lie on your back and bend your knees. Then everything is done as intuitively as possible and is fully comparable to riding a real bike. The duration of one approach is from 5 to 10 minutes. The number of repetitions is not more than 5.
    3. The third exercise scissors. To perform this exercise, you need to stretch your arms in front of you and begin to cross them, then in one direction, then in the other, both with an increase and decrease in pace. In addition to the exercises in the above list, active, relatively accelerated walking for a distance of up to 5 km will not be out of place. Such small loads have a positive effect on the vessels of the prostate. In the process of walking, the effect of a natural massage of the inflamed gland is formed. If the work is sedentary, then after every hour spent in a sitting position, you need to take a break for at least 7-8 minutes. It is enough just to walk around the room two or three times to restore blood flow and maintain the prostate gland in a natural tone.

    Sex as a cure for chronic prostatitis

    Actually, as already mentioned many times, having sex significantly increases libido, and also has a positive effect on immunity. Due to the abundant blood flow to the penis, as well as the release of hormones, the prostate somewhat restores its natural functional state.

    Sexual intercourse is contraindicated in case of exacerbation, as well as noticeable pain in the groin area. The latter indicate the development of an infectious focus and the urgent need for consultation with the attending physician.

    Chronic prostatitis is easier with the right diet

    Compiling optimal diets, which in the future need to be assigned numbers and popularized among patients, is a rather complicated matter. To create a rational diet, it is enough to refuse or start consuming the following foods in your daily diet:

    • Refrain from any alcoholic beverages.
    • Give up tobacco products.
    • Start eating more vegetables and fruits, including baked ones.
    • Add fish to your diet, as well as other foods that contain zinc.
    • Avoid fried, smoked and overly salty foods as often as possible.
    • Drink a minimum amount of water daily (at least 2 liters).

    What should be feared in chronic prostatitis?

    Such a disease is quite specific and has a complex course, which often may not manifest itself in primary symptoms. In any case, a man with chronic prostatitis should be excluded:

    • Excessive physical activity.
    • Hypothermia.
    • Sex life with more than 2 acts per day.
    • Probability of erection without subsequent ejaculation.

    Is it possible to fully live with chronic prostatitis?

    By adhering to the above recommendations, as well as additional necessary physical exercises, which are purely preventive in nature, life in a pair with chronic prostatitis will be much easier. The main thing to consider is the complete absence of the likelihood of taking hormonal drugs, as well as drugs that stimulate potency.

    As for life expectancy with chronic prostatitis, it does not change at all, but, at the same time, it has a number of its shortcomings, which must be fought with all our might.

    First of all, it is worth remembering that chronic prostatitis brings discomfort not only in relation to the state of the body, but also in personal life!

    Many men, having learned that they have been diagnosed with inflammation of the prostate gland, do not know how to live with chronic prostatitis, as they impose bans on sex, sports, and their usual lifestyle. In fact, you need to calm down and this disease is not a death sentence. Of course, some requirements will have to be observed, but over time the patient should get used to them. For your information, many men diagnosed with chronic prostatitis are not even aware of their disease and live a full life.

    Can prostatitis be cured?

    Many men who are faced with prostatitis are interested in whether it is possible to get rid of it. The answer of doctors is unequivocal: it is impossible to get rid of the chronic form of the disease forever. But, however, if you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, then you can forget about the recurrence of the disease. Reviews of many patients say that with maintenance therapy and the right lifestyle, relapses of the disease do not appear for 5 or even 10 years. The most important thing is not to provoke factors that develop prostatitis. Many factors influence the frequency of occurrence of symptoms of the disease.

    But some scientists say that if prostatitis began a few months ago, that is, it did not have time to go into the chronic stage, it is still possible to overcome it using a comprehensive examination. In 10-15% of cases, it is possible to permanently get rid of such an insidious disease, about 90% of men are still carriers of the disease. In order not to provoke a relapse of the disease, you must follow all the recommendations of the doctor according to the lifestyle and treatment.

    You should not independently cancel certain drugs in the absence of side effects and increase the dosage of medications. If you do not stop taking medicines in a timely manner, then viruses can develop immunity to them and further treatment will be ineffective.

    You need to know that the treatment of prostatitis is a complex and lengthy process, and so far no medication has been invented that would 100% relieve all the symptoms of the disease. In order to get rid of them, you need to take various medications, lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.

    How to avoid relapse

    In order to avoid recurrence of prostatitis, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. The basic rules of life include the following:

    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • lead a healthy lifestyle;
    • Healthy food;
    • in case of exacerbation of prostatitis, refrain from sexual contact.

    It is unlikely that you will be able to find a man who does not like to relax, sitting with friends, drinking a glass of beer. But during prostatitis, you need to minimize bad habits. Do not be upset that you will not be able to take alcoholic beverages, they are acceptable in small quantities. However, during periods of exacerbation and with acute prostatitis, it is necessary to abandon any alcohol, even in a minimal amount. But when the disease is in remission, then 0.5 liters of beer or a glass of good cognac two or three times a week will not lead to anything bad. But it is best to give preference to strong drinks, since beer can provoke frequent urge to go to the toilet and irritation of the mucous membrane, which is highly undesirable for prostatitis. In order not to provoke complications, you should consult a doctor before drinking alcohol. But it is better to give up smoking altogether, since nicotine smoke can only aggravate the disease, constricting blood vessels and leading to the formation of congestion in the prostate. Smoking can also cause other human diseases.

    It is also worth adjusting the regime of rest and sleep. A person's condition also depends on healthy sleep. A full night's sleep should last at least 7 hours. It is this time that is enough for the body to gain strength and completely renew itself.

    Is it possible to have sex

    Many men, having heard about such a diagnosis as prostatitis, are very worried, as they are upset that they will no longer be able to have sex. In fact, sexual contact should be regular in order not to provoke complications. But it is worth knowing that the partner should be alone and you need to remember about contraceptive methods. However, it is also not worth having sex 10 times a day, since overstrain of the prostate, especially after 50 years, is unacceptable. It is important to follow this rule: every sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation, since refraining from ejection of seminal fluid can provoke unpleasant consequences.

    The ban on sex is imposed only in the acute course of the disease, and when it passes, you can again have sexual contact with your spouse or partner.

    It is worth knowing that the release of hormones and a rush of blood to the pelvis have a positive effect on the state of the gland. In addition, even if you have sex once a week, you can strengthen your immune system.

    Strengthening immunity

    Often, prostatitis appears due to a decrease in immunity, and therefore the main prevention is the exclusion of hypothermia and the restoration of the body's defenses. In order to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to harden, but you need to remember about gradualness. It will be possible to restore harmony in the whole body with the help of cold dousing with the head. But such procedures can not be carried out often, and a one-time manipulation will have a positive effect on human health.

    You can also strengthen the immune system through the use of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. But in order not to harm health, it is necessary to select drugs for recovery only together with the doctor.

    Physical activity

    In order to prevent the development of prostatitis, it is necessary not to provoke congestion and blood formation, and for this it is recommended to play sports and do gymnastics. If you have a sedentary job, then as a prophylaxis for prostatitis, you must definitely do gymnastics - walking during your lunch break, or exercising in the gym in the evening. The most effective elements are scissors, a bicycle and a Kegel exercise. In the summer, you can practice outdoors, breathing fresh air.

    If you work at a computer, then every hour you need to get up from your desk chair and do simple exercises for five minutes. If the situation does not allow doing classes, then you need to at least walk around the room, or go down the stairs, for example, take papers to the boss to sign or go to the toilet. Thanks to such a daily workout, it will be possible to prevent congestion and complications. Any man who lives with prostatitis should exercise.

    The first thing the patient should do is to give up sedentary activities and be in motion as much as possible. On the day, a person must walk at least 3 kilometers at a fast pace, such walks can be arranged after work or in the evening you can go to a store that is not located under the window of your house. The first days a man will be tired and complain of joint pains, but over time he will get used to it and will feel good after a walk. By following these recommendations, you can perform a natural prostate massage, this is especially important for men who refuse rectal exposure to the prostate.

    If you can’t do sports every day, then at least twice a week for half an hour you need to devote yourself to physical education.

    You can attend swimming, yoga, Pilates or other group classes that are not contraindicated for prostatitis. Such workouts are much more effective, since men are less likely to skip them.


    Another problem that men experience with prostatitis is the ban on many foods, and, as you know, the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach. But not all foodstuffs are banned; most likely, the method of their preparation is important. Men get used to new food very quickly, and therefore, after grimacing for several days, they will eat new food with pleasure, you just need to get used to it. Measures to be followed when compiling a diet include the following:

    Proper nutrition is one of the foundations for preventing vitamin deficiencies. After all, thanks to a well-composed diet, you can make up for the missing vitamins and minerals in the body.

    Nuts, herbal decoctions, bee products, dairy foods and lean meats have a positive effect on the prostate. You should not eat fatty meat, it is recommended to replace it with fish, which is very useful for men. The nutrition of a sick person should be balanced, with the optimal amount of proteins and saturated fats.

    As practice shows, about 70% of men who radically changed their lives after the detection of prostatitis forget about this diagnosis. And only if provoking factors for the development of the disease appear, its symptoms return. With prostatitis, the following recommendations must be observed:

    As we can see, the measures that must be observed for prostatitis are not so difficult to use. The most important thing is to correctly create a daily routine and stick to it every day. And over time, a man will be able to adapt to such a routine. Of course, occasionally appearing painful symptoms can disrupt the quality of life, but no one is safe from unpleasant spasms, and even a healthy person may experience pain in the perineum or cramps when urinating.

    Why does prostatitis occur?

    Prostatitis is often the result of infection of the body with bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens. The causative agents of prostatitis also include staphylococci, streptococci and Escherichia coli.

    Prostatitis or an inflammatory process in the prostate gland manifests itself when the tissues of the prostate are damaged by viruses and bacteria. Also, pathology can develop against the background of injuries, hormonal imbalance, general hypothermia of the body, etc. Today, the disease is diagnosed in approximately 45% of men of reproductive age.

    Interestingly, this figure increases in proportion to the age of patients. For example, in 20-year-olds of the stronger sex, the frequency of the disease is 20%, while in 40-year-olds - 40%, and in 60-year-olds - 60%, respectively.

    Prostatitis is a very delicate disease, so men often put off going to the doctor. But after much thought and an increase in symptoms, they still decide on the need to seek help. It is important to remember here that inflammation of the prostate gland is one of the diseases, the consequences of which can completely change a person's life.

    There is a whole list of men at risk for this pathology. And you should carefully study it in order to assess your health more fully. Most often, prostatitis occurs in those who:

    • leads a sedentary lifestyle;
    • eats poorly and unbalanced;
    • abuses bad habits;
    • often supercooled;
    • constantly changing sexual partners;
    • abstains from sex.

    The development of prostatitis contributes to a huge number of factors. Despite this, all the causes of the disease can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

    • infectious;
    • non-infectious.

    The causative agents of the former are various streptococci and staphylococci, E. coli, Proteus, venereal bacteria, etc. But at the same time, the share of microbial prostatitis accounts for only 5% of the total number of clinical cases of this disease.

    So, non-infectious causes of the development of the disease are more relevant. Most often in this case they talk about stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

    Causes of prostatitis

    To understand how long prostatitis is treated, you should understand the reasons for its development.

    • Long sexual abstinence or too active sex life.
    • Casual sex.
    • Strong decrease in immunity.
    • Bad habits - alcohol, smoking.
    • Chronic diseases of other organs and systems.
    • Junk food - a large number of fried and salty foods in the diet, unbalanced nutrition.
    • Frequent hypothermia or overheating.
    • Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle.
    • Severe stress, nervous strain.

    Oddly enough, but sexual life can have a significant impact on the development of prostatitis. Sexual intercourse or masturbation with obligatory ejaculation at least 2-3 times a week helps to significantly reduce the risk of developing inflammation due to the rush of a significant amount of blood to the organ and muscle contraction.

    Prolonged abstinence, on the contrary, can contribute to the development of inflammation of the prostate gland, since the secret that it produces stagnates and contributes to the development of pathogenic organisms.

    Prostatitis is a disease that is often hushed up, while the symptoms are not very pronounced and at first glance do not particularly interfere with life. But at a certain stage, a man begins to be disturbed not only by slight discomfort, but also by quite strong pain in the groin area.

    Pain in the testicles with prostatitis is not a rare phenomenon that cannot be ignored. Unpleasant sensations in them can significantly reduce the quality of life of any representative of the strong half of humanity.

    This applies not only to her sexual side - the social side will also decline.

    Pain with inflammation of the prostate

    With prostatitis at any stage of the disease, the pain manifests itself in the same way, but with different intensity. Spasms are given in the inguinal, pubic zones, scrotum and testicles, they can beat off in the area of ​​​​the sacrum or in the lower abdomen. Sometimes pain can also appear in the gluteal muscles.

    Inflammation of the tissues of the prostate, unfortunately, is not uncommon for modern men. Prostatitis most often occurs in patients over 40 years of age, but it is possible to develop this disease at an earlier age.

    With an attentive attitude to his health and timely access to a urologist, a man can completely cope with the problem and avoid many complications. In order to detect the disease in time, you need to know what symptoms of prostatitis are characteristic.

    The diagnosis of this disease is well developed in modern medicine and does not present a problem. Any urologist knows how to cure prostatitis, what methods to use in each case.

    The greatest success brings complex treatment, including various methods.

    Causes and provoking factors of prostatitis

    Healthy and inflamed prostate

    What is prostatitis? This is an inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland, which can develop due to infection or congestion. The impetus for the appearance of prostatitis and the provoking factor may be some disease or lifestyle.

    Age-related changes after 40 years without adequate preventive measures quickly lead to stagnation in the pelvic organs and the development of inflammation of the prostate. It is noticed that most often prostatitis disease is diagnosed in men belonging to certain groups.

    • toxicosis of pregnancy in the mother;
    • alcoholism;
    • smoking;
    • mother's drug use;
    • prolonged, difficult childbirth;
    • fleeting childbirth;
    • extraction of the fetus with forceps;
    • C-section;
    • suffocation of the newborn;
    • transferred infections (chicken pox, mumps, hepatitis, rubella measles);
    • neuroinfections (encephalitis, meningitis, orachioiditis);
    • traumatic brain injury (concussion).

    Types of chronic prostatitis

    There are several types of one disease - prostatitis:

    • Chronic bacterial;
    • Latent chronic (chronic pelvic pain syndrome);
    • Asymptomatic inflammatory;
    • Congestive chronic prostatitis.

    Chronic bacterial

    When examined by a specialist, this type is detected without much difficulty. He has typical symptoms: tests will show it.

    Both in the urine and in the prostatic secretion released after the massage, bacteria and leukocytes are determined. Those and others - an increased number.

    hidden form. Pelvic pain is present, hence the second name: pelvic pain syndrome. It is chronic, more than three months, this is a diagnostic sign. This syndrome has two subspecies: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

    Inflammatory syndrome CPP (chronic pelvic pain) includes such symptoms hr. prostatitis:

    • Pain syndrome;
    • Leukocytosis of urine, prostatic secretion, ejaculate (analysis is taken after prostate massage).

    The picture is this: there is inflammation, there is also an immune response (a large number of leukocytes), but there are no bacteria in the analysis. Hidden, latent, ongoing inflammation, but this is chronic prostatitis, and treatment is necessary.

    Asymptomatic inflammatory

    There are three medically accepted treatments for chronic prostatitis in men:

    • medication;
    • Non-drug, with the help of equipment;
    • Operative - surgical.

    Medical treatment

    Treatment regimens for non-bacterial and bacterial chronic prostatitis will differ. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are administered.

    But sometimes the schemes are the same: by prescribing test antibiotics for a short time with a non-bacterial form, the doctor checks the result. If the medicine has given improvement (and in almost half of the cases it happens), antibiotics are continued.

    The infectious agent, it turns out, is there, just not detected in time.

    The patient needs to understand: medicines alone, without giving up the habits and causes that led to the disease, may not be able to cope.

    It is important to eliminate disease-causing factors.

    And it's not easy to change your lifestyle.

    But if the patient does not intend to feel the consequences of chronic prostatitis, live with them, feeling how the symptoms are growing, he will try to eliminate the causes of the disease.

    In the medical complex appoint:

    • antibiotics;
    • Vasodilator drugs;
    • Immunostimulating agents;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • Antispasmodics;
    • Stimulators of the metabolism of the vascular walls - angioprotectors.

    The doctor chooses from this arsenal of means - necessary for a particular patient.

    Alfa1-blockers are also used, but only after a course of antibiotics. The drugs relax the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate gland, relieve tension from it.

    Sometimes antidepressants are prescribed. Antihistamines may be used.

    Non-drug treatment

    Symptoms of prostatitis in men and treatment with pills

    Symptoms of congestive prostatitis partially resemble those of acute prostatitis. But erased, not so pronounced. This:

    1. Discomfort in the perineum. Pain or pulling unpleasant weak pain sensation. Irradiation to the subpubic zone, the sacrum is characteristic. The increase in these pains after a long stay in a static position (standing, sitting) encourages the patient to think that their origins are in overwork.
    2. Some men with congestive prostatitis report feeling of a foreign body slightly above the anus or in the perineum.
    3. Frequent urination. During the day - a little, at night - many times. It is difficult to restrain the urge, the nights are tormented by lack of sleep.
    4. sexual dysfunction. Sluggish erection, short duration of sexual intercourse - at the beginning of the disease. Avoidance of sexual intimacy, loss of desire, impotence - as congestive prostatitis develops, if left untreated.
    5. Feeling of critical overflow of the bladder, which does not go away after urination.
    6. Neurological disorders: mood swings, irritability, apathy, depression.
    7. Quick fatigue in any work.
    8. Painful nocturnal erections in unfamiliar surroundings. Pass after urination or sexual intercourse.
    9. Sperm may contain pinpoint impurities of blood.
    10. Signs of thrombophlebitis: hemorrhoids, protruding veins on the legs, enlarged veins visually visible through the skin of the scrotum.

    Faced with inflammation of the prostate gland, every man sooner or later wonders if prostatitis can be treated. To assess the chances of a complete restoration of organ function, it is necessary to accurately understand the mechanism of the development of the disease.

    Prognosis for acute prostatitis

    Whether prostatitis is treated depends, first of all, on the type of disease. According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic prostatitis are noted. Due to the development, the disease is infectious and non-infectious.

    The most favorable prognosis for the complete restoration of prostate function is in acute inflammation.

    Interestingly, this type of disease is diagnosed in men of any age group, while chronic congestive prostatitis is a disease of older men.

    Acute inflammation of the prostate sometimes develops in children, against the background of infectious diseases of the urinary tract.

    Bacterial prostatitis is curable if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner. Treatment is with antibiotics. The drug is selected taking into account the causative agent of inflammation.

    As a rule, drugs of the penicillin or tetracycline group, fluoroquinolones are used. Additionally, a number of means for symptomatic therapy are prescribed - anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, alpha-blockers for prostatitis, immunostimulants.

    Perhaps the appointment of a course of physiotherapy after the removal of acute inflammation.

    Acute prostatitis is treated within a few weeks, the course of treatment rarely exceeds two months.

    As a rule, acute infectious prostatitis, detected in time, is successfully treated and does not cause complications, such as impotence or infertility.

    It is possible to suspect this form of the disease by rapidly increasing symptoms. The characteristic signs of prostatitis are pain when urinating, incomplete emptying of the bladder, cramps in the perineum and lower abdomen.

    Acute bacterial prostatitis is best treated

    Prognosis for chronic prostatitis

    About whether chronic prostatitis is treated, you should consult with your doctor. As a rule, this form of the disease develops as a result of incorrect treatment of acute inflammation of the prostate gland, or against the background of a violation of metabolic processes in the pelvic organs.

    Whether this type of disease is curable depends on the following factors:

    • patient's age;
    • stage of the disease;
    • severity of symptoms.

    With age, the size of the prostate gland increases. This is due to the natural aging process of the body and changes in the hormonal background of men. The older the patient, the more difficult it is to cure the disease.

    Prostate enlarges with age

    Chronic prostatitis develops due to impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow in the pelvic organs. In most cases, it is diagnosed in obese men who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

    Symptoms of prostatitis of this type are manifested by impaired urination, weakening of erection and pain. The prostate gland swells, there is a thickening of the organ secretion, which can cause the development of infertility in a man due to changes in the composition of the seminal fluid.

    The chronic form of inflammation develops slowly, from the onset of impaired blood microcirculation in the organ to the development of inflammation, it can take up to 7 years. At the initial stage, prostatitis is successfully treated by normalizing the trophism of the organ.

    For this, the patient is prescribed a number of drugs and physiotherapeutic methods aimed at normalizing the tone of the vessels and muscles of the pelvic organs.

    In the later stages of congestive prostatitis, irreversible changes occur in the organ. Drug therapy with prolonged use becomes ineffective, so the only way to get rid of the disease is surgery. In this case, both partial and complete removal of the organ (prostatectomy) is practiced.

    Methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis

    Whether chronic prostatitis in men is treated depends on when the man went to the doctor. At the initial stage of violation of the trophism of the body, drug therapy is used. For treatment apply:

    • prostate protectors;
    • drugs to improve blood microcirculation;
    • alpha-blockers;
    • immunostimulants.

    At the initial stage, conservative treatment is sufficient

    To relieve inflammation, patients are shown taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The course of treatment rarely exceeds 10 days. Then the therapy continues with herbal preparations, the action of which is aimed at improving blood microcirculation in the inflamed organ.

    Since the disease is accompanied by impaired urination, drugs of the alpha-blocker group are used. Their action is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the walls of the bladder and prostate gland. The drug acts directly on the receptors that regulate muscle tone.

    This allows you to reduce the pressure of the prostate on the surrounding tissues and normalize the outflow of urine, due to the relaxation of the bladder.

    Restore blood circulation and metabolic processes in the cells of the body allows physiotherapy - treatment with electric current, magnetic field, ultrasound. As a rule, with timely detected congestive prostatitis, a properly developed scheme of drug and physiotherapy treatment minimizes the risk of disease progression in the future.

    Radical treatment method

    Having figured out whether prostatitis is curable or not, it is important to understand that in some cases, medications will have to be taken for many years. Over time, the effectiveness of drug therapy decreases, so the only way to get rid of the disease is by surgery. Depending on the severity of inflammation and edema of the organ, either partial removal of the organ or radical prostatectomy is practiced.

    The first place among the methods of influencing the prostate is occupied by minimally invasive operations and laser treatment. During this procedure, layer-by-layer burning of small areas of the prostate gland, the tissue of which has changed as a result of prolonged edema, is carried out. The operation lasts no more than a few hours, rehabilitation takes several days.

    Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Usually the cause of this disease is a virus, an untreated infection of the urinary tract. Inflammation begins to form as a result of hypothermia, a sedentary lifestyle, sexually transmitted diseases, frequent stress and fatigue.

    Approximately 30% of the male population aged 20 to 55 suffers from prostatitis. There are only two forms of the disease - acute and chronic. About 95% of patients with prostatitis suffer from the latter type.

    The chronic form in rare cases becomes the result of an acute disease, in most cases it becomes the primary one.

    It is impossible to start the disease, if a dangerous illness is not cured, then an exacerbation can lead to fever, impotence.

    Fact! The prostate gland is an important organ in the male body. It maintains the urogenital canals in good shape, ensures the viability of spermatozoa and protects the excretory system from viruses. And with the help of such means as the Peruvian Maca link, sexual complexes can be solved.

    The first thing to do is to consult a doctor for help. The specialist will be able to accurately diagnose the disease, determine the severity of the problem, and, if necessary, prescribe an additional examination. The urologist determines complex treatment, only with this approach can efficiency be achieved.

    Only under the guidance of a doctor can you get rid of prostatitis and return to a full-fledged routine.

    Up to 50% of men suffer from one form or another of prostatitis, so prostatitis can be safely called the most common male disease. Most often, prostatitis develops at a young age (20-40 years).

    In many cities located in the cold climate zone, with high humidity and sudden changes in temperature, the incidence reaches 70%. Very often, prostatitis develops in men who used to live in a warm region, but then moved to a region with lower air temperatures.

    Signs of the disease

    The first thing that men notice in the early stages of the formation of the pathological process is pain during urination. Over time, the disease progresses, and there are frequent, but fruitless attempts to go to the toilet. Such symptoms give a man a lot of inconvenience and make him dependent on the toilet room.

    It is important to understand that each organism is individual, so all men have prostatitis in different ways. Sometimes the disease develops abruptly with the appearance of pronounced signs of the inflammatory process.

    In this case, they speak of acute prostatitis. Much more often, the disease is asymptomatic, taking a chronic form, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

    It is this option that is the cause of the appearance of sexual disorders, early ejaculation, infertility and impotence.

    Symptoms of chronic prostatitis include:

    • soreness in the perineum, inguinal zone;
    • decrease in potency;
    • loss of interest in the opposite sex and intimacy;
    • erection difficulties;
    • Feeling of a constantly full bladder
    • poor health, malaise, depression.

    Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

    When the symptomatology is expressed, it has anatomical and other causes. In chronic inflammation, pain is not only caused by the process itself.

    Identifying prostatitis is not such a difficult task. Let's analyze the signs of prostatitis, according to which a man may suspect that something is wrong with the prostate gland.

    First of all, it must be said that the main symptom that is characteristic of prostatitis is a violation of urination (frequent urination or difficult, exhausting nighttime urge to go to the toilet).

    There may also be discomfort, expressed in pain in the perineum, in the lower abdomen. Also, pain is possible when urinating in the form of pain or burning.

    Difficulty in the pressure of urine, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Therefore, you should not wait for the fact that you will not be able to go to the toilet at all.

    The symptoms of prostatitis are quite diverse, but most often the patient has the following symptoms:

    • painful, frequent, difficult urination;
    • pain in the lower abdomen or in the groin;
    • decreased libido;
    • premature ejaculation;
    • erectile dysfunction.

    These symptoms are typical for both acute and chronic prostatitis, but in the chronic form of the disease they are much less pronounced, often the disease does not manifest itself at all outside the acute stage.

    Prostatitis is a very unpleasant disease, accompanied by painful symptoms. Moreover, the presented ailment is quite difficult to treat, therefore, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. The main thing is to carefully listen to your body and pay attention to the first signs of the disease.

    How the disease manifests itself, what are the first symptoms of prostatitis, and how it is treated, we will tell in this article.

    Origin of prostatitis

    Prostatitis is marked by inflammation of the prostate. Sex hormones are formed in the prostate gland, which are responsible for reproductive function and have an impact on the physical and mental health of a man. Usually this disease develops against the background of infectious diseases. Also, some sexually transmitted diseases have such a detrimental effect on the prostate.

    According to statistics, from 15 to 45% at the age of 20-40 suffer from this disease. It is noted that men are susceptible to this disease in the cold season. In the autumn-winter season, the percentage of patients increases significantly.

    The origins of the disease

    In 99% of cases, prostatitis is formed against the background of an infection. When a bacterium, a virus enters the prostate, an inflammatory process begins. Unfortunately, at first the disease does not make itself felt, although the first "bells" can be identified if you listen to your body. But most men do not associate discomfort with the disease, so they seek help from a specialist already in the advanced form of the disease.

    Also, the disease can affect the prostate due to poor circulation or metabolic disorders. Also contributes to the development of the disease:

    • Haemorrhoids;
    • Cystitis;
    • Skin cracks of the genitals, as well as the rectum;
    • Less commonly, the disease develops against the background of tonsillitis, cholecystitis, bronchitis.

    Prostatitis has two forms: acute and chronic. In the first case, the disease manifests itself suddenly, while the symptoms are pronounced. In the second case, the disease proceeds “quieter”, it may appear for a day or two, and then subside.

    With this disease, it is impossible to delay treatment, since prostatitis entails:

    • prostate adenoma;
    • impotence;

    Moreover, the chief urologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Pushkar D.Yu. says that with untimely treatment of prostatitis, impotence occurs in 100% of cases, i.e. one way or another, this disease is reflected in this way on every man.

    What are the symptoms of prostatitis

    The first symptoms look like ordinary inflammation, and it is accompanied by pain in the focal area, fever, and weakness. But prostatitis has several forms, each of which has its own symptoms. Let's describe each form separately.

    Diagnosis of prostate cancer

    To cure chronic or other prostatitis, you need to determine what kind of disease the patient has, then healing is possible. The tactics of treatment depends on the correct definition of the type: the doctor will orient himself according to the diagnosis. He knows how to treat chronic, congestive or any other type of prostatitis, how to cure, get rid of such a scourge forever.

    It is not particularly difficult for a urologist to diagnose prostatitis. The difficulty here, rather, lies in establishing the cause that caused this disease.

    The following procedures are needed to help establish / refute the diagnosis:

    • rectal examination;
    • microscopy of prostate secretion;
    • seeding prostate secretion for sensitivity to antibiotics;
    • tests for sexually transmitted diseases;
    • transrectal ultrasound.

    Sometimes additional endoscopic and urodynamic studies are performed.

    Is it possible to cure chronic prostatitis: reviews and tips

    Many patients who have to live with this disease are interested in this issue. Doctors and scientists say that it is very difficult to completely defeat inflammation of the prostate, especially if it lasts for a long time.

    This disease is characterized by constant relapses. There are many reasons for their frequency.

    Therefore, in many cases, a complete cure is not possible. Sometimes the reason for this lies not in the effectiveness of the drugs and methods used.

    The fact is that many patients delay their treatment. A large number of men, when feeling relieved, refuse to take medication and return to their usual life, which in many ways became the cause of the disease.

    When men show signs similar to those of chronic prostatitis, they are, to put it mildly, upset. Some get lost. But the primary question for men, to which the sick are looking for an answer: can it be cured, this chronic prostatitis, and how?

    It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how much prostatitis is treated. The effectiveness of therapy depends on several factors:

    • patient's age;
    • the presence of concomitant diseases;
    • form of inflammation;
    • the accuracy of the doctor's recommendations.

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of disease. To do this, you should pass the analysis of the secret of the prostate. Additionally, an ultrasound or MRI of the organ may be prescribed. Depending on the results of the tests, the doctor selects the treatment and makes preliminary predictions for recovery.

    Features and duration of treatment of acute prostatitis

    How long it takes to treat prostatitis of a bacterial nature, if it manifests itself with acute symptoms - it depends on the timely treatment started and adequate therapy.

    The basis of the treatment of this form of the disease is antibiotic therapy. Long-term use of antibiotics is practiced, for a period of 3-4 weeks.

    Chronic prostatitis is a completely curable disease. Many believe that chronic processes do not interfere with a person's life and are not taken seriously. This is fundamentally wrong: such an attitude to health will lead to a bad ending.

    If you have chronic inflammation of the prostate

    After a visit to the urologist, your mood dropped: the doctor said that you have chronic inflammation of the prostate. You came for help, and you were given such a diagnosis. Should I be upset? No.

    Many men live with chronic prostatitis, many do not even know about it. When the disease begins to make itself felt, it is urgent to act - to be treated. Treatment is prescribed by a urologist.

    This means that the sun will shine again for the patient, and life will bring joy. The main thing is to follow the doctor's instructions!

    Methods of treatment

    • The composition and beneficial properties of chamomile
    • Rules for the preparation of raw materials
    • Chamomile recipes for the treatment of prostatitis
    • How to make an enema with chamomile solution
    • Prevention of prostatitis

    Chamomile is included in many medicinal creams and ointments, it is also used in traditional medicine. The benefits of this plant can not be overestimated. For men suffering from prostatitis, chamomile becomes a real salvation. It is used not only for local treatment, but also taken orally.

    The composition and beneficial properties of chamomile

    To treat prostatitis in the acute bacterial stage, you need to take antibiotics, for example, ciprofloxacin. They resort to hospitalization if the patient is in serious condition and there are signs of severe intoxication. If the course of the disease is not complicated, prostatitis can be cured on an outpatient basis.

    Treatment for chronic prostatitis includes drug therapy, physical therapy, prostate massage, and exercise therapy. Recently, doctors have increasingly begun to prescribe thermotherapy, in which the prostate is heated to 45 degrees.

    Prostatitis caused by an infection is treated with antibiotics, which often need to be taken for more than one week.

    Treatment of congestive prostatitis is a rather complicated and lengthy process, because doctors cannot always determine the cause that caused this disease. Antibacterial agents are often used to eliminate a latent infection.

    In chronic congestive prostatitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken, mud therapy, hot baths, herbal preparations, multivitamins and enzymatic agents are prescribed. Prostate massage has a positive effect.

    Read more about the treatment of prostatitis.

    The origins of the disease

    Today, inflammation of the prostate gland is a disease not only of men of respectable age, but also of young men. Hundreds of thousands of men around the world are already patients of a urologist, but not everyone manages to quickly leave the office healthy. Is it possible to cure prostatitis, especially one that has passed into the chronic stage?

    Why is chronic prostatitis more dangerous than acute?

    Acute prostatitis is characterized by extreme soreness of the genital organs. The patient at the same time can not think of anything else but pain in the groin. It is difficult for him to sit, walk, even just lie down. It is impossible to live with such pain all the time. Meanwhile, doctors are much more afraid of patients with chronic prostatitis than with the disease in the acute phase, and here's why.

    1. What should be done first of all with this diagnosis?

    2. Traditional medicine recipes

    Unfortunately, men do not always attach importance to the first symptoms of prostatitis. Often they simply ignore the pathological manifestations and put their treatment on the back burner.

    The first thing to do is to try the self-diagnosis. To determine 100% prostatitis without instrumental methods of diagnosis is sometimes not capable of even the most qualified doctor. Nevertheless, even a person far from medicine is able to suspect by simple signs that something is wrong with his prostate. What exactly should push a man to the idea that he may have prostatitis?

    Firstly, a man's fears should be caused by night trips to the toilet for little need, which are one of the most significant signs of prostatitis.

    Secondly, men with prostatitis almost always notice small amounts of frequent urination. At the same time, all this is accompanied by pain or discomfort in the urethra, and at the end of the man there is a feeling that the bladder is still full.

    Thirdly, problems in intimate life should push a man to thoughts about prostatitis.

    All these symptoms should serve as a sign that it is time to be examined to more accurately determine the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Such diagnostic methods include digital examination of the rectum, transrectal ultrasound, computed tomography, biopsy. Then you can start therapy.

    As you know, the full range of classical therapeutic measures includes:

    • the appointment of antibacterial agents, and if necessary, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs;
    • physiotherapy treatment using laser therapy, hirudotherapy, magnetic field, ultrasound and the like in relation to the sore spot;
    • a course of therapeutic massage designed to strengthen the organ, restore normal microcirculation in the tissues of the prostate and stimulate the processes of regeneration of damaged gland cells.

    Complications of the disease

    The consequences of chronic prostatitis are diverse, because he constantly conducts destructive work. Remissions alternate with exacerbations, but the disease does not go away completely.

    If prostatitis is not treated in a timely manner, it becomes chronic. This disease is difficult to treat, in some cases, men experience frequent exacerbations of prostatitis.

    Consequences of untreated prostatitis:

    • prostate abscess;
    • fibrosis or sclerosis of the prostate;
    • infertility;
    • erectile dysfunction.

    Prostate abscess is a dangerous complication of acute bacterial prostatitis. The same form of the disease can lead to the development of acute stasis of urine and infection of the kidneys.

    The consequences of chronic congestive prostatitis are infertility and erectile dysfunction. In severe cases, the formation of scars in the prostate tissue is possible, which require surgical intervention.

    The disease can adversely affect all areas of a man’s life, so it is important to detect symptoms in a timely manner and undergo comprehensive treatment.

    Diet for prostatitis

    Much attention should be paid to the products that a man consumes. This is especially true now, when it is sometimes difficult to guess what exactly a person eats.