Who won the municipal elections in Khamovniki. Who won and who lost in the elections to the district councils of Chelyabinsk

  • 07.07.2020

Independent candidates with the support of Dmitry Gudkov's headquarters, the Yabloko and PARNAS parties, according to preliminary data, are winning the elections held the day before in 14 municipalities of Moscow. This is reported by "Echo of Moscow" with reference to the data of the headquarters. Ballot counting continues.

Earlier it was reported that 190 candidates were elected to the councils of municipal deputies in Moscow, who were supported by the headquarters of the United Democrats Dmitry Gudkov. Candidates from the headquarters, in particular, received the majority of mandates in the councils of deputies of Yakimanka, Ostankino, Presnensky, Tverskoy, Gagarinsky, Krasnoselsky, Lomonosov, Akademichesky, Basmanny districts and Khamovniki. "They've taken the centre," Maxim Katz, head of the headquarters, told Novaya Gazeta.

Opposition candidates showed themselves best in Akademichesky and Gagarinsky districts, where they will receive all 12 mandates. By the way, President Vladimir Putin voted at one of the polling stations of the latter.

Oppositionist Ilya Yashin also won the municipal elections. The leader of the Solidarity movement, together with his associates, received the majority of votes in the Krasnoselsky district. "Solidarity" - seven mandates, "United Russia" - three. In both districts, the first places are ours. The complete defeat of United Russia," the politician wrote in Twitter.

Journalist Ilya Azar and activist Lyusya Shtein also received a majority - they were supported in the Khamovniki and Basmann districts. Independent candidates also win in Zyuzino, Konkovo ​​and Izmailovo. The Yabloko party announced the victory of 180 of its candidates in the municipal elections. In seven districts, the party's candidates received a majority, they overcame the five percent threshold in another 19 municipalities, Igor Yakovlev, Yabloko's press secretary, told TASS.

What will change a small municipal revolution in Moscow

The United Democrats, led by Dmitry Gudkov, managed to make a small and unpleasantly surprise their opponents.

Growing authoritarianism against the backdrop of general apathy finally collided with grassroots democratic activism. This deviation from the well-known logic "do not change anything" launches some new political processes, there is a slight cancellation of unanimity in Russia, Novaya Gazeta writes today.

In those municipal assemblies where the opposition has received a majority, deputies will have real powers, and local authorities will be forced to coordinate budget expenditures with them, and two-thirds of the votes of deputies is enough to remove the head of the council. The architecture of municipal elections in Moscow is such that one winner does not take all. This means that it is more difficult for a conditional chief acting on behalf of the administrative resource to appoint himself a representative of the will of the people. In addition to him, in multi-member districts, other people can get into municipal assemblies ... Based on preliminary data, the opposition gathered 12.6% in Moscow.

For comparison, elections to the State Duma are arranged in such a way that the winner takes all - because of the combination of single-member constituencies and the 5% threshold for party lists. Because of this, a paradoxical situation arises when even official sociology records a significant and actively dissatisfied minority, but this does not affect the parliament in any way.

The authorities did not expect a serious blow, did not prepare different kind barriers and filters and less than in the elections of other levels, used administrative resources. The result was the return of 14% of citizens to political life at least symbolically. And this leads to the collapse of the fictitious parliamentary opposition. Now, at the level of the Moscow municipal assemblies, United Russia will remain face to face with oppositionists who come from United Democrats, and this polarization can be considered a positive sign.

The municipal revolution became possible due to a miscalculation of the authorities. Having staked on the maximum, they eventually lost - albeit having received the majority of mandates, but still getting irreconcilable opponents in the councils everywhere. In the elections on September 10, the turnout in Moscow was a record low 12%.

And, as the newspaper notes, we should not forget that the current municipal elections are a step towards the unexpectedly competitive elections of the mayor of Moscow in 2018. Both for Dmitry Gudkov, who intends to run for mayor, and for the young Yabloko candidates, the municipal elections have become an instrument of political recruiting.

Opposition and observers complained about violations

CEC members did not record serious violations during the Moscow elections, Ella Pamfilova, chairman of the Central Election Commission, Maya Grishina, secretary of the commission, and Alexander Klyukin, a member of the CEC, told reporters. However, the opposition and independent observers throughout the election day complained about large-scale home-based voting and low turnout by the authorities, RBC notes.

Most complaints were received about "abnormal" voting at home and stuffing, representatives of parties and observers told RBC. This was stated by representatives of Yabloko, the Golos movement, the headquarters of ex-State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov, Open Russia, and the Just Russia party. Thus, the Golos movement counted 284 violations in the course of voting in Moscow.

On Sunday morning, Gudkov reported a high percentage of home-based voting. Later, RBC's information was confirmed by observers from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and a candidate for local deputies in the Krasnoselsky district, a member of the Bureau of the Federal Political Council of Solidarity, Ilya Yashin. The increase in the number of "home workers" could be organized by United Russia, which thus "gathers" the necessary votes, Yulia Galyamina, a candidate for municipal deputies in the Timiryazevsky district, told RBC.

A large number of calls to hotline"Yabloko" was connected precisely with home-based voting, Igor Yakovlev, the party's press secretary, confirmed to RBC. The opposition in different districts of the capital complained that at several polling stations the number of applications for voting at home was abnormally high, and social workers persuaded pensioners to vote at home and helped them make the "right" choice - in favor of United Russia candidates. Sometimes agitators even attached booklets with campaigning for candidates from the ruling party to the ballots, RBC reported. Executive Director"Open Russia" Timur Valeev.

In turn, the chairman of the Moscow City Electoral Committee, Valentin Gorbunov, told reporters that the number of "home-workers" in the current municipal elections was not as large as the oppositionists say: only about 66,000 people.

Among the winners can be attributed Boris Vidgof, who was able to get out of disgrace, retained control in the Traktorozavodsky district and received strong positions in sale for the City Duma.

The builder Oleg Laknitsky, whose son-in-law Artem Klimenko became a deputy in Parkovoe, an important territory for the utility business of his father-in-law, was able to get one mandate.

Several groups largely remained “with their own”. These are the "Soviet" and "Kalinin" wings of the "Kalinin family", the group of Mosharov and Ryabenko, as well as local groups in the regions.

Andrey Baryshev can be called the undoubted loser, who lost part of the mandates in the Metallurgical District, which was always considered his fiefdom, and was unable to increase his presence in the Kurchatovsky and Kalininsky districts.

At the same time, against the backdrop of failures in the elections, pressure began on Baryshev's business. In particular, a criminal case has been initiated on the fact that his company Lotsiya received preferences from the municipality for business management in the underground passage on Revolution Square.

They started dividing mandates before summing up

District councils of deputies are only a step in gaining control over the city. Now the local clans have to decide on the delegates to the city duma of Chelyabinsk. According to the site's source, negotiations on this began even before the final count of votes on the night after the elections.

“This is a rather complicated and lengthy process,” the source says. - First, the leaders of influence groups will discuss their wishes, some lists with the head of the city Natalya Kotova, then with the heads of the districts, then Kotova and the heads will agree on their positions. Then they will check everything again, and then these lists will be officially “strengthened” through the party bodies and the district councils themselves.”

It is noted that the most difficult situation Andrey Baryshev, who has practically nothing to bargain with. But it is assumed that he will still be able to get a few people into the City Duma if he offers help to the “Young Guards” and personal guarantees in negotiations with the "Kalinin family" in the Kalinin region itself.

It is interesting that Stanislav Mosharov, who is now a kind of neutral figure regarding the city's political alignments, has a fairly high chance of retaining the chair of the City Duma speaker, while his reappointment will not cause protests from the townspeople - in fact, nothing will change for people.

Other people interested in this post - Ilya Mitelman, Sergey Ovchinikov - have weak positions. For Mitelman, except for himself, no one bothers, and Ovchinnikov, who is the secretary of the United Russia in the Soviet region, formally lost a large number of districts, and is the leader of a group that has had tense relations with the mayor's office in recent months. It is unlikely that Natalya Kotova will want to see him as a speaker. Other groups have not yet indicated their wishes regarding the post of the speaker.

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The democratic opposition in Moscow, according to preliminary data, won about 200 seats in the city's municipal assemblies. This was announced by former State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov, whose project was nominated by about 1,000 people to the municipal deputies of the city. Elections in the capital were held in 125 districts, candidates applied for 1502 mandates.

Chairman of the Moscow City Electoral Committee Valentin Gorbunov, after processing 25% of the protocols of election commissions, said that the final turnout in the elections in the capital will be 14-15%.

Elections in Russia held at a record low turnout

Representatives of the party in power won almost everywhere

The oppositionists, who were supported by Gudkov and who were nominated by the parties Yabloko, Parnassus, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation or were self-nominated, received a majority in several districts of the city. According to preliminary data, these are the Airport, Levoberezhny, Timiryazevsky, Khamovniki, Yakimanka, Tverskoy, Sokol, Cheryomushki, Konkovo, Lomonosovsky, Academic, Maryina Roshcha, Zyuzino. In the Gagarinsky district of Moscow, where PEC No. 2151 is located, where President Vladimir Putin voted, all 12 seats in the council of municipal deputies were won by Yabloko activists.

According to the press secretary of the Yabloko party, Igor Yakovlev, 181 candidates from the Yabloko party won in 51 districts in Moscow, while the party won the majority in six districts of the city. The team of the Solidarity movement, led by oppositionist Ilya Yashin, which was nominated in the Krasnoselsky district, also received a majority in municipal council. Yashin's team has seven mandates, United Russia has three. “In both districts, the first places are ours. The complete defeat of United Russia, - Yashin wrote. Journalist Ilya Azar, who was a candidate for municipal deputies in the Khamovniki district, said that he took first place in the 1st district, and United Russia did not make it to the council of municipal deputies.

"Success in many districts of Moscow is a joint result - the trust of active Muscovites and the active work of candidates," says Nikolai Rybakov, head of the Yabloko campaign headquarters, deputy chairman of the party.

In the Zyuzino area, the opposition also received a majority. A candidate for municipal deputies in the Zyuzino district, Konstantin Yankauskas, says that oppositionists have taken six districts in the south-west of Moscow. “The story of the municipal deputies, which began five years ago, was published on new level. People got used to it and were able to conduct commands. I think that this will change the political process in the city, since the councils of deputies have a large number of advisory and controlling powers and independent deputies will use them,” he said. Jankauskas says that for the first time in a long time, the opposition managed to mobilize so many people for the elections: “The fact that they came to vote despite not the most interesting campaign means that a lot of irritation has accumulated towards the city authorities.”

Thanks to the course towards clean elections in Moscow, according to the results of the elections, “the long-standing protest belt in the capital was clearly reproduced - this is an arc that originates from such areas of the north as the Airport and Sokol, passes through the Central Administrative District and the nearest areas of the ZAO and goes to the southwest” , says political scientist Alexander Pozhalov. “Such a belt was visible both in the elections for the mayor of Moscow and in the elections to the State Duma, which also did not raise questions in terms of legitimacy,” he says. Turnout in Moscow was at an expected level, with turnout higher in more protest areas and where the opposition fielded active teams, approaching 20%, he says.

In his opinion, one of the surprises was the results of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation: “Having more than 200 deputies before the elections, the communists reduced their representation by several times, letting young newcomers from Yabloko into the councils. Such a result of new activists, half of whom decided to go into politics this year alone, is a symbol of the demand of Muscovites from the protest areas for new faces.” He recalls that in order to pass the municipal filter in Moscow, you need to have deputies in 110 districts of the city, for which the mayor's office needed to win completely 25–30 districts so that the opposition could not independently pass the municipal filter in the mayoral elections, therefore “I admit that in 2018 The opposition will once again have to turn to United Russia for help,” he added.

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement Amzibashevsky village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 56, took part in the elections - 50.
Saipushev Vitaly Olegovich - 21
Shamykaeva Angelina Konstantinovna - 28

EMB No. 2, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 56, took part in the elections - 47.
Vasilyeva Iroda Boboerovna - 8
Nuriahmetov Leonard Pavlovich - 35

EMB No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 63, took part in the elections - 41.
Izilanova Liana Yurievna - 24
Payashev Vladimir Pasetovich - 17

EC No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 55, took part in the elections - 50.
Izimetov Vladimir Isinbaevich - 26
Imanaeva Vera Vladimirovna - 19

EC No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 57, took part in the elections - 51.
Izilyaev Alfred Alexandrovich -17
Shamykaev Vitaly Dmitrievich - 29

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 71, took part in the elections - 57.
Manaeva Vera Vladimirovna - 23
Shumatova Valentina Veniaminovna - 24

EP No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 65, took part in the elections - 50.
Iltubaev Valentin Pavlovich - 28
Petrov Sergey Semenovich - 22

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 63, took part in the elections - 58.
Osipov Sergey Afanasyevich - 19
Shumatov Gennady Shamtievich - 39

EC No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 63, took part in the elections - 51.
Osiev Petr Suarbaevich - 21
Osipov Evgeny Afanasyevich - 30

EP No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 79, took part in the elections - 67.
Apakova Raisa Alexandrovna - 15
Surkova Raisa Alexandrovna - 52

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement Bolshekachakovskiy village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 108, took part in the elections - 93.
Galiakhmetov Dmitry Shakirzyanovich - 66
Vagapov Fedor Mikhailovich - 27

EP No. 2, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 115, took part in the elections - 77.
Timirkhanov Arkady Atnabaevich - 53
Timirbaev Grigory Yulkubaevich - 24

EMB No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 118, took part in the elections - 103.
Kamalitdinova Oksana Iltimirovna - 58
Parkutdinova Salima Alexandrovna - 44

EC No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 128, took part in the elections - 127.
Shakirova Olga Mikhailovna - 74
Zairullin Anton Maratovich - 51

EC No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 123, took part in the elections - 111.
Shakirov Evgeny Albertovich - 90
Apkarimov Vadim Vasilievich - 21

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 123, took part in the elections - 120
Khaidarshin Gennady Dmitrievich - 72
Badamshin Evgeny Khaidarovich - 48

EP No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 93, took part in the elections - 89.
Militdinova Inna Garipzyanovna - 49
Timirbaev Marat Yulkubaevich - 40

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 91, took part in the elections - 90.
Galyamshin Oleg Grigorievich - 50
Gadyrshina Nadezhda Fedorovna - 40

EC No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 69, took part in the elections - 56.
Fattaev Gabid Khalitovich - 40
Zainitdinova Inga Armyaginovna - 12

EC No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 65, took part in the elections - 52.
Fakaev Aidar Rasimovich - 31
Khasanyanov Ramil Fanavievich - 18

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement of the Kaleginsky village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 48, took part in the elections - 47.
Shamagulova Yulia Valerievna - 30
Kuzminykh Sergey Arkadyevich - 17

EMB No. 2, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 64, took part in the elections - 56.
Ponomareva Valentina Arkadievna for - 42, against - 14

EMB No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 47, took part in the elections - 37.
Novoselov Vladimir Alexandrovich - 25
Kuzminykh Tatyana Sergeevna - 12

EC No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 62, took part in the elections - 55.
Dubovikov Alexander Yurievich - 42
Butorin Nikolai Viktorovich - 13

EC No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 53, took part in the elections - 37.
Kumushbaev Alexander Sergeevich - 25
Vasyukov Antonin Arsentevich - 12

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 62, took part in the elections - 46.
Ivanov Vitaly Mikhailovich - 28
Izimetova Zinaida Egorovna - 18

EMB No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 62, took part in the elections - 59.
Semenova Oksana Evgenievna - 46
Gainullina Tatyana Leonidovna - 13

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 65, took part in the elections - 57.
Valikaev Kim Vasilyevich for - 52, against - 5.

EC No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 66, took part in the elections - 59.
Dmitriev Vladimir Andreevich - 51
Satulbaev Alexander Pekulovich - 8

EMB No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 79, took part in the elections - 72.
Sairanov Sergey Mikhailovich for - 69. Against - 3.

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement Kalmiyabashevsky village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 100, took part in the elections - 86.
Madieva Anyuta Karlabaevna - 71
Yalaeva Polina Alekseevna - 15

EMB No. 2, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 102, took part in the elections - 63.
Petraev Kliment Timofeevich - 37
Khusnullina Elvira Vladimirovna - 26

EP No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 106, took part in the elections - 96.
Islamova Azaliya Makhmutovna -46
Shamratova Olga Grigorievna - 35

EC No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 90, took part in the elections - 84.
Khamatkhanova Inna Grigorievna - 44
Kornev Yuri Alexandrovich - 34

EC No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 82, took part in the elections - 36.
Garayeva Alexandra Radikovna -33
Nikolaeva Svetlana Dmitrievna - 3

EP No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 77, took part in the elections - 50.
Garayeva Maya Mitrofanovna - 27
Garayeva Dina Valentinovna - 22

EP No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 90, took part in the elections - 65.
Mayazov Valery Valentinovich - 37
Bogdanova Marina Andriyanovna - 26
Akhmadeeva Elizaveta Veniaminovna - 2

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 96, took part in the elections - 43.
Zainetdinova Yuliya Gainievna for - 26. Against - 17.

EMB No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 91, took part in the elections - 48.
Shumatova Raisa Kuzminichna - 29
Ibatova Antonida Kugubaevna - 12

EMB No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 82, took part in the elections - 39.
Shangaraeva Victoria Dmitrievna - 21
Shumatov Vyacheslav Vasilievich - 17

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement Kaltasinsky village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 435, took part in the elections - 347.
Shumatbaev Fedor Alekseevich - 307
Khasanov Kirill Raulevich - 26

EMB No. 2, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 426, took part in the elections - 317.
Razdinova Irina Nikolaevna -157
Irgibaev Yuri Anatolievich - 149

EMB No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 495, took part in the elections - 373.
Shamsutdinova Angelina Genadievna - 236
Yanitova Rita Timergalievna - 119

EC No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 488, took part in the elections - 327.
Kutlubaev Ruslan Ilyich - 215
Baigasheva Tatyana Alexandrovna - 64
Garipova Alfiya Adgamovna - 44

EC No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 371, took part in the elections - 266.
Dumbadze Valery Amirovich - 159
Pryakhina Yana Nikolaevna - 101

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 495, took part in the elections - 369
Bigaev Rishat Hadievich - 227
Sataeva Zinaida Miksonovna - 126

EP No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 392, took part in the elections - 289.
Sharifyanov Renat Yaudatovich - 201
Ibaeva Liliya Sergeevna - 72

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 442, took part in the elections - 320.
Saetgareeva Galina Sergeevna - 203
Pitaeva Lyubov Petrovna - 64
Gabdullin Azat Khakimyanovich - 41

EMB No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 589, took part in the elections - 461.
Galikhanova Gulfia Nagimovna - 259
Khatmullin Elvir Raufovich - 186

EC No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 391, took part in the elections - 254.
Chulkov Andrey Fedorovich -145
Kurbanova Guzel Mugalimovna - 87

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement Krasnokholmsky village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 450, took part in the elections - 370.
Vostretsova Natalya Yurievna -191
Vechtomova Tatiana Aibashevna -179

EMB No. 2, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 541, took part in the elections - 242.
Tsedilkin Semyon Vladimirovich -109
Gaisina Valeria Valerievna - 83
Krlabaeva Evgenia Genadievna -50

EMB No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 408, took part in the elections - 383.
Ikryannikova Larisa Gennadievna - 323
Kaibullina Polina Evgenievna - 54

EC No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 500, took part in the elections - 342.
Ilbakhtin Gerasim Andreevich - 173
Nurislamov Ilnur Indusovich -156

EC No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 522, took part in the elections - 445.
Ibaev Alexey Gavrilovich - 226
Kabitova Irina Valerievna -145
Belyakin Oleg Valerievich - 74

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 485, took part in the elections - 301.
Makarov Sergey Vladimirovich - 162
Chukavina Laysan Rauisovna - 121

EP No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 462, took part in the elections - 313.
Sharafieva Larisa Anasovna - 154
Vasilyeva Lyubov Alexandrovna - 139

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 540, took part in the elections - 394.
Nurislamov Indus Faritovich - 268
Valeyshina Alfiya Rafisovna - 108

EMB No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 474, took part in the elections - 304.
Khuzin Ildar Gaydanevich - 221
Imasheva Milyausha Madisovna - 67

EC No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 473 took part in the elections - 263.
Khuzin Dinar Danisovich - 182
Bronnikova Svetlana Yurievna - 66

EC No. 11, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 432. Participated in the elections - 284.
Zvorygin Vladimir Afanasyevich - 171
Arslanova Alsu Radikovna - 61
Kilina Zulfiya Vadimovna - 36

EC No. 12, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 535, took part in the elections - 300.
Sagdeeva Alfiya Saifullovna - 199
Gilfanov Rustam Anatolyevich - 99

Election Commission No. 13, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 561, took part in the elections - 362.
Popova Ilyusya Kavievna - 279
Arslanov Nazib Mustafinovich - 76

EC No. 14, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 517, took part in the elections - 403.
Mikhailova Lyudmila Gennadievna - 257
Kurbangalieva Svetlana Yaugarovna - 146

Election Commission No. 15, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 523, took part in the elections - 382.
Bisharov Ivan Nikolaevich - 280
Beloglazov Nikolai Sergeevich - 102

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement Nizhnekachmashevsky village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1 number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 80, took part in the elections - 72
Shaymurzina Tanzilya Nasifullinovna - 55
Ramazanov Vener Salihyanovich - 17

EMB No. 2 number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 80, took part in the elections - 69
Ishtubaeva Olesya Yurievna - 28
Lukmanova Naziha Kavievna - 22
Iskibaev Edison Pektubaevich 19

EMB No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 80, took part in the elections - 72
Batyrova Anastasia Yurievna - 40
Ishtuganova Elza Ivanovna - 32

EMB No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 79, took part in the elections - 70
Izhbulatov Igor Iraevich
For - 57
Against - 13

EMB No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 70, took part in the elections - 64
Mikhailov Alexey Petrovich - 42
Bikbaev Rim Fayzylgayanovich - 22

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 77, took part in the elections - 66
Shamtieva Natalya Kubaevna - 38
Ibakaeva Irina Gennadievna - 28

EMB No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 105, took part in the elections - 99
Tosaev Pavel Sainashevich - 50
Biktimirov Gennady Germanovich - 49

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 85, took part in the elections - 69,
Biktimirov German Afanasyevich - 40
Kugubaeva Olesya Vasilievna - 21
Izhbulatova Dina Sergeevna - 8

EMB No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 74, took part in the elections - 56,
Shayakhmetova Natalya Semyonovna - 44
Rayanov Alexey Mikhailovich - 12

EMB No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 95, took part in the elections - 87
Baibatyrov Gennady Pakirbaevich - 67
Ibakaev Adik Ivanovich - 20

At the elections of deputies of the Council of the rural settlement Staroyashevsky village council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

EMB No. 1, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 70, took part in the elections - 64
Izibaeva Zinaida Alekseevna - 53
Masaev Maxim Vasilievich - 10

EMB No. 2, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 60, took part in the elections - 57
Mandiev Igor Shangarievich - 33
Nikolaeva Diana Danilovna - 23

EMB No. 3, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 59, took part in the elections - 55
Abdulgareev Mikhail Alexandrovich - 43
Nikolaev Fedor Yurievich - 11

EMB No. 4, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 57, took part in the elections - 55
Imakaev Renat Imashevich - 38
Shangariyev Alexander Salimgarievich - 16

EMB No. 5, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 57, took part in the elections - 55
Apsalikov Vitaliy Akhtarievich - 38
Shangarieva Zoya Valentinovna - 16

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 62, took part in the elections - 51
Ibakaeva Elvira Vladimirovna - 31
Imaev Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - 18

EMB No. 7, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 68, took part in the elections - 56
Apkanieva Nina Valerievna - 43
Isinbaev Yuri Alekseevich - 13

EMB No. 8, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 55, took part in the elections - 38
Manikaev Vladislav Alekseevich - 25
Sakriev Vladislav Alekseevich - 11

EMB No. 9, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 66, took part in the elections - 55
Arsentieva Alevtina Yambaevna - 32
Kandieva Galina Pavlovna - 22

EMB No. 10, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 72, took part in the elections - 59
Akberdin Alexander Shamratovich - 33
Akhmetyanov Leonid Timerkhanovich - 25

For by-elections of a deputy of the Council of the municipal district Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the fourth convocation:

EMB No. 6, the number of voters included in the voter lists at the end of voting - 1236, took part in the elections - 1052
Syutkina Olga Alexandrovna– 538
Valikaev Vladimir Vasilievich - 418
Shamreev Anatoly Semenovich -85

Image copyright Image caption Attention to the Moscow elections was riveted all summer

Elections to the Moscow City Duma have ended in Moscow. According to preliminary data, pro-government candidates win in most constituencies, but representatives of other parties, including those for whom Aleksey Navalny campaigned to vote, can get mandates in a significant part of the constituencies.

After processing 100% of the protocols of precinct election commissions, 20 candidates nominated and supported by opposition parties enter the Moscow City Duma.

  • The Kremlin managed to avoid the second round of elections after the scandals of 2018
  • Regional elections were held in Russia. The most important thing about this day
  • Who is nominated for the Moscow City Duma? Complete candidate guide

13 people pass from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation: Dmitry Loktev (2nd district), Nikolai Zubrilin (11th district), Sergey Savostyanov (15th district), Viktor Maksimov (17th district), Elena Yanchuk (18th district) , Oleg Sheremetiev (19th district), Evgeny Stupin (20th district), Leonid Zyuganov (22nd district), Pavel Tarasov (24th district), Lyubov Nikitina (31st district), Nikolai Gubenko (37 district), Ekaterina Engalycheva (42nd district) and Elena Shuvalova (44th district).

All three party candidates who managed to get registered from Yabloko were Yevgeny Bunimovich (6th district), Maxim Kruglov (14th district) and Sergei Mitrokhin (43rd district, registered only after the intervention of the Moscow City Court). In addition, self-nominated Daria Besedina, supported by Yabloko, won in the 8th constituency.

Three more, according to preliminary data, were elected to the Moscow City Duma from the Just Russia party - Alexander Solovyov (3rd district, namesake of the unregistered candidate Alexander Solovyov from Dmitry Gudkov's team), Mikhail Timonov (16th district) and Magomet Yandiev (45th district). th district), who defeated the vice-rector of the Higher School of Economics, Valeria Kasamara, who was considered a protege of the mayor's office.

  • See the full list of candidates by constituency

The final turnout in the elections to the Moscow City Duma was 21.77%.

Silence of the Moscow City Electoral Committee

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Fights, stuffing and brilliant green: what happened on election day

Data on the results after the closing of polling stations were previously published by the Public Election Observation Headquarters, which is headed by Alexei Venediktov, editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy.

As he told the BBC, his headquarters receives data from his observers, who were sent to all polling stations in Moscow. These observers, according to him, after the closure of all polling stations sent copies of the protocols to the headquarters.

Image copyright Agency "Moscow" Image caption The press center of the Moscow City Electoral Committee worked on the voting day, but there was almost no news from it

At half past one in the morning in Moscow, the headquarters announced that in almost all districts more than 95.5% of the votes had been processed. However, these data could not be considered official, since Venediktov's headquarters is not an official body responsible for organizing and conducting elections, and is not authorized to officially sum up the results of the elections.

Some data of the calculations of the Moscow City Electoral Committee that night were transmitted only by news agencies that ended up in the information center of the commission - RIA Novosti, TASS, Interfax and the Moskva agency.

"Smart voting" - did it work?

The associates of Alexei Navalny practically celebrated the victory: in 22 districts out of 45, the candidates whom they called for support with the help of "Smart Voting" won.

The loudest defeats were in constituency No. 15, where the leader of the Moscow "United Russia" Andrey Metelsky, according to preliminary data, lost to the communist Savostyanov, and in constituency No. 45, where Vice-Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Kasamara lost to Yandiev from Just Russia.

Metelsky worked as a deputy of the Moscow City Duma for 18 years, and during the campaign he became the object of investigations by the Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation. FBK found out that the Metelsky family owns four hotels and a palace in Austria, for which about 40 million euros were spent. Navalny found several apartments and houses in Russia worth 5.7 billion rubles from Metelsky's mother.

Metelsky admitted defeat in the morning. "The elections were fair. The voter sees other priorities, other candidates," he told Interfax and suggested that the election results were influenced by Navalny's investigation.

"Yes, I think it is, the investigation influenced the results, seriously influenced - this is a certain tactic of struggle," Metelsky said. Former speaker of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov, after processing 100% of the protocols, scored 40.83% of the vote.

Navalny's headquarters declared Metelsky's defeat their victory, but another ardent critic of Metelsky, RT journalist Ekaterina Vinokurova, disagreed with this. “The fact is that in a huge part of the districts, extremely unsuccessful candidates were nominated by the authorities,” she wrote in her Telegram channel.

The head of the Krasnoselsky district, Ilya Yashin, was going to compete with Kasamara in the elections. It was the oppositionist's fourth attempt to be elected to the Moscow City Duma. Levada Center reported that Yashin had the highest rating in the district, but the electoral commission refused to register him, rejecting his signatures.

The oppositionist, who spent 50 days in a special detention center, having received five consecutive administrative arrests of 10 days each for unauthorized protests, declared Kasamara's defeat his victory. Casamara herself attributed her loss to the activity of the Muslim diaspora, which supported Yandiev.

Image copyright Agency "Moscow" Image caption At many polling stations in Moscow, there were KOIBs - electronic ballot boxes that themselves count the votes of voters

The Smart Voting strategy had many critics - not everyone agreed with the choice of Navalny's team. For example, in Chertanovo, supporters of the project offered to support Vladislav Zhukovsky, a nominee from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, although local activist Roman Yuneman enjoyed high support there. As a result, according to preliminary data, Maria Yusetskaya, who is considered a protege of the city hall, won, and Yuneman and Zhukovsky scored about equal amount votes.

Grigory Yavlinsky, the founder of Yabloko, also criticized Navalny’s project: “Of course, we have a special voter - he doesn’t walk in formation, he doesn’t vote according to lists, according to orders. for candidates from the Communist Party).

"While there are reports of 'victories', our guys are demanding freedom for political prisoners and are suffering themselves," wrote businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky. He also did not support the "Smart Voting" idea.

"For some reason, everyone rejoices at the successful (but not victorious) result of the systemic opposition (which will still vote in solidarity with United Russia) in the elections to the Moscow City Duma," said Ilya Azar, a Novaya Gazeta journalist and an active participant in the protests.

Secretary of the General Council of "United Russia" Andrey Turchak on Sunday evening said that the ruling party in these elections "shocked everyone." In this case, how to relate to the defeat of the leader of the Moscow United Russia Metelsky, he explained in the morning.

"Andrey Metelsky's defeat was unpleasant for us," he said at a briefing. "We will analyze what ultimately happened in his constituency." "Andrey is an experienced fighter, our comrade, and he will not lose his place in the party ranks," Interfax quoted Turchak as saying.

Features of the Moscow elections

The refusal to register oppositionists resulted in protests that continued all summer long - elections to the Moscow City Duma and subsequent rallies were one of the main political topics of recent months. However, this did not affect the activity of voters.

Turnout remained as low as it was in 2014, when the opposition called for a boycott of the election. On September 8, 21.77% of voters came to the polling stations, in 2014 the turnout was 21.04%.

Candidates for deputies of the Moscow City Duma were elected by the majority system in 45 districts - this means that the one who received the most votes in his constituency gets into the capital's parliament.

Participants in the elections could run both from parties and as self-nominated candidates. This year, even representatives of United Russia, including, for example, the leader of the Moscow United Russia party, Andrey Metelsky, became self-nominated. The Public Opinion Foundation has recorded that Moscow has the lowest level of positive attitude towards United Russia throughout Russia. True, the pro-government candidates explained that they had withdrawn from the party in order to represent the interests of all Muscovites.

As for the oppositionists, for the most part they were unable to register as candidates: the electoral commissions found in the signatures they submitted a percentage of marriage that exceeded the allowable one. Candidates tried to challenge these decisions in the CEC and in the courts, assuring that the signatures were real, but no one except Yabloko member Mitrokhin, his fellow party member, children's ombudsman in Moscow Bunimovich and urbanist Besedina, failed to register for the elections.

As a result, elections to the capital's parliament, which often do not arouse much interest among voters, this time provoked mass protests. The security forces responded to them with harsh detentions and criminal cases against the protesters.

Oppositionist Navalny, in response to the fact that his associates could not run for election, offered his supporters "Smart Voting" - to support the nearest competitors of the candidates from the mayor's office with the highest ratings. So, according to Navalny's plan, it would be possible to deprive the government of the majority in the Moscow City Duma.

The list for "Smart Voting" was determined by FBK experts - and in most districts they offered to support the communists. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation denied tactical alliances with Navalny, but were satisfied that the politician considered them to be the real opposition.

According to preliminary data, United Russia or self-bearers are winning in most constituencies, as Sergei Shpilkin, an expert on electoral statistics, called them, thanks to the symbol of United Russia, the bear.

Who goes to the Moscow City Duma

GAS-elections system data:

District No. 1. Zelenograd: Kryukovo, Matushkino, Savelki, Silino, Old Kryukovo

Andrey Titov (self-nominated).

District #2. Kurkino, Molzhaninovsky, Northern Tushino, Southern Tushino

Dmitry Loktev (KPRF).

District number 3. Mitino, Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo, part of Shchukino

Alexander Solovyov ("Fair Russia"). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District number 4. Krylatskoye, Strogino, part of Kuntsevo

Maria Kiseleva (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 5. Filevsky park, Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, part of Shchukino

Roman Babayan (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 6. Golovinsky, Levoberezhny, Khovrino, part of West Degunino

Evgeny Bunimovich ("Apple"). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District number 7. East Degunino, Dmitrovsky, part of West Degunino, part of Beskudnikovsky

Nadezhda Perfilova (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 8. Airport, Voikovsky, Koptevo, Soko l

Daria Besedina (self-nominated, supported by Yabloko).

District number 9. Begovoy, Savelovsky, Timiryazevsky, Khoroshevsky, part of Beskudnikovsky

Andrey Medvedev (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 10. Bibirevo, Lianozovo, Severny

Larisa Kartavtseva (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District No. 11. Altufevsky, Marfino, Otradnoe

Nikolai Zubrilin (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District number 12. Sviblovo, North Medvedkovo, South Medvedkovo

Alexey Shaposhnikov (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #13. Babushkinsky, Losinoostrovsky, Yaroslavsky

Igor Buskin (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 14. Alekseevsky, Maryina grove, Ostankino, Rostokino

Maxim Kruglov ("Apple"). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District #15. Golyanovo, Metrogorodok, part of Northern Izmailovo

Sergey Savostyanov (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him. (According to Interfax, 72% of the counted votes).

District #16. Bogorodskoye, Preobrazhenskoye, part of the Sokolinaya Gora district

Mikhail Timonov ("Fair Russia"). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District number 17. Perovo, part of the Ivanovskoye district, part of the Sokolinaya Gora district

Viktor Maksimov (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District #18. East Izmailovo, Vostochny, Izmailovo, part of the Northern Izmailovo district

Elena Yanchuk (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for her.

District #19. Novogireevo, part of the Veshnyaki district, part of the Ivanovskoye district

Oleg Sheremetiev (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District #20. Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Nekrasovka, Novokosino, part of the Veshnyaki district, part of Vykhino-Zhulebino

Evgeny Stupin (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District #21. Part of Vykhino-Zhulebino, part of Ryazan

Leonid Zyuganov (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District #22. Kapotnya, part of Lyublino, part of Maryino

Inna Svyatenko (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #23. Kuzminki, part of Lublino, part of Ryazan

Elena Nikolaeva (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 24. Lefortovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Textile workers, Yuzhnoportovy

Pavel Tarasov (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District #25. Printers, part of Maryino

Lyudmila Stebenkova (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #26. Brateevo, Zyablikovo, part of Orekhovo-Borisovo South

Kirill Shchitov (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District No. 27. Orekhovo-Borisovo North, part of Orekhovo-Borisovo South

Stepan Orlov (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #28. Moskvorechye-Saburovo, part of Tsaritsyno, part of the Nagatinsky backwater area

Elena Samyshina (self-nomination). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #29. Biryulyovo East, Biryulyovo West, part of Tsaritsyno

Oleg Artemyev (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #30. Chertanovo Central, Chertanovo South

Margarita Rusetskaya (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #31. Nagorny, Chertanovo North, part of Zyuzino

Lyubov Nikitina (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.

District number 32. Danilovsky, Donskoy, Nagatino-Sadovniki, part of the Nagatinsky backwater area

Olga Melnikova (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #33. Southern Butovo, part of the Northern Butovo district

Lyudmila Guseva (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 34. Yasenevo, part of Zyuzino, part of Northern Butovo

Alexander Semennikov (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #35. Konkovo, Teply Stan

Natalia Metlina (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District number 36. Kotlovka, Obruchevsky, Cheryomushki

Olga Sharapova (self-nominated).Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #37. Academic, Gagarinsky, Lomonosovsky, part of the Vernadsky Prospekt district

Nikolay Gubenko (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.But the mayor's office did not put up a strong opponent against him.

District #38. Part of the Prospekt Vernadsky district, part of Troparevo-Nikulino; settlements of Voronovskoye, Voskresenskoye, Desenovskoye, Kievsky, Klenovskoye, Moskovsky, "Mosrentgen", Ryazanovskoye, Rogovskoye, Sosenskoye, Filimonkovskoye, Shchapovskoye, Shcherbinka

Alexander Kozlov (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #39. Vnukovo, Novo-Peredelkino; settlements of Vnukovo, Kokoshkino, Krasnopakhorskoe, Marushkinskoe, Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoe, Novofedorovskoe, Pervomaiskoe, Troitsk

Valeriy Golovchenko (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #40. Ochakovo-Matveevskoe, Solntsevo, part of Troparevo-Nikulino

Tatyana Batysheva (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #41. Mozhaisky, part of Kuntsevo, part of Fili-Davydkovo

Evgeny Gerasimov (self-nominated). Candidate supported by the mayor's office.

District #42. Dorogomilovo, Ramenki, part of Fili-Davydkovo

Ekaterina Engalycheva (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for her.

District #43. Arbat, Presnensky, Khamovniki

Sergei Mitrokhin ("Yabloko"). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.But the candidate, supported by the mayor's office, was not opposed.

District #44. Zamoskvorechye, Tagansky, Tverskoy, Yakimanka

Elena Shuvalova (KPRF). Navalny campaigned to vote for her. (Until recently, it was not clear in this constituency who won the first place: the communist Shuvalova or the self-nominated Ilya Sviridov, who went to the polls with the support of the mayor's office. According to the Public Headquarters, Shuvalova wins).

District #45. Basmanny, Krasnoselsky, Meshchansky, Sokolniki

Mohammed Yandiev ("Fair Russia"). Navalny campaigned to vote for him.