Calvary. Why was the Savior's death on the cross necessary? Via Dolorosa - Way of the Cross of Jesus Christ to Golgotha

  • 29.09.2019

This is the entrance to the King David Synagogue, above which is the hall of the Last Supper. I tried to go there, but I was met in the hall concrete walls, building materials and an evil worker who quickly kicked me back

Here was the last meal of Jesus Christ with His twelve closest
disciples, during which he predicted the betrayal of one of the disciples.

Garden of Gethsemane

In this garden, Jesus loved to relax and communicate with his disciples. Here, after
treacherous kiss of Judas He was arrested. Here grow 8 very ancient
olives, which may be about 2000 years old

Jesus was led into Jerusalem through the Lion's Gate

Somewhere here he was judged by Pontius Pilate

That stone platform on which Pontius Pilate sat, judging the Prisoner, did not survive.
As much as Pilate wanted to save Jesus, he had no choice. Church then
had serious weight in the state


Jesus was kept here, and the robber Barabbas was sitting in the cave (lower right corner of the photo).

Stops on the Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross passed through the street Via Dolorosa. Now guidebooks divide it into 14 stops.
(stations), each of which reports on some episode of the tragic path of Jesus. Pro
I won’t tell each parking lot, but as an example I’ll say a few

Church of the Flagellation

It was here, according to legend, that the Roman soldiers beat Jesus Christ.

“Then Pilate took Jesus and ordered him to be beaten. And the soldiers, having woven a crown of thorns, put it on His head, and dressed Him in purple, and said: Hail, King of the Jews! And they struck him on the cheeks"

Opposite this church is the first station of the Way of the Cross,
reminiscent of the scourging of Jesus

Periodically, pilgrims make procession

How beautiful and fun this ceremony is for Catholics!

On that day, life was just as noisy on the streets of Jerusalem, everyone was minding their own business, and
Jesus carried his cross to Calvary. The cross, by the way, was an order of magnitude heavier than this

The street is going up

It's hard to imagine how a wounded person can drag in mount cross,
weighing about one hundred kilograms

Station III.
Jesus falls for the first time

Exhausted by the night judgment and scourging, Jesus fell under the weight of the Cross.
Angels look down on Him

Station IV.
Jesus meets his mother

The Mother of God came here to see her Son, and saw Him carrying
cross to the place of execution. Now there is an Armenian Catholic
Church of the Sorrowful Mother

Cafe in the courtyard of the church

Station V
Simon of Cyrene is forced to help Christ carry the cross

Here the Roman soldiers forced Simon of Cyrene, who had come to Jerusalem to
Easter, help Jesus carry the cross

“And when they led him away, they seized a certain Simon of Cyrene, who was walking from the field, and laid a cross on him to carry after Jesus”

Station VI.
St. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

"Veronica, full of sympathy, came up and wiped the face of Jesus with a handkerchief and was surprised to see that the miraculous "true image" of the face of Jesus remained on the handkerchief."

Here Jesus leaned his hand against the wall

Since then, a recess has appeared in the wall, where all believers put their hands. A

After Jesus Christ was condemned to be crucified, He was handed over to the soldiers. The soldiers, having taken him, again beat him with insults and mockery. When they mocked Him, they took off the purple robe from Him and put on His own garments.

Those condemned to be crucified were supposed to carry their cross, so the soldiers put His cross on the shoulders of the Savior and led him to the place appointed for the crucifixion. The place was a hill called Golgotha, or place of execution, i.e. sublime. Golgotha ​​was located west of Jerusalem, not far from the city gates, called Judgment.

A great multitude of people followed Jesus Christ. The road was mountainous. Exhausted by beatings and scourgings, exhausted by mental suffering, Jesus Christ could barely walk, falling several times under the weight of the cross. When they reached the city gates, where the road went uphill, Jesus Christ was completely exhausted.

At this time, the soldiers saw a man close by who looked at Christ with compassion. It was Simon of Cyrene, returning after work from the field. The soldiers seized him and forced him to carry the cross of Christ.

Among the people who followed Christ there were many women who wept and sobbed for Him.

Jesus Christ, turning to them, said: “Daughters of Jerusalem! Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourself and for your children. Because the days will soon come when they will say: happy are those wives who have no children. Then people will say to the mountains fall on us, and on the hills: cover us."

So the Lord foretold those terrible calamities that were to break out over Jerusalem and the Jewish people soon after His earthly life.

Way of the Cross of Jesus Christ to Golgotha

After Jesus Christ was condemned to be crucified, He was handed over to the soldiers. The soldiers, having taken him, again beat him with insults and mockery. When they mocked Him, they took off the purple robe from Him and put on His own garments. Those condemned to be crucified were supposed to carry their cross, so the soldiers put His cross on the shoulders of the Savior and led him to the place appointed for the crucifixion. The place was a hill called Golgotha, or place of execution, i.e. sublime. Golgotha ​​was located west of Jerusalem, not far from the city gates, called Judgment.

A great multitude of people followed Jesus Christ. The road was mountainous. Exhausted by beatings and scourgings, exhausted by mental suffering, Jesus Christ could barely walk, falling several times under the weight of the cross. When they reached the city gates, where the road went uphill, Jesus Christ was completely exhausted. At this time, the soldiers saw a man close by who looked at Christ with compassion. It was Simon of Cyrene, returning after work from the field. The soldiers seized him and forced him to carry the cross of Christ.

Carrying the Cross by the Savior

Among the people who followed Christ there were many women who wept and sobbed for Him.

Jesus Christ, turning to them, said: “Daughters of Jerusalem! Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourself and for your children. Because the days will soon come when they will say: happy are those wives who have no children. Then people will say to the mountains fall on us, and on the hills: cover us."

So the Lord foretold those terrible calamities that were to break out over Jerusalem and the Jewish people soon after His earthly life.

NOTE: See in the Gospel: Matt., ch. 27, 27-32; from Mark, ch. 15, 16-21; from Luke, ch. 23, 26-32; from John, ch. 19, 16-17.

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Way of the Cross to Golgotha. Matt. 27:31-34; Mk. 15:20-23; OK. 23:26-33; In. 19:16-17 After the judgment, Christ was given into the hands of the executioners, who were to carry out the terrible and lawless sentence. The soldiers removed the purple robe from Jesus, dressed the Prisoner in His own garments, and placed upon Him

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The Way of the Cross to Golgotha ​​After the judgment, Christ was again given into the hands of the soldiers to carry out the sentence. The soldiers took off the purple robe from Jesus, dressed him in His own clothes and laid a cross on Him - two logs knocked together in the form of the letter "T". According to cruel custom, sentenced to

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The Way to Golgotha ​​Then the soldiers took Jesus to the court, undressed Him, put on Him a purple robe - a scarlet-colored garment that the nobles wore. Then they wove a crown of thorns and put it on His head. V right hand They gave Jesus a reed and, mockingly kneeling before Him,

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Way of the Cross Following the same street and passing under the arches of the collapsed tower erected by Herod in honor of Mark Anthony, you see on the left side, in outer wall Musselim's house, the lower wide step of the semicircular porch; the rest of the steps were transferred to Rome along with

Now we must walk the path that Jesus walked from the place of judgment to the place of execution at Calvary, the so-called way of the cross. Before us is a narrow winding street 600 meters long, paved with white stone. In the 16th century, this street became known as Via Dolorosa - the Road of Sorrow. Along this path, events took place that stopped the sad procession.

The path starts from Pretoria, where in the time of Jesus there was a dungeon in which prisoners were kept before the court of the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate. Jesus was imprisoned here along with other thieves. We pass with the group along a narrow passage into a small cave. Here we see a stone bench with two holes for legs.

The room is in twilight. The only decoration of this gloomy place is an icon depicting the Savior surrounded by two Angels. It was here that Pilate held court, by the verdict of which Christ was condemned to death on the Cross. Here in this dungeon sat the robber Barabbas.

The second station or stop is considered a church Flagellation. Here Jesus was scourged. Here he was dressed in a scarlet shroud, a crown of thorns was laid on him, and here he accepted the Cross. The dome of the Church of the Flagellation is decorated with a crown of thorns.

Third stop of the Way of the Cross site of Jesus' first fall. This place is marked by a small Catholic chapel. The bas-relief above the door of the chapel depicts Christ, exhausted under the weight of his burden.

We go further down the street, turn onto the next street and come to the 4th stop. Here, according to legend, it happened meeting with mother, which was waiting for the Son from around the corner. There is a chapel on this site. Above the doors is a bas-relief depicting the meeting of Jesus with his mother. We went inside. In a conspicuous place we see a composite statue of the Savior in a crimson tunic and his mother Mary. Sadness and longing are very expressive in the eyes and gestures of the unfortunate woman. On the floor in front of the pedestal, traces are visible, where Mary approximately stood.

At the next intersection of narrow streets, the fifth stop. At this point, the soldiers of the Roman guard, irritated by the slow progress of their prisoner, forced to carry the wooden cross of Simon of Cyrene instead of Jesus. This place is marked by a Franciscan chapel.

On the right side of the wall you can see a stone with a pavement, with a recess that depicted handprint of jesus. We venerated this imprint.

The sixth station of the Sorrowful Way is meeting with Veronica When Jesus passed by, she went out to meet him and wiped his face with her handkerchief dipped in cold water. The face of Christ was imprinted on the handkerchief. Savior Not Made by Hands, who later worked miracles, and now he is in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. The stop is marked by the chapel of St. Veronica, and a piece of a column embedded in the wall marked the place where her house was.

The seventh stop is second fall of jesus. This is the intersection of the streets, and it is marked by the remains of the column. Nearby is a Franciscan chapel.

The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was condemned by the Jewish high priests and the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate to be crucified.

After that, the Savior was handed over to the Roman soldiers. The soldiers undressed Him and dressed Him in purple. This red military cloak was supposed to depict the royal purple of the King of the Jews.

The soldiers wove a crown of thorns and placed it on the head of the Savior, gave Him a cane in His right hand and, kneeling before Him, mocked Him, saying: “Hail, King of the Jews.” They spat on him and took a stick and beat him on the head. And when they mocked Him, they took off the purple robe from Him, dressed Him in their own clothes, and led Him to be crucified.

Those condemned to be crucified were supposed to carry their own cross to the place of execution. Therefore, the soldiers, having laid the Cross on the shoulders of the Savior, led Him to the hill, which was called Golgotha, or the Place of the Skull. According to legend, Adam, the progenitor of the human race, was buried at this place. Golgotha ​​was located west of Jerusalem, not far from the city gates, called Judgment.

A great crowd of people followed Jesus. The very identity of the Prisoner and all the circumstances of his trial excited the whole city with its numerous pilgrims. The road was rocky. The Lord was tormented by terrible tortures. He could hardly walk, falling under the weight of the Cross.

We reached the city gates. Here the road went uphill. The Savior was completely exhausted. At this time, the soldiers saw a man close by who looked at Christ with compassion.

It was Simon - a migrant from the Libyan city of Kyrenia. He was returning from his field after work to Jerusalem. The soldiers seized him and forced him to carry the Cross of Christ. They did this, of course, not out of compassion for the Lord, but out of a desire to quickly reach Golgotha ​​and complete their work.

Among the people who followed Christ, there were many women who sympathized with Him. Despite the custom forbidding sympathy for a man being led to execution, they wept bitterly for Jesus.

The compassion expressed by them was so deep and sincere that the Lord, overcoming pain, with sympathy turned to them: “Daughters of Jerusalem! do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children, for the days are coming in which they will say: Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that have not given birth, and the breasts that have not fed!”

The Lord, as it were, forgot about the sufferings ahead of Him. His spiritual gaze turned to the future of the once God-chosen people and to the punishment that would befall them for rejecting the Messiah.

Incited by the chief priests and elders, the Jews demanded from Pilate the crucifixion of Christ and shouted in rage: "His blood is on us and on our children." In doing so, they brought upon themselves and their children innumerable disasters.

These disasters will be so great that their very life will become unbearable. And “then they will begin to say to the mountains: fall on us! and hills: cover us! For if they do this to a green tree, what will happen to a dry one?”

Under the green tree full of life, the Lord understood Himself; under a dry tree - the Jewish people. If He, the Innocent, was not given mercy, then what will happen to the guilty people?

Undoubtedly, the Lord applied these words to the coming destruction of Jerusalem, which befell this city shortly after the end of the Savior's earthly life. In the 70th year after the Nativity of Christ, the commander Titus razed Jerusalem to the ground, leaving no stone unturned there. And the Jewish people were scattered over the face of the earth.