Yesenin's biography is briefly the most interesting. Yesenin biography briefly the most important

  • 30.09.2019
Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the Ryazan region in the village of Konstantinovo. Date of birth: October 3, 1895. Father's name was Alexander Nikitich, and mother was Tatyana Fedorovna. Due to the fact that the poet's mother was not married of her own free will, after a while she was forced to flee from her husband to her parents. Then she went to work in Ryazan, and little Yesenin remained in the care of his grandparents. Yesenin's grandfather was a connoisseur of church books, and grandmother knew many songs, fables, proverbs, and as the poet himself claimed, it was she who pushed him to write his first poems.

In 1904, Yesenin went to the Constantine Zemsky School, after which in 1909 he began his studies at the parish second-class teacher's school (now the Museum of S.A. Yesenin) in Spas-Klepiki. At the end of school, in the fall of 1912, Yesenin left home. He went to Moscow, worked in a butcher's shop, and then in the printing house of I. D. Sytin. In 1913 he entered the Department of History and Philosophy as a volunteer at the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky. He worked in a printing house, was friends with the poets of the Surikov literary and musical circle.

Small digression

Thirty or forty years ago, all enthusiastic girls and even some young men Soviet Union with emotional trepidation they discovered the poets of the early twentieth century: S. Yesenin, A. Blok, lyric V. Mayakovsky. The more advanced read Akhmatova, Gumilyov, Tsvetaeva, and some even Balmont and Kuzmin. Love for the poetry of the "Silver Age", to put it mildly, was not encouraged by the school curriculum, and for especially strong enthusiasm one could even get a conversation with the State Security Committee, and forever lose love for literature. But how beautiful and desirable were the verses of these decadents and renegades. How many of them were alien, far from the dullness of everyday socialist life. How much longing for the unfulfilled and foreboding of a global catastrophe. It is strange that now these poems are almost not in demand, although a century later society still has the same cocaine frenzy and an unclear desire for a great riot, which will invariably end in great blood. Unfortunately, the texts containing “many letters” are not read by the population. But I really want to believe that the next generations will discover both the "beautiful lady" and the "gray-eyed king", and hope dies last.

We continue about Yesenin

In 1912, after leaving school, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin went to work in Moscow. There he got a job in the printing house of I.D. Sytin as an assistant to the proofreader. Working in a printing house allowed the young poet to read many books, made it possible to become a member of the literary and musical Surikov circle. The poet's first common-law wife, Anna Izryadnova, describes Yesenin in those years as follows: “He was known for being a leader, attended meetings, distributed illegal literature. I pounced on books, read all my free time, spent all my salary on books, magazines, did not think at all how to live ... ”.

In 1913, Sergei A. Yesenin entered the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Moscow City People's University. Shanyavsky. It was the country's first free university for volunteers. There Sergei Yesenin listened to lectures on Western European literature and Russian poets.

But, in 1914, Yesenin quit his job and study, and, according to Anna Izryadnova, completely devotes himself to poetry. In 1914, the poet's works were first published in the children's magazine "Mirok". In January, his poems begin to appear in other magazines and newspapers. In the same year, S. Yesenin and A. Izryadnova had a son, Yuri, who was shot in 1937.

In 1915, Yesenin came from Moscow to Petrograd, read his poems to A. A. Blok, S. M. Gorodetsky and other poets. In January 1916, Yesenin was called to war and, thanks to the efforts of his friends, he was appointed ("with the highest permission") as an orderly in the Tsarskoye Selo military hospital train No. 143 of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At this time, he became close to a group of "new peasant poets" and published the first collections ("Radunitsa" - 1916), which made him very famous. Together with Nikolai Klyuev, he often spoke, including before Empress Alexandra Fedorovna and her daughters in Tsarskoe Selo. In 1915-1917, Yesenin maintained friendly relations with the poet Leonid Kannegiser, who later killed the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka, Uritsky.

Yesenin's move to Moscow

In early 1918 Yesenin moved to Moscow. Having met the revolution with enthusiasm, he wrote several small poems ("The Jordanian Dove", "Inonia", "The Heavenly Drummer", all 1918, etc.), imbued with a joyful foreboding of the "transformation" of life. Theomachist sentiments are combined in them with biblical imagery to indicate the scale and significance of the events taking place. Yesenin, glorifying the new reality and its heroes, tried to correspond to the times ("Cantata", 1919). In later years he wrote "The Song of the Great Campaign", 1924, "Captain of the Earth", 1925, etc.). Reflecting "where the fate of events takes us", the poet turns to history (the dramatic poem "Pugachev", 1921).

At 21, Yesenin writes a verse about the outgoing youth

The theme of the poem is the theme of outgoing youth, youth. The main idea is to say goodbye to youth - this is a nagging feeling to which the author sings a song. The general emotional tone of the poem is elegiac, sad, but without gloom. It is created thanks to the elements of poetics.

Special selection of vocabulary. Already the beginning of the poem carries the connotation of farewell. A repetitive negative construct with "not" enhances this hue. In addition, the expressions “my life”, “the spirit of vagabonds” seem to explode, do not delay the elegiac mood.

The central stanzas are an appeal to your heart, a little "touched by the chill" and to your own life. Rhythmically, the text is built quite clearly, this is facilitated by a five-foot troche.

The poem is rich in metaphors, just like youth, youth are generous with events and joy. Quite unexpectedly, life is compared to a rider on a "pink horse". “Pink”, as an epithet, absorbs both unrealizable, wild dreams that are characteristic of youth (to see life “in a pink light”, to wear “rose-colored glasses” that embellish reality), and the color of the dawn. But in the next stanza, the coloration changes the palette. The color of dreams, youth and youth turns into the copper color of maple foliage (such an association involuntarily suggests itself - they say about a person who has experienced a lot, seen a lot, " copper pipes passed ").

Five feet in the poem make the text smooth, soft. This is also facilitated by the female open rhyme, which is present in the first and third lines of the quatrains. Alternating with the masculine rhyme in the second and fourth lines, the author creates a cross rhyme, which gives clarity and completeness to the work. Such a construction of the text once again emphasizes the idea that youth is fleeting, and that the “echoing spring wound” is replaced by life in a perishable world, the complexities of which are not noticed in youth.

The poem is smart for its sound organization. The consonants "l", "m", "n" give softness and smoothness to the sound.

Thus, the main components of poetics correspond to the emotional tone, theme, and idea of ​​the poem. Thanks to the special choice of vocabulary, simple construction phrases, a kind of sound selection, the poem by S. Yesenin finds a response in the hearts of readers of different ages. No wonder many of Yesenin's works, including this one, became popular songs at one time.

Return to home

At the end of the summer of 1923, Sergei Yesenin returned to his homeland. Here the poet had another short affair with the translator Nadezhda Volpin, from whom his son Alexander was born. The newspaper "Izvestia" published the poet's notes about America "Iron Mirgorod".

In 1924, Yesenin again began to get carried away with traveling around the country, many times traveled to his homeland in Konstantinovo, several times a year he visited Leningrad, then there were trips to the Caucasus, to Azerbaijan.

In one of the last poems, "The Country of Scoundrels," Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin writes very sharply about the leaders of Russia, which entails criticism and a ban on the poet's publications.

In 1924, creative differences and personal motives prompted S. A. Yesenin to break with Imagism and leave for the Transcaucasus.

Episodes of life

Though last years life Yesenin abused alcohol, he did not write poetry drunk. The poet's memoirists also speak about this. Once Yesenin confessed to his friend: "The desperate glory of a drunkard and a hooligan follows me, but these are only words, and not such a terrible reality."

Dancer Duncan

Dancer Duncan fell in love with Yesenin almost at first sight. He, too, was very fond of her, despite the palpable age difference. Isadora dreamed of glorifying her Russian husband and took him with her on a tour - across Europe and America. Yesenin explained his scandalous behavior during the trip in his usual manner: “Yes, I made a scandal. I needed them to know me, to remember me. What, will I read poetry to them? Poems to Americans? I would only become ridiculous in their eyes. But to pull the tablecloth with all the dishes off the table, to whistle in the theater, to disrupt the traffic order - they understand that. If I do this, I am a millionaire. So I can. So respect is ready, and glory and honor! Oh, they remember me better than Duncan! " In fact, Yesenin quickly realized that abroad he was only "Duncan's husband" for everyone, broke off relations with the dancer and returned home.

Unsuccessful marriage with Sophia

In the fall of 1925, Yesenin married Leo Tolstoy's granddaughter Sophia, but the marriage was not successful. During this time, he actively opposed the Jewish dominance in Russia. The poet and his friends are accused of anti-Semitism, for which they were supposed to be shot. Yesenin spent the last year of his life in illness, wandering and drunkenness. Because of heavy drinking SA Yesenin spent some time at the neuropsychiatric clinic of Moscow University. However, due to persecution by law enforcement agencies, the poet was forced to leave the clinic. On December 23, Sergei Yesenin leaves Moscow for Leningrad. Stays at the Angleterre hotel.

Death of poet

In this hotel, in room No. 5, on December 28, 1925, Sergei was found dead.
Criminal case law enforcement they did not excite, despite the fact that the body showed signs of a violent death. Until now, there is officially only one version - suicide. It is explained by the deep depression in which the poet was in the last months of his life.

Yesenin was buried on the last day of the outgoing 1925 in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

In the 80s, versions appeared and more and more began to develop that the poet was killed and then staged a suicide. Such a crime is attributed to people who worked in those years in the OGPU. But so far, all this remains so and remains only versions.

The great poet had time for his such short life leave to descendants living on Earth a priceless legacy in the form of their poetry. A subtle lyricist with knowledge of the soul of the people masterfully described peasant Russia in his poems. Many of his works are set to music, excellent romances have turned out.

The best poems of Yesenin:


There is music, poetry and dances,
There are lies and flattery ...
Let me be scolded for stanzas -
There is truth in them.

I saw a holiday, a holiday in May -
And amazed.
Was ready to bend, hugging
All virgins and wives.

Where will you go, who will you tell
On someone's "henna"
That in the sunny yarn bathed

Well, how can you not carve a hymn in your heart,
Do you feel like shivering?
Walked, sang forty thousand
And they drank the same.

Poems! poems! Not very lefte!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
We drank to the health of oil
And for the guests.

And, raising my first glass,
With one nod
I had a drink on this May holiday
For the Council of People's Commissars.

The second glass, so that it is not very
Lie on the rail
I drank proudly to the workers
Under someone's speech.

And I drank my third glass,
Like some kind of khan,
For not bending in a wheeze
The fate of the peasants.

Drink, heart! Just not point blank,
So that ruining life ...
That's why I drank the fourth
Only for you.

Oh, there are so many cats in the world
You and I will never count them.
Heart dreams of sweet peas,
And the blue star is ringing.

Wake up, delirious or sleepy,
I only remember from a distant day -
A kitten was purring on the couch,
Looking at me indifferently.

I was still a child then
But I jumped up to grandma's song
He threw himself like a young tiger,
On the ball dropped by her.

It's all gone. I lost my grandmother
And after a few years
They made a hat out of that cat,
And it was worn out by our grandfather.

Yesenin's holiday: features of the celebration

In the modern calendar, you can find a huge number of holidays, both Orthodox and Christian, celebrated at the official level. However, to our great regret, it does not celebrate the events timed to the anniversaries of the greatest figures of art and poetry. I would like to talk about one of these holidays in more detail. This is about Yesenin's holiday.

Bazaar and flower-laying

This holiday takes place in the poet's homeland, namely in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan region, and is celebrated on the writer's birthday - October 3, since 1985. Every year a huge number of admirers of this wonderful art worker from all over the Russian Federation gather here.

The holiday begins with a bazaar-exhibition of works by local artisans, which is usually held at Central square... Everyone can buy a variety of crafts made of wood, straw as a souvenir or for someone else as a gift, or take part in their creation.

Then people go to the monument to Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin to lay flowers. By the way, they say that if you hold your finger on right hand a poet's luck. Visitors very often use this ritual.

Continuation of the festive event

After laying flowers at the poet's monument, people visit local attractions: the school where Sergei Yesenin studied at one time, the balsamic poplar planted by the poet himself in 1924, as well as the State Museum-Reserve in honor of this writer, which hosts an exhibition from the museum's funds , holiday excursions.

Then the celebration is transferred to theatrical and poetry venues, on the stages of which performances are held in honor of the birthday of this great figure, the recitation of his poems by other poets and everyone who wishes.

This year, by the way, marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet. And the people honored the memory of this truly talented poet with dignity by organizing concerts, exhibitions and literary meetings throughout the country. And in the very village of Konstantinovo, people honored the poet's memory with folk festivities along the Oka River, poetic performances and theatrical performances. And the most striking event of this day was the staging of the play “Hooligan. Confession ", which was attended by such a famous artist as Sergei Bezrukov.

Some more poetry

The ships are sailing
To Constantinople.
Trains leave for Moscow.
From human noise eh
Or from the osprey
Every day i feel

I am far away
Thrown far away
Even closer
The moon seems to be.
Handfuls of water peas
The Black Sea

Every day
I come to the pier
I accompany everyone
Who's not sorry
And I look more and more painful
And closer
Into the enchanted distance.

Maybe from Le Havre
Il Marseille
Will swim
Louise il Jeannette,
Which I remember
But which
Not at all.

The smell of the sea in the smack
Smoky bitter
May be,
Miss Mitchell
Or Claude
They will remember me
In New York City,
After reading this translation.

We are all looking for
In this world like a drill
Calling us
Invisible footprints.
Not for that,
Like lamps with a shade
Are jellyfish glowing from the water?

Because of this
When a foreigner meets
I'm under the creaks
Schooner and ships
I hear a voice
The crying hurdy-gurdy
Or distant
The cry of the cranes.

Isn't that she?
Isn't she?
Well, really, really in life
Can you figure it out?
If now her
Caught up
And drove away
Flared trousers.

Every day
I come to the pier
I accompany everyone
Who's not sorry
And I look more and more painful
And closer
Into the enchanted distance.

And others are here
They live differently.
And not without reason at night
A whistle is heard -
This means,
With the dexterity of a dog
A smuggler sneaks in.

The border guard is not afraid
The one noticed by him will not go away
That's why so often
A shot is heard
On sea, salty

But the enemy is tenacious
No matter how high it is,
Because it turns blue
All Batum.
Even the sea seems to me
Under the tabloid
Laughter and noise.

And there is something to laugh
It's not that much
In the world of divas.
The crazy one walks
Old man,
Having planted the rooster on the dark.

Laughing myself,
I'm going to the pier again
I accompany everyone
Who's not sorry
And I look more and more painful
And closer
Into the enchanted distance.

It's hard and sad for me to see
How my brother dies dear.
And I try to hate everyone
Who is at enmity with his silence.

See how he works in the field
Plows solid ground with a plow,
And listen to songs about grief
What he sings, walking in a furrow.

Or is there no tender pity in you
To the sufferer of a plow with a harrow?
You see death you yourself are inevitable,
And you pass it by the side.

Help me to fight bondage,
Filled with wine, and in need!
Or don't you hear, he cries in a fraction
In your song, walking a furrow?

Culinary preferences of Sergei Yesenin

2015 marked the 120th anniversary of the birth and 90th anniversary of the death of one of the "golden voices" of Russian poetry - Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. His poems are love for the homeland of extraordinary depth. Nature and Yesenin are an inseparable whole. As a child, the future poet spent a lot of time on the banks of the river, where he collected duck eggs and from where he brought large crayfish. He loved to fish. The passion for fishing remained in the future. The poet also took part in the peasant haymaking. The peasants had to feed well the mowers and the boys who helped them, who often remained to live in the fields. For this, food was stored: lard, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt. The hostesses baked pancakes, they were fought. Cooked compotes. Everyone took care of the mowers, who had a hard time getting the hay.

After the First World War, people in the villages became impoverished and baked bread with the addition of sorrel, quinoa, chaff.

It was not easy for the young poet in the capital, where he moved with a notebook of his poems. When Yesenin in 1915 came to the well-known by that time Alexander Blok, in the conversation he did not notice how he ate a roll. Blok also offered scrambled eggs. The young body did not have the strength to refuse the treat.

Yesenin himself was a hospitable person. He always had guests at his house. Yesenin himself liked to get up at exactly 9 o'clock. By this time, a samovar was humming on the table, and the poet's favorite white rolls beckoned with a delicious smell. Yesenin loved to have tea.

In the cafe of the imaginists, Sergei Yesenin participated in a club: bought with the money collected from his pockets, bread and sausage, made sandwiches. On the more money not yet. The poets were almost always hungry. Once, while talking, they also did not notice how they ate a large piece butter without bread at the journalist L. Povitsky.

It so happened that, after all, Yesenin did not have his own house, which he dreamed of. It was painful for him. The manuscripts were in different places, you had to go back and forth for them, so a bundle with something edible, for example, pickles, could lie in the poet's pocket. When Yesenin lived in Rostov in a service carriage, he always had a samovar on his table, the poet treated the guests with tea.

During a trip to Tashkent, I enjoyed eating fruits, kebabs, pilaf there, drinking green tea.

In Georgia he tasted dogwood juice, which he liked.

Before his death, Yesenin was hospitalized, from which he fled. He went to the Mouse Hole cafe. There I ordered sausages with stewed cabbage and beer.

Yesenin loved borsch with ears. Fans of the poet and Russian cuisine should know his recipe.

It is necessary to stew 200 grams of beets and two carrots until half cooked, after chopping them. Fry the onion with two tomatoes with flour. Add all of the above to the boiled cabbage saucepan. Cook until tender and add spices to taste.

Ears were prepared for borscht: cooked buckwheat porridge mixed with sautéed onions. Ordinary dough was thinly rolled out of water, flour, eggs, salt, and rhombuses were cut. The filling was placed in rhombuses. The edges soaked in the egg were split. These rhombuses were then baked in the oven. Borscht was served with ears, sour cream and herbs.

Another borscht was cooked with mushrooms. The beets baked in the oven were peeled and chopped into strips. Onions, carrots, parsley root were cut into strips before frying. All vegetables and mushrooms were poured with kvass, salted and boiled until tender. This is an old Pskov-Pechersk borscht.

Cooked borscht, which Sergei Yesenin loved, can be considered a tribute to the memory of the wonderful poet and good man who did not have to get up for breakfast on December 28, 1925.

More poems

Smells like loose fighters;
There is kvass at the doorstep,
Above the chiseled stoves
Cockroaches climb into the groove.

Soot curls over the flap,
In the stove there are strings of populists,
And on the bench for a salt shaker -
Husk of raw eggs.

Mother won't get along with the grips,
Bends down low
The old cat sneaks up to the mahot
For fresh milk.

Restless chickens cackle
Over the shafts of the plow,
There is a slender mass in the yard
The roosters are singing.

And in the window, sloping into the canopy,
From shy noise,
From the corners the puppies are curly
They crawl into the clamps.

There are such doors in Khorassan,
Where the threshold is sprinkled with roses.
A brooding peri lives there.
There are such doors in Khorassan,
But I could not open those doors.

I've got enough strength in my hands
There is gold and copper in the hair.
Peri's voice is gentle and beautiful.
I've got enough strength in my hands
But I could not unlock the doors.

And why? Who should I sing songs to? -
If you become not jealous of a Step,
If I could not unlock the doors,
There is no need for courage in my love.

Persia! Am I leaving you?
Forever I part with you
Out of love for my native land?
It's time for me to go back to Russia.

Goodbye, peri, goodbye
May I not be able to unlock the door,
You gave beautiful suffering
To me to sing about you at home.
Goodbye, peri, goodbye.

Evening black eyebrows raised.
Someone's horses are standing by the yard.
Didn't I drink my youth yesterday?
Didn't I stop loving you yesterday?

Don't snore, belated threesome!
Our life passed without a trace.
Maybe a hospital bed tomorrow
Will put me to rest forever.

Maybe tomorrow will be completely different
I'll be gone, healed forever
Listen to songs of rains and bird cherries,
Than a healthy person lives.

I will forget the dark forces
That tormented me, ruining.
The look is affectionate! The look is cute!
Only one I will not forget you.

May I love another
But with her, with her beloved, on the other,
I'll tell you about you, dear,
That I once called dear

I'll tell you how the past flowed
Our life, which was not the past ...
Are you my daring head,
What have you brought me to?

Sergey Yesenin, his life and work is unique phenomenon v Russian history, culture and literature. Interest in him over the years not only does not fade away, but periodically flares up with renewed vigor. The most heated discussion in recent years has been about the circumstances of his death.

In recent decades, new evidence and documents have been discovered that not only do not fit into the official version of the poet's suicide, but also convincingly confirm its inconsistency, and, as an alternative, logically lead to a conclusion about the murder. Recently, a distinct "Stalinist trace" was revealed in the crime against Yesenin, with the "Stalinist handwriting" characteristic of such unsolved crimes. However, there is a tremendous force of inertia, both of official government institutions and official cultural institutions, which does not allow for an objective investigation within the framework of modern legislation.

2. In 1909, Sergei Yesenin studied at the parish teacher's school with Spas-Klepiki. Today it is no longer a school, but a museum of S.A. Yesenin.

3. After leaving school in 1912, Yesenin left for Moscow, where he worked in a butcher's shop.

4. Yesenin was married three times. His last wife, Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, was the granddaughter of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

5. Yesenin's second marriage was remarkable in that his wife (American dancer) Isadora Duncan practically did not speak Russian, and Sergei Alexandrovich himself did not speak English at all. As a result, their marriage lasted just over a year. In 1968, a British-French film dedicated to this dancer was released, which is called Isadora. The role of Yesenin went to a certain Zvonimir Chrnko.

6. Sergei Yesenin - one of the many Russian poets, on whose poems they made songs. V different time songs to Yesenin's verses were performed by Alexander Malinin ("Fun"), the Alpha group, Lyudmila Zykina ("Hear, the sleigh is racing"), Nadezhda Babkina ("The Golden Grove Dissuaded"), Galina Nenasheva "Birch", Nikolai Karachentsov ("Queen") , Oleg Pogudin, Nikita Dzhigurda, gr. Mongol Shuudan ("Moscow"), Vika Tsyganova, Zemfira and many others.

7. Being married, Sergei Yesenin had an affair with the poet and translator Nadezhda Volpin. From this union, their illegitimate son Alexander was born in 1924. The man lived a long, fruitful life and bore the double surname Yesenin-Volpin.

8. On December 28, 1925, Yesenin was found hanged from a heating pipe in his room at the Angleterre Hotel. Also found a farewell note written in blood in the form of a poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...". Sergei was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

9. Many people still argue about the death of Sergei Yesenin. It is said that he could not hang himself because there was no reason for that. Contemporaries note that on the eve of his death he was cheerful and cheerful, in addition, he was so impatiently awaiting the release of his new collection of poems.

10. Sergei Yesenin had his own Literary Secretary, Galina Arturovna Benislavskaya, who for five years dealt with all Yesenin's literary affairs, negotiated with the editorial staff. She was very loyal and attached to Yesenin, and according to Sergei's friends, she wanted to be Yesenin's only close friend. She even accused the poet's friends and his sister Catherine of trying in every possible way to destroy their relationship. Almost a year after Yesenin's death (December 3, 1926) Galina Benislavskaya shot herself at his grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery. She also left a suicide note containing the following lines: "In this grave for me everything is most precious ..."

Russian poet. From the first collections ("Radunitsa", 1916, "Rural Hourly", 1918) he appeared as a subtle lyricist, a master of a deeply psychologized landscape, a singer of peasant Rus, an expert folk language and the soul of the people. In 1919 - 23 he was a member of the Imagist group. Tragic outlook, mental confusion are expressed in the cycles "Mares' ships" (1920), "Moscow tavern" (1924, the poem "The Black Man" (1925). Soviet "(1925), the poem" Anna Snegina "(1925) S. Yesenin strove to comprehend" the commune reared Rus ", although he continued to feel like a poet of" Leaving Russia "," a golden log hut. "Dramatic poem" Pugachev "(1921). In a state of depression, he committed suicide.


Born on September 21 (October 3, n.s.) in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, into a peasant family. From the age of two "due to the poverty of his father and the large family" he was given to be raised by a wealthy maternal grandfather. At the age of five he learned to read, at the age of nine he began to write poetry, imitating ditties.

Yesenin studied at the Konstantinovsky zemstvo school, then at the Spas-Klepikovsky school, which trains rural teachers. After leaving school, he lived in the village for a year. At the age of seventeen he left for Moscow, worked in a merchant's office, as a proofreader in a printing house; continuing to write poetry, he participated in the Surikov literary and musical circle. In 1912 he entered the A. Shanyavsky People's University at the Department of History and Philosophy, studied for a year and a half.

From the beginning of 1914, Yesenin's poems appeared in Moscow magazines. In 1915 he moved to Petrograd, he himself came to meet Blok. The warm welcome at Blok's house, the approval of his poems inspired the young poet. His talent was recognized by Gorodetsky and Klyuev, whom Blok introduced him to. Almost all the poems that he brought back were printed, he became famous. In the same year, Yesenin joined a group of "peasant" poets (N. Klyuev, S. Gorodetsky, etc.). In 1916, Yesenin's first book "Radunitsa" was published, then - "Dove", "Rus", "Mikola", "Martha Posadnitsa" and others (1914 - 17).

In 1916 he was drafted military service... The revolution found him in a disciplinary battalion, where he ended up for refusing to write poetry in honor of the king. Left the army without permission, worked with the Socialist-Revolutionaries ("not as a party member, but as a poet"). When the party split, he went with the left group, was in their fighting squad. He accepted the October Revolution joyfully, but in his own way, "with a peasant bias." In 1918 - 1921 he traveled a lot around the country: Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Crimea, Caucasus, Turkestan, Bessarabia. In 1922 - 1923, together with Isadora Duncan, a famous American dancer, he undertook a long trip abroad across Europe (Germany, France, Belgium, Italy); lived in the USA for four months.

In 1924 - 1925 such famous poems as "Departing Russia", "Letter to a Woman", "Letter to Mother", "Stanza" appeared; a special place is occupied by "Persian motives".

In his poetry, Yesenin managed to express ardent love in his land, nature, people, but there is also a feeling of anxiety, expectation and disappointment in it. Shortly before his death, he created the tragic poem "The Black Man".

M. Gorky wrote about Yesenin: "... not so much a man as an organ created by nature exclusively for poetry, to express the inexhaustible" sadness of the fields ", love for all living things in the world and mercy, which - more than anything else - is deserved by man" ... Sergei Yesenin's life was tragically cut short on December 28, 1925. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

The work of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is familiar and dearly loved by more than one generation in our country. Quiet lyrical sadness, love for the Motherland, aching longing for peasant, bastard Russia run like a red thread in all the works of this great Russian poet of the early twentieth century.

Poems "Birch", "Dissuaded the golden grove ...", "Letter to the mother", "Give, Jim, for luck my paw ...", "We are now leaving a little ..." and many others are familiar to us from school, to poetry Yesenin wrote many songs. They teach us kindness, compassion for our neighbors, love for our native land, elevate and spiritualize us.

The life of Sergei A. Yesenin tragically ended at a young age, at the height of his creative powers and popularity. But his wonderful works will forever remain the spiritual heritage that is the national treasure of Russia.

Learning the biography of Yesenin, Interesting Facts from the life of the poet, we plunge into the era of young Soviet Russia, which was characterized by numerous disagreements in the society of that time and, possibly, was the reason for his early departure from life.

A nugget from the Russian hinterland

Sergey Yesenin was born on September 21 (October 3 to modern style) 1895 in the village. Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, in a simple peasant family.

Since S. A. Yesenin's father was almost constantly in Moscow, working there in a shop, and was in the village occasionally, Yesenin was brought up by his maternal grandfather and grandmother and three uncles (mother's brothers). Seryozha's mother, from the age of two, went to work in Ryazan.

Yesenin's grandfather, Fedor Titov, knew church books well, and grandmother, Natalya Titova, was an excellent storyteller of fairy tales, sang many songs and ditties, as the poet himself later admitted, it was she who gave impetus to writing the first poems.

By the age of five, the boy learned to read, and in 1904, at the age of 9, he was sent to a rural zemstvo school. After studying for five years, he graduated from college with honors. Then, in 1909 and until 1912, the teenager Sergei Yesenin continued his studies at the parish school in the village of Spas-Klepiki, having received the specialty “teacher of the literacy school”.

The first steps in the creative path

In 1912, after graduating from the Spaso-Klepikovskaya school, Sergei A. Yesenin worked for a short time in Moscow with his father in a butcher's shop. After leaving the shop and working in a printing house, Yesenin meets his future common-law wife Anna Izryadnova, who bore him a son. At the same time, Yesenin became a member of the Surikov circle of literature and music.

In 1913, S. A. Yesenin became a volunteer at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Shanyavsky Moscow City People's University. There is an interesting fact about Yesenin, that during this period he closely communicated with revolutionary-minded workers, which explains the interest of the police in his personality.

In 1914, his works were first published in the magazine "Mirok", the first collection of poems was published in 1916 and was called "Radunitsa". In 1915, Yesenin parted with Izryadnova and left for Petrograd, meeting there with Russian symbolist poets, and in particular with A. Blok. Life in Petrograd brought him fame and recognition, his poems then began to be published in many publications.

War and revolution

At the beginning of 1916, Yesenin was drafted into the army and served as an orderly in the Tsarskoye Selo military hospital train under the empress. But despite close acquaintance with royal family, Yesenin ends up in the disciplinary unit, as he refused to write a poem in honor of the tsar. In 1917, the poet voluntarily left the army and joined the Socialist-Revolutionaries, as he himself said, not as a party member, but as a poet.

The events of the revolution quickly captured the poet's passionate nature. Taking it with all his heart, Yesenin creates his revolutionary works "Otchar", "Oktoikh", "Jordanian Dove", "Inonia" and others.

In 1917, S. A. Yesenin meets and falls in love with Zinaida Reich. In an official marriage, they had a daughter, Tatyana, and a son, Konstantin. But three years later, the marriage broke up due to the poet's amorous nature.

In 1918, the poet leaves for Moscow, his life is filled with the changes brought about by the revolution: hunger, devastation and terror are marching across the country, peasant life is crumbling, and poetry salons are filled with a motley near-literary audience.

Imagism and Isadora

In 1919, Yesenin, together with A. B. Mariengof and V. G. Shershenevich, became the founder of Imagism - a movement whose essence is imagery and metaphor in the works created. Yesenin takes an active part in organizing the imagist literary publishing house and cafe "Stoylo Pegasa".

But soon the pretentious metaphors become boring to him, since, nevertheless, his soul lies in the old ways of the Russian countryside. In 1924, Yesenin ends all relations with the Imagists.

In 1921, the American dancer Isadora Duncan came to Moscow, who six months later would become Yesenin's wife. After the wedding, the newlyweds went on a trip to Europe, and then to America, where Yesenin lived for 4 months.

In that travel around the world the poet was often rowdy, behaved shockingly, drank a lot, the couple often had a row, although they spoke in different languages... Having lived in the place for a little over a year, they part on their return to Russia.

last years of life

In 1923-1924. Yesenin continues to travel a lot around the country, having visited Central Asia and the Caucasus, Murmansk and Solovki. He visits his native village of Konstantinovo many times, lives in Leningrad or Moscow.

During this period, the poet's collections "Poems of the Brawler" and "Moscow Tavern", "Persian Motives" were published. In search of himself, Yesenin continues to drink a lot, he is often overwhelmed by severe depression.

In 1925, Yesenin marries Leo Tolstoy's granddaughter, Sofya Andreevna. This union lasted only a few months. In November 1925, against the background of a difficult physical and moral condition, and possibly to protect him from arrest, S.A. Tolstaya assigns him to the Moscow neuropsychiatric clinic.

Yesenin finishes two years of work on one of his last works "Black Man", in which he presents his whole past life as a nightmare.

After spending about a month in the clinic, the poet escapes to Leningrad and on December 24 stays in a room at the Angleterre Hotel. On the night of December 27-28, a poet who committed suicide and his last poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...", written in blood, are found in the room.

There are other interesting things about the Russian poet:

  1. Yesenin's uncles - adult single sons of a grandmother and grandfather - had a cheerful, perky disposition, often mischievous and, in their own way, with rather specific methods, raised the boy. So, for the first time, having put the three-year-old Seryozha on horseback without a saddle, they started the horse at a gallop. And they taught the boy to swim in the same way - they got to the middle of the lake by boat and threw them into the water. But at the age of eight, as Sergei Yesenin later recalled interesting facts from childhood, at the request of a neighbor, he swam instead of a hunting dog, picking up shot ducks.
  2. The boy writes his first poems at the age of 8-9 years. The poems are simple, unpretentious and reminiscent of ditties in style.
  3. Instead of four years of study at the zemstvo school, due to bad behavior, Seryozha is left for the second year. This interesting fact about Yesenin speaks of his rebellious character, which manifested itself in adolescence.
  4. The verse "Birch" is the first published work of the poet.
  5. The poet does not go to the front, perhaps due to such an interesting fact about Yesenin that in the spring of 1916 Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself listened to his poems. The poet even traveled across the Crimea with the royal couple.
  6. In 1918, Yesenin promised to get paper, which was in acute shortage at that time, for his friends from the publishing house "Labor Artel of Artists of the Word". To do this, he, disguised as a peasant, went straight to the Presidium of the Moscow Council, where the paper was given out for the needs of the “peasant poets”.
  7. Yesenin dedicated the poem "Letter to a Woman" to Zinaida Reich. After her marriage to Yesenin, she married the theater director V.E. Meyerhold, who adopted Yesenin's son and daughter.
  8. Isadora Duncan, the third wife of A.S. Yesenin, was 18 years older than him. In marriage, they combined their surnames, signing both Duncan-Yesenin.
  9. An interesting fact about Yesenin and Mayakovsky is that they were eternal opponents and criticized each other's work. However, this did not prevent them from recognizing the other's talent behind their backs.
  10. After writing the poem "The Country of Scoundrels", where Yesenin impartially writes about Soviet power, bullying in newspapers begins, accusations of drunkenness, brawliness, etc. Yesenin even had to hide from prosecution on one of his trips to the Caucasus.
  11. The death of the poet has become one of the greatest mysteries of the twentieth century. Yesenin's corpse was found hanged at a height of three meters. According to one of the versions, it was decided to remove him as objectionable to the Soviet regime. And he wrote poetry in blood due to the lack of ink.

Summing up, we can say that Yesenin's life, biography and interesting facts are proof that a large-scale personality cannot be imprisoned in any framework and limited by political regimes. Sergei Yesenin is a great Russian poet who, in his individual, unique work, glorifies the Russian soul, so passionate, vulnerable, rebellious and open wide open.

Photo of 1922
Ekaterina Grub

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin- was born on October 3, 1895 in a small Konstantinovo. There are admirers of the Russian poet all over the world and hundreds of thousands of people still admire his work and unique style. The guy's parents are poor peasants. Father - Alexander Nikitich, mother - Tatyana Fedorovna Titova. Primary education was received at the school, where young Sergei entered in 1904. Then he studied at the parish school. September 1912 was remembered for the Yesenin family by the fact that Sergei left home. The path lay in Moscow, where the guy dreamed of starting to really live. The first job of the great man was part-time as a butcher, and then in a small printing house.
The year 1914 can be considered the beginning of his creative activity, it was then that the first poems were published. In 1915, a resettlement to Petrograd was planned, where poems were then read to famous creative figures of the twentieth century, such as: Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, Sergei Mitrofanovich Gorodetsky. After the start of the October Revolution and Civil war Yesenin was drafted into service. Thanks to the connections and help of his friends, he was assigned to the Tsar's military hospital train No143. Thanks to these events, the poet made acquaintances with new poets, which prompted him to publish the first collection "Radunitsa", which is why Sergei became famous.
In 1918 - 1920 Yesenin was an active participant in the Moscow Imagist community. They believed that the main goal of creativity is to create an image. Metaphor became their main tool. During this period, quite a few collections of poems were published, among which were "Three-rower", "Poems of the Brawler", as well as the well-known poem "Pugachev".
In 1921, with Y. Blumkin, Yesenin went on a trip to Central Asia, the Urals and the Orenburg region, then to Tashkent and Samarkand, which is in Uzbekistan.
This year Sergey made an acquaintance with Isadora Duncan, who became his wife 6 months later. After getting married, the couple went on a trip to Europe and the United States. The marriage was doomed, and after returning home, it officially fell apart.
In 1924, the cooperation of Yesenin and I. Gruzin with Imagism ended. A public statement was written to disband the group. After such an event, articles often began to appear on the pages of newspapers about the author's incapacity, his constant fights and alcoholism.
However, Yesenin was not an outcast in his country, Soviet authority has repeatedly emphasized the importance of this person in the creative development of the country. In November 1925, he was admitted to a neuropsychiatric clinic, from where he was discharged a couple of weeks later. After that, the poet withdrew almost all the money from his savings book and left for Leningrad, where he settled in the Angleterre hotel. It was in this place, 7 days after the move, that Sergei Alexandrovich was found dead. The author's last verse was "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...", which he had to write in his own blood due to the lack of ink in the room. The cause of death of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is suicide by hanging. Thousands of people came to the funeral on December 31 to say goodbye to the legend. Buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Born September 21 (October 3) 1895 in the village. Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, in a peasant family.

Education in the biography of Yesenin was received at the local zemstvo school (1904-1909), then until 1912 - in the class of the parish school. In 1913 he entered the Shanyavsky City People's University in Moscow.

The beginning of the literary path

In Petrograd Yesenin reads his poems to Alexander Blok and other poets. Moves closer to a group of "new peasant poets", and he himself is carried away by this direction. After the publication of the first collections ("Radunitsa", 1916), the poet became widely known.

In the lyrics, Yesenin could psychologically approach the description of landscapes. Another theme of Yesenin's poetry is peasant Russia, love for which is felt in many of his works.

Since 1914, Sergei Aleksandrovich has been published in children's publications, writes poems for children (poems "The Orphan", 1914, "Pobirushka", 1915, the story "Yar", 1916, "The Tale of Petya the Shepherd ...", 1925 .).

At this time, real popularity comes to Yesenin, he is invited to various poetic meetings. Maxim Gorky wrote: “The city greeted him with the same admiration as a glutton greets strawberries in January. They began to praise his poems, excessively and insincerely, as hypocrites and envious people know how to praise. "

In the years 1918-1920 Yesenin is fond of imagism, publishes collections of poems: "Confessions of a Hooligan" (1921), "Tresryadnitsa" (1921), "Brawler's Poems" (1923), "Moscow Tavern" (1924).

Personal life

After meeting the dancer Isadora Duncan in 1921, Yesenin soon marries her. Prior to that, he lived with A.R. Izryadnova (had a son Yuri with her), Z.N. Raikh (son Konstantin, daughter Tatyana), N. Volpina (son Alexander). After the wedding with Duncan, he traveled to Europe and the USA. Their marriage was short - in 1923 the couple broke up, and Yesenin returned to Moscow.

The last years of life and death

In the further work of Yesenin, Russian leaders were very critically described (1925, "The Country of Scoundrels"). In the same year in Yesenin's life, the publication "Russia Sovetskaya" was published.

In the fall of 1925, the poet marries L. Tolstoy's granddaughter, Sofya Andreevna. Depression, alcohol addiction, the pressure of the authorities was the reason that the new wife placed Sergei in a neuropsychiatric hospital.

Then, in the biography of Sergei Yesenin, there was an escape to Leningrad. And on December 28, 1925, Yesenin died, his body was found hanged in the Angleterre Hotel.