Space Battles: game review. Space Battles Online (BattleSpace)

  • 24.09.2019

How it all began? How did the formation of events taking place in the online game Space Battles start? Where did the development into space come from, and not into self-improvement? Not entirely clear. History says that when the year 2240 came to the threshold, people faced the question of preserving themselves, since the possibility of the complete disappearance of the population arose. This happened due to the fact that scientists overdid it with their experiments, and the Earth began to fall apart. Urgently, the population was loaded onto ships and sent to different parts of the universe in search of planets that could be accommodated. Unfortunately, it was not possible to maintain communication between the ships, because none of the expeditions could establish what happened to her brothers. Everyone was guessing. People were scattered and could not contact. After that, fifteen centuries passed, one and a half thousand years flew by. And it is from this moment that all the action in the online game Space Battles will begin.

Naturally, in order to play the online game Space Battles you will have to register. The procedure is light and furnished with taste, respecting the color and surroundings. And after you complete this procedure, the final question will be the space system and the planet, on which you then have to work. In principle, nothing changes from your choice, except for the location in the universe. Accordingly - different realities of the struggle for resources. Yes, and if you were invited by a friend - it's better to join him, so it will be easier to start development in the online game Space Battles.

To begin with, you will have to remember how to invent tactics and development strategy in strategies. You will have to start by equipping your planet. Equip - means to organize the extraction of minerals, build the required number of power plants, plan the next costs, so that it does not turn out that you have nothing to extract resources for. Then - it's time to build drives and increase the bins, where the surplus resources will be stored. And only then, when the bins become thick enough, you should start building your own shipyard in order to be able to go into space. After all, it is there that all the events of the online game Space Battles take place.

And as soon as you get out into the Big Space, you will start playing a real space strategy. This is where the full development and full-scale game begins. You will have to build a large fleet in order to be able to explore new territories, repel attacks and attack your neighbors in the online game Space Battles, participate in attacks on clans and join one of the clans yourself in order to receive help and provide it. And constantly improve our technical base. Only in this way and nothing else, because otherwise you may find yourself on the margins of society. By the way, you will also have to take care of resources regularly so as not to experience any problems with development.

Among other things, in the online game Space Battles there is a training system that is very interestingly thought out. You can always ask in the general chat what to do next, and you will definitely be prompted in which direction to move. This is beneficial to those who suggest, as you can reward them with bonuses that will help them in the game. Although if you are at least a little familiar with browser games, online game Space Battles will not confuse you - everything is very clear.

There are also two currencies in the game - these are ordinary galactic credits and the so-called cuids. Credits are the most common currency in the game. And cuids are the equivalent of real. True, you can get cuids not only for real, but by winning or inviting other participants. It is noteworthy that the infusion of cuids does not change the balance of the game. You can achieve everything by yourself, without using real money. There is absolutely no difference between what you will have in the game and what you can buy. Of course, buy faster. But... There is no imbalance. And it pleases. Therefore, the online game Space Battles is a worthy candidate among space strategies and every fan of this genre should try it.

Experiments with gravity do not lead to good things. Earthlings were convinced of this when a group of scientists, with their experiments, initiated the process of destruction of the earth's crust. By 2240, almost all living organisms had died, and the human race was on the verge of death. To remedy the situation, an organization called the Order was created, which included the most prominent scientists, politicians and researchers. They came to the conclusion that it was too late to do something, the planet was doomed and they needed to look for a new home.

The search for a new home dragged on for many years. People mastered and settled planets, built cities and extracted resources, in general, established their lives in other worlds. Over time, the inhabitants of different planets began to compete with each other, sometimes everything ended before it started, but more often the confrontation grew into full-scale battles of space fleets. It is not surprising that the planets have turned into military bases, and people into heavily armed warriors.

Screenshots from the browser game Battle Space

Type: Browser online game
Genre: Military space strategy
Release date: 2008
Developer: Battlespace team
Publisher: BattleSpace team
Official site:

In browser strategy Battle Space you become the owner of your own military base on one of your chosen planet. You must develop your base, build and improve production and mining buildings, conduct scientific research, extract resources and repel enemy attacks.

Despite all the seeming complexity, playing Battle Space is very interesting and if you spend a little time completing tutorial missions, you will understand it yourself. The very first building should be solar panels, otherwise you will not be able to build mines for the extraction of crystal, metal and deuterium, and these are the main Construction Materials. The construction and improvement of buildings require not only a certain amount of time and useful resources, but also the availability of certain technologies, for example, to build the first level Nanite Factory, a Robot Factory and computer technology developed to the tenth level. Metal and crystals are primarily needed for the construction of buildings and spaceships, for scientific research, the main resource is deuterium.

Because Battle Space space war strategy, don't forget about construction space fleet, everything you need to create it can be found in the Shipyard tab. There are various combat, reconnaissance, transport ships: spy satellites, light fighters, cruisers, battleships and bombers, there is even a Death Star capable of destroying not only spaceships, but also small planets. The construction of such a formidable weapon can take several weeks of real time and require a huge amount of resources. But it's worth it, because in a PvP-oriented game there is nothing better than to defeat and plunder the military base of another player, and even impose tribute on him.

If you are a fan of space strategies and are passionate about the Sci-Fi genre, then be sure to try playing Battle Space ( space battles), this browser game can become your favorite entertainment for months to come.

Space battles (Battle Space) - browser-based space military-tactical strategy in online mode. You will have to deal with the terrible consequences of unfortunate scientists, save the Earth's magnetic field.

Introduction to the game, gameplay

By registering in battlespace, you will turn into one of the miraculously surviving earthlings who flew into an unknown sector of boundless space. The main task of the player is the arrangement of the base and the choice of a habitable planet. You will have to build mines, solar power plants, a robot factory, a crystal synthesizer and much more.

The gameplay unwinds in a spiral, throwing new tasks to the base commander. Over time, the turn will come for the introduction of technologies, new research, and the organization of defense.

Battle Space also has space battles. In addition to respectable colonists involved in the construction of bases, there are also pirates who strive to steal from you what you have acquired by overwork. Ground-based rocket launchers will help to overcome the invaders, and after the construction of the Shipyard - your own military fleet.

Development in the game BattleSpace, fleet

From the very beginning, in the battlespace game, you will have an assistant - a robot that will provide the earthling with tasks and tell secrets. Following the classic scheme of pumping (development) in MMORTS, space battles will require the systematic development of the planet (base). At first, you will need to build up the reserves of resources, for this you need to build buildings such as a deuterium synthesizer, mines that extract metal and crystals, solar battery, various repositories.

Officers also help to develop by improving performance (increase in power, productivity, etc.).

In the future, it will be necessary to develop technologies, build new ships and attack neighbors.

Space battles will allow you to prove yourself as a military leader. After completing some technological research and building the Shipyard, you can start building a space fleet. Ships are divided into the following types:

  • Research vehicles: spy, solar and reconnaissance satellites. They perform a variety of support functions.
  • Transport: large and small transport. Such ships are needed to transport resources over very long distances.
  • Combat fleet: destroyers, cruisers, battleships, fighters. The small fighter is the very first warship, and the battleship is the backbone of the fleet.
  • Combat vehicles of narrow specialization: supernovae, death stars, destroyers, bombers. This is the highest level of development of the fleet. Such ships require enormous costs, but they carry power and efficiency.


The battlespace combat system is implemented in the form of reports that indicate damage and actions. The fights themselves are not animated. On the early stages game, for a successful outcome of the battle, you need to buy rocket launchers and learn espionage technology. After defeating the first pirates, you can develop your fleet and fly out hunting on your own.

Warships first line up, and then they begin to fire at the enemy. Whoever has ships left at the end wins. If at the end of the battle both sides have units left, then a draw is counted.

In each round, defensive structures and ships fire once (except for rapid fire) at a random target. Part of the attack is absorbed by the shields, and the rest damages the ship. If a combat unit or structure has no armor, it is destroyed.

Overall rating of Battle Space

In general, the project is very exciting and enjoyable. Graphics without bells and whistles, which in turn does not load the PC. The gameplay is very versatile. Also in Space Battles there is a lively online and mentoring system.

If you are an avid fan of space games, then be sure to play this free browser-based game. online strategy, it will be your entertainment for a long time.

Genre: Strategies

Developer, publisher: Battlespace Team

For fans of flights, space and everything alien - Space battles!

New game lifts the veil of secrecy over the possible future of the planet - the earth is destroyed, and those who could - left the cradle of mankind. In this game you conquer planets, master them, build your colonies. Team up with friends against enemies or take back the world from your neighbor - your possibilities in your attempt to survive are truly endless.

Do you like fights, space surroundings and strategies? Then this game is for you. Register and forward to the exploration of unknown planets!

BattleSpace: how to survive in this world?

The game "Space Battles" offers gamers a wide scope for creating a strong and powerful state, capable of providing it with resources and energy to conquer new territories.

It all starts with a sad prehistory of the destruction of the Earth as a result of the stupidity and short-sightedness of the rulers, who could not keep up with the development of technology and prevent a catastrophe. On your ship is a group of people who are ready to create new earth on an unknown planet. You choose a planet and go to conquer it.

The planet you have chosen is empty and lifeless, but it rich in resources, and on it you can start building stations for the production of electricity and facilities for the extraction of minerals and resources. Several options for such buildings are available to players - mines, quarries and mines. Depending on the resources, the player creates a network of mining buildings that run on energy from the station.

As your new colony develops, so do the needs. Build a laboratory that will develop your technologies and reveal for you the secrets of the local world, new solutions in shipbuilding and resource processing. So gradually your city will grow and develop, then you will build structures that will serve new robots and create your perfect fleet. Gain an army - strong and invincible.

Have you got on your feet, and your city is functioning stably? Then you should pay a visit to your neighbors, maybe you will establish friendly neighborly relations with them, which will later develop into dynamic and reliable trade relations or an allied alliance to fight a stronger and more powerful enemy. You can also rob your neighbors and take their colony for yourself.

Go and explore unexplored and hidden places from your eyes so far to discover new planets, create new colonies or conquer cities from weaker rivals. Your world lives by your rules.

Always remember about defense, because your opponents are also on the alert and ready to strike a crushing blow at any moment. When going on the attack, always leave a sufficient supply to protect your main colony city.

Space Battles: combat mode features

In Game no animated plot of the battle of space fleets and individual ships is provided. According to the results of the attack or defense of your fleet, a report is received on the damage received and the trophies won. Battles can also take place during the absence of a player in the game, about which a system message will also be sent.

This game is more suitable for strategists than for fans of colorful dynamic battles. If you need a calm atmosphere, thoughtful tactics, then this game is perfect for you.

Dynamics and realism - graphics and sound on top!

The game behaves perfectly in the browser, it is enough to have an up-to-date flash player. The toy is compatible with all types of browsers and operating systems. Due to the rather high quality of images and pictures, it is recommended to use the game on monitors with high resolution. Although, according to the manufacturers, the BattleSpace game behaves perfectly even in conditions of a weak video card on a low-powered office laptop.

Since the main characters in this game are robots and spaceships, they are given special attention in drawing. Nice work on background details. Each planet is unique, differing in the type and complexity of the landscape, as well as in the color scheme. Developers and artists have tried to convey the character of all the planets to make it more interesting for players to explore new territories.

The music in the game is also good enough. high level- it does not come to the fore, but serves as a necessary setting for the industrial colonization of new planets and the conquest of other players. Since the game does not provide a dynamic image of battles and battles, there are also no additional sounds of aggression or plot tension. There are realistic sounds of the operation of units, factories, laboratories, quarries and robots. This allows you to present a more reliable picture.

Age is not important for BattleSpace

You can play the browser-based online game "Space Battles" at any age. Especially this game will appeal to men and boys who are very interested in robots, space and ships. There is no brutality or violence in this game, pure strategy, in which the battle comes with a report on the damage and damage received, as well as loot and accrued experience points. The perfect game for a weekend or lunch break at work.

Download the game in your browser and go on an exciting journey through the expanses of the Universe, where each planet can become a new home for unfortunate people who have lost their native Earth. The game is great for a pleasant pastime, gives good mood to all players and allows you to dispel boredom.

So, prepare the spaceship - we are going to fly! We will conquer new planets, discover new technologies and build the most powerful fleets of spaceships!

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. The prehistory of the game plot takes us to the future, in which scientists conducting experiments with magnetic field earth, violated it. In this connection, there was a threat of destruction of the planet and, as a result, the disappearance of the native planet. On an urgent basis, it was decided to equip several groups of spacecraft and send them to different corners deep space, in the hope that at least one of the groups will find a habitable planet. You enter the game "Space Battles" upon the arrival of the ship of the colonizer in the assigned star system. You have to revive the former greatness of human civilization.

In the game "Space battles" (BattleSpace) you have to colonize a habitable planet, which will become Starting point in your cosmic expansion. After arranging the planet and building the main production buildings on it, you discover that you are far from alone and numerous life forms live and develop in the neighborhood with which you have to make contact. Over time, you also discover that other groups of space colonizers sent from earth also successfully reached the planets, and began their development there.

Resources in the game "Space Battles" are presented in the form of metal, crystals and deuterium. Your planet has good reserves of these elements, but this is not enough for long-term development and you should direct your gaze towards other planets. And since all the groups of colonialists who set off from the earth settled by space standards not far from each other, this means that military clashes and space battles are inevitable. Register in BattleSpace and build your space empire.

Screenshots for the game: