What is the hardness of steel 40x. Explanation of abbreviations

  • 01.08.2018

With strong heating, almost all materials change their physical characteristics. In some cases, heating is carried out purposefully, since in this way it is possible to improve certain performance qualities, for example, hardness. Heat treatment has been used for many years to increase the surface hardness of steel. Hardening should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the metal, since the technology for increasing the surface hardness is created based on the composition of the material. In some cases, hardening can be done at home, but it should be borne in mind that steel is a difficult-to-machine material and, in order to impart plasticity, it is necessary to carry out strong heating to high temperatures using certain equipment. In this case, we consider the features of heating 40X steel to increase ductility and conduct quenching or tempering.

Low carbon steel is known in the market as wrought iron. This type of steel is easy to handle because it has high ductility. For this reason, it is widely used for the production of bars, decorative applications or lamps.

Medium carbon steel is very resistant, so it is used to make bridges or structural parts that can withstand huge loads. For its part, for the manufacture of cables used high carbon steel. When the percentage of coal is greater than that of iron, it is referred to as pig iron, which is processed to make vases and other types of wares.

Steel 40X

As previously noted, for the correct quenching and tempering of steel, its composition and many other features should be taken into account. You can choose the right heat treatment modes based on the following information:

  1. The considered steel belongs to the structural alloyed group. The doped group is characterized by the content a large number impurities that determine the change in performance, including hardness.
  2. Used in industry to create shafts, axles, rods, mandrels, racks, bolts, bushings, gears and other parts.
  3. Hardness index before heat treatment HB 10 -1 = 217 MPa.
  4. The temperature of the critical points determines the moment at which 40X steel begins to lose its qualities due to heat treatment: c 1 \u003d 743, Ac 3 (Ac m) \u003d 815, Ar 3 (Arc m) \u003d 730, Ar 1 \u003d 693.
  5. At a tempering temperature of 200 °C HB = 552.

The decoding of steel 40X indicates that the material contains 0.40% carbon and 1.5% chromium.

Although the latter type of steel is quite hard, it is also very brittle. Alloy steel is one that is made with a small percentage of one or more metals other than iron. These metals, added to the alloy, have the ability to change the properties of the steel.

For example, steel made from iron, chromium and nickel is obtained from stainless steel. When aluminum is added to this alloy, the result becomes more malleable and uniform in appearance. When manganese is added to steel alloys, they can achieve exceptional strength and hardness.

Download GOST 4543-71 "Rolled products from alloyed structural steel 40X"

hardening process

The process of high temperature treatment of 40X steel and other alloy is called hardening. It should be noted that heating is carried out up to certain temperature, which was determined through numerous tests. The holding time after which cooling is carried out, as well as other points, can be found in special tables. It is rather difficult to carry out heating at home, since in this case it is necessary to reach a temperature of about 800 degrees Celsius.

Properties of stainless steel

When steel contains 11% chromium, it is about 200 times more resistant to corrosion than steel that does not contain chromium. There are three groups of stainless steel. Austenitic steel: has the highest concentration of chromium and a small percentage of nickel and carbon.

It is commonly used for Food Industry and pipelines. It is easy to recognize because it is not magnetic. Ferritic Steel: This is a type of steel that contains approximately 15% chromium, but only a few strikes of carbon and other metals such as molybdenum, aluminum, or titanium.

The result of strong heating and exposure of the metal 40X for a certain time, followed by a sharp cooling in water, is an increase in hardness and a decrease in ductility. In this case, the result depends on the following indicators:

This type of steel is magnetic, very hard and resistant. When working in the cold, it can be hardened. Martensitic Steel: It contains moderate amounts of chromium, nickel and carbon. It is highly magnetic and can be processed at high temperatures. Martensitic steel is commonly used to make cutting tools such as knives and surgical equipment.

Tool steel properties

Tool steel has high strength, heat resistance and fairly high hardness. Contains tungsten, molybdenum, cobalt and vanadium. This is the one that was used to drill the drills. Mechanical properties of metals. . Steel is a hot carbon alloy with metallic iron and can have more alloys such as sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, etc.

  1. metal heating rate 40X;
  2. exposure time;
  3. on the cooling rate.

When working at home, consider the processing temperature and cooling time.

When choosing a surface heating method, attention should be paid to HDTV. This method is more popular than conventional volumetric processing due to the fact that the required temperature is reached in a shorter time.

In the production of steel, the final product is obtained when all the oxide that it takes out of its natural state is eliminated, being the most important material for construction. Low alloy steel: Steel to which other metals are added to improve its properties. High mechanical strength. Steels are materials with high mechanical strength when subjected to tensile and compressive stresses and are supported by the chemical contribution of the steels. With the help of laboratory tests, the tensile and compressive strength are determined by evaluating its elastic limit and breaking strength.

At home, HDTV is used extremely rarely. After carrying out work with the use of HDTV, the operational strength of the part increases, which is associated with the appearance of surface compressive stresses.

Hardening 40X using the example of an M24 bolt product can be done as follows:

  1. the electric furnace is heated;
  2. warming up to 860 ° C should be carried out, for which in some cases it takes 40 minutes;
  3. the time required for austenitization, after which cooling is carried out, is 10-15 minutes. Uniform yellow products - a sign of the correct passage of the 40X hardening process;
  4. the final stage is cooling in a bath of water or other liquid.

It is impossible to determine on your own the moment after which the metal should be cooled in industrial and domestic conditions. That is why, according to the studies, it was assumed that it takes 1.5-2 minutes per millimeter to heat the metal in electric furnaces, after which the structure can be overheated.

Elasticity: The elasticity of steels is very high, when tensile tested, the steel returns to its original state in tension until the elastic limit is reached. Weldability: This is a material that can be joined by welding, and thanks to this, a number of designs with straight parts can be made.

Ductility: Steels have a high ability to work with them, bend them and bend them. Reliability: means that heat and impact can give any desired shape. Workability: They can be cut and drilled even though they are very stable and still retain their effectiveness.

The determination of hardness is carried out according to the Rockwell method. The improvement made by tempering or quenching can be measured using the HRC designation. Standard designation HR, to which a letter is added according to the type of test performed. The designation HRC is the most common, the last letter means the use of a diamond cone with an angle of 120 0 when testing.

Oxidation: Steels have a high oxidizing ability when exposed to air and water at the same time and the material corrodes if it is salty water. Heat and Electricity Transmitter: Steel is a high accuracy transmitter and at the same time is very weak at high temperatures, so it is preferable to use steels for nickel or aluminum or try to protect them by making them ventilated and avoid making fuel or plastic factories with this type of material.

These two disadvantages are manageable considering the use of materials and Maintenance which is provided to them. Quality control of steel in our country is based on two tests: Chemical test: This is done because there are many types of steel and the company that produces them is required to prove its chemical composition.

Vacation and normalization

Tempering is carried out immediately after hardening is completed, since there is a high probability of cracks in the structure. In this case, the product is heated to a point below the critical one, holding is carried out for a certain period of time and cooling is performed. Tempering provides an improvement in the structure, eliminates stress and increases ductility, and eliminates the brittleness of 40X steel.

Axial Tensile Test: This test is always performed randomly on the obtained steels. The purpose of this test is to obtain in any steel its elastic limit and tensile strength, in order to know the quality of the material and compare it with the parameters that are set for steels. good quality, the percentage of elongation is also obtained, which allows you to find out the ductility of the steel.

  • Werner or caliber.
  • Measuring tape.
After the sample is prepared, press on the ends with a press to continue applying the load. Before starting the pulling process, in order to be able to then measure how much elongation was before failure, so that the percentage of doubling was centimeter and centimeter of the entire panel. Measuring results: Elastic zone: this is the zone in which, when the beam is unloaded, it returns to its original shape.

There are three types of heat treatment under consideration:

  1. Low tempering determines the heating of the surface up to 250 °C with exposure and cooling in air. It is used to relieve stress and slightly increase ductility with virtually no loss of hardness. In the case of a structural alloy, it is used extremely rarely.
  2. Medium tempering allows you to heat the product up to 500 °C. In this case, the viscosity increases significantly, and the hardness decreases. Use this method of heat treatment when receiving springs, springs and some tools.
  3. High allows you to heat the part up to 600 ° C. In this case, martensite decomposes with the formation of sorbite. Such a structure is presented the best combination strength and plasticity. It also increases the impact strength. Use this method of heat treatment to obtain parts used under shock loads.

Plastic zone: refers to the area where when the beam is deformed and the loading is stopped, it does not return to its original position.

  • Maximum carbon 0.3% Maximum sulfur 0.05% Maximum phosphorus 0.04%.
  • The elastic limit cannot exceed 30% of its minimum value.
Structural profiles cannot show visible damage, the first thing they must have is a good appearance.

If it's Venezuelan steels, you can omit that because they already come with those considerations. Axial tensile test: Determine its physical and mechanical characteristics, which are also normalized. Structural profiles must be controlled.

Another type of common heat treatment is normalization. Often, normalization is carried out by heating the metal to the upper critical point, followed by exposure and cooling in a normal environment, for example, at outdoors. Normalization is carried out to give a fine-grained structure, which leads to an increase in ductility and toughness.

Oxidation: This occurs when steels are in direct contact with water and air at the same time. Corrosion: It is closely related to oxidation with the difference that occurs when the material is exposed to saline. Conductivity: Steel is a highly accurate transmitter and at the same time very weak at high temperatures, so it is preferable to use steels for nickel or aluminum or try to protect them by venting and avoid making fuel or plastic factories with this type of material.

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All detailed characteristics of these mechanisms are given in our catalog.

The chemical composition of steel.

The main indicators of the chemical composition of Steel 40X are specified in its marking - from 0.36 to 0.44%, and the letter X means the presence of an alloying element - chromium, the proportion of which in the composition is from 0.8 to 1.1%. Below is the full line-up:

Steels are improved by making special alloys with chromium, nickel and aluminum, making stainless steel. The second system used is galvanized, zinc bath, which gives a protective layer that is not permanent, so it must be maintained and protected by anti-corrosion paint, which is oil. Knots are the points where different elements are connected, and since they are the most sensitive points of oxidation, great care must be taken when designing them, so a dedicated workforce is needed.

  • iron (Fe) - up to 97%;
  • silicon (Si) - from 0.17 to 0.37%;
  • manganese (Mn) - from 0.5 to 0.8%;
  • nickel (Ni) - up to 0.3%;
  • sulfur (S) - up to 0.035%;
  • phosphorus (P) - up to 0.035%;
  • chromium (Cr) - from 0.8 to 1.1%;
  • copper (Cu) - up to 0.3%;

Existing GOSTs for Steel 40X.

Due to the wide variety of existing rolled products and blanks from Steel 40X, the quality and characteristics of the entire range of products are regulated by the following GOSTs:

There are two methods for constructing nodes

Bolt: This is a mechanical action and is made through 2 parts. When working with rivets, the cylindrical part is heated to high temperatures and, when attached to another part, is hammered to obtain the desired shape. The bolts have a washer and a fit. These systems have the disadvantage that it greatly increases the stride to structure and you don't have a 100% guarantee that it is well adjusted because these methods are outdated.

Mechanical properties depending on the section

Welding: this is the joining of 2 pieces in a knot through a casting at high temperatures of the parts that need to be joined, in addition, you can add electrodes to strengthen the connection. Autogenous welding is also used, which is used with a flame, but not used much, it is used more than anything in the workshops.

  • circle Sal 40X GOST 2590-2006 (GOST 2590-88) circle (bar) steel hot-rolled;
  • circle Steel 40X GOST 7417-75 circle (bar) calibrated;
  • circle Steel 40X GOST 14955-77 circle (rod) with a special surface finish (silver);
  • hexagon Steel 40X GOST 2879-2006 (GOST 2879-88) hot-rolled hexagon;
  • hexagon Steel 40X GOST 8560-78 calibrated hexagon;
  • sheet Steel 40X GOST 19903-74 hot-rolled sheet;

Steel 40X. Mechanical properties.

GOST Delivery condition, heat treatment mode Section, mm KP σ0.2 (MPa) σv(MPa) δ5 (%) ψ % KCU (kJ/m2) HB, no more
4543-71 Bar. Hardening 860 °C, oil. Temper 500 °C, water or oil 25 780 980 10 45 59
8479-70 Forgings: 500-800 245 245 470 15 30 34 143-179
normalization 300-500 275 275 530 15 32 29 156-197
hardening, vacation 500-800 275 275 530 13 30 29 156-197
normalization up to 100 315 315 570 17 38 39 167-207
100-300 14 35 34
hardening, vacation 300-500 315 315 570 12 30 29 167-207
500-800 11 30 29
normalization up to 100 345 345 590 18 45 59 174-217
100-300 345 17 40 54
300-500 14 38 49
hardening, vacation up to 100 395 395 615 17 45 59 187-229
100-300 15 40 54
300-500 13 35 49

Mechanical properties depending on the section

Section, mm σ0.2 (MPa) σv(MPa) δ4 (%) ψ % KCU (kJ/m2) HB
Hardening 840-860 °C, water, oil. Vacation 580-650 °C, water, air.
101-200 490 655 15 45 59 212-248
201-300 440 635 14 40 54 197-235
301-500 345 590 14 38 49 174-217

Mechanical properties of Steel 40X depending on tempering temperature

Vacation temperature, ° С σ0.2 (MPa) σv(MPa) δ5 (%) ψ % KCU (kJ/m2) HB
200 1560 1760 8 35 29 552
300 1390 1610 8 35 20 498
400 1180 1320 9 40 49 417
500 910 1150 11 49 69 326
600 720 860 14 60 147 265

Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures

Test temperature, °С σ0.2 (MPa) σv(MPa) δ5 (%) ψ % KCU (kJ/m2)
Hardening 830 °C, oil. Holiday 550 °C
200 700 880 15 42 118
300 680 870 17 58
400 610 690 18 68 98
500 430 490 21 80 78
Sample 10 mm in diameter, 50 mm long forged and annealed. Deformation speed 5 mm/min, deformation speed 0.002 1/s
700 140 175 33 78 -
800 54 98 59 98
900 41 69 65 100
1000 24 43 68 100
1100 11 26 68 100
1200 11 24 70 100

endurance limit

σ-1, MPA J-1, MPa n Steel condition
363 240 106 σv=690 MPa
470 106 σv=690 MPa
509 5*106 σ0.2=690 MPa, σv=690 MPa
333 σv=690 MPa
372 Hardening 860 °С, oil, tempering 550 °С

Impact strength Steel 40X KCU (J / cm.sq.)

Hardenability of steel according to GOST 4543-71

Distance from the end, mm Note
1,5 4,5 6 7,5 10,5 13,5 16,5 19,5 24 30 Hardening 860 °C
20,5-60,5 48-59 45-57,5 39,5-57 35-53,5 31,5-50,5 28,5-46 27-42,5 24,5-39,5 22-37,5 Hardness for hardenability bands, HRC

Physical properties of Steel 40X

T (deg) E 10-5 (MPa) a 10 6 (1/deg) l (W/(m deg)) r (kg/m3) C (J/(kg deg)) R 10 9 (Ohm m)
20 2,14 7820 210
100 2,11 11,9 46 7800 466 285
200 2,06 12,5 42.7 7770 508 346
300 2,03 13,2 42.3 7740 529 425
400 1,85 13,8 38.5 7700 563 528
500 1,76 14,1 35.6 7670 592 642
600 1,64 14,4 31.9 7630 622 780
700 1,43 14,6 28,8 7590 634 936
800 1,32 26 7610 664 1100
900 26,7 7560 1140
1000 28 7510 1170
1100 28,8 7470 120
1200 7430 1230

Explanation of abbreviations

tensile strength (ultimate tensile strength), MPa

Carbon steels are the most an important group materials used in mechanical engineering and industry. In fact, the mechanical properties of these carbon steels without any alloying elements and in most cases also without any heat treatment are sufficient to satisfy most practical applications. As is known, the normal states of use of these materials are melt and work. Castings usually require annealing or standard heat treatment to relieve stresses resulting from solidification and homogenization of the microstructure.

elastic limit, MPa

conditional yield strength, MPa

relative elongation after rupture, %

compressive yield strength, MPa

relative shift, %

short-term strength limit, MPa

relative contraction, %

Steel processed by forging, rolling, drawing, drawing, etc. It is used directly in the form of profiles obtained by these processes, without the need for complex heat treatments, except in cases of cold finishing, when it is necessary to eliminate the effect of hardening.

On the other hand, in small sections, carbon steels can, within certain limits, cool at a rate sufficient to produce any of the possible distributions of cementite in ferrite, including the formation of martensite. It is known that for each specific type of carbide distribution, the carbon content is the main factor affecting the hardness and mechanical strength of the steel. By keeping the carbon content constant, the strength increases as the fineness of the carbide dispersion increases, while the ductility and similar properties decrease.

impact strength determined on a sample with concentrators of the U and V types, respectively, J/cm2

limit of proportionality (yield strength for permanent deformation), MPa

Brinell hardness

Vickers hardness

Rockwell hardness, C scale

With the same hardness, on the other hand, the spheroidal type dispersion has a higher strength than the lamellar structure. Rice. 111 - Influence of hardening on stress and strain curves in low carbon steel. Table 22 - Influence of the type of structure on the tensile properties of steel.

In short, small sections of carbon steel may actually be subjected to such heat treatment that they can create excellent properties at room temperature. Table 22 illustrates this well. It is noted that, having considered the first two columns, only the presence of carbon is sufficient to obtain steel, for example, increased strength with loss of ductility.

Rockwell hardness, scale B

Shore hardness

relative settlement at the appearance of the first crack, %

torsion strength, maximum shear stress, MPa

ultimate strength in bending, MPa

Samples of products from steel 40X.

Below are samples of some products manufactured by our organization from 40X steel.