Log fixed vertically 5 letters. Reinforced log: features of vertical and horizontal reinforcement

  • 23.06.2020

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The use of logs in construction implies their reliable fixation, the methods of which are selected depending on the final goal. Otherwise, you will simply get a dangerous pile of wooden chocks. In this article, we will consider the main methods for fastening cylindrical wood products.

Horizontal mounting

Tip: if you choose a more economical method of "no residue", it is recommended to immediately insulate the corners of the log house.
Otherwise, you will have to spend much more on heating the house, and there will be no talk of real savings.

Looks like a castle

As we have already noted from the very beginning, the logs should eventually be firmly fixed and this is taking into account the fact that fastening to the foundation is not provided. The instruction assumes the use of one of the the following types castle connections:

Name Description
"Into the bowl" The most popular and easy to perform connection. For its implementation, a special opening is cut down in the upper part of the log, a half-diameter similar to a kind of bowl, hence the name. Another product with the same cutout is inserted perpendicularly into it.
"In the hood" In this case, the situation is diametrically opposite, and the groove is cut from the bottom of each log. Thus, each upper product, as it were, slams the lower one, which influenced the name of the method.
"Okhryap" Here both sides are already processed, in the created openings they have rectangular shapes and dimensions are only a quarter of the diameter of a cylindrical wood product.

Strengthening with dowels

The methods of fixing logs described above do a good job of creating strong wooden boxes without the use of nails and screws. Wood under its own weight is securely clamped in locks, after which such walls can stand for 50-100 years. But there is one problem that also needs to be addressed - shrinkage.

After the construction of the log house, the tree continues to move for some time, changing its shape. These changes are enough for the structure to deform, taking on a not very aesthetic appearance. To prevent this situation, special dowels are used, in fact, they are long wooden rods.

Their installation is simple:

  1. After installing several crowns in them in increments of 150-200 cm, we drill neat round holes 25 mm in diameter.
  2. From above we drive dowels into them, made of hardwood, with the appropriate section.

Vertical mounting

Log strengthened vertically what could it be? It can be a column that supports some of the roof components, or a bearing pile. When building a classic log house, such elements are not used, but in the case of a design project or during the installation of a frame building, they can be found quite often.

There are two options for strengthening a vertical log:

  1. Concreting:
    • Pre-treated with bituminous waterproofing, the case sinks directly into the foundation concrete until it freezes.
    • In some cases, the pre-groove in the base is prepared in advance, and then a pile is inserted into the already petrified opening.
    • Another variation could be digging the rack into the ground followed by pouring it with cement mortar.
  1. Dowel fixation. Here, at the end of the log and at the place of its installation, holes are drilled in accordance with the diameter of the dowel, which are then connected.


We examined what a vertically fortified log is, and also analyzed all the variations of fixing horizontal cylindrical wood products. All methods are quite simple in their implementation. Be careful and you will succeed.

The video in this article will bring to your attention for additional consideration some of the materials that are directly related to the information presented. Remember that logs must always be securely reinforced.

The vertical arrangement of beams or logs saves log walls from one of the most important drawbacks - from precipitation in the first years of operation. This makes it possible to perform Finishing work immediately after building a house. In addition, such an arrangement of the main enclosing elements helps to radically change the architecture of buildings, allowing the building to be given any shape (including curvilinear) in plan, depending on the architectural solution. Practice shows that logs or beams installed vertically last much longer than horizontal ones.

Rice. 51. Grooved foundation

There are several design solutions for fixing vertical bars (logs) in a vertical position. One of the solutions is the construction of special slot foundations made of monolithic concrete. An example of such a foundation is shown in Fig. 51. This constructive solution allows you to build a house with a basement, the walls of which are a grooved foundation. This solution consists in land plot dig a pit of the required size. At the bottom of the pit, a foundation platform is prepared, a monolithic closed foundation with a groove, internal and external sides is installed on it, thereby forming a basement. If necessary, a drainage system is constructed to drain from the basement ground water. The beams or logs of the walls of the house are installed in the grooves of the foundation so that the outer side of the foundation overlaps them. To reduce the chance of rotting wooden elements bars (logs) are installed on waterproofing tires.

The vertical arrangement of logs (bars) is also possible on columnar or strip foundations. To do this, a strapping is installed on the columnar foundations, according to the method of chopped walls, into the grooves of which vertical wooden structures(Fig. 52). Such a strapping is nothing more than a salary crown, and all the previously described installation rules apply to it. In the upper plane of the flashing crown, a special groove (tongue) is made, which includes the strokes of vertical structures. To prevent possible deviation of the logs in the vertical plane, they are fastened together with dowels. Strengthening the corners of the strapping is performed with completed brackets, which are driven in with inside salary crown. The decrease in the blowing of the walls is provided by rallying the elements into a vertical sheet pile, followed by caulking the seams. The wall ends with an upper trim, which is a mirror image of the lower trim. Vertical bars or logs do not have to be located around the entire perimeter of the house. It is allowed to build according to this method only a part of the wall, which is a bay window with a curved outer wall. This technique allows you to diversify the architecture of the building, depending on the chosen option.

Rice. 52. Scheme of the vertical arrangement of the beams of the log house:
1 - lower harness; 2 - crests of bars; 3- top harness; 4 - floor beam; 5 - corner beam; b - fixation corner beam in the bottom harness; 7 - temporary fixation of the upper edge of the frame

A log that is fixed vertically, what is it called? Wooden pole. They continue to be used as effective remedy for building fences. Let's look at the features of installing decks in the ground, determine the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution.

Choice of wood

A log, fortified vertically, must withstand the loads placed on it. Therefore, the selection of suitable wood is of considerable importance when choosing it.

As practice shows, oak pillars are the most durable and reliable. A good option for organizing fences is the use of logs made of beech, birch, hazel, larch. Coniferous and fruitful wood species are not very suitable for such work, since the latter have a rather soft core, which is subject to rapid decay.

Advantages and disadvantages

A wooden log, fortified vertically, has been used in the construction of fences for centuries. Despite the availability of a whole mass of more than effective options, this solution has its advantages:

  • Low cost and availability of material.
  • Ease of processing and installation.
  • Ecological purity.
  • Attractive appearance.

As for the obvious disadvantages of using wooden poles as the basis for the construction of a fence, it is worth noting the sensitivity of the material to the effects of natural precipitation, a shorter service life compared to the same metal.


How to install a log, fixed vertically? The answer to this question is as follows:

  1. To begin with, with the help of twine and pegs, the marking of the territory is carried out, during which the line of the future fence is determined.
  2. Next, prepare the recesses for the pillars. To securely install a log, fortified vertically, a hole with a depth of about 70-80 cm is usually enough.
  3. The surface of the openings is tightly rammed.
  4. The bottom of each recess is covered with roofing material, which will serve as protection against moisture penetration.
  5. The poles are directly installed, the lower part of which is also wrapped in insulating material.
  6. Finally, concrete is prepared. The holes are filled with mortar.

Using a vertically fortified log as the basis for mounting fences, you should not prepare concrete mix for pouring with fillers in the form of expanded clay or brick battle. These materials are amenable to fairly rapid destruction when exposed to atmospheric precipitation.

During the installation of logs, it is necessary to ensure that no organic matter: grass, branches, foliage, which also contributes to the decay of wood. This omission will lead to the formation of voids in the soil, which will be filled with water. Stagnation of abundant moisture at the base will cause the destruction of the support.

  • Tetanus (lat. tetanus) - zooanthroponic bacterial acute infection with a contact mechanism of transmission of the pathogen, characterized by a lesion nervous system and manifested by tonic tension of the skeletal muscles and generalized convulsions.
  • timber dug into the soil
  • Thick beam, fixed vertically
  • Log, thick beam, reinforced upright
  • Log installed vertically
  • Vertically located elongated object
  • Log, fortified upright
  • Comparison for vertical smoke
  • "Only the telegraph one doesn't drink...and that's because his cups are down" (proverb)
    • Deadwood is an American drama television series with western elements, based on legends and real story the founding of the city of the same name in South Dakota during the "gold rush" in the Black Hills.
    • M. morsk. a thick beam, one to the stern, the other to the bow, for fastening stems (risers, rams) with a keel
      • A well is a hydraulic structure for extracting groundwater, usually a vertical recess with reinforced walls and a mechanism for raising water to the surface (a bucket on a rope, a “crane” pole, chains or a pump).
      • Our ancestors in Russia hollowed out a thick tree trunk and buried it vertically in the ground, and what did they get in this way?
      • A narrow and deep pit reinforced with a log house for obtaining water in Russian villages

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ROUNDED LOG. We make log cabins of houses, bathhouses, arbors, furniture from solid wood, we also sell ROUNDED LOG with a stalk. I.P. Bazhenov Oleg Gennadievich U.R.p.

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