Dream interpretation crystal dishes. Wash crystal dishes

  • 23.09.2019

Dreams tend to repeat themselves. But if a person sees the same dream many times, then he should pay attention to it - such a dream is a hint of the subconscious or a warning that problems may arise very soon.

Science beyond reality: discoveries made in a dream

The progress of mankind was accomplished not only in stuffy scientific laboratories, but also outside of consciousness. Dozens of discoveries were made in a dream, and the most sensational of them became the heroes of this article.

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a joint dream. One dream for two is highest level lucid dream, which, however, can be achieved by each person by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Dreaming together is a special kind of interpersonal communication in a reality created in a dream.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are indisputable theorems. One of them says: "Men, much more often than women, have dreams of erotic content." The question automatically arises: why?

Why is Crystal dreaming

Crystal in a modern dream book

Crystal in a dream symbolizes the fragility and instability of your position, this applies to all spheres of life. Breaking crystal in a dream is a sign that your aspirations and hopes will collapse with no chance of recovery. If you regret it very much right in a dream, then in reality you will not get away from a long depression. Beating crystal with excessive zeal - your ambitions will not be confirmed by anything and you will have to say goodbye to your claims.

Crystal in Miller's dream book

To see crystal things in a dream, to touch them - in real life this will lead you to the fact that you doubt your chosen one, his loyalty and decency. A large crystal chandelier seen in a dream symbolizes desires that are not available to you. Dreams will remain dreams life goals become unattainable. Crystal seen in a dream may indicate your inability to adapt to circumstances - you are inflexible in your decisions and this prevents you from building new useful relationships. Hearing the sound of crystal in a dream - to romantic relationships. Relationships will become easy and relaxed, without tension and obligations. Their duration will depend only on your desire.

Crystal in Vanga's dream book

A crystal vase dreams of a successful resolution of all cases, success and financial profit. If there were flowers in the vase, then prosperity will become not only brilliant, but also fast. To beat crystal glasses or any other dishes in a dream - your family life will collapse, you will leave not only your loved ones and home, but even change your city and country. Admiring the play of crystal in a dream is a sign that you will change your job, start a new, profitable business.

Crystal in Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of sparkling crystal around you - you have to face temptations. From the side of the opposite sex, attempts at seduction will be made. If you polish crystal in a dream, it means that you yourself decided to win someone's heart. To receive a piece of crystal as a gift - your relationship with the person who presented the gift is fragile and is approaching the end.

No greater disaster for dining table than a guest who strives to retell all his dreams.

Buying a crystal product in a dream (a vase, a dish, a chandelier, etc.) - your dream is unlikely to come true: there are too many obstacles in your way. Drinking wine from crystal glasses - a dream portends a joy that will be short-lived. Drinking from a crystal glass - you will achieve fame in a dubious way. Seeing a table lined with crystal dishes - a decline awaits you both in work and in relationships with people. Looking at crystal, admiring the play of its facets - new business partners will promise you mountains of gold and, of course, deceive you.

Putting flowers in a crystal vase - you are too careless in dealing with people. Your gullibility can be used against you. To break a thing made of crystal - all your efforts will go to waste. Glue broken crystal - your attempts to restore the old relationship are doomed to failure. Cut yourself on a piece of crystal - someone close will make a mistake, and this will cause you suffering.

Imagine that you are exchanging crystal for porcelain. Anything made of crystal becomes porcelain (see Porcelain).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Crystal

Crystal you are given an object made of crystal: in reality your relationship with the donor is very fragile and can collapse at any moment.

If this is your friend or someone close to you, then try and how you can justify his expectations.

If this is an enemy, then your hostility will soon come to an end, but for this you will have to take the initiative into your own hands.

Break a crystal object: you will part with someone close to you.

It could be your friend, girlfriend or relative.

In any case, this will happen suddenly, and no one can help the grief.

You will have to come to terms with the decision of this person, understand him and forgive him.

And in no case do not try to change his decision to give someone a crystal object: in reality, you do not have serious feelings for this person.

It may seem to you that this is true friendship or true love, but you are deeply mistaken, and not about him, but about yourself.

One has only to happen to some kind of trouble, as your feelings will disappear without a trace.

Therefore, do not assure this person of your sincerity, but think: maybe you will be able to find the best way out of this situation, and so as not to offend anyone, because other people are not to blame for the fact that you have not learned to understand own feelings and intentions.

Deliberately throwing crystal dishes off the table and dismantling: you have to take serious decision that will radically change your life.

Maybe you will leave your family and find a new one, maybe you will leave for another city or country, or maybe you will start a new business of scratching someone: in reality you have a strong dislike for this person, but express it for one reason or another you can not.

By the way, such a dream will haunt you until you sort things out with this person, of course, in a more civilized way, for example, analyze his behavior and find out what exactly annoys you so much.

It may well turn out that this is a worthy person in all respects, it's just that you are biased towards him.

If so, then get over your dislike and learn to evaluate people objectively.

If someone scratches you: in reality, you will have to listen to a lot of unflattering words addressed to you, but the most disappointing thing is that for the most part these accusations will be true and you yourself know this deep down.

Try to treat critical remarks to your address not with hostility, but with gratitude, because by pointing out your shortcomings, those around you help to get rid of them.

To see a scratch on your body - in reality you will have a conflict with a loved one.

In this quarrel, you will be wrong and even realize your wrong, but nevertheless you will persist, which will lead to a quarrel that will leave a deep mark on your heart, but because of false pride you will not admit your mistakes.

You still have the opportunity to change the situation, and for this you just need to realize your wrong and ask for forgiveness for being too persistent.

Seeing a scratch on a friend's body.

Interpretation of dreams from

Crystal - you can professionally engage in magic.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Crystal - mental rigidity.

Family dream book

Any crystal thing seen in a dream- means the approach of a recession both in relations with people and in business.

A woman who dreamed of a hall decorated with crystal- doubt the merits of his chosen one.

Slavic dream book

Crystal - to material wealth and well-being.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Crystal?

Receive crystal products as a gift- means that other people will admire your talent and originality.

Giving crystal is a sign of unsuccessful enterprises. Cleanly washed glasses seen in a dream predict that you will have an excellent job, but you will have to put up with submission.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Crystal - the need to activate positive energy.

Dream Interpretation Longo

In a dream, they give you a crystal object- in reality, your relationship with the donor is very fragile and can collapse at any moment. If this is your friend or someone close to you, then try and how you can justify his expectations. If this is an enemy, then your hostility will soon come to an end, but for this you will have to take the initiative into your own hands.

Break a crystal object- you will part with someone close to you. It could be your friend, girlfriend or relative. In any case, this will happen suddenly, and no one can help the grief. You will have to come to terms with the decision of this person, understand him and forgive him. And in no case do not try to change his decision - this will only aggravate his dislike for you and kill any hope of resuming relations in the future.

Give someone a crystal object in a dream- in reality, you do not have serious feelings for this person. It may seem to you that this is true friendship or true love, but you are deeply mistaken, and not about him, but about yourself. One has only to happen to some kind of trouble, as your feelings will disappear without a trace. Therefore, do not assure this person of your sincerity, but think: maybe you will be able to find the best way out of this situation, and in such a way as not to offend anyone, because other people are not to blame for the fact that you have not learned to understand your own feelings and intentions .

Deliberately throwing crystal dishes off the table and dismantling- you have to make a serious decision that will radically change your life. Maybe you will leave your family and find a new one, maybe you will go to another city or country, or maybe you will start a new business - in any case, your usual way of life will change radically, but it will do you good, since you have lived for quite a long time in captivity of stamps and outdated ideas about life.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Crystal - stagnation in business, alienation from friends and lover.

Buy crystal or receive as a gift- you are tormented by doubts and uncertainty in relations with your lover.

Give or break a crystal thing- positive shifts are planned in all spheres of activity.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing crystal dishes or things made of crystal in a dream- means the illusory and fragility of your dreams. Such dreams usually portend disappointment. It looks like your dreams lack practicality. Try to assess the reality around you soberly and impartially.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing crystal - the energy of your body has weakened; it is necessary to increase energy by various methods; see crystal jewelry- You need to wear them to improve your health.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Crystal - your presence will decorate the evening, you will be extraordinary as never before.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Crystal - very good news portends this dream.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Crystal - a bright, beautiful, but fragile feeling will be experienced by one who sees crystal in a dream.

Miller's dream book

See any crystal thing in a dream is a fatal sign of impending depression in social relations or business area.

If a woman sees in a dream a richly decorated dining room decorated with crystal- she will doubt the merits of her chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Crystal according to the dream book?

Mountain crystal - knowledge, spiritual abilities; dishes - family decline, turmoil.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Crystal - fragility, fragility, destruction, mistakes.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To dream of a piece of crystal or crystal products- to failures and disappointments.

You dreamed that you broke a piece of crystal or a piece of crystal- in the near future you will be severely disappointed in your beloved (lover).

If you dreamed that you were buying crystal products- Know that you are to blame for your failures.

In a dream, you were selling crystal products- your behavior in society will greatly upset your loved ones.

You were given a piece of crystal or crystal products- beware, you can get into a natural disaster zone.

Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep: Crystal according to the dream book?

Crystal - many desires, temptations, but you will have to be bitterly disappointed, all of them are not available to you.

Buying a crystal product in a dream (a vase, a dish, a chandelier, etc.) - your dream is unlikely to come true: there are too many obstacles in your way. Drinking wine from crystal glasses - a dream portends a joy that will be short-lived. Drinking from a crystal glass - you will achieve fame in a dubious way. Seeing a table lined with crystal dishes - a decline awaits you both in work and in relationships with people. Looking at crystal, admiring the play of its facets - new business partners will promise you mountains of gold and, of course, deceive you.

Putting flowers in a crystal vase - you are too careless in dealing with people. Your gullibility can be used against you. To break a thing made of crystal - all your efforts will go to waste. Glue broken crystal - your attempts to restore the old relationship are doomed to failure. Cut yourself on a piece of crystal - someone close will make a mistake, and this will cause you suffering.

Imagine that you are exchanging crystal for porcelain. Anything made of crystal becomes porcelain (see Porcelain).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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1. Crystal- (Modern dream book)
Seeing crystal products in a dream is a fatal sign. Similar dream predicts decline in all areas of your life. After such a dream, it is possible natural disasters, which will cause great damage to the city or country. If a woman dreams of a dining room richly decorated with crystal, then she will have a reason to ruthlessly debunk her idols.
2. Crystal- (Miller's dream book)
Seeing any crystal thing in a dream is a fatal sign of impending depression in social relationships or business. If a woman sees in a dream a richly decorated dining room, decorated with crystal, she will doubt the merits of her chosen one.
3. Crystal- (Esoteric dream book)
There are many desires, temptations, but you will have to be bitterly disappointed - all of them are not available to you. Beat H. - give up excessive claims. This can bring both peace if you are not upset, and depression if you find it difficult to come to terms with it.
4. Crystal- (Dream Interpretation of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
In a dream, they give you an object made of crystal - in reality your relationship with the donor is very fragile and can collapse at any moment. If this is your friend or someone close to you, then try and how you can justify his expectations. If this is an enemy, then your hostility will soon come to an end, but for this you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. Breaking a crystal object - you will part with someone close to you. It could be your friend, girlfriend or relative. In any case, this will happen suddenly, and no one can help the grief. You will have to come to terms with the decision of this person, understand him and forgive him. And in no case do not try to change his decision - this will only aggravate his dislike for you and kill any hope of resuming relations in the future. Giving a crystal object to someone in a dream - in reality, you do not have serious feelings for this person. It may seem to you that this is true friendship or true love, but you are deeply mistaken, and not about him, but about yourself. One has only to happen to some kind of trouble, as your feelings will disappear without a trace. Therefore, do not assure this person of your sincerity, but think: maybe you will be able to find the best way out of this situation, and in such a way as not to offend anyone, because other people are not to blame for the fact that you have not learned to understand your own feelings and intentions . Intentionally throwing crystal dishes off the table and disassembling - you have to make a serious decision that will radically change your life. Maybe you will leave your family and find a new one, maybe you will go to another city or country, or maybe you will start a new business - in any case, your usual way of life will change radically, but it will do you good, since you have lived for quite a long time in captivity of stamps and outdated ideas about life. If one of your loved ones allowed himself such barbarism in your dream, then it is this person who will change yours with his decisive act.