I dreamed of eating pink marshmallows. Why dream of marshmallows in a dream book

  • 22.09.2019

Dream interpretation marshmallow

Soft and airy marshmallows are associated with carefree childhood for many people.. Everyone probably wanted to re-experience the emotions experienced, and therefore such pleasant dreams bring a large number of positive emotions. What is the dream of marshmallows for? Most interpreters say that such a delicacy portends an easy and carefree life.

What should be expected?

As writes famous dream book, marshmallow symbolizes pleasant experiences that left a mark in the dreamer's soul. An unforgettable life filled with bright colors awaits him, but what surprises can you expect?

Unexpected surprises

If a white and soft marshmallow is not far away, and you can just reach it with your hand, then in real life you will receive a nice gift.

As a rule, the material value of the presentation will be insignificant, but the emotions received are simply priceless. Such an unusual sign of attention can chain the heart of almost any person.

There is a marshmallow - to receive a present from that person from whom no one expected this. The dreamer should take a closer look at his immediate environment, for sure there will be people in it who are embarrassed by their true feelings.


The fair sex is very fond of surprises. If the dreamer had a dream white marshmallow, then a pleasant acquaintance and a date with an interesting guy will await her. However, this attitude will not lead to any results, since the personalities of the partners will soon begin to conflict.


A man may have a dream in which he treats his chosen one with a delicious treat. The interpretation is extremely simple:

Treat someone in a dream

  • an unmarried man will find a soul mate;
  • a married man will strengthen his marriage.


Different dream books give their assessments regarding the types of dreamed marshmallows.


For example, Miller's interpreter will tell you that a white dessert portends easy money and casual relationships. Experiencing a feeling of joy from suddenly appearing benefits, one must maintain self-control at the same time, otherwise luck will simply turn away from a sleeping person.


Marshmallows in chocolate can tell the dreamer that in the future he will have an improvement in his financial situation. Of course, this will not happen in one day, and efforts will have to be made to get the ball rolling.

Psychologists explain why the fair sex so often dreams of a chocolate treat. In their life, not only a beautiful, but also a financially secure gentleman who will indulge any whims should appear.

Dessert in chocolate

Other interpretations

Eating a sweet product - to love disappointments and unsatisfied desire. Relationships can end before they even begin, so you should try to devote more time to your chosen one.

The modern dream book insists that when buying an airy treat, you need to remain vigilant.

Accidentally bought marshmallows will be associated with unforeseen expenses or the loss of valuables. They may not have great material value, but they will be of great spiritual value.

If there was a purchase in the night dreams, then the dreamer should think about the safety of his property.

Cooking marshmallows on your own means getting into other people's muzzles, but it's better not to do this, since obsession can ruin your relationship. No matter how well you orient yourself in a particular situation, you must limit yourself in your statements.

Treating someone - to a conflict with a relative or close friend, which spoils the mood for a long time. Such a conversation cannot be avoided, and the consequences can be unpredictable.

Some interpreters say that the quality of the product should always be the highest.

If you dreamed of a poor-quality product, then it's time to clean your cabinets and bookshelves. Life will become easier as soon as all unnecessary things are thrown away.

Miller's dream book says that buying a sweet treat can be equated with buying some thing. If the dreamer saw such a sign, then the time has come for his professional activities. Most likely, the purchased item will not bring any pleasure.

Among the ancient Greeks, zephyr meant the west wind, among the ancient poets - warm light a breeze, and in cooking - a kind of sugary confectionery sweets. Inhabitants Ancient Greece They believed that the Zephyr (Ζέφυρος) God of the Wind gave them the recipe for marshmallows, which is why this delicacy is so airy. Now on the shelves of stores you can buy marshmallows made according to the most different recipes. Marshmallows are white, pink, apple, pear, lemon, raspberry or cherry, as well as creamy or chocolate.

A marshmallow seen in a dream symbolizes lightness and carelessness. Of course, the nuances of sleep and your actions with marshmallows can change the interpretation, but the fact that this is a good dream is for sure. For example, buying marshmallows or marshmallows as a gift are slightly negative dreams, but again they do not speak of grief or misfortune, all the failures that follow this dream will be temporary and easily resolved. Let's take a closer look at what the marshmallows seen in a dream mean anyway.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Eating marshmallows in a dream - soon you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time really want to see him.
  • I dreamed of "offering marshmallows" - a scandal will break out with a loved one because of a trifle.
  • I dreamed of "buying marshmallows" - losses, loss, damage, unsuccessful purchase.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • I dreamed of a marshmallow, what is it for? The dream must be interpreted based on what you did with this delicacy in your dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: to buy marshmallows - you will make a wasteful purchase, unprofitable and meaningless. The purchase will not bring you any joy, only a feeling of disappointment and annoyance about the money spent will remain.
  • Dream Interpretation: cooking marshmallows yourself - in real life, you won’t take it for your own business, you want to help, but it will turn out the other way around, just complicate everything.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating marshmallows in a dream - you constantly think about one person, you haven’t seen him for a long time, get ready to experience happiness - there will be a meeting with him / her soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a marshmallow as a gift - you again and again quarrel with your loved one, finding different reasons and trifling clues. Why are you doing it? After all, you yourself then languish in anticipation and shudder from any noise in the hope that it was he / she who came / came.

Jewish dream book

Zephyr in a dream - a quiet and prosperous life.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: there is white marshmallow - to meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but really wanted this.
  • The interpretation of the dream "marshmallows to buy" is a waste of money, the loss of valuable property.
  • I dreamed of "cooking marshmallows at home" - you are trying to help in a matter in which you yourself know little. Get involved in a difficult and difficult business for you.
  • A dream of "marshmallows is treated" - quarrel with your loved one over a trifle.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

In a dream, eat sweet marshmallows - to flattering speeches.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

In a dream, wanting to buy a white marshmallow is a date, a romantic meeting.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

I dreamed of eating sweet marshmallows - a sweet life in reality.

Generalized dream book


In conclusion, I would like to note that the marshmallow is a rather rare dream. Very few dream interpreters paid attention to this airy dessert. No interpretations in Vanga's dream book "zephyr" or marshmallow according to Freud, unfortunately, could not be found as the Muslim dream book explains marshmallow. However, from those interpretations that we presented above, we can say with confidence: marshmallows are a positive dream that carries goodness and only occasionally minor chores.

Probably, there are few people in the world who are indifferent to sweets. They cheer up and, so to speak, sweeten our lives. Most people, of course, prefer chocolate, most often women and children.

But marshmallow occupies a special place: airy, fragrant, tasty, it cannot leave you indifferent and let you pass by. It also happens that they come to us in a dream, then why do marshmallows dream? He promises dreamers:

  • Positive emotions.
  • Present.
  • Pleasant acquaintance.
  • A long-awaited meeting, etc.

Naturally, it all depends on how exactly, where and in what circumstances the marshmallow dreamed.

Watch, eat, treat

We saw this delicious delicacy near us and really wanted to taste it - you will receive a gift in the near future. Moreover, it will not be dear to you for its price, size, and so on - you will appreciate it as a sign of attention and respect from the donor. And if you even ate this marshmallow, then the gift will be from the person from whom you least expected it.

For girls, seeing white marshmallows is an interesting acquaintance and romantic relationship. Of course, how long they will be will depend on you, but good communication, emotions and fun will be provided to you.

Some dream books interpret marshmallows in a dream as a harbinger of getting easy money, and a treat in chocolate as a sign of an improvement in financial situation. For girls, this dream promises an acquaintance with a wealthy young man and a long relationship with him.

And what will the dream book tell in this case - did the marshmallow dream about expired, dried up or moldy? This image indicates the need, as well as your willingness to make new acquaintances, useful contacts, get rid of old unnecessary things and start thinking in a new way.

Treating someone with marshmallows is a misunderstanding or a bad situation with relatives and friends. Try to watch your words and actions so as not to offend others once again. Author: Natalia Chernikova

The marshmallow seen in a dream is undoubtedly very good sign. It symbolizes lightness and carelessness. A person who sees such a dream is provided with a rich and bright future. Of course, any dream has nuances in interpretation. Zephyr is no exception.

What if a marshmallow is dreaming?

Why dream of marshmallows, fresh and appetizing, lying within reach and asking to be eaten? And he dreams of an unexpected and pleasant gift. Most likely, it will have not so much material value as it will be a sign of attention and respect.

It can be a ticket to a concert, a huge bouquet of flowers, or even a certificate for a personalized star. The gift will come from a completely unexpected person. It is likely that the donor will wish to keep his or her name confidential.

At the same time, you should not feel indebted to this person. He will make a gift from a pure soul, not wanting anything in return.

Buying marshmallows in a store is a long-term success. There is a bright streak in life. The plan will be executed easily and naturally. But the paradox is that you should not wait for someone's help during this period. Yes, it probably won't be needed. Luck and luck are the main friends and helpers for the near future.

Eating marshmallows in a dream - for the upcoming holiday. The celebration will be very crowded, cheerful and magnificent. Perhaps soon one of the close friends or relatives is planning a wedding, anniversary or housewarming.

It is important on this day not to offend the hosts of the celebration with your neglect and be sure to visit the fun. Also, do not skimp on the gift. Donating money is not recommended.

Be sure to set aside time and choose for the hosts of the holiday a gift that would remain for them a bright memory and pleasant memories of a significant date.

What portends?

A dream in which a person prepares marshmallows himself portends some kind of undertaking. It can be anything: a new romantic relationship, a serious project at work or even a job change, a move to another city, or planning a child.

It is very important to remember the smallest details of such a dream. After all, they can tell a lot of interesting things about the upcoming undertaking. Large marshmallows portend grandiose plans. If the dish did not work out or turned out to be tasteless, this means that the path to the intended goal will not be as easy as expected.

If the marshmallow melted in a dream, do not worry. Such a dream portends minor household chores. This may be an unexpected visit of uninvited guests or a broken chandelier at the wrong time. In any case, the chores are temporary.

As you can see, the marshmallow dreamed in a dream is a kind and positive sign. Such a dream carries a lot of new, interesting and fun. It is only important to correctly use the clues that fate gives. And then the next period of life will be painted only with bright colors.

This airy delicacy in a dream symbolizes joy, lightness, carelessness. Interpreting what the marshmallow is dreaming of, the dream book promises the sea positive emotions, luck and a comfortable and eventful life.

Get ready for surprises and surprises

Seeing a white appetizing marshmallow lying within reach, which you just want to eat, means that soon you will receive a nice gift. Moreover, the present itself, as the dream book clarifies, will not be of great material value, but rather will become a sign of attention and respect for the dreamer. I managed to eat a white delicacy in a dream - a gift will be given by a person from whom you never expected to show attention.

A modern dream book explains why a girl dreams of a white marshmallow. This means that the dreamer will have a date and pleasant communication with a handsome young man. But, according to the interpreter, despite the fun and carefree pastime, this does not mean that the relationship will last long.

What does Miller portend?

Miller's dream book identifies a dream cake with easy money and frivolous relationships. Seeing marshmallow in chocolate promises an improvement in financial situation. The psychologist explains why the girl dreams of this delicacy in chocolate. The dream indicates that an acquaintance is coming not only with a handsome, but also financially secure man who will show genuine interest in the sleeping woman. Eating this sweet product in a dream portends disappointments, unsatisfied desires.

The plot of the dream as a reflection of the future

Depending on the actions performed by the dreamer in a dream, the interpretation of the dream about the marshmallow is revealed by dream books in different ways. So:

  • there is an airy marshmallow - to meet a person whom they have long wanted to see;
  • eat marshmallows in chocolate - you will hear flattering speeches;
  • cooking sweets at home promises participation in a business that you don’t understand;
  • they treat marshmallows in a dream - to a quarrel with a soulmate;
  • treat them to someone - visit the holiday.

Try to be reasonable!

Interpreting why one dreams of buying marshmallows, a modern combined dream book calls for vigilance. A dreamed marshmallow promises excessive wastefulness, a vain purchase, an unexpected loss of a valuable item. To see that you had to buy sweets for someone as a gift - take care of the safety of your property.

I dreamed that they made this sweet product on their own, which means that in reality, try not to get into other people's affairs. Under any circumstances, your knowledge of the issue at hand is limited and can only lead to the complication of the situation.

Treat some character with marshmallows, warns of conflict situation with a relative or a well-known person who will burden and torment you.

Manage money wisely

In some dream interpreters, buying a marshmallow is equated to acquiring some kind of object or thing in real life. A dreamed action can serve as a hint of an unfavorable moment for transactions and new acquisitions. It is likely that the purchased item will quickly become unusable and disappoint you, and new contacts will in fact not be so profitable.

Seeing stale or moldy marshmallows in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, means that it is time to say goodbye to unnecessary things, break old contacts, and renew your thinking.

Modern combined dream book

  • There are marshmallows- means that you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but you wanted to see.
  • buy marshmallows- to the waste of money, the sudden loss of a valuable item, damage to property.
  • If you cook marshmallows at home- it means that you are trying to help in a case about which you yourself know very little; you will comfort someone after they made a mistake; get involved in a difficult and intractable matter.
  • If you are treated to marshmallows- You will quarrel with your loved one over a trifle.

If you dreamed of a white marshmallow, you will receive an unexpected gift from a stranger. This may be your new acquaintance, whom you met quite recently, but have already managed to feel mutual sympathy. The received present will not be of great material value, but will be a symbolic expression of sincerity of intentions and desire to get closer.

Appreciate the signs of attention, because they come from a pure heart. Take a closer look at this person, perhaps he is the one who has been looking for all his life.

What does the dream in which they ate white marshmallow mean

Eating a white airy treat means that you have tender feelings for a person who cannot reciprocate. Such a sign warns that this hobby is not destined to grow into something more, and it is better to turn your attention to other objects.

Don't try to evoke feelings that don't exist in the first place. Be attentive to the desires of other people, do not impose your will on them, by all means. Such relationships will not bring happiness.

Interpretation of a dream in which there was a marshmallow

According to the dream book, a vision where you happened to eat marshmallows portends a close meeting with a person whom you parted with for a long time and never saw each other again. Despite the fact that you once had a dislike for him, and the parting went in an unpleasant way, the date will bring you joy, and past disagreements will be forgotten.

Learn to forgive the people to whom you feel affection. Try to be aware and admit your mistakes, if any. Do not hold a grudge against someone who has a place in your heart.

There are a lot of marshmallows in a dream

If you had to eat a lot of marshmallows, you will have to face a deceitful and hypocritical person. Through flattery and deceit, she will try to get you to do things that could damage your reputation. Succumbing to her charms, you can lose something that is of great importance to you.

Be vigilant, do not succumb to provocations. Try to understand the true intentions of a person who is trying by all means to gain confidence in you.

Why dream that you are buying marshmallows

Buying marshmallows in a dream means that acquisitions made in reality will be unsuccessful. You will realize that you spent a lot of money in vain on buying unnecessary things, but it will be too late to change anything. Also, minor financial troubles due to unsuccessful investment of funds are not ruled out, but they will not cause significant damage.

Do not get too upset and lament over what has already been done. Better try to find ways to make up for the losses.

I dreamed of a multi-colored marshmallow

A multi-colored marshmallow is often dreamed of if you are trying to seem smarter than you really are. Perhaps this behavior is caused by the desire to make a positive impression on someone. However, this can lead to a completely opposite effect, since you will not be able to pretend for a long time.

Be yourself. Don't try to pretend to be someone you are not. Try to develop in yourself the necessary qualities that you lack.

The meaning of pink marshmallow according to the dream book

If you dreamed of a pink marshmallow, a romantic adventure awaits. A new acquaintance can lead to the beginning of a stormy romance. However, you should not count on the duration of such relationships. You will spend many pleasant moments with your partner, but as soon as the passion passes, you will understand that you do not intend to associate your life with this person.