DIY bed headboard - beautiful and unusual options. Master class: do-it-yourself soft headboard for a bed How to attach decorative pillows to the wall

  • 25.10.2023

The headboard of the bed is the central element of the bedroom design. This detail can make the room more comfortable and stylish. You've probably seen a lot of fancy beds with luxurious headboards in hotels or on TV, but never thought that you could do it yourself.

A beautiful headboard made of expensive fabric will help emphasize your style and aristocracy. Of course, you can limit yourself to purchasing, but it is much more interesting to make the headboard yourself, choosing a unique shape and high-quality material. In addition to saving money, you will also save time that would have been spent searching for the right headboard.

The essence of the method

The purpose of an upholstered headboard is to improve the appearance of the headboard and make it more pleasant to the touch. The advantage of this method is that it does not require much experience or design skills.

All you need to do is:

  1. Decide on the material. It is best to give preference to rough canvas or wool, but the final choice is yours.
  2. Decide on buttons. It is recommended to select buttons to match the selected upholstery material, but you can also experiment with shades.


To do the job well, we will need:

  1. Plywood sheet. The amount of this material depends on the size of the future headboard, and we will give the appropriate shape in the process.
  2. Foam rubber. You can choose another material for the lining, but it must be soft.
  3. Sintepon or batting.
  4. Needle with thread.
  5. Small carnations.
  6. Hooks.
  7. Buttons.
  8. Buttons.
  9. Set of tools.

We may also need:

  1. Jigsaw.
  2. Drill with a set of drills.
  3. Stapler.
  4. Construction trestles.

Stages of work

To make it easier for you to navigate, we will describe the entire process step by step.

First stage

It's optional, but if you want to give your headboard a unique shape, you can't skip it. In this step we will cut the headboard from a sheet of plywood to the shape you have chosen.

First you need to draw a sketch on paper and only then transfer it to plywood, after which we cut off all the excess parts with a jigsaw. This stage will require maximum accuracy from you, since one awkward movement will return us to the beginning.

Second phase

In the resulting workpiece we drill holes for buttons, maintaining the distance and approximate sequence.

Note! The button holes should be smooth on both sides.

Third stage

Adjusting the foam rubber (or any other material that was chosen for laying) to the shape of the headboard. You can choose any thickness of plywood and foam rubber! Scissors are used to cut the material.

Fourth stage

To press the foam rubber tightly to the plywood, it is recommended to use batting, and to fix it - a construction stapler. We need to stretch the material onto the plywood piece as much as possible and secure it on the back side with staples. If the selected batting turns out to be of poor quality and cannot provide sufficiently tight pressure, then adhesives can be used.

Fifth stage

Using a stapler, we also fix the upholstery material, having previously covered the headboard with it. If the chosen shape of the headboard is not too sophisticated, then a needle and thread will not be needed. In this case, it is better to start stretching the fabric from the center, gradually distributing it to the edges.

Note! To ensure that the attractiveness of the headboard does not suffer, it is recommended to use pintucks of the same size along the entire length of the fabric, with each subsequent one overlapping the previous one.

Sixth stage

We also use upholstery material to cover buttons. To secure it to the products, you must use a needle. To increase the strength and make the finished buttons more presentable, you can add embroidery threads to regular threads. It is necessary to fix the upholstered decorative elements on the headboard by inserting them into the previously drilled holes and sewing them to the headboard.

Note! Both ends of the thread should remain on the back side of the headboard.

Seventh stage

At the last stage we will attach the headboard to the wall using special hooks. These products must be securely fixed in the chosen place and only after that the finished headboard must be attached to them.


You can make a soft headboard with your own hands, and not only using the above method. As an original bed design, you can use small decorative pillows attached to the wall. You can make an ornament out of them or simply place them in a checkerboard pattern (if two colors are chosen). You can also cover a simple wooden headboard with a long piece of material, tying it in the front with a cute bow.

The bed is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom. Installing or updating a headboard will help transform the overall arrangement of the room and give the room more coziness and comfort. Despite the numerous varieties of these products in the store, you can make a soft headboard for a bed with your own hands; there are many ways, and the costs are minimal.

Types of products

The structures will help not only improve the quality of rest, but also protect the wall from rubbing, which will allow you to preserve the freshness and beauty of the finish for a long time. You can make a soft headboard for a bed with your own hands in several types:

  • soft;
  • figured;
  • carriage tie;
  • using shreds;
  • from pillows.

Upholstered headboard for bed

This option is very simple to implement and anyone can do it without much difficulty. In order to make a soft headboard, you need to prepare:

  • a piece of plywood (the shape can be rectangular, round and other options);
  • thick fabric;
  • foam;
  • construction stapler.

At the first stage, you need to take a plywood sheet and apply 2 layers of foam rubber on it. Then we put thick fabric on the plywood and foam rubber so that the material extends 10-15 cm beyond the edges, then secure it with a stapler. It is preferable to select shades and patterns based on the arrangement of the bedroom. Thus, in 2-3 hours you can transform your bedroom with a rather original and elegant element.

Curly headboard for bed

This type of construction will also be soft, but have a special relief. To make it you need to prepare:

  • plywood sheet;
  • soap or chalk - for marking the fabric;
  • foam;
  • construction adhesive, mostly universal;
  • stapler;
  • furniture nails;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • unnecessary material.

First, we make a sketch on which drawings and markings will be made. Afterwards, blanks are cut out of plywood, fabric and foam rubber. The foam rubber is glued to the plywood; for greater reliability, the edges are secured with a stapler. The same manipulations are done with the fabric.

The head of the bed is placed in a horizontal position, and the fabric is carefully stretched using staples on the back side. On the back side of the fabric you need to make cuts so that it perfectly follows the relief of the headboard.

If you don’t know how to decorate the upholstery, you need to take furniture nails, which are fixed at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the headboard. In order to make the second line of decor, markings are made with chalk or soap with an indentation of approximately 10 cm from the first line. Carnations are nailed along the marked line. The reverse side is closed with unnecessary material using a stapler. The headboard is completely ready.

The element can be attached to a wall or bed. You can also simply place it on the floor against the wall near the bed.

Product using the carriage tie technique

This design looks quite interesting and stylish. For work you will need materials:

  • plywood sheet;
  • stapler;
  • foam rubber - at least 5 cm;
  • pneumatic gun;
  • padding polyester;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • cord;
  • buttons with a fabric surface of medium or large size.

A layer of glue is spread on the plywood sheet and foam rubber is fixed. Next, a sheet of cardboard or thick paper is placed on the surface, holes for the buttons are drawn, then they are cut out. A sheet with cut holes is applied to the foam rubber and the places for the buttons are outlined with a marker.

Making holes for buttons

To transfer the holes to the foam rubber, use a drill with an attachment. You can glue padding polyester on top, which will make the surface softer, but this is not necessary. The upholstery material is stretched, after which through holes are made with a drill. A cord is pulled through the buttons and made into the holes. For convenience, you can use a hook.

Thread the buttons through the holes

The cords must be tightened so that the buttons fit snugly against the upholstery. The ropes are secured with a stapler. The bed with a beautiful headboard is ready.

On video: DIY headboard with carriage tie.

Headboard using scraps

You can make a soft headboard with your own hands from soft materials or fabric. For significant savings, it is better to take not a whole piece of material, but use many scraps. The material can be old jeans, dresses, etc. The work will be carried out using the following materials:

  • plywood sheet – 2 pcs.;
  • foam;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • saw or hacksaw;
  • scissors;
  • glue and adhesive tape;
  • stapler;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver

The plywood sheet must be divided into square or rectangular pieces. Using a saw or hacksaw, cut out the shapes. The number and sizes can be very diverse. Similar figures are cut out of foam rubber; the fabric needs to be 8-10 cm larger.

The materials are glued together as follows: plywood + foam rubber + fabric. To avoid wrinkles, the fabric should be taut. For reliability, the fabric is additionally secured with a stapler. The finished elements are glued together with adhesive tape. Next, take a second plywood, onto which each figure is attached using glue or self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. The product is ready and looks quite original.

Manufacturing process
The finished result

On video: DIY soft headboard.

Pillow headboard

This backrest is made from a large number of small pillows. It all depends on the desired size of the headboard. Pillows should be the same shape, but may differ in color. The pads are sewn to each other at the corners. They can be secured with glue or nails. The first option is more practical and will not spoil the headboard. You can also use a cornice for these purposes.

In addition

The bed can be decorated with elements from other materials. Wooden headboards are absolutely environmentally friendly and will bring elegance and simplicity to the interior. The wooden element will look especially useful in rustic and natural styles.

The headboard with a built-in mirror looks quite original. Due to this, it is possible to create different visual effects in the bedroom. Upholstered headboards always look beautiful and highlight the overall style of the bedroom. An element decorated with various decor will add wealth and chic; in addition, made with your own hands, it will always be a unique and original interior detail.

There are various bed headboards on the Internet, photos of which will help you choose the option that is ideal for the design of the room. Create your own unique option, in which the bed will be complemented with a beautiful and functional detail.

No one will argue that sleeping on a bed with a soft headboard is comfortable and cozy, since there is always the opportunity to lean on the back, which is pleasant to the touch and harmonizes perfectly with the entire interior.

A soft headboard will make the bed even softer and the interior richer.

This bed is good for everyone, but many are confused by such a nuance as the relatively high cost of such furniture. However, if you don’t have enough finances, don’t despair: you can make a soft headboard with your own hands, there’s nothing particularly difficult about it. In order to make a soft headboard, you will need the following:

In order to make a soft headboard for a bed, you will need batting or padding polyester.

  • Chipboard or plywood. As for plywood, you should not buy it at a hardware store, since it is not sold there of the highest quality; it becomes distorted during use. It is recommended to purchase such material from companies that manufacture furniture;
  • batting or padding polyester. As for the batting, it is easy to work with, but you should not stretch it too much, as it may unravel. Instead of batting, you can use a knitted lining fabric;
  • foam;
  • buttons;
  • nails;
  • strong threads with lavsan or nylon (you can use nylon threads). Whatever threads are used, the main condition is: they should not tear, they can only be cut;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • stapler for furniture (it is better to buy a metal one, you should immediately take spare staples for it).

How to make a soft back: the first stage of work

Before you start work, you need to develop a design project for the bed in general and the headboard in particular. This process should be carried out only after many options have been studied, the most acceptable one should be chosen, and one should be guided not only by one’s tastes, but also by the features of the rest of the interior. It should be taken into account that a soft headboard is more suitable for a classic style, but it will not be suitable for a bedroom designed in a high-tech or avant-garde style.

First, the outline of the future head of the bed is drawn on the chipboard. Then the canvas is attached to the outline using a stapler.

On a sheet of plywood or chipboard you need to draw the shape of the future soft headboard of the bed. The height is calculated from the surface of the bed (if the back is made of plywood) or from the floor (if it is made of a heavier material). The upper part should be symmetrical. In order to achieve this, you need to draw an outline on a piece of paper and trace both sides in turn. This blank is then carefully cut out with a jigsaw.

If you plan to make a soft back relief using buttons or other accessories, then you need to mark and drill holes in the workpiece. If buttons are used, then you need to take into account the fact that all tight-fitting buttons are produced with a plastic leg; such a leg cannot withstand loads and immediately bounces off.

It is difficult to find metal buttons on the stem in regular stores, so it is recommended to purchase them in military stores. It is not recommended to use too many such elements, and you must ensure that their arrangement is symmetrical. Now, from the fabric with which the headboard will be covered, you need to cut out large round pieces (their diameter should be twice the size of the buttons themselves). You need to sew a strong seam around the perimeter, then place a button in the center and tighten the thread. Thus, the button ends up in a tight bag. In order for everything to be secure, it is recommended to secure it with a few additional stitches.

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How to make a soft back: the second stage of work

To make a soft back, the base of chipboard and foam rubber is sheathed with soft material.

The workpiece is placed on a foam sheet, and then you need to draw the contours of the soft part with a marker. Then, with an ordinary, sharply sharpened knife, you need to cut the foam along the contour, pushing its parts apart. If soft material is used for these purposes, then instead of a knife you should use simple scissors. Now you need to assemble the future soft headboard of the bed - foam rubber and plywood, then batting or padding polyester is stretched on top. All parts need to be connected together, bending the edges. On the reverse side you need to fix the batting, for this you use a furniture stapler.

Then the headboard is similarly finished with thick fabric; you can use tapestry, corduroy and high-quality fabric, which is used for upholstery. As a fabric, you can use leatherette, chinilla or slightly fleecy fabric. When purchasing fabric, you need to take into account that its width is 150 cm, which means that it may not fit along the length.

The trim around the edges of the headboard is carefully secured with strong threads.

In order to avoid this, it is recommended to use fabric without a pronounced pattern. We must take into account that foam rubber is sold in standard sheets, so you need to cut it out yourself. It is good to cut it with a regular knife, but you should not be afraid that the edge will not be perfectly smooth, since it will still be pressed by the fabric.

The edges of the fabric need to be folded, first of all at the bends, they should be fixed with a stapler. All waves are fixed, even sections too, but you need to try to keep the folds even. Now you need to take strong threads with lavsan or nylon and a large needle. The thread is threaded through the hole, the fabric and foam are pierced through. The needle should be longer than the thickness of the back. It is necessary to take into account that needles tend to break during work, so you need to stock up on several at once.

I recently finished renovating my bedroom. I also wanted to update the bed, as its appearance was outdated. I decided to make a quilted soft back. The result is in the photo.

The MK of the process with pictures can be easily found on the Internet, but the “pitfalls” that I had to encounter are not described there.

So that you don’t have to “open the bike” again, I’m writing this post.

Let's start with the materials.

I needed:

Sheet of plywood. I’ll tell you right away that you won’t be able to find plywood in a hardware store. Simply because construction plywood is of low quality and it bends during use. So we are looking for it in furniture manufacturing companies. We need high-quality FURNITURE plywood!

Since my backrest size was planned to be 175 by 80 cm, I had to take a standard sheet of plywood, which is much larger. But they can cut it for you right where you buy it (not for free, of course).

The next headache is choosing fabric. I took fake leather. He showed himself to be fine at work. During use I am constantly afraid of scratching it with my fingernail. If you don’t want such problems, buy furniture fabric. Better chinilla or slightly fleecy. It's easier to work with her. We buy fabric at a store for furniture makers, and you can also buy foam rubber there. I took the thickest one, but this is optional.

When purchasing fabric, keep in mind that its width is 150 cm, which means it may not fit along the grain. Therefore, you need to take it without a pronounced vertical pattern. Foam rubber is sold in standard sheets, so you will have to cut it out yourself. It can be cut (or rather not even cut, but sawed) well with a wallpaper knife. Even if the edge is not perfect, it’s okay, it will still be pressed with the fabric.

The next important detail is the buttons. I went to the studio, where they covered 32 buttons with my leatherette.


Any buttons with tight fitting have a plastic foot. It can't withstand the load and just bounces off! So I had to change all the buttons.

As it turns out, there are no metal buttons on the stem in sewing stores! (It was amazing).

Therefore, we immediately go to a store for the military, where they sell shoulder straps, vests and BUTTONS! (By the way, the seller, having learned how many buttons I needed, immediately asked “for furniture”? So I’m not alone with my need in our city).

I think that you can cover metal buttons quite decently at home. It was easier for me in this regard. I took the caps from my unsuccessful custom-made buttons (And they are tightened using a mechanism and turn out to be perfectly even around the circumference), glued them to the military ones and tightened the tails with thread. A custom button cost 6 rubles, a metal one cost 5 rubles.

I also took 32 plastic buttons with puncture holes. They are needed to secure the thread on the wrong side of our back. (Remember fur coats, this is how the buttons are held on them).

Batting. Maybe he’s superfluous, I don’t know, but I liked working with him. I covered the back with it before I took on the leatherette, so my foam didn’t move or move anywhere, which made life much easier and improved the quality of work. One note - you don’t need to pull it too hard - it will fall apart! Next time, I think I'll use a knitted backing fabric rather than batting.

You also need a drill, or better yet, a man with a drill in his hands. We mark the holes directly on the plywood. Either in a checkerboard pattern or in vertical rows, like mine. To make quilting easier, I advise you to make large holes (but no larger than plastic buttons).

Threads. You can buy them at a fabric store or hardware store. The main condition is that they should not tear. AT ALL! They can only be cut. I took nylon threads.

Needle. It should be longer than the thickness of your back (plywood + foam rubber + batting + fabric). And it would be better if it was much longer!

The needles break during the process, take a few.

Furniture stapler. Sold in hardware stores. There are plastic and metal ones. I bought a metal one and immediately got staples for it. Take a simple one, without adaptation for different sizes of staples, this is an unnecessary function. I paid 250 rubles for my stapler.

So we are ready!

We take plywood with drilled holes, put foam rubber, and batting on top. Let's shoot.

We put leatherette on top. Let's shoot.

We mark on the fabric (leatherette) the places where the buttons will be. Let's start quilting.

Since, out of inexperience, I drilled small holes, I was able to pierce the needle and thread from the inside out onto the face, but the reverse process was not possible. I had to look for a way out.

So what I did:

1. We bring the needle from the inside to the face, double thread, long. We leave the long tail on the wrong side.

2. Cut the thread from the needle.

3. Insert a covered button into the eye and tie tightly with three knots. Cut the thread.

4. Pull the thread by the tails that remain from the wrong side. This is where we need a man (well, the one who came with the drill). He presses with all his might on the covered button, and meanwhile you tightly tie a plastic one from the inside, which is for the puncture.

5. Cut off the excess threads and release.

BEAUTY! And so all 32 buttons.

The last question remains to be solved - how to attach this headboard to the bed. I decided the issue radically - NO WAY!

I went to a framing shop and bought two picture hinges. The biggest.

I drilled them to the back (well, you can’t let go of a man with a drill until the end of the process), screws onto the wall and hung the back on the wall.

I sawed off the original headboard of the bed (leaving only the legs so that the bed could still stand) and placed the bed against the headboard.

That's it, you can admire it.

Now, knowing the wisdom of the process, you will succeed. Go for it!

The main piece of furniture in the bedroom. It should not only be convenient and comfortable, but also attractive.

There are a huge number of bed models that you can make with your own hands or purchase ready-made in a store. To give it aesthetics, you should think about a soft headboard. Unfortunately, such products are quite expensive in stores. But if you dream of such a bed, you can make a soft headboard for the bed yourself.

The peculiarity of a soft headboard is that with its help you can immediately transform your bedroom. It is this that gives the room a homely feel and sets you up for a comfortable stay.

Exists several options for making a soft headboard:

  • according to the type of carriage tie;
  • with ornaments made of nails;
  • under imitation tiles (from small pillows).

Each individual option is unique and inimitable in its own way.

In addition, you can make an imitation of a headboard on the wall from scrap materials:

  • apply an ornament on the wall using a stencil (old tulle will work as a stencil);
  • using leftover wallpaper, make vertical stripes on the wall;
  • make panels from plasterboard or wood and cover them with wallpaper;
  • make a box from plasterboard and cover it with fabric;
  • sew a cover on a wooden back.

Of what?

Before you start making a soft headboard for your bed, you need to decide on the consumables. As textiles, you should use dense fabrics, for example: canvas, wool.

You will also need to prepare plywood, chipboard, MDF, or just a door from old furniture. There is no need to purchase expensive materials to make a headboard. They will still be hidden under textiles. The main thing is that the lumber is of high quality, without defects or flaws.

Advice: the color scheme of the backrest is selected depending on the overall interior of the bedroom.

To make different versions of a soft headboard, you need different materials and tools. Let's take a closer look at each individual option.

Back using carriage screed technique

A carriage screed is the most beautiful way to decorate the head of a bed. This technique was used several centuries ago, and still does not lose its relevance. This decoration option is suitable for bedrooms designed in classical styles: baroque, rococo, renaissance.

The pattern itself on the carriage screed can be made in the form of squares and diamonds. To fasten the ornament, rivets or buttons covered with fabric are used. You can also use beads and crystals.

Materials and tools

To make a carriage screed we will need the following tools:

  • drill;
  • sharp knife;
  • Crochet hook;
  • scissors;
  • furniture stapler.

From materials prepare:

  • lumber for the headboard (furniture board, plywood, chipboard);
  • foam rubber (you should make an allowance of 30 cm on the sides);
  • padding polyester;
  • buttons (pre-covered with textiles);
  • universal glue;
  • strong lace or rope (thick enough to fit into the eye of the needle);
  • wall fastenings and screws.

How to do it?

Now you can proceed to the manufacture and assembly of the headboard:

Nail head pattern


From materials and tools we will need:

  • plywood;
  • a piece of thick fabric;
  • glue;
  • nails;
  • padding polyester;
  • scissors;
  • batting;
  • stapler


The production of a soft headboard is carried out in the following sequence:



From materials and tools we will need:

  • plywood for the base;
  • small pieces of plywood measuring 25 by 25 cm;
  • a piece of fabric;
  • padding polyester;
  • furniture stapler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


The manufacturing process of such a headboard consists of the following steps:

Attention: To make an interesting composition, you can use multi-colored pieces of fabric.


Designing a headboard gives you endless opportunities to express yourself:

Useful video

A simple and clear manufacturing method can be seen in the following video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that you can decorate your sleeping area in different ways. Each individual option is beautiful in its own way. The choice should be made based on the size of the bed, the overall interior of the bedroom and your personal wishes and preferences. As a result of your efforts, you will bring some mystery, romance and aesthetics into the interior.

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