What is UIN and how to fill it in correctly in the payment order? UIN in payment orders: sample.

  • 20.10.2019

Starting from March 31, 2014, it is necessary to indicate the UIN code in payment orders for the transfer of funds to the state budget. The abbreviation UIN stands for a unique identifier of accruals. UIN is necessary to correctly determine the purpose of any payment to the state budget. Thanks to the use of this identifier, the transferred funds go to the required budgetary authority.

UIN is a unique code that implies the impossibility of duplication. This identifier is used when paying state fees in various budgetary authorities. In particular, it is used when paying state duties in the tax authorities and the traffic police. When making payments by individuals and legal entities to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation, the UIN code must correspond to the index indicated on the document. In other words, the UIN and FTS codes must match.

When paying the state duty to the traffic police, the UIN code is generated in accordance with the protocol number and the date of approval of this document. In this case, this code can contain both Russian and Latin letters. In some cases, the unique identifier of charges may be unknown or undefined. In this case, the budgetary authorities prescribe a zero HIN value.

Where to get UIN when paying state duty

Most Russians, faced with the need to fill out documents to pay the state duty, ask themselves the question - where to get the UIN for a payment order? Such code cannot be found in any reference books. As mentioned above, it is formed only in the tax authorities and the traffic police. Other budget recipients, as a rule, do not assign a code to completed payment transactions. That is why zero values ​​are usually entered in the "UIN" payment order field.

It is worth noting that payers do not have the opportunity to come up with a UIN on their own. This code has its own generation algorithm. Therefore, an incorrectly specified identifier can lead to an error when checking documents. It is also forbidden to indicate the same UIN for different payments. This code is generated dynamically and, accordingly, any payment order has its own unique meaning.

It should also be said that in payment orders the UIN code is called "Purpose of payment". This code is 20 characters long. Before indicating these symbols, you must write the word UIN. Consequently, 23 characters must be specified in the "Purpose of payment" field.

Is it possible to independently invent UIN

Speaking about the features of the unique identifier of accruals, it is worth emphasizing once again that this parameter is unique. At the same time, the UIN code is formed only by the budgetary authorities. The payer in no case has the right and the ability to independently invent this code. By specifying the invented code, the payer risks that his payment may not reach the destination. Accordingly, it will be considered imperfect.

It should be understood that the code is generated automatically. If the payer, for any reason, does not know the exact unique identifier of charges, he must indicate a zero UIN. Such a code is usually entered if the payment order is intended to transfer funds to the account of a commercial organization.

In the event that the payment order is intended for making a money transfer to the traffic police, the UIN is formed by the number of the issued resolution and the date of its issuance. It should be said that the UIN can form not only the traffic police, but also banking or credit institutions through which payment is made. Payers have the opportunity to find out the traffic police identifier thanks to special formulas that can be found on the Internet.

UIN code in payment order

Is it possible to use one UIN for different payments

UIN is a unique code that can be used to make only one payment. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of unclear customs, tax and other cash receipts. In addition, the uniqueness of this code makes it possible to simplify the system of payments to government agencies. Reusable a single unique identifier can lead to confusion and the loss of a money transfer due to the fact that government agencies have failed to identify it correctly.

Payments indicating UIN can be made not only by individuals, but also by legal entities. Also, such payments are available to budgetary authorities and individual entrepreneurs. Individuals most often indicate UIN when filling out declarations or receipts for making payments to the tax service. It is also possible to make payments to the traffic police.

Legal entities use this code to transfer taxes that have been charged for a certain period of time. In this case, the payer's identifier is his TIN and KPP of the organization. Quite often, payment receipts are formed directly by the budgetary authority. In this case, the UIN and the document index are automatically assigned to it.

What to do if UIN is unknown

Many payers are also often interested in the question “what to do if HIN is unknown?”. Most of the organizations that self-pay tax payments do not use the UIN when making payment orders. For such organizations, the KBK is a unique identifier. As for individual payers, the TIN number is used for them as a UIN. This applies to both individuals and individual entrepreneurs. Legal entities use the checkpoint as this code.

If an entrepreneur planning to make a payment to the tax authority works on a “simplified” basis, when forming a payment order, he must indicate a zero UIN value. In this case, in field 104, you should specify the code according to the current KBK directory.

Summing up, it must be said that in the absence of a tax notice, the field that is intended for writing a unique identifier always has a zero value. In this case, it is necessary to indicate in the field a zero value or an identifier at the request of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate. Payments with an empty field for entering a unique identifier are considered invalid.

Most banks require payers to provide a unique identifier in the relevant documents. Therefore, many are asking questions: what is UIN, how to designate it? You need to find out about this before making a payment, since if mistakes are made, the amount will be returned to the account without crediting. UIN means the identifier of accruals.

The resolution of the Ministry of Finance that this indicator is required to be indicated in payment documents was adopted at the beginning of 2014. After the entry into force of this resolution, the unique identifier was entered in the form 0504510 "Receipt" as a mandatory requisite.

UIN is used in order to correctly determine the receipt of one or another remittance to the budgetary authorities and to simplify the system of cash accruals. This identifier allows you to reduce the amount of unclear tax, customs and other cash receipts. This identifier is required to be specified:

  • when paying for services provided by state and local authorities;
  • when making other payments that are sources of income for the budgetary system of the Russian Federation.

The second group includes, for example, the payment of taxes. However, not all taxpayers are required to provide this identifier.

In what cases UIN is not formed

Unique identificator is not indicated in payment documents when transferring tax fees individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Instead, the KBK code is used. In the case when it is necessary to indicate Additional information on the purpose of payment, in the appropriate column put "UIN0 ///", and after separator mark additional data are registered for identification. Payment property taxes individuals also do not require an identifier. Instead of UIN, in this case, the document index is used.

When paying for medical services, the receipt also contains the "Unique identifier" column. However, in most cases, paid medical services do not imply the use of a unique code when making payments. To transfer money, you need to put "0" in the UIN column. In each medical institution, this information is published on the official website. Also, information about this code can be obtained from the medical center where this receipt was issued.

Where the code is indicated in 2016-2017

You can find out the UIN in the organization to which the funds are transferred. Budget organizations prescribe the accrual code in the receipt in the twenty-second column. In this case, the bank employee must duplicate the UIN in the payment document. When making non-cash payments, entrepreneurs put 0 in the code column. Today, UIN is used not in every organization, but only in those that have a large stream of payments (tax, traffic police). However, it may also appear on your kindergarten or school receipt. In this case, information about the identifier can really be obtained from the accounting department kindergarten.

In the payment order, this identifier is indicated in the line "Purpose of payment". Before the code itself, "UIN" is written, after which twenty digits of the code are indicated (without spaces). UIN, when paying for tuition, allows you to make payment for this student. It is worth noting that when paying for a school, you do not need to find out the code every month. In this case, payment can be made at one UIN, which is determined for each student of the school. You can find out the code from a specialized specialist in educational institution... Banks and credit institutions do not have such information.

UIN is formed by the organization to which accruals are made. If the payment is made to the traffic police, the UIN can be formed by a bank employee. Each payer has its own unique code for each individual payment. If the payer does not know which UIN should be entered, the value 0 must be specified in the corresponding column of the receipt. If this line is left blank, the bank will not be able to accept the payment. Some people face a problem when the code is not identified when making a payment. In this case, you need to contact the organization to which the payment is sent and check the correctness of the code specified in the payment document.

Payment of a fine to the traffic police

If we are talking about a fine that must be paid to the traffic police, the payer does not need to independently find out the unique identifier. In this case, the code is formed based on two main characteristics:

  1. Serial number of the protocol.
  2. Date of registration of the protocol or corresponding order.

Per day OS banks carry out hundreds of thousands of transactions. Each, even the smallest amount, must go to the addressee of the transfer. Payments related to government bodies (taxes, fines, fees, penalties, etc.) are of particular importance. Some operations are performed manually, but a huge amount of data is processed using specialized software. For faster and better processing and enrollment, special identifiers and codes are used: KBK, OKTMO, UIP and UIN. This article will answer the question of what UIN is, where to find it and how to correctly enter it in a payment order.

Abbreviation and purpose of identifier

Let's figure out what UIN is in the payment details. For a person far from accounting and banking, the abbreviations indicated in receipts are not always clear. UIN is a universal accrual identifier consisting of 20 digital characters. It is prescribed in receipts addressed to legal entities and individuals from budgetary structures. Such receipts come from the tax and traffic police, for example.

Its role is to speed up the processing of the received payment and the timely crediting of the paid amounts to the addressee's account. The budget structure is complex and special. Without some details, the payment may simply be lost or credited to the wrong account, to the wrong branch. If the UIN is specified correctly, the software of the banking and budget system omits a more thorough check on the INN, KBK and other details, which takes long time, and immediately credits funds to the specified identifier.

That is, if UIN is indicated, it is understood that there is already a request from the relevant authority for the amount received, awaiting payment. If the UIN matches in the payment order and in the request, it means that they are components of one service, procedure or appeal.

UIN code composition

UIN has been put into use since 2014. At the moment, all budgetary organizations indicate the assigned UIN on receipts and requirements. Thanks to him, the money is credited faster, excluding the loss, refund or too late crediting of the payment. There are now significantly fewer penalties for delays. There are practically no unidentified payments.

UIN is a 20-digit code, each group of numbers of which is responsible for its own indicator:

  • the first three digits in the code mean the structure of the recipient of the payment (tax, FSS, traffic police and others);
  • in most cases, the fourth digit is set to 0;
  • 5-19 digit denotes the index of the document to which the requirement corresponds;
  • The 20th digit is part of a special algorithm by which the correctness of the entered identifier is checked.

Where to get the value of the code and how to indicate in the payment order

All modern forms of payment orders have a special field in which the UIN fits. It is marked with number 22. In the electronic version, when filling out a payment order, the word "Code" is displayed next to the empty field for UIN. This field is located in the "Purpose of payment" tab above the "Comment" and "Responsible person" field.

Payment to government agencies is usually formed on the basis of a received request or receipt. Find this numerical code in the body of the document and carefully transfer it to field 22. Usually it is signed as "Document Index".

If payments to the tax, the FSS and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are made by a legal entity for a certain reporting period, UIN is not affixed. Instead of a 20-digit code, zero is entered. In this case, payments are credited according to the TIN and other details of the organization. It also happens with payment for medical services.

Where to find UIN

What is UIN - we figured it out, it remains to find out where to get it. This identifier is assigned to a unique payment. It cannot be used for group or systematic contributions. Accordingly, you can find it on a specific request addressed to the payer.

Individual payments

Individuals receive notification letters once a year from the tax service at the place of registration for payment of land, property and transport taxes. Such letters reflect in detail information on the methods of calculation, the amount and procedure for payment. UIN for such payments is the notification index. It is usually affixed to the corner of the letter next to the barcode. In some areas, tax letters contain a completed receipt for payment attached, which frees individuals from completing paperwork.

If the letter for payment did not arrive on time, your obligations to the state can be settled in other ways: through Sberbank Online and the State Service portal. Both portals have deep enough access to the personal information of their users. In order to clarify the existing debts, you need to go to the appropriate sections of the portals and enter your TIN.

The procedure for finding tax arrears in personal account Sberbank is shown in the figure.

On the State Services website, upon authorization in the system, the presence of debt is displayed on the main screen. Through it, you can immediately pay the claim, if the UIN is known.

There are also the so-called “letters of happiness” from the traffic police. Here is a curious nuance - if you pay the fine within 2 weeks after it was issued, half of the amount will be thrown off. For example, if you exceed the speed limit, instead of 500 rubles, you only need to pay 250. But the only peculiarities of the Russian Post are that letters are lost, late or do not arrive at all. Some car owners learn about their violations already from the Bailiff Service. Not to be missed important points, periodically check your debts on the traffic police website.

You can request a check for fines and imposed restrictions on the state number of the car, number and series of STS. To do this, go to the site https: //gibd.d.rf/, go to the "Services" tab - "Check fines". Enter in the required windows government number vehicle and data of the Vehicle Registration Certificate. If there are fines, information about the violation will appear on the next page, as well as the details of the payment document.

Legal entity payments

Legal entities pay advance tax payments to the state on a quarterly basis. At the end of the period, the difference between the payments paid to date and the calculated tax amount for the entire period is paid. All these payments are considered current. They are identified by the KBK, TIN and other details of the organization. In field 22, when making planned current payments, one zero is set.

There is one zero in field 22

Another thing is when an organization is late with the payment of current tax deductions or does not pay them in full. Based on the results of an audit or other control measures, the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service may impose a fine and interest on the company. The tax authority draws up a special document - Demand for payment, in which the necessary UIN of the payment is prescribed.

Consequences of missing field 22

A person or organization does not always know the UIN. In some cases, it is not possible to refer to the sources to clarify it. Then they try to carry out the operations "blindly". It's easier for individuals. If they contact a bank officer, he will point out to them the inaccuracy and simply will not accept the payment document. If an organization sends a payment order through a client bank, it will not be immediately aware of its mistake.

Some banking systems process payments with errors for a long time. Refunds paid to incorrectly specified bank details may take up to 7 banking days. During this period, state employees may impose new requirements or adopt sanctions.

You cannot leave field 22 empty when making budget payments. If UIN is unknown, you need to register at least "0". The payment will take longer to process, but will not be returned or rejected by the bank.

In contact with

In this article, we will consider the UIN in a payment order. We will find out in what cases to indicate the UIN. Let's figure out what will happen if we make a mistake when filling out the UIN.

Appointment of UIN

UIN (unique identifier of charges) is a number assigned by the fiscal authority (payee) and indicated in the request for payment.

It serves to speed up the process of sender recognition. Money specialized software, fixing the arrival of money for the payment of taxes and fees. To enter the UIN numbers, field “22” of the payment document is intended, and it has become mandatory to fill it in since 2017. When there is no data to fill in the field, it should contain zero.

Where to find UIN

UIN for filling out a payment order will arise if the company is going to make a payment at the request received from the tax authority. In this document, the UIN will be recorded, it remains only to transfer it to the payment system.

If the company transfers funds to account for current payments, pays off the debt before receiving a notification from the fiscal authority, or pays the accrued fines and penalties of its own free will, there will be no such paper as a request to transfer money, and there will not be such a requisite generated for making a payment. like UIN. The field must be zero.

Where to indicate UIN

To put down the UIN numbers in the payment document, the field “22” is provided. It is mandatory to fill in, the values ​​of this field can be the UIN assigned by the payee (in a situation where the payment is made on demand) or zero (in cases with current payments, debt repayment or payment of penalties and fines).

In what cases to indicate UIN

Win is indicated when paying taxes, insurance premiums, fines and state duties:

  • Payment of the penalty. The Tax Service claims that there is no special need to fill in the “22” (“Code”) field, since the sender of funds can be identified by the individual taxpayer number, that is, there is an alternative option for recognizing the company from which the money came to the budget.

Thus, we can say that entering the UIN number in the payment document for the payment of fines is not mandatory. Another thing is that a banking institution has the right to refuse to make a payment if the field remains empty. Therefore, if you do not wish to indicate the UIN, put “0”.

  • Payment of state fees. Usually, it is not difficult to find out the UIN details when paying the state duty, but often the payer puts zero or three slashes instead of the identifier digits, and this is not considered a violation.
  1. Through the portal of State Services. Most often, this service provides such details of payment documents automatically. If you put “0”, it will not change anything, the payment will be successful.
  2. Through a payment terminal. If you prefer to pay state fees through the terminal, you will have nowhere to find out the UIN numbers, and you can put a zero value, this will not affect the transfer of funds.
  3. Through a bank branch. You can inquire about the UIN from the payee. If you do not want to do this, the entry “///” will suit the bank employee. The main thing is not to leave field 22 empty, this will lead to a refusal to process a payment based on the provisions of the Bank of Russia.
  • Payment of taxes. The taxpayer and the payment he makes can be recognized by the tax service program by the details of the payment order different from the UIN - TIN, KBK. Therefore, do not worry that the money will not reach the recipient.

If the accountant fills out payment documents for the payment of taxes and fees, the due date of which has not yet expired, that is, funds are transferred to the budget on a voluntary basis, zero is put in field 22 instead of UIN.

For individuals who receive tax payment notifications with a notification from the tax service, the UIN numbers are similar to the index of the sent document. If an individual is engaged in the transfer of funds before receiving a payment notification, you can use the service on the FTS website, in which this requisite is filled in automatically.

  • Payment of insurance premiums. More recently, control over payments of insurance premiums belongs to the tax service. The same rules for filling out payment documents apply here as when transferring funds against taxes.

What to indicate in field 22 of the payment order

The field “22” for entering the details in the payment order is specially highlighted to indicate the UIN numbers assigned by the controlling authority (the payee according to the document). The new requirement, which came into force this year, prohibits the omission of field “22”, it must be filled in. If there is no information about UIN, or the company has reason not to enter it, the processor of the payment document must enter “0”.

What happens if you make a mistake with UIN

UIN serves for automatic identification of a taxpayer and automatic accounting of funds transferred to pay taxes, fees and insurance premiums. Information after processing by the programs of the Federal Tax Service is sent to the State. information system about the state. and municipal payments. It is not hard to guess what an error in UIN will lead to - the payment will not be recognized and will not be credited... The obligation to pay will be unfulfilled, there will be a debt, the FTS will charge penalties.

What will happen if the UIN in the payment order is not filled

Since 2017, a mandatory requirement has appeared for filling in the codes of field 22 of the payment document, which is specially allocated for affixing the UIN. In the event that the supervisory authority has appropriated the UIN, it must certainly be included in the payment order. If you make a payment of your own free will, and not at the request of the payee, the UIN was not indicated, or the company has reasons not to enter it, you must fill in the order box by entering a zero value there. It is strictly prohibited to leave the field empty. Such a seemingly trifle will lead to the refusal of a bank employee to carry out a payment transaction.

UIN and current payments

UIN is assigned exclusively by the tax authorities, and there is nowhere to take it, unless you have a paper request from the Federal Tax Service for transferring funds to pay off tax arrears.

When an enterprise is going to make current payments for taxes, fees or insurance premiums, there can be no claims for payment from the Federal Tax Service. Accordingly, in field 22 “Code”, when transferring money to pay current payments, a zero value is entered.

UIN for individual entrepreneurs

For individual entrepreneurs, there is a rule: when filling out a payment order, one of two details should be indicated - TIN or UIN. If it is decided to put “0” in field 22, then it becomes mandatory to indicate the TIN. If the TIN does not fit, the UIN must be present.

UIN is indicated by individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, farmers - they all have the right to designate only their own INN, by which the taxpayer will be identified by the tax service.

Rules for specifying UIN by individuals in 2017

Individuals have their own obligations to pay some taxes:

  • on property;
  • on a vehicle;
  • to the ground.

At the same time, individuals do not calculate and prepare tax returns on their own, but wait for the arrival of a tax notification from the Federal Tax Service and an attachment to it - a payment notification (form No. PD for paying taxes).

Registration of papers sent to the deadline for transferring money to the budget is the responsibility of tax officials. In them, the UIN code will be the document index. It so happens that individuals do not wait for a letter from the Federal Tax Service, or it gets lost in the mail, then you have to pay taxes on payment documents filled in on your own. To do this, a service has been published on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, designed to help with this task. Among other things, the system automatically generates a document index.

Individuals have the opportunity to pay taxes in cash by visiting a Sberbank branch and writing down information about themselves in a payment order in the form No. PD-4sb. If this method is selected, neither the UIN nor the index is required. It will be necessary to enter the full name, address of the place of residence or actual residence of the taxpayer. If the payment is made through another credit institution, in the field “22” you can put a zero value or the index of the document that came from the fiscal authority.

In what situations it is not necessary to indicate the UIN

When a company draws up payment documents for the payment of current payments, and not arrears on them, the taxpayer identification by the FTS system is carried out on the basis of the TIN and KPP specified in the payment order, the KBK will help with the recognition of the type of payment. This means that there is no need to indicate the UIN, in addition, the UIN number has nowhere to appear, because the fiscal authorities do not send requests for the transfer of funds to pay outstanding payments. Means, UIN does not need to be indicated when making current payments for taxes, fees and insurance premiums... The field is set to “0”.

Legislative acts on the topic

The table contains legislative acts on the topic:

Typical mistakes

Mistake # 1: The taxpayer left the “Code” field of the payment order empty.

As in many credit institutions, payers of Sberbank are required to indicate a unique identifier in a number of documents. In this regard, many when paying to the kindergarten or paying fines to the traffic police are puzzled, what is the UIN in Sberbank online, what kind of number should be indicated in the receipt? You should find out before making a transfer, since in case of an error, the refund amount will not be credited to your account.

What is UIN when paying at Sberbank Online

The concept was introduced by the Ministry of Finance on February 4, 2014 as a unique identifier of accruals to correctly determine budget receipts and to simplify the accrual system. When making a transfer to the budgetary authorities using the Sberbank Online service, for example, a fine by order, the service involves the mandatory filling of the code in a separate field, without which the payment cannot be made by the bank. To clarify what UIN is in Sberbank Online, the credit organization itself will help with advice on hotline.

Accrual identifier value

According to the new rules for processing payment orders, from 04.02.2014, for transfers to the Russian budget, the requisite “unique accrual identifier” was introduced, which looks like a 20-digit sequence of numbers ending with the characters “///”. The identifier is required to be indicated in the "Code" field of the payment document when making a payment to the budgetary system, in order to ensure that the accruals correspond to the actual payment. Due to the unique number, the information is reflected at the authority that calculates the payment, and at the recipient, with the fixation of a specific transfer.

Each digital position of the code has a meaning and a specific decoding:

  • the first three are the manager's code (for example, for the tax service it is 182, for the traffic police - 188);
  • the fourth digit is the organization that accepts the payment;
  • other items - the purpose of the transfer with the indication of other necessary specific information for its identification.

What is the UIN code for?

The unique identifier of the payment is generated budgetary institution on one's own. It is necessary for the correct accounting of each transfer to the budgetary authority of the state, including: tax, customs authorities, preschool institutions, etc. What is UIN in Sberbank Online in this case is the document index required to indicate when paying:

  • compulsory taxes, state duties, fees administered by tax authorities;
  • fines by decrees of state bodies;
  • services of municipal and state institutions.

Unique identifier of the accrual in the payment order

When generating a payment document, the code must be indicated at the beginning of the "Purpose of payment" field with the word "UIN" and then without spaces the very value of the identifier, consisting of 20 characters, that is, 23 characters are indicated together with keyword props. If it is necessary to indicate other information, the procedure is carried out using a triple slash. Any credit institution provides samples of filling out documents using the identifier.

UIN in the receipt

When paying for services for a child's education or for attending a kindergarten, the requirement to fill in the ID details in the receipt is also mandatory. What is UIN in the receipt - this information should be obtained from the accountants of the institution. The bank will not provide you with such a number and, in addition, without it, the document will most likely not be accepted or it will be returned. The twenty-digit code received once is used for each payment, it allows you to take into account the funds specifically for your child and to the question of what is UIN in Sberbank Online to pay for the services of a kindergarten or school, you no longer need to return.

Payment of tax payments according to UIN

For the payment of taxes (transport, land, property tax), a unique number is assigned by the recipient of income - tax office... If the payment of taxes by individuals is carried out on a notification sent by the tax authorities themselves, then, as a rule, an already completed payment document with mandatory details is attached to it.

The index is assigned as the document identifier. It is recommended that before paying to make sure that the code is included in the received request from the tax services. If the taxpayer plans to make a tax payment without tax notification, then the document for transferring the amounts can be generated independently on the website of the tax service, where the service is assigned an index automatically.

UIN when paying the traffic police fine

The established identifier is present in a specific document issued to the payer as confirmation of its receipt from the traffic police. UIN is determined from the receipt, where the protocol number is the identifier. All banks accepting such payments must ensure the identification of the parameters during the transfer: the date of the order and its number. In addition, the bank must form a UIN for the transfer, regardless of whether there is a fine in the unified treasury database, that is, both the traffic police and the banking institution can determine the code.

To pay fines, it is possible via the Internet using certain formulas to calculate a unique number of traffic police charges (for old fines before February 2014), which will be assigned after data entry:

  • series and number of the decree;
  • the date of the ruling.

How to find out UIN in Sberbank Online

When making budget payments through the online services of Sberbank, in order to make a transfer, you will need to determine what an UIP is in Sberbank Online. To do this, the user needs to do the following:

  1. Enter payment information in your personal account.
  2. Activate the "Information" field.
  3. Receive a check with a 20-digit Payer ID.
  4. In Sberbank Online, when filling in the payment data in the "UIN" field, indicate the payer's identifier from the check.
  5. For each payment, you need to get your own code by going through the whole process again.

Clarifications of the Federal Tax Service on the procedure for specifying the identifier when filling out

In order to understand the use of the identifier and correctly indicate the information, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation explained the new mode of specifying the UIN in the requisites of orders when transferring funds for budgetary organizations... Tax payers, individuals, pay taxes based on the notification of the tax authority and the attached payment notification. On the website of the Federal Tax Service, using the electronic service of Rosreestr, it is possible to draw up a document for tax payment independently, while the automatic assignment of UIN is ensured.

The clarifications say that taxes can be paid in cash through a bank. When filling out a document in a Sberbank branch, the code is not indicated, and the payment notification must contain the payer's TIN, the full name of the person, his place of residence or address of the place of stay. When paying through another credit institution, a full payment order is drawn up with the filling in the "Code" field, where zero or an index, if available natural person.

In what cases UIN is not formed

The identifier is used today not by every organization, but by institutions with a large flow of payments, so it is important to know the situations when the identification code is not indicated. This is, first of all, the independent transfer of taxes by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs on tax returns: here the identifier is the budget classification code. Learn about the online reporting service at the Federal Tax Service. Another case is the payment by an individual of the amount of property taxes on the basis of a notification from the tax office, where the document index is used as the payment identifier.

When paying for medical care, the receipt also has a field "Unique identifier", but often when making payments, a code for paid medical services is not expected. Then it is necessary to put down "0" in the corresponding column. Medical institutions publish information about the code on official websites or information about what UIN is in Sberbank Online when paying for such services can be obtained at the center where the receipt for the provision of medical services was issued.
