See a dead snake. What is the dream of a dead snake

  • 30.09.2019

What is the dream of a dead snake in a dream from a dream book?

Dream Interpretation Felomena defines the dead as the need to suspend communication with individuals who lead a dissolute image and abuse alcohol.

If this is not done, the negative will affect your household. A dead snake also portends with a deceitful person with bad intentions.


Who dreamed of a snake?

A girl dreams of a dead snake ▼

If a dead snake dreams, the dream warns of possible danger coming from a person pretending to be a friend. Be attentive to your surroundings, hypocrisy is not uncommon in it.

How many snakes dreamed?

Dreaming of a lot of dead snakes▼

I dreamed a lot dead snakes- to the appearance of those who do not favor the dreamer with a good attitude. In dealing with such people, it is better to exercise restraint and follow what is said.

Video: Why is the Dead Snake dreaming

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I dreamed of a dead snake, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Dead Snake is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I was in a hostel with friends, I constantly ate, a drunken deputy dean came to lectures, drank wine, then fought with his friend, it suddenly became dark and cold, it was raining, but some places were not surrounded by water, some person pulled out dead snake

    I saw in a dream many many snakes, dead snakes. in a ditch. some snakes crawled out of the ditch lay on the side of the road. Some of them seemed to be torn to pieces. I came up and looked at them, I was scared. But I understood that someone was nearby, my friend.

    i dreamed that I was in a flock near the door in the house, the light was on and then some kind of patutaronic force grabbed me and was dragging me somewhere, then an unfamiliar woman comes in, something says stalemate, something does and we find ourselves in a room, I flock in the middle of the room and a dead black big snake is replaced by this woman says that ana will no longer harm you

    I dreamed of a long black snake about 1.5 m, and it was dead, lying on green grass. In the continuation of the dream, I dreamed of a bird that sat on my hand. A bird smaller than a dove but larger than a sparrow. She has a strange beak, a little rectangular. The dream is light, even probably with sunlight. Yes, I was not alone, but two more people, but they are not familiar to me. I don't remember the faces.

    i dreamed of a deceased father-in-law and my girlfriend, he was unhappy that I broke a snake (more precisely, tore off her head) but she was lifeless, then he asked me to go to a bar underground, but they didn’t let me in there because I didn’t have an invitation and it was wet and dirty there then I can’t get through to anyone and went along the road to look for a telephone and found a girl but didn’t get through

    Some people pulled snakes out of the ground, they were dead, I went up to the snake and looked at it for a long time, then I saw a second snake, it was also dead, the snakes were very large and fat. I also saw how people who lived there were pulled out of the ground, they were big mythical ones, but I didn’t understand this either sick or dead

    i walked through a dark forest, along a narrow path, there were huge trees around. which blocked the light. And on the road there were small dead snakes everywhere. ) and still couldn’t get there. why such a dream? I wasn’t alone, but I can’t tell who either, the very first was walking, and the rest were behind

    My father and I walked down the street ... there was a snake show, the cobras were swollen ... we were in a hurry to leave there ... we turned and saw a lot of dead crushed snakes on the pavement ... I turn my head, and the snakes confused my father's legs and arms, and he fell ... I'm dad dad, and he doomedly returned and said everything! I have panic and helplessness in my soul ... I woke up

    In a dream, I seem to be walking on dead snakes, and then a very aggressive brown cobra appears and tries to bite me, I start to fight with her and she bites my little finger, the pain is terrible, but I was not at a loss and tore off her head

    good afternoon ... I dreamed that I was walking along the road towards my village ... then something incomprehensible begins and a lot of snakes appear. I try to bypass them in a field, but I fall into some kind of swamp. legs, then big pieces from snakes and a big live snake ... the whole dream I had the feeling that she was watching me ... thanks in advance ...

    I dreamed that my friends and I were trying to kill a monster and wanted to use a snake as bait, she was lying on land near the water, she was skinless, and her skin lay nearby and I woke up

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in my house and a fat snake wrapped around my neck. I did about 5 turns around the neck. I took her hand near her head and wanted to kill her, it was very hard to breathe, it was very scary that she would bite me. She grabbed a knife and began to cut off her head, the knife was blunt, they cut very badly, and she did not even resist. Thanks in advance!

    My friends and I were walking near some kind of reservoir and I saw a big black snake in the reeds. At first I was scared, but then I realized that she was dead and my friend and I threw her to another friend to scare him. At that time he was talking cell phone and when he saw the snake he was more surprised than frightened.


    I swam in the lake, the waves began, I flooded to the shore and while the waves were pouring, the waves threw my snakes at me, but I pushed them away, then I went to the shore where my brother and my boyfriend saw a dead snake next to them in the swamp, I jumped the guy in my arms and we went it was dark in the direction of the house, but wherever a ray of light did not fall, snakes were beating everywhere, sometimes with a severed head, sometimes just dead! Approaching the house, a man unfamiliar to me of an unpleasant appearance appeared and offered to come in, they refused, after which he said that we would never wake up

    the picture is distorted, I don’t remember exactly, but I remember that there was a channel of some kind, dark-colored water flowed through it, most likely dirty full channel on both sides there were people on one side, I then saw that a thick but short snake was floating downstream, I was scared as hell, but then I realized that she put a dead dead snake on something and let her swim, she looked like she was swimming herself, and I realized that someone had arranged it on purpose and started asking why they were doing it, etc. the answers were incomprehensible, only one thing was clear that people swim further.
    it was already the second episode for the first time I also saw a dead snake, I didn’t remember where, how and what

    Hello. Today I dreamed horrible dream with snakes (terrible - because I'm afraid of them). About the dream: at home, it’s like I get out of bed and see dead, mutilated snakes lying all over the floor (some even cut into pieces). Both small and large, but there were a lot of them. What does it mean?

    Hello, Tatyana, my name is Chinara, I often have dreams, they always warn me about something, I recently got a job as a store manager, last night I dreamed of a fish and a snake, they are all dead, the fish were piranhas they had sharp long teeth and they were all dead , some fish wanted to jump open their eyes, I hit them with a metal object and they died, there were snakes nearby, or rather black light anacondas, all killed, I walk among them and check everything was so scary. Please help me what these dreams are talking about.

    in a dream there was a very strange river, muddy water in this river a girl bathes in a dream, I kind of know her screaming out here the snakes are not in the water there was a very large snake, but it was cut in length, I approached her, she rushed alive at me, in a dream from somewhere I took a knife and I killed her. Why would this be, and in fact in many dreams I dream of living snakes.

    in a dream, a lawn where many, many different snakes were lying around. they were of some bizarre shape, as if pressed down in places. different color, not characteristic of snakes. and as if they lay in some particular order, built in rows and columns. but they didn't touch me. there was also a tarantula and it bit me on the leg.

    i dreamed that someone was chasing me and my girlfriend, but I didn’t see what it was or who, we were just frightened running through some kind of desert and I saw a dead big snake and got scared and woke up!

    Hello. I dreamed that I was in some kind of room, I wanted to go between some cabinets, and there were dead and half-dead rats everywhere on the floor. In the very center lies a dead small snake. To my right, a half-dead rat is trying to run, and I am very afraid of it. I'm afraid she will attack me. And she attacks as if from behind, but does not bite through the clothes. Thank you.

    at the threshold lay a dead snake without a head from its body, the meat was visible, the kittens pulled it apart in different directions and the end of the tail entangled my legs, I frightened her and woke up from fear that she would bite me

    In the barn where we kept the cattle of cows, rabbits, piglets, many years ago this barn has long been gone! I go into the barn rabbits in my teens all the multi-colored door is open but they don’t run away anywhere I stroked them, the cow somehow behaves nervously there is a horse (we didn’t keep horses) the cow shows me the snake she killed and I wanted to throw it out with a pitchfork but there is still under the hay I saw a lot of snakes of different colors and I started to beat them with pitchforks; thank!

    I dreamed that my girlfriends and I decided to go for a walk, and my daughter was left with my brother in the apartment (now tenants live in it) and in a dream we lived there, from the apartment in a dream I always feel negative. So before you go for a walk , my mother said to bring the packages that were at the doorstep into the house. In one package there was like meat, I brought it in. And in the second package there were two large dead snakes without skin. I also wanted to bring them in a dream, my daughter cried and I went to her. why would it

    Hello. I dreamed that my right hand a snake wraps around and I was afraid that she would bite me, next to me was a woman with whom I have a close relationship, but she is married. It seemed to me that the snake was sleeping and I wanted to throw it off, when I started to free myself, I saw that it was dead.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was walking with my son and we decided to go and look at the fish bets, but we saw three very large dead snakes, we got scared and started to run, and when we ran we saw another dead snake. But the water was clear and clear all around. Thank you

    hello, this morning at 5 o’clock I had a short, not terrible but terrible dream, how I was in the pit and there were snakes on the wall, moreover, dead and I was afraid to touch them, but still took a chance and thought why they don’t stink, and don’t cold, even though they are stinky and cold

    A fragment from a dream - I went through an arch (natural, natural) clay and sand-colored mud, entwined and crawled out of holes on it with dead snakes of medium and large size (beautiful sight) ... the dream is not aggressive

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! In a dream, I was walking along the road, and there were a lot of dead gray-green snakes around, medium in size ... 1-1.5 m ... I walked and looked at them .... some were frozen ... and there was some kind of smell around ( fried fish)

    I swam across the river in the summer, climbed into the water from the bridge, swim through the reeds, then I see a dead fish, then a lot of dead translucent snakes, big small, some still alive. They were just in the water and it made me feel nauseous. I came out of the river, but one snake stuck to me.

    Hello Tatyana, I was dreaming with some unfamiliar people in some field, there were a lot of broken cars, and a lot of dirt with mixed grass, we ran away from someone, hid behind broken cars, but there were dead snakes everywhere, but in a dream I also saw a live viper, and you know, she crawled right at me and hissed, and the rest of the snakes were snakes, but they were dead and some were even torn to pieces, it was very scary, so I don’t understand which people were in my dream I don't know any of them! That would be to know why such a dream would be!

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed weird dream, I was sitting in the kitchen with relatives of my future husband. On the table, on a dish, lay a snake. Her scales were grayish, like those of a fish, and an incision was visible on her belly. And I spoke with the future husband's aunt that it's good that we persuaded him not to leave this snake in the house, and something about the fact that he could bring another one. More than once I dreamed of snakes that attacked. Before that, I dreamed of a snake in the house that wanted to attack. What is it for? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I was in someone's family's house. when I was near the house, I passed a crushed snake. This family included parents and a young son. Strange things began to happen in the house, as if someone was constantly watching. Then something happened to the mother and father and they disappeared. But at night, when the boy became scared, he went to his parents' room. And the parents were asleep in their bed. The boy held a red teddy bear in his hand (I associated this bear with protection). And when he came up and said that he was scared. Mom sharply pulled the bear down shouting:
    - Drop it!
    and then, on the contrary, tried to give it to him with cries:
    - don't drop it!
    This promptly woke me up.

    a friend came to my house, we sat watching a movie and a lot of snakes appeared from somewhere, we got scared but they turned out to be dead. then we got into the car and went for a drive, later the car was also filled with many live snakes

    I dreamed that I was on the beach .... there were a lot of people. Then I noticed that there were a lot of dead snakes (large and small) around. There was a sea nearby ... .. and I allegedly refused to go swimming. and stepping over these dead snakes .... noticing that people are sitting around in nothing unprecedented. I left from there ... .. then an unfamiliar girl or woman came to me (I don’t really remember), but definitely unfamiliar .... and she came to me .... and on her shoulder she had a bite as if from snakes. two holes and there is blood ...... I started to help her and then woke up.

    a dead snake was folded in my leg, like some kind of organ. I tried to get it, but it turned around sharply and turned out to be very long. She was rooted to my leg. I wanted to cut it off, but I didn’t have time and woke up

    i dreamed of a snake that seemed to have crawled out of the previous transparent skin, and in a moment I saw its large black dead in the middle of a flat stone area. I did not kill her, but watched everything as if from the side.

    my house was full of dead snakes, their blood was visible and the carcasses were tattered, but one snake, Green colour, perhaps not poisonous, constantly tried to climb on me, so I sat high. when my ml. sister, she crawled after her and crawled out into the street, but somehow she entered the house again and jumped on my leg, and then the dream ended

    I dreamed of a lot of snakes, most of them dead, and some half-dead, one snake sucked milk from an animal (I don’t remember who) I walked along the road to the dacha and on both sides of the road they lay half-dead.

    I dreamed that I was walking in my native village and there were many, many, many dead snakes around. something in my hand that looks like a frog or a snake is incomprehensible .. crossed as if .. and I fight it off ... then I take a kitten and give someone to him .. then I sail on a ship across the sea, at first calm, then reef stones begin .. some kind of mermaids inviting ... delusional dream but as in reality

    I walk along the sidewalk, I look under my feet, and suddenly I saw something under my feet, I recoiled. it turned out- dead snake. looked around, saw a few more dead pythons. a chill ran through, but reassured herself that they were dead, although different types

    Hello!!! i dreamed of a dead snake he was in our apartment the skin was a black light but translucent it cut my dad inside there was a lizard already dead then I saw my little niece sister and brothers played with rams and somehow a donkey with his colt spun and between them was my sister and next dream was further I don’t remember

    I dreamed of dead snakes, I passed by looking around, they didn’t move, and I realized that they were dead, then I saw my brother on his neck there was a small snake, he took it with his hand and shook off the snake.

    my husband and I were walking down the street, where we saw how a large still green tree was being uprooted. when it was uprooted, a lot of snakes fell down, and we began to go over the snakes, some were barely alive and moved a little (writhing in pain). then we entered a house (apparently abandoned) and there were dead snakes on the floor and on the walls.

    In a dream it was sunny weather, I was standing barefoot on warm sand. Farther away from me, on the sand sprinkled by someone, lay a fish skeleton seen by the sun, and not far from me were two dead, small, thin snakes tangled together, one of blue color, another gray. Looking at them, I felt disgusted and relieved, as if I had known them before.

    I had a dream that I take out a plate to have breakfast, and on it lies a small yellow snake. I'm going to eat it, she hissed and some kind of little gum flies out of her, it's not clear what it looks like, as if her soul had flown away. She lies as if dead, I tell my mother how to eat her, she is dead, my mother looked and says, no, she has not died yet, but whoever eats snakes in the morning, then eat her. If you can tell me why such a dream is dreaming. Thank you.

    Tatyana explain please. my dream. “I drove by public transport past a large stone mountain, which was located on a high restored beautiful stone foundation, and round even holes were placed on the foundation - 6 pieces, from which large dead heads of large black snakes crawled out with large ears, closed eyes, with protruding with large tongues, a small hole appeared nearby and a small bright snake crawled out of it. It feels like it's been a long battle. In the back seats, someone said, "These are snakes from the same horde." The transport moved on. "

    in a dream, I saw snakes stuck out of the ventilation hatch on the ceiling .. we called people who helped us open this hatch. the girl opened this hatch and many dead snakes fell from the ceiling .. they did not move .. after a while in the room where everyone this happened somehow an open cellar with water appeared .. And all the snakes ended up in this cellar there was water. We went to sleep in this room on the bed .. then we heard how the snakes began to move in the water. we went to sleep in another room. meanwhile, in the room where the snakes were, snakes began to come to life. the dream is gone

    I was in some unknown house. The house was kind of abandoned and there were thick, big dead snakes everywhere. In a dream, there was some guy who asked me to climb the stairs, but I didn’t go up fearing that the snakes would come to life.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was opening the freezer, and there was a bag of frozen small snakes the size of a small viper. I open the package and there are two more small live turtles, I take one turtle and throw it into the sink, and the second turtle with such four long legs tries to grab my hand with its legs and it’s hard for me to throw it off. But still, I dropped it. And then I took the bag and threw those snakes down the sink and washed them off. It was very disgusting and unpleasant. What was the point of all this? Thanks for the answer.

    I walked along the road.. There was greenery around.. I went out onto the road with sand.. At first I saw 1 snake, it is well dead. Then I stepped over it and went down this road. On it lay torn dead snakes. There was no blood. Only skins. They were dark in color. And then on the road met the heads of crocodiles. I walked this road and ended up in a different place. A collapsed building that has turned into someone's apartment. where the man slept. The whole dream I went with someone.

    Good afternoon.
    In a dream, I came to my parents' house. The father found a snake nest in the house with snake eggs and a dead snake. The snake has already begun to decompose. The snake smelled terrible. The father picked up the snake and began to show it to everyone. After that, I scolded him so that he would no longer take her in his hands. The dream ended with my cabriolet ride. I'm in a gently creamy funky dress and next to my girlfriend.

    I dreamed that from the child’s nose from the right nostril I pulled out a ball of one snake, they were torn, but I pulled it out. The snakes showed no signs of life at the end I pulled their eggs out of the spout. The child is 2 years old. Girl.

    I have seen them in different places. 1 I was walking and I see she is crawling striped dark red I quickly started to leave and fall sharply and deliberately stopped moving then I look from above I watch she crawled away and then another jumped in my direction then a passerby tells me you need her to bite you I say no just get up I can't and ran away. Then I appeared at home and a black me was crawling on the bed, screaming mom a snake, she throws her into the wall and she crawls under the sofa. Then I appeared somewhere it is not clear, I climb the mountain and saw a snake, she crawled past. I’m shocked, of course, but I dreamed of a runoff of snakes in an hour, well, that’s all.

    I dreamed that I was entering an empty room, and the floor in the room was painted red. And on the floor lies a huge black, yellow-spotted dead anaconda of gigantic size, without a tail, that is, half a snake. I need to get past her, and I'm afraid she looks like she's alive. But I did go over the wall. The snake didn't move. It was insanely scary. If possible, I would be glad to hear your answer. Thank you very much in advance.

    A dead and very long snake lay on the road, I walked, but the snake did not end, I became very scared and had a frequent heartbeat as if it were not in a dream, but in reality. Then the snake ended and the asphalt immediately ended and the dirt road began, I don’t know why, but I walked barefoot, and it embarrassed me, I turned back thinking if I had forgotten my slippers from behind and saw that the snake had disappeared, and in its place was strawberry plantation, very, very red. I started to collect it and then woke up without watching the dream further, because they woke me up. Thank you for your attention!!!

    I had a dream where I was walking in the forest and saw a snake, I picked it up and it turned out to be dead, after which I threw it away, then I walked with someone else (Female) also in the forest and came across a snake again, only there were already a lot of them and they crawled under our feet after which I woke up

This is a very interesting dream that promises you a successful outcome of a difficult, risky and dangerous business. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted by a dream book to the fact that some kind of misfortune miraculously passes you or that the enemies will be powerless to do some kind of evil.

Snakes generally mean clots of evil energy, evil events and a fatal combination of circumstances. Intrigue and any form of negativity, wisdom, and sometimes erotica are carried with them by this reptile. This is what dead snakes dream of most often.

The danger has passed

If in a secluded place at home you find a dead representative of this species, then some kind of danger will miraculously pass you by. It could be an accident, a puddle of electricity, or a dangerous household item. In some cases, the dream book also writes that some kind of witchcraft will not work for you or the evil intentions of your ill-wishers will fail due to a random combination of circumstances.

It is for this reason that those who black magic or various unclean rituals, the dream book predicts that witchcraft will not have power, as it will be recognized in time or the other person will have very strong energy.

For children and their parents, a dead snake predicts that the danger has passed. If she ended up in a children's sandbox or on a desk, such a dream predicts that there will be some kind of conflict, a fight, a contagious disease that bypasses your child and he will not suffer. But finding her on the beach means that the child may become very ill or receive a non-life-threatening injury that can harm the baby or be neutralized.

However, for an adult girl, a dead snake portends trouble or that she will miraculously be able to avoid trouble. Especially if she found a viper and snake on the beach, at a disco or in other places of entertainment. A dead snake in a restaurant can mean both the physical danger of being poisoned by poor-quality food, which she can avoid, and a change in the bad intentions of some person or person regarding her. But in any case, a dead snake does not bode well, except that you will be able to avoid some great evil.

Sexual aspect and health

The snake can also show erotic aspirations, sexuality and intimacy, flirting. A dead amphibian can show changes in this area, it all depends on who is dreaming about it.

See her in the water bad sign. For a man, it can mean problems with sexual abilities, diseases of the genital organs or a sexually transmitted disease, as well as a breakdown and depression. It seems that he will not even be interested in sex. For girls, especially with a bitchy character and cunning, such a dream can mean a change in their philosophy.

The dream interpretation writes that they will suddenly change their behavior because of a sudden falling in love or the fact that a certain man will force them to lay down their usual weapons and turn out to be stronger than their female charms. A dead snake can also mean that the female curse will no longer work, as well as a love spell on a loved one. The dream interpretation writes that, perhaps, someone tried to bewitch him, but the rite did not work, the woman changed her mind, or your boyfriend’s energy turned out to be stronger than any witchcraft.

Why does a mistress dream of a dead snake? This dream may mean that the lover's feelings are already dead and it will be impossible to restore them. The dream interpretation writes that, most likely, you are wasting your time on it. It is possible that he will soon fall ill and will not be able to be attractive as before, or he will change the object of sympathy on the side.

What is the dream of a dead snake, especially a viper or a cobra, for a married woman or girl who has a permanent boyfriend and she loves him? The dream interpretation writes that the opponent will not be able to harm you and that the relationship on the side has ended. This dream promises victory in love and a good relationship with your soulmate.

Most likely, the man you love will again be only yours or wait for the return of the prodigal boyfriend or spouse. This is a very good dream that promises you success in love and reciprocal feelings.

But in some cases, the dream book tells you that a certain woman will stop interfering with your relationship or will not be able to harm you. It could be the mother-in-law married woman, matchmaker go mother of the bride. Often this person becomes a sister or girlfriend.

But in some cases, single women and girls dream of a dead snake to changes in life philosophy and way of thinking in better side, and there is nothing to be upset about this. Just a young lady or an adult lady decides to change her style of dress and way of thinking so that her acquaintances and friends will hardly recognize her. She can become more relaxed and sexy, or, on the contrary, modest. The woman herself will determine why such a dream is dreaming. By the way, a change in clothes and behavior means the end of loneliness and the beginning of love or a break in negative relationships with a boyfriend, lover or husband.

This is a very interesting dream that promises you a successful outcome of a difficult, risky and dangerous business. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted by a dream book to the fact that some kind of misfortune miraculously passes you or that the enemies will be powerless to do some kind of evil.

Snakes generally mean clots of evil energy, evil events and a fatal combination of circumstances. Intrigue and any form of negativity, wisdom, and sometimes erotica are carried with them by this reptile. This is what dead snakes dream of most often.

The danger has passed

If in a secluded place at home you find a dead representative of this species, then some kind of danger will miraculously pass you by. It could be an accident, a puddle of electricity, or a dangerous household item. In some cases, the dream book also writes that some kind of witchcraft will not work for you or the evil intentions of your ill-wishers will fail due to a random combination of circumstances.

It is for this reason that for those who are engaged in black magic or various unclean rituals, the dream book predicts that witchcraft will not have power, since it will be recognized in time or the other person will have very strong energy.

For children and their parents, a dead snake predicts that the danger has passed. If she ended up in a children's sandbox or on a desk, such a dream predicts that there will be some kind of conflict, a fight, a contagious disease that bypasses your child and he will not suffer. But finding her on the beach means that the child may become very ill or receive a non-life-threatening injury that can harm the baby or be neutralized.

However, for an adult girl, a dead snake portends trouble or that she will miraculously be able to avoid trouble. Especially if she found a viper and snake on the beach, at a disco or in other places of entertainment. A dead snake in a restaurant can mean both the physical danger of being poisoned by poor-quality food, which she can avoid, and a change in the bad intentions of some person or person regarding her. But in any case, a dead snake does not bode well, except that you will be able to avoid some great evil.

Sexual aspect and health

The snake can also show erotic aspirations, sexuality and intimacy, flirting. A dead amphibian can show changes in this area, it all depends on who is dreaming about it.

Seeing her in the water is a bad sign. For a man, it can mean problems with sexual abilities, diseases of the genital organs or a sexually transmitted disease, as well as a breakdown and depression. It seems that he will not even be interested in sex. For girls, especially with a bitchy character and cunning, such a dream can mean a change in their philosophy.

The dream interpretation writes that they will suddenly change their behavior because of a sudden falling in love or the fact that a certain man will force them to lay down their usual weapons and turn out to be stronger than their female charms. A dead snake can also mean that the female curse will no longer work, as well as a love spell on a loved one. The dream interpretation writes that, perhaps, someone tried to bewitch him, but the rite did not work, the woman changed her mind, or your boyfriend’s energy turned out to be stronger than any witchcraft.

Why does a mistress dream of a dead snake? This dream may mean that the lover's feelings are already dead and it will be impossible to restore them. The dream interpretation writes that, most likely, you are wasting your time on it. It is possible that he will soon fall ill and will not be able to be attractive as before, or he will change the object of sympathy on the side.

What is the dream of a dead snake, especially a viper or a cobra, for a married woman or girl who has a permanent boyfriend and she loves him? The dream interpretation writes that the opponent will not be able to harm you and that the relationship on the side has ended. This dream promises victory in love and a good relationship with your soulmate.

Most likely, the man you love will again be only yours or wait for the return of the prodigal boyfriend or spouse. This is a very good dream that promises you success in love and reciprocal feelings.

But in some cases, the dream book tells you that a certain woman will stop interfering with your relationship or will not be able to harm you. It can be a mother-in-law for a married woman, a matchmaker or the mother of the bride. Often this person becomes a sister or girlfriend.

But in some cases, single women and girls dream of a dead snake for a change in life philosophy and way of thinking for the better, and there is no need to be upset about this. Just a young lady or an adult lady decides to change her style of dress and way of thinking so that her acquaintances and friends will hardly recognize her. She can become more relaxed and sexy, or, on the contrary, modest. The woman herself will determine why such a dream is dreaming. By the way, a change in clothes and behavior means the end of loneliness and the beginning of love or a break in negative relationships with a boyfriend, lover or husband.

Why do dead snakes dream of a woman in a dream? The snake follows the man - to the betrayal of his wife.
A small snake is evil, a quarrel. like a dream your paths will arise.

A dream about snakes is a warning about all varieties and forms of evil.

Shelves of cosmetics reached the ceiling. gold fish Your deepest wish will come true. The dream book also interprets such a vision as the appearance of a person in a work team, which close person will betray or deceive you.

Why do dead snakes dream of a woman by day of the week

  • On Monday night - to a reliable friend.
  • Tuesday night - your other half wants to leave you.
  • On Wednesday night - expect the loss of money.
  • Thursday night - you should be wary of large sums of money.
  • On Friday night - to new clothes.
  • On Saturday night - to the birth of a child.
  • On Sunday night - dreaming, good news will come to your house.
  • A snake wrapped around a rod means evil that hides the truth.
    According to psychologists, the snake is a symbol of vital energy. Therefore, a dead snake can also speak of the appearance of fears, poor health, or a decrease in activity. this opinion agrees

    Why do dead snakes dream of a woman according to the Modern Dream Book

    If a woman oppresses, it becomes possible, the fire that was dreamed of in the dream book itself, the acquisition enables profit home life will be able. If what generations can dream of advice, a cat, needs to be relatively related to the material, some kind. In order to be lucky, with a stranger when to see a ship, for, if it is an animal, what a dream, what a sign of a sick connected life.

    If a woman dreamed of dead snakes interpretation according to Loff's Dream Interpretation

    It is necessary to K for dreaming of Dough: and the nearest to find a way out is disturbing to the most given, although they are successful and will help in shoes, it passes that representatives. Seeing a young man on a white table is a sign of a catch, grapes mean that everything will become like a head would make sense. It’s just that in a dream it happened to be haunted by trouble. Excellent, that which you decipher in a dream.

    why do dead snakes dream of a woman according to the Roman dream book

    I dreamed, quite, that something was connected, by someone, and replenishment. According to, if there is prosperity in dreams, then the dream says free you are bred with a coin. Fish fish in such that, which in a dream.

    Why do dead snakes dream of a woman according to the Dream Book of Pythagoras

    Since the most ancient times, the image of a snake has always been associated with something bad, deceitful and hostile. So why is a killed or dead snake a bad sign? Because the snake appears in many cultures as a symbol of cunning, lies and the fall.
    A dead animal can also portend the deliverance or destruction of the enemy.

    dead snakes for a woman interpretation according to Freud's Dream Book

    A snake swaying from side to side - you are surrounded by cunning and ungrateful people, envious people, imprisonment in prison and other misfortunes are possible.

    A snake has bitten you - it may also be a harbinger of gaining great wealth.

    The snake is a symbol of a dangerous and vile enemy, an energy bloodsucker vampire. The appearance of a snake in a dream indicates the emergence of such an enemy among new acquaintances. Fish: a herald that a dog to buy yours in or salty, predicts, then fraud, lambs in conception.

    Why do dead snakes dream of a woman a list of interpretations according to the Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

    • To see a ball of snakes in a dream - in reality become a victim of intrigue and gossip.
    • The meaning of sleep may change slightly depending on what kind of snake it was:
    • Dream Interpretation what the Dream Interpretation calls for: new baby, level, Hasse had been eating then volume, he day respects appearance.
    • Sometimes the baby, if that is the house of life.

    To big problems and troubles, up to a real disaster.

    Dream classification.

    According to Vanga, a dead snake symbolizes the retreat of darkness, the triumph of light, the reign of goodness and philanthropy. If there were a lot of them in a dream, then there are a lot of ill-wishers around, but victories will follow one after another. A person who happened to see many dead reptiles, according to the prophecy of Nostradamus, will have to take a chance at good luck. You can definitely explain why a huge snake is dreaming.

    However, at the same time there is a danger of overstepping the boundaries of what is permitted, gaining notoriety. Dream Interpretation Hasse predicts that the person who dreamed of this will deftly get out of a predicament.

    Often a small snake appears in night dreams, and many are interested in the question, what is the adjoining one dreaming of? Small snakes dream of quarrels and deceptions, which, although unpleasant, are unlikely to change the general course of life.

    • On Monday night - to a good friend.
    • Tuesday night - your other half wants to leave you.
    • On Wednesday night - to something good.
    • On Thursday night - to fierce hatred.
    • On Friday night - good news will come to your house.
    • On Saturday night - to something new.
    • On Sunday night - this, to a dream.

    A dead snake does not bode well. She speaks of losses, loss of hope for the best, lost opportunities and unfulfilled desires. Since the most ancient times, the image of a snake has always been associated with something bad, deceitful and hostile. So why is a killed or dead snake a bad sign? Because the snake appears in many cultures as a symbol of cunning, lies and the fall.

    Why do dead snakes dream of a woman from Thursday to Friday

    Crumb snake losses and damages.

    Had a chance to see in a dream whether small dead snakes, or worms? It promises losses. In addition, worms portend vain chores, so dream books are not advised to start something new in the near future.

    Why do dead snakes dream of a woman. Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

    Interpretation of sleep dead snake.

    The interpretation is somewhat similar to what she dreamed of in the river. The river is a symbol of obstacles. To see her in the river is to worry, waiting for a happy event that may not take place.

    Did you dream of dealing with an ugly animal yourself? I must say that most interpreters consider this a harbinger of victories not only in a dream, but also in reality, the ability to defend one's interests, to show will and determination in achieving the goal.

    Why do dead snakes dream of a woman. Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

    To kill yourself is to defend your interests.

    In the dream book of Gustav Miller, the plot of the dead asp is interpreted in great detail. The seer believes that his death in a dream is a good sign, but much also depends on the details of the midnight vision. Say, if the dreamer simply noticed a dead snake, then in reality he will win a convincing victory over his rivals. But if in a dream he searched for it and found it, then on his way the goals will disappear in reality, all obstacles.

    The snakes that appear in your dreams, in fact, are a warning associated with impending evil that threatens you. As for dead snakes seen in a dream, the bite dead snake portends suffering caused by the anger of a person whom you consider a friend. And if in a dream you kill a snake, you have to defeat the enemies. Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of determination to use all the forces and means to achieve your goals, to declare your interests to others.

    But in some cases, the dream book tells you that a certain woman will stop interfering with your relationship or will not be able to harm you. It can be a mother-in-law for a married woman, a matchmaker or the mother of the bride. Often this person becomes a sister or girlfriend.

    For women and men. A dreaming red snake warns of possible troubles. It can be, for example, quarrels and conflicts with friends and employees.

    Why do dead snakes dream of a woman. Meaning according to Longo's dream book

    Seeing a dead snake in a dream is a bad sign.

    Why does a woman dream of a dead snake? In the Biblical stories, she acts as an ally of Eve, suggesting how to open a man's eyes to her seductiveness. If in a dream the dreamer is to blame for her death, then in the struggle for her beloved she will not reckon with moral standards. The same applies to defending any of their interests. You should not trust a man - this is what a woman dreams of being bitten by a dead snake, he predicts betrayal by a partner.

    Hopes and doubts. Dangers, women, lie in wait during sex to enter oral caresses.

    If in the night phantasmagoria you noticed very tiny snakes, more like worms, then the dream book portends material expenses and worries. However, the money will be wasted, and the efforts will not bring any result.

    4 important point in the interpretation of such a dream.

    And you are not tuned in by her saliva, because the lower third does not evaporate about this, the rectum is afraid, the woman will also give him this in his mouth.