Who are the new ministers of Buryatia? Competition ministers. Strong candidates left behind? Who became the Minister of Health in Buryatia

  • 07.07.2020

The day before, the press service of the government of Buryatia published full list applicants for five ministerial seats of the republican government. 42 people apply for the positions of Minister of Tourism, 30 - Minister of Economy. 19 people will take part in the competitive selection for the positions of Minister of Health, 15 people - culture, 12 - sports and youth policy.

site spent brief analysis applicants, among whom there were many famous people:

So, for the extremely politicized position of minister culture applicants: Director of the National Museum Tatyana Boronoeva, head of the Inform-Polis publishing house Soelma Dagaeva, director and publisher Bair Dyshenov. Theater "Baikal" put forward its contender for the ministerial chair: Zhargala Zhalsanov. Principal of the College Tchaikovsky Bair Turbyanov is in a small group of heads of cultural institutions.

Director of the government publishing house Buryaad Unen Bair Baldanov also decided to change his occupation to culture. Completes the list alphabetically, but not in importance - Norzhima Tsybikov. Culture turned out to be the richest in the representatives of the media community.

The Ulan-Ude City Hall does not miss its chance to influence the republican agenda by nominating the chairman of the city committee for culture, Irina Kovaleva.

Despite modest numbers, the ministry sports and youth policy attracted no less bright personalities as candidates. In addition to the openly declared head of the KVN movement, Chingis Bolotov, who made a full-fledged "landing" of his concept, Vyacheslav Damdintsurunov, invited, but going on an equal footing, claims to be the minister, with whose appearance, the sports community associates possible improvements in the conditions for the development of sports. He will compete, once again, with the head of the BRO LDPR of Buryatia, Sergei Dorosh, who has a direct relationship with sports.

Two deputies of the former minister Bair Angurov at once - Sergey Perinov (acting) and Dmitry Shtepa (recently dismissed) are ready to replace the "patron" in his post. Erdeni Dymchikov, chairman of a similar committee, is considered to be the real competitor of the "old guard". The heads of some secondary schools also showed their claims to the ministerial chair.

Minister who left for a "promotion" in Moscow health care Valery Kozhenikov is ready to replace many luminaries of Buryat medicine, as well as, unexpectedly, many applicants from other regions. It is no secret that the majority of public procurement, in times of crisis, is carried out through the Ministry of Health, which allows purely medical requirements for a minister's vacancy to be diluted with financial and managerial ones.

Among the applicants, the heads of health care institutions, both city and district hospitals, clearly dominate. However, they stand out in particular: the chief physician of the RCH named after. Semashko Evgenia Ludupova, head doctor of the Center for Disaster Medicine Vyacheslav Timkin.

As noted above, many applicants for the Ministry of Health are not residents of Buryatia. Thus, Prinlai Darmaev, who is considered the main contender, became the most "western"; moreover, Darmaev is the husband of the famous singer Badma-Khanda Ayusheeva. The Trans-Baikal Territory is represented by the manager of the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund Alexei Anikov. The Irkutsk region is represented by several heads of healthcare institutions and, suddenly, the head of the Ust-Ordynsky village, Evgeny Bardakhanov.

Of particular note is Vladislav Saganov, who has long been in the reserve of the government, representing both the scientific medical community and practitioners. Saganov heads the department at the medical faculty of the Belarusian State University and is a practicing surgeon at the BSMP.

The positions of Minister of Economy (30) and Minister of Tourism (42) caused the most massive demand. If longtime experts in the multifaceted economy rushed into the "economy", then in tourism there are quite a lot of representatives of industries that are clearly far from the sphere of the ministry.

For the post of minister economy applicants: an expert with many years of experience, who filed the first documents, Aldar Badmaev; acting acting Minister Timur Budaev, who replaced Zandra Sangadiyev, who left as an adviser to the head of Buryatia, whose son Chingis is also a candidate.

The scientific and teaching community of the economic profile nominated a whole galaxy of its representatives-experts, including those from Irkutsk.

The banking "lobby" is headed by Nikolai Stepanov, manager of the Central Bank branch in Buryatia (National Bank). Note that the candidates from the banking community represent not only Buryatia, but other regions, including Moscow. This also includes Sergei Sankhyadov, representing the FIU.

Two leaders of the districts of Buryatia put forward their candidacies for the post of Minister of Economy: the "city manager" of the Kurumkansky district, Leonid Budaev, and the head of the Khorinsky district, Yuri Shirabdorzhiev.

The heads of the financial wing in the management, as well as the directors of many commercial enterprises, are represented in a wide range of activities of their companies.

The position of the head of the "newly formed" ministry caused the widest response from the business community tourism. However, despite the apparent breadth of representation, there are very few representatives of the industry and officials in charge of the "topic". The entrepreneurial community is very widely represented, however, judging by the types of activity, it is also far from tourism and related industries. The teaching and scientific community is widely represented.

Of particular note are the following candidates:

"Aksakal" of ecological tourism, engaged in the business of a lifetime since such times when most of the other candidates studied at school or students, a public figure, president of the Association for the Development of Ecotourism in the Republic of Belarus "Great Baikal Trail-Buryatia" Andrey Yakovlevich Suknev.

Maria Badmatsyrenova is the head of the branch direction in the city hall of Ulan-Ude. Considered an expert high level in the tourism business community.

Bayarma Tsydypova is the "expected" applicant - the head of the Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economics of Buryatia, which "leads" a whole group of officials from both her own ministry and others, up to applicants from the Administration of the head and the government.

Geser Dorzhiev and Darima Tugutova represent the industry as the head of large travel agencies. In addition, Dorzhiev heads the Association of Alumni of the Presidential Program "Union of Managers of Buryatia".

Among the applicants there are also "unique" candidates in their own way. For example, the ex-head of the Buryat customs, Viktor Tomin, who is now a consultant to the deputy chairman for security, Petr Mordovsky. The youngest participant in the competition (among 118 applicants) Maria Tsivileva, born in 1990, also claims to be the Minister of Tourism.

UPD: Timur Badaraev, who claims to be the Minister of Economy, was also born in 1990.

PS: The analysis of the list of candidates is subjective and is of the author's nature

This time we will focus on the Ministry of Health. The previous Minister Valery Kozhevnikov was at the helm of the republican medicine for 15 years.

We will write about his "strange return" from the Permanent Mission of Buryatia in Moscow separately. In the meantime, let's proceed to the analysis of the main candidates for the Ministers of Health.

The most important ministry

Healthcare of Buryatia is traditionally one of the leaders in terms of budget financing. In 2016 alone, spending on the Republican Healthcare Development program amounted to almost 11 billion rubles. This is about 20% of all expenditures of the republican budget. It is no coincidence that there are so many scandals in healthcare, connected not only with complaints from patients, but also with financial crimes. Bair Balkhanov, head physician of the Children's Clinical Hospital, is still under house arrest. He was called one of the strongest contenders for the post of minister.

But even without him, 19 candidates applied for this position. The "medical" competition is perhaps the most highly professional in comparison, for example, with the Ministry of Tourism. For it is impossible to lead health care without specialized education and many years of experience. The "economy" of the Minister of Health is very large and troublesome. There are 59 institutions in the department of the Ministry of Health of Buryatia. It is their leaders who are the main candidates for the vacant ministerial post. 9 chief physicians of state medical institutions participate in the competition.

Favorite MP

Evgenia Ludupova can be called the favorite of the race.

Evgenia Ludupova

She has been the head physician of the Republican Hospital for 8 years. Prior to that, she headed the Nizhneangarsk Central District Hospital. It was there that the young doctor won the elections to the People's Khural. Since then, she has been a member of the People's Khural committee on social policy. In addition to medical education, he has a degree in Economics and Management of the National Economy. Evgenia Ludupova is famous for constantly learning new things and demanding the same from her employees. It is her many years of experience in managing the largest medical institution in Buryatia and her deep knowledge of the problems of the industry that are her main advantage.

Chief doctors

Two more candidates are also burdened with a deputy’s crust: Alexander Varfolomeev, deputy of the Khural and head doctor of the Mukhorshibirskaya Central District Hospital, and Natalia Bukholtseva, deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council, who heads the city polyclinic No. 6.

Alexander Varfolomeev

Natalia Buholtseva

It is difficult to call Varfolomeev an independent player. Most likely, he is trying to make room in the Khural for his countryman and "patron" - the former head of the administration of the head of Buryatia, Pyotr Noskov. Bukholtseva in 2014 was openly supported by the mayor of Ulan-Ude Alexander Golkov.

Other chief physicians of district hospitals also take part in the competition: Vyacheslav Maksarov from Kizhinga, Alexander Matskevich from Tarbagatai and Victoria Nikhlanova from Gusinoozersk. Maksarov was previously the head physician of the city polyclinic No. 1, Matskevich worked as the head physician in the Baikal region. And Nikhlanova does have experience as the first deputy minister of health and even sometimes acted as minister.

Vyacheslav Maksarov

Victoria Nikhlanova

And finally, Vyacheslav Timkin, chief physician of the Territorial Center for Medical Disasters, entered the competition. In addition, he is a member Public Chamber Buryatia, elected from the public organization "Medical Chamber of Buryatia". It is worth noting that at one time the head physician of the center for medical disasters was Valery Kozhevnikov.

Vyacheslav Timkin

Moscow experience

As you know, the new government highly values ​​experience in federal structures and connections in Moscow. In this sense, there are few equals to Prinlay Darmaev.

Prinlay Darmaev

In addition to the fact that he is the husband of the famous Buryat singer Badma-Khanda Ayusheeva, our countryman for many years headed the clinic of the Ministry Agriculture Russia. The medical and rehabilitation center "Izumrud", which is the assignee of the clinic of the Ministry of Agriculture, is indicated as Darmaev's place of work.

Two directors and a surgeon

Another favorite is the director of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund Dambinimu Sambuev.

Dambinima Sambuev

Previously, he also worked as the head physician - first at the Torsk District Hospital, and then at the Orlik Central Hospital. Among other things, he also has managerial experience: from 2003 to 2006 he served as head of the Okinsky district. From this position, he moved to the director of the MHIF. It is this organization that is committed to ensuring that citizens receive affordable and high-quality medical care paid for by the state.

The director of the Republican Basic Medical College Bator Budaev also takes part in the competition.

Bator Budaev

The college is one of the main providers of nursing staff. He also has experience of participating in elections, however, unsuccessful: in 2015, he lost in the by-elections to Narodny Khural in the 31st constituency in Baunt and Kurumkan districts.

Vladislav Saganov submitted an application for participation in the competition.

Vladislav Saganov

He also has diverse experience: he works as a chief specialist in the development of surgical care at the BSMP, the head of the Department of Hospital Surgery at the Belarusian State University, and in 2014 he received his doctorate.

The highest demands

Such an abundance of strong candidates for the competition for the Minister of Health distinguishes it from other competitions. But the requirements for the position of the Minister of Health at the moment, perhaps, are the highest. The Ministry of Tourism has just been created, and the new minister will most likely be given time to build up. All spheres of culture and sports last years scandals shook in the absence of any super results. And in any case, the “low base” effect will work. The functions of the Ministry of Economy are partially blurred, and the main responsibility for the economic sector lies with the supervising deputy chairman.

But the new head of the Ministry of Health will have to work in the "here and now" mode. The issue of personnel is acute: almost half of the doctors are over 50 years old, and there is a catastrophic shortage of new young personnel. This is largely due to low wages. Complaints about huge queues to "narrow" specialists are heard everywhere. The technical base is very outdated. To solve these problems, the new minister will have to be a politician, diplomat and business executive at the same time. It remains only to wish him well!

“Declaration season” this year was opened by the head of the Ministry of Property Margarita Magomedova and the Minister of Education and Science of Buryatia Bair Zhalsanov. Soon they were joined by the new head of the Ministry of Health Dambinima Sambuev.

According to data published on the agency's website, last year the official earned 2,772,339 rubles. Sambuev has land plot 779 sq. m. and a residential building for 193 "squares". The wife of the property does not own property, but she declared two cars - Toyota Platz and Toyota RAV 4. The minister's wife replenished family budget for 555 thousand rubles.

Recall that Dambinima Sambuev headed the Ministry of Health in December last year. He took part in an open competition for the ministerial chair. The selection consisted of several stages: the first - the acceptance and consideration of applications, the second - the interview and defense of programs, and, finally, testing. Its results were evaluated by specialists from the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the country (RANEPA). The new head of the department beat 18 other applicants. Prior to that, he was the director of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Sambuev's predecessor, Valery Kozhevnikov, while still a minister, earned 2.9 million rubles a year earlier. At the end of September, he left the position, which he held no less than 15 years. He was appointed deputy head of the plenipotentiary representation of Buryatia under the President of Russia. And in November it became known that Kozhevnikov resigned from his post in Moscow, returned to his homeland and officially began working in the republican oncological dispensary.

According to Babr24.com, Head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov dismissed 10 deputy chairmen and ministers by decree of September 25. First of all, the “Nagovitsyn” old-timers were subjected to a large-scale cleansing. The main figures of the last decade in Buryatia are now relegated to the background. Babr tells in order about all the latest dismissals and appointments in the republican government.

The long-term head of the administration of the head and government of Buryatia, Pyotr Noskov, leaves with the official wording "according to own will". Not far away - the "gray eminence" of the republic will continue to work in the status of an adviser to the head of Buryatia. And it is not yet entirely clear whether this is an honorary sinecure or a promotion. Traditionally, the title of adviser is awarded for long service and this does not imply any power, but with Pyotr Noskov, everything cannot be so simple.

Petr Noskov

The same fate - a transfer to advisers - befell the Minister of Economy Zandra Sangadiyev. Who will replace him is still unknown, but it looks like it will be the economist Aldar Badmaev. Earlier, he presented his program to Alexei Tsydenov economic development region, and he highly appreciated it.

Egorov's Exodus and Shutenkov's Ascent

Mastodon official Innokenty Yegorov voluntarily retires. He served as the first deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia for 13 years, and began working under the first president of Buryatia, Leonid Potapov. Yegorov himself is already 67 years old, and he does not fit into the concept of the renewed government.

Innokenty Egorov

By the way, Mr. First Deputy Chairman leaves with a scandal. His nephew also wants to become deputy chairman, this time Accounts Chamber. If the appointment happens, then we get a curious incident - a crony's appointment to the anti-corruption body.

The nephew of the first deputy chairman of Buryatia Egorov will deal with corruption

It is even more interesting that the nephew of the former deputy chairman Yegorov will be appointed by the People's Khural, and the former deputy chairman Yegorov himself may become a deputy of the People's Khural in the coming days. In the 2013 elections, he was second on the United Russia party list after Valery Nazarov. And if he leaves the Khural ahead of schedule, it will be Yegorov who will be the first contender for the deputy chair.

In the meantime, the vacant seat of the first deputy chairman of the government was taken by Igor Shutenkov, who since 2007 has held the post of Minister of Finance of Buryatia. Babr will talk about his political accomplishments separately.

Igor Shutenkov

cultural revolution

The minister of culture of the republic, Timur Tsybikov, was also dismissed. The last months of work for the official were accompanied by scandals - the deputies of the People's Khural tried to nip the festival "Voice of Nomads" in the bud, the relocation of the Museum of Nature was criticized by all and sundry, and on September 21, cultural figures of Buryatia staged Tsybikov a small putsch. In one of shopping centers Ulan-Ude, they criticized the minister and collected signatures for his resignation.

“We are losing the opera house. Today there is no repertoire in it, - considers Nadezhda Tsybudeeva, Honored Art Worker of Buryatia. - ... There is no one to work with the young growth. The state of music education is on the verge of collapse. Tsybikov's team are unprepared people who do not have a professional specialization and their own opinion. They blindly, gropingly lead the culture aground.”

Timur Tsybikov

As a result, the voice of the people was heard: Timur Tsybikov was dismissed, there is no replacement for him yet. The participants in the “cultural rebellion” proposed their candidates: the artistic directors of the Ulger and Baikal theaters, Erdani Zhalsanov and Zhargal Zhalsanov, respectively, as well as the former head of the Tivikom company, Norzhim Tsybikov, and the candidate for the head of Buryatia, the scandalous public figure and politician Batodalai Bagdaev.

Bet on tourism

The ministry of tourism will finally appear in Buryatia. Since 2015, the industry has been supervised by a committee within the Ministry of Economy, and this was clearly not enough for the Baikal Republic. Now Baikalskaya Gavan and other regional projects have a chance.

Buryat tourism will rise from its knees

Who else

Deputy Chairman for social development Vladimir Matkhanov submitted his resignation on September 10, at the same time this was confirmed by the head of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov. It is expected that Matkhanov will try to be elected to the People's Khural and even take the post of head of the committee there. In the government of the republic, he will be replaced by the mayor of the Selenginsky district Vyacheslav Tsybikzhapov.

Vladimir Matkhanov

The head of the plenipotentiary representation of Buryatia under the President of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Lekhatinov, was dismissed, and Munkozhap Badmaev takes his place. He, in turn, vacates the post of deputy chairman for infrastructure development, which he held for less than six months.

Minister of Health of Buryatia Valery Kozhevnikov is also leaving his post and will assist Munkozhap Badmaev as a deputy.

Munkozhap Badmaev

In addition, Minister of Sports and Youth Policy Bair Angurov and Minister - Head of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Buryatia in Mongolia Sergey Budazhapov were dismissed.

On November 25, Ulan-Ude hosted the final stage of the competition for the positions of Ministers of Sports and Youth Policy, Health, Tourism, Economy and Culture. Head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov interviewed 18 finalists.

According to the results open competition The Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy will be headed by the Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Applied Sports and Extreme Activities of the Russian state university Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (RGUFISMiT) Vyacheslav Damdintsurunov.

Minister of Culture will be CEO Publishing house "Inform Polis" Soelma Dagaeva.

The Ministry of Tourism will be under the leadership of the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Tourism of the Ulan-Ude Administration - Head of the Department of Tourism Development Maria Badmatsyrenova.

The post of Minister of Health will be taken by the Director of the MHIF of the Republic of Buryatia Dambinima Sambuev.

At a general meeting with the candidates, Alexey Tsydenov thanked everyone for participating in the competition and congratulated the winners. The remaining contenders will be included in the management reserve of the ministries, the press service of the Republic of Belarus reports.

The organizers of the testing, RANEPA experts noted that the general level of training of candidates in Buryatia is higher than that of the deputy governors of some regions. We have definitely formed a large personnel reserve. I know very few people in the republic, and for me this competition showed our capabilities, what kind of people we have. It was very difficult to make a choice, to be honest. You are all worthy. I am glad that we have such personnel, - said Alexei Tsydenov.

Recall that the selection of candidates for ministerial posts started in October at the initiative of the head of the region. A total of 118 applications were submitted.