How to choose a profitable CPA offer? How to choose the right offer in CPA marketing Now let’s look at competitiveness….

  • 14.10.2023

In this article we will look at how to choose the right CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program. We will also talk about the factors influencing the choice of an affiliate program - and there are several of them... and each has certain nuances.

We will also look at the types of purchases that users (customers) make. We need to know this. Why? Next you will understand why this is so important for us...

And don’t miss anything important - all articles are in the “” section

So... let's get started:

What is a CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program?

An offer in the CPA affiliate program is the basis of all sales, a special advertising offer that clients simply cannot refuse. This could be a product, service, website, mobile application, etc. that is, the great variety of what is distributed on the Internet.

Choosing an offer is a responsible task, because in the end it depends on whether you will make a profit or not.
A well-chosen correct offer in the CPA affiliate program can work a great miracle if you need to introduce a new brand, product or service to the market.

When you have quite a lot of experience working with traffic in arbitration, you will be able to choose almost any correct offer from the available CPA offers...
... because you can sell almost anything - you will already learn how to do this.

CPA offer parameters in the affiliate program

The CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program has the following necessary parameters:

  1. Name of the CPA offer in the affiliate program;
  2. Offer category (CPA offers are grouped depending on their topic);
  3. Each offer has its own Rules that must be strictly followed.
  4. Commission (depends on the complexity of the lead, in other words, the more difficult it is to complete, the higher the payment for the CPA offer provided);
  5. The essence of a lead (leads... tasks that is, or what is proposed to be done) - buy a product, register, subscribe, order a service, etc.);
  6. Lead link that you need to advertise on your landing page (LP) or website (called an “affiliate link”);
  7. Country of promotion (GEO location);
  8. Allowed methods of promotion - the advertiser must indicate. If this requirement is violated, you may be left without commission payments;
  9. A correct, creative approach to the selection and use of visual and textual means of promoting a CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program (selection of pictures, banners, headings, the text itself, etc.). Also, product displays require proper feed setup (broadcasting products from an online store);
  10. To promote some offers, a webmaster needs to have a certain level. Usually there are up to three options for the webmaster level - Basic, Advanced and Super. Or there are three tariff options in the Affiliate program - Basic tariff, Advanced tariff and Super tariff;
  11. Some offers require permission to be promoted from the advertiser;
  12. A CPA offer can also have KPI indicators (optional parameters - the CPA network may not indicate them): , (%), - this means conversions approved by the CPA network (%), etc.

All these parameters of the CPA offer must be strictly observed and they are clearly stated in the Rules of any affiliate program.

But without experience, at the initial stage, you need to learn how to choose the right CPA offer in an affiliate program that meets certain parameters.

Therefore, first we will look at how online purchases occur and analyze the types of purchases made by users, and there are two types:

Types of purchases made by customers

Impulse buy- it is always random and does not happen planned. Her buyer did not want to commit at the moment. But since the cost of this purchase is not high, and the offer is quite interesting to the buyer, he buys it automatically.

Example: In a regular store (offline), when paying for purchases at the checkout, there are always impulse consumption products - single-serve coffee, chewing gum, Snickers, promotional products, etc. And you unknowingly buy them, because their cost is low and you want them, but in principle, you could do without them.

Conscious purchase- carried out by the buyer only as needed. When a person already wants something, he begins to look for and compare different options.

Therefore, before choosing a CPA offer, you need to clearly understand that depending on the type of purchase, there are different approaches to promotion:
There is promotion of impulse products and products that are purchased by customers consciously.

And now we can move on to considering the correct choice of CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program, namely:

Which CPA offer should a beginner choose?

First, we need to decide which CPA offer to choose for a beginner at the beginning of your affiliate marketing journey.

The easiest way to start making money in arbitrage is through product CPA offers.

Moreover, we do not mean goods in large online stores, but so-called WOW goods or “wow goods”: interesting and necessary goods costing up to 2,000 rubles.

WOW products (wow products) - stable demand

This is because they are always in constant demand. Also, their quality is at a sufficient level and they have a low cost. And they themselves evoke an irrepressible desire to possess them.

The most important difference between WOW products (wow products) and ordinary ones is maximum high amount of remuneration.

Let me explain in more detail:

The thing is that beginning affiliate marketers have a problem at the very beginning of their affiliate marketing journey - their expenses almost always exceed their income.
And this is the main and only reason why people quit affiliate marketing at this stage.

Large online stores cannot afford to pay the webmaster a large commission, unlike those entrepreneurs who sell WOW products.

In the future, having gained experience, you will be able to afford to work with absolutely any offers. But now, at the very beginning of your journey, you should start with product offers (WOW products). Because they are the ones who pay the most commissions.

The conclusion is this: products that are sold on one-page sites - WOW products (wow products) and distributed through CPA networks - will always be in demand and there will be a stable demand for them...
... and you don’t have to worry that anything will happen to this market segment.

How to choose a CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program

There are two ways to select a CPA offer in an affiliate CPA network. Let's take a closer look at both:

The first way to choose a CPA offer

We select a CPA offer based on the data provided to us by the affiliate CPA network.
Here you need to focus on the indicator ( this is the average cost per click calculated for 100 or 1000 clicks).

In some CPA networks it is also called the KPI indicator (see screenshot below - we have already looked at it before). The larger it is, the better.

But this KPI indicator serves only as a guide - it does not give us any accurate data. And this does not mean that in the process of working with a CPA offer, yours will be exactly the same.

So... if you see that if this indicator ( EPC or eCPC) allows you to gain profit - then you already have an idea in which direction to go.
You already understand that this product is being bought (and who and how is the fifth thing...).
How can this be understood?

Let's look at an example

Example: If EPC The CPA of the offer you have chosen is 20-30 rubles. - then you need to compare this EPC with your cost per click, which you will receive... by directing targeted traffic to the landing page of this offer.

For example, if you pay 10-15 rubles per click, then, in principle, this CPA offer is worth working with. Moreover, the cost of your click will depend on the method of receiving targeted traffic.
It is quite possible to get this cost per click from advertising on the social network VKontakte.

The second way to choose a CPA offer

Another way to choose a CPA offer is to select it in the CPA network directory (CPA network aggregator). Now they have appeared on the RuNet - and there are quite a few of them.

The most interesting and informative catalog to date is considered CPA Daily(// It has good support and feedback.

He will tell you how to find and select the CPA offer you need, and also provide as much information about it as possible.

CPA offer - factors influencing the right choice

Several factors influence your correct choice of CPA offer in any CPA affiliate program:

  • Your budget;
  • Your knowledge of the niche (correct selection and analysis of the niche when conducting traffic arbitrage);
  • Demand for a product or service in the market;
  • Sources of target and real;
  • Competitiveness of CPA offers;
  • in the CPA network itself.

Now let's look at all these factors in more detail...

The budget for choosing a CPA offer matters

Your budget is one of the most important factors influencing the choice of a CPA offer.
Because working with some CPA affiliate programs requires a fairly large budget.

For example, you need to invest quite a lot of money in financial offers.

But if you have a small budget, choose what people really need and what they will definitely buy.

If a person buys something consciously ( informed purchase ... sorted out earlier) - then he will definitely buy it.

And if impulsively ( impulse buy ) - here you need to have some experience in selling such goods (WOW goods).

Here we need to say a few words about information products - this type of product is promoted using a multi-stage sales method.

First, a free product is issued (these are products such as consultation, mini-course, checklist, e-book, E-mail newsletter, etc.

In this case, the threshold for making a decision to purchase a product from a person is minimal. Therefore, it is usually easy to start working with this type of offer.

But not all affiliate programs of this type provide the most detailed statistics to webmasters so that they can control and optimize their work.

Your knowledge of the offering niche of the CPA market

The better you know the product, what needs it covers, how it can help the consumer, etc. The more effectively you can make an offer (explain to a potential buyer what the product is, and ultimately sell it.

Try not to take on offers you don’t know. But if you don’t know anything at all, then follow the recommendations that will go further.

Or study the niche on forums, in groups and communities on social networks, use search engines, etc.

The next factor is the demand for CPA offers...

Market demand for CPA offers

Firstly— it is necessary to evaluate the very niche of the product being sold. Evaluate how new the CPA offer is - new offers are not always the best and this does not mean that people will rush to buy the product right away.

It’s just that it’s not yet familiar to the audience and it needs some time to “mature” - it has to pass (or the company). It just takes two or three months (or maybe less) - and then people will start buying it.

But some offers need to be launched immediately, as quickly as possible... as soon as they appear. How to sort out this mess? Only with gaining experience.

Secondly… There is also the other side of the coin - “opened” offers are bought much less often, since the demand for them has already dropped significantly. That is, already “opened” offers simply will not allow you to gain profit.

And finally— always evaluate seasonality using the Yandex.WordStat service.

Example: A winter hat should not be promoted in the summer, and summer shorts should not be promoted in the winter.

Traffic sources for the CPA affiliate program

You may only know one traffic source (and be able to understand it). Therefore, some affiliate programs (advertisers) may not be suitable for you when choosing a CPA offer.

For example - you don’t know how to work with teaser networks, and you want to promote a product like “Goji berries”.
You should avoid promoting products of this type in other advertising systems, because they will definitely not allow such a product.
And in Teaser networks it will go with a bang.

Or vice versa - there is a very hot offer that people only buy consciously. In this case, it must be promoted in contextual advertising (Google AdWords and Yandex Direct).
And then, if you do not understand contextual advertising, you cannot choose this affiliate program (advertiser).

The CPA affiliate program may also itself prohibit certain types of traffic. This must be specified in. Therefore, always carefully read the Rules and carefully understand when choosing a CPA offer.

Now let's look at competitiveness...

Competitiveness of CPA offers

The competitiveness of CPA offers plays an important role when choosing a CPA offer.

Price- if it is too cheap or expensive, then as a rule, people try not to buy this product. They usually buy at an average price - it is always adequate.

The advertiser you like will not always set an adequate price for their product.
Therefore, if you want to compete in the same advertising system, then your advertiser’s price should not differ by 5-10% from competitors.

If the price differs by more than 10%, then you should switch to another traffic source and advertise the product there.


— If the price differs by less than 10%, you can compete through brand delivery, consumer conditions and landing page design.

— If the price differs by more than 10%, then you need to look for alternative sources of targeted traffic.

Delivery- if the buyer has to wait a long time for the delivery of the goods, then he will refuse to purchase it. Users usually try to choose door-to-door delivery by courier - although it is more expensive, it is more reliable. Upon receipt of the goods, you can check it and not take it back if you are not satisfied with something.

Brand— people trust familiar names of companies and firms. Whenever possible, always join “branded” affiliate programs.

Terms for the consumer- these are guarantees for the product itself and the return of the product in the event of a warranty case.

If your landing page has a Yandex card with the advertiser’s details and real contacts for communication, the person understands that he can always return the product. In this case, its purchase will become more realistic.

Well, the last factor for today...

Indicators of the CPA network itself

Not every CPA network provides objective indicators, and you must always remember that these indicators are mostly “blurry” and do not provide specific and accurate data about the offer you have chosen.

Therefore, it is necessary to focus on them only as a last resort - and even then with great caution.

Their indicators seem to give you a hint, a direction... And then - you yourself must carry out scrupulous work on choosing an offer and make appropriate decisions.


In this article, we examined the main factors in deciding how to choose the right CPA offer in the CPA network affiliate program.

That's all for today. Next time, we’ll look at how to do it and enter...

As you know, choosing an offer is almost the most important part of an arbitrageur’s work. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, a bad offer will not bring profit, but a good one will work even for a beginner. Never choose an offer blindly, even if it looks like it works. Always check the offer's track record and look for evidence that it works.

Nowadays, each CPA network offers dozens and hundreds of offers to choose from. And it’s not always immediately clear which one is good and which one is not so good. Therefore, we offer 5 tips on how not to make a mistake and choose a great offer.

1. Affiliate managers

As a rule, managers are paid commissions from partners' profits. Always before choosing an offer, first contact your manager, he is directly interested in you earning money. Don’t forget that managers often attend various conferences and know all the nuances of offers and the market as a whole better than you.

2. Desktop or mobile?

Mobile traffic is on the rise now, and you have every opportunity to make money on it, but don’t forget about the desktop - it still holds high positions, and is not going to lose them. This means that it doesn’t matter what kind of traffic you prefer, there is money both here and there.

If you decide to work with a desktop, then you don’t need to listen to someone who says that mobile is on the rise and the future lies there. Stick to one direction and be a pro at it.

3. Do a split test

There are a lot of great CPA networks out there, and many of them have the same offers, but remember, an offer can always convert differently. This may depend on the tracking system, some webmasters talk about shaving, and there can be a lot of reasons. But, in any case, you can test one offer in two affiliate programs and get completely different results.

So, when you have found a good offer, you should find it on another affiliate and do a split test. If the difference in CR is 10-25%, this means that one of the affiliate programs has a very bad tracking system, or they are simply shaving.

4. Reserve offer

Also, a very important point in choosing an offer is to have a backup or similar offer that you can launch on the same campaign if the main offer is turned off. We spend too much money and time on the campaign, and we don’t really want to lose traffic due to the suspension of the offer.

Always keep a similar offer with you, so you can always save your campaign and continue making money from it.

5. Payments

Offers with low payouts ($0.1 - $2) can be a good start for beginners. Such offers usually have a much higher envelope than high-stakes offers. And it’s not just about the money, the data you get along the way will give you enough knowledge to optimize and scale your campaign.

Don’t be tempted by offers with payouts of $20-$100. They are very difficult to convert and you have to invest a lot of money to get enough data to scale.

Always start with “low-cost” offers and don’t forget to do a split test to compare payouts.

The biggest mistake affiliates can make is choosing the wrong offer. Even an arbitrage guru can’t do anything about a broken offer. So if you're currently working on a campaign but, despite your best efforts, nothing is working, knock on your manager and ask for advice.

Let's consider the question of how to choose an offer in CPA affiliate programs to earn money. Overall earnings depend on the correct and adequate choice. There are really bad offers for draining, which are better to avoid. First, let us remind you what an offer is in the concept of CPA. An offer is a proposal (conditions) regarding payment for a specific action for which the advertiser is willing to pay. Our goal is to select those that will be most effective for us.

If you are a beginner, then you should choose offers that have as few traffic requirements as possible, and the action that needs to be made as simple as possible (registration, sending an application). More complex actions, such as confirming orders, taking out a loan, are best postponed until later. This is a highly competitive field and a newcomer is unlikely to be able to earn anything here.

Criteria for selecting offers in CPA

There are several criteria by which you should select certain offers for work. Each CPA affiliate program has a catalog of offers to work with, which presents the main characteristics. Let's consider all these characteristics, and also give other recommendations for choosing offers to earn money as a CPA.

1. Numerical indicators of offers

1.1. High eCPC

eCPC is a parameter that calculates the average cost of one user click. For example, 50 people clicked and only 1 of them took the action and we received 30 rubles for this. In this case, the cost of one click will be on average 60 kopecks.

eCPC formula:

eCPC = [Total Revenue] / [Total Conversions]

It is logical that the higher the average eCPC, the more favorable the conditions.

1.2. High CR (conversion rate)

CR conversion percentage. The formula for conversion is very simple. The total number of users who performed the action is taken to the total number of users.

Formula CR:

CR = [Total number of actions] / [Total number of users]

The higher the conversion, the better and simpler the offer. This is a logical conclusion. The advertiser accepts many traffic sources and the CR indicator is very objective.

Note Most often, instead of CR, you can see the “Envelope” indicator. This is the same thing, but it is specified in relation. For example, a 2% conversion rate for an envelope would be written 1:50.

1.3. Cookie lifetime

A cookie is special data that is stored in the browser. A user who follows an affiliate link becomes a potential buyer as long as the cookie “live”. For example, today a user opened an advertiser’s offer through your website, but did nothing. A couple of days later, he returned directly to the site through the same browser and completed the action. This means that you will receive money because the user's cookie has been saved and is used to identify you.

The higher the cookie lifetime, the greater the chances of earning money.

1.4. Offer rating in the CPA network

Every (or almost every) CPA network has a rating indicator, which is formed by the webmasters themselves. Of course, this is not far from an indicator, but, as a rule, worthy offers are at the top of the list.

2. Evaluation of the offer as a whole

Open the offer description. Read, follow the affiliate link, see what the landing page looks like on the advertiser’s side.

There are many little things and details that greatly affect conversion and sales. General recommendations are quite simple:

  • Full functionality of the landing page on the advertiser's side
  • Easy form for action (registration, filling out an application)
  • Good idea overall and well executed

Does the offer accept your traffic source? I mean there are sources: social networks, own websites, contextual advertising, teasers, etc. Not all offers accept all traffic sources.

Also check whether the offer opens from a mobile device (more precisely, whether there is a mobile adaptation). Mobile devices are growing in popularity and occupy a large market, so it's worth keeping that in mind too.

3. Popularity of the offer

The popularity of an offer can be easily checked by the number of queries in search engines for this product/game. To do this, you can open Google Trend:

Or look at the request history in Yandex Wordstat:

In general, you need to focus only on those offers that are either at the peak of popularity or are growing. If popularity has been declining for a long time (six months), then there is no point in wasting your energy on a dying trend.

Seasonal requests may introduce significant errors into such schedules. For example, popularity is high in winter and low in summer. This must be remembered and thought about in each specific case.

4. Offer feature

The offer must have some kind of feature or feature in general, otherwise the user will not have the desire to “stupidly” perform an action. For example, even a banal registration bonus can greatly affect the overall conversion.

5. Compare offers in different CPA networks

It is also worth comparing the terms of offers in different CPA networks. In order not to enter each network specifically, you can use the service It compares offers in different networks and, in general, you can choose the best conditions on the market.

6. Conditions for attracting traffic

It is important to see if the conditions for attracting traffic are suitable for you. For example, an offer can only pay users from Russia. And if there are only 60% of them on your site, then no one will pay you for 40% of the traffic. When there are no traffic restrictions, this is very good, but this is not always the case. So you need to read the terms and conditions.

Which offer should a beginner choose?

Getting started with CPA networks is the most difficult thing. First, read all the criteria that were written just above.

Next, we need to understand an important question: we have traffic and are already looking for an offer for it. Or vice versa, we are looking for an offer and then we are already thinking about where to get traffic for it. Professional arbitrageurs select an offer and then look for traffic. For beginners, it is better to use the “search for an offer based on traffic” scheme.

In the beginning, choose simpler actions. Something like “registration”, “send a form”. It’s better not to get involved in the topic of finance right away. There are the highest payouts for actions, but the chances of earning anything at all are small.

In the beginning, little will work out. To do this, you need to analyze the results and understand what the error is. Remember that general traffic is the hardest to convert.

Further earnings depend on the correct and adequate choice. There are many bad scam offers that are best avoided.

In general, you need to focus only on those offers that are either at the peak of popularity or are growing. If popularity has been declining for a long time (six months), then there is no point in wasting your energy on a dying trend.

Seasonal requests may introduce significant errors into such schedules. For example, popularity is high in winter and low in summer. This must be remembered and taken into account.

1.7. Is there a trick in the offer?

The offer must have some kind of feature or feature in general, otherwise the user will not have the desire to “stupidly” perform an action. For example, even a banal registration bonus can greatly affect the overall conversion.

1.8. Compare offers from different CPA networks

It is also worth comparing the terms of offers in different CPA networks. In order not to enter each network specifically, you can use the service It compares offers in different networks and, in general, you can choose the best conditions on the market.

1.9. Conditions for attracting traffic

It is important to see if the conditions for attracting traffic are suitable for you. For example, an offer can only pay users from Russia. And if there are only 60% of them on your site, then no one will pay you for 40% of the traffic. When there are no traffic restrictions, this is very good, but this is not always the case. So you need to read the terms and conditions.

2. Which offer should a beginner choose?

Getting started with CPA networks is the most difficult thing. First, read all the criteria that were written just above.

Next, we need to understand an important question: we have traffic and are already looking for an offer for it. Or vice versa, we are looking for an offer and then we are already thinking about where to get traffic for it. Professional arbitrators choose the second option. For beginners, it is better to use the “we are looking for an offer for traffic” scheme.

In the beginning, choose simpler actions. Something like “registration”, “send a form”. It’s better not to get involved in the topic of finance right away. There are the highest payouts for actions, but the chances of earning anything at all are small.

In the beginning, little will work out. To do this, you need to analyze the results and understand what the error is. Remember that general traffic is the hardest to convert.

If you are experienced enough in working with any traffic source, you know the target audience that lives on it and the conditions for advertising, then choose a product (service) for promotion for this platform and its audience.

If you are new to arbitrage, it is best to start with commodity affiliate programs; now we will talk about the secrets of choosing them.

Selecting an offer for arbitrage.

Conventionally, they can be divided into the following categories:

  • niche, that is, for a certain segment of the target audience - Muslim watches, bite activator, ... (these sell well in VK).
  • seasonal - skis, everything for the garden, mosquito repellent (stable demand every season).
  • category - sports equipment, perfume, ...
  • impulse (wow) - talking hamster, flying fairy (demand soars quickly, does not last long, you need to catch the trend).
  • all kinds of replica brands - iPhones, watches, clutches (difficulties with moderation in VK, MT, Direct).

It is better to promote an offer that is already promoted, sold, but not squeezed out, than an offer unknown to the general audience, spending the advertising budget on its promotion.

Which products should you not start with or avoid at all:

  1. “Magical” effects, with deliberately false properties: monastery teas, “enlarger creams,” bracelets with miraculous properties, potency products, etc.
  2. Products for oral consumption: food additives, dietary supplements, goji berries, liquid chestnut, etc.
  3. Most of them are from the beauty and weight loss niche: massagers, exercise machines, belts, masks, serums, etc. (excl. Waist Trainer Corset)
  4. Products for “schoolchildren”

Let's see what is currently relevant and sold by other webmasters.

To do this, let's go to and look at the ads in the advertising platforms to choose from.

In the demo version, Publer provides a limited amount of information, but it is enough to understand the advertising market.

The following services where you can see teasers unscrewed on VKontakte and teaser networks. There are also teaser ad showcases:

If you come across an offer that you think is interesting, go to Cpainform (, enter its name in the “search” and select from the CPA results the network where it is present, with the best conditions.

You can find a suitable one directly in CPA networks, based on the statistics presented on them. To do this, set up a filter for the EPC (eCPC) indicator in descending order and look at the top of the search results.

For example, KMA:

Criteria for choosing a profitable affiliate program.

  • EPC (eCPC) is the average earnings per click for the CPA network. The higher this indicator, the more chances the affiliate has to make a profit by achieving a lower cost per click in an advertising campaign.
  • CR - conversion to lead landing page (the ratio of visitors who made a purchase to their total number). If this indicator is around 1% or higher, then the product is relevant. In addition, based on this value, you can make your landing page with a higher CR, and thereby reduce the cost of one lead.
  • Cookie lifetime - if less than 24 hours, do not consider the offer. The cookie counts the click on your referral link, and according to statistics, most people complete the target action within 24 hours from the moment of their first visit to the offer. Therefore, with a short cookie lifespan, these users will not be counted as “yours.” Ideally, the higher this indicator, the better.
  • Approval is the percentage of confirmed (purchased) orders. If less than 30% is not worth contacting, either the offer’s call center is not working well, or the cost is too high and people find a cheaper one after ordering, or they are not satisfied with the terms of service, etc.
  • Hold - waiting time for payments. Naturally, the less the better; an arbitrator needs working capital.
  • See commissions - if the payment is less than 500 rubles. , it’s worth thinking about whether advertising advertising will pay off with such a reward for a lead (payback depends on the choice of traffic source and accurate targeting of the target audience).
    It is also important to look at this indicator as a percentage of the price of the product - if it costs 10,000 rubles, and the commission is 600 rubles. - pass by. Promoting an expensive product or service requires a larger advertising budget, and small affiliate contributions will not cover the costs.
  • It is also critical whether there are limits on the number of leads per day, otherwise you can waste traffic in excess of the allotted limit. An offer may set limits for the following reasons:
    — limited quantity in stock;
    — if the delivery service cannot cope with large volumes;
    — if the call center does not have time to process applications.

By the way, look at the opening hours of the offer’s call center; when setting up the geo and time of ad display, it is advisable to take this into account, otherwise the buyer, having placed an order, may change his mind about purchasing it before the confirmation call.

Go to the offer’s website, evaluate its usability and visual appeal. If filling out a form counts as a lead, look at how many fields there are in it - if it’s a “footcloth” with a dozen items, it’s unlikely that a visitor will want to waste effort filling it out.

The next thing you should look at on the landing page is the presence of pop-up windows with forms for signing up for promotions or calling for a free call (if the target action is “sale”). This takes away your traffic, since a transition from the form or an accepted application by calling you is not counted.

And also, after connecting to the offer, make a trial lead, notifying the network’s CPA support service about the test purchase so that fraud is not counted (see ““), and evaluate the work of the call center.

Having settled on a certain product, we do a market analysis - we check the current demand for the offer in ( and google (, We look at the trend of requests and their current number.

A trend is on a sharp rise - You’re lucky, the demand is rushed, if it’s smooth or with slight fluctuations - it’s also not bad, if it starts to go down with a sufficient number of requests - it’s not too late to get your share of traffic.

If the offer is a store or showcase with category goods, go to its website and look at the assortment, prices, bonuses, promotions; combo bookers do a good job of increasing conversions. And, of course, the popularity of the brand is important.

All these factors directly affect sales conversion - if the site is “gray”, inconvenient and unconvincing, you will uselessly drive traffic to it, and visitors will leave it without taking the necessary actions.

Now about the price. You need to look at it from competitors; to do this, enter a request in the browser and see at what price this product is sold by others. If the difference is significant and not in favor of the selected offer, it’s not worth wasting your time. In recent years, in CPA networks, prices for many products are noticeably higher in comparison with the prices of dropshippers, and if there is a choice to buy cheaper, the buyer will pass by your offer.

In Direct, simply enter a request in your browser and click to the right of the “show all” (ads) output. If the number of requests is small and there are many competitors, it will be more difficult to break through.

For teasers, use the same and

Having chosen an offer, look at the conditions for it in different CPA networks via

Analyze several sentences and enter the results into an Excel spreadsheet.

From the table you can select the appropriate product and CPA network with the best conditions.

Lifetime of a product offer and its advertising

It all depends on many factors:

  • If this is an impulse offer from the Wow category (flying fairy, talking hamster) - rush demand usually lasts from six months to 1-1.5 years and subsides. This is a golden time for affiliate marketers, but they will quickly fill up with competitors.
  • Advertising category offers (watches, shoes, kitchen utensils, cosmetics) can generate profits for years.
  • Seasonal ones (barbecue, skates, swimming pool) are best promoted, naturally, during the right season of the year, and during this period the campaign will be effective.

To give a general answer, you need to monitor the profitability of an advertising campaign, and if the offer is in demand, you can make a profit for more than one month.

This is the algorithm and explanations how to choose an offer I'm finishing.

See the article on how to use transit pages and other features for services that increase sales significantly.