Quotes about our life. Aphorisms about life with meaning are short

  • 24.09.2019

cool and wise aphorisms about life with meaning. Short sayings of great people who have found their place in society.

Meaning of life

Aphorisms about life with meaning, short sayings famous people who left their mark on history:

  • It is a work to be finished with dignity (Tocqueville).
  • It is easy to achieve success, to know the meaning is the problem (Einstein).
  • Our journey is only a moment. Live now, then there will simply be no time (Chekhov).
  • Meaning can be found, but it cannot be created (Frankl).
  • A happy existence is harmony and unity (Seneca).
  • If at least once you really helped someone, then you did not live in vain (Shcherblyuk).
  • Meaning is the path to happiness (Dovgan).
  • We are all just people. But for parents we are the meaning of life, for friends - soul mates, for loved ones - the whole world (Roy).


Aphorisms about life with meaning, short and fidelity.

  • The need to love is the main need (France).
  • Only love can destroy death (Tolstoy).
  • Thank the thorns for having roses (Carr)
  • The birth of a person only makes sense when he helps others (De Beauvoir).
  • You need to love a person the way God created him (Tsvetaeva).
  • A road without love is an angel with one wing. He cannot rise high (Dumas).
  • All problems come from a lack of love (Carey).
  • Destroy love in your world, and everything will go to dust (Browning).
  • When you truly love, you reconcile with the whole world (Lazhechnikov).


Aphorisms about the meaning of life, expressed by the Holy Fathers.

  • The life you are living now is preparation for the next birth (St. Ambrose).
  • The earthly path leads to the Eternal (St. Barsanuphius).
  • The earthly path has been given to us so that by useful deeds and redemption we may be closer to Him (St. Ignatius).
  • Love is strong only in humility (St. Macarius).
  • Poor is he who desires much (St. John).
  • Only faith in the happiness of your neighbor will make you happy (Prot. Sergei).
  • Do good deeds, then the Devil will not be able to approach you, because you will always be busy (Blessed Jerome).

about life and the search for its meaning

  • If you just sit and think about the meaning without doing anything, you will not find the meaning (Murakami).
  • In the morning the meaning of my life is to sleep.
  • For the sake of a fun life, you should not lose its meaning (Juvenal).
  • Live in such a way that not only a monument is erected to you, but also pigeons fly around it.
  • Life has only one drawback - it ends.
  • This is a terrible disease. It is transmitted through love and always ends in death.
  • You should not look at the world more pessimistic than it looks at you.
  • You can not live one life twice, unfortunately, many cannot live one.
  • Our existence is like a queue for death, and yet some always try to get through without a queue.
  • Anything that is the best leads to obesity.
  • I planted everything, built and gave birth. Now I water, repair and feed.
  • The real meaning of life is hidden in a pregnant woman (Nemov).

Great deeds

Aphorisms about life with meaning, short clear thoughts about your favorite pastime, which determines the eternal search for many.

  • The one who really decided to change cannot be stopped (Hippocrates).
  • This is not the time that you lived, but what you did (Marquez).
  • The great road requires great sacrifices (Kogan).
  • If there is a worthy goal, then it simplifies our existence (Murakami).
  • There are things in the world for which you can give your life, but there is nothing for which you can take it (Gregory).
  • The meaning is not in usefulness, but in being yourself (Coelho).
  • After us, only our deeds will remain, so do them so that these deeds are great (France).
  • You need to grow your own garden, and not steal from someone else's (Voltaire).
  • A great deed is not created without mistakes (Rozanov).
  • Think less, do more (Hunt).

Process or result?

Aphorisms about life with meaning are reflections on the topic: how to live in general?

  • The appearance often closes the soul of a person to those around him.
  • Our road is so short. She has only 4 stops: a child, a loser, a gray head and a dead man (Moran).
  • Take your time, because in the finale everyone is waiting for the grave (Martin).
  • Fear is in everyone, it makes us human. So the meaning is fear (Roy).
  • It’s not a pity that my path may end, it’s a pity if it never began (Newman).
  • A person notices the loss of money, but does not notice the loss of his days.
  • Only a mediocre person is able to submit to fate.
  • To live correctly is available to everyone, but to live forever - to no one (Seneca).
  • Everyone screams - we want to live, but why, no one says (Miller).


Aphorisms about life with meaning and family.

  • The mother is not looking for meaning, she has already given birth to it.
  • All joy lives in the laughter of a child.
  • The family is the ship. Before you go to the open sea, you will survive a small storm.
  • Life gives joy only when we give life to others (Maurois).
  • Children tend to be happy and joyful (Hugo).
  • It is the family that teaches the child to do good for life (Sukhomlinsky).
  • One hour of a child can be longer than a whole day for an old man (Schopenhauer).
  • Every child is a genius, every genius is a child. They both know no boundaries and make discoveries (Schopenhauer).
  • Without children, we have no reason to love this world (Dostoevsky).

Short aphorisms about life and its meaning open philosophical laws being. Spiritual problems exist in every person, we all solve them in our own way. For some, the meaning is to have fun and enjoy every moment, for others - to leave your mark on history. What are we living for? For children, for the accumulation of wealth or for bringing a bit of goodness and light into the existence of the world? Everyone decides for himself.

People have been thinking about the meaning of existence since the creation of the world. The best philosophers, great authors, fathers of all religions are trying to find an answer to eternal question. and paradise? You can definitely answer, only at the end of your path. But then it will be too late to live life again.

There are many hypotheses. Let everyone choose the one that is closer to his soul and lifestyle.

Many people compare life to a theater, but in fact it is like a trap, and the people in it are like mice that either fall into a trap or run away with a good piece of bait. This comedy is quite silly and risqué, but still quite entertaining.

"AT. Belinsky

Life without arguments would be very boring. Everything that lives calls for discussion.

"Charlie Chaplin"

What is the whole of human life, if not the amusement of stupidity.

"Erasmus of Rotterdam"

Human life is ridiculously short. How to live? Some stubbornly avoid life, others devote themselves entirely to it. The first on the slope of days will be poor in spirit and memories, others will be rich in both.

"M. Bitter"

Breaking bad habits is easier today than tomorrow.


Life is a school, but one should not rush to finish it.

"E. Gentle"

Once you know strong emotional or life upheavals, you will forever get rid of stupid obsessive fears that are invariably companions of a person.

"O. Balzac"

Life has meaning only as a task or duty.

"Giuseppe Mazzini"

Life is what people receive without expressing gratitude, use it without hesitation, pass it on to others in unconsciousness and lose it without noticing it.


A person who is always able to profit from small events for himself has truly comprehended the art of life.

"WITH. Butler"

Tracking, recognizing and comprehending the constantly recurring events of life, you can always and everywhere get your benefit.

"O. Balzac"

Ignore minor flaws; remember: you also have large ones.

"Benjamin Franklin"

There is no need to fear death. One should be afraid of a useless life.

In life, you need to learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to do them all on your own.

"Hyman George Rickover"

It is not true that life is gloomy, it is not true that there are only sores and groans, grief and tears in it! It has everything that a person wants to find, and it has the strength to create what is not in it.

"M. Bitter"

At successful people There is fear, doubt, and anxiety. They just didn't let those feelings stop them.

"T. Harv Acker"

Anything that has no end has no meaning.

"YU. Lotman"

Everyone expects the same night.


Life does not give anything without hard work and unrest.


Life is not in vain for people who have awakened at least some strong thought.

"BUT. Herzen"

Everything, absolutely can be experienced in this world, everything except death.

"O. Wilde"

Do not be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes.

"John Rockefeller"

To live in society, to bear the heavy yoke of positions, often insignificant and vain, and to want to reconcile the benefits of self-love with the desire for fame - is a truly vain demand.

"TO. Batyushkov"

Quotes of great people with meaning about life

Everything in the world grows, blooms and returns to its root.

"J. LaBruyère

Every person has three characters: one that is attributed to him; one that he ascribes to himself; and, finally, the one that is in reality.

"Victor Hugo"

To live is the same as to love: the mind is against it, a healthy instinct is for it.

"WITH. Butler"

It's stupid to worry about losing money. It's just material value. Think better from how irretrievably leave better days lives wasted.

"G. Bar-Ebraya»

Time passes, that's the problem. The past grows and the future shrinks. There are less and less chances to do something - and all the more offensive for what I did not have time to do.

"Haruki Murakami"

For everyone around us, we create only rules, but for ourselves - only exceptions.

"Sh. Lemel"

The true life of a person is one that he does not even suspect.

"Samuel Butler"

A long life with a healthy consciousness allows you to look at yourself from the outside and marvel at the changes in yourself.

"M. Prishvin"

All people make big plans for how many years ahead. But none of us can know whether he will live until tomorrow morning or not.

In which each person can find a topic close to himself. These words convey inner feelings and can make others understand a person’s attitude to what is happening and life in general.

Statuses with meaning, smart

  • "The opportunity to learn something should not be missed."
  • "By turning to the past, we turn our backs to the future."
  • "Man is omnipotent as long as he is not busy with anything."
  • "The meaning of success is in moving towards it. extreme point does not exist".
  • "He who conquers himself is not afraid of anything."
  • "A kind person can be seen immediately. He notices the good in everyone he meets."
  • "If your bar is not being reached, this is not a reason to underestimate it."
  • "Emotions come from thoughts. If you don't like the state, you need to change your thinking."
  • "To be pitied, great efforts are not required. But to be envied, you have to sweat."
  • "Dreams are still dreams if you don't pursue them."
  • "Pain is a sign of growth."
  • "If you do not strain the muscle for a long time, it will atrophy. It is the same with the brain."
  • "As long as you don't lose heart, any other falls are up to you."
  • "It's much easier to grumble at the state than to throw rubbish in the bin."

Smart statuses about life with meaning

  • "Do not listen to those who say that you are wasting your life. Because while they are talking, you are living."
  • "Thoughts form a person."
  • "To whom it is given by nature to speak, he will be able to sing. To whom it is given to walk, he can dance."
  • "The meaning of life is always there. You just need to find it."
  • "Happy people live here and now."
  • "It's only after you've experienced a big loss that you begin to realize how few things deserve attention."
  • "There is a parable about a dog that whined while sitting on a nail. So it is with people: they lament, but they do not dare to get off this" nail ".
  • does not exist. There are decisions you don't want to make."
  • "Happiness is killed by regrets about the past, fear of the future and ingratitude for the present."
  • "In order for something new to come into life, you need to make room for it."
  • speak for the person themselves."
  • "Nothing will change in the past."
  • "Revenge is the same as biting a dog back."
  • "The only thing worth chasing is big dreams that you can't lose sight of along the way."

Smart statuses with meaning are just a grain of centuries-old wisdom developed by people. Individual experience is equally important. In the end, the vital right of a person to act in accordance with his own worldview.

about love

Statuses with meaning, smart statements are also dedicated to the most glorified feeling - love, the subtleties of the relationship between a man and a woman.

  • "In true love, a person learns a lot about himself."
  • "Being unloved is just bad luck. Not loving is grief."
  • "The only thing that a person can't get enough of is love."
  • "Love should open horizons, not keep in prison."
  • "For a man in love, there are no other problems."
  • "Not a single person can be understood and accepted as much as a loved one."
  • "There are two phases in a woman's life: first she must be beautiful in order to be loved. Then she must be loved in order to be beautiful."
  • "It's not enough to love. You still need to allow yourself to be loved."
  • "Finding love is easier than being the person you're looking for."
  • "A wise woman never scolds her man in front of strangers."

About relationships between people

For the most part, statuses with meaning, smart quotes reflect the world of human relationships. After all, this aspect is relevant at all times and is replete with its subtleties.

  • "You can't tell people about your failures. Some don't need it, others are only happy."
  • "Don't be greedy - give people a second chance. Don't be an idiot - don't give a third."
  • "You can't help someone who doesn't want it."
  • "Happy children are those parents who spend their time on them, not money."
  • "If our hopes were not justified, only we are to blame. There was no need to raise high expectations."
  • "When judging another person, it is worth considering - is everything known about your own future?"
  • "Your people don't leave."
  • "To be able to let go of those who want to leave is the quality of a kind person. We must give others the opportunity to make their choice."
  • "Understanding others is much easier than understanding yourself."
  • "Do not pay attention to those who undermine your self-confidence. This is only their problem. Great people inspire."
  • “It is much better to see the good in a person and make a mistake than to consider him a scoundrel and then regret it.”

Smart statuses with a meaning about life do not have to be used for posts in social networks. You can find in these statements a rational grain for developing your personality, developing your own opinion and striving for harmony.

Appreciate aphorisms about life with meaning - short, well-aimed statements that reflect the deep essence. What is an aphorism and how does it differ from a proverb? What aphorisms from famous people do we know?

What characterizes an aphorism?

As already mentioned, usually aphorisms are short and precise quotations expressing a view on the issue raised from a certain angle. It usually touches on something that we constantly encounter, or a philosophical question, for example, about life and death.

An aphorism is distinguished from a proverb by the presence of the author to whom it belongs, and the specifics - it is used in a known context. It is not as sonorous as a proverb, rarely in poetic form. Often an aphorism, having undergone some changes over time from oral transmission among the people, becomes a proverb.

Some aphorisms about life with meaning, short and to the point:

  • “Health cannot be bought with money, but it can be spent.”
  • “Marriage is not a social status, it is a medal. It's called "For Courage!".
  • "They forgive those they love what they would not forgive others, and they do not forgive what they forgive strangers."
  • “Life is such a precious gift that it should be lived wisely. She is the greatest miracle that can happen to us."

Aphorisms from the Holy Scriptures

In the book of the Bible, you can also find many quotes, which, in fact, are aphorisms about life with meaning, short, catch phrases. For example, here are some words of Jesus Christ:

  • “It is not what goes in (food) that makes a man impure, but what comes out of him.”
  • "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be."
  • "With what judgment you judge, so shall you be judged."
  • "A tree is known by its fruits, so are false prophets by their deeds."
  • “Much is forgiven to the one who shows great love, but to the one who is forgiven little, he loves little.”
  • "Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains."
  • “Not healthy people need a doctor, but, on the contrary, sick people.”
  • “We have brought nothing into the world and we cannot take anything out of it, having food and clothing, we will be satisfied with this (Apostle Paul).”
  • "Make no mistake: bad community will ruin good habits."

The last quote of the Apostle Paul, written about 2000 years ago, is consonant with the modern proverb "with whom you lead, you will get." Undoubtedly, the Bible contains the best aphorisms about life.

Aphorisms from those who are considered great

Consider some aphorisms of great people. Probably, each of the scientists, writers and other celebrities wrote about life, friendship, love.

  1. “In each of us, what a person nourishes blossoms. This is the eternal law of nature. (Goethe).
  2. "Everyone hears only what he can understand." (Goethe).
  3. "A mother's heart is a bottomless source of miracles." (Honore de Balzac).
  4. "Fame is an unprofitable commodity: high cost and poor preservation." (Honore de Balzac).
  5. "Living people should be treated kindly, but only the truth should be told about the dead." (Voltaire).
  6. “Do you love life? Then don't waste the time of which it consists." (B. Franklin).
  7. “Usually those who complain about life expected the impossible from it.” (J. Renan).
  8. "A person begins to live only after she has managed to surpass herself." (Einstein).
  9. “Life can be lived in two ways: as if there were no miracles, or as if there were only miracles around.” (Einstein).
  10. “It is impossible to cope with the problem, remaining on the same level with it. To solve it, you need to rise above it to a higher level. (Einstein).

Aphorisms from antiquity

Some clever aphorisms about life have come down to us from long-lived philosophers. For example, these:

  • “If you want not to be afraid of what you are afraid of, change your attitude towards it.” (Marcus Aurelius).
  • “If you knew the source from which the judgments and interests of people flow, you would stop seeking approval and praise from the majority.” (Marcus Aurelius).
  • “Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who desires a lot.” (Seneca).
  • "You cannot heal the body without healing the soul." (Socrates).
  • "To say a lot is not the same as to say a lot." (Sophocles).
  • "The more numerous the laws of a state become, the nearer its fall." (Cornelius Tacitus).

Quotes with meaning from great Russians

The famous writer Leo Tolstoy in his works used many phrases that summarize the essence of the phrase, which have become aphorisms today. For example, these:

  • “Most husbands expect their wives to have virtues they themselves are not worthy of.”
  • “The educator himself must know life deeply in order to prepare others for it.”
  • "Power over oneself is the highest power, enslavement to one's own passions is the worst slavery."
  • "Happiness is the feeling of pleasure without remorse."
  • “Life does not seem like great joy to one whose thinking is distorted in the wrong direction.”

A. S. Pushkin also used many catchphrases about life:

  • “We consider everyone to be zeros, and ourselves to be one.”
  • "There is no return to dreams and years."
  • "You can't sew buttons on someone else's mouth."
  • "I cannot sacrifice what is necessary, expecting to receive in return what is superfluous."
  • "An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar."

His last quote has become a proverb today. Truly wisdom, like the universe, has no limit.

Quotes about life from Gorky

Alexei Maksimovich, like any writer, thought a lot about being, and in his books there are aphorisms about life with meaning (short ones). For example:

  • "A book is a book, but move your mind."
  • “Talent is like a thoroughbred horse: you need to learn how to manage it, but if you pull the reins in all directions, the horse will become a nag.”
  • "The meaning of life is the perfection of man."
  • “The greatest pleasure, the highest joy in life is to feel yourself the right people and close to them.
  • “Only deeds remain of a person.”
  • “People can only choose from two forms of life: rot or burn; the cowardly and the greedy choose the former, but the brave and generous the latter.”

With humor for life

Here are some funny aphorisms about life, with meaning. They are more designed to make us smile.

  • "Life is like toilet paper: the less it remains, the more you value every piece.
  • “Don’t wait until happiness comes, it’s better to step into it yourself.”
  • “Friends are those who know us quite well and still treat us well.”
  • “In life there is always a place for a holiday, it remains only to get to this place yourself.”
  • “The trouble is not that there are those who, when drunk, become fools, but that there are sober fools.”
  • "Man is like a monkey: the higher he climbs, the more he shows his backside."
  • “If the state calls itself your homeland, then it wants something from you.”
  • "Only two things have no end: the universe and stupidity, although I'm not sure about the first." (Einstein).

Some people collect quotes like this to look at at their leisure and meditate. Aphorisms are pearls of wisdom designed to make us better. Will people appreciate them?

Quoting life - we are looking for a special meaning in it. The wisdom of life is in the years lived with meaning and in what remains after ...

Reading wise quotes, involuntarily you begin to think about life's purpose. Funny sayings written by great people provide an opportunity to endure life's hardships with humor.

“Life reflects thoughts. A person who speaks and acts with a good thought is pursued by happiness like a shadow. Dhammapada.

“Everything that serves to change life is natural. Happiness is just waiting for a reason to express itself in action. A. S. Green.

"Life is not suffering or pleasure - it is a work that a person is obliged to do, having honestly completed." Al. Tocqueville.

"Don't try to be successful - try to find meaning in life." Al. Einstein.

Beautiful and wise quotes about life and love

“Remembering how you loved, one gets the impression: nothing good has happened to you anymore.” F. Mauriac.

“Life constantly distracts attention and we do not have time to understand why specifically.” Kafka.

“Often people complain that roses have thorns. Personally, I am grateful to the thorns - they crown the roses. Alexander Carr.

"He who does not love is unloved by anyone." Democritus.

"Angels call it the joy of heaven, devils - the torments of hell, people - love." Heine.

"Goal human life is service to people, participation in their lives and willingness to help. A. Schweitzer.

Short quotes about life

Below are short quotes from songs, movies, sayings of great people:

“Help is nowhere to be found. Save yourself, man!" Alexander Men.

"The main purpose of life is to remain human."

"A person can change when there is for someone."

“Inner beauty and a beautiful soul are the highest value of a person.”

“Age is not a barrier. The barrier is the opinion of outsiders.

"Youth is a billowing wave: behind is a storm, ahead are rocks." Wordsworth.

"It's easy to see a good person: by a smile on his lips, but pain in his heart."

"Those who do right have no friends."

"Hatred is better than indifference."

"Life is just a fabric of habits." A. Amiel.

"Hope is alive even near the graves." G. Goethe.

“Usually they are not afraid of the dark, but of what it hides.”

“The hard part is not making decisions, but experiencing the consequences.”

“Try to do everything perfectly: it will turn out badly by itself.”

"It's never too late to fight for what's dear to you."

About happiness and life in quotes

"Happiness has no yesterday and tomorrow ... there is now - only a moment." I. Turgenev.

“Do you want to be happy? Learn to suffer." I. Turgenev.

"A man is never as unhappy as he thinks, or too happy." La Rochefoucauld.

“A person has the right to happiness and must definitely seek it.” N. Dobrolyubov.

"The more happiness, the less trust him." Livy.

"It's not enough to be happy - happiness has to be earned." Hugo.

"I'm happy because I just don't have time to think that I'm unhappy." B. Show.

"Happiness is limitless - it cannot be measured, otherwise it is joy." Shevelev.

Quotes of great men

“We are surrounded by a lot of people complaining about life, and many are taking their own lives. Unfortunately, divine and human laws cannot stop this mess. But have you heard the savage complain about life? Judge without arrogance the true human misfortune." J. Rousseau.

"Often adversity is just God's tool to make us better." G. Biger.

“Earthly happiness is hypocritical, because soon the one who, hypocritically crawling, expected generosity from the prince, will soon become dust.” P. Ronsard.

“Practically all misfortunes happen from a deceptive idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is happening. Knowledge of human nature and a real judgment about what is happening bring happiness closer. Stendhal.

“When using, do not abuse - this is the rule of wisdom. Neither abstinence nor excess will give happiness. Voltaire.

“Why convince me that happiness is just a dream? If so, let me enjoy the dream.” Addison.

“The concept of happiness is infinitely different. Different peoples and classes understand happiness in different ways. Comparing the castles in the air of the proletarian and the philosopher, you are convinced that their architecture is different.” G. Spencer.

Additional quotes about life