Silver saucer and bulk apple summary. Fairy tale silver saucer and pouring apple

  • 20.09.2019

Information for parents: Silver saucer and bulk apple- one of the best Russian folk tales. It tells about the humble and good girl Maryushka, whom her father brought as a gift a magic saucer. This magical and instructive tale will be of interest to children aged 4 to 8 years. The text of the fairy tale “The Silver Saucer and the Filling Apple” is written in a fascinating and pleasant way, it can be read to children at night. Happy reading to you and your kids.

Read the fairy tale Silver saucer and pouring apple

There lived a man and a woman. They had three daughters. The two elders liked to walk around the streets in new clothes and show off in front of the mirror. And the youngest, Maryushka, did not spin in front of the mirrors - she worked from morning to night. Maryushka's entire outfit is a sundress, and a blond braid to toe.

The eldest daughters laugh at the youngest, sort out their colorful outfits, and make Maryushka work for themselves. But Maryushka is silent, she works in the field, runs the household, and cleans up the house. And so they lived.

Once a man was going to the market to sell hay. He called his daughters and asked:
- What kind of guests to buy, what to please?
“Father, buy me an elegant dress, in silks and with unprecedented patterns,” the eldest asks.
“And bring me a scarlet dress, made of overseas velvet,” the middle one asks.

But Maryushka is silent, does not ask for anything. The man himself asks her:
- And what kind of present do you need, that Maryushka will please your eyes?
- And buy me, father, an apple in bulk, and a silver saucer.

The older sisters make fun of Maryushka:
- Why do you need an apple fool ?! Our garden is full of liquid apples, one more beautiful than the other! Why do you need a saucer fool?! Feed the geese?
— No, my sisters, not for that. I will roll an apple on a saucer and say words, those that my grandmother told me, for the fact that I regaled her with a roll.

The man looked at his older sisters reproachfully:
- Enough to make fun of my sister, everyone chose a gift according to their hearts!

The peasant left for the market, but returned a few days later, brought gifts for his daughters - everything was as ordered.

The older sisters chuckle at the younger one, and admire their outfits. And Maryushka sat down and rolled an apple on a silver saucer, and said:
- Roll the apple, roll, turn around the saucer, show the cities and meadows, forests and seas, mountains and steppes, all your native land. Suddenly, everything around was lit up with a bright light, an apple rolls on a saucer, and not in it the whole Russian land is visible - an unwritten beauty. The elder sisters saw an unprecedented miracle, envy overcame them. They wanted to exchange Maryushka's toy for their outfits, but she refused. And they don’t know peace, they sit, think, guess how to seize a saucer with an apple by deceit or cunning.

They began to lure the younger sister into the forest, they say, let's go into the forest for berries. Maryushka agreed. They go through the dark forest - you can't see the berries. Maryushka sat down and rolled an apple on a silver platter, and she herself said:
- Roll apple, roll, turn around the saucer, let the berries grow on the lawns and in the forest.

Suddenly, the whole clearing became littered with berries, just bend over and pick it up. The sisters saw such a miracle, envy and completely clouded their minds. They grabbed a birch stick and killed Maryushka. And when they realized it, there was nothing to do. They buried their little sister under a weeping willow. They took the apple with a saucer, picked up baskets full of berries, and went home. The eldest daughters came to their native house, began to lie to their father:
- Maryushka got lost in the forest, we could not find her, apparently the wolves killed her.

The father was saddened, but there was nothing to do, you couldn’t bring back the youngest daughter. And at that time, a young shepherd was looking for a lost sheep, he sees a weeping willow, and under it the earth dug up by a tubercle lies - meadow flowers are around, and reeds have grown in the middle.
The shepherd cut the reed into a new pipe, did not have time to bring it to his lips, but the pipe itself began to play, and the song sang:
- Shepherd boy, play, play, a sad song, like my sisters killed me, like they buried me for an apple with a saucer, under a willow.

The shepherd came to the village, and the pipe still plays. The people gathered, wondering, they cannot understand what the pipe is playing about, and Father Maryushkin came, he heard this song, he guessed what the pipe was playing about. He called the elder daughters - they heard the song of the pipe, they were frightened in earnest, they told everything as it was.
Father cried:
- Lead us, shepherd, to where you cut the pipe, and tie up my elder daughters and take them to the forest.
The people of the elder sisters were taken to the forest and tied to an ancient oak tree. And the shepherd and his father found Maryushka's grave. They dug it out, and Maryushka seemed to be alive - even more beautiful than she had become, her cheeks were filled with a blush, as if she was sleeping a sound sleep.
The father remembered that in the royal house there is living water. And he went to the palace to the king to bow, to ask for living water. A man comes to the palace - he sees the king descending from the golden porch. A man bows at his feet, everything as it is, tells him the pure truth.
The king answers him:
- Take living water for your daughter, and then return to me, along with your daughter and an apple with a saucer.
The peasant bowed to the king, thanked for the great generosity. And he went home with living water.
A peasant came home and poured living water over Maryushka. She immediately woke up and hugged her father. The father and daughter are happy, they rejoice, but it was promised to return to the palace to the king. And they went to the royal court.
The tsar came out onto the gilded porch, looks at Maryushka, admires. A beautiful girl appeared before him, the sun was clear, her blond braid reached her toes, her eyes were the color of a clear sky.
The king asks Maryushka:
- Where is your apple and silver saucer?
Maryushka took out a saucer and an apple in bulk from the chest. She asked the king:
What do you want to see, sir? Your army, or the beauty of the Russian land?

A bulk apple rolled on a silver platter - the royal troops and their power, but Russian possessions and endless lands show. The king was surprised at an unprecedented miracle, and Maryushka offered him her game as a gift:
- Take the Tsar-father a silver saucer and a bulk apple, you will see your kingdom, but notice foreign enemies.
The tsar says in response, having seen Maryushkin's kind soul:
- You are your father's gift - a wonderful miracle, leave yourself, have fun. And only your answer as a gift will fit me - Do you want to become my wife, and rule the kingdom with me together? Your kind heart will serve our people with truth and embellish my life. Maryushka remained silent, only smiled modestly and blushed all over, she fell in love with the king. And soon they played a wedding, and the people remembered Queen Maryushka for a long time, with her kind heart, because she cared about the people.

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had three daughters. The eldest and middle daughters are outfitters, entertainers, and the third is a silent prude. The older daughters have colorful sundresses, chiseled heels, and gilded beads. And Mashenka has a dark sundress, and bright eyes. All the beauty of Masha is a blond braid, it falls to the ground, it touches the flowers. The older sisters are white-handed, slothful, and Mashenka is all with work from morning to evening: at home, and in the field, and in the garden. And the beds are flying, and the torch is stabbed, the cows are milked, the ducks are fed. Whoever asks anything, Masha brings everything, does not say a word to anyone, she is ready to do everything.
The older sisters push her around, make her work for themselves. And Masha is silent.
This is how they lived. Once a man was going to carry hay to the fair. He promises to buy gifts for his daughters. One daughter asks:
- Buy me, father, silk for a sundress.
Another daughter asks:
- And buy me scarlet velvet.
And Masha is silent. It was a pity for her old man:
- And you what to buy, Mashenka?
- And buy me, dear father, a bulk apple and a silver saucer.
The sisters laughed and grabbed their sides.
- Oh yes Masha, oh yes fool! Yes, we have a full garden of apples, take any, but why do you need a saucer? Feed the ducklings?
- No, sisters. I will roll an apple on a silver platter and pronounce cherished words. An old woman taught me them because I gave her kalach.
- Okay, - says the man, - there is nothing to laugh at my sister! I will buy a gift for everyone.
How close, how far, how little, how long he was at the fair, he sold hay, bought gifts. He brought one daughter blue silk, another scarlet velvet, and Masha a silver saucer and a bulk apple. The sisters are happy. They began to sew sundresses and laugh at Masha:
- Sit with your apple, fool ...
Mashenka sat down in a corner of the upper room, rolled a bulk apple on a silver saucer, sang and said:
- Roll, roll, pouring apple, on a silver saucer, show me the cities and fields, show me the forests and the seas, show me the heights of the mountains and the beauty of heaven, all my dear Mother Russia.
Suddenly there was a silver chime. The whole upper room was flooded with light: an apple rolled on a silver saucer, and on a silver saucer all the cities are visible, all the meadows are visible, and the shelves in the fields, and the ships on the seas, and the heights of the mountains, and the beauty of heaven: the sun is clearly rolling behind the bright moon, the stars gather in a round dance, the swans sing songs in the backwaters. The sisters looked, and they themselves take envy. They began to think and wonder how to lure a saucer with an apple out of Masha. Masha does not want anything, does not take anything, every evening she plays with a saucer. Her sisters began to lure into the forest:
- Dear sister, let's go to the forest for berries, bring strawberries to mother and father.
The sisters went to the forest. There are no berries anywhere, no strawberries to be seen. Masha took out a saucer, rolled an apple, began to sing and say:
- Roll, apple, on a saucer, poured on silver, show where the strawberries grow, show where the azure color blooms.
Suddenly there was a silver chime, an apple rolled down the saucer, poured over silver, and on the saucer all the forest places were visible. Where strawberries grow, where the azure color blooms, where mushrooms hide, where springs beat, where swans sing in the backwaters. As the evil sisters saw this, their eyes clouded with envy. They grabbed a knotted stick, killed Mashenka, buried it under a birch, took a saucer with an apple for themselves. They came home only in the evening. They brought full boxes of mushrooms and berries, they say to their father and mother:
- Masha ran away from us. We went around the whole forest - we did not find her; it is clear that the wolves ate more often. Their father tells them:
- Roll the apple on a silver platter, maybe the apple will show where our Mashenka is.
The sisters have died, but we must obey. They rolled an apple on a saucer - the saucer does not play, the apple does not roll, neither forests, nor fields, nor mountains of height, nor skies of beauty are visible on the silver platter.
At that time, at that time, the shepherd was looking for a sheep in the forest, he sees - a white birch stands, a tubercle is dug under the birch, and azure flowers bloom all around. Reeds grow among the flowers.
The young shepherd cut a reed and made a pipe. I didn’t have time to bring the pipe to my lips, but the pipe itself plays, pronounces:
- Play, play, pipe, play, reed, you amuse the young shepherdess. They ruined me, the poor one, they killed the young one, for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple.
The shepherd was frightened, ran to the village, told people.
The people gathered, gasp. Masha's father also came running here. As soon as he took the pipe in his hands, the pipe itself sings and says:
- Play, play, pipe, play, reed, amuse your dear father. They ruined me, the poor one, they killed the young one, for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple.
Father cried:
- Lead us, young shepherd, to where you cut the pipe.
The shepherd brought them to the forest on a hillock. Under the birch, the flowers are azure; on the birch, the titmouse birds sing songs.
They dug up a hillock, and there Masha lies. Dead, but more beautiful than alive: a blush burns on her cheeks, as if the girl is sleeping.
And the pipe plays and says:
- Play, play, pipe, play, reed. My sisters lured me into the forest, they ruined me, poor thing, for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple. Play, play, pipe, play reed. Get, father, crystal water from the royal well.
The two envious sisters trembled, turned white, fell on their knees, confessed their guilt.
They locked them up under iron locks until the royal decree, high command.
And the old man was going on his way, to the royal city for living water.
How soon, how long - he came to that city, he came to the palace.
Here the king descends from the golden porch. The old man bows to him earthly, tells him everything.
The king tells him:
- Take, old man, from my royal well of living water. And when your daughter comes to life, present her to us with a saucer, with an apple, with her sisters.
The old man rejoices, bows to the ground, carries home a vial with living water.
As soon as he sprinkled Maryushka with living water, she immediately became alive, fell like a dove on her father's neck. People fled, rejoiced. The old man went with his daughters to the city. They brought him to the palace chambers.
The king came out. He looked at Maryushka. The girl is standing like a spring flower, her eyes are sunlight, the dawn is on her face, tears are rolling down her cheeks like pearls, falling.
The king asks Maryushka:
- Where is your saucer, bulk apple?
Maryushka took the saucer with the apple, rolled the apple on the silver saucer. Suddenly there was a ringing-chime, and on a silver platter, one by one, the Russian cities were exhibited, regiments gathered in them with banners, they stood in battle formation, governors in front of the formations, heads in front of platoons, foremen in front of dozens. And shooting, and shooting, a cloud of smoke twisted - he hid everything from his eyes.
An apple rolls on a silver saucer. And on a silver platter, the sea is worried, ships are swimming like swans, flags are fluttering, cannons are firing. And shooting, and shooting, a cloud of smoke twisted - he hid everything from his eyes.
An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on a saucer the whole sky flaunts; the sun is clearly rolling behind the bright moon, the stars are gathering in a round dance, the swans are singing songs in the cloud.
The king is surprised at miracles, and the beauty is filled with tears, she says to the king:
- Take my pouring apple, silver saucer, just have mercy on my sisters, do not ruin them for me.
The king lifted her up and said:
- Your saucer is silver, but your heart is golden. Do you want to be my dear wife, the good queen of the kingdom? And your sisters for the sake of your request, I will have mercy.
They arranged a feast for the whole world: they played so that the stars fell from the sky; they danced so hard that the floors were broken. That's

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had three daughters. The eldest and middle daughters are outfitters, entertainers, and the third is a silent prude. The older daughters have colorful sundresses, chiseled heels, and gilded beads. And Mashenka has a dark sundress, and bright eyes.

All the beauty of Masha is a blond braid, it falls to the ground, it touches the flowers. The older sisters are white-handed, slothful, and Mashenka is all with work from morning to evening: at home, and in the field, and in the garden. And the beds are flying, and the torch is stabbed, the cows are milked, the ducks are fed. Whoever asks anything, Masha brings everything, does not say a word to anyone, she is ready to do everything.

The older sisters push her around, make her work for themselves. And Masha is silent.

This is how they lived. Once a man was going to carry hay to the fair. He promises to buy gifts for his daughters. One daughter asks:

Buy me, father, silk for a sundress.

Another daughter asks:

And buy me scarlet velvet.

And Masha is silent. It was a pity for her old man:

And what do you want to buy, Mashenka?

And buy me, dear father, a bulk apple and a silver saucer.

The sisters laughed and grabbed their sides.

Ah yes Masha, ah yes fool! Yes, we have a full garden of apples, take any, but why do you need a saucer? Feed the ducklings?

No sisters. I will roll an apple on a silver platter and pronounce cherished words. An old woman taught me them because I gave her kalach.

Okay, - says the man, - there is nothing to laugh at my sister! I will buy a gift for everyone.

How close, how far, how little, how long he was at the fair, he sold hay, bought gifts. He brought one daughter blue silk, another scarlet velvet, and Masha a silver saucer and a bulk apple. The sisters are happy. They began to sew sundresses and laugh at Masha:

Sit with your apple, fool...

Mashenka sat down in a corner of the upper room, rolled a bulk apple on a silver saucer, sang and said:

Roll, roll, pouring apple, on a silver saucer, show me the cities and fields, show me the forests and the seas, show me the heights of the mountains and the beauty of heaven, all my dear Mother Russia.

Suddenly there was a silver chime. The whole upper room was flooded with light: an apple rolled on a silver saucer, and on a silver saucer all the cities are visible, all the meadows are visible, and the shelves in the fields, and the ships on the seas, and the heights of the mountains, and the beauty of heaven: the sun is clearly rolling behind the bright moon, the stars gather in a round dance, the swans sing songs in the backwaters. The sisters looked, and they themselves take envy. They began to think and wonder how to lure a saucer with an apple out of Masha. Masha does not want anything, does not take anything, every evening she plays with a saucer. Her sisters began to lure into the forest:

Dear sister, let's go to the forest for berries, bring strawberries to mother and father.

The sisters went to the forest. There are no berries anywhere, no strawberries to be seen. Masha took out a saucer, rolled an apple, began to sing and say:

Roll, apple, on a saucer, poured on silver, show where the strawberries grow, show where the azure color blooms.

Suddenly there was a silver chime, an apple rolled down the saucer, poured over silver, and on the saucer all the forest places were visible. Where strawberries grow, where the azure color blooms, where mushrooms hide, where springs beat, where swans sing in the backwaters.

As the evil sisters saw this, their eyes clouded with envy. They grabbed a knotted stick, killed Mashenka, buried it under a birch, took a saucer with an apple for themselves.

They came home only in the evening. They brought full boxes of mushrooms and berries, they say to their father and mother:

Masha ran away from us. We went around the whole forest - we did not find it; it is clear that the wolves ate more often.

Their father tells them:

Roll the apple on a silver platter, maybe the apple will show where our Mashenka is.

The sisters have died, but we must obey. They rolled an apple on a saucer - the saucer does not play, the apple does not roll, neither forests, nor fields, nor mountains of height, nor skies of beauty are visible on the silver platter.

At that time, at that time, the shepherd was looking for a sheep in the forest, he sees - a white birch stands, a tubercle is dug under the birch, and azure flowers bloom all around. Reeds grow among the flowers.

The young shepherd cut a reed and made a pipe. I didn’t have time to bring the pipe to my lips, but the pipe itself plays, pronounces:

Play, play, pipe, play, reed, you amuse the young shepherdess. They ruined me, the poor one, they killed the young one, for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple.

The shepherd was frightened, ran to the village, told people.

The people gathered, gasp. Masha's father also came running here. As soon as he took the pipe in his hands, the pipe itself sings and says:

Play, play, pipe, play, reed, amuse your dear father. They ruined me, the poor one, they killed the young one, for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple.

Father cried:

Lead us, young shepherd, to where you cut the pipe.

The shepherd brought them to the forest on a hillock. Under the birch, the flowers are azure; on the birch, the titmouse birds sing songs.

They dug up a hillock, and there Masha lies. Dead, but more beautiful than alive: a blush burns on her cheeks, as if the girl is sleeping.

And the pipe plays and says:

Play, play, pipe, play, reed. My sisters lured me into the forest, they ruined me, poor thing, for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple. Play, play, pipe, play reed. Get, father, crystal water from the royal well.

The two envious sisters trembled, turned white, fell on their knees, confessed their guilt.

They locked them up under iron locks until the royal decree, high command.

And the old man was going on his way, to the royal city for living water.

How soon, how long - he came to that city, he came to the palace.

Here the king descends from the golden porch. The old man bows to him earthly, tells him everything.

The king tells him:

Take, old man, from my royal well of living water. And when your daughter comes to life, present her to us with a saucer, with an apple, with her sisters.

The old man rejoices, bows to the ground, carries home a vial with living water.

As soon as he sprinkled Maryushka with living water, she immediately became alive, fell like a dove on her father's neck. People fled, rejoiced. The old man went with his daughters to the city. They brought him to the palace chambers.

The king came out. He looked at Maryushka. The girl is standing like a spring flower, her eyes are sunlight, the dawn is on her face, tears are rolling down her cheeks like pearls, falling.

The king asks Maryushka:

Where is your saucer, pouring apple?

Maryushka took the saucer with the apple, rolled the apple on the silver saucer. Suddenly there was a ringing-chime, and on a silver platter, one by one, the Russian cities were exhibited, regiments gathered in them with banners, they stood in battle formation, governors in front of the formations, heads in front of platoons, foremen in front of dozens. And shooting, and shooting, a cloud of smoke twisted - he hid everything from his eyes.

An apple rolls on a silver saucer. And on a silver platter, the sea is worried, ships are swimming like swans, flags are fluttering, cannons are firing. And shooting, and shooting, a cloud of smoke twisted - he hid everything from his eyes.

An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on a saucer the whole sky flaunts; the sun is clearly rolling behind the bright moon, the stars are gathering in a round dance, the swans are singing songs in the cloud.

The king is surprised at miracles, and the beauty is filled with tears, she says to the king:

Take my pouring apple, silver saucer, just have mercy on my sisters, do not ruin them for me.

The king lifted her up and said:

Your saucer is silver, but your heart is gold. Do you want to be my dear wife, the good queen of the kingdom? And your sisters for the sake of your request, I will have mercy.

They arranged a feast for the whole world: they played so that the stars fell from the sky; they danced so hard that the floors were broken. That's the whole story...

There lived a man with his wife, and they had three daughters: two were outfitters, entertainers, and the third was simple-minded, and her sisters, and after them both father and mother, are called fool. The fool is pushed everywhere, pushed around, forced to work; she doesn’t say a word, she’s ready for anything: she’s flying grass, she’s stabbing a torch, she’s milking cows, she’s feeding ducks. Whoever asks anything, the fool brings everything: "Fool, go! Behind everything, fool, look!" A man is going to the fair with hay, promising to buy gifts for his daughters. One daughter asks: "Buy me, father, a kumach for a sundress"; another daughter asks: "Buy me a scarlet Chinese"; and the fool is silent and looks. Though a fool, but a daughter; I'm sorry for my father - and he asked her: "What do you, you fool, buy?" The fool chuckled and said: "Buy me, father, light, a silver saucer and a bulk apple." - "Yes, what do you want?" the sisters asked. "I will roll an apple on a saucer and say the words that the old woman taught me - because I gave her kalach." The man promised and went.

How close, how far, how little, how long he was at the fair, sold hay, bought gifts: one daughter of a scarlet Chinese woman, the other a kumach for a sundress, and a silver saucer and a bulk apple for a fool; returned home and shows. The sisters were glad, they sewed sundresses, but they laugh at the fool and wait for what she will do with a silver saucer, with a bulk apple. The fool does not eat an apple, but sits in a corner - she says: "Roll, roll, apple, on a silver platter, show me cities and fields, forests and seas, and mountains, heights and beauty of heaven!" An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on silver, and on a saucer all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and regiments in the fields, and the heights of the mountains and the beauty of the skies; the sun rolls after the sun, the stars gather in a round dance - everything is so beautiful, marvelous - whatever you say in a fairy tale, write with a pen. The sisters looked, and they themselves take envy, as if to lure a saucer from a fool; But she wouldn't trade her saucer for anything.

The evil sisters walk about, call, and say: "Darling sister! Let's go to the forest for berries, we'll pick strawberries." The fool gave the saucer to her father, got up and went into the forest; he wanders with his sisters, picks berries and sees that a spade lies on the grass. Suddenly, the evil sisters grabbed a spade, killed the fool, buried it under a birch, and came to their father late, saying: "The fool ran away from us, disappeared without a trace; we went around the forest, they didn’t find her, apparently the wolves ate her!" It's a pity for the father - even a fool, but a daughter! A man is crying for his daughter; he took a saucer and an apple, put it in a chest and closed it; and the sisters shed tears.

The shepherd leads the flock, blows his trumpet at dawn and goes along the woods to look for a sheep, he sees a hillock under a birch to the side, and on it there are scarlet, azure flowers around, above the reed flowers. The young shepherd cut a reed, made a pipe, and - marvelous, wondrous miracle - the pipe itself sings and pronounces: “Play, play, pipe! sold for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple. People hear - they fled, the whole village turned around for a shepherd; pester the shepherd, ask who they ruined? There is no end to questions. “Good people!” the shepherd says. “I don’t know anything, but I was looking for a sheep in the forest and saw a hillock, flowers on the hillock, a reed above the flowers; I cut a reed, made myself a pipe, the pipe itself plays and pronounces.”

The fool’s father happened here, hears Shepherd’s words, grabbed the pipe, and the pipe itself sings: “Play, play, pipes, dear father, amuse him with mother. - "Lead us, shepherd," says the father, "to where you cut the reed." He followed the shepherd into the woods on a hillock and marveled at the beautiful flowers, scarlet, azure flowers. So they began to tear the tubercle and dug up the dead body. The father clasped his hands, groaned, recognized the unfortunate daughter, and she lies dead, ruined by no one knows who, buried by no one knows. Good people ask who killed or ruined her? And the pipe itself plays, pronounces: “My dear father! The sisters called me into the forest, they ruined me poor for a silver saucer, for a bulk apple; you won’t wake me from a heavy sleep until you get water from the royal well.” The two envious sisters trembled, turned pale, and their souls were on fire, and confessed to the barn; they were seized, tied up, locked up in a dark cellar until the royal decree, high command; and the father was going on his way to the throne city.

How soon, how long - arrived in that city. He comes to the palace; here from the porch of the golden king-sun came out, the old man bows to the ground, asks for royal mercy. The tsar-hope will exclaim: "Take, old man, living water from the royal well; when your daughter comes to life, present her to us with a saucer, an apple, with her likhodeyki-sisters." The old man rejoices, bows to the ground and carries home a vial with living water; he runs into the woods on a colored hillock, tears off the body there. As soon as he sprinkled water, the daughter stood up in front of him alive and fell like a dove on her father's neck. People ran and cried.

The old man went to the throne city; brought him to the royal chambers. The king-sun came out, he sees an old man with three daughters: two are tied by the hands, and the third daughter is like a spring flower, his eyes are heavenly light, dawn is on his face, tears roll from his eyes, as if pearls are falling. The king looks, is surprised; he was angry with the evil sisters, and asked the beauty: "Where are your saucer and the bulk apple?" Then she took the casket from her father’s hands, took out an apple with a saucer, and the king herself asked, “What do you want to see, tsar-sovereign: are your strong cities, are your brave regiments, are the ships on the sea, are the stars wonderful in the sky?”

She rolled a pouring apple on a silver saucer, and on a silver saucer, one by one, cities are exhibited, regiments gather in them with banners, with squeakers, and become in combat formation; governors in front of formations, heads in front of platoons, foremen in front of tens; and shooting, and shooting, a cloud of smoke twisted, everything was closed from my eyes! An apple rolls on a silver platter, poured on a silver one: the sea is worried on a silver platter, ships swim like swans, flags flutter, they shoot from the stern; and shooting, and firing, a cloud of smoke twisted, everything was closed from my eyes! An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on silver: in a saucer the whole sky flaunts, the sun spins after the sun, the stars gather in a round dance. The king is surprised by miracles, and the beauty sheds tears, falls at the feet of the king, asks for mercy. "Tsar-sovereign! - she says. - Take my silver saucer and a pouring apple, just forgive my sisters, do not ruin them for me." The king took pity on her tears, pardoned her at her request; she cried out in joy, rushed to hug her sisters.

The king looks, is amazed; took the beauty by the hands, says to her affably: "I will honor your kindness, I will distinguish your beauty; Do you want to be my wife, the kingdom of a good queen?" - "Tsar-sovereign! - the beauty answers. - Your will is royal, and over the daughter the will of the father, the blessing of the mother; as the father orders, as the mother blesses, so I will." The father bowed to the ground, they sent for the mother - the mother blessed. “Another word to you,” the beauty said to the king, “do not excommunicate my relatives from me; let my mother, and father, and my sisters be with me.” Here the sisters bow at her feet. "We are unworthy!" they say. "Everything is forgotten, dear sisters!" she tells them. So she said, smiled and raised her sisters; and the sisters cry in repentance, like a river flowing, they want to get up from the earth. Then the king ordered them to get up, looked meekly at them, and ordered them to stay in the palace. Feast in the palace! The porch is all on fire, like the sun in its rays; the king and queen got into the chariot, the earth trembled, the people ran: "Hello, - they shout, - for many centuries!"

from a fairytale:
- And you what to buy, Mashenka?

And buy me, dear father, a bulk apple and a silver saucer ... I will roll the apple on the saucer and pronounce cherished words.

Roll, roll, pouring apple, on a silver saucer, show me the cities and fields, show me the forests and the seas, show me the heights of the mountains and the beauty of heaven, all my dear Mother Russia.

Suddenly there was a silver chime. The whole upper room was flooded with light: an apple rolled on a silver saucer, and on a silver saucer all the cities are visible, all the meadows are visible, and the shelves in the fields, and the ships on the seas, and the heights of the mountains, and the beauty of heaven: the sun is clearly rolling behind the bright moon, the stars gather in a round dance, the swans sing songs in the backwaters.

Roll-roll apple pouring, on a silver saucer,
show me cities and fields, show me forests and seas,
show me the height of the mountains and the beauty of the heavens...
Russian fairy tale

Baba Yaga flies on a mortar, sweeps the trail with a broom.

Stupa is this:

We now say - "flying saucer", but then there were no saucers in everyday life (it is inconvenient to wash dishes due to the lack of running water and Fairy). They ate from a common cauldron, with spoons, the whole family in turn. Therefore, something convex and rounded most of all resembled a stupa. But note - for some reason, both we and our ancestors have the same associations - kitchen ones :)

(By the way, the round plate shape for aircraft and layout and aerodynamically not very convenient. In my opinion, there is only one explanation here - the mover or antigravitator is something large and rotating, which determines the shape of the ship).

The trace from the stupa is this:

About "sweeping with a broom". Have you noticed that at first the trail is thin and clear, and then it is scattered like dust with a broom? And then the trace disappears altogether! Where does it disappear to, if at the beginning it is so obvious? For an uneducated native, it is Baba Yaga who sweeps her trail with a broomstick, so that they don’t find her on the trail ...

A silver dish on which cities, forests, seas and mountains are visible.

Silver dish:

Seas, forests and mountains are visible:

What is an apple cider? Which one rides on a platter?

To find desired point on google-earth, you first have to rotate the planet, turning it to your desired side. Here's a bull's-eye rolling for you (spinning)
It is superfluous, I believe, to explain that for an aboriginal the image of the planet Earth did not mean absolutely anything familiar and understandable. What will he see if the "ball" of the planet is rotated in front of him on a small screen? He will see an apple, poured (the sides are yellow in places), and this apple rolls around the dish (it spins with his fingers on the touchscreen).

Do you know how it was necessary to activate the "silver saucer"? To do this, you need to "sentence the cherished words." Oh how! Voice control. In general, the idea of ​​voice commands in fairy tales (all these "Sim-Sim, open" - this is such a techno trace that is simply impossible not to notice. No archaic technique can do this - you can’t command a cart or a mill with your voice. Yes, what’s archaic - another ten years ago, the equipment was not controlled by voice ...

(It is absolutely impossible for a medieval storyteller to invent such a thing, and in fairy tales there are no inventions, and by definition they could not be. It is today that fairy tales play the role of "fantasy for children." And earlier they replaced science with history, along with newspapers and television. Fairy tales are the memory of the people.

To invent a fairy tale for an archaic person is the same as for us to deliberately lie to children in a physics or geography lesson. You wouldn't lie to kids in a textbook, would you? So in fairy tales there are no fantasies, except for inevitable distortions.)

Do you know what happened when you turned on the "saucer"? If the cherished words say?
"Suddenly there was a silver chime. The whole chamber was filled with light." So what do you think? The standard melody when you turn on the gadget, and then the bright screen turns on - everything is as usual !!

"And there is something that they talk about - look, this is new! But that was already in the ages before us."
(c) tov. Ecclesiastes.

Magic glomerulus.

What does Baba Yaga give Ivan Tsarevich to find the distant object he is looking for (for example, the place where Kashchei lives?)

In fact, we are talking about a track on the navigator screen. What does the track look like on the screen? Like a line. But the line is an abstraction, an uneducated person does not know abstract concepts. What would he call the curved colored line on the screen? He will call her a thread, a thread.

And where did the glomerulus come from, I think now it’s clear. Imagine the narrator says:
and Baba Yaga gave Ivan Tsarevich such a thing, with a thread, and he walked along the thread ...
What's with the thread? - interrupt his listeners? A ball of what?
And rightly so, she gave him the ball. I suppose the ball was rolling and the thread was unwinding, and Ivan Tsarevich was walking along the thread ... Agas ...

Something like this looked like a thread in a ball of magic, with the help of which Ivan Tsarevich kept the path to the kingdom of Koshcheyevo:

What else is interesting:

What is a silver saucer, a ball, or an apple, it would have been incomprehensible ten or fifteen years ago. And the old tale describes amazingly accurately even the details. "Silver ringing" when turned on, and the "room lit up" from the included screen... Ah!

Do you know where the youngest daughter got the silver saucer? I asked my father at the market to buy! That's it. And the cherished words - the old woman suggested to her, whom she fed by chance. One must think that the old woman thought up the idea to buy a saucer.

That is, we have the classic Fallaut, when in the city bazaars, among plucked chickens, damask knives, morocco boots and oak barrels, antique remnants of former techno-luxury are also sold. Which no one else knows how to use. So, the contraption is interesting - but it seems to be of no use, so no one buys it. But it all happened recently - that's why such iPads are still found on antique shelves, and ancient old women still sometimes remember how to turn them on ...

How old is the story? I am sure that long-term (a thousand or two years, for example) preservation of such fairy tales is impossible. The tale describes, in essence, everyday life. By no means are the epic deeds of Vladimir the Red Sun, for example, worthy of preservation for centuries. Moreover, bytovuhu, completely incomprehensible to the peasant - in contrast to the same acts of Vladimir.

Every generation there are new and new events, and the events for the people are really important (not everyday life). These events become the plots of fairy tales (that is, an unwritten story, what they tell each other around the fire, or sitting by the stove, to the younger generation).

These events will inevitably crowd out old incomprehensible stories that do not have any intelligible meaning. Such as this fairy tale.
I tend to believe that this tale is not very old. She was probably several generations old when she was first recorded. But not in a couple of thousand years. And it was hardly recorded before the 19th century.

Please note that all ancient gadgets - with clearly comparable to the modern level of technology - for some reason did not have problems with the battery. This is to the question of perpetual motion and the free energy of the ether, all that. In other words, if our technologies have grown to the iPad, it would be time for us to close the issue long ago and with energy. But no - we can have an iPad today, but an eternal battery - no, no. Download oil.

Well, the last. It seems that last time everything was covered with a copper basin, approximately at our current level of technology;)