RSU teachers demand an investigation into corruption at the university. Director of the UC "Art Design" Galina Volkova presented a collection of photographs "feelings"

  • 24.03.2024
Nina Vladimirovna Braginskaya (born May 15, 1950) is a Russian cultural historian, scholar of antiquity, translator, publisher and commentator on Greek and Latin authors, the heritage of Russian scholars of antiquity (O.M. Freidenberg, Ya.E. Golosovker, V.I. Ivanov). Doctor of Historical Sciences (1992). Leading researcher at the Institute of Higher Humanitarian Studies of the Russian State University for the Humanities (since 1992), professor at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity of the Russian State University for the Humanities (since 2003). Head of the scientific and educational center for ancient studies IVKA. Member of the editorial board of the historical journal Arbor mundi.

N.V. Braginskaya - E.I. To the brewer:

Dear Efim Iosifovich, back in the spring I was amazed to find on the RSUH website the “Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of Teachers and Other Employees of the RSUH” approved by order of February 26th. This code was discussed by the anti-corruption commission, in which, except for you as its Chairman, there is not a single teacher. And these administrators, Vice-Rector Volkov, heads of accounting, legal personnel, property, regional and other departments, must consider cases of violation of ethics and rules of conduct by teachers and impose disciplinary sanctions. That's how I see this picture.

The minutes of the commission meeting in the same section of the website say that in February it was decided to submit this Code for discussion by the Academic Council. According to information from the secretariat of the Academic Council, the Code was never discussed. Meanwhile, when concluding contracts, the Human Resources Department offers to sign a document confirming familiarization with local regulations, including the Code.

Meanwhile, local regulations adopted without observing the procedure for taking into account the opinions of the representative body of employees established by Article 372 T of the Code are not subject to application. Federal Law of June 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ “On amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, recognition of certain regulatory legal acts of the USSR as invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation and invalidation of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation” (as amended by December 18, 2006, April 20, 2007).

Frankly, among the compilers of the code, I did not find a single person who even remotely possessed such moral authority as to allow him not only to dictate ethical standards by order, but even to propose them for consideration.

The Code of Ethics contains unconstitutional norms that limit human rights, for example 2.1.13-15, as well as meaningless norms, for example, to comply with laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation (2.1.5). Laws do not need to be protected by a code of conduct; they have more effective protection mechanisms.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that teachers convicted of forging their qualifying papers, dissertations, and assisting others in such forgeries are honored professors of the Russian State University for the Humanities and occupy leadership positions, although not only is the immoral side of their activities obvious, but its corruption component is also likely. The Code says nothing about this topical problem for our university, and you, as its Chairman, are not taking any measures.

But the point is not only in the legal, ethical and linguistic level of the text of the Code, and not only in the way it is imposed by administrators on teachers and other employees.
The fact is that before my gray hair, I myself chose which standards to follow, and I will continue to do so. I am ready to discuss with my colleagues those actions of mine that they consider unethical, and listen to their opinions. But by its nature, ethics is subject to codification, much like inspiration. A person’s inner beliefs can be influenced, they can and should be educated, but they cannot be prescribed. Listen to me at least as a translator and commentator of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: ethical standards cannot be imposed, like laws or traffic rules. This is a fallacy, and although various authorities persist in it, they do so in vain. Still, ethics cannot be imputed. Or it's not ethics.

Thus, no code orders either you or the Institute of History and Archives to stand up for Sergei Vladimirovich Mironenko, your colleague, a worthy man, when an attack began on him because of the well-known incident with the falsification of the “feat of the 28 Panfilov men.” But they “came” for the professional honor of historian-archivists. If they didn’t stand up, it means they didn’t stand up, it’s a matter of conscience. But your statement on behalf of the Russian State University for the Humanities, and therefore mine and my colleagues, about the readiness of our university to participate in a propaganda watch in defense of the “correct myths”, this can no longer be allowed. No, Efim Iosifovich, at least don’t decide such things for us. The unwritten code of ethics does not allow this.

Best wishes,
N. Braginskaya.

Last week, the grand opening of the exhibition “Metropolis” took place at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val. Favorites." The exhibition brought together paintings, photographs, graphics, sculpture and other works by leading Russian artists from the Moscow League of Cultural and Artistic Workers "Metropolis".

The exhibition featured works by the vice-president of the Metropolis League, head of the Art Design Educational Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Galina Viktorovna Volkova.
The exhibition works were produced and designed by ProLab.

At the opening, the president of the league, Alexander Yakovets, noted that the exhibition provided an opportunity to gather authors from various areas of creative activity with their vision, emotions and palette of current topics, which they could not ignore and left for themselves, for the viewer, as a “fragment of the reality” of their lives. A. Yakovets emphasized that Metropolis unites more than a hundred artists from all over Russia. He wished the exhibition participants further creative success and fruitful cooperation with the league, and the guests of the event - pleasant emotions from their work.
In her speech, the head of the Art Design Training Center, Galina Volkova, thanked all participants in the exhibition, as well as all visitors for their support, since support and participation are very important for every creative person. She noted that she has been a member of the league since its inception and the formation and development of the union took place before her eyes. Galina Viktorovna noted that the success of the league largely depended on the skill and energy of its creators - Alexander Yakovets and the untimely deceased Georgy Ulanov.
Galina Viktorovna also presented an advance copy of her new album “Sensations”, which is in print, bringing together the author’s photographic works over several years. The design of the publication was created jointly with the league.
She noted that the authors of the league are regular guests and participants in exhibitions at the Russian State University for the Humanities - many university offices are decorated with works by the authors of Metropolis, since the experience of established artists has a beneficial effect on young professionals.
The rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, corresponding member, also spoke at the opening. RAS Efim Pivovar, who emphasized that the university has been implementing the principle of education through art since its creation, therefore much attention is paid to the development of artistic practices: “We are glad that colleagues from Metropolis choose the audiences of the Russian State University for the Humanities for filming, that our university gives them inspiration . Undoubtedly, the league’s undertakings can be called life-affirming, despite any life circumstances - they do not have the pursuit of accusations that is widespread today, but they have a desire for life and light.”
The Chairman of the Metropolis Coordination and Trustee Council, sculptor Sergei Gai, thanked those present for the warm feedback on the works, and also spoke about the history of the exhibition. The idea and concept of the event belonged to the untimely deceased Georgy Ulanov, the president of the league, but the plan was realized after his death. He noted that the authors themselves chose the works for the exhibition, so it turned out to be very personal.
Chairman of the Moscow Union of Designers Alexander Faldin congratulated the organizers on the successful exhibition in one of the main exhibition halls in Russia. Alexander Faldin presented the Metropolis League and its president with an honorary diploma for their contribution to the development of photographic art.

(based on materials from the website

On December 4, the Embassy of the Republic of India in Moscow solemnly opened the exhibition “Wonders of a Distant Country...”, which presented artistic works by students of the Art-Design Educational Center and the Humanities College.

His Excellency Mr. Pankaj Saran, Ambassador of India to the Russian Federation, inaugurated the exhibition with a welcoming speech. In his speech, Mr. Ambassador expressed gratitude to all those who today study India, its history, culture, and language. Mr. Ambassador thanked the university leadership for supporting student activities, which serve as the engine for the development of Russian-Indian relations
The creative work done makes a great contribution to understanding between two great countries. According to the Ambassador of India to Russia, today it is important to establish contacts between the younger generations of the friendly countries of Russia and India.

Efim Iosifovich Pivovar, President of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In his speech, E. I. Pivovar emphasized that the exhibition of paintings is not just a demonstration of the achievements of RSUH students, it is “a project aimed at the future.” According to Efim Iosifovich, it is young people who will determine the nature of future Russian-Indian relations. It was correctly noted that in the culture of Russia there are Indian motifs, and in the culture of India we can find trends in the culture of our country.
In conclusion, E.I. Pivovar thanked the organizers of the event, noting the special role of the International Scientific and Training Center for South Asian Studies and director A. A. Stolyarov, the Art Design Training Center, and the multi-vector activities of the International Cooperation Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities under the leadership of V. I. Zabotkina. The final thesis was that the future is in the hands of the younger generation and it is on them that the world we will live in depends.

Galina Viktorovna Volkova, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, head of the Art-Design Training Center, noted in her speech that the idea of ​​the project originated in Tarusa. She also thanked everyone who took part in creating this wonderful event.

Tatyana Igorevna Borisova, head of the creative project of student works, member of the international association “Union of Designers,” in her speech spoke about the techniques that students used in their works (watercolor, engraving, monotype, computer graphics). She emphasized that the students were inspired by the culture and history of India.

Vera Ivanovna Zabotkina, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the Russian State University for the Humanities, emphasized that India and Russia are united by high spirituality. She also wished good luck to all participants and expressed her desire for the students to continue to contribute new ideas and thoughts.

During the cultural program, students interested in poetry read poems in
Russian and Hindi.
All of them are winners of the World Poetry Day (UNESCO) reading competition at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Anastasia Fiveyskaya read the poem in Hindi “Hey sAgar sangam arush nil” by Jaishankar Prasad;
Victoria Bazyleva read the poems "Bapu" and "Mera Dash";
Maxim Vlasov read the poem “Letter to a Woman” by Sergei Yesenin.
Next, the Academic Large Choir of the Russian State University for the Humanities, under the direction of Professor Boris Igorevich Tarakanov, performed various compositions.
At the end of the cultural program, all guests were invited to a tasting of Indian cuisine.

Organizers of the exhibition:
Training center "Art-Design":
Galina Viktorovna Volkova, head, candidate. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Artists of Russia;
Marina Gennadievna Grishunkina, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Humanities College of the Russian State University for the Humanities;
Borisova Tatyana Igorevna, head of student work, member of the International Association “Union of Designers”.
Office for work with students of the Russian State University for the Humanities:
Bolkvadze Irakliy Revazovich, Ph.D.Econ. Sciences, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work with Students of the Russian State University for the Humanities;
Kozharina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, head of the department for educational work with students, Ph.D. psychol. Sci.
International Educational and Scientific Center for South Asian Studies:
Alexander Stolyarov, director
Indira Gazieva, deputy directors;
Oksana Kournikova, employee.
Indian cultural center "AMRIT" (Tarusa)
Satish Malik, director;
Natalya Tarutina, director.
Student participants
4th year of the Art-Design Training Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities:
Daria Bobyl
Daria Novozhilova
Natalia Palachar
Anastasia Syomina
Elvira Suleymanova
Veronica Filimonova
Angelina Chuprina
3rd and 4th year students of the Humanitarian College:
Irina Vakhromeeva
Nadezhda Krylova
Nicoletta Gentilini
Rimma Petrova
Ekaterina Smirnova
Alisa Steklyannikova
Elena Stolyarova
Anastasia Strogonova

Student organizers
1st, 3rd and 4th year students of the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies of the Institute of History and Archives:
Alexander Belikov
Maria Shcheglova
Vera Lebedeva
Olesya Koryuka
Alisa Antonova
Anton Makarov
Victoria Bazyleva
Grigory Sokolov
Daria Chubukova
Olga Dzhikia

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Historical and Archival Institute:

Singh Daljit, 3rd year.

Institute of Linguistics:

Sharma Rishabh, 1st year.

photos here:

President of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities, professor, director of the Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies

Academic degree

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

State awards, honorary titles, gratitude

  • 2006 – badge “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation”
  • 2010 – Pro Cultura Hungarica medal for major contribution to the development of Hungarian-Russian cultural and scientific relations
  • 2010 - “Order of Friendship” - for a great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation of nations and nationalities, high achievements in the development of the economic and scientific potential of Russia, for particularly fruitful activities in bringing together and mutually enriching the cultures of nations and nationalities, strengthening peace and friendly relations between states (decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 23, 2010)
  • 2010 – gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation for active participation in the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, work on social support for veterans and patriotic education of youth (order of the President of the Russian Federation
  • dated 06.12.2010 No. 834-rp)
  • 2011 – laureate of the 2011 Russian Government Prize in the field of education for his contribution to the development of the domestic education system.
  • 2012 – laureate of the Heydar Aliyev Prize for significant contribution to the strengthening and development of friendly, good-neighborly relations between Russia and Azerbaijan.
  • 2018 - by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 182 dated 05/03/2018 “On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation” he was awarded the Order of Honor.

Biographical information

1956–1966 Studied at secondary school 1150 in Moscow.

1966–1971 – student of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

1971–1973 – postgraduate student at the Institute of History of the USSR, USSR Academy of Sciences.

1973–1986 – magazine “History of the USSR”, head of the departments “History of the USSR Abroad”, “Historiography, Source Studies, Methods of Historical Research”.

1986–1997 – Moscow State Institute of History and Archives (since 1991 - Russian State University for the Humanities), senior lecturer, professor, dean of the faculty of archival affairs (1986-1990), vice-rector for scientific work (1990-1993), head of the department Russian history of modern times (1989-1997);

1997–2005 – Faculty of History, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, professor, head of the center for theoretical problems of historical research (since 1997), deputy dean for academic education (since 1999), head of the department of history of near abroad countries (from 2004 to the present).

2006 – 2016 – Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Area of ​​scientific interests and scope of scientific activity

Social history of Russia of the twentieth century, historiography, source study, methods of historical research, history of neighboring countries, integration processes in the post-Soviet space, history of Russian emigration.

Scientific and pedagogical activities

  • Chairman of the Board of the Russian Society of Historian-Archivists,
  • Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council on History and member of the Academic Council of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements of Rosobrnadzor,
  • Chairman of the Council of Educational Institutions of Universities of the Russian Federation for Education in the Field of Historical and Archival Studies,
  • Chairman of dissertation councils D 212.198.03 and D 212.198.07 in historical sciences, approved on the basis of the Russian State University for the Humanities,
  • Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Russian Association of Ukrainian Studies,
  • Chairman of the Board of the Society for Friendship with Azerbaijan,
  • Member of the Board of the Academic Educational Association for the Humanities,
  • co-chairman of the Public Council for the Humanities under the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies (2007),
  • co-chairman of the Council of Educational Institutions of Russian Universities for Education in the Field of Applied Informatics,
  • co-chairman on the Russian side of the Commission of Historians and Archivists of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic,
  • co-chairman on the Russian side of the Coordination Council of the Association of Partner Universities of Russia and Ukraine,
  • deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council for History of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,
  • deputy Chairman of the Association of School History and Social Studies Teachers,
  • Member of the Council for Science, Technology and Education under the President of the Russian Federation (2010 – 2011),
  • member of the expert council of the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on CIS Affairs,
  • Member of the Presidium of the Educational and Methodological Association for Classical University Education in Russia,
  • member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia (2012),
  • member of the Council and Management Board of the Russian Union of Rectors (2009),
  • Member of the Presidium of the Council of Rectors of Universities in Moscow and the Moscow Region (2009),
  • member of the scientific councils of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History,
  • member of the Council of the Russian Historical Society,
  • member of the Expert Commission on the implementation of innovative developments, proprietary programs, teaching methods in the field of education, the creation of learning technologies for the effectiveness of the educational process,
  • member of the dissertation council on historical sciences, approved on the basis of Moscow State University,
  • honorary member of the Society of Historians of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Author of more than 400 scientific works, including monographs, chapters in collective works, textbooks and teaching aids for higher and secondary schools, published both in the Russian Federation and abroad (USA, Germany, etc.). Under the leadership of E.I. Pivovar, 20 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were defended.
  • editor-in-chief and member of the international editorial board of the anthology “Historical Notes” of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
  • editor-in-chief of the information and analytical bulletin “EuroAsia” (MSU),
  • editor-in-chief of the scientific periodical "Vestnik RGGU",
  • member of the editorial board of the journal “Russian History”,
  • member of the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of Moscow State University” (ser. “History”),
  • member of the editorial board of the journal “Vestnik archivist”,
  • member of the editorial board of the Russian historical magazine "Rodina",
  • member of the editorial board of the Almanac of Intellectual History “Dialogue with Time” of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
  • member of the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of the Russian Nation”.

Updated: 12/26/2018 15:29:30

On December 11, the Russian State University for the Humanities hosted a presentation of an art album of photographs by the vice-president of the Metropolis League, head of the educational and scientific center "Art-Design" of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Galina Viktorovna Volkova "Sensations". This book is the result of Galina Viktorovna’s long and hard work together with the Moscow League of Cultural and Artistic Workers “Metropolis”.

The presentation was opened by the rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, corresponding member. RAS Efim Pivovar, who congratulated Galina Viktorovna on this significant event, noting that the Art Design Center always pleases with its works. He explained how long the project took to prepare and how much effort was put into its implementation: “I watched from the sidelines and saw how difficult it was to choose the best from a huge number of materials.” The rector also noted that the work was produced and published entirely in Russia, which is undoubtedly a reason for pride.

Speaking at the presentation, Director of the Educational and Scientific Center for Visual Anthropology and Egohistory, Honored Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities N.I. Basovskaya spoke about her long-term friendship with Galina Viktorovna and how the project developed: “What was initially just a hobby for a person who does many other things, before my eyes turned into a passion, and then into a profession. And this transformation is an encouraging example for many people.” She also noted that now it is necessary to rely on eternal values, such as the beauty presented in this work.

Director of the Institute of Mass Media N.K. Svanidze drew attention to the fact that the collection of photographs turned out to be “internally free.” In his opinion, the author of the photographs has this inner freedom, and she likes everything she sees.

Galina Viktorovna was also congratulated by the director of the Institute of General History of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the supervisory board of the Russian State University for the Humanities, academician A.O. Chubaryan. He described the publication of the collection as an extraordinary event both for the university and for the humanities in general. Alexander Oganovich noted that design is now an entire scientific direction, and such projects help instill in young people a taste for art, life, and beauty.

Director of the Museum Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Deputy Director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkina I.V. Bakanova paid special attention to the fact that “a person lives and feeds on impressions,” and admitted that the exhibition and collection aroused a lot of positive feelings in her. She emphasized that a photographer and a teacher are a rare combination in one person, and noted the special “photo narrative” in the collection. Irina Viktorovna also pointed out the importance of the release of this album as a cultural heritage and source of inspiration for RSUH students.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of IAI A.B. Bezborodov called the collection “a work of art, a very multifaceted source of positive feelings.” He congratulated Galina Viktorovna, as well as the staff of the Faculty of Art History. Alexander Borisovich also said that this event is the result of a creative synthesis that underlies the university with an extraordinary educational process. According to him, thanks to the efforts of Galina Viktorovna and her team, the university preserves traditions and uses new technologies to teach students creative specialties.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management N.I. Arkhipova noted how the title of the collection of photographs corresponds to its content: “Each photograph here is truly a feeling, a personal attitude towards the image of the artist himself, this is empathy.” She noted that each frame of the album is capable of evoking a lot of emotions in a person, touching the soul, and once again congratulated everyone on the release of the collection.

Vice-Rector for International Innovation Projects V.I. Zabotkina emphasized that each photograph in the collection carries a whole picture of emotions conveyed by the author, and also noted that the album is a reflection of the author: “Every meeting with Galina Viktorovna is always a pleasant surprise, it’s always a lot of emotions.”

Many more warm words were addressed to the photographer. Galina Viktorovna herself thanked everyone present for the congratulations and support that she received throughout the preparation of the collection, and also invited everyone to the presentation of the collection “Sensations” at Mosfilm on December 18. Everyone was also given copies of the album signed by the author.