Finance in economics. Banking system Work can be used to conduct lessons and reports on the subject "Economics and Finance"

  • 18.03.2024

Banking system Main functions of the Central Bank: Implementing the monetary policy of the state Lending to commercial banks Ensuring the stable operation of the banking and financial systems Maintaining the stability of the national currency Storing reserves of cash and gold

Operations of a commercial bank: Operations of a commercial bank: Passive – operations to mobilize monetary resources: acceptance of deposits; obtaining loans from other banks and the central bank; issuance of own securities Active – operations for the placement of funds: provision of loans of various terms and sizes

Financial institutions accumulate free funds and provide them to those who need additional capital or financial assistance Financial institutions accumulate available funds and provide them to those who need additional capital or financial assistance Pension fund - a fund created by private and state companies, enterprises for the payment of pensions and benefits to persons making pension contributions to this fund Investment companies - a financial and credit institution that collects funds from private investors through the sale of their own securities

Insurance companies - organizations providing insurance services, are intended to compensate for damage, losses due to accidents Insurance companies - organizations providing insurance services, are intended to compensate for damage, losses due to accidents Stock exchanges specialize in the sale and purchase of securities Interstate financial and credit institutions: ( World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.). They provide financing and lending to different countries, promote global trade, and assist in stabilizing the financial system.

Inflation - Inflation - The process of depreciation of money, which manifests itself in the form of a long-term increase in prices for goods and services (the volume of money supply increases significantly - the number of goods and services does not increase) Forms of inflation: Creeping inflation - inflation in which the rate of increase in prices for goods and services does not exceed 10-15% per year Galloping inflation - abrupt rise in prices Hyperinflation - inflation with a very high rate of price growth (more than 50% per month), the most severe form of economic crisis

Causes of inflation: Causes of inflation: -Demand inflation. It appears when demand exceeds supply, which leads to an increase in prices (the income of the population of enterprises grows faster than the real volume of goods and services) - Cost-push inflation occurs as a consequence of an increase in costs per unit of production. The level of production costs can be affected by changes in the amount of taxes on the manufacturer, an increase in salary, etc.

Anti-inflationary policy of the state: Anti-inflationary policy of the state: Long-term monetary policy - maintaining strict restrictions on annual increases in the money supply Reducing the state budget by increasing revenues and reducing state expenditures Anti-inflationary measures: - Stabilization and stimulation of production - Improving the tax system - Implementing measures to regulate prices and income

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Economics and Finance"

Ready-made presentations on economics and finance are intended for mastering these disciplines. In this section of the site you can find material in the form of presentations: reports, lectures, projects on economics and finance. Watch, download, upload and share unique knowledge on economics and finance with your friends.

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Social studies 11th grade Basic level
Codifier for social studies Chapter 2. Economics. Topic 2.6
The presentation was prepared by Olga Valerievna Uleva, teacher of history and social studies, School No. 1353

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ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT OF FINANCE CENTRALIZED, CORPORATE AND PERSONAL FINANCE FUNCTIONS OF FINANCE distributive control regulating stabilizing fiscal stimulating 3. MAIN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS: Central Bank (CB) commercial banks insurance organizations mutual investment funds (MUIFs) non-state pension funds (NPF) stock exchanges and etc. DEPOSITORS AND BORROWERS (individuals and legal entities) LEGAL REGULATION OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES IN THE RF

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a set of economic relations in the process of using funds; OR the totality of all monetary resources at the disposal of the state or economic entities, as well as the system of formation, distribution and use of such resources; OR the art and science of money management.
PUBLIC (state)
TASK: distribution and redistribution of social product and national income. Intermediaries are financial institutions.

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Gross domestic income is distributed and redistributed, thanks to which funds come to the disposal of the state, regions, municipalities and beyond
through finance, the entire progress of the distribution process is monitored, as well as the expenditure of funds received from the federal budget for their intended purpose
through finance (taxes, government loans, etc.) the state influences the production process
providing citizens with stable economic and social conditions
collection of taxes to solve economic and social problems. political and other tasks of the state and society
support for certain sectors of the economy through the investment of financial resources

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Central Bank (CB) commercial banks insurance organizations mutual investment funds (UIFs) non-state pension funds (NPFs) stock exchanges, etc.
What is a social institution? What social institutions do you know?
A SOCIAL INSTITUTE is a historically established mechanism that provides a set of constantly repeating and reproducing social relations and social practices of people. “FACTORIES FOR THE REPRODUCTION OF PUBLIC RELATIONS” E. Durkheim.

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the totality of banks and other credit institutions and organizations operating in the country.
Central Bank (usually there is only one)
There are many commercial banks

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emission monopoly in relation to banknotes (only the Central Bank issues money); is a “bank of banks”, that is, a settlement center for the banking system, provides loans to it, and in some countries supervises the activities of banks; is the government's bank; carries out monetary regulation; stores the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves.
CENTRAL BANK (CB) is the main regulatory body of the credit system of a country or group of countries.
Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Bank of England
US Federal Reserve
Goal: to prevent financial collapse in the country

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FUNCTIONS OF A COMMERCIAL BANK: accepting deposits and providing loans at bank interest; transactions with securities and currency; consultations on financial issues of companies and the population.
COMMERCIAL BANK (commercial bank) is a credit and financial organization serving enterprises and the population.
Goal: profit

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INSURANCE COMPANIES - organizations providing insurance services designed to compensate for damage and losses due to accidents. NON-STATE PENSION FUNDS (NPF) - a fund created by private and public companies and enterprises to pay pensions and benefits to persons making pension contributions to this fund. MUTUAL INVESTMENT FUNDS (MUIFs) are a financial and credit institution that collects funds from private investors through the sale of their own securities. STOCK EXCHANGE - organizations specializing in the sale and purchase of securities. INTERSTATE FINANCIAL AND CREDIT INSTITUTIONS - (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.). They are engaged in financing and lending to different countries, promoting global trade, and assisting in stabilizing the financial system.

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Constitution of the Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” Federal Law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”, etc.
What laws regulate financial activities in the Russian Federation?

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Think before you invest, and don't forget to think after you've invested. (F. Doyle)
Money cannot buy one thing - poverty. Here you need to turn to the help of the stock exchange. (Robert Orben)
People with means think that the most important thing in life is love; The poor know for sure that the main thing is money. (Gerald Brenan)
An idealist is someone who helps others get rich. (Henry Ford)
Money must be managed, not served. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
Creating a balanced budget is like defending your virtue: you need to learn to say no. (Ronald Reagan)
A banker is a person who will lend you an umbrella when the weather is sunny, only to pick it up when it starts to rain. (Robert Frost)
Wall Street is the only place on Earth where people drive Rolls-Royces to ask advice from people who take the subway. (Warren Buffett)

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FINANCE - the art and science of money management. Central Bank - CENTRAL BANK (central bank) is the main regulatory body of the credit system of a country or group of countries. COMMERCIAL BANK (commercial bank) is a credit and financial organization serving enterprises and the population. NON-CASH MONEY, DEPOSITS (deposits) - entries in bank accounts. REFINANCING RATE or DISCOUNT RATE – the interest rate at which the Central Bank provides loans to commercial banks.

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Queen G.E. Economics: grades 10-11: textbook for students of general education institutions. M, Ventana-Graf, 2013 Kireev A.P. Economics: Textbook for grades 10-11 in general education institutions (basic level). M. VITA-PRESS, 2012 Baranov P.A. Social studies: Economics: express tutor for preparing for the Unified State Exam. M. Astrel. 2013
SITES FOR PREPARING FOR THE Unified State Exam: - official portal of the Unified State Exam (exam calendar; codifier, specification, demo version; score conversion scale; personal account). is an open bank of Unified State Examination tasks. – a bank of Unified State Exam assignments, it is possible to check the answers, there are comments for all questions. - here you can find detailed plans and assessment criteria for various topics in the social studies course. – Internet Lesson “Finance and Capital” ru/school/obshestvoznanie/11-klass/bchelovek-i-ekonomikab/bankovskaya-sistema?seconds=0&chapter_id=350 - Internet Lesson “Banking System”. – video lecture by Kotsar E.S. “Money, financial institutions, banking system” Part 2.
Makarov O.Yu. Social studies: Complete course. Multimedia tutor. St. Petersburg, Peter, 2012

Finance Finance Finance is a set of economic relations in the process of using money Task: distribution and redistribution of the social product and national income of the household: surplus funds Firms: lack of funds State: taxes Intermediary: banking system

Commercial banks Main operations Banking services Active Passive Passive – operations to mobilize monetary resources: accepting deposits; obtaining loans from other banks and the central bank; issue of own securities Active - operations for the placement of funds: provision of loans of various terms and sizes Banking services - foreign exchange transactions, provision of safe deposit boxes, etc.

Banking operations Passive – operations to mobilize monetary resources: accepting deposits; obtaining loans from other banks and the central bank; issue of own securities Active - operations for the placement of funds: provision of loans of various terms and sizes Banking services - foreign exchange transactions, provision of safe deposit boxes, etc.

A financial organization engaged in: accepting deposits; accepting deposits; Providing loans;Providing loans; Organizations of settlements;Organizations of settlements; Purchase and sale of securities Purchase and sale of securities Company providing insurance services, providing life, health, property, liability insurance

A fund created by private and public companies and enterprises for the payment of pensions and benefits to persons making pension contributions to this fund. Financial and credit organization. Acts as an intermediary between the borrower and the private investor, expressing the interests of the latter

An institution engaged in financing and lending to different countries, promoting global trade, providing assistance in stabilizing the financial system of developing countries World Bank International Monetary Fund European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Credit and financial organizations Are engaged in lending to certain areas and sectors of economic activity Investment banks Specialize in financing and long-term lending, investing capital in industry, construction and other sectors, as well as securities Mortgage banks Provide loans against property collateral, most often against real estate

Credit and financial organizations Savings banks Attract and store free funds, cash savings of the population, paying depositors a fixed percentage that increases with increasing storage period Innovative banks Lend innovations, i.e. ensure the implementation of scientific and technical achievements

Banking operations Active operations Passive operations Banking services Providing loans Mobilization of cash income and savings and their accumulation Making cash and non-cash payments, issuing and storing securities, trust (trust) operations

The current state of the Russian banking system Positive trends Credit organizations have begun to strive for greater transparency and openness to clients. Credit organizations began to strive for greater transparency and openness to clients. Advanced business models, new banking technologies (client-bank, money transfer systems, debit and credit cards, etc.), various types of lending (consumer, mortgage, etc.) are being introduced. Advanced business models, new banking technologies are being introduced ( client-bank, money transfer systems, debit and credit cards, etc.), various types of lending (consumer, mortgage, etc.)

Homework Write an essay “Money is like manure: if you don’t scatter it, it will be of no use” F. Hayek (Austrian economist, political scientist

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Lesson plan Introduction Banking system Financial institutions Inflation: types, causes and consequences Conclusion

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Introduction Finance is a set of economic relations in the process of using funds

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Banking system - a set of banks and other credit institutions and organizations operating in the country. Banking system CENTRAL BANK Commercial banks Other financial and credit institutions

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Main functions of the Central Bank: Implementing the monetary policy of the state Lending to commercial banks Ensuring the stable operation of the banking and financial systems Maintaining the stability of the national currency Storing reserves of cash and gold Banking system

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Types of commercial banks: Industry banks (serve certain sectors of the economy) Intersectoral banks (serve all sectors of the economy) Regional banks (serve certain regions of the country) Banking system

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Operations of a commercial bank: Passive – operations to mobilize monetary resources: accepting deposits; obtaining loans from other banks and the central bank; issuance of own securities Active - operations for the placement of funds: provision of loans of various terms and sizes Banking system

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Financial and credit institutions accumulate available funds and provide them to those who need additional capital or financial assistance Pension fund - a fund created by private and public companies, enterprises to pay pensions and benefits to persons making pension contributions to this fund Investment companies - financial - a credit institution that collects funds from private investors through the sale of their own securities Financial institutions

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Insurance companies are organizations that provide insurance services designed to compensate for damage and losses due to accidents. Stock exchanges specialize in the sale and purchase of securities. Interstate financial and credit institutions: (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.). They provide financing and lending to different countries, promote global trade, and assist in stabilizing the financial system. Financial institutions

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Inflation - The process of depreciation of money, which manifests itself in the form of a long-term increase in prices for goods and services (the volume of money supply increases significantly - the number of goods and services does not increase) Forms of inflation: Creeping inflation - inflation in which the rate of increase in prices for goods and services does not exceed 10-15% per year Galloping inflation - abrupt rise in prices Hyperinflation - inflation with a very high rate of price growth (more than 50% per month), the most severe form of economic crisis Inflation: types, causes and consequences

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Causes of inflation: -Demand inflation. It appears when demand exceeds supply, which leads to an increase in prices (the income of the population of enterprises grows faster than the real volume of goods and services) - Cost-push inflation occurs as a consequence of an increase in costs per unit of production. The level of production costs can be affected by changes in the amount of taxes on the manufacturer, an increase in salary, etc. Inflation: types, causes and consequences

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Anti-inflationary policy of the state: Long-term monetary policy - maintaining strict restrictions on annual increases in the money supply Reducing the state budget by increasing revenues and reducing state expenditures Anti-inflationary measures: - Stabilization and stimulation of production - Improving the tax system - Implementing measures to regulate prices and income Inflation: types , causes and consequences

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Finance plays a huge role in the structure of market relations and the mechanism of their state regulation. Conclusion