Biography of Alexander Kodzoev. Alexander Kodzoev Video: Alexander Kodzoev in the iron ranking

  • 12.03.2024

Alexander Kodzoev did something incredible in the amateur competitive bodybuilding arena in 2012. Having become the absolute champion at the European version of one of the most prestigious bodybuilding tournaments, Arnold Classic 2012, he wins one after another titles in various bodybuilding competitions in Europe. Today, Alexander is one of the best bodybuilders in Russia and Europe, but because of his modesty, little is known about him even among fans of strength sports.

Alexander Kodzoev was born on December 29, 1979 in the city of Semipalatinsk (then still Kazakhstan USSR), but his entire childhood was spent in Ingushetia. Since childhood, Alexander loved to work with iron, at first it was stones and various cobblestones in the yard. When Alexander was 10 years old, the Kodzoev family moved to the Tyumen region to a small town called Pokachi.

(Alexander Kodzoev (right) at 21)

At the age of 17, young Kodzoev first bought a gym membership, but since he didn’t really know anything about training and there was no one to teach him, his classes brought virtually no benefit. Everything changed a year later with the advent of a new trainer in the gym - master of sports in bodybuilding Valery Viktorovich Parfenov. The new coach helped explain to Alexander the importance of proper nutrition, adherence to technique and a well-designed training program. Unfortunately, Valery Viktorovich left Pokacha a year later, but during this time he managed to impart the necessary basic knowledge into the future champion.

Kodzoev’s first competitions were in powerlifting (I must say that he would achieve the title of international master of sports in this area) and there he won in his category - up to 67.5 kg. At a competition that took place in the city of Langepas, Alexander meets his future rival (they still compete with him).

2 months later, Alexander competes at the district bodybuilding championship among juniors and takes second place, Kirilenko took first place. In 1999, Kodzoev again competes in juniors and already wins (beating Pavel), and also becomes first among men. In the same year, Alexander decides to compete at the Russian Championships, held in the city of Chelyabinsk, where he took 7th place in the category up to 70 kilograms.

After 2 years (in 2001), Kodzoev already competes in the category up to 80 kg, here he already takes 4th place. The next year in the city of Murmansk at the “Russian Cup” he was already third, and also took second place at the “Eastern European Championship”.

In 2004, Alexander took 4th place in the “Eastern European Cup” and was noticed by Boris Borisovich Vasiliev (director of the Sportlife network of fitness clubs) and offered to move to St. Petersburg and work as a personal trainer, to which he agreed (he works there until now) and moved to St. Petersburg with his wife (also a coach).

Well-equipped gyms and experienced colleagues helped Alexander improve his results and in 2005 he took 2 first places - at the “St. Petersburg Championship” and the “Eastern European Championship”. Kodzoev also takes 3 third places in commercial tournaments - “World Gym”, “Iron Men” and “Iron world”.

In 2006, Alexander again won the St. Petersburg and Eastern European Championships.

In 2007, Kodzoev took the overall category at the Open Cup of the Ural Federal District, also took first place in the category up to 85 kg at the St. Petersburg Cup, and won in this category at the European Championship.

After winning the European Championship, the sports nutrition company “Proline MSN” draws attention to Alexander, with which he signs a contract.

In 2008, Kodzoev won the “St. Petersburg Cup” in the absolute category (and repeated his achievement in 2009), and also became the absolute champion of Russia.

In 2011, Alexander competes in one of the most prestigious bodybuilding competitions - the Arnold Classic among amateurs and wins in the category up to 90 kilograms. However, in the absolute category he (who won in the up to 100 kg category) was surpassed by the German bodybuilder Matthias Bottoff.

(Alexander Kodzoev (left) at Arnold Classic 2011)

Alexander Kodzoev

Alexander Kodzoev- Russian professional bodybuilder. Promotes Russian manufacturer.


He was born in Semipalatinsk on December 28, 1979, but spent his childhood in the Caucasus, in the Republic of Ingushetia. I inherited a healthy lifestyle from birth. At 2 months old he appeared on the cover of Health magazine (1980). As soon as I learned to stand on my feet, I tried to lift weights. Basically these were blocks of stones in the yard, prepared for construction. At the age of 10, Alexander moved to the Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, small town of Pokachi. In 1996, for the first time I bought a subscription to the gym at the Zvezdny sports complex in Pokachi. At first, I studied without having any idea about the importance of a proper program, technique, or nutrition. And only in 1998, when a new coach appeared in his gym - Valery Viktorovich Parfenov (MS in bodybuilding), Alexander Kodzoev learned about the need for all this. Unfortunately, Valery Viktorovich did not work for long; a year later he already left. The experience he shared with Alexander was very useful to him.

For the first time, Alexander Kodzoev competed in powerlifting competitions in 1998 in the neighboring city of Langepas, in the 67.5 kg category, and became the first. Then I met Pavel Kirilenko (he was a participant) and his coach Dmitry Kirilov. A couple of months later, he competed in junior bodybuilding and took second place, with Pavel Kirilenko taking first place.

In 1999, at the district championship, Alexander became first in juniors, beating Pavel Kirilenko, and first in men. From the first competition, Alexander and Pavel became each other’s main rivals and still are. But at the same time they have very friendly relations. The biggest impression on Alexander Kodzoev was made by his first performance at “Russia” in Chelyabinsk in 1999. He competed in juniors up to 70 kg, there were 12 participants, he became 7, the level was very good. Speakers: Artem Ivanov, Victor Shamin. His next “Russia” was in Syktyvkar in 2001, he competed in the men’s category up to 80 kg, became fourth, Sergey Dmitriev first. Then there were: “Russian Cup” Murmansk 2003 - 3rd place, 1st Komarov; “Eastern European Championship” Moscow 2003 - 2nd place, 1st Dmitriev; “Eastern European Cup” Moscow 2004 4th place, 1st Protsenko. In 2004

Boris Borisovich Vasiliev offered Alexander a job as a personal trainer in his network of sports clubs “SportLife”, he readily agreed, and moved with his “coach” wife to St. Petersburg.

A new atmosphere, good training equipment, experienced coaches, all this influenced his further training. In St. Petersburg, Alexander Kodzoev achieved his best results - “St. Petersburg Championship” 2005 1st place, “Eastern European Championship” Moscow 2005 - 1st place, commercial tournament “World Gym” 2005 - 3- 1st place, Grand Prix "Iron Men" 2005 - 3rd place, Grand Prix "Iron World" 2005 - 3rd place, "Championship of St. Petersburg" 2006 -1st place, “Eastern European Championship” 2006 - 1st place. His motto is “It’s better to lose honorably than to win shamefully!”


ALEXANDER, you are in great shape, tell us about your competitive plans.

Hello! I'm getting ready for this fall. I haven’t chosen any tournaments yet, because I’m trying to think more about preparation. The task is to make the form, and the tournament is a secondary task. However, I will say that everything can change to the point that I will perform at all in 2016.

What is your current weight?

The maximum weight gained was 107 kg. But this is a “combat” 107 kg, not the same as what you get at the “mass”.

The New Year holidays and Christmas have recently passed, how did you celebrate them?

All holidays are close to family and friends. It's better not to wish for yourself.

You helped Alexander Fedorov prepare, what is your opinion about his form and result?

Alexander is a very gifted athlete, there are almost no others like him. I was not ashamed of his shape. He prepared from scratch for five months. Many people cannot do this in their entire lives. I would put him fifth or sixth at the Fitness House Pro Grand Prix. But I'm an interested party. It's difficult for me to judge from the outside.

What would you focus on in his next training?

We haven't discussed this yet. He began training on January 1st. And a couple of days later I flew away on vacation. Tomorrow we will meet with him and discuss everything. But the emphasis must be on quality.

Sasha, I know that people often turn to you for help in preparing for tournaments, but you very rarely take up this matter. However, now you are helping some guys from MEN’S PHYSIQUE prepare, why them?

I really like this nomination. I believe that. that success and recognition await her. It just takes time. It also doesn't hurt to tweak their delivery on stage.

Who helps you prepare personally and do you have a sponsor now?

Boris Borisovich Vasiliev always helps, for which I thank him very much. There are no sponsors. There were negotiations with two companies, but it didn’t work out.

What is your current weekly training split?

I train five to six times a week, one main muscle group per workout. Starting in February I will switch to another split. I will pump my muscles twice a week.

Do you do cardio? if yes, then for how much?

I consider carbohydrate alternation to be the most effective. I've tried a lot of things and this works for me. But a lot also depends on the source of these carbohydrates. I prefer oatmeal and good pasta.

At this stage, with this form, what amount of carbohydrates do you have in?

I'm kind of embarrassed to say, but at this stage I'm not counting carbs. I'm trying to eat more. Although it doesn't quite work out. I can say for sure about omega-3 fats, I drink them all year round, from 2 to 10 g per day.

Main composition of products in your diet?

Beef, pasta, potatoes and egg whites, fortunately they are now available in cans and of good quality.

What is your favorite dish during the off-season and on a diet?

There's no such thing. The main thing is that it is well cooked. I can say that I don’t like cottage cheese and chicken. I eat cottage cheese, and even a lot, only when “drying”.

You work as a trainer in the sportlife network of sports clubs, what do you do in your free time from work and training?

I play with my son. I don't need anything else. To be honest, there is not enough time for anything. Work and training take a lot of time. And so, whenever I can, I am with my son.

Sasha, you are one of the best bodybuilders in the country, what do you think is your success? Is it good genetics, financial support or your determination? Or something else?

I was lucky with that. that I got into Sportlife and Boris Borisovich Vasiliev drew attention to me. Thanks to a good gym and knowledge, the support of Boris Borisovich, I was able to realize my genetics.

What are your wishes to the readers of the magazine, your fans and all bodybuilding lovers?

Play sports, say only good things about it. Respect other sports and nominations. A big bow to the fans for not forgetting about me and supporting me.

Training program

Monday. Breast

  • Horizontal press in the Smith Machine: 3x8-12;
  • Smith Machine Angle Press: 3x8-12;
  • Horizontal press in Hummer: 3x8-12;

Tuesday. Back

  • Wide grip hummer row: 3x8-12;
  • Upper pulley behind the head: 3x8-12;
  • Close Grip Hummer Row: 3x8-12;
  • Lower Hummer traction: 3x8-12;
  • "Pullover": 3x12-15;
  • Lower back - any exercise: 3x10-15;

Wednesday. Deltas

  • Back flyes on the machine: 3x10-15;
  • Smith Machine overhead press + dumbbell lateral raise (superset): 3x8-12;
  • Hummer front delt press: 3x8-12;
  • Shin - any exercise: 3x10-20.

Thursday. Hands

  • Close grip press + standing barbell curl (superset): 3x8-12;
  • Scott Bench Raise + Dips (superset): 3x8-12;
  • Shin - any exercise: 6x10-20.

Friday. Legs

  • Leg press: 3x8-10;
  • Hack squats: 3x8-10;
  • Front squats: 3x10-12;
  • Seated Curl: 4x10-12;
  • Shin - any exercise: 6x10-20.

Saturday and Sunday: rest

Finishing approaches in shoulder training by Alexander Kodzoev

The essence of the methodological technique “Finishing approaches” is that after a series of approaches with a large weight, the athlete deliberately reduces the weight of the weight in the exercise and does another approach, but with a much larger number of repetitions. This technique does not pose any difficulty in application and is quite actively practiced by bodybuilders of the highest level.

As an example, we would like to give the shoulder training option of Alexander Kodzoev:

  • “The first exercise I do is a back fly in the machine for the rear deltoid muscles. I perform 3 sets of 8x12 reps.
  • The second exercise is a press in the “Smith Machine” from behind the head in a superset with dumbbells raised to the sides. These exercises focus on the middle deltoid muscle.
  • I perform 3 sets of 8x12 reps.
  • The third exercise is the Hammer press. This is for the anterior deltoids. I perform 3 sets of 8x12 reps.

Thus, in one workout I do exercises for each deltoid bundle, starting with the one that is lagging behind.

At the end of all the exercises, I do one “finishing” approach with less weight, but a longer load, on average 20-25 repetitions per approach.”

From the point of view of sports science, this option of using “additional” approaches is considered the most appropriate when the athlete’s main task is. Regular testing of bodybuilders in the professor’s laboratory showed that the predominant type of muscle fibers they have are glycolytic, with much less intermediate ones.

In Alexander Kodzoev’s shoulder training, you can see that the main volume of the load (75% of the training volume) is aimed at hypertrophy of glycolytic fibers - the repetition range is 8-12, however, thanks to the use of “additional” approaches, their share of the load (25% of the training volume) is received and intermediate type fibers - repetition range 2025. Thus, we can summarize that the athlete intuitively selected the most suitable training regimen for the deltoid muscles, combining the load on two types of muscle fibers at once in one training session.

It should also be noted that the athlete applies the principle of priority.

So, despite the obvious genetic talent of outstanding bodybuilders, which allows them to progress sometimes contrary to all logic, we mere mortals always have something to learn from them.

Alexander Kodzoev was born on December 28, 1979 in the city of Semipalatinsk, Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Nevertheless, most of Alexander’s childhood was spent in the Republic of Ingushetia. Alexander’s father is Chechen by nationality, his mother is Russian.

By the will of fate, already in 1980, a photograph of a two-month newborn Alexander appeared on the cover of Health magazine, which in a certain sense predetermined his future future. As Alexander himself recalls, as a child, he already actively showed an interest in lifting weights - mainly cobblestones, which were available in abundance in the courtyard of the house, were used.

When Alexander was ten years old, he and his family moved to the small town of Pokachi in the Tyumen region. The first acquaintance with iron occurred in 1996 at a local sports and fitness complex with the telling name “Star”. But since there was no one around Alexander who could tell him how to train correctly, his first training sessions were amateurish in nature. But Alexander showed willpower and did not give up his favorite activity.

The situation changed for the better when, in 1998, a new coach, master of sports in bodybuilding Valery Viktorovich Parfenov, came to the gym where Alexander trained, who only managed to work there for about a year. But even during this time, he conveyed to his ward a lot of useful information about the “correct” training.

As a result, in 1998, Alexander Kodzoev took part in the first powerlifting and powerlifting competitions in his life, held in the city of Langepas. Where he wins first place in the category up to 67.5 kg. At these competitions, Alexander meets another participant, Pavel Kirilenko - subsequently their camaraderie will constantly intersect with the struggle on the competitive podium.

Literally two months later, Alexander takes part in bodybuilding competitions, where he becomes second in the junior category after Kirilenko. But the following 1999, at the District Bodybuilding Championship, they exchanged prize places - Alexander Kodzoev wins in two categories at once: “junior” and “male”.

In 2003, Alexander took part in the Russian Cup, where he took 3rd place in the category up to 87.5 kg. In the same year, at the “Eastern European Championship”, held in Moscow, he rises to 2nd place, remaining in the same weight category.

At the invitation of the director of the Sportlife network of fitness clubs, Boris Vasiliev, in 2004, Alexander moved to St. Petersburg, where he still works as a personal trainer. The move provides an opportunity to take first places at the “St. Petersburg Championship” and the “Eastern European Championship” in 2005, and to enter the top three absolute winners at the commercial tournaments “Iron Men” Grand Prix and “Iron World” Grand Prix. In the same 2005, at the World Gym Grand Prix, in the overall standings, Alexander Kodzoev was second only to Sergei Shelestov, becoming the silver medalist.

In 2006, he won the “St. Petersburg Championship” and the “Eastern European Championship” - in both cases, 1st place in the category up to 85 kg. 2007 brought even more victories: Alexander is the absolute winner of the Open Cup of the Urals Federal District and the winner of the Open Cup of St. Petersburg. And finally, first place at the 2007 European Championships in the up to 85 kg category. In the same 2007, he won 1st place at the “St. Petersburg Championship” in the category up to 90 kg, and in 2008 he became its absolute champion, then repeated this achievement in 2009.

In 2008, Alexander Kodzoev became the absolute champion of Russia. This is followed by international tournaments: the Athletics Alliance Grand Prix and the Fitness Empire Grand Prix, where he successfully fights for first and second places.

In 2011, together with our team, Kodzoev took part in the Arnold Classic, performing in the amateur division. His result is 1st place in the category up to 90 kg. With the same competitive weight, he wins the title of absolute champion of the 2011 Northwest Russian Cup. But at the 2011 Russian Championship he already acts as a spectator and coach.

Alexander’s sports career was not without injuries. In 2007, while performing a bench press in training, Alexander received a slight chest injury, after which he was forced to switch to less traumatic work in the Smith machine.

In training, Alexander adheres to a low-repetition regime, giving preference to basic exercises, incorporating isolated ones closer to competitions. Trains for three days in a row, followed by one or two days of complete rest.

At the competitions, Alexander is sponsored by the Russian company MSN Sport, which represents sports nutrition for strength sports on our market and is headed by the President of the Moscow Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation Oleg Makshantsev.

Alexander is married to Elsa Kamaletdinova. Graduated from the Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports in Omsk. Alexander Kodzoev is an international master of sports in powerlifting. Today, Alexander is busy promoting an online sportswear store.

The famous motto of Alexander Kodzoev: “It is better to lose with dignity than to win shamefully!”

User comments

Only 2 pages 1

The best Russian cult!!! The best amateur in the world!!!

+3 -2

I agree 1000% If only he could add more meat!!! what I really wish for him))))

+0 -1

Alexander Kodzoev is in good shape, well done, he took first place at the Arnold, congratulations to our pride.

+0 -0

Also in absolute water!) Beautiful, keep it up!

+0 -0

Cool guy!! Very kind!

+0 -0

Alex, why does he need more meat if he’s already winning? the desire to be more than many led to a foul...

+0 -0

Well done, our athlete, he won the absolute championship at the amateur Arnold! There are rumors that he did not take a PRO card, citing that other funds are needed to prepare for PRO tournaments. This is understandable; there is simply no point in advocating for a “healthy” life.

And even if you took the card, then competing in the 212lb category the prize money is small, you won’t go far with it, you need a sponsor for serious preparation!

+1 -0

Lesukova was unfairly defeated, I am against such a frame

+0 -1

Alexander Kodzoev and I have a birthday on the same day :)

In 2-3 years I will also compete in the up to 90 kg category!

+0 -0

Why Chechen?? He is Ingush. The Kodzoevs are Ingush.

+1 -0

I found some interesting information about Alexander.

Alexander Kodzoev: “Finally, I have a serious foreign sponsor-manufacturer of sports nutrition “Olympus” (Poland). This was facilitated by the editor of the Russian version of FLEX magazine Igor Odnenko. We talked a lot at the Russian Championship, and he promised to help with the sponsor, he said, that the Polish company "Olympus", which produces sports nutrition, is just looking for an athlete in Russia. And after a while I received a call from Poland. We negotiated for about a week, discussed and agreed on all the conditions, and on January 24 I signed a contract and sent it to Poland. So that from this day on I am considered an official athlete of "Olympus". According to the terms of the contract, I will conduct some seminars, will have to take part in certain tournaments, and at the end of April I will go to the FIBO fitness industry exhibition in Germany. About how much I I will receive it according to this contract, I will not spread it, I will only note that this is both money and sports nutrition. I like the Olympus nutrition, and the reviews about it are good. The company has its own production, quite powerful, and even in Germany, I was told, Olympus is more popular than German brands."

+1 -0

“I don’t get distracted by any nonsense... Family. House. Job. And at work - only HARDCORE.”

Journalist: What mode are you in now? Please explain to everyone...

My routine is standard. If in terms of sports, then I rested for three and a half months, brought my body to a “virgin” state, and already from February 1st I began to gain mass. 102 kg. I watch my control points on the body, I see how fat goes away and how meat grows. Overall happy with the process. I am conducting negotiations, although they are really sluggish, with a potential sponsor, since since January 1 I have not been in TEAM OLIMP.

Journalist: Do you have a PRO CARD in your hands or are you still in the mode where you have the right to receive it, but are in no hurry to take advantage of this right? There is an incredible amount of gossip, conversations, disputes and other clashes on the Internet, the cause of which is your plans in PRO LEAGUE. How is it really?

I don't have a card, when will I get one? I won’t say... The start date for paperwork has not been determined, but... But now I can sincerely report for general discussion that if a couple more

Some text is hidden.

months ago I didn’t feel a burning desire to become a bodybuilding professional, but today I began to literally burn with this status. I really want to try myself in this path, to move from one level of training and competition to a much higher one. This desire... It even has a testing character for me personally, whether I can be worthy of the title PRO, how I will look among others, what I can do for self-improvement in both body and spirit. Somehow it’s all like this... There will still be news on the topic and you will be the first to know about it!

+0 -0

I have been following Alexander’s growth and improvement in sports results for a long time.. I am very sick and worried... A thinking, competent athlete.. Good luck in business.. I hope for new successes in the field of bodybuilding..

+0 -0

I read somewhere that Alexander is planning his first start in PRO status, at Nordic Pro in 2015.

+1 -1

Not bad, very good, now it’s clear who the third PRO athlete in the “PureProtein” team is. Finally, Alexander has a sponsor. Apparently, “Olimp” was a sponsor for a short time, and maybe it didn’t even work out, because Alexander never performed anywhere.

True, when he performs, there is still silence, everyone is silent, like “fish”, maybe it’s Nordic?! This year I hope will show.

+0 -0

Finally, Alexander brought some specifics regarding his debut in 2015: “I’m getting ready for the end of the year. And then I’ll look at what tournament”.

+0 -0

Well done Sasha! I wish you success and luck not only in sports but also simply in life. I believe in you. Keep it up!!

A modest but persistent bodybuilder of our time is Alexander Kodzoev. He was born on New Year's Eve on December 28, 1979. Originally from the city of Semipalatinsk, which at that time belonged to the Kazakhstan USSR, but the boy grew up in Ingushetia. Already from childhood, it was clear that little Sasha would be a strong and healthy boy, since he was always running around with large cobblestones that lay in his yard for construction.

While in junior school, the boy’s parents moved to the Tyumen region. In the tiny town of Pokachi, Alexander Kodzoev at the age of 17 began to develop as an athlete. For almost 2 years the guy went to the gym and worked out hard, but since he had no idea about proper exercise and nutrition, he simply gained strength.

When the famous bodybuilder Valery Parfenov entered the gym as a coach in 1998, everything began to change in young Alexander’s life. In a year with such a mentor, the guy learned all the intricacies of bodybuilding and even won a powerlifting competition. This first tournament in Langepas was not only the beginning of his sports career, but also gave him a friend and rival in one person - Pavel Kirilenko.

A few months later, Alexander Kodzoev appears on the podium for the first time as a bodybuilder and becomes second among juniors. In 1999, the next competition, at the district championship, the bodybuilder already took 1st place, and in two categories. The athlete’s next step was the Russian Cup, where he took 7th place among 12 participants. The desire for leadership forced the athlete to move forward and further, in 2001 at “Russia” he took 4th place.
A successful 2003 brought the bodybuilder victory at the Russian Cup and 2nd place at the Eastern European Championship. Further, he is invited to St. Petersburg for coaching activities. So, from 2004 until today, Alexander Kodzoev has been working and training at the prestigious sports club “Sportlife”. Since that time, his sports career has reached a higher level. In 2005, the guy became first at the Championship of St. Petersburg and Eastern Europe. Also placed in the top three at several Iron Men tournaments,<"World Gym" и "Iron World".

In 2006, the athlete was able to repeat his victories at the same championships, and the next year, wherever he appeared on the podium, he always became first. Already in 2008, the athlete became a recognized champion of Russia and switched to international competitions, where he was always in the top three.

With enormous self-confidence, Alexander went to the Arnold Classic competition in 2011, where he surpassed all participants in the category up to 90 kg. He also managed to conquer the Cup of North-West Russia. The guy is constantly lucky, and so far he is not going to stop. In 2012, he won the European version of the Arnold Classic and many other tournaments. Also this year, the bodybuilder became a father for the first time; he gave birth to a 5 kg hero. Throughout 2014, the athlete plans to take a break from competitions and wants to gain weight in order to reach the podium in the category above 95 kg in 2015.

Bodybuilding Alexander Kodzoev

He was born in Semipalatinsk on December 28, 1979, but spent his childhood in the Caucasus, in the Republic of Ingushetia. I inherited a healthy lifestyle from birth. At 2 months old he appeared on the cover of Health magazine (1980). As soon as I learned to stand on my feet, I tried to lift weights. Basically these were blocks of stones in the yard, prepared for construction. At the age of 10, Alexander moved to the Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, small town of Pokachi. In 1996, for the first time I bought a subscription to the gym at the Zvezdny sports complex in Pokachi. At first, I studied without having any idea about the importance of a proper program, technique, or nutrition. And only in 1998, when a new coach appeared in his gym - Valery Viktorovich Parfenov (MS in bodybuilding), Alexander Kodzoev learned about the need for all this. Unfortunately, Valery Viktorovich did not work for long; a year later he already left. The experience he shared with Alexander was very useful to him.

For the first time, Alexander Kodzoev competed in powerlifting competitions in 1998 in the neighboring city of Langepas, in the 67.5 kg category, and became the first. Then I met Pavel Kirilenko (he was a participant) and his coach Dmitry Kirilov. A couple of months later, he competed in junior bodybuilding and took second place, with Pavel Kirilenko taking first place.

In 1999, at the district championship, Alexander became first in juniors, beating Pavel Kirilenko, and first in men. From the first competition, Alexander and Pavel became each other’s main rivals and still are. But at the same time they have very friendly relations. The biggest impression on Alexander Kodzoev was made by his first performance at “Russia” in Chelyabinsk in 1999. He competed in juniors up to 70 kg, there were 12 participants, he became 7, the level was very good. Speakers: Artem Ivanov, Victor Shamin. His next “Russia” was in Syktyvkar in 2001, he competed in the men’s category up to 80 kg, became fourth, Sergey Dmitriev first. Then there were: “Russian Cup” Murmansk 2003 - 3rd place, 1st Komarov; “Eastern European Championship” Moscow 2003 - 2nd place, 1st Dmitriev; “Eastern European Cup” Moscow 2004 4th place, 1st Protsenko. In 2004

Boris Borisovich Vasiliev offered Alexander a job as a personal trainer in his network of sports clubs “SportLife”, he readily agreed, and moved with his “coach” wife to St. Petersburg.

A new atmosphere, good training equipment, experienced coaches, all this influenced his further training. In St. Petersburg, Alexander Kodzoev achieved his best results - “St. Petersburg Championship” 2005 1st place, “Eastern European Championship” Moscow 2005 - 1st place, commercial tournament “World Gym” 2005 - 3- 1st place, Grand Prix "Iron Men" 2005 - 3rd place, Grand Prix "Iron World"


Video Bodybuilding Alexander Kodzoev channel Pump Iron