Years of the rooster and year of the tiger compatibility. Rooster man - tiger woman

  • 02.03.2024

Compatibility of the signs Rooster man and Tiger woman is considered not the best combination. The first stumbling block in this couple will be the perception of the Rooster’s people, which will seem too narrow and one-sided to the Tigress. The Rooster man will not tolerate anarchy in any form, while the Tiger woman is used to succumbing to mood and inspiration.

Different tempers

The Tiger girl is able to fulfill her obligations and resolve any problems. She is a wonderful mother and a good wife, but she will always need, like air, freedom of action, communication with friends, girlfriends and co-workers at work. She never wants to be anyone's personal property.

They are undoubtedly very different: she does not pay attention to trifles and details, while he is an intellectual, strategist and thinker. The Rooster always tries to organize everything and get everyone in line. He is extremely restless and is constantly on the move, working, projects - he has no time to rest.

She's completely different. She will not go into battle until she has thought through all possible solutions. She shouldn’t waste her time on trifles and fuss, even though she is very active in life. She doesn’t like being rushed and forced to do something thoughtless in a hurry; at such moments she is capable of exploding and the result is a conflict. She lives more by intuition, and not according to a clearly organized plan, as befits a true creative nature.

The Rooster man is inclined to believe that creativity lives its own separate life and now this is not something worth wasting time on. He draws diagrams and makes plans, trying to fit life into the sequence of events and actions he has thought out.

Development of a relationship

An important point in the development of the Rooster-Tiger couple will be the partners’ acceptance of each other as they are, without the desire to change them. If they succeed, then it is quite possible that they will get married and have children.

The Tiger girl has a great sense of the prospects of the business and wastes her energy in vain, so the Rooster man may be correct in her advice, which is worth listening to. She is calm and has a positive attitude, and has no difficulty calming down her often agitated and sometimes aggressive man.

Such different characters combined in this pair require partners to work on themselves and on their relationships. They should remember that finding a compromise solution that suits both of them is a realistic task, the main common desire is to reach an agreement.

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Completely different signs often create strong and long-lasting relationships. The compatibility of the Rooster and the Tiger is based on the fact that they complement each other, as well as on a strong emotional connection.

Both signs have their advantages and disadvantages, and in order to be together, each of them will need to come to terms with the characteristics of their partner. Attempts to change your significant other lead to discord in the family or breakup of relationships. Love in such a union is of paramount importance.

Characteristics of the Rooster

Representatives of the sign are versatile personalities. They strive to develop their “I” and try themselves in art, mathematics, writing, etc.

Despite their determination, people of this sign rarely reach the top. Their life is like a roller coaster, where ups alternate with downs and failures. With moral support, the sign can stay at its peak for quite a long time. The horoscope speaks of the constant movement of such people forward.

A special feature of the sign is the willingness to come to the aid of your loved ones. He will also defend the rights of the weak and disadvantaged. For this reason, people born this year become good lawyers, attorneys, notaries, doctors and veterinarians.

Sometimes a person of the sign cannot cope with negative qualities:

  • pride;
  • isolation;
  • selfishness.

Inside the sign lies a fragile and vulnerable personality who is afraid of being ridiculed in public. This is what makes him develop his mental abilities and constantly replenish his knowledge. In a conversation, he can support almost any topic, and in a dispute he will tirelessly pour out arguments until his opponent gives up.

Characteristics of the Tiger

People born in the year of the Tiger are willful and do not want to obey generally accepted rules. This causes many problems, including with the law. The Tiger is a born leader, but often cannot correctly assess the situation, which is why not only he, but also all his subordinates suffer.

His reluctance to be squeezed into strict boundaries often helps him take risky adventures that bring incredible success. The life of a sign is built on this.

A tiger can forgive any mistake or mistake of close people, but will never forgive lies and flattery. He can smell bad intentions a mile away. Such a person is used to telling the truth straight to the face, and this is often perceived as aggression. The sign itself is non-conflicting.

People born this year have:

  • charisma;
  • charm;
  • love for luxury;
  • craving for adventure.

The desire to lead people and extraordinary leadership abilities make the Tiger a good leader, manager, and also a military man. Thanks to his sharp mind and willpower, he achieves good results in any business.

Tiger Man and Rooster Woman

Tiger and Rooster in a relationship can either perfectly complement each other or become complete opposites. It all depends on their attitude and desire to work on themselves.

In this pair, the leading position, contrary to all expectations, is occupied by the woman. It is she who has to curb her freedom-loving husband and direct his energy in a peaceful direction. If partners can find a common language and learn to give in, they will live a long and happy life together. Their compatibility is determined precisely by the ability to give in.

Pair compatibility

The Rooster provides the Tiger man with a protected rear. A representative of the strong half of humanity, in turn, will be the breadwinner in the family.

The husband's selfishness and waywardness are easily smoothed out by the spouse with affection and care. Over time, he realizes that home comfort is as necessary for him as extreme sports. The husband knows how to stir up the Rooster, distract him from his routine and dive headlong into adventure. This is how Tiger and Rooster maintain their feelings and build harmonious relationships.

In sex, the signs enjoy each other. A man knows how to please his soulmate and tries to fulfill all her whims.

Relationship problems

The compatibility of a Rooster woman and a Tiger man is often in question. Both signs are purposeful and strive for leadership in the pair. The hot temper of a woman, who is always in the mode of a compressed spring, ready to shoot in any situation, also has a bad effect on relationships. The husband has many complaints against his wife and does not hesitate to constantly remind him of this. A woman is sensitive to criticism.

A man’s love of freedom is opposed to marriage and raising children. The sign is afraid that in this way he will lose the right to personal space, so he tries to avoid marriage.

Constant competition leads to:

  • quarrels;
  • assault;
  • breakups;
  • complete severance of relations.

If spouses fail to find a common language and learn to give in, their relationship is doomed to failure. However, having a strong emotional attachment and common interests can improve the situation.

Rooster Man and Tiger Woman

Not everything is going smoothly in this union either. The Rooster man and the Tiger woman cannot find a common language and constantly pull the blanket over themselves. Despite the constant disagreements, the compatibility of the signs according to the horoscope will be almost ideal if both try for it.

Pair compatibility

It is quite difficult at first glance to understand whether a Rooster man and a Tiger woman are suitable for each other or not. Only the tip of the relationship is visible to others. Their compatibility is determined by the difference in age. Particularly strong bonds can be created by spouses where the woman is a little older. With age, a lady learns to compromise and give in to her significant other.

The spouse organizes their life together. A boy born in the year of the Rooster, from childhood, tries to follow his own plan and follow the sequence of actions. Already in adulthood, he will manage the family budget, control expenses and income.

Year after year, the signs strengthen the union, their vibrant sex life helps them in this. The horoscope speaks of the presence of passion bordering on madness. A woman desperately loves her husband and does not want to share him with anyone. In bed for signs there is a completely different life. It is there that they can achieve complete unity and resolve any conflicts.

Relationship problems

Love and friendship fade into the background if a couple begins to sort things out. Analysis of how someone treats someone ends in mutual insults and resentments. A calculating and calmer man in marriage becomes agitated and even aggressive.

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Tiger man and the Rooster woman, family relationships can be called unstable. In this union, the dynamic and overly emotional Tiger man is shocked by the overly critical and defiant character of the Rooster woman.

With his hysterics, picky and methodical views on life, love for digging into little things, as well as his mannerisms, he drives the Tiger man to rage and loud indignation. Therefore, often the generous, magnanimous and frank Tiger man is not able to come to terms with the frugality, systematicity, as well as pettiness in housework in other actions of the Rooster woman.

This leads to inevitable conflicts, since the unconventional behavior of the Tiger man, as well as his desire to be guided in everything by his emotions and heart, will collide with attempts at rational action, insight and intellectuality of the Rooster woman. Moreover, each of them is passionate, first of all, about himself, but gets upset and even annoyed when he sees the same qualities in his spouse.

Tiger man and Rooster woman - compatibility

According to the Eastern horoscope, the Tiger man and the Rooster woman will have to overcome many obstacles on the path to a strong and happy union. Both have a penchant for traveling, leading a social life, both are passionate, but neither of them wants to listen to the other and make concessions. Most quarrels and disagreements in couples occur due to different temperaments. The Tiger man is freedom-loving and does not attach much importance to trifles, while the Rooster woman, on the contrary, is used to living by the rules and is prone to perfectionism. Also, both are hampered by selfishness and selfishness. Both partners are accustomed to taking more than giving in relationships. In addition, both, in their desire to defend their rightness, cannot see the obvious. The Tiger man and the Rooster woman are two bright and strong personalities. If they are willing to work on themselves, then this relationship can become strong and happy. Mutual love will help them overcome numerous difficulties.

A man born of many women. Strong, courageous, self-confident, he attracts the admiring glances of numerous fans. , often takes on risky business, and at the same time is very wise. He thinks about his every step and weighs every word. But, as soon as you piss him off, he loses this natural wisdom of his. It is worth noting that the anger of a Tiger man is terrible and it is better not to anger him. He values ​​family and family relationships. He approaches the choice of a life partner very responsibly. He is looking for the only one who can tame his violent temper with her affection and love. But finding such a woman is not so easy for him, because his irrepressible energy attracts to him mainly women with a strong character. The Tiger man greatly values ​​his freedom of action and movement. He was not used to reporting where he was, with whom, where. Therefore, his wife will have to come to terms with the fact that he will tell only what he himself considers necessary.

A woman born with an attractive appearance. She carefully looks after herself and pays great attention to her appearance. The Rooster woman loves popularity and in any company strives with all her might to be the center of attention. She simply loves social parties and cultural events. Also, this woman loves to teach everyone and everything, she is not averse to commanding and leading people, and she does this with pleasure both at work and in her personal life. The Rooster woman always fights for justice and defends her point, and does not notice at all that she hurts other people with her caustic and caustic words. Also, the Rooster woman is prone to excessive criticism. This character trait greatly complicates her life with many signs of the Eastern horoscope.

The Rooster woman quickly falls in love with the Tiger man. After all, he is so thorough, interesting and attractive. He, too, seeing her attractive appearance and analytical mind, begins to show sympathy for her. Cupid's arrows are unpredictable and therefore it often happens that two poorly compatible people fall in love with each other. But their love story rarely goes smoothly. Most often, people are horrified to discover how different they are from each other.

At the very beginning of the relationship, this incredible union of two powerful and self-confident people will be very bright and enchanting. The Rooster woman is delighted with the determination of the Tiger man and will tirelessly sing odes of praise to him. And the Tiger man will be in seventh heaven, because the recognition and admiration of his beloved woman is very important to him. But, after a very short period of time, the partners will begin to irritate each other . The Rooster woman is characterized by daring behavior, she does not mince words and calmly hits weak points. This will greatly shock the Tiger man. He will try to reason with his chosen one, but to no avail. However, if the Rooster woman is focused on starting a family, then she will behave differently.

Family relationships will also largely depend on the mood and spiritual development of the Rooster woman. If she learns to respect her husband, stops criticizing, but only supports him, becomes softer and regards him as a support, then he will achieve great heights in his career, in material well-being and in public life.

It is worth noting that the Tiger man also likes to criticize. But the Rooster woman is not one of those who calmly reacts to criticism.

In the relationship between a Tiger man and a Rooster woman there are always a lot of disputes and disagreements over the smallest issue. Both have strong characters and do not want to give in for anything. Both need to feel like leaders and in control of everything and everyone around them. In addition, both are hot-tempered and aggressive and do not accept the other person's point of view. It is important for a Tiger man that his wife obeys and obeys him, supporting his authority, but he will never achieve this from a Rooster woman. The Rooster woman is very restless. She constantly flickers, “spins,” does something, and constantly lives in eternal tension, ready for attack or defense. And the Tiger man is a strategist. He first thinks through everything to the smallest detail, and then acts. He never wastes time on trifles and does not fuss. He only likes large-scale and revolutionary plans. Therefore, the slightly superficial, restless, fussy Rooster woman irritates the rational and ever-thinking Tiger man. She will try to impose her lifestyle on him, however, other than indignation, this will lead to nothing.

In order for the family union of a Tiger man and a Rooster woman to become happy, both spouses will have to make a lot of efforts. This won't happen by itself. The spouses are too different to get used to each other over the years.

The Rooster woman has many advantages, and it will be very good for family relationships if the Tiger man can appreciate such qualities of his wife as: organization and practicality, the ability to do routine work, reliability, and fairness. And also the ability to maintain life at a high level, where the Tiger man can return from his exploits. The downside is that the Rooster woman is unlikely to be able to appreciate the many advantages of the Tiger man, and especially his business acumen. The fact is that she is accustomed to analyzing only what can bring income, but she will be able to learn to treat her lover differently, and to some extent balance his hot temper.

Tiger man and Rooster woman - compatibility in love

If the Tiger man and the Rooster woman respect, trust each other and maintain a pleasant emotional mood, then the sexual relationship will bring satisfaction to both. Only in this case will both be able to relax and allow themselves to enjoy. The Rooster woman is sensual and perspicacious, so she can see the desires of her partner and make them come true. He will try to give her the brightest pleasure.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple Tiger Man and Rooster Woman

According to the Eastern horoscope, a couple of a Tiger man and a Rooster woman will not have cloudless happiness and a carefree future. To achieve harmony in family relationships, both will have to make every effort to work on themselves. And the most important thing is to learn to see each other’s strengths and turn a blind eye to the shortcomings. Despite all the problems and difficulties that the couple will certainly encounter, they should not despair. Yes, it will not be easy to achieve understanding, but once they do it, they will not regret it. In addition, after such a vibrant relationship, any others will seem dull and lifeless. It is worth working for the sake of your love, and the result will not take long to arrive. The main thing is that these efforts are mutual.

So, the Tiger man needs to remember that the Rooster woman loves attention and praise, and order in everything and recognition of her achievements are extremely important to her. If a Tiger man can give her this, she will become much calmer and will stop reacting sharply to some of his frivolous actions. The same thing can happen and vice versa; the Rooster woman, having stopped controlling her husband, criticizing him and reacting to some wrong actions, will be able to ensure that the Tiger man becomes more sensitive and attentive to her.

Also, the Rooster woman should develop femininity and gain wisdom. After all, next to a strong male sign, only a real lady, soft, gentle, flexible, can be happy. Don't forget about home. If the Rooster woman manages to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in him, the Tiger man will always rush home to relax after his labor exploits.

Look for more common ground and your marriage will grow stronger day by day. Organize leisure time together more often. So, you can take a romantic walk along the river, go on a picnic to a picturesque place, attend a lecture or exhibition, or simply go shopping together. The main thing is that it brings joy to both. It is worth noting that leisure activities should be done without the company of friends. Both of them already have too busy a life that sometimes they don’t have enough time for each other.

Stormy and turbulent relationships - this is what awaits the Rooster and Tiger in their life together. Representatives of these signs are too different, they have different interests in life and different priorities, therefore, only by making every effort can a couple make such a union happy.

Rooster Man and Tiger Woman

The Rooster man is a bright, sociable and spontaneous person. He loves to give orders and lead people; it is very important for him that his opinion be listened to. Such a person is very hot-tempered, quarrels with him can flare up over any trifle, but at the same time he quickly calms down. In the family, this man is a real owner and jealous; he always prefers to be in the lead and will not put up with a woman’s authority.

The Tiger woman is an independent and strong person who is very hardworking.

Such a lady is distinguished by her integrity; in the professional sphere she often achieves high positions. At the same time, it is worth noting that the Tiger is a rather selfish sign; he always acts prudently and in accordance with his own benefit. Such a woman will not tolerate any criticism of herself, and she generally prefers to ignore the opinions of others. However, if such a lady falls in love with someone, then it will be serious and for a long time.

Love and family

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Tiger is not very successful; the main stumbling block in such a pair may be that the tigress considers her chosen one too narrow-minded, and the Rooster, in turn, will not tolerate anarchy from his partner.

The Tiger is prone to rational thinking, while the Rooster often acts rashly. It will be very difficult for such a couple to establish a life together, although the Tiger woman, according to the eastern horoscope, is a good housewife and is ready to do a lot for the sake of the family.

Main disagreements

The Tiger girl is not used to waste her time on trifles, and spends her energy in really necessary cases, but the Rooster is constantly on the move and in action. All this fussiness will not be to the liking of such a woman, in addition, she will be annoyed when her partner begins to rush her or force her to fit his framework.

The Rooster is a real owner, and the Tiger is a free, independent person who can never be subordinate to someone; she needs freedom like air.

Such a woman may also be irritated by the Rooster’s love for decoration and empty boasting. The Rooster and Tiger must go through a long process of getting used to each other before their relationship somehow settles down.

Couple interaction

The Rooster needs to learn to listen to the advice of his soulmate, because she has an excellent nose for promising business. Thus, she, like no one else, will be able to help her partner move up the career ladder, and he will accustom his chosen one to order in the details.

The Tiger will be able to calm down the restless and fussy Rooster, since by temperament she herself is a very balanced person. In general, if such a girl really loves her partner, she will be able to do a lot to ensure that they stay together.

Tiger Man and Rooster Woman

The Tiger man is distinguished by courage and determination; he often takes on risky undertakings; a representative of this sign is practically not characterized by caution. The tiger values ​​his friends very much; you can always ask him for advice and help. In a good mood, the Tiger is always friendly and sociable, but as soon as something upsets him, he becomes very hot-tempered and can say something to his interlocutor that he will greatly regret later.

The Rooster woman is a bright and extravagant lady who loves social events and parties.

It is very important for this Virgo to always be in the spotlight, share events from her life and teach others. Such a woman is not averse to giving orders and leading people, and she does it with pleasure both at work and in her personal life. She always fights for justice and good causes.

Love and family

Marriage compatibility for these signs is not very good; Tiger and Rooster are very often on the verge of breaking up. They are too different: the rational, always thinking about something Tiger, and the quick-to-action, slightly superficial Rooster woman. A lady with such restlessness bores her man, especially if she tries to impose her lifestyle on him.

For the Rooster, the Tiger has a certain magnetism, which draws the fairer sex to such a man, this is especially pronounced if the woman is Capricorn according to the horoscope. The Tiger is capable of deep and strong feelings, and if he experiences them for the Rooster, the couple will be able to stay afloat for some time. But then, so that negative emotions do not accumulate in the family, the partners will have to negotiate and reckon with each other.

Main disagreements

The Tiger man and Rooster woman must overcome many obstacles on the way to a strong union. Disagreements in couples occur mainly due to the different temperaments of the partners. In addition, the Tiger loves to make large-scale plans and clearly moves towards the intended goal, which is why any desire of his chosen one to hurry up and stir up the Tiger can only cause aggression.

A big disadvantage is that the Rooster woman is practically unable to appreciate all the advantages of her man and his strong business acumen. They will be hindered by each other's selfishness and self-interest - in relationships, such partners are accustomed to taking more than giving, they have poor compatibility in love. Friendship between these signs is also inappropriate, and all due to a complete lack of mutual understanding.

Couple interaction

To some extent, the Rooster woman can balance the couple by improving life in the house and adding a little organization to everything. But as for the psychological situation in the family, it will be difficult for partners to refrain from mutual accusations of each other; their signs are poorly compatible.

Always living in tension and being ready to constantly do something - this is what the Rooster woman strives to be. Of course, for the sake of her beloved man, she will try to pacify her violent temperament, but her energy will need to find a way out. Otherwise, all this will come to the head of the man he loves: loudness, temper, quarrels over trifles. The tiger will be able to endure it for a while, but if he explodes, he will say so many unpleasant things to his soul mate, after which she will not be able to forgive him.

The Tiger needs to try to appreciate the speed and activity of his woman, as well as her reliability as a partner. In the same case, if a scandal is inevitable, partners should strive to discuss the problem; in such a family, it is necessary to learn to negotiate with each other, as well as make joint concessions.

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Tiger in love and marriage is not the best; creating a strong family union will be very difficult for these people. Such people are united by energy, activity, a penchant for change and a love for new things. Both partners are bright personalities with strong character and leadership qualities. However, their innate egocentrism and different views on ways to achieve their goals in life prevent them from achieving mutual understanding.

Men born in the year of the Rooster are used to commanding and controlling everything. They will “peck” anyone who contradicts them, especially within their “chicken coop”. Tiger women value personal freedom. Such people do not accept reproaches and criticism addressed to them; they perceive it as an encroachment on their independence. Tigers and Roosters have a hard time accepting other people's opinions and do not like to give in. As a result, their relationship is filled with conflicts and disagreements. Only real feelings, constant work on oneself and the ability to find compromises will help such a couple avoid a breakup. Both need to take into account the characteristics of their partner’s character and remember that people born in the year of the Rooster and Tiger do not accept pressure and coercion.

Rooster man and Tiger woman: general compatibility

The Rooster man goes through life with a clearly defined plan

A man born in the year of the Rooster has strategic thinking. He thinks through all his plans down to the smallest detail. His house should be in complete order. The Rooster man does not tolerate anarchy, he acts according to a strict schedule himself and demands that those around him follow his rules. He must control everything and does not allow disobedience.

The Rooster man usually has a high level of intelligence. Such people are very active and restless, constantly on the move, looking for new sensations and ways of development. They are stubborn and arrogant; they consider their opinion to be the only correct one. The meaning of existence in the understanding of the Roosters is to prove to everyone that you are right, to subjugate other people and control their actions.

For the Rooster man, family is one of the main meanings in his life. It is important for him to have relatives whom he will always take care of and give all his strength for their well-being. The Rooster loves home coziness and comfort; he will provide his family with the necessary material wealth. However, he must feel like the head of the family. At the same time, he requires not only complete submission, but also constant admiration from his wife and children.

The Rooster man is a bright, sometimes excessively proud personality. He needs to always be the center of attention in the family and society. The Rooster must be respected and worshiped. However, such a man himself knows how to appreciate and admire the abilities of other people, if in his opinion they are worth it. He can be passionate, romantic and truly love.

Women born in the year of the Tiger are characterized by the character traits and habits of this majestic representative of the cat family. They are beautiful, graceful, elegant and aristocratic. They have high self-esteem, such women know how to behave appropriately and shine in high society. To attract attention, Tiger women successfully use both their bright appearance and eccentric behavior. They are sociable and know how to present themselves in a favorable light. These women have a wide circle of friends, many admirers and admirers.

Those born in the year of the Tiger are emotional and impulsive natures. They rarely act according to predetermined plans and rules. In their actions, they mainly rely on intuition, feelings and inspiration. Tigers love change and changes in life; they need to regularly go out into the world, look for new acquaintances and experiences.

The character of Tiger women has a pronounced masculine principle - they are leaders and warriors. These are strong, independent individuals, ready to take on many responsibilities, finish what they start and solve any problems. Family is important for Tigers, but a woman born under this sign needs a partner of equal strength who will surround her with affection and attention. Having become a mother, she will take proper care of her children and home, but at the same time she will not abandon her career and friends.

Like all cats, the Tiger woman is independent and independent. At the slightest attempt to limit her freedom on the part of her husband, she will desperately resist and “scratch.” She will give her loyalty, love and tenderness only to those who respect her opinions and actions.

Rooster man and Tiger woman: compatibility in love

The Rooster man is ready for any sexual experiments

Rooster men and Tiger women are attracted to extraordinary, bright personalities. These qualities are inherent in themselves; they can easily get carried away and become close to each other, despite all the differences in character and outlook on life. At the first stage, their relationship will be full of intense passion and romance. This is a real fountain of love emotions and experiences. Both are ready to completely surrender and devote themselves to each other.

Men and women born in the year of the Rooster and Tiger are endowed with powerful sexual energy. The intimate sphere is of great importance to them and is of particular interest. The compatibility of the Rooster and the Tiger in sex is very high, this is one of the few factors that holds their difficult relationship together.

Both partners love to experiment in bed; they are open to new sensations and impressions. In a love relationship, the compatibility of the Rooster man and the Tiger woman is enhanced by the fact that they do not hesitate to express their feelings and innermost desires and are ready to realize all their erotic fantasies with their chosen one. They will enjoy sex and give pleasure to each other. However, over time, passions will subside, disagreements between such a couple will become more and more apparent, and sex alone will not be enough to create strong family relationships.

Rooster Man and Tiger Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Rooster Man is a big homebody

It would seem that the compatibility of the Tiger woman and the Rooster man should be good, because they have a certain similarity of character, especially in their impatience with other people’s opinions and the tendency to dictate their terms. However, it is precisely these properties that are the main obstacle to creating a harmonious marriage between such people. The constant struggle for leadership, the desire to change a partner against his will quickly leads to dissatisfaction and disappointment in the chosen one. Constant conflicts and disputes will inevitably lead to the breakdown of the family, which each spouse must remember.

Family relationships are important for the Rooster and Tiger, but they have different ideas about marriage. The Rooster man prefers to spend leisure time together at home, while the Tiger woman cannot do without going out and frequent communication with friends, colleagues and simply interesting people. For the Rooster, home comfort and coziness are important. At the same time, in his mind, this is complete order in the house and a day scheduled to the minute. To a Tiger woman, this state of affairs seems boring and uninteresting. She loves to make spontaneous decisions and perform impulsive, unexpected actions. Both spouses are energetic, but if the Rooster man realizes his activity within the framework of strictly defined rules, the Tiger woman loves freedom and prefers to act under the influence of emotions and her intuition.

Both spouses do not doubt the correctness of their judgments. It is impossible to impose someone else's opinion on them against their will. At the same time, the Rooster strives more to command and dominate other people, while the Tiger woman does not tolerate dictates over herself.

Only with full mutual respect for each other’s interests will the Rooster and Tiger be able to create a long-term union

To create a strong, long-lasting family, both spouses should calm down their leadership ambitions and jointly look for compromise solutions to problematic situations. The leadership in the family must belong to the Rooster man, otherwise family relationships lose meaning for him.

If the Tiger woman wants to maintain and strengthen her alliance with the Rooster, she needs to maintain constant order in the house. In turn, the man must give his wife freedom of action in running the household. In general, she takes a responsible approach to solving such issues, and minor shortcomings are not so important as to pay attention to them. In addition, the Rooster should not limit his wife’s communication with friends and relatives. He should go out more often with his wife.

Both spouses need mutual admiration and praise. They constantly need to pay attention to each other’s needs and desires, be sincerely interested in their partner’s affairs, and support their chosen one in everything.

The Tiger woman must learn from the Rooster to plan her actions and follow a certain order. This will help her reach new heights in her career and personal development. The Rooster man should trust more his developed intuition and the opinion of his wife, which often help to find the right solution to problems. In addition, she is more balanced and is able to calm the excessive aggressiveness and excitement of the Rooster. The main test for such a couple will be the acceptance of their chosen one with all his inherent qualities, without attempts to remake and change the character of the spouse.

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