Fortune telling by wish yes or no. Online fortune telling “Yes - No”, free virtual fortune telling

  • 29.02.2024

There is a very simple Tarot fortune telling - yes or no. It allows you to get a clear, simple and understandable answer to any question. Fortune telling is great for beginners, but will also be interesting for more experienced fortune tellers.

In the article:

Fortune telling for Tarot cards - yes or no

The “Yes - No” Tarot layout is one of the simplest options for fortune telling. As is easy to understand from the name, it is aimed at obtaining a clear and understandable answer to any question. Tarot reading “Yes - no” is suitable for any area of ​​life. This way you can get an answer to a question related to relationships, work and any other matters.

Tarot reading “Yes - no” for relationships is a good way to get accurate information about your partner’s feelings. The main thing here is to know what question to ask. You can get a yes or no answer with Tarot at any time and even anywhere, if you have a deck with you.

For fortune telling with Tarot cards “Yes - No”, only 1 card needs to be interpreted. No complex combinations of cards with each other, no analysis of all the cards on the table. Shuffle the deck and lay it out on the table, then choose one card. You can guess both on the entire deck, and only on the minor or major arcana - choose the option that you are more accustomed to or, on the contrary, you want to master.

Tarot divination - yes or no, meanings of the minor arcana

The meaning of cards in Tarot divination “Yes - No” should be interpreted depending on the position in which the card finds itself. It can be straight or inverted. Be sure to take this difference into account when reading the cards.

Figure cards have separate interpretations. For example, all Aces, regardless of their position and suit, answer “yes”. Pages indicate that it is too early to talk about the answer, perhaps events have not yet formed, and everything may change several more times.

Knights always give a positive answer. WITH Kings And Queens somewhat more complicated:

Queen of Wands and Cups- Yes.

Queen of Swords and Pentacles- No.

King of Wands and Pentacles- Yes.

King of Swords- No.

King of Cups- both answer options are possible with equal probability, it all depends on luck.

Wands in straight position

- uncertainty, no answer.

Troika- Yes.

Four- Yes.

Five- No.

Six- no to questions about money and material values, in other cases the answer is positive.

Seven- no, but you will stay the same.

Eight- Yes.

Nine- No.

Ten- No.

Wands in reversed position

Deuce- No.

Troika- no, but not final.

Four - neither yes nor no, the onset of the event is not fully realized.

Five- no or yes, but against your will.

Six- No.

Seven- No.

Eight- uncertainty, possible delay.

Nine- No.

Ten- No.

Tarot divination - yes or no, meanings of Cups in upright position

- Yes.

Five- No.

Six- Yes.

Seven- No.

Eight- uncertainty, connection with everyday routine actions.

Tarot reading - yes or no, meanings of Cups in reversed position

Deuce- if the question is about stopping something or breaking up with a partner, the answer will be positive. In all other cases, the answer is no.

Troika- yes, but you will not be happy with a positive answer to your question.

Four- No.

Five- no or yes, but without achieving the goal.

Six- no changes, everything will be as it has always been.

Seven- No.

Eight- No.

Nine- No.

Ten- no or yes, but not fully.

Tarot divination - yes or no, meanings of straight Swords

- No.

Four- uncertainty, the cards invite the fortuneteller to think for himself.

Five- No.

Six- yes, if you make an effort.

Seven- no, but if you don’t attract attention, you’ll stay the same.

Eight- No.

Nine- yes, and your bad premonitions will come true.

Ten- No.

Tarot divination - yes or no, meanings of inverted Swords

Deuce- No.

Troika- No.

Four- no, but if yes, then only under duress or urgent need.

Five- No.

Six- neither yes nor no, the situation is stopped.

Seven- No.

Eight- No.

Nine- uncertainty, while the fear of the fortuneteller is too difficult to see the answer.

Ten- No.

Tarot, yes or no - meanings of Pentacles in the upright position

- there is no exact answer, since it will change several times.

Troika- Yes.

Four- Yes.

Five- No.

Six- Yes.

Seven- yes, but the results will not be as pleasing as we would like.

Eight- yes, but there will be many difficulties.

Nine- Yes.

Ten- Yes.

Tarot, yes or no - meanings of Pentacles in reversed position

Deuce- No.

Troika- yes, but the results will not be very pleasing.

Four- uncertainty.

Five- No.

Six- yes, but it will cost you dearly.

Seven- yes, but many difficulties are expected.

Eight- yes, but with great effort.

Nine- No. A positive answer is also possible, but then the result will not be as significant as you expected.

Ten- yes, but not in full.

Yes or no - the meanings of the major arcana of the Tarot

does not give an exact answer to the question asked. This is a map of uncertainty. The inverted Jester indicates a positive answer, but with some conditions and pitfalls.

Straight Mage- yes, inverted - no. The same should be interpreted Empress And Emperor, and Justice And Court.

Priestess cannot answer the question because the fortuneteller does not know something or does not take into account an important point of the question. If it's upside down, the answer is yes.

Hierophant answers positively to all questions of a spiritual nature in an upright position. If you asked about something material, the answer is no. The reversed Hierophant does not know the answer and needs to ask the question differently.

Lovers- yes, but if they are upside down, there is a possibility of a negative answer. Has the same meaning Star.

Chariot answers positively, but sets a condition - not to abandon the process halfway. If the question concerned a trip, it should take place and be successful. Inverted Chariot - yes, but later. If the question was related to travel or transportation, the answer is no.

Hermit gives a positive answer if the essence of the question was purpose or knowledge, as well as what you would prefer to do alone. He answers negatively to questions related to money, relationships, and especially marriage. The interpretation of the inverted Hermit depends on the essence of the issue. If it’s about a meeting - yes, about reconciliation - yes, but you won’t be happy, about work - yes, but there’s nothing special to be happy about, about housing or health - no.

Direct Wheel of Fortune answers positively. Inverted - too, but only if the question concerned the continuation of something or an old business. If the question is about something new, the answer is no.

Force- Yes. Reversed Strength - no, but if the question was about ending something, the answer will be yes.

Hanged- no, if the card is upside down - yes.

Death always answers negatively. But if it is upside down, and the question concerned diseases, then the answer may be positive.

Moderation suggests that the answer is positive, but everything will not be as desired. The reversed card most often answers in the negative, but sometimes it is “yes” with conditions that the fortuneteller will not like.

Straight Devil answers positively to all material questions, but warns that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Inverted Devil - the answer is no. In both cases, the Devil may be saying that you are asking the wrong question or thinking about the wrong things.

Tower answers in the negative, except for questions about real estate. If it is inverted, all meanings are reversed - questions about real estate have a negative answer, and all others have a positive answer.

Moon almost always does not give a definite answer. Only if the question concerned a woman, the answer will be positive.

Sun gives a positive answer in any case just like World.

In general, with the help of this simple fortune telling you can quickly get an answer to the question asked, but its formation should be approached carefully to avoid ambiguity of interpretation. Just like with other fortune telling, it is not recommended to ask the same question again.

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Fortune telling “yes, no”: 10 options + 5 useful tips.

There are times in every person's life when he really needs a hint from above. Moreover, it is enough to get a simple monosyllabic answer to choose the right direction.

Fortune telling “yes, no” is just a way out of the situation for such people, because it specifically indicates what to do in a particular case. The main thing is to ask the question correctly so that there is no ambiguity.

There are several options for such divination, including those online.

How does “yes, no” fortune telling work?

If you don’t need a complex card layout, and all you want is to get a definite answer: “yes” or “no” to your question, then this fortune telling option is just for you.

But stick to the basic rules to ensure your results are authentic.

Advantages of fortune telling “yes, no”

Just imagine how much easier your life would be if when you asked difficult questions about each of your life situations, you received a clear answer: “Yes” or “No.”

For example, you ask: “Am I doing the right thing with this guy,” and the pendulum answers you: “No.” And you know for sure that your actions are wrong and you need to choose a different model of behavior.

Or, let’s say, you address a deck of playing cards with the question: “Do I need to change my job?” And she answers you unequivocally: “Yes.” You cast aside doubts and begin to move towards new opportunities.

Of course, you cannot rely exclusively on making important decisions. In the end, this is your life and you must be responsible for it, but you should not completely refuse the help of otherworldly forces in making important decisions

The main advantages of this type of fortune telling:

  • Simplicity. And most of the options are extremely simple, and the results are completely easy to interpret. In general, this type of fortune telling will take little time and effort from you.
  • Availability. In order to get a “yes or no” answer, you can use various magical objects, from a pendulum to playing cards.
  • Truthfulness. The simpler the version of fortune telling and the interpretation of the results, the greater the chances of its veracity. People who often practice “yes, no” divination claim that a magical object rarely leads down the wrong path.

Some tips on how to correctly carry out fortune telling “yes, no”

In principle, for fortune telling “yes, no” you do not need to create a special atmosphere, purchase rare ingredients, wait for a certain day, etc.

This fortune-telling is practically devoid of conventions, but if you want to increase your chances of receiving a truthful answer, it is better to follow a few tips from experienced fortune-tellers:

  1. Ask your question in such a way that it can be answered: “Yes” or “No”. This means that you need to avoid words: “when”, “where”, “why” and the like.
  2. Use magical objects for fortune telling. If this is a pendulum, then you don’t need to make it hastily from the first ring you come across. If you tell fortunes on cards, then they must be just fortune-telling - you cannot play on them.
  3. Get yourself in the right mindset. If you can guess on any day and at any time, this does not mean that you need to do it hastily in front of a large crowd of people. You need a special attitude, complete silence and the absence of witnesses.
  4. Don't ask the same question several times. If the answer does not satisfy you, you do not need to constantly ask the same thing again - you will get a false result. It is better to wait time (at least a couple of days before returning to this fortune-telling).
  5. Do not overuse this fortune telling. You should not demand that magical objects answer you: “Yes” or “No” on petty reasons relating to everyday issues. You can resort to them when it comes to making fateful decisions.

As you can see, guessing “yes, no” does not present any particular difficulties. The tips are extremely simple and easy to follow. Don't ignore them unless you really want a truthful answer and aren't just trying to have some fun.

Fortune telling by “yes, no”: different options

As I already said, there are so many options for this fortune telling that everyone can choose the appropriate one, focusing on their capabilities and taste preferences.

The presence of one or another magical object must also be taken into account when choosing divination.

Fortune telling on a pendulum “yes, no”

A magic pendulum is some kind of object on a fairly long chain or rope, because it gives answers to a question by swinging.

Today, even in small towns, there are esoteric stores, so purchasing a pendulum for fortune telling is not difficult.

Try it right in the store by asking a question to which you know the answer to check the veracity of this item. For the sake of purity of the experiment, you can ask a few questions. If a pendulum is lying to you, don't buy it.

You can make such a magical item yourself using a thread or chain that is passed through a ring that you constantly wear on your hand. Natural stones, coins, etc. are used for the pendulum tip. The main thing is that everything works.

Fortune telling by “yes” and “no” using a pendulum is extremely simple: tie it to the tip of your index finger, ask a question and watch how it sways: horizontally - the answer to your question: “No”, and if it moves from you to you , imitating a nod of the head for a positive answer, is: “Yes.”

It happens that the pendulum refuses to swing at all. In this case, the answer is “I don’t know.” Higher powers cannot help you and you will have to either make a decision on your own or return to fortune telling a little later.

Tarot reading "yes, no"

Tarot cards are great for yes or no fortune telling. It is better to use a deck of 78 cards so that the results are as true as possible.

You need to guess as follows:

If you find the treasured card in the first column, the answer is unequivocal: “Yes”, in the second - “Rather yes than no”, in the third - “Rather no than yes”, fourth - “No”.

It would be a good idea to analyze which cards came out in your layout:

Financial difficulties
Changes in life, travel
Good circumstances that will ultimately be resolved positively (particular attention should be paid to this if the Ace of Cups falls)
High cards
Indicate that everything depends not so much on you, but on the smile of fortune
Court cards
The dependence of your situation on the will and help of other people, without whom you cannot cope

Fortune telling “Yes” “No” for every day

Fortune telling "yes, no" on playing cards

If you only have on hand, you can also tell your fortune by “yes, no.”

Concentrating (mentally or out loud) on your problem, shuffle the cards properly, imbuing them with your own energy.

Then draw 3 cards from the deck in random order.

We are interested not so much in the value of the cards as in the suit. If:

  1. all 3 cards are red - this means “Yes”;
  2. black – “No”;
  3. two red and one black are “Perhaps”;
  4. two black and one red – “Hardly”;
  5. all 3 cards are red and at the same time they are pictures, feel free to start implementing the plan, the stars are favorable to you;
  6. black pictures, it is better to choose another path.

To decipher the card layout in more detail, you can pay attention to the dignity of the cards, not just their suit, given that each one means something:

Pleasant and unexpected meetings
Luck in all endeavors
Fortune will not be on your side
Your luck has limits
Maybe nothing will work out because of the envy of others
These cards can mean both friends (if red) and enemies if black.
KingsDo you have a patron?
Success is almost guaranteed, you will be a winner

Remember not to use the deck you are playing with. What you need is fortune telling cards.

Fortune telling "yes, no", regardless of the tools used, is a simple way to get a hint from above to choose the easiest path that will lead to success.

If you want to look into the future, but do not have the time or desire to understand complex techniques, then “Question and Answer” fortune telling will be a great way to find out what awaits you without resorting to too complicated actions.

In the article:

Fortune telling "Question and answer" - what is it

Fortune telling “Question-Answer” will help you quickly find out the answer to any question that interests you. However, the answer can only be clear. It's either yes or no. If your question implies just such an answer, you can safely try to get simple and understandable predictions that you don’t have to decipher.

Such fortune telling takes a few seconds and gives accurate predictions.. With their help, you can easily decide to take any action or protect yourself from a dangerous event by refusing to participate in it. Such fortune-telling will make your life much easier and teach any person to make decisions on their own.

In order to or use any other method of determining the exact answer to it, formulate this question mentally, and then begin fortune-telling. Try at this moment not to think about anything else except your important question, then the fortune telling will turn out to be truthful.

Fortune telling “Yes, no, I don’t know” on a coin

Almost everyone has thrown a coin into the air in order to decide on some action or make a difficult decision. As a rule, such fortune telling is used to obtain an answer to a not very important question or to choose between two options, both of which are quite satisfactory to the questioner.

So, in the classic version of fortune telling, tails means “yes”, heads means “no”, and the fall of a coin in the wrong position for it means “I don’t know”. Misplacement means falling on some small object that causes the coin to lie unevenly (for example, a wire from a charger), as well as falling into a hole on the street or somewhere far behind furniture that you do not want to move.

Hold the selected coin in your hands for a few seconds, asking it a question in your mind, and then throw it into the air and catch it in your palm or let it fall on the table. Based on how the coin fell, the answer to the question is interpreted. It's very simple, because you only have three answer options.

Fortune telling by question on strings

Fortune telling with a question on strings is great for needlewomen. If you are fond of sewing, knitting or embroidery, and you have plenty of multi-colored thread scraps in your home, this simple way to find out the future is created especially for you.

Take eight threads of any length - brown, gray, black, yellow, green, blue, white and red. Place them in any container without looking, mix and pull out one thread. You can put two hands into a bag or box, because with one it is very easy to pull out several threads instead of one. Now you can look at the color of the thread and its meaning for truthful fortune telling, the answer to which will be “yes” or “no”.

  • - No.
  • Yellow - yes.
  • White - unknown.
  • Green - yes.
  • Black - no.
  • Brown - no.
  • Blue - no.
  • Gray - no.

True fortune telling “Yes-no” on bones

This fortune telling is suitable for you if you have a dice. You can guess with one cube or with two; you can choose any fortune telling that suits you. Its advantage is that you can carry dice in your pocket and get predictions anywhere and anytime.

In order to ask a question to one cube, you need to mentally ask it a question and throw it on any suitable surface. See what number you got and look in the interpreter:

  1. - Yes.
  2. - No.
  3. - No.
  4. - Don't know.
  5. - Don't know.
  6. - Yes.

In order to guess with two dice, you need to throw them in turn and remember both numbers. So, if we consider this layout as an example: the first cube has a value of 1, the second - 3. In this case, the prediction under the combination 1/3, and not 3/1, will be correct.

1/1 - yes.
1/2 - no.
1/3 - no.
1/4 - yes.
1/5 - yes.
1/6 - no.
2/1 - yes.
2/2 - no.
2/3 - no.
2/4 - yes.
2/5 - yes.
2/6 - no.
3/1 - no.
3/2 - yes.
3/3 - yes.
3/4 - no.
3/5 - no.
3/6 - no.
4/1 - no.
4/2 - yes.
4/3 - no.
4/4 - yes.
4/5 - no.
4/6 - no.
5/1 - yes.
5/2 - yes.
5/3 - yes.
5/4 - no.
5/5 - no.
5/6 - yes.
6/1 - yes.
6/2 - no.
6/3 - yes.
6/4 - yes.
6/5 - no.
6/6 - yes.

Fortune telling “Question-answer, yes-no” on cards

In order to apply this method of card fortune telling, you need to come up with four questions - no more, no less. The technique is very simple, the layout is suitable for ordinary ones, of which there are 36 in the deck.

To begin, select everything from the deck aces. For each ace you need to guess a question. Now shuffle the deck of the remaining 32 cards. After this, place 8 cards next to each ace. Do it as your intuition will tell you - around them, in rows, the order of priority also does not matter, the main thing is that in the end there are 8 cards next to each ace.

Now turn over the cards and see where the kings end up. The ace with the most kings next to it predicts a positive answer to the question asked. If there are no kings near the ace, the answer is “no”. If there is only one king near the ace, the answer is uncertain. If there is a king next to each ace, the fortune telling was unsuccessful; you can get answers next time the next day.

If you have only one question, but you trust fortune telling on cards most of all, try another option, which is even simpler than the previous one. Shuffle the deck, lay it out in front of you, ask a question in your mind and pull out one card. The answer to the question is interpreted according to its meaning. Usually, if it is positive, the answer is “yes,” if it is negative, “no,” and if the directionality cannot be interpreted, the answer is uncertain.

Accurate fortune telling “Yes-no” on paper

There is a very simple but accurate fortune telling that can answer “yes” or “no” to your question. This is fortune telling with sticks. With its help you can find out the answer to any question. To do this, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen and draw sticks until you understand that you need to stop. It's better to ask someone to stop you so you can't cheat. Then count the number of sticks. Even means a positive answer, odd means a negative answer. With help you can also learn about love; on our website there is a separate article about this type of divination.

There is another equally simple way to tell your fortune and get the answer using paper. Take a sheet of paper and draw it into twelve sectors. Label the sectors this way:

  • Don't know
  • May be
  • The answer will come later
  • There is no answer and there won't be
  • Everything will be fine
  • Everything will be bad

These are the possible answers to the question. Now take a coin or button and throw it onto the sheet. Which sector it will fall into is the answer to your question.

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Of course, every person from time to time wants to take at least one peek into the future! After all, it is so interesting to find out whether the planned business will “burn out”, whether the plans are destined to come true. For this purpose, fortune-telling yes no, online truthful, is the best choice - a virtual prediction will help you get an accurate answer. You don't have to flip a coin or resort to other homegrown methods of fortune telling. All you have to do is use our service!

Fortune telling yes no can be considered a classic technique for predicting the future. It does not involve performing complex card layouts with subsequent ambiguous interpretations. Fortune telling yes no online always answers extremely briefly, clearly and concisely!

What questions can you ask?

There are no special restrictions for the fortune telling presented on this page. You can tell fortunes at any time of the day, either alone or in the company of friends. And the questions that our “online fortune telling yes no for free” can answer can also be very different, for example:

  • Will I meet my betrothed this year?
  • Will I be able to pass the exams successfully?
  • Should we expect troubles at work?
  • Can I count on a salary increase?
  • Will I go to a resort this summer?
  • Will the planned transaction be successful?

However, you need to keep in mind that if you ask a joke question, then the answer to it will not be serious either. And one more thing - sometimes the “arrow of fate” is not able to “pierce” the clouds that obscure the future. In this case, fortune telling, yes or no, will tell you “everything is in the fog... there is no answer to the question.” This means that you should ask your question later, perhaps the next day, when you are online again.

Ancient art of divination

Of course, the online fortune telling service that you see on your screen is a modern development. However, his work is based on the same principle that is used by the most ancient predictive systems - Tarot cards, Scandinavian runes, the Chinese Book of Changes (I-Ching). True fortune telling yes no online helps to dispel uncertainty and establish a connection between a person and his Destiny.

The art of divination was very difficult for the ancient oracles, priests and Pythias. They had to undergo serious restrictions and endure strict fasting for many weeks. Then they put themselves into a trance with the help of intoxicating herbs, ritual rituals, special dances and other psychotechniques. Such rituals took a lot of effort, after which the oracles had to recover for a long time. The priests of bygone eras would have paid dearly for the opportunity to use simple fortune telling, but no, it did not require such sacrifices!

The rulers of ancient states consulted with soothsayers on any important issues. The time of sowing or harvesting, the conclusion and dissolution of alliances, the declaration of war or the reconciliation of warring parties - all this was agreed upon with oracles, priests or astrologers. People who possessed secret powers and were able to look into the future were afraid and were not disturbed over trifles.

Fortunately, today you don’t need to look for an oracle or a wise Pythia to find out what interests you. True and accurate online fortune telling, yes no, is quite capable of replacing a mystic predictor from bygone eras. In addition, our online service has undeniable advantages - it does not need to present gifts (which was a necessity when contacting the wise men) and you do not have to wait weeks for results. Online fortune telling will help you find out the future in just a few seconds!

Some believe that this type of fortune telling appeared quite recently and is the predecessor of the Heads or Tails fortune telling; their opponents believe that Yes No fortune telling traces its history back to Ancient Egypt.

But regardless of the origins, it is important, as it makes it possible to get a specific answer to a clearly formulated question.

Fortune telling Yes - No is easy to use.

State your question precisely, focus on it and press the button

Get an answer

IMPORTANT: Don't overuse fortune telling! The correct answer to the same question is given only the first time. It makes no sense to ask more than three questions a day.

The essence of fortune telling “Yes, no, I don’t know”

Fortune telling “Yes or no” online was created for people who are not afraid to hear direct answers to questions relating to all areas of our lives.
In online fortune telling, the answer is “yes-no”, it is advisable to clearly formulate the question in order to get an unambiguous answer. This fortune telling lifts the mysterious veil of the past, future and present. The method itself is incredibly simple and easy to use.
Problems in love or at work? Try to magically find the right solution!

There comes a time in everyone's life when they need to make the right choice. This fortune-telling will temporarily replace a loved one to whom you can tell everything and receive valuable advice.