When and how did the replacement of “orthodoxy” with “Orthodoxy” take place and what is “Orthodoxy”? When did the Russian Church begin to be called Orthodox?

  • 28.02.2024

To the question Since when and why did the Orthodox Christian Church begin to be called Orthodox? given by the author Sketch the best answer is To attract flocks at the Council in 1663, Patriarch Nikon renamed Orthodox Christianity as Orthodox.
Source: Faith in God
I received the information from an oral source, an adherent of the Russian tradition.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Since when and why did the Orthodox Christian Church begin to be called Orthodox?

Answer from Yollala[guru]
Oh, don’t look, all normal facts have been destroyed

Answer from Neuropathologist[guru]
The schism of the Christian Church in 1054, also the Great Schism - a church schism, after which the Church was finally divided into the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Orthodox Church in the East, centered in Constantinople.

Answer from Slope[guru]
This is the church that does not want to perceive the entire Bible, since the Commandments of God are written in the Old Testament, which they do not want to fulfill.
Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill. (words of Christ)
(Matt. 5:17)
Orthodoxy is ancient Christianity. We are the Old Believers of Europe: we believe as Europeans did a thousand years ago. We are the Europe of Boethius, Augustine, Tertullian, Ambrose. Orthodoxy is that reading of the Gospel, that way of life in Christ that developed in the era of late antiquity. When Greek philosophy reached its zenith in Plotinus, in that century and in the same city a man called the “father of Orthodox theology” - Origen - was working. St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory the Theologian managed to graduate from the Athenian (still pagan) university before its decline and managed to advise his students to take the great pagan authors on their Christian path28. It was the 4th century that was central in the history of Orthodoxy - this is the “golden age of patristic writing”, and the time of the adoption of the Creed, the time of the birth of monasticism and the final formation of the structure of the church body. Before the era of the barbarian invasion, Christianity managed to find its basic forms, preserved in Orthodoxy in the main to this day, so much so that even according to the observation of A. Harnack, the famous Protestant historian of the Church, Orthodoxy has not changed since then: “I ask you to skip centuries and move on to the consideration Greek Church as it now exists, which has remained essentially unchanged in it for more than a thousand years.Between the third and the nineteenth centuries in the ecclesiastical history of the East we do not see any deep difference... Obviously, the peoples belonging to Orthodoxy, have not experienced anything since then that could make the church unbearable for them and force them to demand reforms."29

Answer from Alex Alexandrov[newbie]
it's actually simple. Initially, when Christianity came with fire and sword to Holy Rus', it (Christianity) was called: Orthodox Christian Faith. True believer - because. that they believe and observe rituals correctly - this is said by any Pop. And so. Since the Slavs did not accept this religion, it was purposefully renamed Orthodox. And after several generations, a substitution of concepts occurred in our people’s brains and everyone turned to Christianity. (don’t forget that out of 12 million residents of Kyiv, after the introduction of Christianity, 4 million remained alive.) And as for Kuraev, I’ll say it straight: From the position of Good, he throws mud at everyone and everything.

Original taken from lsvsx V https://lsvsx.livejournal.com/491640.html

Modern Christian scientists, historians and theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church argue that Rus' became Orthodox only thanks to the baptism of Rus' and the spread of Byzantine Christianity among the dark, wild, mired in paganism of the Slavs.

This formulation is very convenient for distorting history and belittling the significance of the most ancient culture of all Slavic peoples. What could Christian missionaries know about the culture and Faith of the Slavic peoples? How could they understand a culture alien to them?

Here is an example of a description of the life of the Slavs by one of the Christian missionaries. “Orthodox Slovenians and Rusyns are wild people and their lives are wild and godless. Naked men and girls lock themselves together in a hotly heated hut and torture their bodies, cutting each other with tree branches mercilessly to the point of exhaustion, after which they run out naked and jump into an icy hole or a snowdrift. And Having cooled down, they run back to the hut to torture themselves with rods.” How else could the Greek-Byzantine missionaries understand the simple Orthodox ritual of visiting a Russian bathhouse? For them it was truly something wild and incomprehensible.

The very word ORTHODOXY means the glorification with a kind word of the Glorious World of Rule, i.e. The World of the Light Gods and Our Ancestors. In the modern sense, the “scientific intelligentsia” identifies ORTHODOXY with Christianity and the ROC (Russian Orthodox Christian Church). An opinion has formed that a Russian is necessarily an Orthodox Christian.

This formulation is fundamentally incorrect. Russian means Orthodox, this concept is undeniable. But a Russian is not necessarily a Christian, because not all Russians are Christians. The name Orthodox itself was assigned by Christian hierarchs in the 11th century (1054 AD) during a split into the Western and Eastern churches. The Western Christian Church, centered in Rome, began to be called Catholic i.e. Ecumenical, and the Eastern Greek-Byzantine Church with its center in Constantinople (Constantinople) - Orthodox i.e. Faithful. And in Rus', the Orthodox adopted the name of the Orthodox Church, because... Christian teaching was forcibly spread among the Orthodox Slavic peoples.

Did the peoples of Europe and Asia really need Christianity? Or was it necessary separately...

According to the Teachings of Jesus Christ, all his commandments and deeds are aimed at instructing Jews on the True Path, so that every person from the 12 tribes of Israel could receive the Holy Spirit and achieve the Kingdom of Heaven. This is reported in Christian scriptures: canonical and synodal (the Bible or the separately recognized New Testament); apocrypha (Gospel of Andrew, Gospel of Judas Simon, etc.), and non-canonical (Book of Mormon, etc.).

Here's what they say:

“These twelve Jesus sent and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles and do not enter the cities of the Samaritans, but go especially to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; As you go, preach to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matthew ch. 10, v. 5-7).

“And Andrei Ionin, His disciple, asked: “Rabbi! To which nations should I bring the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven?" And Jesus answered him: "Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west, and to the nations of the south, where the children of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the north, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel" (Gospel of Andrew, chapter 5, v. 1-3).

Many may say that this is apocryphal, there is no such thing in the Bible, Jesus was sent as the Savior to all the peoples of the world. But Jesus himself told his disciples differently, and the Bible says it this way:

“He answered and said: I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew ch. 15, v. 24).

And twenty years had not passed after the crucifixion of Jesus the Nazarene, when crowds of newly-minted apostles and interpreters of the Teachings of Christ, not paying attention to the commandments of Jesus, rushed north to the Gentiles and pagans, destroying the ancient Culture and Ancient Faith of the northern peoples, while saying that they bring Love , Peace and Salvation from sins to all nations. Their goal was aimed at increasing the number of followers of the Great Fisherman's Teachings. In those ancient times, the followers of Jesus were called Nazarenes and their sacred symbol was not a cross, as they are trying to prove today, but an image of a FISH.

The goal of later preachers, especially after Christianity was declared the state religion in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, was completely different. Use the Doctrine of Christianity (created by the Jew Saul, who later declared himself the Apostle Paul) to undermine the ancient foundations and renounce the Faith of the Ancestors. Expanding influence on the minds of people, enslaving peoples and their own enrichment at the expense of others, although at the same time they said that all the wealth goes to the construction of the Church of Christ, to the creation of Temples, for divine services should not take place as before in caves. Any discontent was suppressed by force and they built their church on the blood and bones of people who sincerely believed in the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

"And it came to pass that I saw among the Gentiles the foundation of one great church. And the angel said to me: Look at the foundation of the church, which is the most shameful of all other churches and puts to death the saints of God; yea, and tortures them, and oppresses them, and inflicts there is an iron yoke upon them, and it brings them down into bondage. And it came to pass that I saw this great and shameful church, and I saw that the devil was the foundation of it. And I also saw gold and silver, silks and scarlet, fine fine linen, and all sorts of costly garments, and saw many harlots. And the angel said to me: Behold, all this gold and silver, silks and scarlet, fine linen, costly garments and harlots are the objects of desire of this great and shameful church. And for the sake of the praise of men they destroy the saints of God , and bring them down into bondage." (Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi ch. 13 v. 4-9).

All this, as a proven mechanism, was used to Christianize European countries and Rus' was no exception. How did it all happen in Rus'? After all, Rus' had its own rich culture, its own religion in two forms: Ingliism and Vedism. A special form of statehood - the Veche democratic republic. Every person was free and did not know what slavery, betrayal, lies and hypocrisy were. The Slavs respected the faiths of other peoples, for they observed the Commandment of Svarog: “Do not force the Holy Faith on people and remember that the choice of faith is a personal matter for every free person.”

As we know from the school history course, Rus' was baptized by the Kiev prince Vladimir in 988 AD. He single-handedly decided for everyone which religion is the best and most correct, and which religion should be professed by all Russian people. Why did this happen? What made Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich abandon the Vedic Faith of his ancestors and accept another faith - Christianity?

"6496 (988) Vladimir, the son of Svyatoslav, reigned alone in Kyiv, and he did not keep the laws and commandments of our Gods and Ancestors, and he was defeated by the lust of women, and was insatiable in fornication and corrupted girls and had wives numbering up to 1000 and violated the Commandment Svarozh "a husband must encroach on one wife, otherwise you will not know salvation." we will go against the God of Heaven." From that time on, Prince Vladimir's eyes ached, and a fog covered his eyes, whenever he looked at the girls and wives, and he grieved greatly, and did not know what to do. And the Greek ambassadors came to him and suggested be baptized in order to avoid Svarog's punishment. And having heeded the admonitions of the Greeks, Vladimir renounced the Holy Faith of his father's Ancestors and accepted pagan, Christian baptism, and got rid of God's punishment, for Svarog does not punish for professing a different faith. And having received his sight, he violated the Shrines of the Orthodox Faith , Kummir and the images of the Gods and Ancestors burned, and Kummir ordered Perun to be thrown into the river. And Prince Vladimir the Apostate ordered to baptize the people of Kiev by force, and ordered those who did not want to be baptized to be put to death by cruel death (Chronicle of the Community of Western Rosses of the Old Russian Inglistic Church).

But the destruction of the Holy Faith did not end with Kiev alone. The princely squads, together with Christian preachers, marched through the Russian lands with fire and sword, destroying Ancient Russian culture, Ancient Russian Temples, Temples, Sanctuaries and Fortifications, killing Russian clergy: Capenov, Magi, Veduns and Magicians. During 12 years of forced Christianization, nine million Slavs who refused to renounce the Faith of their Ancestors were destroyed, and this despite the fact that the total population before the baptism of Rus' was 12 million. Human. After 1000 AD The destruction of the Old Believers Slavs did not stop. This is confirmed by the Ancient texts of the Russian Chronicles, which were preserved by the Russian Orthodox Church.

"6579 (1071) ...Two Magi rebelled near Yaroslavl...And they came to Belozero, and there were 300 people with them. At that time it happened that the tribute-collector Yan, the son of Vyshatin, came from Svyatoslav... Yan ordered to beat them and pull out their beards. When they were beaten and their beards were torn out with a splinter, Yan asked them: “What do the Gods say to you?”... They answered: “So the Gods say to us: we will not be alive from you.” And Yan said to them: “Then they told you the truth”... And they grabbed them, killed them and hanged them on an oak tree” (Laurentian Chronicle. PSRL, vol. 1, v. 1, L., 1962).

"6735 (1227) The Magi, the Sorcerers, the accomplices, appeared in Novogorod, and they performed many sorceries, and tricks, and signs... The Novgorodians caught them and brought the Magi to the courtyard of the husbands of Prince Yaroslav, and tied up all the Magi, and threw them into the fire, and then they all burned down" (Nikonov Chronicle vol. 10, St. Petersburg, 1862).

Not only Russian people professing the Vedic Faith were destroyed, but also those who interpreted Christian teaching in their own way. Suffice it to recall the Nikon schism in the Russian Christian Church, how many innocent schismatics and Old Believers were burned alive, without a woman, old man or child watching. A very successful application of the Commandments of Jesus Christ: Thou shalt not kill and love thy neighbor as thyself. This inhumane destruction of Russian Spiritual Culture and the Culture of other peoples lasted not a hundred, not three hundred years, it continues to this day. Everything that contradicts the doctrines of the Russian Orthodox Church must be destroyed. Since Peter's times, this principle has been applied in Siberia. Suffice it to recall the Tara riots of Summer 7230 (1722), which were suppressed with weapons; many Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings and Orthodox-Old Believers (schismatics) were burned alive, many were doomed to a more painful death by being impaled. This entire action was carried out with the blessing of the hierarchs of the Christian Church. I absolutely don’t want to blame ordinary parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church who sincerely believe in the Savior Jesus Christ for atrocities. But the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church are trying to instill in their parishioners intolerance towards Gentiles and pagans.

The 20th century did not bring changes to the relationship of the Russian Orthodox Church to other faiths, which Christians still call pagans. In the Summer of 7418 (1910) the Kapishche (Temple) of the Sign of Perun was founded in Omsk, so as not to irritate Christians it was called the Znamensky Temple or the Church of the Sign. In Summer 7421 (1913) the temple was consecrated by Pater Diem (Head of the Council of Elders and the Church, High Priest) of the Old Russian Church Miroslav, and opened the doors to the Orthodox Ynglings or as they called themselves Old Believers. On October 20, 1913, the icon “The Sign of the Queen of Heaven” arrived from Novgorod to Omsk. And Bishop Andronik of Omsk and Pavlodar proposes to build a temple in Omsk in honor of the icon of the "Sign of the Queen of Heaven", for which they began to collect donations from parishioners, but on August 1, 1914, World War I began, and the money collected for the construction of the temple went to military needs (organization of military hospitals). And yet, Bishop Andronik found a way out of the situation; at the end of 1916, on his orders, the Old Believers-Yinglings were expelled from the Temple of the Sign of Perun, the Temple was refurbished and the icon of the “Sign of the Queen of Heaven” was brought into the Temple and they began to hold their services in someone else’s temple. This is how representatives of the Omsk diocese gave orders before the revolution.

After the Bolsheviks came to power in Omsk, the Znamensky Temple was closed and a tire workshop with heavy presses was set up in it. In 1935, a basement was dug under the church and after some time the walls of the church masonry burst due to the action of the presses. Now the premises of the Temple are used as the assembly hall of the Omskpassazhirtrans Training Center, and the sanctuary, where the consecration ceremonies of the Old Believers and the holy of holies (altar) of the Christians took place, is used as a classroom for dismantling engines. For those who don’t know, the Temple of the Sign of Perun is located at the address: Omsk, st. Kuibysheva 119-A. Repeated appeals from representatives of the Old Russian Inglistic Church to the Regional Administration regarding the return of the Temple yielded nothing, since Archbishop Theodosius of the Omsk-Tara Diocese began to lay claim to this Temple. And to avoid religious conflicts, they decided not to give the Temple to anyone for now. But knowing the connections of Archbishop Theodosius with representatives of the regional administration, one can guess in advance in whose favor the issue will be resolved.

There is another example of the Russian Orthodox Church interfering in the affairs of other faiths. All Omsk residents and residents of the region know about the existence of an ashram of Babaji’s followers in the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevo district. Babaji's followers, like the parishioners of the Old Russian Inglistic Church, consider the Omsk land to be the Sacred Land, whose name is Belovodye. On this Holy Land, Babaji’s followers perform their rituals, bring flowers and gifts to the established cult pillar with the OM sign, for from here our ancestors came to India and brought the Teachings of the Veda to the Indians and Dravidians.

For Indians, Chinese, Mongols, the land in the north is the Sacred Land. For everyone, but not for Archbishop Theodosius. In 1993, he came to Okunevo and ordered the cult pillar to be thrown into the river (just as Prince Vladimir of Kiev did with Perun’s Kummir), and a Christian cross was installed in its place. It is not clear by what right he did this, because there is not a single Christian church in Okunev and never has been, apparently the actions of the Kyiv prince Vladimir are closer in spirit than the establishment of peaceful relations between religious faiths. Two years later, in 1995, the Omsk diocese will celebrate its centenary. A hundred years is not a thousand. Having come to the lands of Belovodye as uninvited guests, Christians behave like masters, declaring that they have been here for a thousand years and only they have the right to exist and teach people Spirituality and Culture. The authorities decided not to interfere in the actions of Theodosius, but they should have, because Archbishop Theodosius violates not only the RSFSR Law “On Freedom of Religion” N_267-1 of October 25, 1990, but also the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

People of any religion, regardless of religious affiliation, should live and exist peacefully in Omsk and the region.

Everyone must profess the Faith or religion that is closer to him in Spirit, so as not to blush before the Gods, Ancestors and descendants.

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Html">Why did the Orthodox in Rus' appropriate the name of the Orthodox Church to themselves? Why did the Orthodox in Rus' appropriate the name of the Orthodox Church? https://lsvsx.livejournal.com/491640.html

Modern Christian scientists, historians and theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church argue that Rus' became Orthodox only thanks to the baptism of Rus' and the spread of Byzantine Christianity among the dark, wild, mired in paganism of the Slavs. This formulation is very convenient for distorting history and belittling the significance of the most ancient culture of all Slavic peoples. What could Christian missionaries know about the culture and Faith of the Slavic peoples? How could they understand a culture alien to them? Here is an example of a description of the life of the Slavs by one of the Christian missionaries. “Orthodox Slovenians and Rusyns are wild people and their lives are wild and godless. Naked men and girls lock themselves together in a hotly heated hut and torture their bodies, cutting each other with tree branches mercilessly to the point of exhaustion, after which they run out naked and jump into an icy hole or a snowdrift. And Having cooled down, they run back to the hut to torture themselves with rods.” How else could the Greek-Byzantine missionaries understand the simple Orthodox ritual of visiting a Russian bathhouse? For them it was truly something wild and incomprehensible. The very word ORTHODOXY means the glorification with a kind word of the Glorious World of Rule, i.e. The World of the Light Gods and Our Ancestors. In the modern sense, the “scientific intelligentsia” identifies ORTHODOXY with Christianity and the ROC (Russian Orthodox Christian Church). An opinion has formed that a Russian is necessarily an Orthodox Christian. This formulation is fundamentally incorrect. Russian means Orthodox, this concept is undeniable. But a Russian is not necessarily a Christian, because not all Russians are Christians. The name Orthodox itself was assigned by Christian hierarchs in the 11th century (1054 AD) during a split into the Western and Eastern churches. The Western Christian Church, centered in Rome, began to be called Catholic i.e. Ecumenical, and the Eastern Greek-Byzantine Church with its center in Constantinople (Constantinople) - Orthodox i.e. Faithful. And in Rus', the Orthodox adopted the name of the Orthodox Church, because... Christian teaching was forcibly spread among the Orthodox Slavic peoples. Did the peoples of Europe and Asia really need Christianity? Or was it necessary for individuals... According to the Teachings of Jesus Christ, all his commandments and deeds are aimed at instructing Jews on the True Path, so that every person from the 12 tribes of Israel could receive the Holy Spirit and achieve the Kingdom of Heaven. This is reported in Christian scriptures: canonical and synodal (the Bible or the separately recognized New Testament); apocrypha (Gospel of Andrew, Gospel of Judas Simon, etc.), and non-canonical (Book of Mormon, etc.). This is what they say: “These are twelve, Jesus sent and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles and do not enter the cities of the Samaritans, but go especially to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; As you go, preach to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matthew ch. 10, v. 5-7). "And Andrei Ionin, His disciple, asked: “Rabbi, to which nations should I bring the good news about the Kingdom of Heaven?” And Jesus answered him: “Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west, and to the nations of the south, where the children of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the north, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel" (Gospel of Andrew, chapter 5, v. 1-3). Many may say that this is apocryphal, there is no such thing in the Bible, Jesus was sent as the Savior to to all the peoples of the world. But Jesus himself told his disciples something else, and the Bible says it this way: “He answered and said: I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew ch. 15. v. 24). And twenty years Not long after the crucifixion of Jesus the Nazarene, crowds of newly minted apostles and interpreters of the Teachings of Christ, not paying attention to the commandments of Jesus, rushed north to the Gentiles and pagans, destroying the ancient Culture and Ancient Faith of the northern peoples, while saying that they bring Love, Peace and Salvation from sins to all nations. Their goal was aimed at increasing the followers of the Teachings of the Great Fisherman. In those ancient times, the followers of Jesus were called Nazarenes and their sacred symbol was not a cross, as they are trying to prove today, but the image of a FISH. The goal of later preachers, especially after the announcement of Christianity as the state religion in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire was completely different. Use the Doctrine of Christianity (created by the Jew Saul, who later declared himself the Apostle Paul) to undermine the ancient foundations and renounce the Faith of the Ancestors. Expanding influence on the minds of people, enslaving peoples and their own enrichment at the expense of others, although at the same time they said that all the wealth goes to the construction of the Church of Christ, to the creation of Temples, for divine services should not take place as before in caves. Any discontent was suppressed by force and they built their church on the blood and bones of people who sincerely believed in the Teachings of Jesus Christ. "And it came to pass that I saw among the Gentiles the foundation of one great church. And the angel said to me: Look at the foundation of the church, which is the most shameful of all other churches and puts to death the saints of God; yea, and tortures them, and oppresses them, and inflicts there is an iron yoke upon them, and it brings them down into bondage. And it came to pass that I saw this great and shameful church, and I saw that the devil was the foundation of it. And I also saw gold and silver, silks and scarlet, fine fine linen, and all sorts of costly garments, and saw many harlots. And the angel said to me: Behold, all this gold and silver, silks and scarlet, fine linen, costly garments and harlots are the objects of desire of this great and shameful church. And for the sake of the praise of men they destroy the saints of God , and bring them down into bondage." (Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi ch. 13 v. 4-9). All this, as a proven mechanism, was used to Christianize European countries and Rus' was no exception. How did it all happen in Rus'? After all, Rus' had its own rich culture, its own religion in two forms: Ingliism and Vedism. A special form of statehood - the Veche democratic republic. Every person was free and did not know what slavery, betrayal, lies and hypocrisy were. The Slavs respected the faiths of other peoples, because they observed the Commandment of Svarog: “Do not force the Holy Faith on people and remember that the choice of faith is a personal matter for every free person.” As we know from the school history course, Rus' was baptized by the Kiev prince Vladimir in 988 AD. e. He single-handedly decided for everyone which religion is the best and most correct, and which religion should be professed by all Russian people. Why did this happen? What made Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich abandon the Vedic Faith of his ancestors and accept another faith - Christianity? "6496 (988) Vladimir, the son of Svyatoslav, reigned alone in Kyiv, and he did not keep the laws and commandments of our Gods and Ancestors, and he was defeated by the lust of women, and was insatiable in fornication and corrupted girls and had wives numbering up to 1000 and violated the Commandment Svarozh "a husband must encroach on one wife, otherwise you will not know salvation." we will go against the God of Heaven." From that time on, Prince Vladimir's eyes ached, and a fog covered his eyes, whenever he looked at the girls and wives, and he grieved greatly, and did not know what to do. And the Greek ambassadors came to him and suggested be baptized in order to avoid Svarog's punishment. And having heeded the admonitions of the Greeks, Vladimir renounced the Holy Faith of his father's Ancestors and accepted pagan, Christian baptism, and got rid of God's punishment, for Svarog does not punish for professing a different faith. And having received his sight, he violated the Shrines of the Orthodox Faith , Kummir and the images of the Gods and Ancestors burned, and Kummir ordered Perun to be thrown into the river. And Prince Vladimir the Apostate ordered to baptize the people of Kiev by force, and ordered those who did not want to be baptized to be put to death by cruel death (Chronicle of the Community of Western Rosses of the Old Russian Inglistic Church). But the destruction of the Holy Faith did not end with Kiev alone. The princely squads, together with Christian preachers, marched through the Russian lands with fire and sword, destroying Ancient Russian culture, Ancient Russian Temples, Temples, Sanctuaries and Fortifications, killing Russian clergy: Capenov, Magi, Veduns and Magicians. During 12 years of forced Christianization, nine million Slavs who refused to renounce the Faith of their Ancestors were destroyed, and this despite the fact that the total population before the baptism of Rus' was 12 million. Human. After 1000 AD The destruction of the Old Believers Slavs did not stop. This is confirmed by the Ancient texts of the Russian Chronicles, which were preserved by the Russian Orthodox Church. "6579 (1071) ...Two Magi rebelled near Yaroslavl...And they came to Belozero, and there were 300 people with them. At that time it happened that the tribute-collector Yan, the son of Vyshatin, came from Svyatoslav... Yan ordered to beat them and pull out their beards. When they were beaten and their beards were torn out with a splinter, Yan asked them: “What do the Gods say to you?”... They answered: “So the Gods say to us: we will not be alive from you.” And Yan said to them: “Then they told you the truth”... And they grabbed them, killed them and hanged them on an oak tree” (Laurentian Chronicle. PSRL, vol. 1, v. 1, L., 1962). "6735 (1227) The Magi, the Sorcerers, the accomplices, appeared in Novogorod, and they performed many sorceries, and tricks, and signs... The Novgorodians caught them and brought the Magi to the courtyard of the husbands of Prince Yaroslav, and tied up all the Magi, and threw them into the fire, and then they all burned down" (Nikonov Chronicle vol. 10, St. Petersburg, 1862). Not only Russian people professing the Vedic Faith were destroyed, but also those who interpreted Christian teaching in their own way. Suffice it to recall the Nikon schism in the Russian Christian Church, how many innocent schismatics and Old Believers were burned alive, without a woman, old man or child watching. A very successful application of the Commandments of Jesus Christ: Thou shalt not kill and love thy neighbor as thyself. This inhumane destruction of Russian Spiritual Culture and the Culture of other peoples lasted not a hundred, not three hundred years, it continues to this day. Everything that contradicts the doctrines of the Russian Orthodox Church must be destroyed. Since Peter's times, this principle has been applied in Siberia. Suffice it to recall the Tara riots of Summer 7230 (1722), which were suppressed with weapons; many Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings and Orthodox-Old Believers (schismatics) were burned alive, many were doomed to a more painful death by being impaled. This entire action was carried out with the blessing of the hierarchs of the Christian Church. I absolutely don’t want to blame ordinary parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church who sincerely believe in the Savior Jesus Christ for atrocities. But the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church are trying to instill in their parishioners intolerance towards Gentiles and pagans. The 20th century did not bring changes to the relationship of the Russian Orthodox Church to other faiths, which Christians still call pagans. In the Summer of 7418 (1910) the Kapishche (Temple) of the Sign of Perun was founded in Omsk, so as not to irritate Christians it was called the Znamensky Temple or the Church of the Sign. In Summer 7421 (1913) the temple was consecrated by Pater Diem (Head of the Council of Elders and the Church, High Priest) of the Old Russian Church Miroslav, and opened the doors to the Orthodox Ynglings or as they called themselves Old Believers. On October 20, 1913, the icon “The Sign of the Queen of Heaven” arrived from Novgorod to Omsk. And Bishop Andronik of Omsk and Pavlodar proposes to build a temple in Omsk in honor of the icon of the "Sign of the Queen of Heaven", for which they began to collect donations from parishioners, but on August 1, 1914, World War I began, and the money collected for the construction of the temple went to military needs (organization of military hospitals). And yet, Bishop Andronik found a way out of the situation; at the end of 1916, on his orders, the Old Believers-Yinglings were expelled from the Temple of the Sign of Perun, the Temple was refurbished and the icon of the “Sign of the Queen of Heaven” was brought into the Temple and they began to hold their services in someone else’s temple. This is how representatives of the Omsk diocese gave orders before the revolution. After the Bolsheviks came to power in Omsk, the Znamensky Temple was closed and a tire workshop with heavy presses was set up in it. In 1935, a basement was dug under the church and after some time the walls of the church masonry burst due to the action of the presses. Now the premises of the Temple are used as the assembly hall of the Omskpassazhirtrans Training Center, and the sanctuary, where the consecration ceremonies of the Old Believers and the holy of holies (altar) of the Christians took place, is used as a classroom for dismantling engines. For those who don’t know, the Temple of the Sign of Perun is located at the address: Omsk, st. Kuibysheva 119-A. Repeated appeals from representatives of the Old Russian Inglistic Church to the Regional Administration regarding the return of the Temple yielded nothing, since Archbishop Theodosius of the Omsk-Tara Diocese began to lay claim to this Temple. And to avoid religious conflicts, they decided not to give the Temple to anyone for now. But knowing the connections of Archbishop Theodosius with representatives of the regional administration, one can guess in advance in whose favor the issue will be resolved. There is another example of the Russian Orthodox Church interfering in the affairs of other faiths. All Omsk residents and residents of the region know about the existence of an ashram of Babaji’s followers in the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevo district. Babaji's followers, like the parishioners of the Old Russian Inglistic Church, consider the Omsk land to be the Sacred Land, whose name is Belovodye. On this Holy Land, Babaji’s followers perform their rituals, bring flowers and gifts to the established cult pillar with the OM sign, for from here our ancestors came to India and brought the Teachings of the Veda to the Indians and Dravidians. For Indians, Chinese, Mongols, the land in the north is the Sacred Land. For everyone, but not for Archbishop Theodosius. In 1993, he came to Okunevo and ordered the cult pillar to be thrown into the river (just as Prince Vladimir of Kiev did with Perun’s Kummir), and a Christian cross was installed in its place. It is not clear by what right he did this, because there is not a single Christian church in Okunev and never has been, apparently the actions of the Kyiv prince Vladimir are closer in spirit than the establishment of peaceful relations between religious faiths. Two years later, in 1995, the Omsk diocese will celebrate its centenary. A hundred years is not a thousand. Having come to the lands of Belovodye as uninvited guests, Christians behave like masters, declaring that they have been here for a thousand years and only they have the right to exist and teach people Spirituality and Culture. The authorities decided not to interfere in the actions of Theodosius, but they should have, because Archbishop Theodosius violates not only the RSFSR Law “On Freedom of Religion” N_267-1 of October 25, 1990, but also the Constitution of the Russian Federation. People of any religion, regardless of religious affiliation, should live and exist peacefully in Omsk and the region. Everyone must profess the Faith or religion that is closer to him in Spirit, so as not to blush before the Gods, Ancestors and descendants.
"Advisor" is a guide to good books.


Why are we called Orthodox Christians?

Leaflet of the Orthodox club “Sretenie” at the catechetical courses of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary
(Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)

Almost two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth and saved humanity from the sin, curse and death that had hung over it since the first people sinned. Having sent to earth after the Holy Ascension the Holy Spirit, “Who proceeds from the Father” (John 15:26), the Lord founded the Church as His mystical Body, and the church sacraments became a way of grace-filled communication with God. Therefore, a person needs to go to Church in order to communicate with God through the sacraments.

According to its history, the Church, in order to preserve the unity of faith, limited and established rules and laws for its existence. Therefore, those who violated these laws are called schismatics, and their teachings that they preached are called heresy. In general, schismatics are those who, for whatever reason, separate from the Church and organize their own private gathering.

Regarding schisms, Nicodemus, Bishop of Dalmatia, a generally accepted interpreter of church canons (rules), says the following:

“... In general, the Church has always looked at schisms as one of the greatest sins against the Church. So, for example, Optat Milevitsky (IV century) considered schism to be the greatest evil, greater than the murder of a person and idolatry.” Elsewhere, Bp. Nicodemus, in his interpretation of the sixth canon of the Second Ecumenical Council, says: “In the works of the holy fathers and teachers of the Church, schismatics are quite often called heretics. In fact, we find many schisms that, when they arise, still adhere to Orthodoxy, but then gradually deviate from it and form for themselves one or another heresy,” since if a schismatic violates any church rule, then he automatically violates the second one, and third, etc., and in the end the Orthodox faith is generally distorted, and this leads to destruction.

Throughout history, the Church has known an infinite number of schisms. Therefore, many rules relate to this topic. Many of the holy fathers and church teachers wrote about schisms. In the Church, schism has always been a negative phenomenon and was perceived as a sin against the Church, and therefore against God. This sin is a terrible and mortal sin. This is what St. John Chrysostom says in his interpretation of the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephseans: “... nothing offends God more than division in the Church...” - and a little lower: “One holy man said that such a sin (schism) cannot atone for even the blood of a martyr” (Vol. 11, p. 102), i.e. If a schismatic suffers for Christ and accepts martyrdom, then after death he will still face fiery Gehenna. Why? Because schismatics, along with heretics, are outside the boundaries of the Universal Church.

In all centuries, the Church has never remained silent when the shrines of its faith were trampled on in its name. Those people who created a schism or introduced something new and heretical into church teaching were always excommunicated from the Church. At the Church Council of such schismatics and heretics, in the words of the apostle: “A heretic, after the first and second admonition, turn away, knowing that such corrupted and sinning, being self-condemned” (Titus 3:10-11) were anathematized - excommunicated from the Church. If such a person did not repent of his sin and did not agree in the opinion of the entire Ecumenical Orthodox Church, then after death he would face eternal death.

There are several splits in Ukraine now. One of them calls itself the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - the Kiev Patriarchate. This schism is headed by Mikhail Denisenko, former Metropolitan Filaret, who calls himself patriarch. Because of this, he made a schism and, after much persuasion, did not repent; in February 1997, at the Council of Bishops, he was anathematized, excommunicated from the Church and from communion with the entire Orthodox world.

In October 1997, three Orthodox Patriarchs visited Ukraine: Ecumenical, Russian and Georgian. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew officially stated that in Ukraine he recognizes as true only one Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Vladimir (Sabodan).

All patriarchs of the Orthodox world recognize the anathematization of the schismatic “Filaret.” His sacred rites (baptism, divine services, etc.) are blasphemy and are not recognized as blessed in any Local Orthodox Church. And this means that the hierarchy of the “Kyiv Patriarchate” (bishops, priests, deacons) are not recognized as blessed and are not who they say they are. By calling themselves priests, they deceive the people. The services they conduct are not valid in any Local Orthodox Church.

Therefore, when baptizing his child in a schismatic church that belongs to the “Kyiv Patriarchate,” a person must understand that his child will remain unbaptized at all. An Orthodox person who wants to save his soul must be in the Body of Christ - in His Church.

On the territory of Ukraine, the only canonical Church (i.e., which has not violated church rules (canons) and is in canonical unity with all Local Orthodox Churches) is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, headed by Blessed Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan). All other churches are not canonical, therefore they are without grace.

The tenth Apostolic Canon states the following: “Whoever prays with someone who has been excommunicated from church communion, even at home, let him be excommunicated.” As we see, church rule prohibits prayerful communication with heretics, as well as with schismatics, i.e. You cannot even pray with them (this applies to Protestants).

Defining the Unity of the Church, our Lord Jesus Christ gave the image of a vine. In the Gospel of John we read the following: “I am the true Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch of Me that does not bear fruit He cuts off; and every one that bears fruit he purifies, that it may bear more fruit... Abide in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it is in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, and you are the branches; He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in Me is cast out like a branch and withers; and such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, and they are burned” (John 15:16). These words really mean that if a person is outside the boundaries of the true Orthodox Church (vine), then he is not in the Lord, but such people (dry branches), i.e. schismatics will be thrown into the fire.

The worst thing is that Grace retreats from schismatics. The result of this is the devilish hatred with which they take away churches from true Orthodox Christians. She does not allow them to understand the Truth. By carrying out violence, spreading obvious lies about the Church, they think that they are doing God’s work, but in fact they are fighting not only against the “Russian Church as a fifth column,” but against God Himself. It is obvious that in this violence there is absolutely no Christian meekness about which the Lord spoke: “Be meek as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

A thinking person, reading these lines, must draw the right conclusions, since his future destiny in eternity depends on this. When you come to church and turn to God, the first thing you need to bring to your Creator is tears of repentance. Without cleansing your soul through repentance and a pious life, without understanding the correct teaching about the Church, you cannot introduce your own concept of Christianity into the Church.

God, His Church, His saints cannot be divided along national lines. So the Apostle Paul warns: “There is no longer Jew, nor Gentile; there is neither slave nor free; there is no male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).

Anyone who really wants to save his soul should wonder if he is inside the true Orthodox Church? Is he not a member of a schismatic church that does not have full Grace and is not in unity with the entire Orthodox world?

If it turns out that a person is in a schism, then it is necessary to find a church where a priest of the canonical Church serves, and repent for the fact that the person, knowing or not knowing, was in a schism and thereby harmed the teachings of the Church.

Based on materials from Orthodox publications

Christ is the head of the Orthodox Church:













Ecumenical Councils:

988 – Baptism of Rus'

842 – establishment of the holiday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy

787 – VII Nicene

680 – VI Constantinople

553 – V Constantinople

451 – IV Chalcedonian

431 – III Ephesian

381 – II Constantinople

325 – I Nicene

51 – Apostolic Council

Dissenters, heretics, sectarians:

1992 – Kyiv Patriarchate

1921 – Lipkovsky schism (UAOC)

1925 – Christian Commonwealth

1922 – renovationists

1901 – Pentecostals

1895 – Nazarenes

1895 – Mennonites

1880 – Jehovah's Witnesses

1879 – Christian Science

1870 – Old Catholics

1865 – Salvation Army

1831 – Adventists

1830 – Mormons

1827 – disciples of Christ

1817 – Stundists

1800 – brothers in Christ

1780 – Seventh-day Adventists

1739 – Episcopal Methodist Church

1647 – Quakers

1600 – Congregationalists

1596 – Greek Catholic Church

1560 – Presbyterians

1534 – Anglicans

1524 – Lutherans

1517 – beginning of the reformation

1054 – Roman Catholic Church

Recently, dangerous pseudo-religious totalitarian sects have appeared:

"Cathedral of New Holy Rus'" (Theotokos Center)

"White Brotherhood"

“Church of the Last Testament” (group of the false Christ Vissarion)

Local Christian Church in Kyiv

Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Muna Church)

"New Apostolic Church"

"Church of Christ"

Church of Scientology (Dianetics)

"Church of Latter Day Saints" (Mormons)

"Porfiry Ivanov's sect"

"Aum Shinrikyo"


"New Age" (New Age, New Age)

Various directions of the teachings of the “New Era”, “Age of Aquarius”, the school of Olga Asaulyak.

For no one can lay any other foundation than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:11)

I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch of Me that does not bear fruit He cuts off; and every one that bears fruit, he cleanses it, so that it may bear more fruit (John 15:1).

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preached to you a gospel different from what we preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, as I say again now: whoever preaches to you a gospel contrary to what you have received, let him be accursed. (Gal. 1, 8 – 9).

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, created the one Universal Church. In this one Church, seven Ecumenical Councils took place, where the hierarchs (and among them there were many ascetics, righteous people and great theologians) by the will of the Holy Spirit formed a single, indestructible Symbol of Faith (a brief expression of the essence of Christianity).

Thus, the right faith given to us by the Lord Himself was confirmed.

The Church of Christ, created by His immediate disciples - the holy Apostles, was united on earth for a thousand years. But in the eleventh century, its western part fell away from the One Church of Christ, changing the Creed and declaring itself Catholic.

Then the concept of Orthodoxy appears - the correct glorification of God, as it was in the original Church, created by Christ and the Apostles.

Thus, we are called Orthodox Christians because we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ as set out in the Creed, and we belong to the One Holy and Apostolic Church founded by the Savior Himself on earth.

All other Christians who profess faith in Christ differently from the Orthodox Church do not belong to it. From this it is clear that we are obliged, firstly, to know the Law of God, our faith and “to be always ready to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give an account of our faith with meekness and reverence” (1 Pet. 3:15), and secondly, to fulfill the holy commandments and thus “walk worthy of the calling to which you have been called” (Eph. 4:1).

And our Christian title is truly great and heavenly, because we were “bought with a price” - by the Blood of Jesus Christ and should be the temple of the Holy Spirit, children of the Heavenly Father. That's why St. The apostles call Christians “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9).

Unfortunately, many do not know and are not aware of the height and greatness of their Christian calling, do not know their duties, do not fulfill them and live like pagans in wickedness. Some do this out of their spiritual darkness, others out of laziness, and still others out of arrogance.

But the Holy Church prays for us all through the mouth of St. Ap. Paul: “Walk worthy of the calling to which you have been called,” otherwise you will not be children of God, but children of the devil, fulfilling his lusts (see John 8:44).

List of active servants of evil spirits

in the CIS

"Adonai", a center of spiritual practices;

"Academy of White Practical Magic and Forecasts"

“Academy of Psycho-Energy Suggestive Sciences and Non-traditional Technologies” (V. Vis and others);

"Alen Mak";

"Anael", magic salon;

“Association of Applied Parapsychology” (Sochevanov, Martynov, Krivchonok, Vanya Ivanov, Sergey Lazarev);

"Belovedye", center S.Yu. Klyuchnikova;

"Beloyar", school;

“Blagovest” (center of Anna Gamayun, “clairvoyant, master of white and black magic”);

“Vedium” by Irina Cherepanova;

"Eternity", educational foundation "reiki";

“Revival”, center (healer Alexandra, Razvyazkin Sergey, clairvoyant Natalya, Korotina Larisa Ivanovna, clairvoyant healer Aglaya, grandmother Evdokia, healer Diana);

“Universal Party of Noosphere (Intelligent) Development”;

“Gamayun”, school of Sergei Gavrilov;

“Gestalt Forum” (Novoderzhkin Boris);

“Diagnostics of Karma” by Lazarev;

"The Spiritual College" by Aisha;

"Catherine", healing school;

“Feminine Energies” (Taisha Abelar, Florinda Donner, Carol Tiggs, Blue Scout);

“Germaine”, the center of high magic (Wise Germaine, soothsayer Alla Marie);

“Living Water”, Alena Orlova Center (Levinson Yu.M. - treatment of male diseases, Saltykova L.V. - treatment of female diseases, Vladimir Rosenthal - specialist in getting rid of drunkenness, Ryzhkova E. - clairvoyant and fortune teller, Lyakhovitsky M. - chiropractor, Alisa - fortune teller, Anna - astrologer, Yakutovsky G.);

“Imago-Jenny” (Avdeev Valery);

"Institute of Valeology and Cosmic Consciousness" (at the International Academy of Informatization);

“Institute of Spirit” by V. Murashov;

"Institute of Karma";

"Caduceus", the center of "Reiki";

“Contact”, center (“Highest white magic of success”);

“Crimean School of Bioenergy and Spiritual Knowledge “Esper”;


"Lama", academy;

“Lik”, salon of high magic (clairvoyant Ulyana);

“Moonstone”, center of white magic (healer Galina Mikhailovna Karyagina);

"Moonlight" Center for Knowledge and Healing;

"Magic Workshop of Dzi";

"Ayurveda Medical Center";

“International Academy of Informatization” (at least several of its large structural divisions);

“International Association of Magicians” (master Irina Svetoch – witch and hypnologist);

"International Center for Cosmic Consciousness";

"Moscow School of Parapsychology";

"Powerful Magic", salon;

"Heritage", Academy;

"Mistletoe", magic salon;

“Order of Sorcerers” (Gennady Voron - head, Yuri Tarasov, Anatoly Yakovenko);

“The Hunt for Power”, Alina Slobodova’s school;

“Orthodox school of spiritual healing “Maria” (Nesmelova Alexandra, Radiant Aliya, healer Seraphim);

“Prois”, an occult-healing center (under the leadership of Leonid Semenovich Prokopyev, who for some unknown reason assumed the title of “Bishop Raphael, permanent member of the Holy Synod” of the self-proclaimed Russian True Orthodox Church);


"Russian University of Witchcraft, Magic and Healing";

"Russian Magic Brotherhood";

“Russian school of Reiki” by Vladimir Savenkov (center of Russian energy healing);

“Salon of Higher Magic “Katarios”” (leading specialist - Valery);

“Cosmoenergetics Salon” (Master of Cosmoenergetics Rauf, Emil Bagirov, Laura);

“St. Petersburg Institute of Help, Mercy and Healing” (Lukyanov V.L., Bugrova S.A.);

“Satori” by Alla Kurtsbart;

“The Power of the Sun” magic salon;

"Sinton", club;

"Constellation", an international center for practical magic and hypnosis;

"The Union of Magic and Parapsychology";

"Union of Healers";

“The secret will become clear”, center (Leila-Khanym, Andrey Matevosyan, Natalya Berestova, Natalya Khemarina, clairvoyant Irina, clairvoyant Sofia Phoenix);

"Transpersonal Psychology", Foundation;

"Transpersonal Institute, Open World Center";

"Trigon", center (Roman Magradze - parapsychologist and astrologer, Tatyana Vlasova - soothsayer, Larisa Zhukova - clairvoyant and palmist, Andrey Pnyugin - psychotherapist, Tatyana Ermilova - parapsychologist and magician);


"Temple of the Sun";

"Keepers of the Violet Flame";

"Kingdom of Nature", environmental center;

“Healer”, center of A. Pugach;

"Center for Karmopsychology";

“Center for applied extrasensory perception” (Boris Son - eastern sorcerer);

"Center for Psychosophy";

“Shambhala”, school of astrology by Mikhail Afonin;

"School of Divorga";

"Ecology of Consciousness";


“Univer” by Jean Gaver (Ivanna Gavrilenkova);

Zolotov Academy;

Fedorenko Academy;

Altair, "magician and clairvoyant";

Angelica Effie magic salon;

Argo, the witch;

Asgard Tamara;

Baba Olya (“Master of Ukraine, Poland and Germany”);

Babarazakov Ungar (“the most famous folk healer in Russia and Uzbekistan”);

Blavo Ruschel (“healer and clairvoyant”);

Borman Marina (“psychic magician”);

Vasilyeva Valentina Grigorieva (“member of the international register of complementary medicine, healer of international category”); supreme shaman of Siberia Oyur;

Vershinina Pavel Center;

Vis Vladimir (“international master of white and practical magic, psychoenergy suggestologist of the highest category”);

Vishevskaya Galina (“hereditary fortuneteller, clairvoyant, healer”); all organizations practicing the occult system of Reiki;

Gerasimova A.V. (“parapsychologist”);

Mrs. Gisela;

Mrs. Lyuba (“hereditary clairvoyant and healer”);

Mrs. Lyalya;

Grabovoi Grigory;

Grof Stanislav;

Davitashvili Dzhuna;

Dan Alla Center;

Dolinsky Dmitry Center;

Zakharchenko Nikolay (“hypnologist of international category”);

Zinaida, “healer”;

Ilyin Alexander (“psychic superstar”);

Institute of Advanced Medicine "Oroln" (director - Nadezhda Tõnisson);

Isupova Irina Ivanovna;

Cassandra Seraphim (“Veduist and magician”);

Kashpirovsky Anatoly;

Kuzma, supreme shaman of Siberia;

Schematic Tarot courses “TaroSchematicum”;

Lada, priestess (“black ritual magic”);

Lazarev Sergey Nikolaevich;

Lana (“healer”, real name – Alina Anatolyevna);

Lankovs Vyacheslav and Tamara (“psychics”);

Leonova Lyuba (“clairvoyant”);

Mairbek (“healer”);

Poppy Garafina;

Malakhov Gennady;

Elina Lois, sorceress;

Maria Stefania;

Martha, the witch;

Creativity workshop “ANY”;

Mother Melania;

Megre Vladimir;

International Training Center Valery Vitalievich Tsigankov;

Maria Velena International Center;

Moscow School of Hypnosis (Grigory Goncharov – President);

Nadya, seer;

Norbekov M.S. (health system);

OVFO "SUPER" (Alla Kozakova);

Health and rehabilitation center "Miroslava" (Miroslava);

Wellness center "Maria";

Olga, “healer”;

Palchikova Valentina;

Panteleimon, supreme shaman of the North;

Patrick Bernhardt followers;

Potemkin Vyacheslav Fedorovich;

Protasovskaya Lyubov Antonovna;

Rada, seer;

Razin Alexander (“member of the Swiss Parapsychological Society, healer”);

Salon of Occult Sciences (Karl Mikhail, bioenergy therapist, “master of white magic”);

Sergienko Yuri (“magician”);

Solntseva Arina (“harbinger of the future”);

Sorokina Violetta (“The Magician from Crimea”);

Studio of Marina Sugrobova (Sugrobova Marina, Plyasunova Maria, Goncharova Natalya);

Taana Al Lan (“occult healer”, in the world - Tatyana Terenyeva);

Thaisa Scythian, sorceress;

Trubetskoy Sergei Evgenievich (calls himself “the holy spirit - Christ”);

Fedorova Elena Arturovna (“parapsychologist of the highest category”);

Parapsychology Foundation named after. L.L. Vasilyeva;

Temple of Sheol;

Center for Clairvoyance “Russian Vanga” Raisa Ryk;

Center "Semargl";

Count Charkozy Center;

Zuev Center;

Maria De Elfana Center;

Maria Leath Center for Parapsychology;

Center at the Academy "Sparkling World";

Center for Psychoenergy “Elohim”;

Private school of parapsychology “Star Wanderer” (headed by Lan-Pa, high priest of the Lama-Yur monastery);

Chumak Alan Vladimirovich;

Oleg Andreev School;

Olga Asaulyak School;

School of Russian healing – center “Vladimir” by Vladimir Samarin;

Unfortunately, the list is not exhaustive.

Inexperienced people are victims of their spiritual illiteracy, curiosity and pride; they become “healers”, unaware of what terrible power they serve.


Christianity came to Kievan Rus with the name Orthodox after a schism in the Christian world:
* The Western, Christian Church with its center in Rome, began to be called Catholic i.e. Ecumenical,
* Eastern, Greek-Byzantine church with its center in Constantinople (Constantinople) - Orthodox i.e. Faithful.

Immediately after the split, they declared anathema to each other and constantly sent curses. When the Vatican redirected its fourth Crusade to Palestine - Paleny Stan (there were 10 crusades, but finally Jerusalem - RUSALIM failed to recapture the Vatican from the Muslims) to Constantinople, the central office of the Orthodox Eastern Church migrated to Kiev and Ryazan. Constantinople was destroyed and completely plundered. Only after the arrival of the Eastern Church in Rus' did the purge of the Slavic culture and Vedic Orthodoxy of the ancient Rus begin. From that moment on, the Slavs began to forget who they were, where they came from, and what the culture and life of their ancestors were like.
The word Orthodoxy itself means:
Glorification (this ancient word has been ousted from colloquial use by false storytellers) with the kind word of the Glorious World of Rule, i.e. The World of the Light Gods and Our Ancestors.

An opinion has formed that a Russian is necessarily an Orthodox Christian. This formulation is fundamentally incorrect. Russian means Orthodox, this concept is undeniable. But a Russian is not necessarily a Christian, because not all Russians are Christians. Many never accepted the slave philosophy, and only because of the fear of being burned at the stake, they visited temples..
The faithful could not come to terms with the fact that Christianity was present in Rus', especially in Muscovy, only formally. The priests decided to absorb Vedic Orthodoxy in order to put an end to it once and for all. And the very name Orthodox was appropriated by the Christian church hierarchs cynically, brazenly, without any consent of the Russians. This is how Christian Orthodoxy appeared in Rus' (instead of Vedic). The Vedic Orthodoxy of the ancient faith burned out on the fires of cruel Christianity, along with the ancient texts and the spiritual leaders of the Vedic Orthodoxy - the Magi. In Vedic culture, there was no centralized power similar to that in religions, striving for usurpation and enrichment. Vedic Orthodoxy was not a religion, but a Faith. It did not build expensive temples, because it believed that it was of no use. The Slavs kept their gods in their hearts. Statues were placed only at crossroads and on the outskirts of settlements. They never went to atone for their sins, since they had never sinned. The Rus ethnos are peaceful, hardworking people who achieved everything only through their own labor. Consequently, they had no reason to atone for their sins, to justify their actions before the gods.

The Greeks highly valued the moral culture of the Russians. Here is the testimony of Byzantine historians of the seventh century:
Our soldiers captured three foreigners who had citharas (harps) instead of weapons. When the emperor asked who they were, the foreigners replied: “We play the harp, and loving music, we lead a peaceful and calm life.” The emperor marveled at the quiet disposition of these people, their great stature and strength, and treated them to food while observing their manners. Amazed by the high culture of behavior, he allowed him to return to his fatherland.

Arab chronographer Al Marwazi wrote:
“When the Russians turned to Christianity, religion dulled their swords and closed the doors of knowledge to them, and they fell into poverty and a miserable existence.”

Modern scientists, historians and theologians continue to try to impose on the world that Rus', they say, became Orthodox, with the baptism and spread of Byzantine Christianity among the dark, wild, mired in ignorance, kind of Slavs. This formulation is very convenient to use to distort the history and belittle the significance of the most ancient culture, colorful folklore and rich in all kinds of traditions, of all peoples of Vedic Orthodoxy. From which Christianity, poor in its traditions and rituals, borrowed a lot of things, and subsequently ascribed them to itself without any shame. Just two centuries ago, Easter eggs, embroidered shirts, and harps were strictly prohibited by the priesthood. Christian leaders were so stupid that they said that women have no soul. What could Christian missionaries know about the culture and Faith of the Slavic peoples? As carriers of Christianity, they could understand the culture of the Northern peoples with
* a different mentality, devoid of the concepts of money-grubbing and violence;
* with a different worldview, the Slavs lived in harmony with the environment in a creative, constructive state of mind?!
Here is an example of a description of the life of the Slavs as presented by one of the Christian missionaries:
“The Orthodox Slovenians and Rusyns are wild people and their lives are wild and godless. Naked men and girls lock themselves together in a hot heated hut and torture their bodies, slashing each other with tree branches mercilessly to the point of exhaustion, then they run out naked and jump into an icy hole or snowdrift. And, having cooled down, they again run to the hut to torture themselves with rods.”
How else could the Greek-Byzantine missionaries understand, a simple Orthodox rite - visiting a Russian bathhouse. In their narrow imagination, it really was something wild and incomprehensible. Who can, in fact, be considered savages: those who regularly visited baths, or those who never washed in their lives?!

The cunningly wise servants of Christ always rely on falsification. So in this case, it seems like the earliest written use of the word “Orthodoxy”, which on the territory of Rus' is recorded in the “Sermon on Law and Grace” (1037-1050) by Metropolitan Hilarion:
Let us praise with the laudable voices of the Roman country Peter and Paul, who believed in Jesus Christ, the Son of God; Asia and Ephesus, and Patm of John the Theologian, India of Thomas, Egypt of Mark. All countries and cities and people honor and glorify each of their teachers, who taught me the Orthodox faith...
In the quote - I believe more Orthodox - the word Orthodox simply could not exist. Because it was only in 1054 that Christianity was divided into Catholics and Orthodox Christians (non-Orthodox).

At first, the teaching of Jesus was called the teaching of the fisherman. Later, the fish symbol was sometimes used. Just as the Gauls used the symbol of a red rooster, and the Jews - a goat.
And in the official language of the Christian Church on the territory of Rus', the term “Orthodox” began to be used only at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. The terms “Orthodox” and “Orthodoxy” came into use most actively only in the 16th century. This is how easy it is for storytellers to lie and introduce false information into history.

Insofar as too many questions have arisen regarding the word Orthodoxy, then everyone, if desired, can independently unravel this tangle of contradictions by examining the chronology of this word.

Biblical mythology, as such, had not yet taken place by the 11th century. It was in fragmentary versions with many significant contradictions. And until the end of the 15th century (and possibly until the end of the 16th century), biblical mythology in the modern sense was completely absent. Not only in the East, but also in the West. Even in the 13th century (not to mention the 11th), the Pope said that people had already learned too much. If they also learn everything that is narrated in various texts and in various books, then this will be a source of great danger, for they will begin to ask questions to which the clergy will not have answers. And the Bible will begin to be called mythology. And finally, in 1231, Gregory IX, with his bull, forbade the laity to read the Bible. Moreover, the ban was formally lifted only by the “Second Vatican Council,” opened on the initiative of Pope John XXIII in 1962. Historical documents report that there were repeated attempts to allow access to the reading of biblical mythology to a wider audience, but each time new prohibitions emerged. All this suggests that the church was afraid of exposing biblical texts that were copied from the Aryan Avesta. Historians wrote: “The Church prohibits the distribution of books of sacred scripture among the laity and considers the translation of these books from incomprehensible Latin into popular languages ​​a serious crime.” From time to time, more and more prohibitive decrees were issued. Thus, at the Council of Beziers in 1246, we find: “As for divine books, the laity should not have them even in Latin; as for divine books in the vernacular, they should not be allowed at all among either the clergy or the laity.” The edict of Charles IV at the end of the 14th century states: “According to canonical regulations, it is not appropriate for laity of both sexes to read anything from the scriptures, even in the vernacular.” In Rus', although not in such an open form as in Catholic countries, calls were heard: “Forbid the common people from reading the Bible.” But most likely, all the prohibitions were because biblical mythology, as such, had not yet taken place. It was in fragmentary versions with many significant contradictions. And until the end of the 15th century (and possibly until the end of the 16th century), biblical mythology in the modern sense was completely absent. Not only in the East, but also in the West.
The famous church historian A.V. Kartashev wrote:
“The first handwritten Bible for the entire East (even before the advent of the printing press) was the Bible of 1490, created by Archbishop Gennady of Novgorod... Such an early interest in mastering the complete biblical text appeared in Rus' in the 15th century,” p.600.

If at the very end of the 15th century the awakening of interest in the complete Bible is regarded by experts as very early (!), then what can we say about the 14th or 13th centuries? At that time, as we see, no one in the East was even interested in Biblical mythology. But in the West they didn’t read it because it was “forbidden.” The question arises: who read it in those centuries? Yes, it simply did not exist. But the tellers of lies wandered so far in their falsification that they began to date the Bible, you will simply be surprised, to the 1st century.
The schism in Christianity, after which the Church was finally divided into Catholic and Orthodox, occurred in 1054. The division caused by the schism has not been overcome to this day, despite the fact that in 1965 the mutual anathemas and curses on each other were mutually lifted by Pope Paul VI. The first time anathemas and curses were lifted was before the first crusade (the campaign of the poor in 1096). Just as the Vatican alone, without the financial support of Byzantium, could not have overcome the Muslims. They were forced to unite, facing one common enemy. Disagreements arose over issues of dogmatic and canonical, as well as liturgical and disciplinary nature, and began long before 1054, however, it was in 1054 that Pope Leo IX sent envoys to Constantinople. The immediate reason was the closure of the Latin churches in Constantinople in 1053. Moreover, Patriarch Michael Cerularia instructed his henchman to throw out the Holy Gifts, prepared according to Catholic custom from unleavened bread, from the tabernacles, and trample them underfoot, openly, in the presence of a large crowd. All this demonstrates the obviously low culture and primitive mentality of Christian officials. And we are surprised at the bloody crusades against the civilian population of the Baltic countries, and the bonfires of the Inquisition blazing throughout Europe, and the country torture huts for the disobedient...

Christianity was persecuted and many of its supporters were simply killed with impunity. The fourth century was a turning point in the history of Christianity. In the fourth century, power was seized by the largest Arab-Semitic community at that time, led by the Flavinian Semite Flavius ​​Valerius Aurelius Constantine. Under him, Christianity became a permitted religion, thanks to the Edict of Milan in 313. Under Constantine, the First Ecumenical Council took place in Nicaea, at which the Creed was formulated (a brief statement of the dogmas used in the liturgy) - the doctrine of the consubstantial Trinity. Thus, a modified trinity appeared in Christianity, from the Vedic Orthodoxy of Rus': Father-Son-Holy Spirit. The concept of the trinity (triglav) has existed since time immemorial, and in Hindustan for several millennia. This is the first symbol that was borrowed by the priests from the ancient Vedic culture. Since that time, many sects and trends in Christianity have appeared. It was as if someone had thrown them out of a bag. The most aggressive struggle was waged with a sect called Arianism. Arianism appeared in the 4th century after its creator - an Alexandrian priest named Arius. He argued that Christ was created by God, and therefore, firstly, had a beginning of his existence; secondly, he is not equal to him: in Arianism, Christ is not consubstantial with God, as Arius’s opponents, the Alexandrian bishops Alexander and then Athanasius, argued, but is only co-essential with him. What the Arians asserted was the following: God the Father, after the creation of the world, became the cause of the birth of the Son and, according to His will, embodied His essence into another, created from nothing, into a new and different God; and there was a time when the Son did not exist. that is, he introduced hierarchical relationships into the Trinity. In the same century, the formation of monasticism took place. During the reign of Julian (361-363), the persecution of Christians was again organized. For this he received the nickname "Renegade". In the 5th century the first major schism occurred in the Church. The Fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon was not accepted by some Churches. They were given the name - Pre-Chalcedonian. During the first millennium, a number of Ecumenical Councils took place in the Church, at which the dogmatic and canonical teaching of the Christian Church was more clearly formed.
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Credibility- the “correct faith” of Christians according to the old rite before the Nikon reform. During the time of Nikon in 1666, persecution began against their own brothers in Christ who did not accept the innovations. The first who refused to accept the innovations was Archpriest Avakum. Everyone knows about the innovation of three fingers, instead of the two with which they were baptized (two fingers were adopted from the Old Believers). But that wasn't the main thing. The most important trick is the destruction of the old elite and the introduction of a new one, plus the replacement of the concepts of “Orthodoxy” with “Orthodoxy”. After all, even in the Fourth Menaion (Christian service books that existed before the advent of the Bible, which appeared in the late 18th, early 19th centuries as a book, and before that there were the Fourth Menaion) there is a phrase: “of this thou art the land of Rousse, and the orthodox Christian faith.” , i.e. not the Orthodox faith, but the Orthodox faith. Avakum said, “Let us not become like the pagans who honor the ancient Gods,” i.e. here “pagan” sounds like a representative of another faith. And for this they began to be physically destroyed and some fled to Pomorie, to the White Sea, and some to the Old Believers in Siberian Belovodye. And the Old Believers began to give shelter to the Old Believers, not because the faith was one, but because they were united by blood.

Orthodoxy - Rule the praise, i.e. glorification of the World of Rule - the World of the Gods who have acquired the body of Light. Correct glorification of the Almighty (Ramhi), and not the Jewish tribal god of Hosts-Jehovah-Yahweh, who cares only about the Jews. This term was appropriated by Christians who claim that Orthodox Christianity is more than a thousand years old and refer to the “Sermon on Law and Grace of Metropolitan Hilarion”, where the translation is distorted. Chronicles of the X-XIV centuries. convincingly testify that Christianity came to Rus' from Greece under the name “Christian faith”, “new faith”, “true faith”, “Greek faith”, and most often - “orthodox Christian faith” ". The word “Orthodoxy” appears for the first time in the “Epistle of Metropolitan Photius of Pskov” from 1410-1417, that is, 422 years after the introduction of Christianity. And the phrase “Orthodox Christianity” even later - in the Pskov First Chronicle in 1450, 462 years after the baptism of Rus'-Ukraine. Question. Why haven’t Christians themselves used the word “Orthodoxy” for half a millennium? It's simple. Christians became Orthodox in the 17th century under the reform of Patriarch Nikon, who ordered changes to be made in the chronicles. When the Church split in 1054, the western one began to be called “Roman Catholic, Ecumenical with its center in Rome, and the eastern “Greek, Orthodox (Orthodox) with its center in Constantinople (Constantinople). From Greek "orthodoxy" means "right belief." “Orthos” means “correct”, “direct”, “doxos” means “thought”, “belief”, “faith”. That is why in the Western world Christians of the Eastern rite are called “Orthodox”. Greco-Orthodoxy in the 16th century, after the capture of the Ruthenian lands by Poland, found itself in a tough struggle with Roman Catholicism. Therefore, looking for support for itself, the church came to the only saving solution - to partially adopt the Vedic spiritual customs of the Rusins. First of all, they turned the “orthodox Christian faith” into “holy Orthodoxy,” and thereby attributed all the feats of pre-Christian Orthodoxy to themselves. Although those who glorify the Rule have nothing to do with Christianity. This church reform under Nikon was also aimed at destroying dual faith (Orthodoxy and Orthodoxy). Later they stopped fighting Vedic Orthodox customs and accepted as their own: the cult of the Ancestors, Green Christmastide, Kupala Christmastide, Intercession, Kalita, Kolyada, Strecha (Candlemas) and others. Which is what the Catholic Church notes, that their eastern neighbor has acquired pagan cults. This church reform under Patriarch Nikon caused a split into those who supported Nikon's church reform (Nikonians) and those who did not support - schismatics. The schismatics accused Nikon of the trilingual heresy and indulgence in paganism, i.e. old Orthodox Faith. On April 17, 1905, by decree of the Tsar, the schismatics began to be called Old Believers. They call themselves righteous Christians. The split weakened the state and, in order to avoid a large-scale religious war, some provisions of Nikon’s reform were canceled and the term “orthodoxy” began to be used again. For example, in the Spiritual Regulations of Peter I from 1721 it is said: “And as a Christian Sovereign, he is the guardian of orthodoxy and every kind of deanery in the Church of the Holy Ones...”. There is not a word about Orthodoxy, nor in the Spiritual Regulations of 1776 and 1856. Christians themselves say that their church is called Orthodox because... it rightly glorifies God. The Byzantine monk Belisarius in 532 (456 years before the baptism of Rus'), describing the Russian bathhouse, calls the Slavs Orthodox Slavs and Rusyns.
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“The sorrows of the past cannot be counted, but the sorrows of the present are worse. In a new place you will feel them. Together. What else has God sent you? Place in God's world. Don't count the feuds as past. Surround the place in the world of God that God has sent you with close rows. Protect it day and night; not a place - a will. Reward him for his power. Her children are still alive, knowing whose they are in this world of God.

We will live again. There will be service to God. Everything will be in the past, we will forget who we are. Where you will be, there will be children, there will be fields, a wonderful life - we will forget who we are. There are children - there are ties - let's forget who we are. What to count, Lord! Rysiyuniya enchants the eyes. There is no escape from it, no cure. More than once we will hear: you, whose you will be, trotters, what honor is for you, helmets in curls; talking about you. Not yet, we will be Her in this world of God.”
Inscription on both sides of the Phaistos Disc

According to one of the last calendars of our ancestors, it is now 7524 Summer from S.M.Z.H. (before this, the stellar heritage of the ancestors totals 1.5 billion YEARS from the arrival on Midgard of the first colonists of the Great Race of the Celestial Family) ..

According to Hebrew 5777.. Feel the difference!
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Why is Christianity called Orthodox?

Alexey Kungurov

T. The Patriarchs answer you: “Our church is Orthodox, and Orthodox Church is Orthodox.” Throughout the world, our church is called the Russian Orthodox Church of the Greek rite. The only thing they tell us is that it is a Russian Orthodox Church. What we learn from here from the lips of the patriarch and the clergy is that in Israel there live orthodox - Orthodox Jews, and in Muslim countries there are Orthodox Muslims, orthodox. (Orthodoxy - strict adherence to tradition - is a way of faith!)

Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy and Judaism are independent religions!

Those. then devout Muslims are Orthodox Muslims, and this is how concepts are replaced. In fact, something slightly different happened.

An alternative view of the history of religions is considered.

The main religions are:

– Christopherianism;

– Pavoslavie;

The modern Orthodox Church itself, and previously the Greek Catholic Orthodox Church, actually received the name Orthodox only from the middle of the last century. That is, for many millennia before this, Orthodoxy was understood in a completely different way. In other words, Christianity and Orthodoxy are not identical to each other.

So who took part in the seven councils for the Judeo-Christian Church, the Orthodox or Orthodox fathers? In fact, the replacement of one concept with another occurred during Nikon’s reforms.

It is reliably known that the Slavs themselves were Orthodox many thousands of years before they were converted to the Judeo-Christian faith. And the Slavs were called “Orthodox” because they glorified the Rule. After all, the ancestors sincerely believed that the whole world was divided into three separate levels, namely the highest level called Rule or Rule, the middle level - Reality, and the lowest level or world called Nav or...

Why is the Russian Orthodox Church called Orthodox, and the Russian Church Abroad - orthodox? Rasen Expert (345), closed 3 years ago

Added 3 years ago

Wrong. Orthodoxy and Christianity have nothing in common. Orthodoxy is the true Faith of our ancestors, the Rus-Slavs. They praised Rule, the world of the Gods. And Christianity was imposed by force with the blood of our ancestors, and that religion was called orthodox Christianity of the Byzantine Catholic Church. Over the 12 years of the baptism of Kievan Rus, out of 12 million Rus, 9 million were slaughtered, since our ancestors were faithful to the Rule, their Faith, and no force could force them to abandon their Faith, the Faith of their ancestors. They left the old people and small children alive, from whom they later raised Christians. In 1654, the rector of the church, Nikon, started a reform of the church - he changed the rituals, replaced two-fingered baptism with three-fingered baptism, and during the rituals they began to go against...

Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy

God's Law

Why are we called Orthodox Christians?

We are called Orthodox Christians because we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ; We believe as set out in the “Creed”, and we belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by the Savior Himself on earth, which, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, invariably correctly and gloriously preserves the teachings of Jesus Christ, that is, we belong to the Orthodox Church of Christ .

All other Christians who profess faith in Christ differently from the Holy Orthodox Church do not belong to it. These include: Catholics (Roman Catholic Church), Protestants (Lutherans), Baptists and other sectarians.

QUESTIONS: What are we called and why? What are other Christians called who do not belong to the Holy Orthodox Church?

Orthodoxy is not Christianity. How historical myths appeared [video]

Wednesday, 18 Sep. 2013

The Greek-Catholic Orthodox (Right Faithful) Church (now the Russian Orthodox Church) began to be called Orthodox Slavic only on September 8, 1943 (approved by Stalin’s decree in 1945). What then was called Orthodoxy for several millennia?

“In our time, in modern Russian vernacular in official, scientific and religious designation, the term “Orthodoxy” is applied to anything related to the ethnocultural tradition and is necessarily associated with the Russian Orthodox Church and the Christian Judeo-Christian religion.

To a simple question: “What is Orthodoxy,” any modern person will answer without hesitation that Orthodoxy is the Christian faith that Kievan Rus adopted during the reign of Prince Vladimir the Red Sun from the Byzantine Empire in 988 AD. And that Orthodoxy, i.e. The Christian faith has existed on Russian soil for more than a thousand...

Why are we called Orthodox Christians?

Why are we called Orthodox Christians?

Leaflet of the Orthodox club “Sretenie” at the catechetical courses of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary
(Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)

Almost two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth and saved humanity from the sin, curse and death that had hung over it since the first people sinned. Having sent to earth after the Holy Ascension the Holy Spirit, “Who proceeds from the Father” (John 15:26), the Lord founded the Church as His mystical Body, and the church sacraments became a way of grace-filled communication with God. Therefore, a person needs to go to Church in order to communicate with God through the sacraments.

According to its history, the Church, in order to preserve the unity of faith, limited and established rules and laws for its existence. Therefore, those who violated these laws are called schismatics, and their teachings that they preached are called heresy. In general, schismatics...

At the beginning I will make a small explanation for those who believe that Orthodoxy is Christianity. I'm afraid to upset you, but this is not at all true.

Orthodoxy and Christianity have nothing in common with each other. Orthodoxy is the ancient Faith of our Slavic ancestors. They praised Rule, the world of the Gods. But Christianity was imposed by force and that religion was called orthodox Christianity of the Byzantine Catholic Church. There are terrible legends that during the years of the baptism of Kievan Rus, millions of Rus were killed, since our ancestors were faithful to the Rule, their Faith, and no force could force them to abandon the Faith of their ancestors.
In 1654, the rector of the church, Nikon, started a reform of the church. He changed the rituals, replaced two-fingered baptism with three-fingered baptism, during the rituals they began to walk counterclockwise and the name of the church was changed from Orthodox to Orthodox (the true faith of the Slavs) in order to lure our ancestors there. This name did not last long and was canceled as…

It is known that Christianity is one of the largest world religions. Millions of people all over the world are adherents of Christianity, which has led to the heterogeneity of this religious movement. It split into a number of independent movements, the main of which are Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism.

Various political, socio-economic reasons, the course of historical events, such as the collapse of the Roman Empire into the western and eastern parts in the 4th century, determined the emergence of two currents of Christianity: Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

In the western part there was a process of further fragmentation of the empire - the creation of independent feudal states. In conditions of political fragmentation, it became possible to strengthen the power of the church. It is already striving to rise above secular power and is creating an international religious organization headed by a single head - the pope.

In the eastern part, the church was under the authority of the emperor and was part of his state apparatus...


Please tell me, Director Ivanov - is “director” a name or a position? And Mr. Ivanov - “Mister” is a title or a name? So how do you say that God and Lord is the name? God has a name, and you cite the Tetragrammaton YHWH, which appears more than 7000 times in the Bible. All over the world its reading is passed on as Jehovah or Yahweh, so why don’t you finish this in your answer and cite Exodus 3:15? Let's honestly insert this Tetragrammaton into all the places in the Bible where it appears in the original texts. I don’t expect your answer, but I’m glad that there are still people who read the Bible and think. Goodbye.

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

The question of the names of God was resolved in ancient and late patristics, as well as in biblical science. Both representatives of patristic theology and scholars in the field of biblical science are unanimous in the opinion that the Holy Scripture reveals to us several Divine names. They only dispute this...

To articles

What is real Christianity?
Does Christianity have the right to be called ORTHODOX: the answer is clear - NO. Christianity is not the religion of the SLAVS, and it has never been Orthodox. Christianity is a religion of lies and slavery.

The official Russian religion is Christianity. A religion in which there is not a word about the Slavs. Only Jews. While the Jews themselves adhere to a different religion. Paradox? To see why this happened, we need to understand how Rus' was baptized. But, only without Jewish interpretations.

Before Christianity, there was an Old Faith in Rus' - Orthodoxy. Our ancestors were Orthodox, because The government was praised.

According to Vedic scriptures there are:
Reality is the tangible world,
Nav - the world of Spirits and Ancestors,
Rule - the world of the Gods.

In 988 AD. Christianity was brought from Byzantium to Rus'.
The Kiev ruler, Kagan Vladimir baptized Rus' according to Greek law. The goal is to replace the Old Faith with one closer to Vladimir...

Archpriest Pyotr Mangilev, vice-rector of the Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary for academic work, answers questions from viewers. Broadcast from Yekaterinburg.

– Today we will talk about why our Church is called Orthodox, how autocephalous, autonomous and self-governing Churches differ from each other.

Father, why is it our Orthodox Church? Can people who profess another religion also say that they are praising God correctly? What is Orthodoxy?

– The word “Orthodoxy” really means “to glorify God correctly.” Praising God correctly is very important. It is also important to correctly learn this glorification and correctly build your life in accordance with this teaching. Of course, those who profess other religions believe that they are the ones who correctly praise God. Nevertheless, the Orthodox Church takes this name for itself to emphasize that it believes correctly, lives in accordance with this faith, that is, it teaches correct life and correct...

The word “Orthodoxy” is not in the Bible. It is a fact.
It is not found in other, non-Slavic languages ​​either.
But Wiki, like the priests, insist that Orthodoxy =...

Many people in our time forget that the Church is not some earthly, human institution, but a Divine institution, the highest purpose of which is the salvation of souls to eternal life, that in it there is no place for any “politics” or “diplomacy” and is not permissible to bend one's soul, trampling one's conscience, in the name of any purely earthly goals, even if they are covered with deceitfully false slogans of “peace for the whole world”; “the common good” and even the imaginary “Christian love” and “humility” that is now so in vogue...

The widespread, “current” opinion of our days is that Orthodoxy is just one of many varieties of Christianity, along with others that have every right to exist and are even, to one degree or another, equivalent.
But to think so is either extreme naivety based on ignorance, or a decidedly malicious distortion of the truth.
If we turn to Christian history...