Feng Shui couple's bedroom. Feng Shui love zones

  • 24.02.2024

The teachings of Feng Shui are a unique fusion of science and art that allows us to lift the veil of the influence of the mysterious forces of nature on the life and prosperity of an ordinary person. Proper furnishing and decoration of rooms is the first step towards the discovery of free energy. The bedroom is of particular importance according to Feng Shui, since night sleep affects happiness and harmony in the family. If the Chi energy exists freely and harmoniously in this room, all areas of life will bring success. Myth? You can take a risk and test it in practice.

Determining a suitable location

The location of the bedroom in relation to other rooms and extensions is of decisive importance. If the bedroom is located directly above the garage (this is often the case in private homes), the owners feel the lack of a strong shoulder and reliable support in life.

The basement floors are filled with negative Yin energies. In such rooms, you should emphasize the sunny sides and fill the bedroom with Yang energy as much as possible. If there is a staircase in front of the room, install musical pendants on the door. Their melodic sound will prevent the rapid flow of energy.

Let's dive into the depths of the doctrine: we find out the general rules of the interior

Decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui involves getting rid of unnecessary things and accumulated trash, as well as the correct selection of colors, symbols, and accessories. Compliance with the rules of Chinese teaching will both improve the general condition of the body and turn luck towards the owners of the room.

The location of the bedroom should be selected in a quiet part, away from the entrance doors. Chinese teaching does not approve of a bathroom or toilet opposite the bedroom (running water carries away life-giving energy). Particular attention should be paid to geometric proportions: the bedroom should be of the correct square shape (or rectangular). If the room is L-shaped, luck may turn away from the owners of the house due to the appearance of an extra corner.

Pay attention to details

According to Feng Shui: Yin is the energy necessary for good rest, and Yang is the windows and doors through which rays of light pass into the room. Walls and partitions without windows or doors are Yin and are associated with stability and stillness. Based on this, a wall without windows and doors should be at the head of the bed, ensuring the receipt of Yin energy.

It is important to know! Placing the bed opposite the doors is a serious mistake. The headboard should be located against the wall (to give reliability and confidence to vacationers).

When arranging furniture, it is worth considering that objects should not have sharp or right angles that emit a large amount of negative energy. It is advisable to buy furniture covered with soft fabric, with rounded and smooth lines.

Another important point is the ban on placing mirrors opposite the bed. A person in any position (lying or sitting) should not see his reflection. The mirror surface reflects the negative energy that a person gets rid of during sleep and returns it back.

Other important rules include the following:

  1. All equipment must be removed from the room, as it only destroys vital energy.
  2. It is advisable not to hang wall photographs and photographs of relatives.
  3. It is recommended to open the windows regularly so that there is always fresh and oxygen-filled air in the bedroom.
  4. Completely get rid of clutter and maintain cleanliness, do not fill the room with useless small furniture.

For reference! One of the important attributes in the interior is a lamp, since light represents income (the brighter it is, the more prosperous the financial component of life).

What does the color symbolize?

According to Feng Shui, a bedroom is an accurate distribution of vital energy Qi, which makes it possible to improve health, achieve success in life and be in excellent shape. The mood and behavior of a person depends on the color design of this room. But in Feng Shui there are no specific rules for using colors in wall painting. Their colors depend on several factors:

  • geographical location of the house;
  • arrangement of rooms in relation to the sun;
  • dominant personalities living in the house and their taste.

So, for calm tones, the color of ocher, bone, salmon or beige is suitable. Dark shades are a cause of concern. When painting walls, you can play with colors. To visually enlarge a room, walls with high ceilings should be painted a tone darker than the ceiling and vice versa.

Red and orange colors are contraindicated for active and impulsive people (extroverts), so wallpaper for the bedroom should be chosen in soft tones. Blue, dark green, black and gray are not suitable for shy individuals (introverts) - they can be advantageously replaced with bright colors. As a result of the right choice, sleep will be long and restful.

Choosing the right palette

The overall design should not irritate or have a stimulating effect. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the color of the walls should be chosen in soft pastel shades. The presence of small patterns on wallpaper is not prohibited (chaotic patterns are welcome). It is recommended to make the ceiling only white and smooth, without protruding elements.

The color of the bedroom should correspond to its orientation to the cardinal points. If you decorate the bedroom in appropriate colors (for example, the southern direction is suitable for the element of fire and the orange-red shades that symbolize it), you can achieve an increased influx of energy, giving harmony to the home. A Feng Shui bedroom requires special attention to decor and furnishings.

Painting the walls suggests only soft, discreet tones for the bedroom. The whole range of light pastels is perfect for small bedrooms:

  • discreet sand shade;
  • milk chocolate color;
  • soft white tones (ivory).

In a small room, bright aggressive colors are inappropriate, as they make a person anxious and put pressure on the psychological state, while the bedroom should be conducive to peace of mind and relaxation.

Interesting to know! Bright colors increase vitality. For example, the use of red in design helps to activate sexual energy, and in the kitchen it stimulates the appetite. The presence of dark colors depresses the mood. Balanced bright colors guarantee success at work and in your personal life.

A sleeping bed is the key to good rest

The main element of the interior is the bed. It is its location that affects the presence of insomnia, headaches and general malaise or the well-being of sleeping people. There are a number of rules by which a sleeping place is selected.


  • do not place the head of the bed towards the window;
  • exclude the installation of a bed between two window openings;
  • According to Feng Shui, the bed in the bedroom cannot be replaced with any alternatives (sofas, armchairs, special podiums).

For reference! Remember that the bed should always be neatly made. Timely replacement of bed linen is also important.

An incorrectly positioned bed is susceptible to the movement of Qi energy, which will bring health problems for the owners. Ideally, according to Feng Shui, the bed in the bedroom should be large, with a solid double mattress, which is protection from negative extraneous energies.

What else to pay attention to

The head of the bed is also important:

  • a semicircle or smooth oval has a positive effect on the financial well-being of those sleeping;
  • a rectangular headboard is a guarantee of marital fidelity;
  • the triangle guarantees a bright personal life for the spouses.

Do not place containers filled with water (vases with bouquets, aquariums) near the sleeping area; the inherent water element can cool the feelings of the couple. Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui excludes the presence of shelves or other overhanging objects above the sleeping area. An exception is the canopy, which creates a feeling of peace and security.

Is there a place for a mirror in the bedroom?

The correct arrangement of furniture will attract positive energy flows into the bedroom, but the harmony can be disrupted by a single mirror. Mirrors are storage devices and accumulators of negative energy; they have no place in the walls of the bedroom.

If you still need to hang a mirror in the bedroom, you need to strictly follow several important rules:

  • the bed and sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror (attracts adultery);
  • in the dark, an opaque blanket is thrown over the mirror;
  • prevent cracks from appearing on the mirror;
  • A vase of water is placed in front of the mirror (maybe with flowers);
  • The surface of the mirror must always be clean.

Feng Shui and paintings: what images will decorate the walls

Decorating the walls of the room is not prohibited. Pictures for the bedroom should be calm and peaceful, and it is advisable not to use images related to water. An excellent option would be pomegranate - a symbol of fertility in every sense.

Any images should bring joy and love to the bedroom. To create a cozy atmosphere, landscapes painted on velvet or silk are suitable. Paintings depicting nature will always please the eyes.

For reference! It is important to choose a painting for your bedroom that you like, otherwise it will only irritate you.

In the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to hang images of crying, fire, sadness and movement, especially at the head of the bed. The choice of painting for the bedroom should focus on lyrical, calm landscapes or any romantic scenes. A peaceful image with a forest edge or a calm lake surface will attract prosperity to life.

Paintings with military or disturbing subjects are strictly contraindicated, since when falling asleep and waking up a person will see precisely these paintings. It is unacceptable to hang the bedroom walls with many images (the paintings have different energies, and when they are mixed in the room, chaos and anxiety arise). It is also not recommended to keep photographs of the dead in the bedroom - they fill the room with Yin energy.

Other decorative elements

Small but necessary details also have their place in Chinese teaching. So what else should you pay attention to? Feng Shui rules also mean:

  1. It is better to make bed linen that is catchy, perhaps with a strong love theme (cupids and hearts). This will put your partners in an upbeat, playful mood.
  2. According to Feng Shui, it is advisable to purchase curtains for the bedroom in dark, rich colors. Windows covered with large, cozy curtains can retain and preserve positive Qi energy in the bedroom walls.
  3. If the owner or hostess set out to find a match for themselves, they need to add as many paired items (paired lamps or candlesticks) to the interior as possible.
  4. Never work in bed. Do not bring a laptop or documents - these are sources of poor and restless sleep.

What items should not be stored in the bedroom? The list of prohibited items includes fountains, aquariums, television and computers. These objects jeopardize the free flow of energy by cutting off or completely blocking them. It is also not recommended to turn your bedroom into a greenhouse - some plants absorb a significant amount of oxygen at night.

To summarize: what is important to remember

If sleep does not bring the desired relaxation, it is difficult to force yourself to get out of bed in the morning, you need to think about whether the bedroom interior is decorated correctly according to Feng Shui. Perhaps non-compliance with traditional rules does not allow you to fully rest and sleep. For example, if you choose wallpaper that does not correspond to the orientation of the room to the cardinal directions, the room will feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

The correct design of the bedroom will pleasantly surprise you by achieving harmony in family life - quarrels and omissions will be forgotten, and an atmosphere of peace and understanding will reign in the relationship. An intimate corner, made in accordance with the rules of Chinese teaching, looks both a little strange and quite original. Arranging furniture takes a little time, so don’t be lazy and take care of your own comfort and success in life.

A bedroom is a room where a person who needs proper rest is as relaxed and defenseless as possible. In addition, he spends a lot of time in it and obviously needs a comfortable interior and atmosphere. The desire to provide them often pushes owners to study and apply the traditions of Feng Shui (fēngshuǐ - literally “wind and water”, the Chinese practice of symbolic development of space) in the bedroom layout. This teaching allows you to activate positive energy and direct it to create comfort in the room. To do this, you need to know the basic rules for arranging furniture and adding interior items in accordance with this Eastern teaching.

Principles of bedroom planning according to Feng Shui

Modern dictionaries of the Russian language do not register the phrases “feng shui” or “feng shui” as a norm. That's right: Feng Shui.

You should start by selecting a room for this room according to the cardinal directions. To do this you will need a regular compass. If it is not available, then it is recommended to use smartphone applications with a similar function.

The eastern and northeastern sides should be excluded. These areas are not suitable for rest and recuperation. Young people should choose the south or southeast direction. This option is worth sticking to if you are a creative person who has a lot of ideas and plans. Spouses will feel comfort in the northwest direction. The West is also not an ideal place for a bedroom. This option is suitable for those who are focused on strengthening their career field.

The diagram on the right illustrates the relationship between colors, cardinal directions and spheres of human life according to Feng Shui

It is important to consider a number of points:

  • It is not recommended to place the bedroom opposite the bathroom or toilet;
  • the sleeping room should be located away from the front door;
  • It is advisable to hide the bed from prying eyes.

Poor placement of the bedroom door is often a problem. The only solution to this issue is to transfer it, but this is not always possible. Here are the basic rules for door placement:

  • it should not be located opposite the entrance to the bathroom and toilet, which would entail failure;
  • if the bed is placed opposite the doorway, place a screen in front of the bathroom door;
  • from the outside, the door should not be located opposite the stairs, since in this case, according to Feng Shui, the Qi energy becomes uncontrollable and leaves, that is, the power of nature, the magnetic field of the Earth and the person himself;
  • Open doors cause fatigue and discomfort, so it is recommended to close them after leaving the room.

If the outer door opens towards the stairs, and redevelopment is impossible, then it is advisable to hang a bright lamp between them. For typical city apartments, this could be a warm light lamp above the entrance.

According to the rules of Eastern teachings, the front door should be beautiful, solid and durable, and in no case glass

The location of windows in a room is no less important than doors, since in the East it is generally acceptedthrough their “eyes at home.” The decor in the bedroom will depend on the direction in which they are facing. It is important that they face the east or south.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that windows are the “children of doors.” Therefore, their ratio should be 1:2 or 1:3, but no more.

Lighting in the bedroom should be as close to natural light as possible. If there is not enough sun during the day, lamps can be used. It is better to choose simple lamps and chandeliers. If dead insects or dust have accumulated in the lampshades, this will allow the spread of negative Sha energy, which must be gotten rid of.

Lamps for the room should be yellow. According to Feng Shui traditions, cold halogen light is inappropriate in the bedroom.

Basic rules and prohibitions for bedroom design according to Chinese teachings:

  • the furniture in this room should be semicircular and have no sharp corners;
  • it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the room and prevent things from being scattered, since clutter in the bedroom disrupts harmony;
  • A calm atmosphere is important in the room, so it is not recommended to place mobile devices or TVs in it;
  • to attract the other half, the sofa should be replaced with a double bed, and one bedside table should be complemented by another;
  • in Eastern philosophy, a fireplace is associated with the energy of fire and has a positive effect on the atmosphere of the home, but only when located in the living room; in the bedroom it will disturb people's light sleep, therefore, according to Feng Shui traditions, it is not worth installing there.

Avoiding sharp corners, according to Chinese teaching, is necessary not only to increase physical safety, but also to avoid the accumulation of negative energy

Colors for a matrimonial lounge

The color scheme of a bedroom belonging to a married couple depends on the stage and nature of the relationship between the two people.

Feng Shui suggests that the colors in this room reflect the energy of the five elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth. If there is harmony between them, this will have a beneficial effect on family life.

Shades, according to Feng Shui, are formed by the interaction of elements

A room intended for relaxation should have a calm atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

Colors are divided into Yin and Yang, that is, feminine and masculine energies. The Yin palette creates the energy of calm. These include:

  • blue is the color of the sky and wisdom, it promotes concentration of thoughts and peace of mind;
  • white - chastity and purity, it promotes harmony in relationships and eliminates conflict situations;
  • black is the profit that the spouses will have if they choose this shade;
  • purple - healing on the physical level and resolving problematic life situations.

The colors of male Yang energy are responsible for the strengths of relationships, material well-being and self-improvement. These energy flows are characterized by the following colors:

  • orange is brain development, improved speaking abilities and increased creativity;
  • yellow is a sunny color and warmth, but its excess can have the opposite effect in the form of anxious feelings;
  • gold, burgundy and red are shades of passion that bring success in business and marital relationships.

The balance of cold and warm, calm and activity is the ideal to which one should strive when decorating a bedroom.

It is important to combine the two energies in balance. The dominance of one of them entails a possible darkening of married life. If Yin is dominant, it causes feelings of depression and lethargy. Excess Yang leads to confusion and unfinished business.

The shade for the bedroom is chosen based on the position of the room.

  • If it is in the east or southeast, it is recommended to choose a green color scheme with the addition of other shades.
  • For a room in the southwest or northeast, brown color is suitable, symbolizing the energy of the earth.
  • It is better for a south-facing bedroom to be in red shades. They symbolize passion, which also affects family relationships.
  • For the northern direction, blue is optimal, but not in excess, as water can be destructive.
  • West-facing break rooms should be white or gray.

Optimal bedroom colors depending on the cardinal direction: examples in the photo.

Such a bedroom is organized on the western side of the house. Red shades of the interior are best suited for the southern side of the home. Brown colors are chosen for the southwestern and northeastern bedrooms. Green color is good for the eastern and southeastern location of the room. According to Feng Shui, blue shades are optimal for the northern zone Houses

To decorate the newlyweds' bedroom, according to Feng Shui, you should choose red shades, but not too bright, so as not to interfere with their peace during sleep.

Rules for arranging furniture

The bedroom should be shaped like a square or rectangle. Furniture should be arranged so that it outlines the boundaries of the room. It is advisable to place sofas and wardrobes along the walls of the bedroom. It is important to avoid dark niches that can accumulate negative energy.

When choosing a bed, it is better to give preference to one that stands on legs. It is important that there is free space underneath for the circulation of Qi energy. This affects the rest and tranquility of those sleeping.

  • A picture should be hung above the bed so that when a person wakes up, he sees a beautiful work that pleases him;
  • objects associated with water should be excluded from the sleeping area, as they symbolize loss of well-being;
  • shelves and cabinets above the bed are also not allowed, since they negatively affect the emotional background of the owner of the room;
  • a wardrobe cannot be kept in the bedroom, since the things people wear during the day do not fit into the energy of the room where a person seeks to recuperate;
  • special attention should be paid to the table: it should not be cluttered with things or stand close to the bed - it is better to move it to the window;
  • the chairs should also not be adjacent to the bed so that energy can circulate freely throughout the room;
  • Large furniture cannot be placed in small bedrooms.

Following Chinese practice, the table in the rest room must also be kept clean, without any unnecessary little things on its surface.

One of the pressing issues is the location of the bed. Feng Shui recommends the following:

  • the door should be visible from the sleeping place, but you should not lie with your feet towards it;
  • it is undesirable for the distance from the head of the bed to the wall to exceed five centimeters;
  • you cannot turn the head of the head towards the window;
  • placing this piece of furniture between the door and the window is also undesirable, since the Qi energy will slip away, being replaced by negative energy;
  • the bed should not be in the central part of the room, since at least one support in the form of a wall is needed;
  • Chandeliers and other interior items should not be hung above the bed;
  • sources of electricity should be at a distance of one and a half meters from the bed.

The optimal place for the bed is near the window, but not with the head of it facing it; and it is better to organize the door relative to the window so that the bed is not between them

Arrangement of utensils

Interior items in the bedroom are of particular importance. A restful sleep and harmony between spouses also depend on their location in the room.

The aquarium makes it difficult to sleep at night. Its inhabitants create noise, and the element of water should not be present in a room intended for night rest. The same rule applies to fountains and paintings with waterfalls.

For those who want to add a sea element to the bedroom, you can put on the shelves paired fish that attract love, or mandarin ducks.

In Chinese culture, it is commonly believed that a fan also attracts warm feelings and romance. Experts recommend choosing a canvas with images of peonies, phoenixes or dragons. However, it should be remembered that the fan should not be located above the bed. It must be moved from it to a distance of at least one meter. You should also not place a fan above the front door or above the table.

On the southwest side of the bedroom, it is advisable to organize a love corner, which should be strengthened. It is necessary to place romantic symbols in it, such as:

  • crystals;
  • figurines of birds: phoenixes and peacocks;
  • paintings depicting the moon and lunar path;
  • sea ​​shells.

If you have elegant candlesticks, then you can put pink and red candles. Incense sticks and photographs of loved ones are also placed in this area.

Feng Shui recommends using pink candles to create coziness and romance

A mirror in the bedroom, according to Eastern teachings, reflects favorably on its atmosphere. An important rule is that it should not be hung opposite the bed. If this piece of furniture is wide, it should be installed in the corner of the room. Its shape is also important, which cannot have sharp transitions or corners. Smooth lines calm the diffuse energy in the room. The best option is to place the mirror on the floor or near the dressing table. At night, it is recommended to hang it up or turn it towards the wall so that the Qi energy does not escape.

There are certain rules for the position of paintings in the bedroom. They should not hang above the headboard. The ideal option would be to place the artwork in front of the bed.

When choosing curtains for the bedroom, it is better to give preference to green and blue colors. They bring harmony and calm. For active circulation of energy, yellow shades are chosen. You cannot hang white curtains, as this option will have an overwhelming effect on the owner of the room.

Plants for the bedroom

Flowers in the recreation area are not the best option. Experts say that only one plant can be placed in it. If the owner of the bedroom would like to see bouquets in it, paintings with images of flowers are placed on the wall.

Plants must be selected taking into account the direction of the world:

  • peonies are symbols of passion, they are relevant for newlyweds, and for people who have been married for a long time, they are associated with infidelity;
  • roses carry positive Qi energy, especially yellow or purple ones, but they do not tolerate proximity to other flowers;
  • the orchid is a source of anxiety, which is associated with its aroma, which prevents you from getting enough sleep at night;
  • the money tree is a symbol of wealth, but since it is not recommended to place plants in the bedroom, you should limit yourself to their figures;
  • poppies in the relaxation room help to establish love relationships.

Placing such a painting opposite the bed will contribute to the couple’s love harmony

Strengthening cardinal directions

In Feng Shui, each cardinal direction is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. If initially the zones are in a negative position, it is possible to strengthen each of them.

The wind symbol in the north-west direction, according to Feng Shui, helps strengthen family and career
  • The East symbolizes the sunrise and harmony in family relationships. To activate the energy in the eastern zone, it is recommended to decorate it in brown or green tones with the addition of red lines and place indoor plants in it. Photos of deceased people in this direction are unacceptable, since its energy is incompatible with such a phenomenon as death.
  • Southeast - prosperity and wealth. There should be no fresh flowers in this area. It is recommended to purchase a figurine of a money tree and install it on this side.
  • Northeast is the land zone. She is responsible for learning and acquiring new knowledge. Activation is carried out with crystals, Buddha figurines and crystal objects. Here it is recommended to glue red wallpaper.
  • The Western side is responsible for the relationship between parents and children, as well as for the sphere of self-realization. This side of the world can be strengthened through the number seven: for example, seven elephants or seven bells, and the objects should be round in shape.
  • The southwest zone is the sphere of love, relationships and family. Here it is advisable to place figures of butterflies, mandarin ducks, crystals and other symbols of romance.
  • North-West - career advancement, achievements and family values. This is the home owner’s area, for which it is better to choose gray-yellow tones. A good solution in this place would be to install wind chimes. There should be no erotic paintings or weapons here.

The northern zone is responsible for career advancement. Black and blue colors should be present in this area of ​​the room. If the bedroom windows face north, there is no need to activate energy in this direction.

The southern part is responsible for ways to achieve results and social position in society. You can strengthen the zone through a golden pyramid, your own portrait and a picture of a phoenix.
Once positive energy is activated in each side of the bedroom according to the rules of Feng Shui, being in this room will become much more pleasant.

A bedroom is not only a room for rest and recuperation, but also a place of unity for a couple, therefore, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the strength of the relationship between spouses depends on the arrangement of furniture and utensils. According to the practice of Feng Shui, if you choose the right location of the bedroom, the colors of its interior, and organize the space in this room, the positive energy activated in it will be able to harmonize all aspects of its owner’s life.

The place where the bed is placed for resting at night is endowed with special power in Chinese practices.

If you are planning a separate bedroom in your apartment, you must follow the Feng Shui rules for its placement in relation to the cardinal directions, color scheme and, of course, furniture.

If the room meets all the requirements, it will help restore strength, accumulate positive Qi energy and get rid of problems in the intimate sphere.

General rules for the bedroom in Feng Shui

  • Please note that according to Feng Shui, the bedroom cannot be located opposite the bathroom or toilet, because all the positive energy can escape.
  • Make sure that the door to the bedroom is not exactly opposite the main entrance to the house.
  • According to Feng Shui, opening the door to the bedroom should be on the right side relative to who is entering the apartment.
  • A Feng Shui bedroom typically focuses on the main object—the bed. When purchasing it, rely on natural materials and a low frame headboard. Sizes don't matter because comfort is more important.
  • The bed should not be inherited, as this does not lead to relaxation.
  • According to Feng Shui, the bedroom in an apartment must be sufficiently lit and clean. It is necessary to promptly get rid of things that no one uses, as well as wipe dust and remove insects from lamps, since they produce negative waves of Sha energy.
  • Clean the room only yourself, so that positivity comes from the depths of your soul and spreads throughout the house.

How to organize a children's bedroom using Feng Shui

The children's bedroom according to Feng Shui deserves special attention. The bed in it should rise above the floor, but a bunk bed is a bad option. Proximity to the ceiling shifts all positive energy down, leaving only harmful pores near the baby.

For full child development, there should be no cabinets or shelves above the bed. Moreover, the closer the baby’s bedroom is to the front door, the better. Windows facing east also have a positive effect.

Bedroom location according to cardinal directions

The layout of the bedroom according to Feng Shui should take place at the very entrance to the house or when carrying out major renovations with rearrangement of furniture. In this case, the cardinal directions within which the sleeping room is located will be of paramount importance.

  • The location of the bedroom according to Feng Shui in the north is an excellent option for escaping insomnia and conducting meditation. This room is best suited for couples in love, prone to change, and very ambitious singles who require peace of mind. In general, bachelors should not have a north-facing bedroom as it increases their isolation from society.
  • If the east is the only possible place where a bedroom can be located, according to Feng Shui, the location of such a room should not be changed. This side of the world is wonderful for young people at the beginning of family life. Also, the creative flows of the east are good for a child’s bedroom, so that the child can study and grow successfully.
  • In the west, the bedroom will be an excellent relaxation room for those who really love pleasure. Activation of this sector leads to the development of romance, but success in business or work will not be possible.
  • A bedroom in the south, according to Feng Shui, is the personification of a vibrant intimate life. Place the bed in a room on the south side, and sexual energy will begin to grow at a rapid pace. However, there is no point in hoping for a peaceful sleep.
  • In the northeast, Qi energy feels too active. This prevents people from fully relaxing and regaining strength. A bedroom in such a zone leads to a huge number of dreams. It is much more convenient to place the room in the northwest, especially if the person has the status of a parent and his life is quite stable.
  • If the bedroom according to Feng Shui is made in the south-eastern part of the house, rest at night will be very fruitful. This side of the world is welcoming to people who are active in their careers, so after sleep a person will be filled with creative energy and will be ready to work in a team.
  • As for the southwest, it’s better to forget about it completely. A bedroom in this direction will accumulate anxiety and increase self-doubt.

Feng Shui bedroom color

Favorable colors for a bedroom according to Feng Shui should be soft pastel colors. Calm shades help you recover overnight and do not burden a person with unnecessary emotions. However, this approach does not at all deny bright accents. Items associated with Yang will help a person to cheer up and be filled with energy for new achievements.

It makes sense, for example, to place flowers in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, because the emerald hue of the foliage improves health and attracts financial success, and the palette of the buds themselves is quite diverse.

You should not choose a pastel shade in the range from light white to chocolate at random. Determining the color of the bedroom according to Feng Shui, following the rules, however, is quite simple: focus on your own skin tone.

  • Pink is a good feng shui color for a bedroom. It invigorates singles and adds passion to any couple's relationship.
  • The same goes for orange and peach shades.
  • But red wallpaper in the bedroom is a bad option. This type of room design can drive even very calm and balanced people crazy.
  • For a harmonious relationship in a married couple, a rich blue color in the bedroom is clearly not suitable. If the heavenly palette is so close to you, stop at lavender and pale blue. Just like green, these shades will help you feel great. However, in this case we are talking about the color of the walls in the bedroom according to Feng Shui.
  • And if, for example, we consider the palette of curtains, then Chinese practice offers other solutions. It is better to purchase curtains in very dark colors and with thick fabric so that Sha energy cannot penetrate the house.

Furniture placement in feng shui

Almost every day online searches include Feng Shui bedroom interiors. Photos of found designs do not always correspond to the correct Chinese organization of space. Therefore, you should remember the rules for arranging all the elements of the room yourself.

  • The arrangement of furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui should take into account the relationship of all interior items relative to each other. Large beds and huge tables cannot be placed in a small room.
  • It is better not to keep a TV and computer in the bedroom, which in no way correspond to the spirit of romance and fertility. If you cannot do without them, then Feng Shui advises covering the screens with a screen at night.
  • The Feng Shui design of a bedroom, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, should be multifunctional and minimalist. There should not be too many things, and if necessary, they should be easily rearranged, without regretting the disappearance of the overall charm of the room.
  • All pieces of furniture must be kept clean and dusted in a timely manner. Do not keep broken chairs and overbought decorative elements in your bedroom: their energy is not suitable for relaxation.

  • Arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in the bedroom always implies the presence of free space above the bed. The wall should not have hanging shelves or mezzanines. Firstly, it increases the amount of excess junk, and secondly, it interferes with the circulation of energy.
  • Select all items with rounded lines and edges. If the positive flow of Chi finds sharp corners, it may turn in the other direction.
  • Do not keep a closet with outerwear in your bedroom. Everything worn during the day should not be stored in a place for restful sleep. If the apartment is small, the question of how to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui in the bedroom is solved without taking this nuance into account. The only closet in the house, located near the bed, must be tightly locked, and all clothes in it must be vacuumed and shaken regularly.

As practice shows, it is the arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui that takes the most effort and time. A bedroom requires a special approach to the interior, so try to arrange all objects based on the dominant elements in each cardinal direction.

Vanity table placement in feng shui

Any nightstand, including the bedside table, should be kept in perfect order in the bedroom. Also, do not clutter tables with cosmetics or unnecessary magazines. It is better to keep such things in drawers.

The location of the dressing table in the bedroom according to Feng Shui depends on the placement of the bed. There is no need to place it close to where you sleep, and if you sit near it quite often, the area near the window will be good. If the table is used for decorative purposes, Chinese tradition recommends keeping it in the far or dark corner of the bedroom to make the room seem spacious.

Pay attention to the shape of this piece of furniture: sharp corners attack the body and cause problems in the genitourinary area. The contents and purpose of the dressing table are determined by the desire of its owner. But there must be talismans that correspond to the cardinal direction, for example, candles. Since wall and table clocks in the bedroom are not recommended by Feng Shui, you can keep a small alarm clock on the table.

Aquarium in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Water actively generates restlessness, anxiety and excitement at night. It is stupid to expect a restful sleep in a room with objects from this element. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, an aquarium in the bedroom is contraindicated. The same rule applies to paintings with waterfalls and fountains.

According to Feng Shui, the water in the bedroom is only suitable for drinking. For lovers of the sea element, you can place a symbol of an aquarium in the room - figurines of paired fish, as well as inhabitants of reservoirs - mandarin ducks.

Fan in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

A large, beautiful canvas with traditional Chinese images is an excellent symbol of attracting love. Buy fans with peonies, love birds, phoenixes and dragons. Please note that according to Feng Shui, it is not advisable to place a fan in the bedroom directly above the bed. Move this item one meter away from your sleeping area or install a wide headboard.

Fireplace in the bedroom in feng shui

Fire sources are only good in the southern sector. According to Feng Shui, a fireplace in a bedroom is not desirable in other parts of the world due to its effect on well-being. In the northwestern part of the house, such an element should be combined with live plants in pots, even despite the perception of similar details in the bedroom according to Chinese practice.

Do not place the fireplace area close to windows and entrance doors.

Flowers in the bedroom and feng shui

Plants for the bedroom are not a good idea. The maximum that you can afford in this recreation area is one flower in a pot or vase made of the necessary materials. And any representatives of the flora should be kept away from the bed. But if you like the beauty and brightness of bouquets, just hang corresponding pictures in the room. At the same time, according to Feng Shui, images and indoor plants for the bedroom should be selected taking into account the direction of the world.

  • A rose bush will create positive energy in the room. Yellow and purple flowers generate especially a lot of Qi. Roses in the bedroom should be kept in splendid isolation, since they will not tolerate proximity to other plants.
  • According to Feng Shui, an orchid in the bedroom is a source of concern. Due to its strong aroma, this flower negatively affects the nervous system and does not allow you to get a good night's sleep.
  • Peonies in the bedroom are ideal for maintaining mutual passion. In a long-term marriage with children, these flowers gradually lose their symbolism. According to Feng Shui, peonies in the bedroom of long-time partners begin to be associated with infidelity.
  • A money tree will be useful in your sleeping room if you strive for career success and income growth. Since live plants are not particularly effective in the bedroom, make this talisman out of coins or beads.
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  • Poppies in the bedroom are a reflection of the love sphere and help to establish the process of mutual understanding. Even in a children's room, they will be appropriate if you need to establish communication between the baby and his parents. According to Feng Shui, poppies in the south of the bedroom will help increase a person's popularity.

Feng Shui love angle in the bedroom

The love sector is placed on the southwest side of any bedroom, and it is in this place that all romantic symbols are required to be placed. According to Feng Shui, the love corner in the bedroom is decorated with paired porcelain figurines. So, angels will help harmonize communication with a loved one. Bedroom Feng Shui to attract love comes down mainly to the placement of items such as:

  • Pictures with the moon or lunar path;
  • Sea shells (in the southwestern part of the room);
  • Crystals;
  • Figurines of peacocks and phoenixes.

An excellent option would be to keep pink or red candles in elegant candlesticks in the room. Incense sticks are suitable for a romantic setting. Don't forget about happy photos with your loved ones too.

The best rest for a person is proper sleep, since it is at this time that the activity of the nervous system and the performance of the entire body as a whole are restored. In order to fall asleep easily and wake up just as easily, you need to properly arrange your bedroom, choosing the right design and creating a harmonious interior. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this particular room is one of the main factors that determines the microclimate of the entire house or apartment.

According to ancient Chinese science, the ideal place for a bedroom is the quietest area in the house, located as far as possible from the kitchen, front door and toilet. The shape of the room plays a big role; It is better if it is square or rectangular. According to Feng Shui, a bedroom cannot be arranged in a walk-through room. The ceiling must be flat, without any beams or slopes, and if this is not possible, it is better to install a suspension system.

The design of a relaxation room according to Feng Shui provides for a minimum amount of furniture. The sharp corners of bedside tables, wardrobes, chests of drawers, directed towards the sleeping place, must be decorated, giving them roundness. It is unacceptable to work in the room or even bring notepads, laptops or other similar things here, since the energy of any activity interferes with proper rest and leads to insomnia. Sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as a mobile phone or computer, should not be placed at the head of the bed. At night, these devices have a negative effect on the human body.

The bedroom interior should not be overloaded with indoor plants - they can only be used in small quantities. Otherwise, they will take away your strength. Try to immediately remove from the bedroom all unnecessary unnecessary items, such as empty bottles of perfume, cologne, used wet wipes, jars of cosmetics, unnecessary clothes and old shoes, old magazines and newspapers. The bedroom should not be turned into a warehouse for useless things. Clothes thrown on top of chairs and armchairs collect dust and also create an unpleasant feeling of something unfinished. It is not recommended to complement the bedroom interior with an aquarium or fountains.

The issue of having a mirror in the rest room deserves special attention. According to Feng Shui, the reflection of a sleeping person is not allowed in it. If the room already has a wardrobe with mirrored doors, then you can prevent reflections in them during sleep using diffusers or barriers. To do this, place a large plant between them and the bed, but away from the head of the bed. You should keep a bouquet of fresh or artificial flowers on your dressing table. A correctly placed mirror should be proportional to the height of the owners and the size of the room. But all these recommendations will be useless if the interior of the sleeping room is created without taking into account the basic requirements for the color scheme.

Optimal wall shades for a relaxation room

According to Feng Shui, the color of a bedroom varies depending on the direction in which the room is located. There are a number of general recommendations regarding the shades in which the walls of the room for sleeping and relaxation can be decorated. If the bedroom is located in the east or southeast, the best option would be green wallpaper, because it symbolizes the energy of the Tree. But these shades can also cause irritation and contribute to insomnia, so they should be diluted with others, creating harmonious combinations. The design of rooms in the southwest, center or northeast should be kept in ocher, brown colors and other natural shades characteristic of the elements of the Earth.

For bedrooms with a southern location, red wallpaper is suitable, although this color should be used in other cases, since Fire in Chinese philosophy has a beneficial effect on marital relationships. The premises on the north side provide an interior with blue walls, but they should not be entirely made in this color, since Water is a dangerous and unpredictable element. If you are planning a high-tech bedroom and want to use white, gray, silver shades, then it is important to remember that they are responsible for the energy of metal and are therefore favorable for rooms located in the western and northwestern direction.

According to the golden rule of Feng Shui, bedroom design does not allow the presence of saturated and too bright, intrusive colors. Muted shades of lilac, purple, blue, yellow, white and gray help create a relaxing atmosphere here. But for people who have recently registered a marriage or started living under the same roof as common-law spouses, Feng Shui recommends that they definitely bring the color red into the shared bedroom. It is not necessary to use it as the main one for the walls - it is enough to make a few accents, diluting the interior with them. Scarlet is a symbol of passion, therefore it stimulates the sensual side of relationships, thanks to which the union finds harmony and happiness. If you understand that its shades will cause dissonance and that the design will become somewhat aggressive, it is better to replace the red color with bright pink or peach tones.

When choosing a color scheme for wallpaper, you need to remember the meaning of each color and take it into account when designing the interior of a relaxation room. The blue color gives peace and promotes self-contemplation, so such a bedroom will provide the owner with a good and calm rest, but only if you know for sure that you need to strengthen the element of Water in your own life.

A room with bright red walls for sleeping will put pressure on a person’s psyche, but the presence of this color in curtains or wallpaper will help restore strength after a hard day. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to choose a design in the bedroom that includes combinations of white and black colors; for the Chinese they are the most unpleasant. When choosing color combinations, it is best to be guided by the optimal interaction of the elements: Water and Wood, Wood and Fire, Fire and Earth, Earth and Metal. This is exactly what the cycle of creation looks like according to Feng Shui.

Color of furniture, curtains and bed linen in the rest room

Bedroom Feng Shui places many demands on the place to sleep. The bed should be comfortable, durable and stable. It is not recommended to hang various lamps, sconces, and floor lamps above it. Lighting energy of this kind is concentrated in a dense beam on certain parts of the body, and the result can be pain in them. Bright light gives the bedroom a charge of dramatic energy, soft dim light fills the room with eroticism and peace.

The bed is an indicator of married life, so it should not be transformed into a sofa. The sleeping area must have the least amount of “dividing features,” such as two beds put together or two individual mattresses. If spouses have to spend the night on a folding sofa, it is necessary to cover it with a thick blanket before going to bed.

As for the color scheme of furniture, you should choose it taking into account the year of your birth, because each of them corresponds to a certain element. The best option is a bed made of natural materials, whose structure has the ability to “breathe”. The optimal solution in this regard would be a wooden bed. If you were born under the Fire sign, choose it in reddish shades. Only a person belonging to the element of Metal can sleep on a bed made of this material.

Feng Shui also recommends paying attention to which part of the room you will be resting in. Are you planning to arrange a place to sleep in the eastern or southeastern part of the bedroom, symbolized by the Tree? Then buy a bed painted green. The center, southwest and northeast require sleeping on a bed of brown to light yellow shades, since these directions are ruled by the symbols of the Earth. The north and northwest belong to the Metal zones, so it is permissible to install a bed with forged or iron elements in them. But even if you plan to sleep in the north side of the room, then keep in mind that, from the point of view of Chinese science, fashionable beds on a water pillow are very harmful, because they combine inharmonious elements - Water (the mattress is filled with it) and Fire (the heating element) .

You should not strictly follow color recommendations when choosing furniture. After all, it is often very difficult to find a bed and other items that complement the interior in the required shades, or the purchase turns out to be beyond your budget. Therefore, it is much easier to limit yourself to the correct design of the sleeping area with the help of a bedspread and small pillows, and decorate the bedside tables and chest of drawers with fabrics and additional elements of the desired colors.

Adding extra coziness to your bedroom will help create a carpet of the right shade that will harmonize with the overall style of the room. It is better to choose one that is made from natural materials, because Feng Shui recommends creating a design without the use of synthetics and artificial ingredients. The carpet should have such an external structure that the touch of it is pleasant to your feet. The dark color of the floor will help you gain additional strength - it is under this condition that negative energy can easily leave your body, going down.

Since for the Chinese a window is a source of powerful energy flow, the color of its decor needs to be given special attention. Choose curtains made from light, airy fabrics in pastel shades that will harmonize with the main interior of the bedroom. To have a beneficial effect on your own health, give preference to blue and green colors - they bring peace. If you want to make energy circulate faster in the bedroom, decorate the window with curtains in warm and at the same time soft shades, for example, orange, gold, yellow. Other options are also acceptable, but avoid using white in decor - according to the Chinese, it leads to disruption in all areas of life.

The design of the bed largely depends on the bedding used. The main requirement for it is the naturalness of the fabrics. Synthetics and fabrics combined with them do not help attract good luck and prosperity. Feng Shui does not limit the choice of shade; it is only important to avoid buying underwear in dark blue and black colors, as they negatively affect a person’s internal state. As for prints, it is better to give preference to floral motifs, patterns with clouds or grass, as well as geometry with smooth shapes. Try to avoid images of predatory animals, sharp angles, vertical lines and water.

Yin bedroom or yang bedroom?

In addition to the basic recommendations described above, you should not forget about your own preferences and characteristics, because they are important for creating the optimal and most comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom. If you are one of those people who do not have problems with sleep, that is, they fall asleep quickly, sleep soundly and wake up in a cheerful mood, think over the interior and design of a relaxation room in the Yin style. In this case, give preference to beige, pink, peach and golden tones. When choosing furniture, pay attention to the absence of sharp corners; beds, bedside tables, tables and wardrobes should have rounded edges. A number of requirements are also put forward for bedroom lighting in the Yin style: it is better for lamps to have shades of a light pink or light blue shade, providing soft diffused light.

For those of you who have trouble sleeping at night, often have vivid and emotional dreams, wake up with difficulty and during the day dream of taking a nap somewhere, hidden away from prying eyes, you should take advantage of these tips for decorating a bedroom in the Yang style. The color scheme of such a relaxation room includes a predominance of dark red, almost burgundy shades, as well as muted greens and blues. At the same time, you should not highlight the ceiling - it is better to make it a little lighter than the main tone of the walls. Buy bedspreads and bed linen in rich and at the same time discreet colors, but bright prints are allowed on them. A Yang style bedroom should be illuminated by lamps with transparent white or matte shades.

But sometimes it also happens that the design you initially chose, which seemed the most successful and harmonious, over time suddenly began to be dissonant with your inner state. This can manifest itself in a deterioration in the quality of sleep, a desire to leave the bedroom as quickly as possible, and even moving the place to relax in another room. There is nothing unusual or frightening here - it’s all about the elusiveness and changeability of the energies of Yin and Yang, which are closely connected with the inner “I” of each person. This situation can be corrected using some effective techniques.

The discomfort associated with sleeping in a Yin bedroom can be overcome by changing soft bedding to brighter ones, but just don’t choose red shades for these purposes. Additionally, place a painting in rich colors, a poster or a panel on the wall, which is clearly visible to you from the bed. If you have lost peace in the Yan bedroom, began to feel unusually excited and worried in the absence of objective reasons for this, then you should change the bed linen, choosing pastel and close-to-white shades. Decorate the wall opposite which the bed is located with light, airy and transparent fabric (necessarily light). Such actions will help restore the balance of the two energies.

When coming up with a design and creating the interior of your bedroom, you should not blindly follow the recommendations provided by Feng Shui. It is also important to hear what your own inner instinct tells you, because future comfort and proper rest in the sleeping room depend only on it. It is this approach that underlies the idea that permeates all Chinese philosophy. Therefore, learn to hear yourself, understand what you want from your future bedroom, and only then start arranging it according to the laws of organizing space according to Feng Shui.

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The popular teaching of Feng Shui did not ignore the design of the bedroom - this center of restoration of strength and close relationships. Bedroom Feng Shui takes into account many subtleties of designing a place to relax: from choosing a room to arranging furniture and decorating with decorative items.

The main thing is that the beneficial energy of Qi can circulate freely in it, endowing the inhabitants of this house with health and prosperity.

Where should the bedroom be located?

Let's check if the location for the bedroom has been chosen correctly. Of course, the possibility of choice can only be realized in a spacious home. In small apartments there is nothing to choose from, although even there it is important to correctly determine the location of the sleeping place.

So, feng shui of the bedroom determines that it should be in the back of the house or apartment, away from the front door. If the bedroom door is located opposite the entrance, then the Qi energy will fly out into it without even stopping in this house.

Feng Shui gives the same negative influence to the position of the bedroom opposite the bathroom or toilet. Running water will completely wash away the opportunity to fully relax. The location of the bedroom relative to parts of the world is not indifferent:

  • A location in the northwest is the best option for spouses; such a bedroom will definitely become an island of comfort and tranquility;
  • Location in the southeast or south - the bedroom is intended for young people and creative individuals;
  • Location in the west - such a bedroom will be good for careerists, but they will not have enough romance even in the right place, although career advancement will be significant.
The same rules apply if there is no bedroom as such, but only a place to relax in a small apartment or studio. In this case, you need to somehow limit the location of the resting place, separating it with a screen or curtain.

Color matters

Peace of mind is the main feeling that the inhabitants of this room should experience. In order for the Feng Shui color of the bedroom not to irritate, but to help you find peace, you need to choose the right wallpaper or wall colors.

Apologists of this teaching believe that pastel colors and natural soft shades would be appropriate here. The cardinal directions here also affect the color of the walls. Color selection rules:

  • Orientation southwest, northeast represent the element of Earth. It is better to choose a wallpaper or wall color in a shade of terracotta, ocher, or cinnamon.
  • South orientation Subject to the element of Fire. For such a bedroom, choose the shade of the walls and wallpaper in warm red and orange colors. Having decorated the interior in a similar range, you can expect the height of passions and strengthening of the marriage.
  • North orientation– the patrimony of the element of Water. This is not the best option for choosing the location of the bedroom, because in the rest room, according to Feng Shui, blue color and water reminders should be avoided. However, if there is no other choice, it is better to use the power of the water element by choosing wallpaper and wall color in cold blue-bluish tones.
  • Orientation west or northwest Subject to the element of Metal. If the shade of the walls and wallpaper are metallic colors (golden, silver, white and gray), the Qi energy in such a bedroom will increase several times.
It is advisable to select wallpaper without bright color spots, with an even small pattern. When choosing the color of your bedroom according to Feng Shui, you need to pay attention to the ceiling. It should be only white, without protruding beams or other elements.

The main element in the spotlight

Nothing is given as much attention when arranging furniture in the bedroom as its main element - the bed. It should not be replaced by a sofa, sofa, folding chair or other alternative to this essential piece of furniture. Rules for choosing a bed:
  • Even if there is only one person in the bedroom, the bed should be a double.
  • On this piece of furniture, the mattress should only be one-piece, and not made up of two parts, otherwise discord between spouses is inevitable.
  • The best location for the bed is against the walls near the door, but not opposite the exit. However, the person lying on the bed should be able to see the door, but not lie feet first in relation to it (in the “dead man’s” position). This position is very important, since the right direction attracts health and protects against illness.
  • The bed should always be neatly made, have fresh linens, good pillows, a mattress and a blanket, and be stable and durable.
  • A double bed placed by a bachelor or a single woman on one side close to the bedroom walls will lead to the person sleeping on it choosing to live alone.
  • It is very bad if there is a shelf, bulky paintings, or other interior items hanging over the bed.
In order for the sleep on this bed to be sound and complete, it is necessary that there are absolutely no things, drawers, boxes or just rubbish under it. Cleanliness and order in the bedroom are an indispensable condition for quality rest.

The object that absorbs all diseases and takes the entire blow upon itself is the “calabash” - a specially prepared dry or copper pumpkin. If this talisman stands to the left of the bed while sleeping, it prolongs the life of its owner.

Reflecting negativity during sleep

A mirror is an item that, according to Feng Shui, should not be in the bedroom. It is given special importance according to the rules of this landscaping technique. Everything that the mirror “sees” it reflects. In the kitchen, a mirror reflects wealth and increases it; in the bathroom it reflects spiritual or physical energy. In the bedroom, a mirror cannot reflect anything other than negative energy, which the sleeper gets rid of during rest.

This energy is reflected from walls and pieces of furniture; it is not absorbed by wallpaper and interior items, but is perfectly absorbed by the mirror. If it is impossible to remove the mirror from the bedroom, then it must be positioned so that it does not reflect a person during sleep. A mirror located at the foot of the bed can even jeopardize the intimate relationships of those reflected in it. And under no circumstances should you place a mirror or any reflective elements on the ceiling.

Chandelier and other interior items

As for lighting, according to Feng Shui, the light of the sun should not fall on the bed, because the active sun charges it with its energy. In such an activated sleep place, it will be very difficult to fall asleep later. This is only good when new relationships loom on the horizon, then activity is only welcome.

A chandelier in the bedroom is not a necessary item; it is better to get by with lamps with soft light; in addition to them, you can add a place to relax with night lights. Although according to Feng Shui, a lamp is the personification of income, and the brighter it is, the more finances the flow of beneficial Qi energy will attract into the house.
Paintings and posters placed in the bedroom should not depict scenes that breathe energy: a raging sea, cars, wind, running people, animals, sports competitions.

It is not recommended to have in the bedroom:
  • Houseplants, especially thorny ones or those with large leaves, have aromatic scents;
  • TV, computer, telephone;
  • Watches, especially bulky ones, are also not welcome in the bedroom. The only exception is for the alarm clock.
  • Aquariums, fountains, images of water in all its forms will make luck flow away along with the water.

Arrows, corners or bends

It is desirable that interior items and furniture in the bedroom have soft lines and outlines that are not rectangular, but curved. One of the postulates of the teachings of Feng Shui states that if objects are located in relation to each other in such a way that their constructive lines form something like poisonous arrows (straight and sharp angles), then they direct a mass of negative energy towards a person.

Right angles “sharpen” the atmosphere of the room and have a negative effect on the sleeping inhabitants of the rest room. They feel subconsciously anxious and restless for no reason. This influence is softened by furniture with rounded lines and all kinds of draperies made of soft fabrics.

Those who want to change their personal life without a partner need to include more paired interior items in their bedroom decoration, for example, two bedside tables, two pillows, two beds. If you choose the right place for the bedroom, choose the right color of the walls or wallpaper, remove indoor flowers and household appliances from it, you can count on the fact that this approach will harmonize the life of the owners of this home.