How TV affects life. Influence of television on a person

  • 21.09.2019

How does TV affect us? Badly! Throw this zombie box in the trash and live happily ever after!

"I am TV, I influence a person, and I want to steal years of his life!"

Greetings to you, dear readers, on my website Success Diary!

I want to touch on my "favorite" topic to eerie - The influence of television on a person!

So, sir .. I lose my palms and start!

As you have already noticed from my articles, I am a terrible opponent of the malicious box and I am trying to convey this to the “telefanats” around me (who cannot imagine their lives without this thing)! 😉

As you know, TV, like many other electrical appliances, has long ceased to be a luxury!

The average family has not even one, but several televisions.

Well, really, if the financial possibilities allow, so why not nullify the controversy about what we are going to watch now?

We bought each room on TV and immediately stopped the "family fights" for the right to possess the Highness of the Console.

Everyone is happy, everyone sits in their hole and with a sinking heart sucks in the slag that they feed him from the blue screens!

But is it possible at all to admit the deification of inanimate objects in the house?

Is it worth replacing reality with a fictional world?

Anyway, do you know that harm of TV to a person huge?

Let me give you worthwhile options answers that may discourage you from looking into your zombie boxes with your mouth open!

The influence of television on a person was at all times

Did the Scottish, Italian and Russian scientists, while investigating the possibility of transferring images at the end of the 19th century, thought that in some 50 years, their invention would turn into a weapon of mass destruction?

That's really unlikely.

They probably pursued a noble goal: to help people get more information.

If they knew so strong today TV will affect a person - then he would never create it ...

... although maybe I wrote nonsense ... I think that I would have created this thing all the same, since now the "blue screen" is cashing in on us ...

Today you are 90 years old, and tomorrow comes ... and oppa - and you are already 18! Wonders!!! Well, think with your head))

Here it is!

We continue in the same spirit 🙂

In the USSR, there was not so much entertainment, so TV in the shopping list always occupied the dominant position, because evenings were spent watching it.

The country's leadership quickly realized that this miracle device could become powerful weapon propaganda and, without hesitation, fed its citizens with heresy of the type: "the decaying West", "enemies and spies are everywhere", "tomorrow we will live under communism" and so on.

The soap ball burst in the 1990s and the blue screen is filled with equally terrible things:

  • Italian serials such as "Jose and Lucia" and their sacrificial love;
  • Films about brothers and cops;
  • Field of Dreams;
  • Gaskets with wings (sorry for the straightness - but this is how it is ... count how many "it" is twisted in 1 hour!)

Materially, it was extremely difficult to live, therefore harm of TV to a person it intensified even more, after all, watching the on-screen love stories, that also about - people forgot about their troubles.

Not everyone could afford other entertainments as well.

But we are witnessing the most interesting situation today.

There are a lot of opportunities to realize oneself - a lot, in order to spend leisure time with pleasure and benefit, without spending a lot of money - there are no difficulties either, but TV still occupies a key place in the lives of many.

Let's save our lives from the TV saboteur!

TV is evil!

This is the conclusion reached by all scientists researching the effect of television on a person.

The negative impact occurs in four directions at once.

    This small box has a profound effect on your psyche.

    Well, is that what is shown most often on the screen? Murders, fights, violence, information about victims natural Disasters, wars, political squabbles, etc.

    All this is gradual and fear for your future!

    I am sure that there will be those who will say: "I do not watch horror on TV, but only films and programs that are positive!"

    Even if your relationship with TV is limited to watching good romantic comedies, your psyche will still be damaged: sooner or later you will believe that everything in life should be like in a movie: a prince, eternal love, solid flowers and kisses.

    And in order to get all this, you do not need to apply any work, not worth it, not a body.

    Believe me, you will get gray hair before the prince!

    Turn off immediately this "king of the evenings" - and jogging to sign up for the library and the gym.

    They quickly turned it off, read my article and went to look for courses for the development of their personality (you can come up with your own version) - we got up and went to do something!

    Stop being a vegetable!

    P.S. For men ... find out what a 10 kV switchgear is - it's better than sitting with a bottle of beer and nibbling chips while watching soap operas! You’re a man at the end!

    TV stupefies a person and subdues him to its will

    If sitting in front of a screen with changing pictures is the only entertainment that you allow yourself, then believe me - you have serious problems, my dears ...

    I can say that your development has stopped, you, and you are wasting your life.

    In addition, very soon you will develop an addiction: the inability to watch your favorite show and series will cause nervousness and apathy.

    O critical thinking you can also forget: people who constantly watch TV begin to believe unconditionally what is pouring out of it: whether it be advertising of absolutely useless drugs or fictitious news.

    Fact: "If a lie detector is connected to a TV, it will burn out in 7 seconds!"

  1. TV destroys families

    Having several TVs in the house means that when you come home from work, you and your soulmate lock yourself in different rooms and watch: football / melodramas / TV shows / action movies (underline as appropriate).

    Naturally, you stop communicating, and it soon turns out that you have practically no common interests left.

    Instead of engaging your attention and thinking with television slag, it is better to devote time to your beloved or beloved!

    TV affects a person's physical health

    Deterioration of vision, problems with the musculoskeletal system, obesity, oxygen starvation, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system - this is not the whole list of problems that may appear about TV fanatics!

    You might argue that harm of TV to a person it is easy to minimize if you approach it wisely: devote a little time to this business every day, watch only educational films and programs, avoid addiction, etc.

    But I think it's better not to experiment and take this Pandora's box out of the house altogether!

I offer for viewing, a pretty strong video,

where the coach talks about who we are becoming,

when we look at the "blue screen"!

And finally ...

Read a book, go to a theater, cinema or museum, make time for family and friends, sign up for a course or gym, or travel.

After getting rid of the TV, you will understand that real life much more interesting and multifaceted than on his screen, and you can become a direct participant in it, and not just an ordinary slave.

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One of the latest discoveries of mankind can be safely considered a TV! No one could even imagine how life would change after the appearance of this technique in every home. Television used to be quite expensive, so only wealthy families could buy it. People looked at the screen with bewitched eyes, when they could watch the first movies and living people in the monitor. It was a delight and a miracle! Who could have imagined that such a great discovery would have a detrimental effect on a person, and no one imagined such a great danger as the harm of TV to children.

Over the years, a person has become a "hostage" of the home screen. We try to do all household chores with the TV on, watching a new TV series or news with one eye. Many find it difficult to fall asleep without muffled TV sounds, while others need to eat and watch music videos or videos. TV has become a man's best friend. It is hard to imagine that TV for everyone is not so much a friend as a dangerous enemy, causing great harm to health.

What are the dangers of watching TV?

Previously, there was a point of view that a person is exposed to harmful radiation from frequent television viewing. But with the development of technological progress and the development of optimized television microcircuits, hazardous radiation is practically absent. What then is the risk?
Experts say that people who watch TV for only 1-2 hours a day are less likely to suffer from heart disease, in contrast to those who sit in front of screens for 4 or more hours.

Spending time in front of the TV increases the likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes and hypertension.
With constant and prolonged use of the TV, the threat of a decrease in visual acuity increases by 70%.

We also suggest that you go through
Professional ophthalmologists say that a person receives enormous harm from watching TV, namely:

  1. When a person looks at the screen, the vision is focused on one point. This leads to deformation of the lens, which can partially or fully lose its ability to rapidly change, and the reason for this is a static load.
  2. Having a flickering screen is also detrimental to your eyes. This leads to a constant change in the pupil, which is attributed to the heavy load.
  3. Multiple shades of color tone. This process complicates the work of the eye apparatus, there is a constant overvoltage. As a result, vision deteriorates sharply.
    Do not forget about the negative impact of TV on the musculoskeletal system, given that such a pastime limits human activity and is considered sedentary.

The result is a violation of muscle tone, deterioration of posture, as well as the appearance of osteochondrosis. This lifestyle affects the condition of the joints, which become inactive and ossified, crunching at the moment of movement is increasingly manifested. As a result, you can get arthritis.

Influence on appearance

Each of us has the habit of eating various dishes and drinks while watching TV. When showing an exciting series or TV show, you constantly want to chew and eat something. As a rule, a person's choice falls on a sufficiently high-calorie food. These are chips, salted nuts with beer in large quantities, tea or coffee with various sweets. Looking closely, we lose a sense of proportion, which leads to overeating, especially harmful in the evening and at night.

As a result, there are extra folds on the sides and excessive weight. It should be borne in mind that a sedentary lifestyle, or physical inactivity, leads not only to rapid obesity, but also to concomitant negative consequences in the form of diseases.

Impact on the psyche

Regularly watching TV, people often, without realizing, experience nervousness and are prone to other mental illnesses. And the reason for this is the huge number of violent scenes in modern films and crime news. An oversaturation of information of various kinds, both useful and absolutely stupid, leads to rapid fatigue, weakness, and also causes dependence and cravings for a person to watch TV.

The consequence of this process is a change in the human psyche. The media have an informational impact not only on the adult population, but also on children. A child from an early age is immersed in information flow from watching TV, computer. Often a soulless screen becomes a nanny and a child's educator.

According to statistics, at present, children under the age of 5 spend more than 28 hours a week in front of monitors, that is, more than 4 hours a day. The worst thing is that the parents are quite happy with this circumstance. The child is left to himself and the information space.

At first glance, a completely harmless pastime, such as watching cartoons, playing computer games, creates the likelihood and risk of negative consequences for both the physical health of the child (damaged and weak eyesight, lack of movement, improper posture) and for his psyche. TV is increasingly displacing Everyday life human communication with family, interesting books, playing on musical instruments, sports activities and home handicrafts.

If the adult population is able to control and evaluate the TV programs offered for viewing, then children, like sponges, absorb everything. We can safely say that TV influences the formation and development of the baby, affects his worldview and upbringing. As a result, the screen generation is growing up, distinctive features which are speech problems and inner experiences.

What we choose to watch, for example, horror films or crime series, leads to the perception of what is happening on the monitor as a model of behavior. This influence is especially strong on the psyche of adolescents. It is from here that cruel and aggressive behavior, hot temper in young people is born. Young children can experience fear and intimidation when watching such films.

A big mistake parents make is that they often use the TV for the background while doing school homework. This prevents the child from concentrating on the subject, which leads to a waste of energy in excess of the norm. As a result, the child quickly gets tired, is prone to nervousness and becomes absent-minded.

How to protect your health from the harmful effects of TV

  1. Do not watch TV at a short distance. Allowed 2 - 3 meters.
  2. Take into account the lighting: it is not recommended to watch programs in complete darkness, and vice versa, when the light is on brightly.
    Important: at night it is worth watching TV with a weak light source. If the sun is shining through the window, it is best to cover it with curtains. Avoid direct sunlight on the TV.
  3. It is not recommended to eat while watching your favorite movie or concert. This is how you harm the stomach. This is because you are experiencing not only perception with your eyes, but also emotional contact. Minor restlessness or excitement leads to disturbances in the body.
  4. The screen is best placed at eye level or a lower position.
  5. It is worth making small intervals between watching programs, as well as airing the room.
  6. Doing a few exercises can help relieve tension from your back muscles.
  7. Remove outdated TVs from your home.
  8. Do not look at one point for a long time, it is best to run your eyes around the entire monitor.
  9. Limit the total time of watching TV, it is better to do sports, your favorite hobbies, or just be on fresh air.

Modern television has become an integral part of human life. It is with us everywhere. Moreover, at any time, not only during the day, but also at night. Television always readily provides us with its blue screen, and life without it has become simply unthinkable.

Of course, all people are different. However, many are united by one thing - the morning, which begins with turning on the TV. Without this, we sometimes cannot fall asleep and just read some book.

Information technology age

We are currently witnessing a gradual transition of human society to a new kind of civilization. Many scientists call it informational. This is due to an increase in the scale, complication of the structures and content of streams that carry certain messages and news. At the same time, researchers note an increase in the influence of information technologies on the human psyche.

And this fact is confirmed by our daily life. Indeed, over the past decades, an unimaginable flow of information has befallen us. Modern media of all kinds have turned into a single global system at a fantastic energy level. It can only mean one thing. Human consciousness fell into an artificial trap created by it, and today it is a kind of "squirrel in a wheel".

In addition, developing information psychotechnologies acquire more and more sophisticated methods of influence, for which nature has not prepared our brains. That is why we tend to become completely defenseless in the face of this trap.

The influence of television on a person as a whole also turns out to be unfavorable. It manifests itself not only in a negative impact on his health. This question has a lot to do with the psychological sphere.

Television in our lives

Sometimes it happens that living beings seeking to satisfy their urgent needs find themselves in mortal danger. This is the paradox of the struggle for survival. For example, a fish that swallows the bait immediately falls on the hook. The mouse, attracted by the smell of cheese, finds itself in a mousetrap. However, all actions of representatives of the fauna are due to physiological necessity.

If we consider human behavior, then there is no reasonable explanation. Not in order to survive, people indulge in destructive vices and temptations. They are sometimes not stopped even by a direct threat not only to health, but also to life. Temptation in such cases prevails over reason.

The same can be said when considering such a problem as the negative impact of television on a person. After all, sitting at the blue screen has become the most popular entertainment of our contemporaries. Most people define their relationship to TV as "love-hate". The TV itself is perceived by them as a "box for boobies." However, despite the realization that sometimes it turns out negative impact television per person, the bulk of the population of our planet is happy to sit on sofas and in armchairs, without letting go of the remote control remote control... Of course, parents sometimes grumble at children because it is difficult to tear them off the screen. However, they themselves try to keep silent about their own predilections of this kind.

Diagnosis - thelemania

For several decades, scientists have been conducting research seeking to study the effects of television on humans. They are especially interested in the question of the connection between the scenes of cruelty that we observe on blue screens, with those realities that exist in everyday life. At the same time, researchers are trying to understand the reason that ordinary consumers choose the latter between newspapers, magazines and television.

Who is a Teleman? Psychologists and psychiatrists define pathological dependence on something as a deviation from the norm, which corresponds to signs of an inadequate response to a specific stimulus. This and a large number of time, which is devoted to the object of addiction, and the use of it is more often accepted, and refusal to fulfill professional, social and family responsibilities for the sake of such a pastime, and withdrawal, as well as isolation. These criteria are perfect for those who sit at a TV screen for a long time.

Of course, one cannot say that the influence of television on a person is only bad. After all, it broadens the horizons and teaches, relaxes and entertains, allows you to forget about the oppressive reality for a while and enjoy the beauty. With the help of television, we can even make purchases in a TV store. However, even one who understands that it is necessary to shorten the time spent before blue screen, sometimes unable to deny himself the pleasure of watching television programs or interesting films.

How do you increase your chances of winning? To do this, it is necessary to carefully study how the influence of television on a person is carried out.

False relaxation

The amount of time that modern man spends in front of the TV screen, can not help but be horrified. On average, the population of large industrial cities spends three hours daily on this. This is approximately half of a person's free time, excluding household chores and sleep. This means that out of 75 years of life, people spend 9 years watching television programs and just sitting in front of a blue screen. Someone can explain this with a great love for TV. Why, then, is there concern about such a passion?

Scientists have carried out a number of studies aimed at studying the body's reactions to exposure to TV. At the same time, changes were recorded that occur in the electrical resistance of the skin and in the heart rate. All these parameters were taken using a special device before and after, as well as while watching TV. Similar experiments were performed not only in specialized laboratories. The readings were also taken in natural conditions familiar to humans. At the same time, the Teleman was not just on his favorite couch in front of his home blue screen. He drank and ate, slept and worked. With him there was always a device that received sound signals. Upon receiving them, the Teleman had to record everything that he was doing at the moment and how he felt.

Televisions have long been an integral part of our lives, so there has been a lot of research on the beneficial and harmful effects on humans. Below you will find out about the harmful effects of watching television.

The first undeniable harmful effect of television on a person is addiction. Viewers often fall into a hypnotic state while watching television for extended periods of time. This is caused by flickering on the TV screen. Therefore, many people often fall asleep while watching TV, and information penetrates their subconscious. If this does not last long, then the person relaxes. However, people who watch TV often and for many hours, they quickly get used to such a passive state that helps them escape from a hard day at work. Also, watching comedy shows gives a person endorphins, which in turn makes a person physically get used to television.

When a person physically and psychologically gets used to television, there is a strong effect on the brain. The left hemisphere of the brain shuts down, and the right one begins to function more strongly. The brain absorbs all images and audiovisual information, and the right hemisphere takes all information for granted, which makes it impossible for the brain to think critically. This post-emotional impact continues even when you turn off the television.

Children who watch TV for hours on end are at risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This is due to the rapid change in audio-visual forms of entertainment, which leads to the so-called orientation reaction, due to which a person pays attention only to changes in his environment. This reduces the child's ability to focus on activities and can be easily distracted. Thus, television is most harmful during the formation of basic learning abilities.

Just like your body needs to exercise to stay fit, your brain needs exercise too. Research has shown that the brain is most active during sleep. Watching TV suppresses the ability to logical thinking reduces your attention span and makes you addicted, all of which have a detrimental effect on brain development. While watching television, a person stops thinking, brain activity drops sharply. Frequent television viewing leads to mental disorders and learning disabilities. In other words, watching TV constantly makes you stupid.

Basically, the influence of TV is detrimental. It not only prevents you from moving more, but also makes you waste time. TV lovers become mindless TV fans who don't aspire to anything else. Over time, their reflexes and abilities become dull, and their lives become imitations of TV shows. Instead of watching TV all the time to relax, read, chat with your loved ones and friends, exercise, play with children, and do whatever develops your mind and body.

Television is one of the human inventions that can be found in almost every home. 50 years ago such Appliances was considered a luxury item, and only people with good income could afford to buy a TV. Now you will not surprise anyone with the presence of such equipment in the house; moreover, in some families there is such a device in all rooms. The harm of TV to human health has already been proven, but few people remember the danger when watching another TV series or news release.

What danger comes from the TV

A couple of decades ago, it was believed that only the radiation from the TV was dangerous. But now the technique has been improved and the latest television microcircuits have almost no radiation. But what, then, is the harm of TV to a person?

According to doctors, people who spend up to 2 hours a day in front of the TV are less likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases, compared to those who spend more than 4 hours a day watching films and broadcasts.

With prolonged TV viewing, the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease and musculoskeletal system increases. If a person spends a lot of time watching his favorite programs and films, then after a year he can notice a significant decrease in vision.

Ophthalmologists say that vision is permanently damaged by watching TV. It manifests itself like this:

  • If a person looks at the screen, then his vision is focused at only one point. Over time, this leads to deformation of the eye lens. This part of the visual organ may lose the ability to change due to constant static load.
  • The screen flickers constantly, which also negatively affects the organs of vision. The pupil does not have time to adjust to the frequent change of the picture, which leads to severe eye strain.
  • On TV, each color is presented in several different shades. Thanks to this, the work of the organs of vision is greatly complicated and chronic overstrain of the eyes is obtained. As a result, vision can drop sharply.

Prolonged viewing of TV causes disorders of the musculoskeletal system. A person moves little, due to which muscles and joints atrophy.

TV has a huge impact on human health. Due to prolonged viewing, vision deteriorates, muscle tone is impaired and posture worsens. In the presence of concomitant pathologies, osteochondrosis may develop. The joints become immobile, a person often notices a crunch in the legs and arms at the slightest movement.

It must be remembered that as a result of prolonged viewing of films, you can earn arthritis!

Appearance changes

For both adults and children, the TV is a danger in terms of recruitment. excess weight... Almost all people love to chew on something while watching a movie, and not always vegetables or fruits. Most often, a person stops his choice on unhealthy and rather high-calorie foods. These can be croutons, chips, hamburgers and other sandwiches. In addition, I often drink tea and coffee with confectionery... Considering that a person sits for several hours in a row and does not spend energy at all, such an immense eating of food is harmful. This leads to the deposition of fatty deposits, which ultimately lead to excess weight.

A sedentary lifestyle leads not only to the appearance of unattractive folds of fat, but also to the exacerbation of various diseases. If a person moves a little and walks in the fresh air, then his immunity decreases, and he becomes susceptible to various diseases.

It is especially harmful to eat in front of the TV late in the evening, shortly before bedtime, or at night when the stomach is resting.

Psychic changes

With regular viewing of news, programs and films, a person becomes overly nervous and irritable. This is due to the fact that news and films are literally full of scenes of violence and various criminal showdowns. The channels are crammed with various information, both useful and completely unnecessary; over time, a person becomes addicted to watching certain programs.

The blue screen affects the psyche of not only adults, but also children. Many parents turn on cartoons for babies, and as a result, the soulless screen becomes not only a nanny for the baby, but also a teacher. According to research, most preschoolers spend more than 4 hours a day in front of screens. The worst thing is that the parents are quite satisfied with this and the children are under the influence of an uncontrolled information flow.

It seems that such a harmless pastime like watching your favorite cartoons can lead to serious consequences. A child often watches TV too closely and for a long time, which ultimately leads to the following consequences:

  • vision falls, eyes get tired quickly;
  • a nervous tic develops, the baby involuntarily blinks his eyes;
  • posture deteriorates;
  • the psyche is disturbed.

During their rapid growth, it is generally not advisable for children to spend more than an hour a day watching cartoons and films. If the baby sits more, then the skeleton may not form properly, which will lead to the development of various pathologies.

If the TV is an old model, then the child may suffer from excessive radiation, which will certainly manifest itself after a while. Such children often suffer from respiratory diseases, suffer from migraines and have problems with the endocrine system. More serious pathologies, for example, blood diseases, can also become the result of constant irradiation.

In recent years, computers and televisions have practically supplanted noisy active games, handicrafts and reading books from the life of modern children. The child prefers to watch a cartoon, instead of gatherings in a narrow family circle.

Impact on young children

Many families now have modern LCD screens. But, despite the fact that there is no radiation from LCD TV models, they are still potentially dangerous for adults and children.

If the adult population somehow appreciates what various channels offer for viewing, then children absorb, like a sponge, all the information indiscriminately. It is uncontrolled information that often affects the development and worldview of a child. As a result, many children suffer from speech problems and nervous disorders.

Teenagers from films and programs form a certain model of behavior. Very often this model is far from ideal, as scenes of violence prevail on the screen. It is because of this that excessive aggressiveness of adolescents and special cruelty can arise.

It is undesirable to put a TV in the room of newborn babies. Although such crumbs do not yet understand the meaning of what the blue screen shows, they can be sensitive to harsh sounds. And if the TV is an old model, then the child will also be exposed to constant radiation.

The mistake of many parents is that they turn on the TV while the child is doing homework. This prevents the student from concentrating, he becomes nervous and absent-minded.

How to reduce harm

To minimize harm to health from the blue screen, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • A safe distance from the TV to the eyes is considered to be about 2 meters. The larger the screen, the further you need to sit when watching movies.
  • It is impossible to watch films and programs either in complete darkness or in too bright light.

It is impossible for direct sunlight to hit the screen; it is better to cover the window with curtains during the day.

  • You cannot eat while watching TV. This leads to an overflow of the stomach.
  • It is unacceptable to watch films for a long time. Every half hour you need to take a break and ventilate the room.
  • During breaks, you need to stretch your muscles. To do this, it is enough to do a few simple gymnastic exercises.

In addition, it is possible to minimize the harmful effect by replacing old technology, on new lcd models.

TV viewing time should be kept to a minimum. Better to walk more outdoors or play sports.

TV is a blessing of civilization that allows a person to always stay abreast of all events. This miracle of technology also serves for entertainment purposes, thanks to this device you can watch your favorite films, educational programs and concerts. But we must not forget that you should not sit in front of a blue screen for a long time, as this will lead to various health problems.