Bath without water. Bath water supply: choosing a suitable system

  • 15.10.2023

In the 21st century, carrying water from a well to a bathhouse in buckets is irrelevant. Installing containers under it can take up a lot of space, which is unacceptable for small bathhouses. The water supply to the bath should be as automated as possible, then the process of washing and visiting the steam room will not take a lot of time.

Water in the bathhouse is an additional convenience that all owners of such facilities strive to achieve. Its supply can be carried out in a number of ways. The simplest of them is connecting to an existing water supply network.

The water supply in the bathhouse, fed from the central water supply system, is easy to install. All you need is to find out the technical requirements for the connection from the water supply company and make a connection in the nearest well.

Such water supply in a bathhouse is inaccessible to many, especially if the dacha or country house is located in a settlement where there has never been a central water supply and, most likely, will not exist due to the lack of profitability of installing such a system.

In such a situation, you have to design and create a water supply for the bathhouse with your own hands.

The supply of water to the bathhouse can be carried out in different ways. It can be pumped from a well or well, but it is worth remembering that you will have to tinker a little with the winter water supply to the bathhouse.

Pumping water for a bath from a well

Water supply for a bathhouse from a well is the simplest and most affordable option. The daily need for water guarantees its availability in every suburban area. The water supply scheme for a bathhouse from a well is as follows:

  • A submersible pump is lowered into the shaft, to which a pipeline or an ordinary garden hose is connected. Through it, water is pumped into the bathhouse.
  • Instead of a submersible pump, a pump can be used, which is located next to the well or in the technical underground of the bathhouse. This method is permissible only in the case of a slight difference in height.
  • The pipeline can be laid on the ground or in a trench. If there is a need for water in the bathhouse in winter, then the pipeline must be placed below the soil freezing level. All components of the water supply system, which for one reason or another are not located in the ground, must be insulated.

When making a water supply system for a bathhouse with your own hands, you need to take into account that it must have a slope towards the well. Thanks to this, the water remaining in the pipes will flow back on its own, which will eliminate the possibility of it freezing.

Supplying water to the bathhouse from a well

The water supply system for a bathhouse from a well is no fundamentally different from the water supply system described above. The only difference is that the well is much more difficult to develop, maintain and operate.

The task of installing a water supply system in a bathhouse will be greatly simplified if the site already has connections to a water source, for example, for pumping it into the house. In such a situation, you will have to join the existing pipeline.

It would not be superfluous to make an additional starting system for the pump so that it can be turned on from the bathhouse.

Pumping station

How to bring water to the bathhouse? Where is it better to take water from: a well or a borehole? For the most part, the last question is unimportant. Both options are not completely comfortable. An ideal solution to the existing problem would be to install a full-fledged pumping station.

This is a labor-intensive process that will take a lot of effort and time, but there will always be water in the bathhouse, house and other buildings located on the plot. The operating principle of the pumping station is simple:

  • Water is pumped from a well or well into a special container, the volume of which is calculated based on individual needs. As a rule, a tank with a capacity of 300–500 liters is sufficient.
  • Next, the water flows to the place where the tap was opened. The redistribution of water is the responsibility of wiring, the installation of which is carried out at the discretion of the owner of the house.
  • When the water level in the tank drops to a critical level, the pump is activated, replenishing the loss.

The water tank and pump must be installed in a room where the temperature does not drop to sub-zero values. The tank must be installed so that its lower part is higher than any of the taps in the system. The ideal solution could be the attic of a house or bathhouse.

The pump can be installed under the floor or in any other place. If possible, it is better to make a separate room for the pump so that the noise it makes during operation does not get on your nerves.

Differences between winter and summer water supply

In order for there to be enough water in the bathhouse and the plumbing to work properly, its installation must be carried out taking into account climatic conditions. If the bathhouse is located on a summer cottage and is used exclusively in the summer, then it is enough to take an ordinary pump and hose. To prevent the latter from being damaged during operation, it can be slightly buried - to a depth of 30–50 centimeters.

Before storing the bathhouse for the winter, the pump must be removed, and the hose can be left in the ground. According to the rules for installing a water supply system, the intake point must be lower than the place to which the water is pumped. All the liquid will flow down from the hose, and there will be nothing to freeze in it.

Water supply to a bathhouse in winter is a more complex process. The main conditions for installing a water supply system are the placement of pipes at a sufficient depth and their insulation, provided they lie close to the surface.

For a bathhouse that is not used only for its intended purpose and is heated in winter, the installation of water supply is significantly simplified. Otherwise, it is necessary to consider systems for draining water from the heat exchange system and other containers.

Water supply system layout

Running water into the bathhouse is half the battle. It is equally important to do the wiring correctly. For a bathhouse that is not heated on a permanent basis, the installation of the pipeline should begin with the installation of a drain valve. It must be placed in close proximity to the sewerage system or completely removed beyond the perimeter of the building. The drain valve should be located at the lowest point of the entire system.

After the tap, the installation of the water supply system for the bath is carried out in any order. Branches from a common pipe can go in any direction. It all depends on the number and types of plumbing installed in the bathhouse. The consumer connection diagrams are arbitrary. They can be either parallel or sequential.

Hot water supply

Particular attention should be paid to heating the water. Hot water is always needed in the bathhouse.

There are many ways to heat water in a bathhouse - from primitive ones, which involve installing a container of water in close proximity to a heat source, to economically beneficial ones (installation of a heat exchanger). Popular methods of heating water need to be considered in detail.

The most common way to heat water in a bathhouse is to install a boiler. It has one significant drawback - excessive energy consumption, but its ease of installation is captivating. All you need to do is select a suitable installation location and install the pipes.

It is worth remembering that the presence of a boiler implies a large consumption of water, but if there is a full-fledged pumping station, then this is not a problem.

The boiler is installed in the shower room. This saves pipe consumption. If there is not enough space in the shower room to install a boiler, then it can be moved to the dressing room.

If there is a need to reduce the cost of operating a bathhouse, then you can make a heat exchanger. Cold water will be heated due to thermal energy, which in a normal situation “goes down the pipe.” How to make a heat exchanger? The easiest way to install a heat exchange system is to use a coil that is installed on top of the chimney pipe.

The disadvantage of the heat exchange system is that the pipes will have to be laid at a fairly large distance: from the stove to the shower room and back, since water must circulate in the system.

It should be clarified that hot water taps should be located below the source. A heat exchange system in which the water tank is located in the attic is much more practical than a boiler installed indoors. Of course, we are talking about standard water heaters that are not equipped with a distillation device.

Bath heating

The heating system operates on the principle of a heat exchanger. If the bathhouse is small in size and includes several rooms (steam room, dressing room and shower room), then a heat exchange system will be enough to heat it. If the bathhouse consists of two floors, on which there are living rooms, rest rooms, etc., then you will have to install full-fledged water heating.

How to make heating in a bathhouse? It's simple:

  • First you need to install the boiler. It is best to do this in a steam room, as you can attach a heater to it.
  • A pipe must be removed from the boiler. Its diameter is 0.75 inches. It must pass through all rooms and return to the heating device.
  • The heating system must be equipped with a drain valve, which is installed at the lowest point. The tap is needed so that the boiler, or rather the water in the system, does not freeze if heating is temporarily suspended. There should be a sewer not far from the tap, into which water can be drained if necessary.

In order for the room to heat up faster, the heating system pipeline must be equipped with a pump, due to which the water circulation is accelerated tens of times. The pump will not allow the water to freeze if the stove for any reason was not lit in a timely manner.

What should you consider when installing water supply in a bathhouse?

There are a number of rules that should be followed when installing a water supply system:

  • Firstly, water must be supplied from a reliable source that can provide a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture.
  • Secondly, reliable equipment must be used to supply water. If it fails at an unexpected moment, the heat exchanger may fail. If the loss of water in the system is not compensated in a timely manner, the pipes may burst.
  • Thirdly, you need to carefully calculate all pipeline parameters. There should be no extra pieces that clutter up the space and complicate the operation of systems, such as a heat exchanger.

There are a lot of benefits from a properly installed water supply system, so you shouldn’t neglect the possibility of installing it. All work can be done independently, without involving specialists. The main thing is to make the calculations correctly and be careful when performing installation work.

Don't skimp on materials. The better quality they are, the longer the water supply, heat exchange and heating systems will last. For example, it is better to use copper pipes.

Using the information given above, you can make the bathhouse as comfortable as possible. Having arranged a water supply, you will not have to go to the well with a rocker. Water in a bathhouse is comfort, which is not so difficult to create.

The presence of water in the bathhouse significantly increases the comfort of taking water procedures and facilitates the preparation of the bathhouse. In addition, there is no need to allocate special places in the premises for water containers, and there is no need to periodically fill these containers with water.

In the absence of running water, the barrels are filled with extra water, the excess after the bath is poured onto the floor, otherwise it will freeze in the winter and the ice will damage the containers, and in the summer, as a result of the water standing for a long time, various microorganisms and bacteria multiply in it - the water acquires an unpleasant color and smell.

There is another advantage of running water in a bathhouse - the amount of water poured under the bathhouse is significantly reduced, and this is always a problem for wooden structures and foundations.

Water supply in the bathhouse is convenient and economical

How can you bring water into a bathhouse with your own hands, what equipment is required for this, and what construction work should be performed? To make the best decision in each specific case, you should familiarize yourself with the existing types and schemes of bath water supply.

Depending on the frequency of use of the bathhouse, water supply can be summer or all-season.

Summer water supply

The simplest, but also the most inconvenient method of water supply.


Water pipes are laid along the surface of the site; there is no need to carry out a large amount of excavation work to dig trenches. You can use cheap soft hoses, the number of expensive plumbing fittings is significantly reduced, the hoses can be laid along the shortest route from the water source to the bathhouse. And the main advantage is the low cost of arranging a summer water supply.


Every season, the hoses must be removed to a warm room and the surface pipes must be completely drained of water. If overnight frosts suddenly hit, the hoses and pipes may fail, and purchasing new ones will require a considerable amount of money. But the main drawback is the inability to take bath procedures in winter. If there is a need to use a bathhouse in the winter, then you need to install water containers in the premises and carry them in buckets.

Summer water supply is done in extreme cases, and then only as a temporary solution to the problem. There are several reasons that do not allow you to immediately install a winter water supply, and this is not only a lack of finances. For example, construction work may continue on the site at other sites, which does not allow digging trenches in the required places, or it is possible to connect to common utility networks, but it takes time to coordinate various permits, etc.

As practice shows, even those owners of bathhouses who initially provided summer water supply, eventually convert it to winter water supply. Therefore, we advise you to immediately make a winter option, not to waste time and money on temporary water pipes.


The main thing is the uninterrupted availability of water at any time of the year. There is no need to monitor the air temperature and worry about the safety of pipes and hoses during sudden frosts. In addition, time is not wasted on periodically dismantling equipment and reconnecting it.


The main disadvantage is the increase in the estimated cost of the work and the purchase of equipment. The second disadvantage is the rather large volume of excavation work and the occurrence of problems associated with such work.

Conclusion - do winter water supply anyway, in the end it will give you the opportunity to save money and time. It is better to spend money once on a real water supply than to first install a temporary one and then switch to a winter one anyway.

Now let's look at what equipment is used to supply water to the bathhouse.

Pumps and pipes for water supply

There are a huge number of household pumps for supplying water; they differ widely in technical characteristics. When choosing a specific model and type, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the water supply of the bath: the depth of water intake, the height of the supply, the length of the pipelines and the need to automate the water intake. Let's look at each type of pump in more detail.


Installed on the surface of the water intake of open water sources: pond, river or well. Suitable only for summer water supply.

Float pump - photo

Flaws– relatively low power and lack of built-in automatic on/off systems, can only operate at positive temperatures, require the installation of water tanks.

Advantages– independence from the water level in the source, float pumps float on the surface of the water intake, the suction pipe is always under water, and rises/falls with it.


They are immersed under water to a shallow depth, and after immersion they are fixed with stainless steel cables or strong polyamide ropes.

Advantages– can be used at sub-zero temperatures – are constantly located under the surface of the water.

This same advantage can be disadvantage– when the water level in the source drops significantly, the suction pipe becomes exposed and the pump stops operating. They are not very powerful, require separate water storage tanks, and do not have built-in control electronics.

Float and submersible pumps, unlike other types, can supply water with flexible hoses; they do not have lines that operate under vacuum. As for automation, you can make it yourself or purchase it separately in specialized stores. These two types of pumps belong to the cheapest category and are used mainly during the installation of a summer water supply for a bathhouse. They are easy to maintain and repair, and are always within easy reach.

Submersible pump prices

submersible pump

Quite new equipment, universal use.


They have built-in automatic switching on/off depending on the pressure in the hydraulic accumulator - it is possible to connect any equipment, the water pressure is stable. They are significantly superior in power to those described above; they do not require additional water tanks. They can both suck water from a certain depth and supply it to a calculated height. When choosing a specific brand, carefully study the instructions for the pumps, pay attention to the suction depth and delivery height, these are very important criteria. Pumps with hydraulic accumulators can take water from both open sources and shallow wells.


Quite a high cost, installation is allowed only in warm rooms. If there is a possibility of the bathhouse freezing, then you need to resolve issues with insulating the pump or drain the water from it. It takes quite a long time to drain/fill water; in addition, you will have to install additional water shut-off valves to drain water from vertical pipeline risers. Another drawback is that the units are quite noisy; constantly turning on/off the electric motor can cause a feeling of discomfort.


The most expensive, reliable and powerful pumps. They are used for installation in deep wells and have their own multi-stage protection against silting and short circuits. It is not economically profitable to use only for one bathhouse; it is recommended to purchase such pumps for installing water supply in all buildings located on the summer cottage. Flaw– a water storage tank is required; in most cases, the Rozhnovsky water tower is used for this purpose.

Deep pumps are lowered into wells only on metal pipes; the use of plastic ones is excluded.

Where can I get water from?

Open sources: river or pond.If, of course, they are on the site. Benefits – zero costs. Disadvantages - there may be questions about water quality, and the risk of pump clogging increases.

For most baths this is the optimal solution. The quality is suitable for cooking - water from wells can be used not only for baths, but also for residential buildings.

They can be shallow (on sand) or deep (on limestone). The depth of the former does not exceed 20 meters; specific values ​​depend on the geodetic features of the area and the water balance of the soil. The advantages of small wells are their relatively low cost. Disadvantages - low water flow, high risks of well silting and pump clogging. If water is taken from wells regularly, the risks of siltation are reduced, the sludge is sucked out by the pump, and the mesh filter is cleaned. But if the well is used very rarely, then siltation occurs quickly. The second wells have the highest performance in all parameters. But they also have a significant drawback - the high cost of work. The drilling depth can be several tens of meters or more.

When choosing a specific location for water intake, take into account the maximum number of individual factors - this is an axiom of any planning. Our additional advice is to plan a few steps ahead, don’t live for today. If at the moment it is enough for you to take water for a bath from a pond, then keep in mind that in a few years no one will want to use such water. Why do the same job twice? Make a normal water supply right away, this will significantly expand its capabilities.

How to make a sauna water supply with your own hands

Let's consider one of the options that is quite successful in all respects - winter water supply from a well using a pumping station and a hydraulic accumulator.

Prices for pumping stations

pumping station

Step 1. Preliminary planning and equipment purchase.

First of all, draw a diagram of the plumbing. Indicate where exactly in the bathhouse the pumping station will be installed, to which consumers the water is connected, and where the water is drawn from. We are considering the case when there is already a well on the site; if there is none, we will have to dig it. This is quite complex work; we will tell you how to properly dig a well in our next article.

An additional filter must be installed near the pump. The pump has one filter included on the submersible check valve, but the mesh size can only hold coarse sand. But the pump is also afraid of small abrasive particles; such a filter does not catch them.

Video - Filter for a pump in a well, well

Video - Calculation of a water supply pump

For water supply, you can use flexible polyethylene pipes connected with dismountable couplings or plastic pipes connected with a special welding machine.

We recommend using the first option for laying pipes in a trench; such connections are quite reliable; when tensile loads occur, the pipe is slightly pulled out of the rubber seal, this is provided for by the design of the couplings. The tightness of the connection is not broken, which is very important if the water supply is in a trench.

You can use plastic pipes in a bathhouse; to connect them you need to have a special welding machine; it is inexpensive and will always come in handy on the farm. The diameter of the intake and main pipes is at least two inches; distribution throughout the room can be done with pipes of a smaller diameter. To change from one pipe diameter to another, use special adapters.

Now you can go to the store, experienced sales consultants will give you additional advice on the optimal configuration of the selected equipment. The equipment depends on the manufacturer and type of equipment.

Expansion tank (hydraulic accumulator) horizontal. Hydraulic accumulator calculation

The fact is that those installed at the pumping station have a small storage volume, in most cases it does not exceed five liters. It is impossible to say more precisely; the volume of accumulated water depends on the set pressure. A small supply of water causes the electric motor to switch on/off frequently. This creates discomfort and negatively affects the stator and rotor windings. For a bathhouse, it is enough to install an additional hydraulic accumulator of fifty liters.

Prices for hydraulic accumulators

hydraulic accumulator

Step 2. Mark and dig a trench

Try not to lay the pipe in places where other buildings are planned in the future. Your pipe, of course, is not a gas main, but you shouldn’t create additional difficulties for yourself. The depth of the trench is not lower than the freezing level of the soil. In order to eliminate the risk of damage to plastic pipes by stones, a sand cushion approximately 5 centimeters thick should be poured onto the bottom of the trench; the pipes on top should also be covered first with sand and then with earth. If your land does not have stones, you don’t have to protect it with sand.

Dig up one of the rings of the well, using a hammer drill, make a through hole in the ring for the pipe, the hole should be 10-20 centimeters above the water level. The size of the hole should allow you to work in it with your hands; before filling the trench with mud, the large hole will be closed with any piece of thick-walled galvanized metal or plastic. The entry of the pipeline into the bathhouse depends on the type of foundation; the strip foundation will have to be dug up.

The open section of the pipe from the ground to the floor of the bathhouse must be carefully insulated. There are excellent industrial insulation for pipelines, but we recommend strengthening them - making a wooden box around the pipe and filling it with glass wool. The dimensions of the box around the perimeter are at least 50x50 centimeters.

Step 3: Measure the depth of water in the well

To do this, you need to tie any weight to the end of a long rope and lower it into the well until it stops with the bottom. Cut the vertical riser so that the check valve mesh does not reach 20÷30 centimeters to the bottom. This is necessary so that during seasonal fluctuations in water level the valve is always in the water. A slight elevation above the bottom will prevent the mule from being sucked in.

Step 4. Lower the intake pipe into the well

A check valve with a strainer is included with the pump; attach it to the end of the pipe section.

Important. Do not buy Chinese plastic check valves. They work for no more than a year, low-quality plastic breaks. To replace the check valve you will have to dig a trench. This is quite difficult even in summer, but what if a breakdown occurs in winter? Responsible manufacturers make such valves from bronze or brass, buy only these.

A plastic pipe can be cut with a hacksaw or a grinder. Special devices are sold in stores for deburring and chamfering, but you should not buy them. The fact is that they can make a chamfer only if the cut is perfectly perpendicular to the axis of the pipe; this is impossible to achieve manually. The chamfer can be easily removed with a sharp knife or made with a grinder from the flat side of the disk. Without a chamfer, the rubber seal of the coupling can be damaged, and even a slight air leak can cause the pump to fail. You will have to look for the place of the leak and change the coupling or o-rings.

The vertical intake pipe is connected to the horizontal connecting elbow, this is quite inconvenient to do, you have to stick both hands into the hole in the concrete ring of the well. Make sure that the connection is absolutely tight.

Video - Pump Installation

Step 5. Attach a horizontal pipe lying in the trench to the outlet of the angle

Step 6. The pumping station needs to be insulated

We recommend additionally preparing a pit in the ground for it; this will significantly reduce the risk of freezing. The pit should be covered with a tight lid; all surfaces can be covered with sheets of foam plastic about ten centimeters thick.

The pipe is connected to the pump, the pump is installed in the bathhouse. At this point the external work is completed, internal piping can be done. For internal wiring, it is better to use plastic pipes; the connection is made with a special welding machine.

While the trench is not backfilled, you need to check the functionality of the pump. Fill it with water; the water should fill the entire pipeline in the trench and displace the air. This can be quite time consuming. During the first start of the pump, the pumping should be facilitated; there may still be air in the pipes, the pump must expel it. Before turning on the engine, open the valve from the hydraulic accumulator, let the water and air flow out without pressure. In this way, you will be able to speed up the pumping of the pipeline, completely remove air from the system and reduce the load on the pump.

Important. When laying a pipeline in a trench, try to ensure that it lies level along the entire route. Otherwise, air pockets will inevitably appear and it will be difficult to remove them.

Video - Selecting, piping and installing a pump in a well

How to regulate a pumping station

The pump with a hydraulic accumulator can be adjusted to the engine on/off pressure. Factory settings do not quite meet the requirements of the bath; they are designed to connect household appliances operating at a water pressure of approximately 2.2 atm. We recommend reducing the pressure, this will significantly reduce the load on the engine and increase the capacity of the hydraulic accumulator. How it's done?

  1. Remove the terminal block cover; under the cover there are two adjusting bolts with springs. The large one regulates the switch-on pressure, the small one regulates the pump-off pressure.
  2. When you turn the bolts, you will hear clicks, which indicate that the mechanical trigger is activated.
  3. Adjust the control bolts so that the pump turns on when the pressure drops to approximately 0.7 atm, and turns off when the pressure rises to 1.2 atm.

We guarantee that such simple changes in the technical response characteristics will increase the service life of the pump by at least one and a half times. In addition, noise during operation will be significantly reduced. Be sure to install an additional water filter before entering the pump.

Video - First launch of a pumping station based on a submersible pump

Internal piping

You need to act according to the drawn diagram, do the work slowly. The fact is that after an error is discovered, the sealed connection will have to be cut off and a new one made; for this you need to use additional couplings, and they do not decorate the water supply. Do not weld all the sections in a row; sometimes you need to skip one connection, weld the next one, and then return to the previous one. It is impossible to describe all the solutions in the article, especially without knowing your scheme. Let us repeat the previous advice again - think several steps or technological operations ahead.

The bathhouse is a place that is very popular among many who like to take a steam bath. An important point in the arrangement is the water supply in the bathhouse. They try to install it even in small bathhouses, where there is only a steam room and a shower room. However, not in every case the water supply issue can be easily resolved. For example, if the bathhouse is located far from the house and the centralized water supply, you will have to work hard to bring water into the room.

Water source

When a person plans construction, he needs to immediately think about the water supply system and how to supply the water supply to the built bathhouse. First of all, it is necessary to determine the possible source of water. There may be several options in this case.

The most common and convenient way to supply water to a bathhouse is a centralized water supply. In this case, the efforts of the master will be minimal. If there is no such source of water supply nearby, you can use a well or dig a well. The last option is the most troublesome and costly in the first stages.

However, in the process of using the well, it will definitely pay off. Moreover, this way there will be good drinking water in the house. In addition, having your own well will help you save money, since you won’t have to pay for using your own water. As a result, the investments that will be used to build a water pipeline from a well will definitely return in a few years.

Advantages of an artesian well

The well can be artesian or sand. The first option is considered the most expensive pleasure, since the aquifers used in this case lie deep from the earth's surface. To get to them, you have to use special equipment, the rental of which is expensive.

The water from the artesian well is of very high quality. It can be located at a depth of 30 to 300 meters. Depending on how deep the water is, where the location of the building into which the water supply will be installed will be located, the price of the work will depend.

There are many advantages to running water from a well. In this case, the water flows by gravity, since the pressure in the depths is quite high. The equipment used for sauna plumbing works well in any weather, even in severe frost. Thus, the presence of an artesian well makes it possible to obtain water year-round and install winter water supply in the bathhouse.

The service life of the device is at least 50 years. At the same time, from one well you can equip a water supply not only for a bathhouse and your own home, but also to connect your neighbors. In this case, you can divide the cost of work among everyone, which will be much cheaper.

Sand wells

Filter or sand wells are cheaper, since in this case, to get to the water, you need to dig a hole no more than 30 meters. However, not every site can carry out such work. In arid places, there may not be groundwater at such a depth.

When working on a water pipeline from a sand well, it is necessary to install a column with a filter.

This is especially important in areas where the soil is loose and the risk of water contamination is very high. The more complex the filter structure, the more expensive the equipment will be. But in any case, building a sand well will cost less than working on an artesian well.

However, this option also has disadvantages. The thing is that some types of soil make it possible to obtain high-quality water from such a well for only five to seven years. After this, the water supply will have to be redone. In addition, sand wells do not allow you to extract a lot of water at once. This can be somewhat inconvenient for a bathhouse shower.

In some cases, it is necessary to install a shower in a bathhouse without running water. That is, for this purpose, a separate container is created for collecting water, from which water will then flow into the shower.

Well and water supply

If there is a well on the site, you can use it to supply baths with water. However, such water is not of good quality. Often it is not suitable for drinking, and washing in it is not very comfortable.

To achieve normal quality of the extracted liquid, you will need a filter. The pipe with it must be driven to a level of at least 10 meters. Otherwise, the water pressure will be too low. In addition, you will need a special pump. Masters claim that a conventional submersible pump is sufficient to supply water to a bathhouse.

The well can be used when there are no large boulders or excessively dense layers in the soil. If such problems are discovered, special drilling equipment may be needed, and this is not cheap. In this case, it will be more convenient to dig an artesian well.

How to organize water supply

If natural resources are used to obtain water, most likely, a pumping station will be indispensable. Experts say that the most acceptable option in this case would be a hydraulic accumulator. It is advisable to install a pump that will automatically turn off and turn on when necessary.

In addition, you may need a heating device for the water supply in the bathhouse. It is better to choose an electric water heater, since running gas for a water heater can be too expensive. If hot water supply is installed in the bathhouse, this will allow for heated floors. To do this, it is enough to install water pipes in the floor at the stage of internal renovation.

As for the quality of the pipes, it depends on whether the water supply will be installed in an unheated bathhouse or the room will be heated. When using the premises exclusively in the summer, you can limit yourself to ordinary reinforced flexible hoses. They are very easy to work with, so even a non-professional plumber can make plumbing in a bathhouse with his own hands.

To work on a summer water supply system, that is, for an unheated bathhouse, you can limit yourself to a small deepening of the pipes.

As for how to install water supply in a bathhouse that will be used in winter, you need to lay the pipes deep enough so that the water does not freeze in frosty weather. After the issues with the water source have been resolved, you need to start arranging the water supply system. Particular attention is paid to the part that will be on the street. Piping in the room does not require additional insulation if the bathhouse is heated.

As for the material from which the water supply elements are made in a bathhouse in a country house or in a country house, it can be anything. Most often they use plastic or metal-plastic. Copper pipes are considered very expensive, while metal or cast iron pipes are already outdated and practically no one uses them.

Regardless of the depth at which the winter water supply pipes are located, they must be additionally insulated. To do this, it is worth using high-quality materials that are not afraid of moisture. Particular attention should be paid to those areas where pipes come out of the ground and into the house. These fragments suffer the most. This is often where water freezes during frost.

Experts recommend using expanded clay or foam chips to prevent freezing of water pipes. It needs to be poured into the place where the pipes will be laid, and then a water supply system must be laid, which also doesn’t hurt to be sprinkled with crumbs on top. Such a heat insulator shows excellent results even at very low temperatures.

Bathhouse owners should take into account such a moment as heating. If it is absent in the bathhouse, during the period when the room will not be used, the air temperature will drop sharply. As a result, the water in the internal plumbing in the bathhouse will simply freeze. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to thoroughly drain the bath after each use so that the pipes remain empty.

You can do without running water

Of course, it is very inconvenient when there is no water in the bathhouse. However, some craftsmen do without this convenient device.

If there is no central water supply, and digging a well turns out to be very expensive, you can make a bathhouse without running water, that is, install a tank to supply water. It can be used to draw water from your home water supply system. A small container of water suspended from the ceiling can serve as a shower. Thus, you can get out without running water, but it is not very convenient, especially for using a bathhouse in winter.

Modern quality of life presupposes the presence of a bathhouse not only on the plot of a country cottage or private house, but also on a garden or country plot of land. It is understood that the bathhouse building will be equipped with an individual water supply system, and the owner will not have to fill the containers before each wash, carrying water from the tap in buckets. Of course, in this case, the water supply in the bathhouse should function in winter regardless of the street temperature.

If the bathhouse is not heated in winter, then the water in the pipes will inevitably freeze and burst. Therefore, the water supply system in a bathhouse in winter without heating must have a drain point (tap, plug), through which the water supply and distribution system in the bathhouse will be dehydrated.

In order to protect the pipes supplying water from the water supply source to the bathhouse from freezing and destruction, it is necessary to follow certain rules when installing the main pipeline.

Today, when installing the main water supply system that supplies water to the bathhouse, various types of plastic (metal-plastic) pipes are used. The depth of their placement should be greater than the freezing value of the soil in a specific soil-climatic zone. In order to guarantee protection of the pipeline from severe frosts, the substrate for the pipes is made of expanded clay, they themselves are thermally insulated and covered with a 30 cm layer of expanded clay on top.

However, this will not protect the pipes inside the bathhouse from freezing in severe frosts, since in an unheated room the temperature inside it is almost equal to the outside temperature, and the water supply in the bathhouse in winter, if there is water in it, will certainly freeze. In order to avoid such a situation, a tap is installed at the lowest section of the bath pipeline or a plug is built in, through which all the water in the system will be drained from wash to wash.

Features of operating a heated bath

If housing construction is erected on a gasified site, it makes sense to organize emergency heating in the bathhouse using a gas boiler. In this case, gas consumption will be insignificant, and the water supply in the bathhouse will not freeze in winter if you keep the boiler in the wick mode between washings.

A standard gas boiler consumes no more than 2 m3 of gas per day in this mode, which will not lead to financial ruin for the homeowner. If the bathhouse has 3 standard rooms - a washing and shower room, a steam room and a locker room, and is reliably insulated, then the temperature inside them, even in severe frosts, will not drop below +10 ° C, which will prevent freezing and rupture of water pipes, and the owners will receive additional convenience :

  • no need to dehydrate the water supply system;
  • quick heating of bath rooms in preparation for washing;
  • the possibility of using the bathhouse for storing various frost-resistant materials;
  • possibility of installing a storage tank to create a water supply.

If in the spring-summer-autumn period the water supply to a bathhouse on a dacha plot can be carried out from a storage tank, then in winter it is impossible to use it.

Therefore, many owners of country and garden plots with a bathhouse prefer to install a separate water pipeline directly from the water supply source, without using the option of supplying water from the home water main. Using a water supply system in a bathhouse in winter, independent of the central main, has a number of advantages:

  • the water in the water supply source lies at a considerable depth and has a fairly high (compared to street) temperature;
  • The issues of dehydration of the bath pipeline are quite simply resolved, in which the home water supply is not affected;
  • Water supply can be carried out at any time, regardless of its need or consumption for household needs.

Features of organizing winter water supply

If there is no centralized water supply on the site, or water is supplied periodically, according to a schedule, then when building a bathhouse it makes sense to provide for the construction of its own water supply source, which, if there is an excess of water, can be used for household needs, and with a sufficient water balance - as the main source of water supply for all residential and utility premises. In this case, the ideal option for a country-garden bathhouse would be to drill an artesian or filter well. Unlike dug wells, it does not have a frame or brick lining, which are covered with ice in winter, and if the well water is shallow, its surface can become covered with ice.

If a submersible pump is installed in the well, then the problem of dewatering the pipeline in an unheated bathhouse is solved by itself.

The water simply drains from the main line, which prevents freezing of the water supply in the bathhouse in winter. The only condition is the mandatory presence of a slope towards the well in all sections of the water supply system, from the main to the internal bathhouse.

We need to talk about the installation of artesian and filter wells separately, but here we will touch on the advantages of each of them for the winter water supply of a bathhouse.

The artesian well has a depth of 30 to 300 m. The water temperature in it is stable and remains almost constant in both winter and summer. Despite the high cost of drilling, this type of source has a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • Due to the pressure of soil layers, water rises from the aquifer by gravity;
  • when drilling reaches strong rocky soils, the likelihood of clogging the water-lifting equipment and bath water supply is minimal;
  • service life can reach 50 years.

Sand filter wells are drilled to the first aquifer, and the water from them is not always suitable for food purposes, but is quite suitable for washing, watering the garden, and for other household needs. A separate pump will be required to supply water to the bathhouse. The presence of a storage tank, if not necessary, is desirable. At the same time, in order to be able to wash in a bathhouse in the winter, its walls must be thermally insulated.