How to find out if I can get pregnant - fortune telling. Fortune telling when I'll get pregnant

  • 04.04.2024

Such a serious question – when will I get pregnant – worries mature women, for whom family and conception come first.

It is very relevant for those who do not immediately succeed in having a child. Fortune telling, of course, is not the surest way to find out the time of conception, but it is a psychologically correct move to calm down and move on to the active actions necessary for pregnancy to occur.

“Grandma’s” recipes and signs

Our grandmothers were wise, they did not have any fortune telling on the Internet, offering to get an answer to any question online. They used popularly proven methods completely free of charge to hasten the onset of pregnancy.

In order not to guess, but to know for sure, young women who are tormented by the question “when will I get pregnant” are advised by knowledgeable people:

  • In advance, before conception, buy all sorts of baby things: a rattle, a cap.
  • Visit places of pilgrimage. The Mother of God has always been considered the patroness of motherhood, and among the saints are Joachim and Anna, Fevronia and Peter.
  • If you have a ficus in your house and take good care of it, you will quickly become pregnant.
  • Willow is also a plant that is beneficial for conception and should be kept in the house.
  • Seek help from herbs. In Altai, for example, the red brush grows, which will help you get pregnant.

  • If someone unexpectedly gives you a product with pearls, there is no need to guess, it’s a great sign that there will be a child soon.
  • Caring for other people's children. You can even adopt a child. And there’s usually one just around the corner.
  • You will be warned that conception is imminent. Usually, houseplants grow rapidly or those that have not been pleased with flowers for a long time bloom.
  • If you adopt a stray kitten, you don’t need to ask when pregnancy will occur. Soon. It’s especially good if he came himself.
  • You need to eat foods that have become symbols of pregnancy and conception: all grains, nuts, eggs and caviar, drink milk.

Be in the company of pregnant women more often, preferably if they are relatives. If you try on things from those who are already pregnant, stroke their belly, drink from their cup, sit on a pregnant woman’s armchair or chair. These are all good harbingers of pregnancy for you, but this should not happen deliberately, but spontaneously.

Spell on Christmastide

The simplest Christmas fortune telling for pregnancy is to go to bed with the question in your head - when will I get pregnant. Then evaluate the sleep response.

During Christmas time they make fortunes on everything, even on children. For example, there is such a fortune-telling about water. You can take a simple glass with a flat bottom, pour holy water into it, put a ring in it (for married people - a wedding ring, for unmarried people - any ring you always wear).

Leave the glass overnight in the cold, and in the morning look at the ice in the glass.

  • If it is completely smooth, you will not get pregnant this year.
  • If there are depressions in the ice, this is for my daughter.
  • On the contrary, tubercles and protrusions signify the birth of a son.

If you don’t have time to give birth before the next Christmastide, then conception will happen for sure.

Fortune telling using a wedding ring (those who are married) and using a needle (those who are married) is also suitable for everyone. On Christmas Eve, hang the ring or needle on a woolen thread and hold it above your left palm. You certainly can’t do this kind of fortune-telling online.

  • If it doesn’t move, don’t expect an increase this year.
  • Walks in circles - to his daughter.
  • From side to side - to the son.

On the night before Christmas, tell fortunes like this: write the names of the months on pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, pull one out at random. Which month is indicated determines the possibility of conception.

You can do fortune telling by drawing out objects. Usually they wrap a coin (for money), a ring (for marriage), a small onion (for tears), a nut (for prosperity), bread (for abundance) in a cloth or paper, and then put it in an opaque bag.

And you add something there that would symbolize pregnancy, a small children's toy or little thing. Pull it out - to be a child.

Other pregnancy fortune telling

1. You can guess by dreams, they will indicate an imminent pregnancy. The most common dream for conception is fish. Other images favorable to conception are jewelry, eggs, newborns, milk, cradle.

2. Remember which of your relatives had many children in the family. If such a relative is alive, visit her with gifts and gifts. If she is no longer in this world, prepare a wake, call the family. Mentally ask her and all your kind for blessings.

3. If a pregnant woman suddenly comes to your wedding, this is a clear indication that you will soon be pregnant too. It’s also good if a pregnant woman came into your home by accident, for example, in the wrong apartment - a very good sign.

4. If you notice an apple tree that will produce a lot of fruit this year, fertilize it, tie a beautiful ribbon or some kind of decoration, and take care of it.

However, you should take care of your husband first. Instead of wasting time on online classes, it’s better to spend a romantic evening with your loved one. Author: Maria Serova

The nature of a woman is such that it constantly pushes her to be curious about her future. Absolutely any methods are suitable for these purposes. The simplest is fortune telling. Here restless women can ask all the questions that interest them. The topic of pregnancy and determining the sex of the unborn child is especially worrying. Therefore, pregnancy fortune telling is in demand even in our age of high technology. More than half of all representatives of the fair sex trust them, and this already indicates that not all of them are a fraud. Whether you believe in pregnancy fortune telling or not, they can reveal the truth about your unborn baby much earlier than advertised pregnancy tests. Try it yourself, and you may be very surprised by the results you get.

Rules for fortune telling

Even if you view fortune telling as entertainment, you should not break the rules that our ancestors have observed from time immemorial. Fortune telling should not be carried out with frivolous intentions; the result should really excite the woman. Also, fortune-telling should not be performed on church holidays and under severe stress. Some lunar days are also forbidden; pregnancy fortune telling during this period will be inaccurate and can even harm the girl.

It is best to tell fortunes alone and in a relaxing atmosphere, you can light candles and turn on light music. Before asking a question, you need to clear your head of extraneous thoughts and fully concentrate on your problem. Only after this can you begin various types of fortune telling.

When is the best time to do fortune telling?

Experts advise fortune telling on the full moon. During this period, female energy is especially active; during fortune telling, any questions related to the purpose of a woman can be asked. They will be given a complete and comprehensive answer.

Christmas is also a great time to find out your destiny. Christmas pregnancy fortune telling is almost always confirmed. But it’s better not to spend them alone. According to the laws of the world of subtle matters, on Christmastide there is too great an opportunity to harm yourself and bring trouble into the house. Fortune telling among friends will save a woman from such problems.

Pregnancy fortune telling: will there be one?

Many women turn to the wisdom of their ancestors; it is not without reason that there are more than five thousand types of fortune telling related to determining pregnancy. The most frequently asked question from women is whether there will be a pregnancy this year. Fortune telling, of course, cannot give a reliable answer, but the assumptions made from it are often correct.

The most popular is fortune telling by coffee grounds. Even those women who have never come into contact with the world of magic can cope with it. Before starting fortune telling, brew coffee and pour it into a white cup. Coffee must be drunk with sugar, and the entire mug must be emptied within fifteen minutes. The sediment at the bottom needs to be shaken and only then turned over the mug away from you. Let the sediment dry a little and lift the mug. Do not forget that while the sediment is drying, you need to think about your future pregnancy and mentally ask the question that interests you about the day of conception. The shape of the coffee grounds can be used to determine pregnancy:

  • circles and dots inside;
  • fish swimming upward;
  • egg;
  • silhouette of a woman with a child in her arms.

All these signs indicate that a woman will become pregnant this year and give birth to a healthy child.

Another popular type of pregnancy fortune telling involves using a glass of water and a needle. To find out the date of future conception, you need to thread a white thread into a needle and lower it into water three times. Next, the needle should be brought to the open left palm. The movement of the needle indicates an imminent pregnancy, but if there is no vibration, then the conception of a child is not expected.

How to determine the gender of the unborn child?

Of course, modern medicine can determine the sex of the baby with almost one hundred percent accuracy. Ultrasound is used for this purpose, but it is only possible at certain stages of pregnancy. And expectant mothers want to know the sex of their child almost from the very first days of pregnancy. To help them, there are folk beliefs and special fortune telling for pregnancy.

The very first way to determine the gender of the unborn child is the appearance of the woman. If she looks worse than usual and has a round tummy, then you should prepare for the birth of a daughter. The blooming appearance of a pregnant woman indicates that she is carrying a son. These beliefs are several thousand years old, but they are very rarely mistaken and have 90% reliability.

Fortune telling about a wedding ring is quite common. To do this, you need to hang your wedding ring on a string and hold it over your stomach for several minutes. Movement in a circle indicates a daughter, the ring's oscillation back and forth implies the birth of a son. Very often, women in villages used fortune telling by the key. They quietly placed a key in front of the pregnant woman and asked her to pass the item to someone around her. At this moment, everyone was carefully watching how the key would be taken. If a woman picks it up by the sharp end, then you need to wait for the boy. A round edge in the hands of a pregnant woman indicates a girl.

Using playing cards in fortune telling about future pregnancy

Pregnancy fortune telling with cards was very popular centuries ago, but even now it is often used by women among their girlfriends. The main thing is to use a new deck of cards for fortune telling. It may have just been bought in a store or been in the apartment for a long time. It is important that these cards have never been played before. A deck with any number of cards is suitable for fortune telling.

Before starting fortune telling, you need to shuffle the deck and ask the right question. The wording of the question should imply a “yes” or “no” answer. After the question is asked, the woman must draw a card. Black suit means a negative answer, red means a positive answer. It is also good when cards of the heart suit appear frequently. They are always associated with female energy and childbirth. The most promising card is the Queen of Hearts. Spades and clubs promise trouble and a problematic pregnancy.

Tarot reading for pregnancy

Tarot cards have been used by mankind in various fortune telling. They can predict many events, but pregnancy fortune telling using these cards turns out to be very truthful. For this purpose, you need to take the Major Arcana and, mentally asking your question, lay out twelve cards in a circle. Each card symbolizes the month of possible conception; future pregnancy is symbolized by cards depicting the Moon, the Hanged Man and the Empress. Whichever one of these cards falls out, in that month the woman will become pregnant.

Professional fortune tellers, in addition to information about conception based on the card layout, can tell you about the course of pregnancy and the upcoming birth. Some are even able to determine the diseases of the unborn child. To do this, you need to know certain combinations and combinations of cards.

Christmas is the best time for fortune telling

Christmas fortune telling for pregnancy has special power. According to popular beliefs, two weeks after the seventh of January are intended for different types of fortune telling. During this period, you can find out the whole future, determine the wedding date or the name of the betrothed. In the old days, whole villages of girls gathered for fortune-telling gatherings; these evenings were turned into a holiday and men were not allowed to attend.

Christmas fortune telling for pregnancy is carried out in different ways. The simplest is fortune telling with a ring. At the bottom of a smooth glass of water you need to put the ring removed from your hand and put the glass outside. After the water freezes, you can determine the result:

  • tubercles on the surface of the ice predict the imminent birth of a boy;
  • the pits promise a girl;
  • a smooth surface excludes pregnancy in the coming year.

Wax fortune telling at Christmas for pregnancy is also well known. It requires melting white candles and pouring wax into a flat saucer. Before pouring wax into the water, a woman must mentally ask the question about the birth of the baby. Based on the shape of the cooled wax, you need to try to guess whether pregnancy is possible in the near future.

Also popular fortune telling for pregnancy includes guessing a figure from the shadows of burnt paper. This kind of fortune telling is more like entertainment and is suitable for a party in a noisy group of friends.

Runes as a way to tell fortunes about pregnancy

Many women try to tell fortunes about their unborn child using runes. It is worth noting that this method can bring a lot of trouble to an inept fortune teller. Runes are very capricious helpers, and they must be handled with extreme caution. There is a special layout of runes for pregnancy, but only professional magicians should do this. In this situation, each rune is interconnected with the other and carries a deep meaning. A good sign is when the following three signs appear:

  • Algiz.
  • Berkana.
  • Dagaz.

If they fall out in the same scenario, they guarantee the health of mother and baby.

Of course, fortune telling is just a timid attempt to look into the future. But, as practice shows, much of what was predicted tends to come true.

Pregnancy fortune telling has been used for a long time, when women could not yet use accurate methods of determination, but it is still popular today, especially when it comes to the desire to have a child.

Pregnancy fortune telling whether it is on the cards or not, whether it will happen this year

A simple way to predict pregnancy using cards. To do this, you need to take a new deck of cards and ask a question over it. It should be clear and contain only two answer options: yes or no. Then a card is pulled out and its suit is examined. If the suit is black, the answer is no; if it is red, the answer is yes.

Pregnancy fortune telling Tarot cards

You can also tell fortunes about pregnancy using tarot cards. To do this, first select a lady from the deck, dark or light, depending on the object of fortune telling. Then seven more cards are laid out on the table, which are deciphered.

Pregnancy fortune telling using Lenormand cards

For fortune telling, you will need a small Lenormand deck (36 cards), you need to take out the 29th card from it and put it in the center, it means the woman you are telling fortunes about. After shuffling the deck, the cards are laid out around the queen, starting from the upper right corner, moving to the left.

Then you need to carefully look at where the child card fell and in combination with what cards it is located, based on this, interpret the future event.

Fortune telling for pregnancy at baptism, Christmas, Christmastide, Christmas Eve, old New Year

At baptism or Christmas time, the method of fortune telling on a log is used. It will require a bunch of logs; in the city you can buy it in a store or in garden supplies. A log is pulled out of a bundle or woodpile. If it goes easily, then the birth will be easy, if it’s tight, expect complications.

By looking at a log, you can characterize the unborn child. Smooth and smooth - light in character, rough - more likely to be closed. Long – tall, wide – dense build.

Pregnancy fortune telling using runes

Fortune telling with runes for pregnancy occurs using six runes laid out in the form of the Berkana rune. The presence of one of three runes is considered successful:

Dagaz is a signal that conception has occurred or will occur soon. It is not for nothing that this rune embodies strength, joy and prosperity.

Berkana is a blessing for those who dream of starting a family. It strengthens genetic ties and promises easy and quick childbirth. The child should receive good health.

Algiz - protection of the future child and mother from above. It also portends a problem-free pregnancy and easy childbirth.

Pregnancy fortune telling with a thread and a needle, how to find out when I'm pregnant using a ring

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is used to determine the gender of the unborn child. For fortune telling you need a needle and white thread. The needle is suspended on a thread and lowered three times with the right hand between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, and then it is raised and left to hang freely over the palm. If the needle starts swinging like a pendulum, expect the birth of a boy; if it moves in a circle, expect a girl. If the needle freezes, there will be no children.

Another way to find out the sex of the child is with the help of a ring. The wedding ring is frozen overnight, and in the morning it should be placed in a glass of water, asking a question about pregnancy. If tubercles appear on the surface of the water, this foreshadows the birth of a son, and depressions - a daughter. Smooth surface – no children.

Pregnancy fortune telling by parents' date of birth

You can determine the sex of the unborn baby in this way: compare the year of birth of the mother and her age. If both numbers are even or odd, a girl will be born, if the values ​​of the numbers are opposite, a boy will be born.

Planning a pregnancy today is a natural desire and opportunity for a modern woman. A specialized fortune-telling for conceiving a child using Tarot cards will help clarify this point.

Nowadays, few people hope for progress in this matter. But still, unplanned pregnancies and, unfortunately, unwanted children are not uncommon. And for some, conception becomes a dream, very often unfulfilled. The layout that you see in front of you is one of purely female ones and helps to understand the issues of conception and pregnancy, the health of the expectant mother and fetus. Despite the fact that medicine determines pregnancy in the earliest stages, many women resort to this fortune-telling to verify the presence or absence of conception. For the layout, the classic Waite deck or the one that seems most “light” to you is best suited.

Principles and rules of fortune telling

Let's not forget about the delicacy of the question and the psycho-emotional state of the questioner. Perhaps the querent is pregnant or planning to conceive. Aggressive, dark decks can negatively affect the client’s overall emotional state. Therefore, we use the classics, and the “78 Doors” deck immediately comes to mind, which has very soft images and awakens intuition.

All cards are included in the layout. Study the layout diagram. As you can see, the diagram is not complicated and does not require much time to interpret.

Online option

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to do a live reading, you can try free online fortune telling for Conception using Tarot cards.

Layout diagram

Scheme of fortune telling using Tarot cards for a newborn baby

The meaning of the cards

  1. S - Significator.
  2. First card: How things are with your health now.
  3. Second card: Conception.
  4. Third card: Something that can complicate conception or pregnancy.
  5. Cards 4 and 5 – how the pregnancy will proceed (4-maternal health, 5-fetal health).
  6. Sixth card: how the birth will proceed.
  7. Seventh card: newborn and his health.
  • The interpretation of the layout should begin from position 2;
  • The presence of wands or pentacles speaks in favor of pregnancy, which either already exists or will occur soon;
  • Of the major arcana, the Fool, the Sun, the World, and the Empress speak about conception;
  • If the cards deny the presence of pregnancy, then further interpretation is pointless;
  • In the case when fortune telling about a future pregnancy, position 2 is considered last in terms of time, complicating factors or advice.

Regardless of the outcome of the fortune telling, advise the questioning woman to visit the appropriate specialists. This is your simple human duty.


Among all the Tarot layouts related to health issues, the pregnancy layout occupies a special place - Tarot in this case is used surprisingly often. And although these days there are enough means to determine pregnancy, its duration and many other points medically, Tarot remains the constant companion of all girls who want to have a child.

The question arises especially acutely if the questioner is worried about something that he cannot address to the appropriate medical specialist. Tarot cards in this case act as an excellent assistant, complementing and enhancing modern scientific achievements, but in no way replacing them.

Is it possible to guess about pregnancy?

This is the first question that needs to be answered before embarking on this kind of fortune-telling. To answer it, first we need to understand how the process of fortune telling affects us. Many tarot readers note that after the session they feel tired, and if the alignment was big, the situation was difficult, then the weakness may last for a single day.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards for pregnancy is not particularly difficult, so it will not require more strength than usual. But this is only from the side of the predictor himself. How does the process of fortune telling affect the questioner? Always different. But, as a rule, we are dealing with a psychological effect (joy or disappointment, doubt, enthusiasm) rather than an energetic one. The tarot reader takes the brunt of it. That is why such fortune-telling does not pose any danger to the expectant mother, with the exception of an emotional reaction.

The situation is different if the pregnant woman herself is going to guess. And it is not so important whether the pregnancy reading will have one Tarot card, 12, or all 78. In any case, this will be an energy load on the predictor, which is not desirable in this situation. Independent fortune-telling is allowed only in cases where it is necessary to find out whether there was a conception, that is, at the very, very beginning. In the future, it is recommended to contact an outside tarot reader (preferably not a relative).

Fortune telling decks

Having dealt with the issue of energy health, it is worth talking about the diversity of decks. As you may have already noticed, I always adhere to the rule: “if you don’t know which deck to choose, take the classics.” In this case there will be no exception. You should avoid decks with overtly negative content, the so-called “black” ones.

They may be good in their areas, but here the workload from them will be excessive and inappropriate. Tarot Mirror of Fate is well suited for pregnancy readings; this deck is very close to Waite and at the same time has brighter and “positive” images without escalating the situation, which is appropriate in this case.

Another suitable deck for a pregnancy reading could be the 78 Doors Tarot; in addition to soft images, the cards are intuitive and can clarify additional points at the level of sensations of both the tarot reader and the questioner. You may even be able to discern the gender or other nuances of the child.

Laying out Tarot cards for pregnancy

There are not so many tarot layouts for pregnancy, and basically they all converge on simple positions: whether there was conception, how the pregnancy, childbirth, health of the child and mother will go. If you are more interested in the question of conception itself, then it is worth talking about the ability of men and women to conceive, tips and recommendations, as well as the final map of whether there will be a pregnancy. Based on these key positions, you can build your own layout.

Another version of the pregnancy layout uses 12 cards. In this case, one card is laid out per month to determine when conception will occur (or when the child will be born). However, this layout is no fundamentally different from similar layouts for the future with the search for a hidden event.

Is it worth doing a pregnancy reading only on the major arcana of the Tarot? In my opinion this is completely unnecessary. And although many people think that the Major Arcana are responsible for particularly important events in life, if you read only one of them, you will lose a significant amount of information, as well as cards that often indicate pregnancy.

  1. Health status of the expectant mother
  2. Was there a conception (or when will it be, if the question is about the future)
  3. Will there be problems with conception or pregnancy, what to fear?
  4. Pregnant health status
  5. Health status of the unborn child
  6. How will the birth take place?
  7. Newborn health

Positions 4 and 5 are interpreted together and describe the course of pregnancy. Cards can be added to positions 2 and 6 to determine time by astrological correspondence or other method for one card. In this case, the cards will tell you when conception occurred or may occur and when to expect the birth of a child.

How to interpret this alignment

First of all, we must pay attention to position 2. If there is an active card (Wands) or fixation cards (Pentacles) here, then we can say that conception has taken place. In this case, it is appropriate to interpret the alignment further. If there was no conception, then there is no point in talking about the progress of pregnancy and childbirth. If the question is about the future, then we interpret the entire alignment, and consider the position on conception as an indication of possible timing, difficulties and advice.

Tarot cards indicating pregnancy

In order to see a current or future pregnancy, you do not always need to make a special layout; sometimes, in the general layout for the future or relationships, you can see the corresponding indication.

Let's look at which Tarot cards may indicate pregnancy. Among the Major Arcana we can note the Empress, Peace, Sun and Jester. But, as a rule, you need to pay attention not to one Tarot card, but to the combination that indicates pregnancy. The proximity of a female card (Empress, Queen of Cups and others) with the Ace of Pentacles can indicate pregnancy, and with the Ace of Wands - conception. Often the Page of Cups or Pentacles acts as a child. Dozens of Pentacles and Cups can also speak of family expansion.

You also need to pay attention to the position of such cards. As a rule, these are positions of the future, if we are talking about the alignment of relationships (in a harmonious alignment), or the position of problems, secrets (in a difficult situation in a relationship). In the layout of 12 Houses, the presence of the Page of Pentacles or Cups in the 4th, 5th houses, as well as the combination of the above cards in these houses.

When there is no pregnancy

There are also cases when the questioner is confident in his pregnancy or clearly implies it, but cards may appear in the layout that indicate the opposite. First of all, you should pay attention to the destroyer cards: Tower, Death, 10 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles. These cards can indicate termination of pregnancy, the danger of miscarriage, and some health problems.

For ethical reasons, when such cards appear, the client should be advised to pay attention to his health and not let the pregnancy take its course (if it is later confirmed).

It is always worth remembering that Tarot fortune-telling is primarily aimed at helping the person asking, and only then at predicting the future and determining various facts. In issues such as pregnancy, a huge role is played by the psychological attitude, self-hypnosis and, ultimately, psychosomatics.

Regardless of the accuracy of your prediction, the information should be presented in a way that does not harm your client's emotional state. In all doubtful cases, it is imperative to recommend contacting an appropriate specialist, and even if the situation looks rosy and selfless, you should not avoid qualified consultation with a doctor and undergoing appropriate tests. Only then will you fulfill your ethical duty as a professional tarot reader.