How to understand what God wants from me. How to understand what God wants from us

  • 18.05.2022

How do you know what God is saying to you? How can you be sure that you have received the word from the Lord and not from your own mind? How do you know God has answered your need? Published on the web portal

I love hearing a word from God! There were times when He spoke to me so clearly that it would be a sin to doubt. Sometimes He speaks to me through a verse in Scripture. A word from Him literally jumps out of the page at me. I remember once, I felt that God was talking to me about a certain chapter in the Bible. It was a powerful word of blessing and encouragement.

I asked, “Lord, did You really speak to me through this chapter? Can I really claim these words?” I wrote it all down in my prayer journal. That evening we attended a church service and the pastor preached from the very chapter I had read in the morning, verse by verse. I sat in tears as God ministered to me so powerfully.

Some of His words come through others, perhaps through sermons or songs. There are times when others share the "word from the Lord." Oh, how I appreciate it when brothers and sisters obey the leading of the Lord and share these messages with me. But I can honestly say that I hear the voice of the Lord most of all in silence, alone with Him in my prayers.

Sometimes, the words come with a sense of His presence so strong that I don't want to move. I don't want to breathe. Sometimes His voice is just knowledge, awareness. I don't hear from the Lord every time I pray, but it's always something special to me. Sometimes He speaks to me, as people often describe it, as “a small voice” (1 Samuel 19:12). This is the awareness of any information. I just know that I know! Scripture teaches that “His sheep … know His voice” (John 10:4). I recognize His words even when He speaks very quietly!

I remember when we first moved to Houston. We were planting new churches, so needless to say, we needed money more than ever! About a quarter of a mile from our house there was a building with shops and a large corner room for rent. The Lord began to advise me to apply for this place as a place for our ministry. I remember arguing with the Lord that it was impossible. “Are you sure I hear you? Are you sure?" I must confess that I doubted God. It was far beyond what we were able to afford. However, I shared this information with my husband and we began to pray for this place, claiming it as ours from God by faith. During the first few weeks, I regularly drove to the parking lot, either alone or with others, and thanked the Lord, praying for protection and blessings to build our future ministry.

As the weeks turned into months, my prayer time for this opportunity began to decrease. Soon, I was barely praying for it, and after a few months, I completely gave up. One day as I drove by, the Holy Spirit spoke as clearly as if He were sitting next to me, “When did I tell you to stop praying for this building?” I confessed to Him my sin of unbelief and began to reassert myself in that understanding. Six months later we rented this property. What a blessing it has been to our ministry! I have to tell you that the best part of it all was not in the building, but in the fact that we saw the miracle of how God gives blessings to His children, and knew that He spoke it in my life! What a joy it is to hear from the Lord!

There are times when we need to pray in faith, without constant comfort from God, just pray for it in His will. When I pray, I ask the Lord for guidance. Many times He confirmed His leadership through the Scriptures, through another Christian, brother or sister, or in another way of His choice.

There are times when I only pray as I feel Him leading me. At this time, I trust Him so that He can redirect me if my prayer is not on the right track. I remind myself that His strength is perfected in my weakness, that He knows my shortcomings and human limits, and that He has the ability to always use everything that is and this far outweighs any of my human limitations. The important thing is that I want to do His will, I have completely dedicated myself to Him, and I understand that my role is that I am an instrument in His hands. I have a great desire to fully follow His guidance. The answer to the question depends only on Him!

It's like we come before the Lord with our prayers and leave them on His throne. We say, “God, I trust You with this situation. Do what You want to do, as You see fit. I trust you! Show me if there's something I can't see. This is all for you". When we bring our requests to the Lord, both faith and attentive listening to the answer from Him are needed.

I believe that every person who serves Christ should hear Him. But I have seen, however, how this principle has been abused. I was in one meeting where the "voice of God" spoke through unbelievers, giving direction to the church. And this was not only accepted, but also welcomed. I was at other meetings when a person “spoke from God” and openly humiliated someone in front of the church. There have also been times when a brother or sister shared a "revelation" they had received from God, even though I knew it wasn't His voice. I understood this either from the content of the message or from the details I knew about the person's life. I have to tell you that I seriously doubt the validity of such “messages from God.”

Each person in his life is faced with many situations that can be conditionally divided into positive and negative. Also, these events can be perceived by us as bringing good or harm.

Sometimes we ask ourselves if there is any sense in certain events and situations that happen to us. We come up with models that can explain the meaning of what happens. Skeptics and atheists try to explain everything by the will of a blind chance or some laws they know alone, and believers see God's will in everything.

There are such words in the Gospel: "Not a single hair will fall from your head without the will of the Heavenly Father." They give an indication to people who believe in the existence of God that after all what is happening to us has some meaning. Only what? How to understand this meaning? And is it even possible?

We cannot really know the meaning of everything that happens. But, if we accept as a hypothesis that we go through spiritual lessons in our life, gain experience, develop, make many choices that make us more perfect or vice versa, lead us back in our development, then we can try to understand the meaning of some situations and events based on this.

There is a famous parable about two sides of the coin. Once there lived a man and his son. The father gave his son a wonderful horse. The son was very happy and said: "How lucky I am!". After some time, a misfortune happened - he fell off his horse and broke his leg. "How unlucky I am," he exclaimed in his hearts. However, after some time, the war came, and he was not taken to fight due to injury. " I get lucky!" he said again.

This parable shows that any event can have a positive meaning, which is difficult to understand and evaluate immediately. Moreover, in many events the meaning may not be material, as, for example, in a parable - he broke his leg and saved his life, because he did not go to war, but spiritual. By going through certain situations, we can acquire various qualities and improve ourselves, learn about the world and gain experience.

For example, in difficult extreme situations we can learn to overcome and courage, in difficult personal relationships we can learn forgiveness and understanding, in suffering we can gain wisdom, and so on.

And now let's try to understand the true meaning of a certain situation or circumstance in our life. In fact, this may be what God wants from us. I recommend that you first analyze the already past and finished situation. Sometimes current situations can only be understood after they have ended, if viewed from a broader perspective.

1. Choose a situation in which you would like to clarify the meaning for yourself. It can be both a minor situation and a big fateful event.

2. Answer the following questions:
- Have you acquired (or strengthened in yourself) any positive quality? For example, the situation required the manifestation of generosity, forgiveness, wisdom, sincerity. Maybe she made you stronger, taught you something?
- Has this situation enriched you in terms of gaining experience that you can now use for the benefit of others? For example, if you were able to cope with a problem, now there is an opportunity to help other people in the same situations.
- Is it possible that in the absence of this circumstance, you would have faced a more difficult problem?

3. If you answered yes, at least partially, it is likely that these are the answers to the question of what God wanted from us in our situation. You may not have gone through this situation completely correctly, but now you can come closer to understanding its meaning.

And in conclusion, I want to add that no matter what attempts we make to understand God, we should always remember that his ways are inscrutable and our understanding of the Creator’s plan cannot claim to be completely true, but will grow along with the growth of our soul.

The testimony of Orthodoxy is that God can and must be known by people. Many people want to see evidence for the existence of God. But is it important to look for evidence? If a person believes in the existence of the Supreme, he does not need any proof. Every person understands God differently. Some are born with this, to others such a concept comes thanks to their close people, and still others are looking for a way to themselves for a long time and, in the end, they find it.

What is faith

Consider what faith is and how to understand God. Orthodoxy in Russia is the main religion. The meaning of the word itself is to glorify God correctly. Many people believe that if they constantly go to church, then they are doing everything right and in this way they glorify the Almighty. Today, unfortunately, few people read the Bible, and it is on its principles that the doctrine of Orthodoxy is based. Currently, a huge number of people are engaged in fortune-telling, reading all kinds of horoscopes and dream books, turning to fortune-tellers. Such actions and deeds are not welcomed by the Bible, they are, in fact, prohibited.

Perhaps you should stop and listen to your heart. Why do people go to church and what do they look for there? Many people go there because their hearts are heavy, and they go to find answers to their questions, they want to understand how to know God, they want to change their lives or something else. The church saved many and helped many. There are a lot of such cases and examples in life. For example, another fairly young woman imperceptibly turned into an alcoholic. She used all possible means to rid herself of this bad habit and praise the Lord, her relatives did not turn away from her. Her last decision was to go to church. According to her story, she crawled there and just stretched out on the floor and began to ask God for help. And he heard her. Now she is a regular guest in the Temple of God. She found her way in life, and all this thanks to her great desire and faith in God. Thus, the understanding of God came to her.

The church does not always give faith to a person, sometimes it makes people religious. They learn new rules and restrictions that make their lives even harder. In this case, you need to turn to the Bible, which says that only faith will save a person. No rituals, no icons, no lighting will save a person. One day, the mother of the blessed Matrona went to church on Sunday, while her father remained at home. When the mother came home, she said that she had been to church. And Matrona replied to her that she was not in the church, but her father was. You don't have to go to church to believe in God. Faith lives in our soul. For a full life, a person needs only faith, and for this you need to learn to hear God.

How to hear the voice of God

Consider how to hear God. In order to hear God, you just need to strongly desire it, and for this it is necessary that the heart and soul of people be open. If a person does not want to do this, he will never hear him. And this happens when a person forgets about the things that prevent him from opening his heart to God.

  • Pride. Can you wait for God to say something? You just need to ask through prayer and appease your pride
  • Fear. People are often afraid to hear what they really don't want to hear.
  • Resentment. Many do not understand why God allowed trouble in their lives. People are capable of hurting themselves by not fulfilling the Lord's commandments.

In order to hear the voice of God, you need to take time for it. After all, it is impossible to talk with God in a hurry. We must choose a time and spend it alone with God every day. It often happens when a person decided to talk with God and set aside time for this, and extraneous thoughts prevent him from concentrating. You can not pray to God and think about your affairs and worries. If you want to learn to hear God, you must put his words into practice. And for this you need an inner attitude.


It often happens that when people read a prayer, they do not think about its meaning and importance. After all, prayer is a conversation with God. After all, he created us and gave us life. Even the famous Charles Darwin admitted that his theories were erroneous, and the wondrous world is the main proof of the existence of God. The Bible is the guide of human life, in it you can find answers to almost all our questions. And prayer serves as a tool for communication with the Creator. We must not forget that he is always present nearby and is ready to help every minute, you just need to hear him correctly. Prayer is the invocation of the soul to the Almighty, words must come from the very heart and must be addressed directly to him. God constantly answers such prayers and sends to the praying soul what it asks for. And how to listen to God, your heart will tell you. He hears all who call to him, but the iniquities of people and their sins turn his face away from such people.

During prayer, a person is in a special internal state, at this time his spiritual beginning comes into contact with God. And he constantly hears your prayers and at this time your heart should be pure and open to God. The main thing during prayer is to be sincere with him.

What is God

Everyone probably knows that God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He brings help to a person not only in difficult moments of his life and not only when he is asked for it. He punishes for human mistakes. Probably, very often we notice the words that people say: “God is your Judge”, “God help you”, “With God”, etc. You cannot live with faith in God and be free from him. Even in the most joyful moments, you need to call on him and praise him, because he gave you life, and a lot in life depends on your faith in him and your desires.

It is necessary to pray every morning and ask the Almighty that he would give exactly the understanding that will be necessary in this or that life situation. Look around and you will see that God is in everything: communication and music, in nature and the rays of the sun. He did everything possible to make the person feel good. He endowed the earth with forests and fields, rivers and oceans. And it depends only on a person how to rationally dispose of all this, but for this it is necessary that he has an understanding of the significance of God. Each person must live in harmony with nature without distorting his being. Creating and creating for the benefit of society, each person will come to an understanding of God. Religion was created in order for people to live in the West, which means they were kinder and more sympathetic. This will make our world full of love and sensitivity.

Have you ever wondered if you are following God's will or plan for you?

Have you been worried that you might be going in the wrong direction?

Would you like God to write His will on your daily to-do list?

Yes, I am too!

Since my ordination, Rev has received calls to serve in various ministries, and I have had to make decisions about whether to return to teaching full-time, half-day, or stay at home.

And work is just the beginning, isn't it?

How many children should we have? Which school should our children go to or is it better to teach them at home? Where should we live? Is this house right for us? Is that the church? When should I retire?

What should I do?

Questions keep popping up and popping up one after another.

Sometimes it is very easy to understand where God wants us to be, and sometimes it is more difficult.

Having to make life-changing decisions can be one of the biggest stressors in our lives.

So the question we all want to know the answer to is:

How can I know if this or that is from God?

There are some things we can do to check the situation and we ask God for guidance and want to do His will.

5 Ways to Know It's From God

1. Prayer

Start with prayer. Sounds simple, doesn't it? The way it is.

Begin by asking him to show you His special will for you in this situation.

“…Pray for us to the Lord your God… that the Lord your God will show us the way we should go and what we should do.” (Jer. 42:3)

2. Praise God

Ask: Does this glorify God?

God will never direct you to do something that does not glorify Him.

Ask yourself: Does this bless my relationship with my family? Does it help me to serve others? What will be my attitude if I do this? Etc.

“…Present yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness.” (Rom. 6:13)

3. Agreement with Scripture

Is this consistent with Scripture?

God gave us His Word, in which He showed His will. And I can trust biblical wisdom.

You never need to ask God if it is His will for you to steal money from your company or spread fresh gossip about your neighbor.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Tim. 3:16)

4. Willingness to wait

Be patient. God's will is worth the wait. Trust His timing.

If something is God's will, He will help you wait and accomplish it. Don't rush, God will let you know when the right time is.

“Trust in the Lord, be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, and hope in the Lord.” (Ps. 26:14)

5. Trusting God to do His will in your life

God will fulfill His promises and do His will for you.

I confess that I am sometimes very impatient. I want a clear answer and I want it right now! But I realized that I can watch and wait... God will do what He said, and He will do His will.

“And to Him who, by the power that works in us, can do incomparably more than all that we ask or think about, to Him be glory in the Church in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, from age to age. Amen." (Eph. 3:20-21)

Not everything in life is clear and simple. There will be times when you do all of the above and still aren't sure what God's will is for you.

This is fine.

You can be sure that if God wants something specific for you in your life, He will lead you to it.

If you've gone through all five steps and still don't have a clear answer... just keep moving on. Make a choice. The good news is that if you trust God and glorify Him with your life, you can move forward with confidence.

Rev and I had periods where the choice was obvious... so obvious that we had to change our plans halfway through.

Sometimes we used "wool" to ask God for guidance. You can read about Gideon and how he used wool to confirm God's will in Judges 6. No, we did not ask God for dew on sheared sheep's wool, we asked Him to clearly show us His will through some events so that it would be easier for us to make a decision.

And to be honest, there were several times when we went through all five items on our list and still it was not clear to us what to do.

Because we just lived every day ...

And you can too!

Trust in God's love... immerse yourself in His mercy and grace. You can be sure that God will openly reveal His special plans for you. You don't have to live in fear of disappointing Him as you seek His will with these five steps.

Pray, praise God, study the Scriptures, be willing to wait, and trust God's ability to work in your life.

Your Father is with you.


He wants the best for you and He can deliver!

Take action! Live for His glory! Praise and glorify Him!

“For only I know what intentions I have for you, says the Lord, intentions for good and not for evil, to give you a future and hope. And call to Me, and go and pray to Me, and I will hear you; and you will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:11-13)

Fate sends us different people, we strive to find happiness with each of them, but we are disappointed and do not understand what was wrong, why the circumstances turned out so that, with all the bright prospects, you suddenly part. Time passes, and sometimes quite a lot, before you realize that this lesson, which was sent by fate, has been learned, writes Yulia Sudakova. That the way it happened is an inevitable option, and there are only attempts to argue with fate, to predict it, that is, not to go through this lesson, but to burden theory with practice, but one way or another, it will happen anyway. Something important will leave your life along with the one who brought it important. And then, someday, you will understand that it was supposed to be so, understand why and ... agree.

The life of even a very self-sufficient woman blossoms and becomes even brighter when the same man comes into her life. All free women want to meet their man, one with whom everything will be different, with whom everything will be fine, right? Most believe that the meeting prepared by fate looks like this: “Something inside me will click. I can feel it…” YOU PROBABLY THINK THIS TOO…

But the sad news is that it clicks hard, covers, sticks and blows the roof only when a karmic man came to you to work out. Here it clicks so much that you can’t pass by. And it immediately seems that it is he ... I feel ... But for 95% of women, after such clicks, it turns out that this is not HE, but just bad karma, which only hurts later!


Let's start with the fact that no matter what men come into our lives, they are not random, necessary and very useful, but they come with different goals. Conventionally, they can be divided into three large groups to make it clear.
The first group - Male teachers

They come to teach us something and remain in our lives exactly until the lesson is completed. They can be anything: good, evil, married, blow your mind, break your personal boundaries, humiliate you or endlessly pity you, etc.


It may be one man, or it may be several with the same lesson. If a woman is stubborn, then such a man is given to her as a husband or simply for a very long time. But as soon as she comes out of her script and passes the necessary lesson, this man leaves her life, all conditions are created for them to disperse. After all, now another man should come into her life and, most likely, not for lessons, but for a normal life.

The second group - karmic debtors

Sometimes men come into a woman's life with whom she has a karmic debt. And in such a relationship, either she gives a lot, because she owes it, or a man puts a lot of emotions, feelings, experiences or even money into her, but a woman has neither love, nor tenderness, nor warmth for him. Sometimes you know how it happens, it’s even impossible for people to disperse if they didn’t give each other something, they are kept together so that they finally fill each other and let go.


I had a client who had a good relationship with her husband, they lived well together, giving a lot to each other, he filled her with faith in herself, and she gave him rear and female protection. And one fine evening they came home from work, sat opposite each other and saw that everything, you know, nothing holds them together anymore, only gratitude for the warm years together remained. And nothing more ... They broke up, after six months both had couples in which they had a very powerful development, and now they communicate with families and still remain very good friends, they rest together. It happens and so, but this is the best option.
But basically it happens that a woman gets stuck on some man who often doesn’t feel anything for her, and she begins to love him, pray for him, do practices, put a ton of energy into him, thinking that this is him. And she cannot do anything with what she constantly gives, either physically or energetically.


And the third group of men - men for life

This is the group we need. Men for life are those who fill us, who give us something, who reveal us, with whom we need to live, build a family, develop. We are now talking about a good option for the development and disclosure of a woman in her nature.


We women very often develop immature relationships with men simply because we do not agree to go through our lessons and wait for the necessary moment in our life, when what we need will come. And then the woman either agrees to any man, or lives in her illusions and expectations of the prince.

It is important to understand that a worthy man will come when you are at least a little polished in a feminine way either by practices or by good education.
Relationships with a “man for life” can also be complicated and incomprehensible, but there are several factors by which you can understand that this man is really needed in your life now and that a relationship with him will bring you good.


How to understand that your man?

Successful women who live with worthy men say that there was no click, there was no illumination from heaven: “Oh my God, it's him!” It wasn't even a crazy crush. It was a gradual relationship that didn't have the wildness, the rush, the madness, and all the stuff you see in the movies.

There is the first signal by which it becomes clear whether you need this man at all. And that signal is security. You will feel safe next to your man. This is the base and the basis, without this it is not worth going further. Your man may be of average build and not have Kung Fu skills, but next to him you will feel protected, you will know that if something happens, he will not let you offend. Moreover, the man himself may belong to some dangerous profession, but when you are next to him, you will stop thinking about your safety, because he will take it upon himself. This is laid down by our female instincts, we are looking for a strong one so that he can protect our children, so that we are not afraid to give birth, so that if something happens, that is, there is a back behind which you can hide.


Many men are offended when women are taken for their money, power and position in society, but there is nothing reprehensible in this, this is ordinary psychological overcompensation. A woman is simply looking for security, and since she cannot rely on a man, at least she seeks refuge in money, because money is also a force that can protect.
So, if you have a man, feel and answer yourself honestly, do you feel safe with him? When there is a sense of security, a woman can relax, and when she relaxes, her best feminine qualities are revealed in her: perky, feminine spontaneity, sweet smile, carefree girlish joy. I'm sure everyone has experienced this at some point.


When the “right” man is nearby, you will want to cook, dress beautifully, take care of yourself. Natural feminine qualities will begin to awaken in you, the desire to serve, to be soft, gentle. Without any additional knowledge, you will want to give him a massage, meet him from work, even if before that you were a daring woman who is her own head. It all happens so spontaneously and naturally, with a deep inner desire, that many women simply stop recognizing themselves. They discover in themselves what seemed to have never happened before. What we learn in trainings can turn on by itself without any knowledge if your man is next to you.


Yes, that's right ... You will want beautiful clothes, a million trinkets in the form of jewelry and good creams, but it will not even be about taking care of yourself. The matter will be in your condition, and, perhaps, after one of the nights with him, you will walk around the city a little shaggy, without having time to put on makeup and put on a royal marafet, but you will have a warm smile and a stunningly radiant look, and you will be the most beautiful woman in the world. earth at this moment. They will turn around and shut up after you.
If in a relationship with a man you lose the desire to take care of yourself, you want to put on sweatpants, tie a bun and eat everything, they say “I relaxed next to him” - this is a very alarming sign, he will not bring to good. Sometimes such situations are useful, and you can be relaxed and in such a vulnerable state with a man, but if you always want this, it means that the man does not trigger the necessary states in you. This can be achieved, of course, by independent efforts, but we are talking about a good option, and when it is good, such things happen automatically for us.


If a man is “yours”, then he will be able to rewrite your energy matrix of past relationships, filling your inner space with his energy. And it will seem to you that there was no relationship at all before him, you will remember everything, but it will seem that it was in a past life. Energy dependence, traces, bindings from one man are treated with love and acceptance of another man. I saw this in my energy practice. Not only the love of women works wonders, the love of men is also capable of much. In addition, you will have the strength for inner transformation, and this will start the processes of forgiveness and letting go in you, and, perhaps, you will have the strength to forgive and let go of a huge number of insults in your life, because now you do not need this burden and want to fill inner state of grace, gratitude and warmth.


When a man is ready to give to a woman, love her, invest in her, then after a while, when her mental rehabilitation is over, she will begin to see herself with different eyes, she will see herself as valuable, beautiful, significant, and most importantly, beloved, and her self-esteem will begin to grow, the woman will reveal herself in a new amazing light.
Brad Pitt's statement in support of this point:

“It all started with my wife's illness. She started having problems at work, in her personal life, because of which she was very often nervous. Worries about her failures and problems with children also affected her health. She has changed a lot in appearance - emaciated (40 kg at her 35 years old!), haggard. Her eyes were almost always wet, everything irritated her. Joy was gone from her life.

Health problems manifested themselves in headaches, heartaches, there were pinched nerves in the back and ribs. She had constant insomnia, she was tired and did not get enough sleep. All this shook our relationship.

She began to neglect her appearance, stoop, she began to have bags under her eyes. She also began to refuse filming and the roles offered to her. My hope was lost and I was considering divorce. However, after a while I decided to change something. And indeed, I thought, I have the most wonderful woman in the world. She is the ideal of many men and women, but she is next to me. I fall asleep next to her, hugging her shoulders ...

And I decided not to postpone the case indefinitely. He began to give flowers, lavish compliments, kiss ... He made unexpected gifts, surprises, everything was for her. He talked about her all the time, praising her so that everyone could hear. And everything worked out! She began to bloom like a flower. She got prettier, recovered to pleasant roundness, stopped worrying, and her love for me became even greater. Before, I had no idea that she was capable of loving so much! After that, I realized: a woman is a mirror of a man. If you love her to madness, then she will become him. And I didn’t even imagine that she knew how to love like that!”