Cheerful company on vacation. Game: ball adventure

  • 21.09.2019

A birthday, a calendar holiday, a promotion, or just a warm and sunny day off - all this can be an occasion to get out into nature in a large and friendly company. But what to do in nature, when hunger is satisfied, and all interesting topics are discussed so as not to get bored? To do this, there are many different competitions in nature for cheerful company. They will help fill the resulting free time. In addition, well-chosen competitions will undoubtedly become a highlight holiday and will be remembered for a long time, leaving behind only positive emotions and impressions.

"Well-chosen" competitions means that they will be appropriate for the age of the participants, as well as their emancipation, degree of familiarity and the prevailing atmosphere. After all, contests are also different: intellectual and fun, neutral or balancing somewhere on the verge of “below the belt”, as well as those that require a significant physical activity etc. In general, the main thing is that everyone likes and finds it interesting. Now we will offer you several options.


An unlimited number of people can take part in this competition - the more there are, the more fun it will be. Everyone needs to stand in a circle at arm's length from their neighbors and join hands (it will turn out to be a kind of round dance). The host whispers the name of two animals into the ear of each participant and explains the rules of the game: when the host calls out the name of the animal, the participant to whom the name of this animal was voiced in the ear must quickly sit down, and the neighbors on the right and left at this time should try to prevent him from doing this .

Everything is done very quickly so that the participants do not have time to take a breath. The trick of the game is that, calling the animals to the players, the presenter shows ingenuity only by 50 percent - in the first word, but the second word calls everyone a whale. So, for example, such pairs of words as a hare - a whale, a bear - a whale, a mouse - a whale, a cat - a whale, a dog - a whale, a rabbit - a whale, etc. can be whispered to the participants. A few minutes later, when everyone has already joined in, the host suddenly calls out the word “KIT”, and as a result, the participants, who are trying to sit down all at once, inevitably find themselves on the floor, laughing at their own zeal. This competition is suitable for a company of any caliber and goes with a bang.


Going to nature in the warm season, some comrades may well have flippers and a pair of binoculars in their arsenal. If this is the case, a competition for the title of the best diver can be proposed.

Volunteers are offered to put on flippers and complete the task to overcome the specified distance, looking through binoculars with reverse side. Believe me, an unforgettable experience is guaranteed not only for the participants, but also for all spectators.


Football is a very exciting game, not only for guys, but also for girls, especially if you change the rules a little.

First you need to divide the participants into two teams and mark the gates, and then the events will be somewhat unusual. The players of each team are divided into pairs, and each of the pairs becomes a shoulder to each other, and the right leg of one member of the pair is tied to the left leg of the other. The goal of the command is the same as in regular football- to score the ball into the opponents' goal, but goalkeepers are no longer needed here, because it will not be easy or even almost impossible to score the ball anyway. Thus, wallowing all the participants on the ground and set positive emotions secured.

"Knight Tournament"

Such a tournament in miniature is an example of an active competition for a cheerful and energetic company, in which, in addition to ladies, there are also several gentlemen. It will require an even number of men (minimum four). Participants are divided into two groups - cold and warm. The first is for those who like the cold that knightly armor and edged weapons exude, and the second is for those who value the warmth of a devoted horse more.

Dividing into groups, the knights still have no idea what a surprise awaits them. Those who preferred the warmth of horses will have to portray horses, and those who chose the cold will have to become riders.

And so the queen of the tournament drops her handkerchief from her high hand, and the tournament begins. The task of the rider is to push his opponent off the horse. The one who fell to the ground lost, but the winner and his horse will be rewarded from the hands of the Beautiful Lady (a glass of wine, the first pieces of barbecue, a cake, etc.).


This competition does not require any special preparations or equipment, just a few pieces of cardboard. First you need to designate a certain area on the ground (not very large). Borders can be marked with pebbles, dry branches or bottles. This will be a swamp, which the participants will have to cross as quickly as possible, stepping from bump to bump. Two pieces of cardboard in the hands of each player will act as bumps, which he will shift in front of him and move in this way, stepping on them, trying not to fall into the "swamp".

"Give it to someone else"

The company must be divided into women's and men's teams, which should be located in two lines opposite each other at a distance of about three meters.

The first member of the women's team holds the balloon between her legs, carries it to the line of the men's team and passes it to the first member without using her hands. He, in turn, also carries the ball back and passes it to the second member of the women's team. This continues until all players have participated.

"Hit the balls!"

One team gets red balls and the other team gets blue balls. Balls are tied with threads to the legs, one per participant. On command, you need to burst as many enemy balls as possible without using your hands. The team that keeps at least one ball intact wins.


Two people take part in the game. A rope is tied to each waist, and an apple is tied to its end so that it dangles approximately at the level of the knees. A glass is placed on the ground, into which the participant, on command, must hit with an apple. The participant who does it faster wins.


All participants are divided into pairs, and it is desirable that it be a boy and a girl. Each pair is given 2 rolls toilet paper. Team members begin to wrap this paper around their partners, and only the nose, mouth and eyes should be left open. The couple that manages to do it faster and better than everyone else will win.

"Volleyball with feet"

In this game, participants are divided into two teams. In the middle of the clearing, a rope is pulled at the level of a meter from the ground. The rules of the game are exactly the same as in volleyball, but the only difference is that the participants play while sitting on the ground, and instead of the ball, a balloon is taken.

"Take away the cooked"

On the table you need to arrange glasses with an alcoholic drink that the participants like, and the glasses should be one less than the participants. At the command of the leader, the participants go around the table, and at the next signal (clapping their hands, for example), they, ahead of their rivals, rush to the glasses and drink their contents. The participant who did not get a glass is eliminated. Then the extra glass is removed, the rest are filled with a drink, and the competition continues again until one most successful participant remains.

"Let's fill the glasses!"

Participants need to be divided into pairs - a boy-girl. The man is given a bottle with a drink (it is desirable that it be a drink that will then be easy to wash off), and the girl is given a glass. The man needs to hold the bottle with his feet, and the partner needs to hold the glass with his feet. Then the man needs to fill the glass without the help of his hands, and the girl needs to help him as much as possible in this. The winner will be the pair that will cope with the task most accurately and quickly without spilling a single drop by. In continuation of the competition, you need to drink a drink from glasses for speed.

"Tug of War"

Competitions for the company in nature can also be diversified with sports competitions. For this game, you will need a thick and long rope, in the center of which a mark will be placed. Then, on the ground at an equal distance from the mark, you need to draw lines on both sides. All participants must be divided into two groups, which, on a signal, begin to pull the rope, each from its own side, trying to pull it over. The winner will be the team that will drag the mark over its line.


You will need to prepare for such a game in advance, but the result will exceed all your expectations. You need to come up with several prizes and place them on the territory where the company will rest. To make it easier to find treasures, you need to hide notes with clues along the chain, and in completely unexpected places.

"Hot Cubes"

For this contest, you will need two sets of multi-colored cubes, as well as long branches according to the number of participants. First you will need to draw a large circle and arrange the cubes in it. All players are divided into two groups, the task of each of which will be to push all the opponent's cubes out of the circle, while preventing him from pushing his own. The team that can get rid of other people's cubes faster will win.

As you can see, competitions can be very diverse. It is important to simply think over the cultural program in advance so as not to come up with entertainment at the last moment. And then any fun will bring a lot of pleasure to all participants, making them look forward to the next opportunity to gather in the same place and with the same line-up. Enjoy your fun and outdoor recreation!

This relay race can be carried out in nature when it is already warm. Since the relay is held on fresh air, then the contests will be on the theme of nature. Team names, mottos and emblems can be associated with plants, birds and animals.

This is a family run. All participants must be divided into two teams so that parents and children are equally divided in them.

Warm up

Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty.

"Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by." (Owl)

"The brothers stood on stilts,
looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go
they can't get off their stilts." (Herons)

"I grow out of the earth, I clothe the whole world." (Linen)

"White peas on a green leg". (Lily of the valley)

"Cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter." (Forest)

"The beast is afraid of my branches,
birds will not build nests in them.
In the branches is my beauty and power.
Tell me quickly, who am I?" (Deer)

"In the dense forest under the trees,
strewn with leaves,
lies a ball of needles,
prickly and alive. "(Hedgehog)

"An oak tree hid in a golden ball." (Acorn)

"Sisters stand in the meadows - a golden eye, white cilia." (Daisies)

For each riddle that is guessed, the team gets a point.

Getting ready for the trip

The team is given a backpack (it can be replaced with any bag), a set of dishes (cup, mug, spoon, flask) and matches. If there are many people in the team, then you can take two sets of dishes.

The team lines up in a row, in front of the first participant lies a backpack. Dishes are located 15-20 steps from both teams. Each player needs to run to the dishes, take one item, return, put it in a backpack and touch the next player with his hand - "pass" the baton. Then the next participant runs.

Teams are given three points for quickness and neat packing of the backpack.


Two circles are drawn on the ground, in which the players of the teams stand in turn (starting with the first pair). In front of them are signs with cardinal points (north, south, east, west).

The host calls the direction of the world, both participants must simultaneously turn to the corresponding sign. As soon as one of the pair makes a mistake, a point is given to the team of the second participant, and the next players are called into the circle.

Swamp bumps

The teams are given two newspapers ("bumps"), the participants again compete in pairs.

At the start, the players stand on one newspaper, holding the second in their hands. The earth plays the role of a "swamp". You need to run over the "bumps" without getting into the "swamp". On command, the players put a newspaper in front of them, move to it, take the one they stood on, put it in front of them, move on, etc. A point is given to the team whose player reached the finish line faster, without stepping on the ground (without falling into the "swamp"). If the player steps past the bump, the opposing team automatically gets a point.


Riddles (children guess, adults help in case of difficulty).

"What animal sleeps upside down all winter?" (Bat)

"What mother's chicks don't know her?" (Cuckoos)

"Thin or fat, should a bear lie down in a den?" (Bold, as fat warms him during hibernation)

"About what animals can we say that they are climbing out of their skin"? (About snakes)

"Where do crayfish hibernate?" (In minks near the shore)

"Does a tree grow in winter?" (Not)

"Where is the sunflower looking?" (In the sun)

"Why can't you touch eggs in a bird's nest?" (Because then the bird will leave the nest)

What trees turn red in autumn? (Rowan, aspen, maple)

"Which birds have a" nursery "? (Penguins have. Chicks cling to each other and keep warm. There are up to a thousand penguins in such a nursery.)

For each guessed riddle - a point for the team.

Cooking competition

Take water from a cup into a spoon, bring it to the next cup without spilling, then return and "pass" the baton to the next participant. The host, before running, must come up with and name one animal or bird with a given letter, for example:

M (bear, robin, mouse, walrus, etc.) - to the first team.

K (mole, cuckoo marten, goat, etc.) - the second team.

Relay race

Jump on one leg to the finish line and return back. The host must come up with and name one plant with a specific letter:

K (maple, nettle, bluebell, feather grass, burnet, clover, etc.)

L (lily of the valley, linden, onion, larch, chanterelle, lily, etc.)

The winning team gets five points, the losing team gets three points.

fun tree

Ropes of the same length are tied to two trees with trunks approximately equal in thickness. Participants are called in pairs, one from each team. On command, both participants begin to run around the trees and wind ropes around them. A point is given to the team whose member is the first to "wind up".

Running in bags

Relay race for speed (can be replaced by jumping to the finish line with tied legs).

Participants jump to the finish line, come back, pass the bag to the next player, etc. The winning team gets three points, the losing team gets one point.

knock down the skittles

As pins, you can use plastic bottles, in which a little water is poured for stability.

Before each team - 3-5 bottles. You can shoot down with a stick or bottles, throw - once. Each team gets as many points as they knocked down the bottles.

Final competition

Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty. Guess which tree the leaf was taken from. (Prepare the sheet ahead of time.) Guess the plant from the description:

  • "The upper side of the leaves of this plant is cold, like a stepmother in a fairy tale, and the lower side is warm, like a mother." (Coltsfoot)
  • "Today the clearing is golden yellow from these flowers, and tomorrow - white and fluffy." (Dandelion)
  • "He is crushed, beaten, soaked, cut. What is it?" (Linen)
  • "Garlands of white bells hang between broad leaves. And in summer, in their place is a red poisonous berry" (Lily of the valley)

For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

So, we have finished our journey, it remains to take stock and get prizes.

Everyone was brave and persistent, and these are the main qualities for any athlete! What about mother laziness? Ran, blushed, improved! So why don't we go to the gym? Tomorrow after work?

Comment on the article "Relay race in nature"

I pasted numbers on children's plastic vegetables, the guests pulled them out and received souvenirs - children's toys in the Family relay race: how to organize fun outdoor games in nature. Ideas for competitions, examples of slogans and design of emblems.

Poem for a reading competition. Leisure, hobby. Child aged 10 to 13. Raising a child aged 10 to 13: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, extracurricular activities, leisure and hobbies.

New Year's contests for fifth graders. Leisure, hobby. Child from 10 to 13. Section: Olympiads, competitions (competitions for children 65 rubles). When they studied at a Moscow school, they did not know about these competitions, but the teacher (a child ...


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys stand in a circle, blindfolded, in the middle. Everyone holds out their hands to the driver, he shakes his hand (one) and says: "Happy New Year!". The owner of the hand replies: "And you too!". You can change the voice. If the presenter guesses by voice who answered him, then he becomes the leader.
2. Homework required.
On the sheet thick paper(for drawing) A3 format, a hole is cut out the size of a child's face. A recognizable object is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, Dr. Aibolit, fungus, etc.). The driver sits on a chair, looks out through the hole, as if through a window. Everyone sees who he is, except for himself. With the help of questions Is it alive (non-living, animal, can fly, etc.)? must guess who he is.
This is the third year that this contest has been going on with a bang. Drawings are sketchy, but easily recognizable.
3. Gemini
Two children take each other by the belt. They have one hand free. And they have to do something that requires both hands: cap the bottle, cut out a circle from a sheet of paper.

Yesterday my 5th grader had an NG light.
Of the competitions were:
1. Drawing on the board blindfolded the symbol of the year (2 people participate at the same time, the class determines the winner from the pair)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a verse.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to get from one end of the class to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed - puts a foot on it, then another sheet, the second leg on it, etc.
4. "Sticky": parts of the body are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and should stick to the previous participant in written parts. It turns out a funny caterpillar)

How to celebrate a child's birthday in nature? We offer a fun program from our animators! It can be as simple game program from your favorite fairy tale characters, as well as sports competitions using additional props...

Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and I'm trying to find my daughter (4th grade, almost 11 years old) a poem about winter for a reading competition. Part of the teacher dismissed as very childish or short.

Birthday contests. Toys and games. Child from 7 to 10. Tell me some contests to entertain children on my son's birthday. Synula turns 10, there will be no more than 5 boys around the same age, we celebrate the birthday in the country.


my favorite is "mummy", all in pairs, each pair - a roll of toilet paper, 2 stages - 1) the mummy itself - wrap the partner with paper - who is faster. when everyone finishes - the next stage is the 2nd "mummy is released" - the swaddled mummy tears the paper, who is faster and immediately the 3rd stage - which pair will pick up more pieces of paper. for this, each pair was given plastic bowls. Stage 3 - exclusively for cleanliness, so that the garbage does not roll around. It always causes wild delight, first throwing paper, and then picking it up recklessly. But this year I had to weigh the collected paper - the children demanded accuracy! :). We also play alias and "crocodile", a simplified version - I gave tasks to one person - what to depict with gestures and facial expressions (helicopter, dog, etc.), and the rest guessed.


The playground is a playground for children, not a recreation room for adults. Do not even hope - read, eat A month before my son's birthday, I thought that if we take the preparation for the celebration more seriously, then perhaps something will turn out ...

Summer is a wonderful time of the year for all children. The school holidays begin, there is no need to do homework, there is a lot of free time. But every child knows that idleness gets boring very quickly, they want entertainment. What could be more interesting than various outdoor competitions for children in the summer?

In such funny Games you can play in the yard with other children, with children from the school camp or comrades from the recreation center. Wherever you are during the holidays, everywhere will be more fun with the games presented in this article.

To organize interesting contests in nature for children in the summer, it is enough to have a minimum of materials that are always at hand. These are hoops, inflatable circles, fins, balls, sticks, plastic bottles and other waste material.

It is very fun not only to play, but also to prepare manuals for games, while showing imagination, you can add something of your own, come up with similar games. All in your hands.

balloon games

1. "Knights". For these outdoor competitions for children in the summer, you need to have several balloons (according to the number of children), a thin rope, plastic plates and paper clips. Inflated balloons are tied to the belt. From plastic plate make a shield on the hand with a rope, in the other hand there is a paper clip. It is necessary, without pushing, to get close to the enemy and try to burst his ball. And the "knight" protects him, substituting his hand with a shield. Whoever has a ball on his belt wins.

2. Relay "Hold the ball." To play, you need to have tennis or badminton rackets and balloons. It is necessary to carry the ball to the selected distance on the racket, while trying not to drop it. Whoever drops the ball receives a penalty point. Whose team will quickly transfer all the balls to the opposite side and score fewer penalty points, that team will win.

3. "Battle". This is one of the most funny contests outdoors for children in summer. On a short rope (30 cm long) is tied balloon one side. The other end is tied around the leg below, at ankle level. Hands should be kept behind the back in the "lock". In a limited area of ​​the playing field, children catch up with the opponent and step on the ball so that it bursts. Whoever is the last to remain with the ball on his leg, he won the battle.

Ball games

1. "Harvest." Small multi-colored balls are scattered on a limited small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe playing field. These are vegetables in the garden. Blindfolded player a short time must collect all the "vegetables" in the basket. Whoever collects faster, he won. You can place two players at the same time and find out which of them will collect the most.

2. "Basketball on the stomach." Two children are playing. A bucket is tied to their belt. In the hands - the ball. You need to hit the basket with the ball, like in basketball. Whoever hits the most times is the winner.

3. "Hit the target." The ball is placed in a net (string bag) and tied on a meter-long rope to a tree branch or horizontal bar, if outdoor competitions for children take place on a sports ground in summer. Objects are placed in front of the ball to be knocked down. These can be plastic water bottles, toys, etc. The player must swing the ball and push it towards the object with enough force to bring it down. You need a good eye here.

hoop games

1. "Pass the hoop." For such competitions in nature for children in the summer, you will need two hoops. Children are divided into two teams and form two circles, holding hands. A hoop is put on one player. The task is as follows: you need to pass the hoop through all the children without opening your hands, that is, crawl through it one by one until the object goes around the circle and returns to the initial level, to the child who first started the movement.

2. "Brook". Here you need some hoops. Children line up in pairs. Each couple has a hoop in their hands. Only the last pair has no item. The last two players alternately crawl into the formed tunnel. They take the hoop from the first couple and run with it to the end of the column. The remaining couple without an object runs back and crawls into the tunnel. So you need to move until all the children pass the lane. Whose team completed the task faster, those are the winners.

Inflatable ring games

1. "Ring toss". Such competitions in nature in the summer are cool for children. You can play on water or on land. The game resembles a ring toss, only the role of the wand on which the rings are thrown is performed by a child who raised his hands up. Whoever is the most accurate and does not drop the circle into the water or onto the ground is the winner.

2. "Obstacle Course". To play, you need large inflatable circles, 6 or 7 pieces. Children stand in pairs and hold the circle with a hole parallel to the ground. The first team in turn begins to pass the strip as follows. In the first circle you need to climb from below, and in the second - from above. And so on until the end. Whichever team finishes first, wins. The guys then change places.

water games

The best outdoor competitions for children in summer are water games. Children are very fond of water fun - both on land and at sea. There are a lot of water games to play with. This is shooting for accuracy at plastic disposable cups with water tubes, relay races with buckets filled to the brim, knocking down objects with water from a water pistol or machine gun.

"Firemen". For such a game, you need one large bowl of water, the same empty one, and many small buckets. Firefighters stand in a chain and pass water to each other, pouring it from bucket to bucket. The latter pours water into an empty bowl. This goes on until time runs out. Whoever got the most water, he won.


1. "Ski". Two wide and short skis are made of thick corrugated cardboard, two arches for feet are attached to them. Children insert their legs into arcs (photo below). Then, at speed, you need to go the distance in such “skis”. Whose team reached the finish line first, those players won the competition.

2. "Train". For such a game, you need to take several large garbage bags of 120 liters, sew them together. Players become in the resulting circle and slowly move from start to finish inside such a device. You can help yourself with your hands. Whose “train” gets to the final station first, he won.

3. The favorite walker of all children is the relay race with eggs on a spoon. You can hold spoons in your hand, or you can hold them in your mouth, as in the photo. Whoever brings the egg to the basket faster and does not drop it, he won.

All these games not only entertain and amuse children, but also teach endurance, accuracy, dexterity, develop motor skills, a sense of collectivism, a desire to win, which is very useful in adulthood.

To be honest, it is quite difficult to hold such a holiday. First of all, being in a picnic, children least of all want to play in an organized way - everyone has their own interesting business. Secondly, organization children's holiday in nature requires certain physical data. For example, a loud voice :-).

If you still decide to gather guests for a picnic and are planning an entertainment program without having the temperament of a clown and the skills of an experienced animator, use my selection of contests.

I chose only those games and competitions in nature that are easiest to organize (most of them can be held with the number of participants from 4 people).

So far, only 20 ideas, but I plan to add interesting outdoor contests to this article, so there will be many more over time!

Throwers and throwers 🙂

I like this competition for simplicity and objectivity in identifying the winner. It is easy to establish who hit the target more times.


  1. At a distance of 10 children's steps, hit the tree trunk with a cone. Each has, say, 10 attempts.
  2. Knock down any construction of dry twigs with a stick (let's call it "forest bast shoes").
  3. Put an empty pot (basin, bucket) at a distance of several steps. We compete in accuracy by throwing small rubber balls, toys or the same bumps there. If there is no empty container, just look for a hole in the ground.
  4. Tie a rope to a horizontal tree branch so that its end reaches the ground. We tie a small bag with a ball (cones, toys) to the lower end of the rope, if only it was some kind of harmless "weight". Players pick up a "weight" and move a few steps to the side. You need to shoot down objects that are at some distance from the center. Here is the drawing.
  5. Another version of the previous game. You need to choose a leader who will swing the “pendulum”, and things (bottles, juice boxes, sticks, pebbles, toys) need to be folded in the center. Players need to have time to run up and pick up the item before the “pendulum” returns.
  6. Make a fishing rod. Tie a rope with a weight at the end to a stick 1.5 - 2 meters. With this weight, you need to knock down small objects at a distance slightly greater than the length of the stick, swinging the rope.

Catching games


Lay out the toys, pots, bags, and items you brought for the picnic in the clearing. Plant a bear in the center of this composition, draw a line on the ground at a distance of 5-7 steps, behind which there will be a “house”. The host shouts: "The bear woke up!". Children must save property and put it behind the line, and the bear can only catch the one who has nothing in his hands (at the moment when the child returns for things from the safe line). The one who collects the most items wins. And the bear becomes the player who was in the paws of the bear.

Catchers "Short legs"

The participants of the game will need to catch up and run away with an empty plastic bottle, sandwiched between the knees.


Players line up. The leader turns away and steps back 5 steps.

- Knock Knock?
- Who's there?
— I don't know myself.
- Why did you come?
- For paint.
— For what?
- For blue!

Everyone who has this color on their clothes holds on to this color with their hands and remains in place, the rest run away from the leader. The next one is driven by the one who was caught.


Fight with balls

In nature, such a game will turn out fun. Tie small balls to the right ankle of the players (string no more than 30 cm). Only 2 players participate in the duel. Hands are not involved, they need to be clasped behind the back in a lock. The winner is the one who manages to burst the winner's balloon with his foot. To the one who won, a new opponent comes with a ball on his leg. This continues until one player remains with a whole ball on his leg.

Knight Tournament

If there is a relatively even and not thick log, you can fight with long thin balls. The winner must stand on a log.

Comic games

Game "Obstacle Train"

1 stage of the game.

Between the trees at a height of 30-40 cm, pull the rope in zigzags. All participants of the holiday get into the train one after another, holding on to the waist. To the music, the first player starts moving in small steps, choosing a difficult route. You need to step over the rope, go around the tree, and so on. It's just fun, especially if there are more than five participants.

Stage 2 of the game.

One of the players is taken aside and tightly blindfolded with a handkerchief. At this time, the rope must be removed, brought to the beginning of the route. And now the host tells you how to raise your leg, how many steps to go, where to turn. The player follows the commands, thinking that the rope has remained in place and diligently overcomes non-existent obstacles. Try it, it's fun!



Most suitable for an autumn picnic, as fallen leaves are needed. As usual, we divide the children into teams. We collect the leaves in advance. Determine the distance for running (no more than 6-7 meters). At the end of the route, put a skewer for each team (a stick on which you need to string a sheet). The player runs, strings a piece of paper on a stick, returns to the team. The winner is the team that, of course, will have the most luxurious barbecue by the time the cheerful children's song ends.


The distance of 5-7 meters and back must be overcome by firmly holding the ball between the knees. At the same time, cones, nuts or small pebbles can be attributed to the “mink”. The winning team is again revealed by the end of the song.


We divide the children into two teams. We collect small pebbles or cones according to the number of participants. Small juice boxes will do. It is necessary not only to run up and put a piece of coal in the fire, but to move, tossing the object up slightly. It's an ember, it burns your hands! The team that puts down their fire the fastest wins.


Hot weather game. Each team member has empty disposable cups. Teams need to be built in a line, right side to the direction of movement.

The last player in line must have a full glass of water. On command, he pours water to his neighbor into an empty glass as carefully as possible, runs and becomes the first (always next to the previous participant). It is the turn of the one who now has a full glass of water. He also pours it to a neighbor. This is how you get to the target. The team with the most water left at the end of the relay wins.

On the mound

Everyone ran, tired. Sat on a log...

Time for sedentary games and competitions, which, by the way, are also very fun.


The host divides the guests into groups (if there are few children, everyone gets a separate role). Let frogs, cows, dogs, cats, pigs, ducks, bees, sheep and so on appear on your holiday.

They will have to perform a song for the birthday boy to the melody " Happy Birthday to You. First, each sings a line. The conductor points with a baton, and...

Kwa-kva-kva-kva woof-woof

Oink-oink-oink-oink meow-meow

Quack-quack-quack-quack ju-ju-ju

Mu-mu-mu-mu beee-beee….

And now all together!

The main thing is that there are no other vacationers nearby, since the choir turns out to be very solemn :-).

The fairy tale came to life

We take the simplest children's fairy tale. All guests get roles. Those who lacked the main characters become trees, the sun, clouds, wind.

For the forest, "Masha and the Bear" is best suited. Just think about who you will give the role of hemp, because a bear will sit on it!

Crocodile on a picnic

One of the participants shows with gestures some object necessary in nature, the rest guess. Matches, firewood, barbecue meat, a thermos, a backpack and a pump look fun in such a pantomime.

Scarecrow garden

Number of players: any
Optional: bananas
Two teams are participating. One participant from the teams moves away at a distance of 5-7 m from the team and holds peeled bananas between their knees. Team members take turns running up to the participant with the "banana" and bite off a piece. And so on in turn until the banana runs out.
The team with the most bananas wins.

Defense - sports game

Number of players: any
Optional: mace, ball
In the center of a small circle, outlined on the ground or on the floor, a mace is placed. A defender stands near the circle, he has a ball in his hands. The rest of the participants of the game, holding hands, surround the defender with a wide ring. Then they lower their hands, one of the players receives the ball from the defender. Those standing in a circle throw the ball among themselves; seizing the opportunity, each player can throw the ball at the mace to knock it down. The defender covers the mace and hits the ball in any way, without hitting it, however, with his foot.

Long jump - sports game

Number of players: even
Extras: no
The first team member stands on the start line and makes a long jump from a place. After landing, he does not move from his place until the landing site is fixed by the judges (using a line drawn on the toes of the jumper's shoes). The next participant puts their feet right in front of the line, without stepping over it, and also makes a jump. Thus, the whole team makes one collective long jump. You must jump carefully and do not fall when landing - otherwise the result of the jump will be canceled.

Beam exercises - sports game

Number of players: any
Optional: log no longer than 1 meter
The participant stands on a log and, moving with his feet, rolls it along with him from the start to the finish and back. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Foot volleyball - outdoor game

Number of players: any
Extras: rope, balloon
The number of people depends on the size of the room.
The participants are divided into two teams. A rope is stretched across the room at a height of 0.5-1 m. A "field" is defined on both sides of the rope. Players sit down (lay down) with their feet forward. A balloon is used instead of a ball.
The rules of the game are the same as in regular volleyball.

Coin-2 - game for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: newspaper, coin, water
The game is played outdoors in the summer. A tube rolls out of the newspaper and is inserted into the players' pants in front, and a coin is placed on the forehead.
The facilitator explains to the players:
- The game is to get a coin into the tube from the forehead. And depending on which trouser leg the coin gets into, the game will develop further.
The players are given several training attempts (at this time, one of the spectators quietly brings a pot of water).
The host announces:
- That's it, the game starts.

Cymbals - a puzzle game

Number of players: any
Optional: coins

The participant is blindfolded and seated on a chair. The leader sticks two coins on the thumb and forefinger with wax and starts tapping to the right and left of the participant's head. The participant guesses where the sound is coming from. It's easy, but when they knock right in front of your face, it's very difficult to guess, even if you know the essence of the joke.

Climb under the table - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: no
When the grass is soft underfoot, it is a pleasure to crawl on it. All participants sit at the table, strictly put their elbows and do not peep down! One climbs under the table and takes off the participants' shoes, changes, etc.
The participants, meanwhile, watch each other's stern faces. Whoever laughs first, fulfills the desire that everyone has thought up in advance. Here you have room for imagination: approach strangers and offer them to buy kefir at a reduced price (while selflessly chattering that today is international kefir day), climb on the table and shout at the top of their lungs to the Martians to take you home, run all over the recreation center (of course, with unfamiliar vacationers) and yell " Robbery! Guard!"...