Positive quotes for every day. Quotes, aphorisms and simply life-affirming statements

  • 30.09.2019

You have been sleeping for millions and millions of years. Why don't you wake up tomorrow morning?

If you picture yourself as a fight, you think retreat is impossible. But you are not fighting. You are the battlefield.

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.
/Michel Montaigne/

Science is what you know, philosophy is what you do not know.
/Bertrand Russell/

If Galileo had told in verse that the Earth rotates, the Inquisition would have left him alone.
/Thomas Hardy/

All my nevers fall away like rotten branches.

Forty-seven years old I will say that everything that I was destined to learn, I learned before the age of seven, and all the subsequent forty years I was aware.
/Marina Tsvetaeva/

The poem begins as a lump in the throat.
/Robert Frost/

Simplify and then add lightness.
/Colin Chapman/

Morals, ethics, laws, customs, faith, doctrines are all trifles. What really matters is that the delicious becomes the norm.
/Henry Miller/

There are things that cannot be expressed in any way. And yet they show up.

I never listen to anyone who criticizes my space travel, my rides, or my gorillas. When this happens, I just pack my dinosaurs and leave the room.
/Ray Bradbury/

Poets, as a rule, have a rather poor understanding of the most ordinary things, with the exception of writing poetry, falling in love and sex. That is why half of their poems are about writing poetry, falling in love and sex.
/Charles Baxter/

Even if you were stupid enough to show up - don't worry, they can't see you.
/Henri Michaud/

Cinema is life, photography is death.
/Susan Sontag/

Life is, no doubt, much more like "Ulysses" than "The Three Musketeers" - but we tend to read it as "The Three Musketeers" rather than "Ulysses" nonetheless.
/Umberto Eco/

I don't like men. I like what devours them.
/Andre Gide/

Your faith in God is just an escape from a monotonous, stupid and cruel life.

Give a whore a spanking is simple and cheap way feel strong. If you're feeling insecure or ashamed of your own sexual desires, all you have to do is call a familiar slut and you're good and at the top of the social hierarchy.
/Leora Tanenbaum/

One of the most important consequences of war is that people eventually give up on heroism.
/Kurt Vonnegut/

I am a fountain of blood. In the form of a girl.
/Bjork Gwyundsdottir/

Ellen. My wife: I feel I understand her less than a foreign writer who died a hundred years ago. Is it an aberration or is it normal? The books say she did it because... Life says she did it because she did it. Books are where everything is explained to you; life - where nothing is explained to you. I'm not surprised that some people prefer books. Books give meaning to life. The only problem is that the lives they give meaning to are other people's lives, never your own.
/Julian Barnes/

Be kinder whenever possible. And this is always possible.
/Dalai Lama/

Your beliefs are more dangerous enemies for the truth than lies.
/Friedrich Nietzsche/

Passing through ourselves, we meet robbers, spirits, giants, old men, youths, wives, widows, rival brothers. But we always meet ourselves.

I have a bad temper, so I can't stand people with a bad temper.
/Eugene Ionescu/

The same word sounds differently in different writers. One's insides are dragging behind the word. Another takes it out of his coat pocket.
/Charles Peguy/

I make decisions intuitively. But I must always know why I made this decision. I throw my spear into the darkness. This is intuition. But then I have to send people into the dark to find the spear. This is intelligence.
/Ingmar Bergman/

People think they stop falling in love when they get old, when in reality they get old when they stop falling in love.

The goal of art is not an instant adrenaline rush, but rather the gradual, continuous building of a state of wonder and tranquility.
/Glenn Gould/

The first sign of the beginning of understanding is the desire to die.

Once I was beautiful. Now I have become myself.
/Anne Sexton/

Religion for people who are afraid of hell. Spirituality for the people who have been there.
/David Bowie/

I do not envy people who have a complete picture of the world in their heads, for the simple reason that they are obviously wrong.
/Salman Rushdie/

Reveal the secret of the world to you? This mystery lies in the fact that we see it only from behind, from the reverse side. We see everything from behind, and everything seems scary to us. This tree, for example, is only the wrong side of the tree, the cloud is just the wrong side of the cloud. How can you not understand that everything in the world hides its face from us? If only we could get in front...

If I quote others, it is only in order to better express my own thought.
/Michel de Montaigne/

Hold the time! Guard it any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it will slip away like a lizard. Illuminate every moment with an honest, worthy accomplishment! Give it weight, meaning, light.
/Mann Thomas/

We waste our childhood, wanting to become adults, and when we grow up, we spend our whole life so as not to grow old.
/Clive Lewis/

God loved birds and created trees. Man fell in love with birds and created cages.
/Jacques Deval/

Each of us is God, each of us knows everything. We just have to open our minds to listen to our own wisdom...
/Dan Brown/

Let childhood mature in children.
/J.-J. Russo/

He who is deprived of sincere friends is truly lonely.
/Francis Bacon/

Love is a toothache in the human heart.
/Heinrich Heine/

No one realizes the beauty of travel until he comes home and rests his head on an old familiar pillow.
/Lin Yutang/

Naivety is a property of both old people and children. And a person contains both a child and an old man at the same time.
/B. Brecht/

In space and time, God can find himself only in the depths of the human heart, but only in its very last depths.
/Grigory Solomonovich Pomerants/

Being an adult means being alone.
/Jean Rostand/

If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would grow up only geniuses.
/Johann Wolfgang Goethe/

The tragedy of old age is not that you are old, but that you are not young.
/Oscar Wilde/

Someone else's soul - darkness, but a cat's - even more so.

Real personal freedom is impossible without economic security and independence. Hungry unemployed people are cadres for the dictatorship.
/Franklin Delano Roosevelt/

Loneliness is a beautiful thing; but you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a beautiful thing.
/Honore de Balzac/

Nothing motivates like the right slogans for the day. This fact is known to everyone: how you start the day is how you will spend it! So start your day right.

We invite you to recharge your batteries and spirit for the whole working day and see the top 25 statuses for this week!

1. Dreams must be either crazy or unrealistic... Otherwise, they are just plans for tomorrow!

2. Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than screaming. Indifference is worse than war.

3. Probably, I will never grow up ... I still believe in miracles, love and good people.

4. I fell in love with you not for beauty, and I will not fall out of love for old age.

5. Learn to let go. The native will always find its way back.

6. An inexplicable thing - the soul. No one knows where it is, but everyone knows how it hurts.

7. Live in such a way that people, when faced with you, smile, and, communicating with you, become a little happier.

8. Sometimes in some strange ways in life everything gets better by itself.

9. Happiness is when your parents are healthy.

10. Humiliating others, you will not become higher!

11. Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot of time ...

12. Never regret what you did if at that moment you were happy.

13. May the Almighty forgive us when we are dissatisfied with what we have ...

14. Do not try to sort things out with people who have disappointed you. Silently leave them alone with all the junk.

15. Everyone has their own problems - someone has stale bread, and someone has small diamonds. Appreciate what you have.

16. Sometimes the Almighty removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after him.

17. Do not be sad about anything in advance and do not rejoice in what is not yet.

18. If you haven’t hooked with your soul, you won’t hold it with your body for a long time.

19. God has everything on time, so learn to wait.

20. Here it is - real happiness, not your iPhones.

21. When your children achieve something, it is much more important than their own achievements.

22. Take care of your parents, because while they are alive - we are children!

23. Conscience - it is so ... It torments not those who should be tormented, but those who have it.

24. One of the strongest fears for a person is to realize that he was wrong for a long time.

25. Many consider it important in life to find a person, but only a few know that it is more important to find yourself.

Briefly, clearly, intelligibly and, most importantly, with a positive attitude. Quotes from great people for every day will help you look at your own life as if a little from the outside. An unusual angle of view, a somewhat unusual interpretation, may help to understand and evaluate the events happening to you a little differently. It may help you understand yourself. Or maybe not. In any case, they will cheer you up - after all, they are positive quotes for every day :)

Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.

Miracles - where they believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot

Act like you're already happy and you'll actually be happier.
Dale Carnegie

Wherever you can live, you can live well.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

I've been hit over 9,000 times in my career. I lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I was trusted to make the decisive shot and I missed. I have failed so many times in my life. That is why I succeeded.
Michael Jordan

Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try to fly? What are you losing?
Max Frei, Echo Chronicles

Aim for the moon... for even if you miss, land on one of the stars
Les Brown

You are never given a wish without being given the strength to carry it out.
Richard Bach

When you really want something, the whole Universe will help to ensure that your desire comes true.
Paulo Coelho

Well, got an additional positive charge? If it's not enough for you, let's continue. Positive quotes for every day will restore your faith in yourself and prompt answers to difficult questions. So here is another portion of thoughts and sayings for inspiration and energy.

I think you should enjoy the ride while you're on horseback.
Johnny Depp

If you're not making mistakes, then you're not trying to do anything.
Coleman Hawkins

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons.
Jennifer Aniston

Everyone needs a chance to change for the better.
Jay Z

If you don't go too far, how do you know what you're capable of?
Thomas Stearns Eliot

If you hit the wrong note, keep playing so that no one notices your mistake.
Joe Pass

You can't limit yourself. The more you dream, the more you will achieve.
Michael Phelps

Follow your heart. Be true to yourself. Never follow someone else's path, unless you get lost in the forest and find a path - then, of course, you should follow it.
Ellen DeGeneres

Keep your head high and swing your hips as you walk.
Christina Aguilera

I am grateful to fate for all my problems. Overcoming each of them, I became stronger and more able to solve the problems that I still had to face. Thanks to all these difficulties, I developed.
JC Penny

Remember that there is always more positive in life than negative. Sometimes it’s enough just to take a fresh look at your life and realize that everything is in your hands. Make it your daily routine, and let these positive statements kick you in. good sense this word).

When you find yourself in a dead end, question everything except your ability to get out of it.
Twyla Tharp

Every problem is a chance to prove yourself.
Duke Ellington

Let bad times come and go. I enjoy every minute of the fight.
Mary Madsen

Do not worry. Do your work calmly, joyfully and carefree.
Henry Miller

You and only you can write the story of your life that you are meant to tell. And the world needs your story because it needs your voice.
Kerry Washington

In order to get what you want out of life, it is absolutely necessary to take the first step: decide what exactly you want.
Ben Stein

To avoid criticism, one must do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
Elbert Hubbard

Life is a great value. It is given only once. Don't waste it on bad relationships, bad marriages, bad jobs, bad people. Spend your life wisely doing what you want to do.
Eric Idle

There is no reason not to follow your heart.
Steve Jobs

You cannot be a child who stands on a water slide and thinks for a long time what to do. You must go down the chute.
Tina Fey

A selection of positive quotes about love for inspiration and funny quotes about everything for a smile

You have been sleeping for millions and millions of years. Why don't you wake up tomorrow morning?

If you are not ready to see more than what is visible, you will not see anything. /Ruth Bernhard/

When art historians get together, they talk about form, structure and meaning.
When artists get together, they talk about where to buy cheap solvent. /Pablo Picasso/

Try to be kind to your parents. If you must rebel, rebel against those who are not so easily hurt. Parents are too close a target; the distance is such that you cannot miss. /Joseph Brodsky/

On the mountain tops you can only find the Zen that you yourself bring there. /Robert Pirsig/

The same word sounds differently in different writers. One's insides are dragging behind the word. Another takes it out of his coat pocket. /Charles Peguy/

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened. /Michel Montaigne/

An unexpected intrusion of beauty. That's what life is. /Saul Bellow/

If you picture yourself as a fight, you think retreat is impossible. But you are not fighting. You are the battlefield.

The main idea is to die young as late as possible. /Ashley Montague/

The only true thoughts are the thoughts of a drowning man. Everything else is rhetoric, posture, internal buffoonery. /Jose Ortega y Gasset/

I don't want to be a genius, I have enough problems, I'm just trying to be human.
/Albert Camus/

Weirdness is a necessary ingredient for beauty. /Charles Baudelaire/

Be kinder whenever possible. And this is always possible. /Dalai Lama/

If Galileo had told in verse that the Earth rotates, the Inquisition would have left him alone. /Thomas Hardy/

Forty-seven years old I will say that everything that I was destined to learn, I learned before the age of seven, and all the subsequent forty years I was aware. /Marina Tsvetaeva/

Simplify and then add lightness. /Colin Chapman/

The poem begins as a lump in the throat. /Robert Frost/

Morals, ethics, laws, customs, faith, doctrines are all trifles. What really matters is that the delicious becomes the norm. /Henry Miller/

I never listen to anyone who criticizes my space travel, my rides, or my gorillas. When this happens, I just pack my dinosaurs and leave the room. /Ray Bradbury/

Even if you were stupid enough to show up - don't worry, they can't see you. /Henri Michaud/

If you think you've already achieved enlightenment, just try spending a week with your family. /Baba Ram Dass/

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time. /Coco Chanel/

There is a crack in everything through which light enters us. /Leonard Cohen/

Passing through ourselves, we meet robbers, spirits, giants, old men, youths, wives, widows, rival brothers. But we always meet ourselves. /Joyce/

People think they stop falling in love when they get old, when in reality they get old when they stop falling in love. /Marquez/

The worst crime is to pretend. /Kurt Cobain/

I do not envy people who have a complete picture of the world in their heads, for the simple reason that they are obviously wrong. /Salman Rushdie/

The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door. /Frederick Brown. "The shortest scary tale ever written"/

It has not harmed anyone yet, especially if it sounds from the lips of people who have achieved something in this life. In life, there are many sudden, like cancer, mucks for which we are not ready. So when it gets really hard, look here.


The father of Faust, with just one elegant quotation, killed two groups of people at once: those who boast of their higher education; and those who wonder why he is still not rich and famous. After all, what is the use of your applied mathematics if you do not use knowledge for its intended purpose - with its help you will not fry eggs and you will not bargain for a discount. So grabbing academic knowledge while unemployed is at least ridiculous. So much has been said about desires and actions that it is probably better not to enrage once again.


The best exit - always through.

– Robert Frost –

Robert Frost is one of the greatest poets in US history, a four-time Pulitzer Prize winner and a man, according to the Americans themselves, who deserves the Nobel Prize more than Robert Zimmerman. The man brought up entire generations, influenced culture and achieved recognition with his work and creativity during his lifetime, so he can be trusted.

Frost, as it were, tells us that in all cases it is best not to give up on your goal, to acquire an armadillo shell and move forward. But you don’t need to shove like a German tank on the Polish cavalry, no one says that you need to stupidly go ahead. Cunning in such cases is only welcome. Most importantly, do not give back to your plans, because in many cases it is better to exit through another door, and not through the one you entered.


Work saves us from three evils: boredom, vice and need.

– Voltaire –

Apparently, the inquisitive German Catherine II corresponded with the great thinker so that he would once again remind her: “Katyukha, if you work for the good of the Russian State, there will be no time for vice, fornication, intrigues with young counts. If you don’t stop spending the state treasury on yourself and your peasants, then you won’t have to go into debt, and then, after all this fornication, make excuses in confession. And you remember it.


Thanks Nelson, we'll know. You are the same person who showed mankind how to use the kettle and that apartheid is not so bad. In fact, Nelson meant the following: when you see that the situation has reached its critical peak, and it will only get worse, get rid of the source, from what is heating up the situation. For example, from a person in your environment, thanks to which everyone managed to shit, and you personally get into an unpleasant situation. Or from a job that leaves no room for life and hauls out truckloads of dead nerve cells.


Distance between madness and genius measured only by success.

– Bruce Ferstein –

It is not known for certain who said this phrase first, but most heard it for the first time in the eighteenth Bond film, Tomorrow Never Dies. Therefore, we attribute it to screenwriter Bruce Ferstein.

But really: take the same Einstein or Lev Landau, who, if they had not reached astronomical heights and made a huge contribution to science, would have remained in history as mentally unhealthy people. But thanks to world fame, their oddities were treated solely as quirks.

That's how it always is. If you have achieved something, they will call you an eccentric genius and will imitate you in everything, and if not, you will end your days under haloperidol. Because geniuses are allowed everything, even such schizophrenics as Salvador Dali, and a pensioner talking to himself is immediately deported to a madhouse.


Under the Dukes of Borgia in Italy for 30 years war, terror and murder reigned, but Italy gave us Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. And what has Switzerland given us for 500 years of democracy, brotherly love and peace? Cuckoo-clock?

– Orson Welles –

It is perfectly normal not to like or even not know the work of this director, although we strongly recommend watching the film Citizen Kane, which, despite its antiquity, has not lost its relevance and charm. But it is not normal to question his phrase. Indeed, if you look at history, then where life was in full swing, fountains of blood rose up, and the situation changed more often than the seasons, something new appeared. Only countries in which external conflicts were replaced by internal conflicts had the right to world domination - the same USSR, the USA, colonial powers waving cleavers all over the world. Of course, stability is good, but if you want to create something radically new, you will have to go through many unpleasant and uncomfortable things, including tragic ones. A lot of achievements are based on blood, even the car's security system would not be so reliable without numerous accidents.


Under the size, it is not necessary to take into account physical data, but also abilities, starting capital. Why, the same physical ailment is also worth considering. Stephen Hawking created his theories after his illness, and chainedness to the chair did not dampen his enthusiasm at all, rather the opposite. So it doesn’t matter at all how much money you have, where you live, and how strong your intellectual ability, - the main thing is to have a great desire. And a personality can be educated, as Bunin said: “No one started as badly as I did.”


Here's what's funny about life: if you refuse to accept anything but the very best, that is often what you get.

– William Somerset Maugham –

Sometimes in life you need to be selective and too demanding on the things around you. There is nothing arrogant, pretentious and indecent in this, just such perfectionism allows you to filter the slag. If you try to rid yourself of negativity, betrayal and unnecessary worries, avoiding dubious personalities and exactly the same adventures, then most likely you will not encounter them at all. So the author of The Burden of Human Passions was absolutely right: live with the right attitude, be selective, and adversity will bypass you.


I hated every minute of training, but I said to myself:“Don’t quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.

- Muhammad Ali -

There are a lot of whiners around who quit what they started, coming up with a bunch of excuses, ranging from "I'm burned out" to "This is not what I wanted to do." In fact, there is exactly one reason - the sissies thought that one desire and idea was enough to succeed. But no, in life you have to plow, no matter what you do. Sometimes through force - no one said that it would be easy and pleasant. So if something bothers you - do not rush to give it up, be patient, and you will be rewarded for suffering. Remember school cramming - how hard the multiplication table and other arithmetic were given, and how easily you use it now. So it is with any labor initial stage. Don't cry, it's all bullshit, we'll break through.


On the one hand, following the advice of a famous writer is quite dangerous, because you can get stuck in the swamp from which you were warned. But on the other hand, each person is unique, and it is simply impossible to live two identical lives. In addition, most advisers are who are simply trying to add credibility to themselves. In this case, of course, it is better to do the exact opposite. You will say: “So why the hell am I reading your advice if you are the same losers?” Well, do as you please, but don't email us asking for help when you're in trouble.