Eggplant sandwiches. Delicious eggplant and tomato sandwich - recipe

  • 18.02.2024

What fall appetizers would you like to see on your holiday table? Definitely with vegetables! Otherwise, why do we need autumn if we don’t take full advantage of its gifts? Nutritious hot snack sandwiches with eggplant are a great alternative to sausage sandwiches and even mini-pizzas.

The idea for this snack came spontaneously. The bread in the house was a little stale, but the children wanted meat and cheese sandwiches in the microwave so much that I had no choice but to please them. As a caring mother, I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to experiment: I prepared hot eggplant sandwiches with a top of melted cheese. How delicious! When I revealed the secret of the non-sausage filling, I almost received a bag of insults from my eldest daughter. Until today, she had not eaten eggplants, no matter how tasty they were served. Now he's gobbling it up on both cheeks! So, let's act.

Ingredients. Take small eggplants. The bread can be fresh, and not dried like mine - it doesn’t matter. Butter – only butter. You can’t imagine how delicious creamy sandwiches turn out on it. The rest of the products are as per the list. Tomatoes can be used as desired.

Recipe. Beat the chicken eggs with two pinches of salt with a whisk.

The bread is formed into thin slices. Can be taken sliced. Soaked in egg mixture.

Fry in butter on both sides until medium brown. Before use, the frying pan must be warmed well with the oil, but not heated.

Eggplants are cut into thin slices. Salted. After 30 minutes, blot with paper napkins.

They are also browned in butter on both sides until medium brown.

While the eggplant tongues are being prepared, grate the cheese on a fine grater along with the garlic.

The resulting bread croutons are complemented with eggplants.

On top of the eggplants - grated garlic cheese. Before serving, the sandwiches are placed in the microwave for a few seconds. The cheese has melted - the sandwiches are ready! Slices of ripe homemade tomato on top of a cheese cap, combined with basil, plus, of course, the heroes of our “celebration” - it’s beautiful and tasty. Our holiday sandwiches with eggplant, tomatoes and cheese are definitely worth making and trying.

Surprise your loved ones with your vegetable exclusives with joy!

Eggplants are a favorite delicacy in our family. They make many wonderful nutritious dishes. The recipe for eggplant and tomato sandwiches is one of the simplest and most delicious.


Eggplant- 2 pieces

Tomatoes- 2 pieces

Loaf (bread)– 1 baguette (loaf)

Mayonnaise- 100g

Garlic- 3-4 cloves

Vegetable oil- for frying

Salt, fresh herbs(For decoration).

How to make eggplant sandwiches

1 . The most important thing is to fry the eggplants correctly so that they are not bitter. To do this, you need to cut them and sprinkle each slice with salt. Let the eggplants sit for about 15 minutes so that they release their juice.

. Then the eggplants should be rinsed well under running water and placed on a dry, clean towel. The fabric will quickly absorb excess moisture, and the oil will not “shoot” when frying eggplants.

3 . Now the eggplants can be fried. To do this, place the slices in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.

4 . Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. For this it is convenient to have a sharp knife.

. Mix mayonnaise with chopped garlic.

. Grease each piece of loaf (bread) with mayonnaise and garlic sauce. By the way, you can use lettuce leaves instead of bread (tasty and less calorie).

. Place the eggplants in the next layer.

. Place tomato slices on top of the eggplants. And decorate with greenery.

Delicious eggplant sandwiches are ready

Bon appetit!

Sandwiches with eggplant

Eggplant is another vegetable designed to preserve the beauty of your figure and give the body even more strength and endurance. The fruit contains 24 kilocalories per 100 grams, while the protein content is 1.3, fat – 0.1, and carbohydrates only 4.4 grams. Eggplant is also filled with vitamins and beneficial substances, which significantly improve the functioning of all organs and have a beneficial effect on the state of the blood and general well-being. This vegetable contains a lot of carotene, vitamins C and PP, as well as B and B2. Eggplant is one of the richest vegetables in potassium; in addition to potassium, it contains magnesium and iron, calcium and phosphorus, and sodium.

The benefits of eggplant are very great, since this product helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood, which improves the overall condition of the blood. Due to their high potassium content, eggplants improve heart function, strengthen the heart sac, and prevent atherosclerosis. The vegetable also allows you to remove excess fluid and accumulated salts in the body. Eggplant is indicated for diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood vessels and heart.

When preparing eggplants, or as people are accustomed to calling them “little ones,” it is necessary to cut the fruit and be sure to salt it. After which the vegetable will release juice, which must be drained, and after this procedure it can be fried, stewed, or boiled. The fact is that unripe eggplants can be very bitter; this unpleasant taste appears due to solanine, a poison contained in the juice of unripe and overripe vegetables (this phenomenon is observed in all representatives of the nightshade family). It is dangerous to health, so buy vegetables that are already ripe, but not yet soft, and just in case, pickle them so that excess juice comes out, drain it and cook.

Eggplant sandwich recipes

Eggplant sandwiches with cheese crust.

  • Eggplant – 2 pieces.
  • Onions – 2 pieces, medium.
  • Sliced ​​grain bread - 14 slices.
  • Oil – for frying.
  • Processed cheese – 2 pieces.
  • Hard cheese – 50 grams.
  • Seasonings and salt.
  • Parsley.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.

Eggplants: wash, cut, salt, rinse off the juice, dry. Cut into small cubes. Also chop the onion finely and fry over low heat together with the eggplants for 15 minutes, covered. Salt and add seasonings to taste.

Squeeze the garlic into the oil and grease the bread slices. Slice the processed cheese thinly, place it on bread and place in the oven for 7 minutes at 180 degrees. Now we take out the toast and put the eggplants and onions on top. Grate the cheese. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and place in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Sandwiches with eggplant, tomatoes and avocado.

  • Eggplant – 2 pieces.
  • Tomato – 2 pieces.
  • Avocado – 1 piece (choose ripe ones).
  • Mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt without additives - 3 tablespoons.
  • Baguette.
  • Prosciutto or smoked red fish, salmon is ideal, it turns out very tasty - 10 slices.
  • Parsley or basil - a few sprigs.
  • Butter and sunflower.

Cut the baguette into 6 pieces, remove the middle and grease the inside with butter. Now place the pieces in the oven at 150 degrees for 10-15 minutes so that the oil is absorbed by the pulp.

Cut the vegetables into slices and simmer in a frying pan. Cut the avocado into slices, mix mayonnaise or sour cream with seasonings and salt. Now place layers of eggplant, mayonnaise or sour cream, tomato, prosciutto or salmon, mayonnaise or sour cream, avocado and herbs into the preparations. Now place the pan in the oven at 150 degrees for 15 minutes.

By early autumn, eggplants ripen. This vegetable is very healthy and can be used to prepare various dishes. If you are trying to stick to proper nutrition and do not eat fast food, then you can snack during the day with eggplant sandwiches and additional ingredients.

On any holiday table, eggplants with tomatoes and garlic go great as a good appetizer. And if you save a few eggplants until the New Year (for example, pickled in a jar), then it will not only be a tasty snack, but also a good decoration. Look at what these sandwiches look like in the photo below:

The snack is quite filling, so it can satisfy your hunger for a long time. A significant advantage is that the sandwich can be prepared in just a few minutes. Despite the fact that the appetizer is quite simple, it can be served on any festive table - for a birthday, a romantic dinner, or New Year's holidays.

It is important to note that eggplants cannot be stored for a long time, so it is recommended to make this snack only from fresh ingredients.

Every housewife has her own secrets for making such sandwiches. In this article we will look at the most popular and accessible recipes.

Sandwiches with eggplant and tomatoes and garlic according to the classic recipe

An appetizer with vegetables can be prepared in the classic way. This option is the simplest and the entire process only takes a few minutes. The main thing is to stick to consistency. You can change the quantity of products at your discretion. Thanks to the ingredients indicated in the recipe, you can prepare 10 sandwiches.


  • 1 piece of fresh eggplant.
  • 2 pcs ripe tomatoes.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 50 ml mayonnaise.
  • Borodino bread. You can use any type of baked goods you like.
  • 1 bunch of dill.
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce if necessary.

Step-by-step cooking process

Eggplants are a little bitter, so they need to be cut into circles about 1 cm thick, sprinkled with salt and left for a few minutes, then rinsed thoroughly and dried. After this, make several cuts and sprinkle with soy sauce. Wait 10-15 minutes for the vegetable to soak well.

Chop the garlic cloves into small pieces using a sharp knife or press with a special press, then mix it with a small amount of black pepper.

When the eggplant pieces are soaked in soy sauce, they need to be fried on all sides. Pre-heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Cook vegetables over medium heat until golden brown.

Cut the rye bread into medium-sized pieces.

Place fried zucchini on slices and brush with garlic mixture.

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices and place in the next layer on the sandwiches. Add a small amount of mayonnaise and fresh herbs if desired.

A delicious snack is ready to eat. Bon appetit!

Sandwiches with eggplant, tomatoes and cheese are the best snack for the holiday table

Autumn eggplant appetizer is a great alternative to pizza. It will take no more than 30 minutes to prepare the sandwich. In autumn, the festive table must include dishes made from ripe vegetables. Therefore, it is recommended to use the following recipe.


  • 800 grams of ripe eggplants.
  • 1 head of onion.
  • 3 tbsp vegetable or olive oil.
  • A few slices of any bread.
  • A small amount of processed cheese.
  • 200 grams of hard cheese.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Black pepper and table salt according to preference.

Step-by-step preparation

Place a frying pan on the stove and heat the vegetable oil. Chop the onion and fry it for a few minutes.

Wash the eggplants, remove the stems and cut into small pieces. Salt the chopped vegetables and leave for a few minutes, then add them to the frying pan, cover and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Add black pepper at the end if desired.

Cut the bread into slices, dry in a toaster, then grate with garlic and lay out a layer of processed cheese.

Place the next layer of stewed vegetables and pieces of cheese on top. If desired, hard cheese can be grated on a medium grater.

Place the sandwiches on a flat plate and microwave for 1 minute. The cheese should be completely melted. If necessary, you can put fresh herbs or tomatoes on top.

The snack can be eaten hot or cold.

Hot eggplant sandwiches in the oven

If you prefer hot snacks, then eggplant sandwiches can be prepared in the oven. This will take 15-20 minutes.


  • 2 pieces of medium eggplants.
  • 150 grams of ham.
  • 2 pcs chicken eggs.
  • 150 grams of hard cheese.
  • 100 grams of breadcrumbs.
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • A pinch of table salt.

Cooking process

  1. First of all, ripe eggplants need to be washed, stems removed and cut into small discs, about 5 mm each. Salt the vegetables and leave for 30 minutes to get rid of the bitterness. Then the circles need to be washed and dried using paper napkins. Place vegetables on a plate.
  2. Mix raw eggs with salt until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Grind the ham. The thickness of the pieces should not exceed 5 mm. Transfer to another bowl.
  4. Grate or chop hard cheese using a sharp knife.
  5. Place the eggplant washers on a cutting board. Place sliced ​​ham on top and cheese on the next layer. Then add another eggplant slice.
  6. Turn on the oven and heat it to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, cover a baking sheet with parchment paper greased with vegetable oil. To do this, you can use a special brush.
  7. Dip the sandwiches in the egg mixture and then roll in breadcrumbs.
  8. Carefully place the appetizer on a baking sheet. You need to leave a small distance between the sandwiches.
  9. Place in the oven and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  10. If desired, hot sandwiches can be greased with a small amount of mayonnaise and fresh herbs can be added.

You can also use sweet peppers, onions, tomatoes, garlic, and sausage for cooking.


  • 1 baguette
  • 1-2 eggplants
  • 1-2 fresh tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • fresh herbs for garnish

How to make eggplant and tomato sandwiches:

Cut the baguette into slices 1 cm thick. Fry the bread until golden brown in a toaster or in a dry frying pan.

Rub hot pieces of bread with garlic to make sandwiches with eggplants and tomatoes more tasty and aromatic.

Grease the baguette slices with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Wash young eggplants with unripe seeds and cut them into rings 5 ​​mm thick. Place the vegetables in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry the eggplant slices until golden brown on both sides. Before you start forming sandwiches with eggplants and tomatoes and garlic, cool the vegetables to room temperature.

Place the fried eggplants on baguette slices.

Cut fresh tomatoes into thin rings. Place the tomatoes on top of the eggplants. Salt the vegetables and season them with ground black pepper.

Decorate the finished eggplant sandwiches with tomatoes and mayonnaise with fresh herbs. You can use dill, parsley, cilantro or basil.

During this time, heat the frying pan and place slices of bread on it, dry on both sides. There is no need to pour any oil into the pan. The bread should be slightly browned. Then rub the hot bread with garlic on the side on which the filling will be placed.

After 30 minutes, wipe the eggplants from salt and bread them in flour. Fry in hot oil on both sides until golden brown.

Place eggplants on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Cut the cooled eggplant slices into 4 parts, also chop the tomatoes. Mix tomatoes and eggplants in one container, add salt and pepper.

Mash the cream cheese with a fork and then crumble the feta cheese. Mix the mass well. You don’t have to add salt here, since feta cheese is salty, but still rely on your taste.

Spread the dried bread slices with the cheese filling and place the eggplant and tomato mixture on top. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Appetizing, incredibly tasty sandwiches with eggplant, tomatoes and cheese can be served with tea, coffee or as a snack.