Smolensk banker biography. Smolensky Alexander Pavlovich where is now

  • 13.02.2024

Born on July 6, 1954 in Moscow. He graduated from the Dzhambul Geological and Technological Institute with a degree in economics. The media also reported that Smolensky graduated from the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Geological Exploration Institute, as well as reports that Smolensky bought the diploma.

Since 1974, Smolensky was a typesetter, a shop manager, and then a senior foreman in several printing houses. In 1980, he became a merchandiser at the Moscow trading company Vesna. In 1981, Smolensky was accused of theft of state property and private entrepreneurship and sentenced (according to official information - to two years in prison, according to unofficial information - to 12 years, which he was allegedly reduced to two when he agreed to cooperate with the KGB).

In 1983, Smolensky got a job at the Moscow Olympic sports complex as an engineer. In 1984, he became deputy head of the repair and construction department in the Pervomaisky district of Moscow, and in 1987 he headed one of the first construction cooperatives in Moscow.

In 1989, Smolensky created the Stolichny commercial bank and was elected chairman of the board, and by 1994 became president of the bank. It was alleged that in the early 1990s Smolensky met foreign businessman Mark Rich, who introduced the banker into Boris Yeltsin’s circle.

In 1993, Smolensky, according to some sources, took part in the creation of the NTV television company. In the same year, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation opened two criminal cases against the management of the Stolichny Design Bureau: a case of laundering funds received from the sale of drugs, weapons and nuclear materials and a case of transporting $25 million through the Stolichny Design Bureau to Austria using a false advice note. . The investigations into both cases were later discontinued, and Smolensky was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

In 1994, the Stolichny Bank was renamed the Capital Savings Bank (SBS), and in 1997, after the merger of Agroprombank with this credit organization, it was renamed into SBS-Agro. In 1995, Smolensky was included in the board of directors of CJSC Public Russian Television (until 1998 he represented the ORT-Banking Consortium on the board). Since 1996, the banker has also been a member of the Advisory Council on Banking Activities under the Russian government. That same year, he met entrepreneurs Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich.

In March 1996, Smolensky took part in a meeting of a group of bankers and politicians with President Yeltsin, who agreed to join forces for the re-election of the president (later the seven bankers participating in the meeting were united by the term “seven bankers”). Smolensky began raising funds for Yeltsin’s election campaign.

In 1996-1997, while remaining president of SBS, Smolensky simultaneously served as chairman of the Board of Directors of Agroprombank. In April 1997, he left the posts of president and chairman of the board of directors of SBS-Agro bank, as well as chairman of the board of directors of Agroprombank and took the post of chairman of the board of directors of the management company of the financial group SBS-Agro (which, along with the bank SBS-Agro, Agro", also included the company "Inkokhran", the bank "SBS-Agro-Petersburg" and a number of other structures).

Best of the day

In the summer of 1998, there was a default in Russia, and the SBS-Agro bank was seriously damaged. In early December of the same year, Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov announced that an arrest warrant had been issued for Smolensky. Then the banker left for Austria and did not appear in Russia for almost six months. Skuratov later stated that the authorities forced him to drop the case as a sign of gratitude to Smolensky, who financed Yeltsin’s election campaign.

In January 1999, Samara-Agrobank, a branch of SBS-Agro, changed its name to First OVK (First Mutual Lending Society), removed SBS-Agro from its shareholders and began to absorb other branches of SBS. . At the same time, SBS-Agro did not formally cease to exist, and its affairs were dealt with by the state Agency for the Restructuring of Credit Institutions (ARCO).

In October 2001, Smolensky announced the creation of the Stolichny Bank in Moscow. The Smolensky bank North-West OVK, which is part of the OVK group, was re-registered in Moscow as Stolichny.

In June 2003, Smolensky told reporters that he was retiring from business, and the shareholders of the UWC group of banks would henceforth be represented by his son. However, already at the end of July of the same year, the holding company Interros of Vladimir Potanin announced the purchase of the entire financial business of Smolensky - the group of banks OVK, Inkahran and all related companies. The media suggested that Smolensky got rid of the business, since associations with the notorious SBS-Agro did not allow this business to develop properly.

At the same time, Smolensky retained other projects - primarily in the field of real estate: the companies Real Estate, Capital, Integration, Alexander House, a share in GUM and others. To service his business, he left himself one small bank - Stolichny, which was later renamed Stolichnoye Credit Partnership. In September 2004, Smolensky transferred the bank to his long-time partner and nephew Alexey Grigoriev.

By 2005, according to Smolensky, he managed to pay off all the investors who suffered as a result of what happened with SBS-Agro.

In March 2006, the Vagrius publishing house released the novel “Hostage,” written by Alexander Smolensky and Eduard Krasnyansky (the latter for many years headed the PR services of Smolensky banks). The novel was written in the genre of political detective story. There was no information in print about how the novel was sold and how readers received it, but at the end of the year it became known that Smolensky had begun work on another book.

In October 2006, the former banker bought a house in France, however, in his own words, he continued to live mainly in Moscow - as a rentier, not a businessman.

On July 30, 2007, the name of Smolensky and the name of the SBS-Agro bank again appeared in the press in connection with information that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation had charged Berezovsky with the theft of $13.7 million from SBS-Agro. According to investigators, Berezovsky organized a criminal group, with the help of which in 1997 he fraudulently received a loan from SBS-Agro, spending it on the purchase of real estate in France - on the Mediterranean coast.

Smolensky is a member of the Coordination Council of the public association "Russian Business Round Table"; was a member of the Board of Directors of the Interbank Financial House. Winner of the "Euromarket Award" on behalf of the Center for Market Research at the EEC, the award for best management of the Israel Institute of Public Opinion, author of a number of publications on business issues. In addition to the Order of Friendship of Peoples, he was awarded the Church Order of the Archangel Michael - for the fact that the bank he heads allocated 50 kilograms of gold for gilding the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Smolensky is married and has a son and grandson. Smolensky's hobbies are walking in the woods, playing golf, reading detective stories.

Founder of SBS-Agro Bank

Founder of SBS-Agro bank, former chairman of the board of directors of the SBS-Agro banking group, later renamed the Soyuz group. Participated in the creation of the NTV television company and the formation of Sibneft JSC. Helped organize President Yeltsin's election campaign. He was brought to criminal liability, according to some sources - more than once. Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples and the Order of the Archangel Michael.

Alexander Pavlovich Smolensky was born on July 6, 1954 in Moscow. He graduated from the Dzhambul Geological and Technological Institute with a degree in economics. The media also reported that Smolensky graduated from the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Geological Exploration Institute, as well as reports that Smolensky bought the diploma.

Since 1974, Smolensky was a typesetter, a shop manager, and then a senior foreman in several printing houses. In 1980, he became a merchandiser at the Moscow trading company Vesna. In 1981, Smolensky was accused of theft of state property and private entrepreneurship and sentenced (according to official information - to two years in prison, according to unofficial information - to 12 years, which he was allegedly reduced to two when he agreed to cooperate with the KGB).

In 1983, Smolensky got a job at the Moscow Olympic sports complex as an engineer. In 1984, he became deputy head of the repair and construction department in the Pervomaisky district of Moscow, and in 1987 he headed one of the first construction cooperatives in Moscow.

In 1989, Smolensky created the Stolichny commercial bank and was elected chairman of the board, and by 1994 became president of the bank. It was alleged that in the early 1990s Smolensky met foreign businessman Mark Rich, who introduced the banker into Boris Yeltsin’s entourage.

In 1993, Smolensky, according to some sources, took part in the creation of the NTV television company. In the same year, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation opened two criminal cases against the management of the Stolichny Design Bureau: a case of laundering funds received from the sale of drugs, weapons and nuclear materials and a case of transporting $25 million through the Stolichny Design Bureau to Austria using a false advice note. . The investigations into both cases were later discontinued, and Smolensky was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

In 1994, the Stolichny Bank was renamed the Capital Savings Bank (SBS), and in 1997, after the merger of Agroprombank with this credit organization, it was renamed into SBS-Agro. In 1995, Smolensky was included in the board of directors of CJSC Public Russian Television (until 1998 he represented the ORT-Banking Consortium on the board). Since 1996, the banker has also been a member of the Advisory Council on Banking Activities under the Russian government. That same year, he met entrepreneurs Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich.

In March 1996, Smolensky took part in a meeting of a group of bankers and politicians with President Yeltsin, who agreed to join forces for the re-election of the president (later the seven bankers participating in the meeting were united by the term “seven bankers”). Smolensky began raising funds for Yeltsin's election campaign.

In 1996-1997, while remaining president of SBS, Smolensky simultaneously served as chairman of the Board of Directors of Agroprombank. In April 1997, he left the posts of president and chairman of the board of directors of SBS-Agro bank, as well as chairman of the board of directors of Agroprombank and took the post of chairman of the board of directors of the management company of the financial group SBS-Agro (which, along with the bank SBS-Agro, Agro", also included the company "Inkokhran", the bank "SBS-Agro-Petersburg" and a number of other structures).

In the summer of 1998, there was a default in Russia, and the SBS-Agro bank was seriously damaged. In early December of the same year, Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov announced that an arrest warrant had been issued for Smolensky. Then the banker left for Austria and did not appear in Russia for almost six months. Skuratov later stated that the authorities forced him to drop the case as a sign of gratitude to Smolensky, who financed Yeltsin’s election campaign.

In January 1999, Samara-Agrobank, a branch of SBS-Agro, changed its name to First OVK (First Mutual Lending Society), removed SBS-Agro from its shareholders and began to absorb other branches of SBS. . At the same time, SBS-Agro did not formally cease to exist, and its affairs were dealt with by the state Agency for the Restructuring of Credit Institutions (ARCO).

In October 2001, Smolensky announced the creation of the Stolichny Bank in Moscow. The Smolensky bank North-West OVK, which is part of the OVK group, was re-registered in Moscow as Stolichny.

In June 2003, Smolensky told reporters that he was retiring from business, and the shareholders of the UWC group of banks would henceforth be represented by his son. However, already at the end of July of the same year, the holding company Interros of Vladimir Potanin announced the purchase of the entire financial business of Smolensky - the group of banks OVK, Inkahran and all related companies. The media suggested that Smolensky got rid of the business, since associations with the notorious SBS-Agro did not allow this business to develop properly.

At the same time, Smolensky retained other projects - primarily in the field of real estate: the companies Real Estate, Capital, Integration, Alexander House, a share in GUM and others. To service his business, he left himself one small bank - Stolichny, which was later renamed Stolichnoye Credit Partnership. In September 2004, Smolensky transferred the bank to his long-time partner and nephew Alexey Grigoriev.

By 2005, according to Smolensky, he managed to pay off all the investors who suffered as a result of what happened with SBS-Agro.

In March 2006, the Vagrius publishing house released the novel “Hostage,” written by Alexander Smolensky and Eduard Krasnyansky (the latter for many years headed the PR services of Smolensky banks). The novel was written in the genre of political detective story. There was no information in print about how the novel was sold and how readers received it, but at the end of the year it became known that Smolensky had begun work on another book.

In October 2006, the former banker bought a house in France, however, in his own words, he continued to live mainly in Moscow - as a rentier, not a businessman.

On July 30, 2007, the name of Smolensky and the name of the SBS-Agro bank again appeared in the press in connection with information that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation had charged Berezovsky with the theft of $13.7 million from SBS-Agro. According to investigators, Berezovsky organized a criminal group, with the help of which in 1997 he fraudulently received a loan from SBS-Agro, spending it on the purchase of real estate in France - on the Mediterranean coast.

Smolensky is a member of the Coordination Council of the public association "Russian Business Round Table"; was a member of the Board of Directors of the Interbank Financial House. Winner of the "Euromarket Award" on behalf of the Center for Market Research at the EEC, the award for best management of the Israel Institute of Public Opinion, author of a number of publications on business issues. In addition to the Order of Friendship of Peoples, he was awarded the Church Order of the Archangel Michael - for the fact that the bank he heads allocated 50 kilograms of gold for gilding the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Smolensky is married and has a son and grandson. Smolensky's hobbies are walking in the woods, playing golf, reading detective stories.

Born into the family of Pavel and Carolina Rudolfovna Smolensky, who emigrated from Austria to the USSR in the 1930s.

He graduated from the Dzhambul Geological and Technological Institute in Kazakhstan with a degree in economics.

Since 1974, Smolensky was a typesetter, a shop manager, and then a senior foreman in several printing houses. In 1980, he became a merchandiser at the Moscow trading company Vesna. In 1981, Smolensky was accused of theft of state property and private entrepreneurship and was convicted (according to official information - to two years in prison, according to unofficial information - to 12 years, which he was allegedly reduced to two when he agreed to cooperate with the KGB).

In 1983, Smolensky got a job at the Moscow Olympic sports complex as an engineer. In 1984, he became deputy head of the repair and construction department in the Pervomaisky district of Moscow.

He sells the latter for €323 million

In 1987, he headed one of the first construction cooperatives in Moscow. In 1989, Smolensky created the commercial bank Stolichny and became chairman of its board, and by 1994 he became president of the bank.

In 1993, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation opened two criminal cases against the management of the Stolichny Design Bureau: a case of laundering funds received from the sale of drugs, weapons and nuclear materials and a case of transporting $25 million through the Stolichny Design Bureau to Austria using a false advice note. The investigations into both cases were later discontinued, and Smolensky was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

In 1994, the Stolichny Bank was renamed the Capital Savings Bank (SBS), and in 1997, after the merger of Agroprombank with this credit organization, it was renamed into SBS-Agro.

In 1995, Smolensky was included in the board of directors of CJSC Public Russian Television.

Since 1996, he has been a member of the Advisory Council on Banking Activities under the Russian Government.

Since April 1996 - Chairman of the Board of SBS-AGRO Bank International Macedonia A.D. , then from April 2001 - member of the Board of Directors of JSCB Central O.V.K.

In June 2003, Smolensky told reporters that he was retiring from business, and the shareholders of the UWC group of banks would henceforth be represented by his son.

Mentioned as a member of the “Seven Bankers”, i.e. a group of seven major representatives of the Russian financial business, allegedly united informally, despite internal disagreements, in order to ensure the re-election of B. N. Yeltsin for another term in the presidential elections of 1996, and after Yeltsin's re-election allegedly received the informal right to influence public policy in the financial sector, the opportunity to privatize the largest industrial enterprises, etc., which is covered in the documentary film “Oligarchs”.

Currently (January 2009) he is a member of the Board of Directors of Dvizhenie Bank.

He was awarded the Church Order of the Archangel Michael for the fact that the bank he headed allocated 50 kilograms of gold for gilding the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


Married. Wife - Smolenskaya (Marchenko) Galina Nikolaevna (b. 1959, Dzhambul), son Nikolai (b. 1980) - owner of the British automobile company TVR.




Article source:,_Alexander_Pavlovich

People mentioned in the article: Smolensky, Alexander Pavlovich

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He graduated from the Dzhambul Geological and Technological Institute with a degree in economics.

Since November 1974 he worked in Moscow printing houses.

From January 1979 to August 1979 - head of the sector of the State Special Design and Technology Bureau of Automated Control Systems (GSKTB ASU)

Ministry of Tractorselstroy (village Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye, Balashikha district, Moscow region).

From August 1979 to March 1980 - senior foreman of the office of printed publications of the economic department of the USSR Ministry of Industry and Construction (Moscow).

In 1981 he was sentenced by the Sokolnichesky District People's Court of Moscow to 2 years in prison under Art. 92, part 2 and art.

Will Alexander exchange the Smolensky castle in Vienna for a camera in Sailor's Silence?

153, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. He was accused of stealing state property and engaging in private business activities. According to Smolensky, he helped type the Bible, for which he was arrested by the KGB. He was accused of using six kilograms of paint for his own needs.

From April 1983 to April 1984 - engineer of the logistics department of the Olimpiysky sports complex (Moscow).

From May 1984 to November 1987 - Deputy Head of Specialized Department No. 4 of the Pervomaisky Remstroitrest (Moscow).

From November 1987 to October 1988 - Chairman of the Moscow-3 construction cooperative (Moscow).

Since February 1989 - Chairman of the Board of the Stolichny Cooperative Commercial Bank. From June 1992 to June 1996 - President of JSCB Stolichny.

In 1992 he founded the Moscow Regional Fund for Support of the First President of the Russian Federation.

From 1995 to 1998 - member of the board of directors of CJSC Public Russian Television.

Since April 1996 - Chairman of the Board of SBS-AGRO Bank International Macedonia A.D.

From July 1996 to January 1997 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC JSCB Capital Savings Bank.

Since October 1996 - member of the Council on Banking Activities under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since April 1997 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the management company "SBS-Agro". Since April 1997 - member of the board of directors of SBS-Agro bank.

From March to August 1999 - Chairman of the Board of Directors, from August 1999 - Member of the Board of Directors of the Soyuz banking group (formerly SBS-Agro banking group).

On April 6, 1999, the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a resolution to arrest Smolensky, accusing him of complicity in the theft of $32 million using forged bank documents. At this moment, Smolensky was in Austria.

In May 1999 he returned to Russia.

Married. His wife Galina currently lives in Austria. Son Nikolai (1980).


Head of the Military Academy

Head of the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky Lieutenant General EREMIN Gleb Vladimirovich, born 04/13/1961, native of Kaliningrad. He graduated from the Leningrad Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command School named after the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution in 1982, the Military Academy of Air Defense of the Ground Forces in 1993, and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2003.
Candidate of Military Sciences.
Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.

Awarded the Order of Military Merit in 2000, a memorial badge of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.
Married, has a daughter and son.

chief of staff - deputy commander of the anti-aircraft missile brigade;
Chief of Staff - First Deputy Chief of the Air Defense Forces of the Moscow Military District;
Head of the Air Defense Forces of the Moscow Military District.

Deputy Head of the Military Academy

Deputy Head of the Academy Major General NOVIKOV Boris Alekseevich, born 02/04/1966, native of the village. Viktorovo, Krasninsky district, Smolensk region. He graduated from the Smolensk Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Engineering School in 1988, and the Military Academy of Air Defense of the Ground Forces in 1998.
Candidate of Military Sciences.

Awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, in 2007, and the Order of Military Merit in 2012.
Married, has a daughter and son.
Served in the following positions:
head of anti-aircraft missile crew;
deputy commander of an anti-aircraft missile battery;
commander of an anti-aircraft missile battery;
commander of a separate anti-aircraft missile division;
chief of staff - deputy commander of an anti-aircraft missile regiment;
commander of an anti-aircraft missile regiment;
commander of an anti-aircraft missile brigade;
Head of the Air Defense Forces Training Center;
head of the interspecific district training center.

Deputy ChiefMilitary Academy for educational and scientific work

Deputy Head of the Academy for Educational and Scientific Work Major General VASILCHENKO Oleg Vladimirovich, born July 23, 1969, native of Akhalkalaki, Georgian SSR. He graduated from the Smolensk Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Engineering School in 1990, the Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University) in 1995, the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky in 2009.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Full member of the Academy of Military Sciences.
Advisor to the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences.
Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.
Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation.

He was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II class in 2012, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I class with swords in 2017, the commemorative badge of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, and the insignia of military personnel of the Ground Forces “For Merit.”
Married, has a daughter and son.
Served in the following positions:
radar reconnaissance platoon commander;
engineer of the department's educational laboratory;
full-time adjunct;
teacher of the department;
senior lecturer of the department;
Deputy Head of the Academy's Research Department;
Associate Professor of the Department;
head of the academy's research department.

Deputy Head of the Military Academy for Work with Personnel - Head of Department

Deputy Head of the Academy for Work with Personnel - Head of Department Colonel STAKHOVICH Igor Rostislavovich, born 10/08/1967, native of Gorlovka, Donetsk region. He graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms School in 1989, the Military University of Novosibirsk.

Oh no, there’s been an error

Moscow in 2003.

Married, has a son.
Served in the following positions:
deputy commander of a mortar battery for political affairs;
commander of a motorized rifle company;
officer for public and state training of a separate motorized rifle brigade;
deputy commander of a separate motorized rifle battalion for educational work;
deputy regiment commander for educational work;
deputy division commander for educational work.
Participant in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

Deputy Head of the Military Academy for Logistics

Deputy Head of the Academy for Logistics and Technical Support – Colonel Bochkarev Alexander Vladimirovich, born 05/04/1977. Higher education. Graduated from the Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics in 1998, the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after Army General A.V. Khrulev in 2010. Since February 2017 - Deputy Head of the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky for logistics.

Awarded medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

There is a major scandal in the UK. The country lost the TVR company, the largest manufacturer of sports cars. The cunning operation was carried out by Nikolai SMOLENSKY, the son of ex-banker Alexander SMOLENSKY, who ruined millions of Russians who entrusted their savings to SBS-Agro.


The British affectionately nicknamed Nikolai Smolensky “baby oligarch,” and his dad Alexander Smolensky was nicknamed Baba Shura in the zone in Soviet times. Good old England sheltered both of them, considering them wealthy people. Today the British are wondering whether Nikolai himself or with the help of his authoritative dad pulled off a deal that deprived 260 people of work, and the country and treasury - the TVR automobile company and tax revenues. Workers are on strike, trade unions and members of parliament support them, and the Ministry of Trade is deciding whether an investigation is needed or whether it is better to urgently find a compromise between the Russian baby, his victims and the government.

Golden Mountains

And it all started happily. In 2004, Nikolai Smolensky purchased for £15 million. ($27 million) from TVR made a lot of noise. The new owner was greeted at the Blackpool factory as a savior. Even despite his dubious appearance: Blackpool residents dubbed Smolensky the “baby oligarch”, as he looked like “a 15-year-old schoolboy in a luxurious suit and shoes polished to a shine.”

But there was something to be saved: the company was a collection of old barns and hangars that did not have computers.

At the first meeting with the workers, Nikolai Smolensky stated that the purchase of TVR was hardly “the work of his life” for him and he intended to make the company a competitor to Lamborghini and Ferrari. The first steps of the new owner inspired optimism. Every week he flew his plane from London to the planning meeting. A big fan of a healthy lifestyle, Nikolai fed the workers fruits and vegetables for free. And he even promised to introduce a new pension insurance system. In general, he seemed like a “father,” tirelessly concerned about the well-being of his subordinates.

Antediluvian carts

Six months later, Smolensky Jr.’s attitude towards TVR began to change: car sales were falling, production was declining.

Smolensky visited the plant less and less. Weekly planning meetings have sunk into oblivion. Promises to modernize were forgotten. Just like half a century ago, parts and components were transported around workshops on carts, and computers could be counted on one hand.

In April, after the first major staff cuts, Smolensky announced plans to begin construction of modern workshops in the airport area. However, in the fall, he announced that negotiations with city authorities had reached a dead end and production would have to be moved to another city. In October, he announced that vehicle assembly would take place on the continent. Everything was heading towards the liquidation of the enterprise. It became obvious to everyone that Smolensky was preparing for it in advance. Back in the summer he sold it for £7.7 million. London house and left with his family for Vienna. At the same time, he divided the company into several small companies. The assembly was carried out at Blackpool Automotive. The rights to the trademark were transferred to TVR Motors, and the components were made by TVR Power.

Russian business

In November, Smolensky announced the sale of Blackpool Automotive and TVR Power. On December 13, he resigned as director of these companies, and 10 days later external management was introduced at the plant.

After the New Year holidays, workers received notices of dismissal. The last doubts that they were “dumped” disappeared even among the most gullible. True, there was still hope for the new owner of the plant. No one knew who he was, but everyone believed that Smolensky could not be worse than the “Varyag” Smolensky. At the end of February it became known that the highest price for the enterprise, about 2 million pounds. Art., offered by a company from Liechtenstein. There was no limit to the indignation when the residents of the town, who are fed by the port and the factory, learned that the buyer... Nikolai Smolensky, who successfully destroyed the enterprise and sold it two months ago.

Globalization, damn it!

The new-old owner promised to open the plant no later than six months later, most likely in Milan. TVR intends to assemble a record five thousand cars a year - two thousand for the United States, for which there are supposedly already orders, and another three thousand for other countries.

The combination carried out by Smolensky is impressive. He managed to retain his well-known trademark at minimal cost and transfer production from the “expensive” UK to “cheap” Italy.

Russians can easily recognize Smolensky Jr. by his “handwriting.” In 2003, his father handed over to him management of the large bank First OVK. Nikolai promised employees to triple the number of branches, but a few months later he unexpectedly sold the bank. But for the British, what happened came as a surprise. Angry Blackpool residents rallied to demand the government invalidate the suspicious deal. The Transport and Unskilled Workers' Union and the Blackpool MP are demanding that Smolensky or the government pay redundancy pay and holiday pay to all those laid off. Smolensky is confident that he did not break any laws, and blames everything on the government, which, they say, does not support the automobile industry. He claims to have invested £40 million in TVR. and is willing to make a small concession: keeping engine production in the UK, but not in Blackpool.


* SMOLENSKY Nikolay Alexandrovich. Born June 11, 1980, President of the international bank Investbank AD, located in Skopje, Macedonia. Has Greek and British citizenship. Nikolai studied in Austria and Great Britain. Married, has a child.

* SMOLENSKY Alexander Pavlovich. Born on July 6, 1956. His grandfather was the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Austria, for which his father was sent into exile in Central Asia, where Alexander was born. According to the competent authorities, the future oligarch completed two courses at a technical university, and simply bought diplomas allowing him to call himself a builder and a printer by training. In reality, he passed other “universities”: three trips to the zone under articles related to fraud. Having financed the initial stage of Boris Yeltsin’s activities, and then his re-election in 1996, the hero of perestroika and the head of the Stolichny Bank became one of the five richest people in the post-Soviet space. All the criminal cases that were filed against him at that time mysteriously fell apart. Thanks to powerful connections, Stolichny became an authorized bank for agricultural projects under the Russian government and was renamed SBS-Agro. In August 1998, millions of investors were ruined, since Smolensky was one of the most active participants in the creation of the state financial “pyramid” of GKOs. Now he has no business in Russia. His family: wife Galina Nikolaevna and son Nikolai permanently reside in Vienna. The main part of the property is registered in the name of the wife.


The TVR company was founded in 1947. On the eve of its purchase by Nikolai Smolensky, the company launched the production of a new model “sagaris”. The car accelerates to 100 km per hour in 3.7 seconds, the maximum speed is 320 km per hour.