What is a fine art presentation. Presentation for the lesson presentation for the lesson in fine arts (art) on the topic

  • 14.02.2024


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Look how amazing the world around us is - so many different colors! The variety of colors excites and pleases, surprises and delights!

They can be depicted as a magic color wheel. The colors are arranged in a certain order. how it shimmers, some colors transform into others!

Red ran towards yellow and turned into orange. Yellow and blue meet and the result is green. How did you get purple?

Primary colors red blue yellow

composite purple orange green

How are composite colors made?

how to make purple? + =

How to make orange? + =

How to make green? + =

Remember! By combining two primary colors, we get a composite color. + + + = = =

task Using only two colors and different combinations of shades, draw a fairytale castle.

1st row Uses only red and blue paints. Invents the palace of the snow queen.

Row 2 Opens jars of red and yellow paints and depicts a fairy-tale palace of the sun.

Row 3 Working only with yellow and blue paint, he comes up with a spring palace.

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Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet - bright colors, as if loud.

But there are three special colors -

What happens to the color if you mix it with white paint? A miracle will happen! The color will become lighter, as if lighter.

Blue will turn into cyan, red - into pink.

Other colors will also become lighter and more delicate.

The more white paint you add, the lighter and airier the new color will be.

White paint helps artists paint with such delicate and airy colors. N. Krymov. To spring.

task Look at the picture. What mood do you think the artist expressed in it?

Try to turn each color into a light and delicate one. And draw nature.

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Do you remember that white paint turns colors into light and delicate ones?

Why do you think an artist needs black paint?

It turns out that she can darken every color and make it heavy. Look how the colors have changed!

The mixture of red and black will remind you of clouds at sunset + =

Mix yellow with black and get a forest clearing illuminated by moonlight. + =

In the shimmer of blue and black you will see the heavy waves of the sea during a storm. + =

Paintings that are painted in such heavy colors seem mysterious, enigmatic.

task 1) Look at the picture. What mood is expressed in it?

2) draw a castle with brick walls. Get the color of each brick by mixing some color with black paint. Work with large strokes. Every stroke is a brick.

Remember! The black paint is very strong, so use a little bit of it on the brush.

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What do you think will happen if you mix soft white and strong black paint?

Let's try! It will turn out gray!

If you use more white paint, the grays will be light, and if you use more black... guess what the grays will turn out to be.

Do you see a strip of tape that looks like steps? Gray color, approaching white, seems to be illuminated by it. but when it approaches black, it seems to plunge into darkness.

task Draw flying butterflies. Use only white and black paint.

student work

Student works

work sequence


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Whatever colors we mix with gray paint, they lose their brightness. The gray ones extinguish them, make them quiet.

Light gray paint, like white, gives colors a lightness. Dark gray makes the colors heavier.

But it still makes them magical and incredibly beautiful!

Paintings painted in colored gray have a special sound. It’s as if everything that is depicted on them is just waking up or thinking. Ostroukhov. Pond.

task Draw colored fog

student work

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The beauty of nature in all seasons has always been a source of inspiration for poets, musicians, and artists. Autumn! Our entire poor garden is crumbling, Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind, Only in the distance they show off, there, at the bottom of the valleys, Bright red brushes of withering rowan trees. A. Tolstoy

Artists show the beauty of nature not only with paints, but also with pastels, wax crayons, and ink.

Drawings made with ink, pencil or charcoal are called graphics. graphic arts

The beauty of a winter forest can be easily depicted using graphics.

And the lines will help us with this. They are different:

They may show different personalities.

You can draw with black liquid ink using an ordinary stick. But we will work with a brush. Mind you! If you press hard, the line will be bright, but not long. If you do it slowly, the line will become thin. But the most interesting thing is when you press in different ways, but don’t take your hand off the sheet. The line looks like it’s alive.

task You will draw your forest, compose it. In art, an essay on a topic is called Composition

Try to have trees of different shapes and differently positioned on the leaf.

student work

Bring to the next lesson: album, colored paper, scissors, glue.


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Art is a specific type of reflection and formation of reality by a person in the process of artistic creativity in accordance with certain aesthetic ideals. Art is simultaneously consciousness, cognition, and communication between people. Types of art are divided into 3 main types: 1) spatial (plastic), which exist in space without changing or developing over time, and are perceived by sight; 2) temporary; 3) spatiotemporal. Within each art form there are genres.

1. SPATIAL PLASTIC TYPES OF ART Spatial arts are types of art, the works of which exist in space, without changing or developing in time; - have a substantive nature; - are performed by processing material material; -perceived by the audience directly and visually. Spatial arts are divided into: - fine arts: painting, sculpture, graphics, photography; -non-fine arts: -architecture, -decorative and applied arts and -artistic construction (design).

SPATIAL Fine arts Fine art is a type of art whose main feature is the reflection of reality in visual, visually perceptible images. Fine arts include: painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, printing

GRAPHICS - the art of depicting objects with contour lines and strokes. Sometimes the graphics allow the use of colored spots. Graphics include a drawing and various types of its printed reproductions: engraving, lithography, monotype, book illustration, posters, as well as computer graphics. Graphics are divided into: easel, preparatory (sketch, sketch), applied and industrial graphics (certificates, stamps, labels, advertising)

SCULPTURE is a type of fine art, the works of which have a physically material, objective volume and three-dimensional form located in real space. The main objects of the sculpture are humans and images of the animal world. The main types of sculpture are round sculpture and relief. sculpture is divided into: - monumental; - for monumental and decorative; - easel; and - sculpture of small forms.

DECORATIVE ART is a field of plastic arts, the works of which, along with architecture, artistically shape the material environment surrounding a person. Decorative art is divided into: - monumental and decorative art; - decorative and applied arts; and - design art.

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Types and genres of fine arts
Presentation by a teacher of the highest category of MAOU Secondary School No. 23 of Lipetsk Urushkina I.V.

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The world of art is rich and complex. We look at paintings, look at statues in museums, listen to music, read literature, marvel at the beauty of ancient buildings, watch theatrical performances of artists, watch films. And these seemingly different phenomena are called in one word - art.

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Types of fine arts
- Painting - Graphics - Sculpture - Architecture Decorative and applied arts Design

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Painting is a type of fine art whose works are created using paints applied to any surface.

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Graphics (Greek graphikë, from gráphô - I write), a type of fine art that includes drawing and printed artistic images (engraving, lithography, monotype, etc.), based on the art of drawing, but having their own visual means and expressive capabilities...

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Sculpture (Latin sculptura, from sculpo - I cut, carve), sculpture, plastic, a type of fine art, the works of which have a three-dimensional, three-dimensional shape and are made of solid or plastic materials.

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Architecture (Latin architectura, from Greek architéktôn - builder) (architecture), the art of designing and constructing buildings and other structures (as well as their complexes) that create a materially organized environment.

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Decorative and applied arts, the field of decorative art: the creation of artistic products that have a practical purpose in public and private life, and the artistic processing of utilitarian objects (utensils, furniture, fabrics, tools, vehicles, clothing, jewelry, toys, etc. ).

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Design (from the English design - to design, draw, conceive, as well as project, plan, drawing) - the activity of designing the aesthetic properties of industrial products (“artistic design”), as well as the result of this activity (for example, in such phrases as “ car design")

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Genres of fine art
Genre is a type of artistic work characterized by certain themes.

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The genres of fine art include: Landscape (French Paysage, from pays - country, locality) - a genre of fine art (or individual works of this genre), in which the main subject of the image is wild nature, or nature transformed to one degree or another by man.
- Marine (marina) - Village - City (veduta) - By the seasons

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The genres of fine art include: Still life - depiction of inanimate objects: flowers, game, utensils.

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Genres of fine art include:
Portrait is an image of a person or group of people using artistic means (painting, graphics, engravings, sculpture, photography...

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The genres of fine art include: Animalistic - a genre of fine art whose main object is animals, mainly in painting, photography, sculpture...

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The genres of fine art include: Everyday - a genre of fine art dedicated to everyday, private and public life, usually contemporary with the artist. The everyday genre includes everyday (genre) painting, graphics and sculpture...

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The genres of fine art include: Battle - depiction of military actions.

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The genres of fine art include: Fairytale-epic - a genre of fine art that depicts scenes from epics and folklore.

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The genres of fine art include: Historical - one of the genres of fine art, dedicated to the depiction of significant historical events, phenomena and military figures...

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Questions for consolidation: What types of fine arts do you know? painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, decorative and applied arts, design 2. Which types were among the first? painting, sculpture, architecture 3. What is painting? work done in color, with paints, on a plane 4. What is graphics? work done with lines, strokes, on a plane without paints or any solid materials 5. What is sculpture? work done in volume by carving, sculpting, casting 6. What is decorative and applied art? the art of decorating 7. What is architecture? the art of creating buildings, structures, complexes of structures 8. What is the genre of fine art? a type of artistic work characterized by certain themes 9. What genres of fine art do you know? landscape, still life, portrait, animalistic, everyday, battle, fairy tale, historical 10. How many types of landscape are there? Marine, rural, urban, according to the seasons

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Get acquainted with the types of fine arts
  • Get to know the genres of fine art
  • Learn the basis of the language of fine arts

Painting - with the creation of artistic images using paints (art. Pablo Picasso “Dream”)

Graphic arts- the art of depicting objects with contour lines and strokes, without paints

Sculpture- the art of creating three-dimensional works of art by carving, carving, sculpting, casting

Architecture-the art of designing and constructing buildings (public and residential) (A. Gaudi “Temple of the Sagrada Familia”)

Arts and crafts– making and decorating everyday items, furniture, dishes, clothing, jewelry, etc.

Genre– a type of artistic work characterized by certain themes

Portrait- image of a person or group of people (art. O. Renoir “Portrait of Jeanne Samary”)

Everyday genre- depiction of people’s everyday life (art. E. Degas “Absinthe”)

Scenery- depiction of nature or urban environment (art. Vincent van Gogh “View of Arles with Irises”)

Seascape (art. I. K. Aivazovsky “Black Sea”)

Cityscape(artist: Claude Monet “Boulevard des Capucines”)

Rural landscape(art. F. Vasiliev “Rural Street”)

Still life– depiction of everyday objects

Animalistic genre(art. A. Durer “Hare”)

Battle genre - depiction of military operations (art. V.V. Vereshchagin “Attack by surprise”)

Historical genre- depiction of historical events or biblical scenes (art. V. I. Surikov “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution”)

Fairytale-epic genre(art. V. M. Vasnetsov “Kashchei the Immortal”)


  • What types of fine art do you know?
  • What is painting?
  • H what is graphics?
  • What is sculpture?
  • What is arts and crafts?
  • What is architecture?
  • What is a genre of fine art?
  • What genres of fine art do you know? ?
  • What types of landscape are there? ?