Holy blessed love of Ryazan. Lyubushka Ryazanskaya

  • 11.02.2024

In the Nikolo-Yamsky Church of the city of Ryazan there is a shrine with the relics of the holy blessed Lyubov of Ryazan (Lyubov Semyonovna Sukhanovskaya (1852-1920). Many miracles were performed, and are still being performed, through prayers to blessed Lyubov of Ryazan. In 1992, through the zeal of the brethren of St. John -Theological Monastery, a chapel was erected on her grave, and on June 10/23, 1998, Blessed Lyubushka was numbered among the Cathedral of Ryazan Saints and her celibate relics were transferred to the Ryazan St. Nicholas Church.

“Our beloved” - this is how the people heartily call her, and with special tenderness and reverence they preserve the memory of this saint of God.

The Dimitrievsky Monastery received a particle of the relics of Blessed Lyubushka of Ryazan and her icon from His Eminence Vladyka Veniamin, Metropolitan of Orenburg and Saraktash. The relics and the icon are located on the left side of the monastery church.

About Blessed Lyubov of Ryazan

Her life came at a very difficult time for Russia: revolution, persecution of the Orthodox Church. But God is merciful. To console believers and strengthen their hopes, He sends His saints. This is how blessed Love appeared to the people of Ryazan. That is why, to this day, believers treat her name with reverence and prayerfully call on her in sorrows and sorrows. She hears every heartfelt sigh and does not leave those asking her for help without consolation.

Lyubov Semyonovna was born on August 28 (September 10, New Style) 1852 in the provincial city of Ryazan. Her parents, Semyon Ivanovich and Maria Ivanovna Sukhanovsky, according to documents from that time, were burghers of the city of Pronsk, and constantly lived in Ryazan in connection with their father’s work. In addition to Lyubushka, there were other children in the family: the eldest sons Vasily and Grigory and daughter Olga, born in 1856. Lyubushka was baptized in the Ryazan Church of St. Nicholas (Nicholas “Longneck”) by priest Pyotr Dmitrievich Pavlov, the father of the famous academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.

Lyuba's spirit was burning, but her body was weakened: for 15 years she could neither walk nor even stand on her feet. In the room where she lay there was an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and Lyuba prayed to him and loved the Saint with all her soul: she knew how much good he did to people. But the time came, and the Lord looked upon His servant and revealed His will to her through His saint. One day, when Lyuba was alone in the house, Saint Nicholas appeared to her, and her returning mother found Lyuba standing on her feet.

“My daughter, is that you? How did you get back on your feet?” – exclaimed the delighted mother. Lyuba raised her hands to the icon of the Saint and said: “The saint Nicholas appeared to me and said: “Get up, Lyuba, walk and act like a fool,” and I rose to my feet, and he became invisible.” The mother was very happy about this event, but at the same time she was saddened by the foolishness destined for her daughter. Without hesitation, she went to the priest of her parish and, having told him everything, asked for advice. The priest, having listened, answered her: “God’s will, do not detain your daughter, let her go, let her go and act like a fool, from the Lord a person’s feet are straightened.” The mother submitted to the will of God...

Since then, Lyuba has taken on a difficult feat. She became a regular visitor to all Ryazan churches, loved to go to the Kazan convent, where she lived for a long time with some sisters, and more often with Mother Abbess Catherine, an intelligent, well-read, soulful woman from the noble family. The people of Ryazan are still alive who have heard about her as an ascetic who enclosed herself in a space between the stove and the wall in her house. There was no room for retreat, but there was a desire for achievement, and with the assistance of God’s grace, she accepted it. How did she pray, what did she see and hear at that time? All this is known only to God. After standing in the wall for three years, Lyubov Semyonovna came out of it. Perhaps she had an indication of this from above. Prayer for others, good advice, affection, sensitivity, the desire to warn against danger, compassion for people became her lot. She did not run from people, but helped them. Lyuba was often seen on the streets of Ryazan, in familiar families. She often went into the shops of poor merchants and took what she needed without asking. They did not scold her, did not persecute her, but rejoiced, because this was a sure sign that trading that day would be especially successful.

In Ryazan, Lyubov Semyonovna Sukhanovskaya (or Sukhanova; 1860–1921) was called Blessed Lyubushka. This great intercessor of the city of Ryazan first patiently bore the cross of illness, then labored as a pillar and foolish figure. Since childhood, having loved True Love - Christ, blessed Lyubushka performed all her deeds for the glory of this love and generously shared it with those around her, who in return also gave her their love and to this day prayerfully call on her in sorrows and sorrows, for her name and deeds are Love .

Lyubushka was born in 1860 in the Ryazan region, in the provincial town of Pronsk, into the middle-class family of Semyon and Maria Sukhanovsky (Sukhanov), humble and God-fearing people. Later her younger sister Olga was born. In 1874, the Sukhanovskys moved to Ryazan and settled in house number 42 on the corner of Vladimirskaya and Voskresenskaya streets, becoming parishioners of the Church of the Entrance to Jerusalem. The Lord especially noted this godly family. The Sukhanovskys lived poorly and, moreover, suffered from severe grief. Their beloved daughter Lyubushka was weakened for 15 years and could neither walk nor stand on her own two feet. But her parents taught her to pray and read. Lyuba prayed a lot and read spiritual books, drawing heavenly consolation from this. She especially loved to pray in front of her home icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And this pure prayer of hers, and uncomplaining patience with her illness, were lovingly accepted by the Lord, Who revealed Lyubushka’s will for her. One day, when she was alone in the house, the saint of God Nicholas appeared before her and announced: “Get up, Lyuba, go and act like a fool!” And Lyubushka stood up. What a joy it was for her mother to return home! But then the mother began to think that the feat of foolishness was very difficult, and she went to the priest for advice. He listened to her and said: “This is the will of God! Don’t detain your daughter, let her go, let her go play the fool! From the Lord men’s feet are made straight.” Since then, Lyubushka has taken on a difficult feat.

The people of Ryazan are still alive who have heard about her as an ascetic who enclosed herself in a space between the stove and the wall in her house. She stood there for three whole years, like an ancient stylite, immersed in prayer and knowledge of God. Humility before God's Providence, patience and heavenly grace assisted her in this unprecedented feat. And she had a lot of patience - it was not for nothing that the Lord prepared her for this by lying in prayer for fifteen years, as once the Monk Ilya of Muromets. Three years later, the blessed one, strengthened from Above by divine love, left the dungeon and came out to people, carrying this love. But from then on, her friendly face began to bear the stamp of a strong, firm will.

Living in Ryazan now separately from her relatives, she became a constant prayer worker in all the city churches, and among the monasteries she fell in love with visiting Kazan, where she lived for a long time with some sisters, and especially with the abbess, Abbess Catherine, consoled by sublime conversations. Lyubushka was often seen on the streets, in merchant shops or in the houses of friends. And her communication always had some kind of spiritual reason. The blessed one prayed for people, gave good and wise advice, and warned against dangers. Everyone was looking forward to her, for the honest people immediately understood: the Lord Himself was speaking through Lyubushka, Who had given her insight and the gift of love.

Her actions were not entirely ordinary, like those of everyone for the sake of holy fools. For example, the blessed one could go into the shop of a rich merchant and take what she needed without asking. But the merchant was only happy about this. He knew that trading that day would be successful. Another time, Lyubushka could pass by the shop, even if they invited her. Tired, the blessed one would sit on someone’s porch and they would give her something to eat. But she took from some, and to others she said: “You yourself have little.” If she did take it, she gave it to those in need along the way. The poor and beggars loved her very much.

Being perspicacious, the blessed one immediately called even people unfamiliar to her by name and answered questions that had not yet been asked out loud. But most often Lyubushka put her insight into a mysterious form, showing everything on cut out paper figures. Knowing where each housewife had scissors and paper, she took them and cut out who was destined for what: if a journey - a horse or a train, if marriage - a crown, for whom death - a coffin, etc. Some were afraid of predictions and hid the scissors, but the blessed one then plucked out the necessary figures on the paper with her fingers and still gave them to those who were afraid. Moreover, she carved the figures very skillfully. He will serve them silently and leave. And everything came true...

But there were people who did not believe Lyubushka and laughed at her. She endured everything very complacently and patiently, and the smile never left her friendly face. She dressed in very simple colored dresses, and wore a scarf on her head - sometimes blue, sometimes pink. Lyubushka, like a child, loved the color pink and even asked that after her death her coffin be lined with pink cloth.

It happened that the blessed one predicted not only through paper figures, but also in other ways. For example, they tell the following case. During the Christmas fast, Lyubushka went to Sh.’s family, where their grandmother poured tea for everyone at 4 pm. At this time, Lyubushka came in one day with a piece of velvet and said: “I walked past the funeral shop where the coffin was upholstered, and I took a piece of upholstery. Here, take it!" The grandmother began to be perplexed, but they immediately came to the house with the news that her godfather had died, and the velvet turned out to be from her coffin. So the blessed one prepared everyone for the sad event... Another time, blessed Lyubushka predicted the fate of two little girls through the icons that she gave them. One received the image of Saint Alexander Nevsky - and she later married a man named Alexander, and they lived at the Alexander Nevsky station. Another received an icon of St. Anna of Kashin - and, like her, she remained a widow with two children.

The blessed one predicted a lot in her beloved Kazan monastery. They remember how she cut out an entire monastery with scissors, the fence, the church and the choir in it. This is how she answered the question of one novice’s sister whether she should become a nun. The time came, this girl actually entered the monastery and, as the owner of a rare voice - a female bass, she was assigned to the choir to sing and read, and after the monastery was closed, she sang in church until she was old. Blessed Love foresaw the closure of the monastery. She said to some elderly mothers: “You will leave your bones in the monastery, but others will not.” When the monastery was closed, Lyubushka quickly made various figures out of paper with scissors and distributed them to the nuns. And it became clear to everyone who would die, who would leave, who would stay at the church, and who would get married. Subsequently, many sisters of the Kazan monastery met and became convinced that everything predicted by Lyubushka had come true...

The blessed one also came to her native home. Her grandfather was still alive then. One day she came when grandfather’s godfather was in the house, and he decided to joke with her and asked: “Tell us, Lyubov Semyonovna, to whom will your house remain after your death?” She smiled and answered: “To the soldiers.” Everyone laughed at this unexpected answer. No one could have imagined that over time the house would actually be demolished, and in its place a military warehouse with soldiers’ equipment would be built. Lyubushka’s sister also did not take her seriously and only after her death she was convinced that she was wrong, seeing how many people came out to accompany blessed Lyubov on the journey of the whole earth, calling her the patron saint of Ryazan.

Before the overthrow of the tsar in 1917, the blessed one walked through the streets and repeated: “The walls of Jericho are falling, the walls of Jericho are falling.” Only later did they understand what this meant... Three weeks before her death, Lyubushka warned her good friend about this: “Lizonka, I’m going to die soon, and you go and pray to God for me. Go to my grave and take the sand from it, and cover my coffin pink.” Blessed Love died on February 8/21, 1921. There is devastation all around, the stores are empty, and Elizabeth decided to go to the pharmacy at least for some gauze. And lo and behold! – she was given thick pink gauze. The coffin was very beautifully upholstered, and there were also frills and bows all around. So, to everyone’s joy, Lyubushka’s last wish was miraculously fulfilled. When they carried the blessed one on her final journey, the streets around the funeral procession resembled a living wall of weeping people. Everyone abandoned urgent matters to say goodbye to the wondrous servant of God and their benefactor. Later, through the diligence of one Ryazan deacon and her other admirers, a monument was erected over the grave of blessed Lyubov.

But as the years passed, God was gradually squeezed out of the life and consciousness of once pious people, who forgot both the covenants of their ancestors and their ancestors themselves. Temples began to be closed, destroyed, and priests were tortured and killed. Soon there was only one functioning church left in Ryazan - in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” And then it was a cemetery. But the cemetery became little visited and became deserted. Even Lyubushka’s grave is overgrown here...

And suddenly a certain military man appeared at the cemetery and began to ask where blessed Lyubushka was buried. He expressed a desire to erect a cross and a metal fence over her grave. It turned out that this military man was very sick and the doctors could not help him, but Lyubushka appeared to him in a dream and said: “Don’t worry and don’t worry, but go to Ryazan, find the grave of Lyubov Semyonovna Sukhanovskaya in the cemetery, put a fence around it and you will be healthy.” and happy.” He did as the blessed one commanded him, and received healing... So holy Love again came out to people (albeit those who had forgotten it) with the gospel truth that love never ceases...

Many more miracles were performed, and are still being performed, through prayers to blessed Lyubov of Ryazan. In 1992, through the diligence of the brethren of the St. John the Theologian Monastery, a chapel was erected at her grave, and on June 10/23, 1998, Blessed Lyubushka was numbered among the Cathedral of Ryazan Saints and her celibate relics were transferred to the Ryazan St. Nicholas Church.

Troparion of Blessed Lyubov of Ryazan

You were called love in holy baptism, you knew the Love of Christ in your life, you served God and man with love, you acquired great boldness, so we diligently resort to you, crying out from the depths of our hearts: pray to the Lord, blessed, God-wise love, grant May peace and great mercy be upon our souls.

Kontakion of Blessed Lyubov of Ryazan

Healed by Saint Nicholas of Christ and blessed by him to serve God and people, bearing your cross of foolishness with love to the end, holy blessed Love, do not forsake us, who honor your holy memory, standing in the ranks of the saints before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, praying for the prosperity of your Fatherland and about the salvation of our souls.

Lyubov Sukhanovskaya (future Lyubushka Ryazanskaya) was born in Ryazan in 1852. She was baptized in the church of Nikola Dolgoshey by the priest of this church, Pyotr Dmitrievich Pavlov, the father of the world-famous academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. By 1880, the Sukhanovsky family lost their breadwinner and the widow and two daughters settled in the outbuilding of the house of the psalm-reader’s wife Anisya Aleksandrovna Lebedeva, which was located on the corner of Vladimirskaya (Svoboda) and Voskresenskaya (Svoboda Square) streets. Archival documents indicate that this family was the poorest in Ryazan. Until the age of 15, Lyubushka was seriously ill - her body was relaxed, she was deprived of the ability to move independently. At the age of 15, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to Lyubushka and said: “Get up, Lyuba, go and play the fool.” From then on, she began to walk, and after three years of seclusion, she took upon herself the difficult feat of foolishness.

Blessed Lyubov visited many churches in Ryazan, but especially loved the Kazan convent, where she lived for a long time with some nuns and with Abbess Catherine.

Her service to God and people consisted primarily of prayer for her neighbor and a kind word. Sometimes it happened that she would go into someone’s shop and take some of the items. The owners did not scold, did not make scandals, but were happy, because they knew: “If Lyubushka came to their shop or shop, the trade would be successful.”

What the blessed one received from people, she returned to people, only to the poor.

Lyubushka had the gift of foresight, and everything she predicted came true. Lyubushka died on February 21, 1920.

Her holy relics rest in the Nikolo-Yamsky Church (on Tsiolkovsky Street).

On January 12, 1987, Lyubov Semenovna Sukhanovskaya was numbered among the Cathedral of Ryazan Saints as a locally revered saint - Blessed Lyubov of Ryazan.

Memorial Days:

February 21 (new style) - on the day of repose and June 23 (new style) - on the day of the celebration of the Council of Ryazan Saints.


You were called love in holy baptism, you knew the Love of Christ in your life, you served God and man with love, you acquired great boldness, so we diligently resort to you, crying out from the depths of our hearts: pray to the Lord, blessed, God-wise love, grant May peace and great mercy be upon our souls.


Healed by Saint Nicholas of Christ and blessed by him to serve God and people, bearing your cross of foolishness with love to the end, holy blessed Love, do not forsake us, who honor your holy memory, standing in the ranks of the saints before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, praying for the prosperity of your Fatherland and about the salvation of our souls.

(1860 – 1921)

Lyubov Semyonovna Sukhanova was born in 1860 in the small town of Pronsk.

Since childhood, Lyuba was deprived of the ability to move. At the age of fifteen, the girl received a miraculous healing. Lyuba, her mother and sister then lived in a small house not far from the Kazan Convent (in Ryazan). In the room where the sick woman lay, there was an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Every day Lyubushka prayed fervently, asking St. Nicholas for healing. And then one day, Lyubushka’s mother, returning home, saw Lyubushka standing on her feet. The delighted mother rushed to her daughter with questions, and in response she heard: “The Pleasant of God Nicholas appeared and said to me: “Get up, Lyuba, walk and act like a fool.” I stood firmly on my feet, and he became invisible.

The mother went to the priest and told him about the miraculous healing and blessing for the feat of foolishness. The priest, after listening to her, replied: “God’s will, don’t detain your daughter, let her go, and let her go and play the fool”...

Since then, Lyubushka began to bear her heavy cross. She visited all the churches and monasteries of Ryazan; probably while praying in one of them, a desire was born in her soul to go into a “prayer retreat” so that nothing worldly would distract her. Lyubushka imprisoned herself between the stove and the wall in her house. And three years later, having received a blessing from above, she came out to the people. Soon all of Ryazan knew about blessed Lyubushka. The whole city was soon talking about a pretty girl in a blue scarf and a colored sundress, whose predictions were coming true. The merchants, to whom the blessed one came into the shop and took something without asking, vying with each other to say that in those days their trade was extremely successful. Many tried to give gifts to blessed Lyubushka, but she did not take from everyone, and what she took she certainly gave to people in need.

Lyubushka could come to any house without an invitation, find scissors, cut out a figure from paper and give it to the hostess or owner of the house. In such an unusual way, she warned and predicted: whoever gives a horse or a train will have a journey ahead, whoever gets a wreath will get married, and whoever gets a coffin, death will come... It should be noted that she handed over the figures in silence;

At the beginning of 1917, blessed Lyubushka rushed through the streets of the city and repeated: “The walls of Jericho are falling, the walls of Jericho are falling!” After the revolution, everyone understood what the blessed one warned about.

She predicted to the elderly nuns from the Kazan monastery: “You will leave your bones here in the monastery, but not the others.” Soon the monastery was closed.

Once, blessed Lyubushka gave paper icons to two girls. One is an icon of the holy blessed Alexander Nevsky, the other is an icon of the blessed Anna Kashinskaya. Subsequently, the first one married Alexander, and the young people had to live at the Alexander Nevsky station. The fate of the second was similar to the life of the blessed Princess Anna; she was widowed at an early age and raised two children alone.

From the memoirs of Lisa M.: “Three weeks before her death, Lyubushka came to our house... She said: “Lizonka, I’m going to die soon, and you pray to God for me, go to my grave, take the sand, and cover my coffin with pink " I ask her: “Why do I need sand?” And I see how after these words it was as if some shadow passed over her face. She thought for a minute and said: “Still, take the sand, pour it into a jar of flowers and there will be grace in the house.” When Lyubushka died, I was at work. Returning home, I found out about her death and immediately went to her... I remembered Lyubushka’s request - to upholster the coffin in pink - and began to worry: how can I fulfill her request? She died in 1921. There was nothing in stores then. The material was sold using coupons, but our family had already stocked everything... I came to the store and began talking to the manager: “I should at least buy gauze from you: I need to upholster the coffin for an old lady I know...” The manager called the boy student: “Misha, there, on We have pink gauze on the shelf, go get it”...

I look, the boy is carrying a whole heap of gauze of a beautiful, deep pink color... So they upholstered her “House” in pink... So Lyubushka’s dying wish came true.”

On February 8/21, 1921, blessed Love departed to the Lord. According to contemporaries, on the day of the funeral of the blessed old woman, all the streets along the route of the funeral procession were filled with people. Olga Semyonovna, the sister of the blessed one, seeing how many people were accompanying Lyubushka on her last journey, began to cry and said: “How many people knew my sister, only I did not know.”

Admirers of blessed Lyubushka erected a monument on her grave. But years passed... The monument was gone... One day a military man appeared at the cemetery, who put the blessed one’s grave in order: he bought and installed a cross and a fence at his own expense. He said that he was seriously ill, the doctors could not help him, but in a dream blessed Lyubushka appeared to him and said: “Don’t grieve and don’t worry, go to Ryazan, find Lyubov Semyonovna’s grave in the cemetery, put a fence around it, after which you will be healthy.” and happy." After the soldier completed everything, he actually received healing. After that, he annually came to the grave of the blessed old woman and ordered a memorial service.

Quite a few stories have been preserved from residents of Moscow, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities, testifying to the prayerful help of the patroness of Ryazan, Blessed Lyubushka.

From the memoirs of Valentina from Ukraine: “I was sick for a long time, was treated by different doctors, but did not recover and therefore began to despair. But one day I saw a dream. A woman comes to me and says: “...I will help you, but on the condition that you go to Ryazan and visit my grave.” I replied that I agreed.

- Since you agree, you will soon be healthy. I am Ryazan blessed Love.

You will come to the Church of All Who Sorrow, Joy of All Who Sorrow, and perform a prayer service for yourself,

And people will show you my grave.” In August 1992, Valentina came to thank the blessed old woman; in gratitude for her healing, she left a generous donation for the repair of the chapel at the blessed woman’s grave.

Since June 1998, the holy relics of Blessed Lyubov of Ryazan have been in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (in the Yamskaya Sloboda) - in the Nikolo-Yamsky Church in Ryazan. The blessed old woman does not leave without help those who ask for her prayerful intercession.

Blessed are the inhabitants of that city who have their intercessor in Heaven. U Ryazan This is Saint Lyubushka, who is loved here like family and they even compose songs about her.

T It’s hard to say what a child who cannot stand on his feet and run around with his peers experiences. When even his loved ones shrug their shoulders doomedly and cannot help in any way, one can only believe in a miracle. And she believed in him. She believed and asked her beloved Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker to heal her. Years passed, the girl was still bedridden, but her faith did not weaken, but, on the contrary, was strengthened by prayer and reading spiritual literature. The girl's name was Lyuba. This was the eldest daughter of Semyon and Maria Sukhanovsky, poor townspeople who came to Ryazan from Pronsk and settled in house No. 42 at the intersection of Vladimirskaya and Voskresenskaya streets (later renamed Svobody Street and Square, respectively). Unfortunately, this house has not survived to this day.

The head of the family, Semyon Ivanovich, took on any job to feed his wife and three children: Vasily, Lyubov and Olga. Despite the difficult life full of hardships, the Sukhanovskys lived piously, raising their children in the fear of God. Probably, for their faith, simplicity of soul and hard work, the Lord rewarded them through their eldest daughter Lyubov, about whom not only Ryazan, but the entire Orthodox world later learned.

For many years Lyuba could not get out of bed. But one day, the mother returned home and saw her 15-year-old daughter completely healthy, standing firmly on her feet. As it turned out, he himself appeared to the girl Nicholas the Wonderworker and said: “Get up, Lyuba, go and act like a fool!” She rose without difficulty, and the saint became invisible. Maternal joy was followed by doubts and anxiety: how to let her daughter go to such a difficult feat? However, the priest, with whom the concerned mother decided to consult, ordered not to resist the will of God and to allow her daughter to act like a fool.

Before starting her difficult journey, Lyubov lived for some time in the Kazan Monastery, and then entered into a voluntary “seclusion for prayer”, hiding in the space between the wall and the stove. After three years of hermitage, the girl took upon herself the feat of foolishness. After leaving her parents' home, she wandered around Ryazan, often praying in city churches. She especially loved visiting the Kazan Monastery and staying with the sisters and Abbess Catherine herself.

The blessed one did not deprive worldly people of her attention. Both the poor and the rich knew her. She could enter the shop of some merchant, take any item without asking and leave. Nobody stopped her. The merchants already knew from experience: since Lyubushka came in, it means the trade will be successful. Kind people often treated Lyubushka to food, but she did not take anything for herself, but gave it to the poor.

Her kindness, compassion, mercy and care for her neighbors did not go unnoticed: the people of Ryazan loved her as if they were their own, and this love for a simple Russian girl is well conveyed in Sofia Nikulina’s song “Lyubushka, Ryazan darling.”

On the one hand, Lyubushka was a simple, sincere and merciful person. Why they loved her. On the other hand, she was an unusual person, often unpredictable and incomprehensible. Why were they afraid of her? However, putting on the guise of a mad person, the holy fool hid her virtues from people: prayerful feats, strict fasting, non-covetousness, mercy and much more. The Lord often rewarded such people with extraordinary spiritual gifts - Lyubushka Ryazanskaya had the gift of foresight. The blessed one did not express her predictions directly in words. She passed them on using... scissors and paper, cutting out different figures. Anyone who was afraid of her predictions hid the scissors away in advance. But the saint either found them without difficulty, or simply tore the paper with her hands, so that she still got a figurine. I made a wreath out of paper - marriage is ahead, a horse - there is a journey ahead, a coffin - expect death.

Once, during the funeral of her friend’s father, the blessed one began to dig a hole for a sparrow near a fresh grave. Soon, a baby in this family died, and it became clear which sparrow the hole was intended for.

The blessed one foresaw the future troubles of Russia. Shortly before the fall of the autocracy in 1917, she repeated a phrase that was then still incomprehensible to the people: “The walls of Jericho are falling!” And she predicted the upcoming closure of the Kazan Monastery to some elderly sisters: “You will leave your bones here, but others will not.”

The blessed one informed her good friend Elizabeth M. about her death in advance: “Lizonka, I’m going to die soon, and you go and pray to God for me. Go to my grave and take the sand from it, and cover my coffin pink.” Why pink? Lyubushka loved this color very much, and the people of Ryazan remembered her wearing a pink scarf on her head.

It was February 1921 when she died. The store shelves were empty. Food was given out only with coupons, and it was simply impossible to find pink fabric for the coffin. Out of despair, the woman wandered into the pharmacy, deciding to line the coffin with at least gauze. She could not even imagine that they would bring her deep pink gauze. This is how Lyubov Ryazanskaya’s last wish was miraculously fulfilled. And 66 years after her death, Blessed Lyubov was numbered among the Cathedral of Ryazan saints.

Today you can venerate her relics and ask for help and healing from ailments at Nikolo-Yamsky Church in Ryazan. A piece of her relics is also located in the Annunciation Church (Zatinnaya St., no. 58), as well as at the Sorrowful Cemetery in a small chapel erected on the site of the blessed one’s former grave.

Both during her life and after her righteous death, Lyubov of Ryazan does not leave without help and love those who turn to her with faith and hope.

After Lyubushka’s death, her admirers erected a small monument at her grave. But over the years it collapsed and the grave fell into disrepair. And so one military man erected a cross and a metal fence at his own expense. About himself, he said that recently he had been plagued by failures, in addition, he was sick, and the doctors could not help him. And then Lyubushka appeared to him in a dream and said: “Go to Ryazan, find the grave of Lyubov Semyonovna Sukhanovskaya in the cemetery, put a fence around it, after which you will be healthy and happy.” He did everything she told him and received healing. Since then, he annually came to her grave and served a memorial service.
Here is a very recent miraculous incident that occurred in 2002. The servant of God Tatiana from the city of Alexandrov had severe inflammation of the thyroid gland. She came to Ryazan to visit her mother. Having learned about her illness, a relative gave Tatyana oil blessed on the relics of blessed Lyubov, an icon and an akathist. Tatyana prayed, read the akathist, but did not anoint herself with oil. At night she sees a dream, as if she came with her mother to the temple. A priest walks through the temple with an icon in his hands and says to Tatyana: “Anoint the neck with oil, anoint it...” Tatyana began to anoint herself with oil and soon felt much better. And there is a lot of evidence of such cases.


O blessed mother Love, servant of Christ! Hear us sinners praying to you. Accept our prayer and bring it to the Merciful and Humane God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and from the face of an Angel. Beg His mercy to preserve this city of Ryazan, in which, having lived virtuously, you have pleased God, from all the slander of the enemy, may He not condemn us for our iniquities, but may He deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the All-Bounteous God into evil, but into His glory and the glorification of your intercession . Again we pray to you, our blessed mother Love, visit us who pray to you in our needs, so that we may intercede with you, and on the Day of Judgment we will be honored at the right hand of the Son of God with your holy prayers to the Savior and His Most Holy Mother, our Most Blessed Lady Theotokos, blessed from all generations , now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.