Ilya Muromets: The first fight of Ilya Muromets: A fairy tale. Ilya Muromets: The first fight of Ilya Muromets Briefly the first fight of Ilya Muromets

  • 08.02.2024

So Ilya grabbed the horse with his whip, Burushka-Kosmatushka took off, galloped a mile and a half. Where the horses' hooves struck, there flowed a spring of living water. Ilyusha cut down a damp oak tree at the key, placed a frame over the key, and wrote on the frame the following words: “A Russian hero, the peasant son Ilya Ivanovich, rode here.”

A living fontanel still flows there, the oak frame still stands, and in the night the bear beast goes to the icy spring to drink water and gain heroic strength.

And Ilya went to Kyiv.

He drove along a straight road past the city of Chernigov.

As he approached Chernigov, he heard noise and din under the walls: thousands of Tatars besieged the city. From the dust, from the steam of the horse, there is a darkness over the earth; the red sun is not visible in the sky. The gray bunny cannot slip between the Tatars, and the clear falcon cannot fly over the army. And in Chernigov there is crying and groaning, funeral bells are ringing. The people of Chernigov locked themselves in a stone cathedral, crying, praying, waiting for death; Three princes approached Chernigov, each with forty thousand forces.

Ilya’s heart burned. He besieged Burushka, tore a green oak tree out of the ground, with stones and roots, grabbed it by the top, and rushed at the Tatars. He began to wave the oak tree, and began to trample his enemies with his horse. Where he waves, there will be a street, and where he waves, there will be an alley. Ilya galloped up to the three princes, grabbed them by their yellow curls and spoke to them these words:

Oh you Tatar princes! Should I take you captive, brothers, or remove your violent heads? To take you prisoner - so I have nowhere to put you, I’m on the road, I’m not sitting at home, I only have a few grains of bread, for myself, not for parasites. Removing your heads is not enough honor for the hero Ilya Muromets. Go to your places, to your hordes, and spread the news to all your enemies that your native Rus' is not empty, there are strong, mighty heroes in Rus', let the enemies think about this.

Then Ilya went to Chernigov-grad. He entered the stone cathedral, and there people were crying, hugging, and saying goodbye to the white light.

Hello, Chernigov peasants, why are you crying, hugging, saying goodbye to the white light?

How can we not cry: three princes surrounded Chernigov, with forty thousand forces each, and here death is coming to us.

You go to the fortress wall, look into the open field, at the enemy’s army...

The Chernigovites walked to the fortress wall, looked into the open field, and there the enemies were beaten and felled, as if a field had been knocked out and crossed by hail.

The people of Chernigov beat Ilya with their foreheads, bring him bread and salt, silver, gold, expensive fabrics embroidered with stones.

Good fellow, Russian hero, what kind of tribe are you? Which father, which mother? What's your name? You come to us in Chernigov as a governor, we will all obey you, give you honor, feed and water you, you will live in wealth and honor.

Ilya Muromets shook his head:

Good peasants of Chernigov, I am from near the city, from near Murom, from the village of Karacharova, a simple Russian hero, a peasant son. I didn’t save you out of selfishness, and I don’t need either silver or gold. I saved Russian people, red girls, small children, old mothers. I will not come to you as a commander to live in wealth. My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend it from enemies.

The people of Chernigov began to ask Ilya to stay with them for at least a day, to feast at a merry feast, but Ilya refuses even this:

I have no time, good people. In Rus' there is a groan from enemies, I need to quickly get to the prince and get down to business. Give me bread and spring water for the road and show me the direct road to Kyiv.

The Chernigov residents thought and became sad:

Eh, Ilya Muromets, the direct road to Kyiv is overgrown with grass, no one has driven along it for thirty years...

What's happened?

Nightingale the Robber, son Rakhmanovich, settled there near the Smorodina River. He sits on three oak trees, on nine branches. As he whistles like a nightingale, roars like an animal - all the forests bend to the ground, flowers crumble, grass dries, and people and horses fall dead.

Go, Ilya, dear devious one. True, it’s three hundred miles straight to Kyiv, and a whole thousand along the roundabout road.

Ilya Muromets paused, and then shook his head.

It is no honor, no praise for me, a fine fellow, to take a roundabout road, to allow the Nightingale the Robber to prevent people from following their path to Kyiv. I will go straight and untrodden!

Ilya jumped on his horse, whipped Burushka with a whip, and he was like that, only the Chernigovites saw him!

As soon as Ilya grabbed the horse with his whip, Burushka-Kosmatushka took off and ran a mile and a half. Where the horses' hooves struck, there flowed a spring of living water. Ilyusha cut down a damp oak tree at the key, placed a frame over the key, and wrote on the frame the following words: “A Russian hero, the peasant son Ilya Ivanovich, rode here.”

A living fontanel still flows there, the oak frame still stands, and in the night the bear beast goes to the icy spring to drink water and gain heroic strength.

And Ilya went to Kyiv.

He drove along a straight road past the city of Chernigov.

As he approached Chernigov, he heard noise and din under the walls. As he approached Chernigov, he heard noise and din under the walls: thousands of Tatars besieged the city. From the dust, from the steam of the horse, there is a darkness over the earth; the red sun is not visible in the sky. The gray bunny cannot slip between the Tatars, and the clear falcon cannot fly over the army. And in Chernigov there is crying and groaning, funeral bells are ringing. The people of Chernigov locked themselves in a stone cathedral, crying, praying, waiting for death; Three princes approached Chernigov, each with forty thousand forces.

Ilya’s heart burned. He besieged Burushka, tore a green oak tree out of the ground, with stones and roots, grabbed it by the top, and rushed at the Tatars. He began to wave the oak tree, and began to trample his enemies with his horse. Where he waves, there will be a street, and where he waves, there will be an alley. Ilya galloped up to the three princes, grabbed them by their yellow curls and spoke to them these words:

- Oh, you Tatar princes! Should I take you captive, brothers, or remove your violent heads? To take you prisoner - so I have nowhere to put you, I’m on the road, I’m not sitting at home, I only have a few grains of bread, for myself, not for parasites. Removing your heads is not enough honor for the hero Ilya Muromets. Go to your places, to your hordes, and spread the news to all your enemies that your native Rus' is not empty, there are strong, mighty heroes in Rus', let the enemies think about this.

Then Ilya went to Chernigov-grad. He entered the stone cathedral, and there people were crying, hugging, and saying goodbye to the white light.

- Hello, Chernigov peasants, why are you crying, hugging, saying goodbye to the white light?

- How can we not cry: three princes surrounded Chernigov, with forty thousand forces each, and here death is coming to us.

- You go to the fortress wall, look into the open field, at the enemy’s army...

The Chernigovites walked to the fortress wall, looked into the open field, and there the enemies were beaten and felled, as if a field had been knocked out and crossed by hail.

The people of Chernigov beat Ilya with their foreheads, bring him bread and salt, silver, gold, expensive fabrics embroidered with stones.

- Good fellow, Russian hero, what kind of tribe are you? Which father, which mother? What's your name? You come to us in Chernigov with water, we will all obey you, give you honor, feed and drink you, you will live in wealth and honor.

Ilya Muromets shook his head:

- Good peasants of Chernigov, I am from near the city, from near Murom, from the village of Karacharova, a simple Russian hero, a peasant son. I didn’t save you out of selfishness, and I don’t need either silver or gold. I saved Russian people, red girls, small children, old mothers. I will not come to you as a commander to live in wealth. My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend it from enemies.

The people of Chernigov began to ask Ilya to stay with them for at least a day, to feast at a merry feast, but Ilya refuses even this:

- I have no time, good people. In Rus' there is a groan from enemies, I need to quickly get to the prince and get down to business. Give me bread and spring water for the road and show me the direct road to Kyiv.

The Chernigov residents thought and became sad:

- Eh, Ilya Muromets, the direct road to Kyiv is overgrown with grass, no one has driven along it for thirty years...

- What's happened?

- The Nightingale the Robber, son Rakhmanovich, settled there near the Smorodina River. He sits on three oak trees, on nine branches. As he whistles like a nightingale, roars like an animal - all the forests bend to the ground, flowers crumble, grass dries, and people and horses fall dead.

Go, Ilya, dear devious one. True, it’s three hundred miles straight to Kyiv, and a whole thousand along the roundabout road.

Ilya Muromets paused, and then shook his head.

“It’s no honor, no praise for me, a fine fellow, to take a roundabout road, to allow the Nightingale the Robber to prevent people from following their path to Kyiv.” I will go straight and untrodden!

Ilya jumped on his horse, whipped Burushka with a whip, and he was like that, only the Chernigovites saw him!

Buslaev F. I.

Fight between Ilya Muromets and Zhidovin

Under the glorious city near Kyiv,

On those on the steppes on Tsytsarsky 1,

There was a heroic outpost;

At the outpost the ataman was Ilya Muromets,

Dobrynya Nikitich was young;

Yasaul Alyosha, priest's son;

They also had Grishka, the boyar’s son,

They had Vaska the long-haired one.

They were all brothers on the road:

At that time, Grishka the boyar lived as a knight;

Alyosha Popovich went to Kyiv-grad;

Ilya Muromets was in an open field,

Slept in a white tent;

Dobrynya Nikitich went to the blue sea,

I went to the blue sea to hunt,

Whether for the hunt for the brave girl;

When hunting, shoot geese and swans.

Dobrynya is coming from the open field,

In an open field I saw a great fossil.

It's big to excavate - half a furnace.

He taught to inspect fossils:

“What else was this hero going for?

"From this land from Zhidovsky

"The mighty hero passed by Zhidovin

"To these Tsytsar steppes!"

Dobrynya arrived in the capital Kyiv city,

Cleaned up my fellow instrument room:

"Oh, you are a goy, little brothers!

"Did we stand at the outpost?

“What did you see at the outpost?

“The hero was driving past our outpost.”

They were going to the heroic outpost,

They began to think deeply:

Who should go after the boaster? 3

They put a long-haired one on Vaska.

Svet-ataman, son Ivanovich:

“It’s not okay, guys, they put it down;

"Vaska's floors are long:

“Vaska walks along the ground, weaving;

“In a fight, in a fight, it gets confused;

“Vaska will die in vain.”

They relied on Grishka on the boyarsky:

Grishka should go after the boaster,

Overtake the boaster in an open field.

The great hero Ilya Muromets says,

Svet-ataman, son Ivanovich:

“Something’s wrong, guys, they’ve thought of it;

"Grishka of the boyar family:

"The boyar families are boastful,

"In a fight he will boast,

"Grishka will die in vain."

We relied on Alyosha on Popovich:

Alyosha should go after the boaster,

Beat the bully on an open field.

The great hero Ilya Muromets says,

Svet-ataman, son Ivanovich:

“It’s not okay, guys, they put it down:

"Alyosha will see on the boaster

“A lot of gold and silver;

"Alyosha will envy gold,

"Alyosha will die in vain."

They put Nikitich on Dobrynya:

Dobrynyushka should go after the boaster,

To overtake the boaster in an open field,

Beat the boaster on an open field,

Cut off the violent head at the shoulder,

Bring the heroic one to the outpost.

Dobrynya doesn’t deny it,

Dobrynya resembles a stable yard,

Dobrynya has a good horse,

He ties it into a cord bridle,

Saddled in the Cherkasy saddle,

Toroka knits a fighting club

He takes a sharp saber to his hips,

He takes a silk whip into his hands,

He goes to Mount Sorochinskaya.

I looked out of a silver tube,

I saw blackberry on the field, 4

I went straight to Chernizina;

Thief, dog, boasting!

Why are you passing our outpost?

Don't you hit Ataman Ilya Muromets with your forehead?

Subataman Dobrynya Nikitich?

"For all our brethren?"

The horse's boastfulness turned;

He allowed Nikitich to visit Dobrynya:

Mother earth has shaken,

Water poured out of the lakes,

Under Dobrynya the horse fell to its knees.

Dobrynya Nikitich young

Pray to the Lord God

And to the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos:

Take away, Lord, from the boaster!

Near Dobrynya the horse recovered;

He left for the heroic outpost.

Ilya Muromets meets him

With the brethren with the instrument...

Ilya Muromets says:

"There is no one else to replace:

“Apparently, the chieftain should go himself!”

Ilya looks like a stable yard.

Ilya has a good horse,

He ties it into a cord bridle,

Saddles up in the Cherkasy saddle,

Toroka knits a fighting club

That club weighs ninety pounds,

He takes a sharp saber to his hips,

He takes a silk whip in his hands.

He goes to Mount Sorochinskaya.

Looked from Mododetsky's fist.

I saw blackberries on the field,

I went straight to Chernizina,

"Thief, dog, boastfulness!

Why are you passing our outpost?

Won't you hit me, Ataman Ilya Muromets, with your forehead?

“Sub-Dataman Dobrynya Nikitich?

“You don’t put Yasaulu Alyosha in the treasury,

For all our brethren?"

The horse's praise turned around,

He allowed Muromets to attack Ilya.

Ilya Muromets did not become smaller. 5

Ilya moved in with his boaster.

For the first time we hit each other with sticks;

The forends of the sticks broke off

Each other was not injured;

They struck with sharp sabers,

The points of the saber broke,

Each other was not injured;

They stabbed with sharp spears,

Each other was not injured;

They fought, they fought hand-to-hand,

They fought and fought day until evening,

From the evening they fight until midnight,

From midnight they fight until broad daylight:

Ileiko waves his right hand,

Ileika’s left leg slips;

Ilya fell on the damp ground:

The boaster sat down on his white chest,

He took out the damask dagger,

Wants to rip open white breasts,

He wants to close his clear eyes,

Cut off the violent man's head at the shoulders.

He also started saying boastful things:

“You’re an old old man, old, seasoned!

“Why do you go to the open field?

“As if there is no one to replace you, old man?

"You should install a cell for yourself

“On that path, on the little path;

“You should collect, old man, in your cell;

“Here, old man, you would be well fed.”

Ilya lies under the hero.

Ilya says this:

"Yes, something is wrong with the Holy Fathers,

“The Apostles planned something wrong:

"It was written by the Holy Fathers,

"It was decided among the Apostles:

“Ilya will not be in the open field killed;

“And now Ilya is under the hero!”

Lying with Ilya, three times the strength arrived:

Waves boasting at white breasts,

A bouncer higher than a fire tree,

Boasting fell on the damp earth;

The earth went into the cheese up to the waist.

Ilya jumped up on quick feet,

He sat down boastfully on his white chest.

Ilyukha has no time to ask much,

Soon the white breasts were ripped apart,

Further Reading

Answers to pages 33 - 36

1. Thawed patches
Fill in the missing words. What deeds did Father Ilya Muromets bless for?

Old Ivan Timofeevich says:
- I'm on good deeds I bless you, but there is no blessing for bad deeds. Defend our Russian land not for gold, not for gain, but for honor, for heroic glory. In vain don't shed blood human, don't make mothers cry, Yes do not forget that you come from a black, peasant family.

2. Correspondence
What armor and weapons should a hero have? Sign the drawings.

3. Search
Underline the names of Ilya Muromets' parents.

In ancient times, the peasant Ivan Timofeevich and his wife lived near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo. Evfrosinya Yakovlevna. They had one son, Ilya.

4. Attempt at writing
What good deeds did Ilya Muromets do? Draw or write.

Changed the course of the Oka River. Liberated the Chernigov people from the Tatars. Captured the Nightingale the Robber.

5. Exact word
What was Dobrynya like? Underline the words that say this.

Once upon a time there lived a widow, Mamelfa Timofeevna, near Kiev. She had a beloved son - the hero Dobrynyushka. Throughout Kyiv, fame spread about Dobrynya: he is stately, and tall, and learned to read and write, and is brave in battle, and cheerful at the feast. He will compose a song, and play the harp, and say a clever word. And Dobrynya’s disposition is calm, affectionate, he will never say a rude word, he will never offend anyone in vain. No wonder they nicknamed him “quiet Dobrynya”.

6. Thawed patches
Re-read the beginning of the epic “Alyosha Popovich”. Write down the words that indicate that a hero was born.

A young and bright moon was born in heaven, and on earth a son was born near the old cathedral priest Leonty - mighty hero ; and they called his name young Alesha Popovich - It’s a pretty name. They began to feed and drink Alyosha: from whom weekly, He day such; at other annual, Alyosha weekly such.

7. Attempt at writing
Describe the feat of one of the Russian heroes.

Ilya Muromets went to Kyiv-grad to visit Prince Vladimir. I had to drive past the city of Chernigov. But it was impossible to get into Chernigov, the city was surroundedTatar horde. Ilya unleashed his horse on this enemy force and began to stab, chop and trample it with his horse. The “men of Chernigov,” seeing that Ilya Muromets had defeated the entire “force” that was besieging their city, opened the gates, went out to meet their glorious savior with bread and salt and began to ask him to become their prince. But Ilya modestly declined this honor, saying that he himself wanted to serve the Prince of Kyiv, and only asked where the shortest “direct” road to the city of Kyiv was?

8. Search
Crossword "Epic names"

1. The name of Alyosha Popovich’s father.
2. The name of Dobrynya Nikitich’s mother.
3. The name of the Prince of Kyiv.
4. The name of the daughter of the Nightingale the Robber.
5. The name of Alyosha Popovich’s friend.

In ancient times, the peasant Ivan Timofeevich lived near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo, with his wife Evfrosinya Yakovlevna. They had one cheese, Ilya.

Ilya got ready and went to his father and mother.

Let me go, father and mother, to the capital Kyiv-grad to Prince Vladimir. I will serve Rus' with my native faith and truth, and protect the Russian land from enemy enemies.

Old Ivan Timofeevich says:

I bless you for good deeds, but I don’t bless you for bad deeds. Defend our Russian land not for gold, not for self-interest, but for honor, for heroic glory. Don’t shed human blood in vain, don’t shed mothers’ tears, and don’t forget that you come from a black, peasant family.

Ilya bowed to his father and mother to the damp ground and went to saddle Burushka-Kosmatushka. He put sweatshirts on the horse, and felt felt on the sweatshirts, and then a Cherkassy saddle with twelve silk girths and a thirteenth iron girth, not for beauty, but for strength.

Ilya wanted to try his strength.

He drove up to the Oka River, rested his shoulder on a high mountain that was on the shore, and dumped it into the Oka River. The mountain blocked the riverbed and the river began to flow in a new way.

Ilya took a crust of rye bread, dropped it into the Oka River, and the Oke River himself said:

And thank you, Mother Oka River, for giving Ilya Muromets something to drink and feed.

As a farewell, he took a small handful of his native land with him, sat on his horse, waved his whip...

People saw Ilya jump on his horse, but they didn’t see where he rode. Only dust rose across the field in a column.

As soon as Ilya grabbed the horse with his whip, Burushka-Kosmatushka took off and ran a mile and a half. Where the horses' hooves struck, there flowed a spring of living water. Ilyusha cut down a damp oak tree at the key, placed a frame over the key, and wrote on the frame the following words: “A Russian hero rode here, the Peasant Son Ilya Ivanovich.”

A living fontanel still flows there, the oak frame still stands, and in the night the bear beast goes to the icy spring to drink water and gain heroic strength.

And Ilya went to Kyiv.

He drove along a straight road past the city of Chernigov. As he approached Chernigov, he heard noise and din under the walls: thousands of Tatars besieged the city. From the dust, from the steam of the horse, there is a haze over the ground; the red sun is not visible in the sky. The gray bunny cannot slip between the Tatars, and the clear falcon cannot fly over the army. And in Chernigov there is crying and groaning, funeral bells are ringing. The Chernigovites locked themselves in a stone cathedral, crying, praying, waiting for death: three princes approached Chernigov, each with forty thousand forces.

Ilya’s heart burned. He besieged Burushka, tore out a green oak tree with stones and roots from the ground, grabbed it by the top and rushed at the Tatars. He began to wave the oak tree, and began to trample his enemies with his horse. Where he waves, there will be a street, and where he waves, there will be an alley. Ilya galloped up to the three princes, grabbed them by their yellow curls and spoke to them these words:

Oh you Tatar princes! Should I take you captive, brothers, or remove your violent heads? To take you prisoner - so I have nowhere to put you, I’m on the road, I’m not sitting at home, I only have a few grains of bread, for myself, not for parasites. Removing your heads is not enough honor for the hero Ilya Muromets. Disperse among your hordes and spread the news to all enemies that our native Rus' is not empty, there are strong, mighty heroes in Rus', let the enemies think about this.

Then Ilya went to Chernigov-city. He entered the stone cathedral, and there people were crying, hugging, and saying goodbye to the white light.

Hello, peasants of Chernigov, why are you peasants crying, hugging, saying goodbye to the white light?

How can we not cry: three princes surrounded Chernigov, with forty thousand forces each, and here death is coming to us.

You go to the fortress wall, look into the open field, at the enemy’s army...

The Chernigovites walked to the fortress wall, looked into the open field, and there the enemies were beaten and felled, as if a field had been knocked out and crossed by hail.

The people of Chernigov beat Ilya with their foreheads, bring him bread and salt, silver, gold, expensive fabrics embroidered with stones.

Good fellow, Russian hero, what kind of tribe are you? Which father, which mother? What's your name? You come to us in Chernigov as a governor, we will all obey you, give you honor, feed and water you, you will live in wealth and honor.

Ilya Muromets shook his head:

Good peasants of Chernigov, I am from near the city from Murom, from the village of Karacharova, a simple Russian hero, a peasant son. I didn’t save you out of selfishness, and I don’t need either silver or gold. I saved Russian people, red girls, small children, old mothers. I will not come to you as a commander to live in wealth. My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend it from enemies.

The people of Chernigov began to ask Ilya to stay with them for at least a day, to feast at a merry feast, but Ilya refuses even this:

I have no time, good people. In Rus' there is a groan from enemies, I need to quickly get to the prince and get down to business. Give me bread and spring water for the road and show me the direct road to Kyiv.

The Chernigov residents thought and became sad:

Eh, Ilya Muromets, the direct road to Kyiv is overgrown with grass, no one has driven along it for thirty years...

What's happened?

Nightingale the Robber, son Rakhmanovich, settled there near the Smorodina River. He sits on three oak trees, on nine bitches. As he whistles like a nightingale, roars like an animal, all the forests bow to the ground, flowers crumble, grass dries up, and people and horses fall dead. Go, Ilya, dear devious one. True, it’s three hundred miles straight to Kyiv, and a whole thousand along the roundabout road.

Ilya Muromets paused, and then shook his head.

It is no honor, no praise for me, a fine fellow, to take a roundabout road, to allow the Nightingale the Robber to prevent people from following their path to Kyiv. I will take the straight road, untrodden.

Ilya jumped on his horse, whipped Burushka with a whip, and he was like that, only the Chernigovites saw him.