Village fishermen Ramensky district church icon. Unusual stories of several shrines near Moscow

  • 11.02.2024

In the Moscow region there are many churches whose names are not very well known, although they contain rare and sometimes amazing shrines. In such churches one can unexpectedly discover ancient or completely new icons, through prayer in front of which miracles are performed, and the sick receive healing from their ailments.

Georgian saint with stones

In the Alexander Nevsky Church in the city of Vidnoye, the icon of the little-known Georgian saint David of Gareji is especially revered. There is much evidence that through the prayers of St. For David, infertile couples, despite their diagnoses, became parents. David of Gareji is depicted on the icon with three pebbles. This is connected with one episode from the life of the saint. Once the Monk David made a pilgrimage to Palestine and, arriving at the gates of Jerusalem, considered himself unworthy to enter the land on which Jesus Christ himself walked. He only took as a souvenir three pebbles that he found near the city wall.

The rector of the church, Father Nikolai Shaporev, says:

One Georgian icon painter painted an image of St. David specifically for our temple, which was under construction at that time. A particle of relics was placed in the icon of St. David. When the icon was taken out of Georgia, the border guards saw it off on their knees. We have our own tradition in the church: every Sunday we offer prayer services to St. David. Different people come to them, most often they are spouses who suffer from infertility. Unusual events also occurred. For example, one of our parishioners had difficult pregnancy circumstances, and she prayed in front of the icon. As a result, she gave birth to a son just on the day of the church memory of David of Gareji, although she was given a due date much later. The boy's parents named him, naturally, David.

An icon that people crawl under

In the Church of Dmitry of Solunsky in the village of Malakhovo not far from Bronnitsy, an ancient icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem is kept. Under this large image there is an arch through which believers can crawl. Temple employee Mikhail talks about how this unusual tradition originated:

The fact is that even before the revolution, the Jerusalem icon was revered not only in Bronnitsy, but also in other cities. It was often carried from city to city during religious processions. The icon is very large in size, and besides, it used to be decorated with heavy vestments and a wooden icon case, so that twenty-five people carried it. In 1866, there was a cholera epidemic in Podolsk, so the icon was taken to this city. There was no time to stop during the religious procession, and it was inconvenient. Believers, in order to venerate the icon, crawled as they walked under the stretcher on which it was mounted. After the revolution, believers in the city of Noginsk asked to bring the icon to them for veneration, but the new Soviet government prohibited the movement of icons and religious processions. Since then, the icon remained in the church, but the tradition of crawling into the small arch under the icon remained.

Shortly before the war, the icon from Bronnitsy disappeared, but was soon accidentally found by a boy in a window opening in a grain warehouse. The believers came to an agreement with the soldiers guarding the warehouse, and the holy image has since taken its rightful place in the church in the village of Malakhovo. Healings through prayers in front of this icon continue to this day.

“White Well” and the image of Nikola Zaraisky

The ancient image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is kept in the St. John the Baptist Cathedral in the city of Zaraysk. This icon appeared in the city back in the 13th century and became famous for its numerous miracles. In the sixties of the 20th century, the icon was sent for examination to Moscow, to the Andrei Rublev Museum, where it remained for more than fifty years. On August 11, 2013, “Nikola Zaraisky” was returned to its historical place - in Zaraysk.

Today there are many known cases of miraculous healings of people through prayers to St. Nicholas in front of his Zaraisk icon, as well as from the “White Well” spring, which, according to legend, has been flowing here since the appearance of the icon in these parts. From the chronicler of the Zaraisk region, Olga Polyancheva, we learn the stories told by the parishioners of the church:

In 1997, a friend came to visit a local resident who could not cure the skin disease psoriasis. We went to the White Well spring, where a friend poured a whole bucket of water on the patient. He suddenly lost consciousness, so they even had to call an ambulance. However, when the ambulance arrived, the patient not only fully woke up, but also discovered that his illness had completely passed.

Another story of healing occurred with a mother of many children, a resident of the village of Staro-Podgorne, located near Zaraysk. She was left a widow early on, and soon a new misfortune came - the doctor discovered a disease of the thyroid gland, requiring surgery. The woman fervently prayed to St. Nicholas, and to the doctor’s surprise, the illness went away on its own, and the planned operation was canceled.

Another healing occurred on the feast of Epiphany. A local resident named Zoya was healed of sinusitis after dousing herself in the spring water. According to her, before that she suffered from the disease for several years, and there was no improvement from conventional treatment. Of course, this is only a small part of the wonderful events that have taken place in our days at the icon of St. Nicholas of Zaraisk and its source.

Miraculous image of the Mother of God on glass

In 2000, in the Church of the Transfiguration in the village of Velyaminovo, located near the old Kashirskoe highway, a rare phenomenon occurred: the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was displayed on the glass of the icon case. The rector of the temple, Father Leonid Grigoriev, says:

In our church there was an ordinary icon of the Kazan Mother of God, painted in our time by parishioner Nikolai. One day before Easter, I asked the parishioners to help clean the church. While cleaning, a woman came up to me and said that she needed a good detergent because she could not wash the glass of the Kazan icon case. I gave her the remedy, but after a while she came back with the same problem. I then examined the glass of the icon case and saw that, indeed, it seemed to be a little cloudy, but I did not attach much importance to it. Then there were festive services, and the story of the icon was forgotten. After some time, a parishioner came to the temple and wanted to hang a gold chain under the Kazanskaya icon case. I decided to fulfill her request and dismantle the icon case. When we pulled out the glass, our surprise knew no bounds: we saw that the image of the Kazan Mother of God was reflected right on the glass in the smallest details.

According to Father Leonid, many come to Velyaminovo to look at the miraculous image out of simple curiosity, but for believers, this is a clear sign that the Mother of God helps those who turn to her in prayer.

Malakhovo avdy_san wrote in October 19th, 2013

One of my friends has a problem with his back, so we went to the shrine of the Moscow region - the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God and invited me to go too. I couldn't refuse.

This icon is located in the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica in the village of Malakhovo, Ramensky district, Moscow region. I was in this church about 10 years ago, when the icon of the Baptist John the Baptist was bleeding there. Then the temple left a sad impression, as there was complete destruction.

I didn’t recognize the current temple; I thought I was in a different place. He became splendid and beautiful. You can read the ancient history of the temple on its website, but I was told the reasons for such a transformation orally.

Bleeding icon of John the Baptist

Other shrines of the temple: the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, the relics of the Optina elders and the Kiev-Pechersk saints.

In a certain Siberian city, a young couple of new Russians decided to give birth to a child, but an accident happened to the young mother - during childbirth she received a spinal injury and stopped walking.
No treatments or visits to psychics helped, and it so happened that in a dream the patient saw an icon of the Mother of God, a temple and a voice that she would be cured when she crawled under this icon. The location of the village of Malakhovo, Moscow region, was also indicated.
The young couple went to look for this place and after a while they found themselves where they needed to be. It was impossible to crawl under the icon then; it was necessary to remove the middle stand, which was done (the other two were at the edges).
And as soon as the woman was seated under the icon, after the prayer service, and she crawled under it, she stood up on her own feet. They say there were a lot of touching tears. After this, the temple began to be revived.

Now here you can order 40 prayers for health with an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem for 200 rubles name. This prayer service is read on Fridays at 15.00 and in a year the amount will be approximately the same (the akathist is not read during Lent).

After the prayer service, everyone is blessed to crawl under the icon. On my own behalf I will say that the place is very blessed.

Village Malakhovo

Malakhovo is a village in the Vladimir region of Russia, part of a rural settlement.
The village is located on the Kolochka River (Klyazma basin) 5 km southwest from the center of the settlement of the village of Novoaleksandrovo and 17 km northwest from Vladimir. “The village of Malakhovo near the Kolochka River is located 16 versts from the city of Vladimir ().”

Malakhovo- a landowner village. Dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming; at the stone Nativity Church there is a priest with a clergy; 2 wooden houses Alekseev and Bedritsky. 1859: number of households - 42, number of male souls - 175; female - 159.
1868 “... in the Olikovskaya volost in the village of Malakhov, three wooden huts with courtyards, two barns and one shed, valued at 640 rubles, were accepted at risk of 439 rubles.”
1893: The parish consists of the village of Malakhova (Third Deanery District), the village of Vnukovo, the villages: Olgina, Novikovka, Pilnikova, Botulina, Smolina, Orinok, Makhlina (state village; 1859: number of households - 17, number of male souls - 52 ; female – 55) and the Oblomovka farm.
Near the village of Malakhov:
Botulino, a state-owned and landowner village: the distance from the provincial (aka district) city is 18 versts; number of souls according to the 8th revision (1834): male - 35, female - 28; number of souls according to the 9th revision (1850): male - 35, female - 28; dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming; 3 windmills. 1859: number of households - 13, number of male souls - 35; female - 40.
Vnukovo, a landowner village: the distance from the provincial (aka district) city is 15 versts; number of souls according to the 8th revision (1834): male - 134, female - 140; number of souls according to the 9th revision (1850): male - 42, female - 45; dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming; 3 wooden houses Korovina, Ladozhensky and Shchelokova. 1859: number of households - 16, number of male souls - 46; female - 69.
Irinka, a landowner village: the distance from the provincial (aka district) city is 20 versts; number of souls according to the 8th revision (1834): male - 39, female - 43; number of souls according to the 9th revision (1850): male - 42, female - 46; dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming; wooden manor house. 1859: number of households - 10, number of male souls - 55; female - 52.
Novikovka, a landowner village: the distance from the provincial (aka district) city is 20 versts; number of souls according to the 8th revision (1834): male - 29, female - 32; number of souls according to the 9th revision (1850): male - 22, female - 25; dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming; wooden house in Tyurikov. 1859: Novikovka - Alenkino; number of households - 6, number of male souls - 33; female - 42.
Olgino, landowner village: distance from the provincial (aka district) city - 19 versts; number of souls according to the 8th revision (1834): male - 21, female - 18; number of souls according to the 9th revision (1850): male - 32, female - 33; dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming. 1859: number of households - 7, number of male souls - 32; female - 33.
Smolina, landowner village: distance from the provincial (aka district) city - 18 versts; number of souls according to the 8th revision (1834): male - 20, female - 20; number of souls according to the 9th revision (1850): male - 29, female - 31; dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming. 1859: number of households - 9, number of male souls - 36; female - 38.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the village was part of the Olikovskaya volost of the Vladimir district.
Since 1929, the village was part of the Novo-Alexandrovsky village council of the Vladimir district.
Since 1945 - Stavrovsky district.
Since 1965 - as part of the Novoaleksandrovsky village council of the Suzdal region.

Population: in 1859 – 334 people, in 1905 – 350 people, in 1926 – 352 people, in 2002 – 33 people, in 2010 – 38 people. (21 men and 17 women).

Malakhovsky parish
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

At the beginning of the 17th century, a church already existed in this village, which is confirmed by an entry in the patriarchal salary books, in which under 136 (1628) it is written: “Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Malakhov... tribute 17 altyns.” In 164 (1656) tribute was due ruble 21 altyn 4 money, arrival hryvnia.
At the end of the 17th century, the church was rebuilt (perhaps after a fire) and consecrated in 207 (1699), also in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
It is unknown when the stone church was built in Malakhov, but no later than the last quarter of the 18th century, for the chapel, attached to the temple after, was consecrated in 1790. The temple was built in the style of churches of the 18th century (in the Moscow Baroque style, rare in the Vladimir region) with an octagonal elevation above the middle of the temple. The cross on the church is an iron slotted eight-pointed one, on its diameter there are the words: “Iis. Chr", there is a half moon under the cross.
In 1831, a stone bell tower was built next to the church.
Awarded the gaiter on March 27, 1865. Malakhov priest Georgy Krylevsky, for zealously holding office.
In 1887-89. the old aisle was expanded.
1895 “The iconostasis of the church has six tiers with twisted columns; There are two slabs set into the northern and western walls, but the inscriptions on them, unfortunately, are painted over.
There are three altars in the church: in the main one - in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (above this throne there is a silk canopy with tassels), in the aisles - in honor of the Sign of the Mother of God and St. Prophet and Baptist John the Baptist.
Among the church attractions is a silver altar cross with particles of St. relics of several Saints.
Church documents were kept intact: copies of registries from 1797, confessional paintings from 1824.
Land for the clergy at the church: estate (not known exactly), arable and hayfield 34 dessiatinas, 1029 sq. soot
The staff of the clergy is: priest and psalm-reader. The income the clergy received from the parish and the land was about 520 rubles. in year. The clergy lived in his own houses, on church land.
The parish consisted of the village of Malakhova, the village of Vnukova, the villages of Olgina, Novikovka, Pilnikov, Botulin, Smolin, Orinok, Makhlina and the Oblomovka farm; According to the clergy registers (1897), there were 525 male and 550 female souls, of which 3 were schismatics.

Since 1884 it existed in the village parochial school. At the expense of the church and parishioners, a special building was built for it in memory of the salvation of the Royal Family on October 17, 1888.

Village Vnukovo

Vnukovo is a village in the Suzdal district of the Vladimir region of Russia, part of the Novoaleksandrovskoye rural settlement.
The village is located 3 km southwest from the center of the settlement of the village of Novoaleksandrovo and 15 km northwest from Vladimir.

“No. 23. About the disobedience of the peasants of the landowner von Berg, in the village of Vnukovo, Vladimir district. 1797. On 8 sheets.
On April 26, 1797, the widow of the titular councilor Irina Sergeevna von Berg in a petition submitted to the Ruler Vlad. lips Senator P.G. Lazarev, asked to bring into obedience her peasants who were disobedient to her. From this petition it is clear that in the village of Vnukovo there are 24 souls of peasants who are “to work three days a week for themselves and three days for the landowner”; in winter, when the peasants did not work for the landowner, they were obliged to give her 20 arsh from each crown (husband and wife). canvas, 2 chickens, 2 lbs. cow butter, and all in all 8 sheep per year. On April 24, the peasants, being at the master's work - covering the roof with shingles in the manor's house, suddenly rebelled. Leaving work, we left the yard. When the landowner asked why they were going and quit their work, they, “standing in their hats without any decency in a rude and reckless manner,” answered that they “don’t want to be” her, “and in obedience to her, because from Him The Imperial Majesty issued a decree to be free and independent of anyone, and she (the landowner) would get away from them as much as possible,” and thus, leaving the landowner “in great bewilderment about the speeches they made, they went home to their homes, which frightened her and She left with her daughters for the provincial town of Vladimir.” The landowner asked Lazarev to bring her peasants into submission and obedience, and “to inflict punishment and oblige on the main disturbers of that rebellion: Ignatius Viktorov, Fyodor Stepanov, Mikhail and Efim Danilov and Sergei Mikhailov, so that they could not do anything harmful to the landowner by subscription.”
The governor of the province instructed the Vladimir leader of the nobility Ragozin, taking two military men from the commandant, with the zemstvo police officer or assessor to go to the village of Vnukovo and there “to find out about what happened, while trying in every possible way to put the lost mob in order, from which they came,” under the influence of malicious of people.
On April 29, the noble leader Ragozin notified Lazarev with a report that, having arrived in the village of Vnukovo, he ordered to gather outside landowner peasants and call the priest of the village of Malakhov, the spiritual father of the Vnukovo peasants. In response to Ragozin’s question, the peasants of the landowner von Berg declared that they “have never been disobedient to her and do the master’s work, but that they have told her many times that they are tormented by the master’s work so much that they do not have enough time for their domestic work and that she collects a lot from them”; They have little land for their food, and the master’s work consists of the following: they sow 20 quarters of the master’s rye bread, twice the spring bread (the lady showed that they sow less of both breads); for firewood they go beyond Klyazma, where they buy firewood, while near the master’s yard there is a forest closer; the quitrent is collected from each woman of 20 arsh of linen, “and if it’s not linen, then ten taleks of yarn, and on top of that a skein of two threads”; “makes little guys pluck feathers”; he collects sheep, many chickens and hundreds of chicken eggs per row, several pounds of cow's butter per row (the headman announced that he collects only a sheep, two chickens and 30 eggs per row). All this field work, the crafts that also happened near the manor’s house, and the collection of the above-mentioned provisions led the peasants “to extreme exhaustion and poverty,” which is why they “are forced to tell their mistress that this is very painful for them.” Although the five peasants whom the mistress mentioned in her petition said that they would do all the master’s work and were obligated to bear duties, but, as was clear from the answers, they seemed “not calm in spirit” and reported that one of the peasants, Fyodor Stepanov, with their consent, went with a request to his mistress to His Imperial Majesty to burden them with work and extortions. According to neighboring landowners, the peasant Ignatius Viktorov had bad and daring behavior and was on the run, and “according to the note” of the leader of the nobility, he is “one of the first culprits of this discord.” Outside peasants did not report anything definite about the von Berg peasants being burdened with work and extortions, but only stated that they were very “poor in their condition.” After the interrogation, Ragozin admonished the peasants and read them the Manifesto of January 29, 1797, and then persuaded them to issue a subscription in which it was said that they “never committed any violence against their landowner and they are doing and will do the work of the masters according to the laws and also they are obligated to bear any duty in proportion to their ability and strength, and if, even with this subscription, any disobedience appears from them, then they subject themselves to the force of the laws.”
Two weeks later, on May 12, Mrs. Berg, probably dissatisfied with the results of the inquiry into the Leader of the Nobility, submitted a new petition addressed to the Vladimir Governor, in which she asked him to send a military team and “the main troublemakers from the peasants” to pacify the peasants. , among 6 people, “for the rudeness and disobedience shown against others by the will of her, the landowner, to punish and, upon punishment, of these Ignatius Viktorov and Fyodor Stepanov, so that in the future they would not dare to do such indignation and disobedience to her, to be sent to a strait house for a month". The governor suggested that the zemstvo police officer Bulgakov, “having taken a certain number of the military team, the dacha was ordered to the commandant, go to the village of Vnukovo and, having gathered all the disobedient peasants, bring them into due obedience and obedience in everything, and take the two main troublemakers indicated by the landowner and put others in fear to be sent to a restraining house for a month.” The Governor’s order, as can be seen from the report of police officer Bulgakov, was carried out exactly by him and one of the peasants was sent to a strait house, but his other accomplice, Fyodor Stepanov, who left without permission to Moscow to file a complaint against his mistress, was not taken" (Vladimirskaya Scientific Archival Commission. Proceedings: Book 1. - 1899.)

Vnukovo, a landowner village: the distance from the provincial (aka district) city is 15 versts; number of yards - 39; number of souls according to the 8th revision (1834): male - 134, female - 140; number of souls according to the 9th revision (1850): male - 42, female - 45; dominant types of productivity: engaged in arable farming; 3 wooden houses Korovina, Ladozhensky and Shchelokova. 1859: number of households - 16, number of male souls - 46; female - 69.
At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, the village was part of the Olikovskaya volost of the Vladimir district.
Since 1926 - as part of the Starodvorsky volost.
Since 1929, the village was part of the Olginsky village council of the Vladimir region.
Since 1940 - as part of the Novo-Alexandrovsky village council.
Since 1965 - as part of the Suzdal region.
Since 2005 - as part of the Novoaleksandrovskoye rural settlement.

Population: in 1859 – 115 people. (16 households), in 1905 - 190 people. (32 households), in 1926 – 207 people. (42 households), in 2002 – 15 people, in 2010 – 30 people.
SNT "Vnukovo" valid since December 10, 1999. Chairman of the Board is Boris Maksimovich Motsyk. Legal address: Vnukovo village.
ASGZh "New Vnukovo" registered on February 15, 2018. Chairman of the association is Boris Maksimovich Motsyk.
Limited Liability Partnership "Soyuz" has been in effect since November 12, 1993. The organization LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP "SOYUZ" was liquidated on January 23, 2012.

Today is the day of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God. Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

The original was taken from Malakhovo

One of my friends has a problem with his back, so we went to the shrine of the Moscow region - the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God and invited me to go too. I couldn't refuse.

This icon is located in the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica in the village of Malakhovo, Ramensky district, Moscow region. I was in this church about 10 years ago, when the icon of the Baptist John the Baptist was bleeding there. Then the temple left a sad impression, as there was complete destruction.

I didn’t recognize the current temple; I thought I was in a different place. He became splendid and beautiful. You can read the ancient history of the temple on its website, but I was told the reasons for such a transformation orally.

Bleeding icon of John the Baptist

Other shrines of the temple: the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, the relics of the Optina elders and the Kiev-Pechersk saints.

In a certain Siberian city, a young couple of new Russians decided to give birth to a child, but an accident happened to the young mother - during childbirth she received a spinal injury and stopped walking.
No treatments or visits to psychics helped, and it so happened that in a dream the patient saw an icon of the Mother of God, a temple and a voice that she would be cured when she crawled under this icon. The location of the village of Malakhovo, Moscow region, was also indicated.
The young couple went to look for this place and after a while they found themselves where they needed to be. It was impossible to crawl under the icon then; it was necessary to remove the middle stand, which was done (the other two were at the edges).
And as soon as the woman was seated under the icon, after the prayer service, and she crawled under it, she stood up on her own feet. They say there were a lot of touching tears. After this, the temple began to be revived.

Now here you can order 40 prayers for health with an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem for 200 rubles name. This prayer service is read on Fridays at 15.00 and in a year the amount will be approximately the same (the akathist is not read during Lent).

After the prayer service, everyone is blessed to crawl under the icon. On my own behalf I will say that the place is very blessed.