Prison: how to survive in a Russian prison? How to survive in prison if you are not a criminal Is it scary to go to prison?

  • 12.04.2024

When we hear about natural disasters occurring in different parts of the world, we always feel sympathy and compassion for the affected people. When a plane crashes, as a sign of grief, people gather near boards announcing the dead, bring photographs, light lamps... However, there is a disaster that passes unnoticed, as if it does not exist - prison.

According to statistics from last year, there were 650 thousand people in prison. More than half a million poor people whose suffering passes unnoticed by us. “But why are they poor? - you ask, - after all, they receive a well-deserved reward.” Indeed, people don’t just sit in prison, and all of them were sentenced by the court to punishment for some kind of atrocity.

It should be said that the psychology of the criminal dominates everyone. How many times have we broken the law ourselves, or encouraged others to commit crimes? Didn't follow traffic rules, maybe gave or took bribes? We justify ourselves in the fact that we are not criminals. After all, we weren’t convicted, which means we didn’t do anything wrong. “If you’re not caught, you’re not a thief,” says our folk wisdom, but many interpret it differently: “I’ll steal until I’m caught.” Therefore, the presence in our social environment of people capable of crime suggests that this is a problem not only of criminals, but of the entire society. The psychological boundary that defines the law is blurred. How many of us are familiar with the criminal code? We determine what is legal and what is not intuitively, based on the upbringing, traditions and ideals of the society in which we find ourselves.

Of course, most prisoners are in prison for crimes they have committed. But among them there are also those who ended up there because of an absurd incident, an accident. A classic example: a guy is walking with a girl. The girl heard, or it seemed to her, that she was insulted. The guy stood up, hit another person, a fight ensued, and the result was an accidental murder. Our guy is now a criminal, whose life will change forever, and that girl will probably forget him after a while - why does she need a criminal?... Another example: a woman lives with an alcoholic partner who regularly beats, rapes and robs her. No one cares about the life of an unhappy person - let her get out of it herself. Out of powerlessness and despondency, in a state of extreme despair, she grabs a knife and, in madness, hits the sadist countless times... The result is that the woman became a prisoner. Her life was already devoid of joy, and now it will be “decorated” with a prison term and subsequent criminal record. And with a criminal record, they will no longer be hired for any normal job - who needs a criminal prisoner?... “But these are all rare cases,” we console ourselves, “and the majority are in prison for the job and in truth.” That's probably true. But it should be remembered that a merciful attitude towards prisoners is commanded by the Lord himself. But to our shame, many Christians don’t even think about it.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that the consequences of one person's crime fall on the entire society. There is an instructive story by St. John Moschus about a woman named Mary. One day a certain passenger ship had to cross the Mediterranean Sea. But having entered open water, the ship could not move and stood there for 15 days. In a state of despondency, the owner of the ship turned to God for help, to which he received the following answer: “Throw Mary into the sea, and you will be saved.” The owner of the ship was very surprised and began to ask among the passengers which of them was Maria. Having found her, he asked to tell what happened to her. It turned out that Maria killed her two children in order to get married, and is now on the run. The owner of the ship dropped her into a lifeboat, which, of its own accord, immediately disappeared under water. After this, the ship reached its harbor without hindrance. Let’s think about it, aren’t there Marias in our environment who commit multiple murders of children through abortion in order to achieve the desired benefits?..

This article is addressed to those who are undergoing imprisonment for the first time, as well as those who are facing it. Although, to tell the truth, it can threaten anyone. As they say, “Don’t swear off money or prison.” In this article you will not find a way to “quietly” sit out and “calmly” leave without consequences, and this is impossible. Surviving in prison means not losing human dignity (if, of course, it is present at all in the first place), re-educating, correcting and recreating your personality.

A prison in Russia is more than a prison. The pages of our recent history remember that not only criminals, but also worthy, great people, including holy ascetics of Orthodoxy, sat and died in prison. The Russian prison has always been not only a place of deprivation of freedom, but also a tough school of survival.

If you only face prison

Regardless of whether you committed a crime or not, if you are facing prison time, then there is someone interested in seeing you go to jail. And you will definitely go to jail if you have committed a serious crime. In any case, it is important not to remain idle. At this stage, it is necessary to try to resolve the situation through agreement. You can negotiate compensation with the victim, and thus avoid imprisonment or reduce the sentence.

Find the courage to come to the victims and ask for their forgiveness, offer them your help or monetary compensation. “Make peace with your adversary quickly, while you are still on the way with him, lest your adversary hand you over to the judge, and the judge hand you over to the servant, and they throw you into prison; Truly I say to you: you will not come out of there until you have paid the last coin” (). Christian humility and prudence can be your release from prison. Saint John Chrysostom says: “Having reconciled, you will give up your property, but your body will be free; and when you subject yourself to the judge’s verdict, you will be bound and suffer the most severe punishment.”

Some people begin to deceive victims, promise them mountains of gold, and as soon as the charges are dropped, they forget everything. But we must remember that if the court does not punish, God can punish, and it is no longer possible to escape from this punishment.

If you are a Christian, devote your time to serving God. Practice fasting and virtue, start praying.

Pre-trial proceedings

If it was not possible to resolve the issue peacefully, or the crime you are charged with is quite serious, then the pre-trial procedure will begin. It can go differently, but one question will be decisive for you: will you be locked in a cell or released.

You need to come to terms with the fact that law enforcement officers will constantly be interested in you. Therefore, immediately decide what you will tell them and what you will not. What is your fault and what is not. Also, think ahead about what you will and won't say on camera. Until the court finds you guilty, you may not say anything at all to the rest of the prisoners about all the circumstances of your case. Remember two basic rules - “ your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” () “... let your word be: yes, yes; no no; and what is beyond this is from the evil one” ().

During this period, law enforcement officials are preparing your case to submit to court. Therefore, their goal is to create a picture of your crime as detailed and complete as possible. At this stage, certain problems may arise, because according to the logic of law enforcement agencies, if they detained you, it was not without a reason - no one likes to make mistakes. Depending on the severity of the crime, the attitude towards you will be different. Nobody likes people who have committed brutal crimes, neither law enforcement officers, nor those with whom you may have to sit.

Another factor influencing the quality of your stay under investigation is the personal moral qualities of police officers. If the employees’ goals include bringing you to prison at all costs, and perhaps pinning some other crimes on you, they will achieve this by all means - from psychological to physical influence. If you withstand the onslaught, you will gain respect; if not, then everyone will understand what you are afraid of and how they can influence you.

A lot depends on you. If you immediately begin to insult everyone around you, behave inappropriately, or, on the contrary, go to the other extreme - you begin to ingratiate yourself, lose self-respect, then nothing good will come of it. Conduct yourself with dignity and respect for all people on both sides of the fence.

Once in the cell, you need to immediately learn the most important principle - not to be afraid. There are many things that frighten you in prison - they can beat you, rape you, kill you. All this, perhaps, may happen to you, but for now these are only fantasies, and you can and should learn to control them. There is no need to fantasize about anything: neither that you will be miraculously freed, nor that you will be brutally dealt with. You must learn to live in the specific moment you are in at a given time. Misbehavior in a cell can come back to haunt you much later, when you find yourself in prison.

Try to find a way to let your loved ones know about you. Reassure and support them if possible. It may not be easier for them now than it is for you.

The court found you guilty

So, you are a criminal, the court decided so and sentenced you to imprisonment. It doesn’t matter anymore whether you committed a crime, were just about to, or were slandered. Now you are a convict, or as they usually say, a prisoner. There is no point in biting your elbows and shedding tears. You need to decide who you are. Yes, it is clear that a person who, by the will of fate, ended up in this terrible place. You will be surprised, but in prison they respect people of honor, speech, character and education. Rotten, two-faced and traitors are not liked even there. If your goal is simply to survive, to hold out until liberation, if you are driven by animal fear and you are ready to do anything just to be beaten and touched less, to be fed more, then this is the path to hell. It is likely that you will be able to survive until your release - the police will not let you die in prison, although it happens that they are powerless to protect the prisoner. In any case, such a path can hardly be called life. Choose the path of faith. Place God's law as the foundation of your entire life and obey it carefully. “Behold, I command you,” God says to Joshua, “be strong and courageous, do not be afraid and do not be dismayed; For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:8-9).

First steps - getting into the chamber

As soon as you enter the cell and its door closes, the first thing to do is greet everyone. This is done in the same way as in ordinary life, you can say “hello” or “good afternoon” - depending on the time of day. It is very important to ensure that your words do not offend anyone; swearing, even jokingly addressed to prisoners, can have very serious consequences. There is no need to show that you are a “seasoned convict” who knows the “thieves’ deal” if you have no idea what you are talking about. You will be easily seen through, and your behavior may be regarded as sycophancy or ingratiation. The surest way is not to chatter anything related to what you got caught for, speak dryly and briefly. Do not react to stupid jokes, especially to provocations in the form of jokes. However, there is no need to remain silent. The interest of your cellmates in your person is caused by the desire to find out who they are dealing with.

Life in the zone

From the first days of your stay in the zone, you need to get used to the idea that you are one of the prisoners. The people with whom you will live side by side have characteristics that will not always be pleasant to you. Life in the zone takes place in a very cramped space, so in addition to the administrative rules of the colony, there are also unwritten, “thieves’” rules. They may seem strange and stupid, but the quality of your future prison life depends on their implementation. Of course, if you have never sat in prison, you do not know these rules, but this does not relieve you of responsibility for failure to comply with them. There is always a senior person in the cell to whom you can turn for clarification. One of my acquaintances, who previously had extensive experience of life in prison, answered the question about how to survive in prison. According to him, the best way is to be a “man”: “All your actions and words must be worthy of the title of a man. Guys, these are the most crystal clear people who work, want to quickly return home, and never sit down again.”

How not to become an outcast

Everyone knows that in prisons sometimes violence against prisoners occurs - “lowering”. Traditionally, people of a special caste are considered degraded in the zone; these are either passive homosexuals or raped prisoners. But at the moment, the concept of omitted has changed somewhat and become broader. The process of lowering itself initially consisted of sexual abuse; now this is not often practiced. In order to transfer a prisoner to the lower class, quite serious reasons are needed, such as theft from other prisoners, betrayal, and others. It is not necessarily carried out through sexual intercourse. This could be defecating on the prisoner, or other humiliating acts.

But it often happens that people fall into disgrace without any act of violence at all. For example, people who come to the zone with homosexual experience are automatically equated with those who have been rejected. There are those who sell themselves because of hunger, or for some services. In general, in order not to become dejected, you need to be able to behave wisely and honestly. Try to follow the prison rules, remember the words of the apostle. Paul: “...for those under the law he was like one under the law...” ().

Reputation or authority

In the zone, almost all your actions and words will be known to many people. The circumstances of your life before imprisonment, what you were convicted of, how you will behave in various, sometimes difficult situations for you, how you will treat other prisoners and even yourself, all this will affect your reputation. Over time, you can become a respected person among prisoners, or you can gain the contempt of literally everyone. It all depends on your intelligence, wisdom and strength, and not so much physical as strong-willed. We must remember that in the zone, respect is achieved through worthy actions. The highest point of authority in the zone is forgiveness and mercy, but this should not be used. They also respect true believers who live by faith and do not just declare it.


Life in prison is particularly stressful; this is facilitated by both cramped conditions and relationships with other prisoners and the administration. Sometimes so-called “lawlessness” occurs in the zone - a situation comparable to insanity, when a stronger person rapes or brutally beats a weaker one. Lawlessness arises due to the inept actions of the administration, or the authorities of the zone. It is difficult to come out of such a situation with honor, but everything is possible for a believer. You need to act wisely and carefully, try not to bring it to a boiling point. Well, if the conflict cannot be avoided, and it begins to gain momentum, then there are two ways. The first is to fight like a hunted animal, defending your honor, the second is to try to call the security officers. In any case, after everything that happened, there will be a trial, both by the colony staff and by authoritative prisoners. If you fought and injured or even killed someone, there will be a trial that will add to your sentence. If you called the colony staff, the decision will be made situationally, and you may lose authority among the prisoners.

To prevent such a development of events, use all your best qualities. The advice of St. John is appropriate here, who says to refrain from offensive words, because this is usually where hostility begins, leading to murder. It is necessary to understand that no one will benefit from lawlessness: “...our benefit is also associated with the benefit of our neighbor. He who reconciles with his rival will benefit himself much more, because he will be freed from judgment, prison and all the evils of imprisonment.”

Survive in prison, or make good use of time

When you get comfortable in the zone, you will realize that you have a lot of free time. This time can be spent usefully. You can think in detail about how and what you will do after your release. You can get an education, master a profession or learn a new language. You can just get a job. You finally have time to take care of yourself. When you get out of prison, you may have to rebuild your life. The positive aspects of self-education learned in the zone can help you in the future.

In most zones today there are temples or prayer rooms in which worship is regularly performed. Visiting a temple and participating in the Sacraments will help you cope with the spiritual and psychological problems of imprisonment, strengthen your faith, and not lose yourself.

What you shouldn't do at all

Even in the zone there are drugs, but just like in freedom, this is the path to slavery. If you used them before prison, it’s time to quit; if you haven’t, then it’s better not to start at all. The same goes for other habits such as drinking and smoking. It is dangerous to gamble, or indeed any games; we must remember that the game is always played for something. You shouldn't get tattoos. One must approach relationships that go beyond the zone with great caution.

Long-awaited freedom

The release of a prisoner is a long-awaited event, but at the same time alarming. After spending a long time in prison, many lose the ability to navigate outside. People leave prison with very serious consequences for the psyche; living in freedom, they cannot free themselves internally. The person has changed, the world around has changed. Prison will leave an indelible mark on your soul. But there is no need to be discouraged. You have gained enormous experience, which you need to use to the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. Whatever happened there is all behind us. Now we need to learn to live again.

Prison is a place of torment, not only physical, but also spiritual. To get here means to find yourself in the worst place on earth. The whole life of prisoners passes between a rock and a hard place - between criminal laws and the rules of the prison administration. You can write a lot and a lot about how to survive in prison, but you can’t write everything. Prison is a cruel, cynical, paradoxical, limitless world.

The best way to survive in prison is to never go there, and we're not just talking about dungeons. After all, if you decide to commit a crime, it means your soul went to prison long before your arrest. He who commits iniquity is a slave of sin. And if he is a slave, then he is no longer free. The soul of a sinner, like a prisoner in an invisible prison, languishes in the hope of liberation. Only repentance and correction of life can break these terrible bonds. Call the Lord Jesus Christ into your life and He will set you free. No, He will not take you over the prison fence, but He will cleanse your soul and deliver it from suffering. Only the Lord can help a criminal regain his human form.

Priest Alexander Denisov

As practice shows, it is very difficult for a person entering a correctional facility for the first time to adapt to a new, difficult environment for him. Newcomers to prison do not know how to behave, talk, what can be done and what is unacceptable. Here are a few of the main ones that may occur to someone who is in prison for the first time.

The most terrible prison in Russia: Condemned

You don't have to explain anything to anyone

Once you are in the camera, you will become a source of increased interest. A new person in a cell is always important news in a boring and monotonous environment, and therefore you cannot avoid attention from the convicts.

If you are asked who you are, where you are from, under what article you are accused or convicted, and you have no desire to talk about it, then you may well limit yourself beyond the standard greeting upon entering the camera /barracks , only your name and article number, also the city where you are from. This information will be known to your cellmates anyway; it would be stupid to hide it, but according to prison customs, you have the right to keep the rest of the information to yourself. And in order not to have unnecessary correctional facilities, you should not talk about your past life or the crime you committed.

Also, your cellmates may ask you provocative questions, for example, who are you in life? It is better to answer that you are a decent person. If they ask who a decent person is, then it must be said that this is the one who is responsible for his words and does not betray. Provocative conversations should be avoided whenever possible. In prison it is very important to show willpower and character. You have to make your cellmates respect you. Only then will serving your sentence seem relatively calm.

Black Dolphin Prison - The most terrible prison in Russia is HELL

Also, a newcomer to prison needs to remember that you should never take other people’s things

You can only take what is on the table, the so-called dorm, within reasonable limits, of course. Then, if possible, you should give part of your package to the hostel. , even a book, you can’t - they can be accused of theft, even if you didn’t do it, and those who steal from their own are subject to very strict demands. In the cell you should be prepared for the fact that fellow inmates can beat you or “put you down” - that is, rape. The reasons for this are various.

Black dolphin A look from the inside: The most terrible prison in Russia

In prison you cannot hit anyone or shake hands when meeting or greeting anyone.

All misunderstandings must be resolved on the basis of concepts, without stooping to assault, for this they can be asked - but prisoners know how to beat. An exception can only be if you were called a person of non-traditional sexual orientation or were asked to become one, or your mother was insulted. This must be answered immediately, otherwise you will join the caste, that is, people unworthy of any respect.

Watch your speech

You should better remain silent in the very first months, so as not to run into trouble -. If someone doesn't like you, they will try to catch you with words. Remember that among prisoners it is strictly forbidden to send someone away, as well as to call someone a person of non-traditional sexual orientation. Swearing in the zone is also not welcome.

Try to avoid contact with the administration

Your cellmates may accuse you of writing denunciations, and if there are more or less compelling arguments to accuse you of this, then the consequences can be dire. In the best case, you will find yourself completely isolated from your cellmates; in the worst, you may be beaten or even deprived of your life. However, if you find yourself in a zone where power and arbitrariness of the administration reign, then you can cooperate with it. But do not forget that in this case denunciations against cellmates should be excluded. The police department may not be against your parole, but in what condition will you be released? What if you go out at all?

You shouldn’t join the thieves or the reds, stay a man

Simply put, prisoners in prisons are divided into three categories:

  • guys– convicts who are trying to peacefully serve their sentence, working in production, without cooperating with the administration, but also without contradicting it;
  • reds - administrative assistants, informers and traitors to cellmates;
  • thieves - who do not accept contacts with the administration of the correctional institution, do not work, try to enter into conflict with the administration if, in their opinion, any rights have been violated or any amenities have been removed.

There is also a caste of “devils”- people with whom a decent prisoner should not communicate. These are, as a rule, homeless people and the most weak-willed, broken people, and in prison there is also a caste of “roosters” or “offended” (as a rule, these are those convicted of rape).

Don't cheat, don't smoke, don't borrow, don't play cards

In order not to become dependent on someone or to avoid falling into the caste of “roosters”, you should not start smoking or chifir. These are such bad habits that in prison conditions a person is especially dependent on them. ! Borrowing is also not recommended, even if they say that there will be no interest, and you can pay it back at any time. According to prison concepts, a person who does not repay a debt automatically becomes a “rooster”, and if there is no specific time frame for repayment, then the creditor can do this at any time. Playing cards is also not recommended; you can get into debt in the excitement, or get caught, which will entail putting you in a punishment cell.

By the way, in the zone, in the absence of money, tea and cigarettes serve as currency. Having a supply of this food and regularly sharing it with your fellow inmates will gain you a certain amount of respect. But often it’s not worth being so noble - you’ll simply be tormented with requests, and there won’t be enough for everyone. By the way, the same tea and cigarettes can be exchanged for things that you need - from socks and toothpaste, to a call home through an illegally obtained cell phone.

Play sports that are available to you. Prison food causes weight and muscle loss, so exercise will help you stay in good shape, even if you eat poorly. In addition, they try not to offend a physically strong person over trifles.

Women's prison in Russia. How do women live in the zone?

The lack of space is replaced by more free time. This time should be spent usefully for yourself, including in order to get rid of “cockroaches” in. A person must engage in self-knowledge, learn to control his thoughts, actions and manage personal power. Throughout the entire period, the level of this very power should be increased.

There are about 1 million people in prison throughout Russia. Another couple of hundred thousand are serving time in neighboring states. About 10% of the country's population passed through prison corridors and cells. Each prison has its own traditions, jargon, regime, legends.

Prison concepts

It is necessary to learn several rules and concepts that should be observed throughout the entire term of serving the sentence, or at least until you manage to establish your own laws. You shouldn’t dictate rules on the first day, because few people succeed in doing this. The reputation of such daredevils immediately plummets.

You need to watch your words. Name-calling and slurs are not allowed. This may provoke fellow inmates.

Physical strength will not help you fight back if there is no fortitude and fear is present.

Of particular importance is the article under which the person was imprisoned. Prisoners despise sexual maniacs and pedophiles. According to the laws of the prison, it is a shame to communicate with them, to stand next to them, to take things from them, to use utensils. The most “revered” prisoners are those who are serving sentences for murder. There are even differences in the color of clothing. The thieves are dressed in black uniforms. She is considered the most respected. It is necessary to know all these nuances and subtleties so as not to attract unnecessary attention to yourself.

A person must remember that he must not lose his health while serving his sentence, and not become ill with a serious illness.

Prisoner's leisure

Literature will help brighten up your leisure time. Nowadays, special library rooms are being installed in prisons, which store not only thieves’ literature, but also classical works. You can give your preference to a book written by a prisoner. Most often, this is an autobiographical publication in which the prisoner shares his experiences and talks about how to survive in difficult conditions.

The prisoner's salvation is the opportunity to work. The prison has workshops for sewing clothes, shoes, and making souvenirs. But the right to work is not given to everyone, but only to those who have earned it through their good behavior. When you work, time passes faster and you realize that you are doing something useful for society.

Don't swear off prison or money. And if fate has already turned its back on you and the stars have aligned themselves in such a way that you will have to go to a state house for a period determined by the court, then for those new to this matter we will give some tips that will help you behave “correctly” in an unfamiliar environment.

It is no secret that the framework of behavior “in the wild” and in prison has a number of significant differences, which are worth paying close attention to in order not to violate, God forbid, the unwritten rules of the “house” with your actions or words.

Hello, I say hello to you!

When entering a cell for the first time, you should not greet its inhabitants with the words: “Great, guys!” (in response you can hear “Where did you see the boys?”) or “Great, people! (“Who did you call fraers?”).

The correct greeting could be “Good afternoon/evening or simply hello, good health.” While you are new, there is little demand from you, but this does not eliminate the consequences of violating the unwritten prison rules.

It’s worth asking right away, “Who’s the eldest here?” Usually the authority’s bed is located by the window or in the corner, in the farthest place of the cell from the bathroom, because the stench from the bucket is incredible, and fresh air is available only to the “priests”.

You must immediately warn your cellmates about your illnesses - psoriasis, syphilis, hepatitis, tuberculosis or skin diseases. If you are diabetic or have another drug-dependent disease, you need to say so.

Sometimes the godfather (by the way, the godfather is an old fenya, we must say “senior or in charge of ... (cell, detachment, zone)”), sits with his back to the newcomer, and will turn only when he is granted an audience. It is not recommended to be interested in his behavior!

You should not hide your lack of experience in prison affairs and pretend to be a seasoned authority - the lack of experience will still make itself felt, but your arrogance will no longer be forgiven. Even if you are a deep admirer of prison folklore and have watched many crime series, based on which you consider yourself “in the know,” leave your illusions behind the cell door. Everything flows, everything changes - if some “concepts” of the zone were relevant at one time, then today the rules of behavior in a particular prison could have undergone some changes, for example, today grandmothers decide a lot - and the cell will be as clean as at a resort with a TV and a refrigerator, and the work will be easy and the walks will be long. Therefore, we return to the first advice - instruction about the laws of the “hut” is mandatory.
Sometimes a beginner is given a ritual with a towel thrown on the threshold - not only should he wipe his feet on it, but he shouldn’t even lift it; it is believed that you just need to step over the towel.

The wolf is not so scary

Basically, there is a high probability that a newcomer will end up in the “right house” or with the same first-timers. The thief, the authority, keeps order here. He does not allow “lawlessness,” unregulated showdowns, theft from cellmates, or lawlessness.

For a newcomer experiencing stress from the events he has experienced, it is important to pull himself together and restrain himself when answering questions from the lads. Experienced carers know that at the initial stage of adaptation, you can get the most complete and useful information about a newcomer by asking the “right” questions. With their help, you can bring a smuggled informer out into the open.

For a newcomer here, it is important not to blurt out too much - keep quiet if you were previously an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, worked in a government agency, or are charged with “vile” articles of rape or pedophilia. But lying about yourself is also fraught with consequences - the world is a small place and broken trust will not play into your hands later.

If you want to earn respect from your fellow inmates, know that intelligence, cunning, cruelty, responsibility and self-control are in demand in prison like nowhere else.

In the first days, they may cruelly joke and mock you - it’s difficult to give advice here, it is recommended to get out of it, try to “pin” your opponent even more without resorting to violence.

  • You shouldn’t greet an unfamiliar audience with the words “Hello, guys!” The concept of “men”, which is quite harmless in the wild, in the zone designates a certain caste of inmates - “suit”; for obvious reasons, it is not worth calling everyone present by it. The correct first greeting can be “Good afternoon/evening” or simply “Hello” or “Good health”.
  • The issued mattress should not be placed on the floor; you can casually place it on a bag or hold it in your hands. Don’t rush to shake hands with those present - there are castes whose representatives are a shame to shake hands with.
  • You should not show excessive politeness in conversation - although friendliness and goodwill are valued, the “sweet intelligentsia” is not celebrated in these places, ingratiation here will be mistaken for weakness worthy of contempt. Commonly accepted attributes of politeness - the words “thank you” and “please” should be replaced with “thank you” and “if possible.”
  • You should not use swear words in speech at all - at least until the beginner has mastered the vocabulary that has developed in the “house”. Because the redefinition of meanings in the zone also affected profanity. Swearing in prison or in a camp is a signal of aggression and in everyday conversations swearing expressions are used extremely rarely, and the imposing and rollicking expression “filter the market”, replicated in cinema and the press, is a banal request to the prisoner to reduce the amount of swearing in his speech.
  • You should not use words like “ask” - in prison jargon, “I want to ask” will mean “to bring to justice for violating the rules of life as a thief,” which in itself is a serious insult. In the zone and in prison, one must only “be interested” or “want to take an interest for oneself.”
  • Do not beg and do not take out a loan with the wording “On Monday mine will come and bring it - I will pay it back to you,” because anything can happen, the person will not come to you that day, and you will instantly receive the mark of a “bullshit” - a person who whose word is worth little.
  • In cells with decent inmates (“travel huts”) there is always a certain supply of money, food, medicine, drugs and cigarettes, which the elder manages, distributing it at the request of the other inhabitants. This is a “small common fund”, which is at the same time part of the general prison or camp “large common fund”. For the safety of the “small common fund” the senior in the cell/squad is responsible to the senior in the corps/barracks. It is impossible to take anything from the common fund secretly - without publicity or permission (“without showing up”). This is what “rats” do—morally degraded convicts who “steal from their own.” Usually such scoundrels are severely punished and such unbearable conditions are created for them in the “correct” cell that the “unlucky chump” has to cooperate with the administration in exchange for a change of cell (“break out of the hut” and “cuckold”). It is not customary to repay debts, except for gaming ones, in the zone, so if you repeatedly try to borrow condensed milk, tea, cigarettes or money, you can lose your good reputation (“get dirty”) and be known as a “bullshit thrower” or “feldikos”.
  • Under the “correct” pretext (“I don’t want to” or “I’m not in the mood”), refuse the offer to play cards or other games “for fun” - they will force you to lose seriously and for real, because you are not yet aware of the local gaming jargon. A game “for fun” is a bet on any desire of the winner. Remember - behind the scenes, cheating in gambling is only welcome and it seems unlikely to catch a seasoned cheater. Even if you succeed, the accusation may be regarded as an excuse and this will lead to even more trouble. Curb your passion, greed and stupidity so as not to fall into bondage. If a prisoner fails to repay his gaming debt on time, he automatically goes into the “lost” caste, i.e. actually turns into a completely powerless creature. In order to pay off such a debt, a prisoner may be required to perform absolutely any action - from very harmless self-harm (“snapping a finger”) to the murder of another prisoner or a representative of the administration. Repayment of prison debt “from the outside” also has its own peculiarities - the rate of the game prison “currency” to ordinary money is 1:10, i.e. if you lost 500 rubles in the zone, in the wild this amount will be 10 times larger and equal to 5000. This also applies to lard, drugs, sugar, cigarettes, medicines and even T-shirts, panties and socks.
  • You should be careful when accepting gifts from other inmates - “take a cigarette,” “drink some tea,” “grab a stone.” At any moment, a “cordial friend” may unexpectedly demand that you either return what you ate/smoked/drank or fulfill his request - for example, wash his socks, clean his cell, or wash the dishes. Before you take something “just like that”, clarify why you are being given the “warm” in order to avoid misunderstandings. Such “tricks” may mean an attempt to “trick” you or make you a “horse” - a servant for others. The rest of the inmates in this situation show thieves’ collectivism and happily support the version of the “warmer” - one more “horse in the house” will not hurt anyone.

How to win people over and make friends in prison?

Excessive curiosity can also play a cruel joke on a new person. Don’t ask your new neighbors what charges they have to serve time for and what their tattoos mean.

Trying to gain favor with someone by doing someone a favor, serving someone, can inadvertently only lower your status. There is no need to rush to “get involved” on your own initiative.

For the same reason, you should not voluntarily give your parcels from the “mainland” to one of your new neighbors at the direction of your cellmates - all things in the “hut” have their owner, be it a rusty mug or a seemingly unnecessary newspaper. This means they can only be used with the permission of the owner. You should defend your property without any fear. You can give away your rations only by decision of a meeting of the lads, submitting to the opinion of the majority, but “warming up the lads” by allocating a pack of cigarettes or a “moon stone” (as halva is jokingly called) for the common fund is an approved thing.

It is very important to understand that personal hygiene is a paramount parameter when compiling your overall profile. They will not stand on ceremony with an unkempt prisoner who does not take care of his cleanliness - such a person will most likely immediately fall into the category of “chushkans”. Keeping clothes in general, nails, teeth, feet and hands clean (especially after visiting the latrine) is a sacred act in prison. Touching any object with unwashed hands after your genitals means irrevocably “stuffing” it. A dirty (“chushka”) who forgot to wash his hands after a “duchka” may be denied access to the “general” or immediately seriously “fill his breath” as a primary educational prevention.

It is mandatory to wash your face and feet every day before going to bed. Foul-smelling socks or dirty clothes (“lahi”) will be the subject of extreme contempt, disgust and disrespect.

As you know, the toilet in a prison cell is often located in a common space, separated from the living area only by curtains. According to the unwritten rules, when someone is in the toilet, none of the inmates should eat anything, drink tea or prepare food. Conversely, it is strictly forbidden to “go to the toilet” while eating.
In any case, someone who goes to prison for the first time will not learn all the rules in advance. But it is necessary to understand that ignorance of any unwritten regulations is not the most terrible enemy of a newly minted prisoner. What can ruin his life is, first of all, his opposition to the new team, rejection of these very laws and concepts, rebellion against the “thieves” foundations.

In contact with

How to survive in prison? What to do if you are detained or arrested? The questions are not idle. The situation with the detention of video blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky clearly showed that in modern Russian realities anyone can end up behind bars - for a carelessly spoken word on the Internet, for a repost on social networks, for a stupid picture. But the people who post pictures and conduct video blogs, as a rule, are far from criminal life, so sudden detention and placement in a temporary detention facility (hereinafter referred to as a pre-trial detention center and, if you’re really unlucky, a colony) can be a real shock for them. A person who finds himself in such a situation can easily do something stupid, turning his life into a real hell.

There are more and more blatant cases of “landings” in Russia. We decided to consult with people who have extensive experience in places, as they say, “not so remote.” These are Alexey Kuznetsov (more than 10 years in the camps, runs his own channel about life in prison on YouTube, is engaged in human rights activities), Andrey Reut (served 17 years), Alena (she asked not to indicate her last name and term, works in a law firm), as well as the famous Ural human rights activist Alexey Sokolov. Here are their tips.

Detention. Be quiet

Almost every landing begins with detention. This can happen on the street, at work, at university, on public transport. They may be detained after a search or interrogation. Detention is not an arrest. Sometimes detainees are released after testifying or establishing the necessary facts. But sometimes, at the moment of detention, a person says goodbye to freedom for a long time. It is important not to lose composure here.

Reut: As a rule, if a person has never fallen into the hands of government officials, after detention he experiences shock and fear. All illusions regarding law enforcement agencies are crumbling. A person is faced with rudeness and cynicism, understands that he is just a bug. The first thing you will encounter is intimidation, sometimes beating, and torture is not excluded. After all, the “suspect” is already guilty – that’s what investigators and operatives think. And it’s very difficult to get an apology or explanation later. It is advisable to know a lawyer or a lawyer familiar with criminal practice. If there are no such people, then it is better to be patient and not slander yourself, since in the future ALL your words will be used against you. Regardless of the alibi, defense witnesses, or lack of evidence of your guilt. Declare that you will not testify without a lawyer (lawyer) chosen by your family or yourself. Article No. 51 of the Constitution: a citizen has the right not to testify against himself. In general, it is better to overcome fear, confusion and pain, but not to incriminate yourself; any word can be distorted in the interrogation report.

Kuznetsov: When a person is detained, the main thing is not to panic and understand that his fate depends on the first measures that will be taken against the detainee. In the first days of detention, by his actions he lays the foundation for the future - release or imprisonment. The security forces understand all this very well and therefore try to work as hard as possible in the first minutes and days of detention, hoping that their victim, in a panic, not understanding anything, will behave to please them. Security forces, as a rule, in the first minutes and days of detention try to limit any contacts with the outside world for the detainee, slip in their lawyer on duty, who with sweet speeches about a possible immediate release persuades the detainee to do whatever the security forces want, effectively excluding the chances of release, aggravating the situation . At such moments, it is better for the detainee to remain silent and not testify against himself and his loved ones, especially since Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows him to do so.

Alyona: No matter how many times you are detained, it’s always like the first time. The circumstances are different, the prerequisites are different and the police are, accordingly, different. But in any case, you need to know your rights. Don’t “download”, but know. This will greatly reduce the risks and will later help with your protection. There are many recommendations that can be given, but each case is individual - and there is a difference if you were detained by a police patrol squad or “bedded” by a rapid response group, and the difference is global. It is worth studying the Law “On the Police,” which clearly states the duties and rights of police officers.

Sokolov: First, when they come to your home, you need to look at the documents. They are required to introduce themselves, show identification and a search or arrest warrant. Everyone deserves a phone call. You can call before you open the door. You need to contact a lawyer. If you don’t have a lawyer, call your relatives or friends so that they can refer a lawyer. You can, of course, try to say that you won’t let the police in until the lawyer arrives, but in this case they can break down the door. You can let them in and give the phone to the lawyer to let him know he’s coming. Employees may not care about it, but then you can bring it up in court. If a lawyer is absent, it is best to record procedural actions on a video camera. You need to demand from employees that searches are carried out in your presence. First in one room, then in another and so on. So that it doesn’t turn out that all the employees scattered into the rooms and came out with drugs, ammunition or something else. Witnesses must be present during the search. Either these are “tame” witnesses, or they attract neighbors.

We need to find out who is in charge of the investigation team, who makes the decisions. Any violation must be brought to the attention of witnesses. This must be reflected in the search report. At the end, you can indicate all violations. It is necessary. Because later you can refer to it. The next stage is interrogation. During this interrogation, if there is no lawyer, then it is better to take Article 51. Because imagine the psychological state of a person when people come to you, get you out of bed at six in the morning, and start roaming around your rooms - it’s a shock.

Even if a lawyer is appointed, you can work with him. Ask him to record violations. Consult him. (At the next stages, it is highly advisable to acquire a lawyer by agreement - see the next paragraph).

IVS. Do not believe

After your arrest, you will most likely be sent to a temporary detention center, or temporary detention facility. This is a police facility where you can be held for up to 48 hours without a court order. This is not a pre-trial detention center or a prison yet, but only their “waiting room.”

Andrey: While in a temporary detention facility, a citizen understands and feels that life is not so wonderful. The lack of sunlight in the cell, the lack of clean air and, often, unsanitary conditions weaken many people mentally. But we must not forget that there may be even worse living conditions ahead. Therefore, you should not trust cellmates... Many cooperate with investigators, some work for them. If in a cell where only first-time detainees are kept, there is a citizen covered in tattoos, telling how easily and simply he lived in the zone, know: this is an employee of those who interrogated you the day before, with a 99 percent guarantee. You may be offered an “on-duty” lawyer during interrogation or other investigative action. Don't agree! The lawyer on duty, as a rule, begins to persuade you to confess to the crime that you are charged with, with the explanation that this will give you less money, or they will let you go home on your own recognizance. As a rule, such “disservice” from the duty lawyer will later cost you tears and, most likely, threaten a real prison sentence. There are also appointed lawyers who honestly earn their bread and reputation, but there are only a few of them. Therefore, I suggest you think carefully and look at where and what to sign for.

Alexei: From the first minutes, you need to understand that you find yourself in a part of another world, where operational measures can be carried out against you, using your cellmates, who seem to be constantly being called out of the cell by either investigators or lawyers. In fact, they constantly go to the operators to leak information about you and receive new tasks for your development. From the first step into this other world, the detainee must be a “simpleton” who, upon entering the cell, simply says: “Hello everyone.” At the same time, it is internally necessary to maintain a wolfish defense and at any moment make decisions in accordance with internal perception. For a moment of weakness you can pay for decades, or maybe even eternity.

While in the temporary detention center for the first days, you must understand that the investigator depends on your testimony, and you depend on the investigator - use this to inform your loved ones and relatives that you have been detained. Tell the investigator: yes, I agree to give explanations and testimony, but inform my loved ones and relatives about my arrest so that they hire me a lawyer, after meeting with whom we will actively carry out procedural actions. Act as if you are running towards the investigator with leaps and bounds.

When a hired lawyer arrives, through him you will be able to inform your loved ones and relatives of any information, since your meetings will be confidential, this is the law.

If there is no hired lawyer, do not trust the appointed duty lawyer, since this is the same investigator, prosecutor and judge rolled into one.

You will not be kept in a temporary detention center for a long time, and if you are arrested, you will be taken to a pre-trial detention center. This is a new test - you seem to have adapted to the temporary detention center, but here again there is something new and scary.

Alyona: What is a temporary detention facility... First of all, it is a vacuum of uncertainty, in which even an experienced person begins to paint pictures of the best outcome. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out. And even a small fly, in the absence of awareness of one’s rights, the rules of the law and much more, can turn into a good elephant.

Lawyer from the state. It's free, so it often doesn't care about you. He is not a doctor and did not take the Hippocratic Oath. He does not really imagine that a person who is imprisoned can simply be killed or left behind. This is not in any article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but there are hundreds of cases. The lawyer understands that, having interviewed the suspect or accused and remaining for him “only” the duty lawyer, all he can count on is pennies from the state. You should not condemn them for following the path of least resistance, offering to write a confession and go to trial in a special manner. He does not do this without the consent of the accused.

Sokolov: Life in a temporary detention facility... These are four bunks, a table, a toilet enclosed by a brick wall, a washbasin, windows. In a temporary detention facility, I advise you not to talk to anyone, not to discuss not only your case, but also other aspects of your personal, professional life, parents, and relatives. Because it is at this stage that operatives use the services of “mother hens.” They pump out all the information that is used against you.

In the temporary detention center you can receive parcels. You need to read about this in the operating rules of the isolator.

Pre-trial detention center. “Who are you in life?”

If the court decides to arrest, the person is transferred from the temporary detention center to the pre-trial detention center. This is almost a real prison. You can spend many months here, while formally you remain an innocent person - you were simply isolated to make it more convenient to conduct investigative actions.

Andrey: From the temporary detention center you can be taken to a pre-trial detention center, that is, to prison. It has its own procedures and rules, which it is advisable for a “newbie” who has never been in the cell system to know. What to take with you? What is possible? Of course, hygiene items: soap, toothpaste and brush, socks, panties, T-shirts (preferably plain, black or gray). Cigarettes, tea, coffee (even taking into account the fact that you personally do not smoke), as you can always treat your fellow inmates, which will give you the opportunity to win people over. You cannot carry sharp objects, belts or laces with you. Therefore, choose shoes without laces. The same goes for trousers; it’s better to have a tracksuit - it’s more practical.

Don’t forget, when you find yourself in a pretrial detention cell, it is better to be restrained and extremely polite with your cellmates. You shouldn’t rely on your own strength, the atmosphere and rules of life are different here. When entering the cell, greet the prisoners with the words: “Peace and prosperity in the hut (cell), warmth and health to the prisoners, it was great (to say simply “great” is not accepted, since this can be answered with an indecent saying - author’s note), I greet the decent people." At first glance, these words may seem funny, but they are not. The prison lives its own life.

There are so-called VIP cells in the prison. They exist, for example, in the Yekaterinburg Central. I even had a chance to sit there once. These are cells with two beds. If memory serves, from 411 to 420. There are plastic windows, everything is clean, renovations have been done. Even the food in these cells is much better: they give you meat and rich soup. You can't get a job in such a cell for money. The administration looks at the personality of the convicted person. For example, [former vice-president of the City Without Drugs Foundation] Evgeniy Malenkin sat in one of these. But I didn’t stay there for long, I asked to join the general one. I need communication, I'm used to being with other prisoners. In addition, my cigarettes were constantly being consumed by the youngsters in the neighboring cells; I could not refuse them. And the isolation was pressing. That's why I asked to go to the general one.

We must not forget that no one can offer you an action that discredits your name or offends human dignity. Anyone who dared to do this is not a good person, not a “decent prisoner,” and such a person must be boldly spoken to to his face for his action! Otherwise, you will experience many unpleasant moments from life “outside your will.” For example, the first move ends up in a prison. If he is asked, say, to do cleaning for others, then he has the right to refuse. Everyone lives here and cleans up after themselves. They cannot force him. In each cell there is a person who is considered “sane”; he resolves various conflict situations. You can always turn to him if they try to treat you unfairly, he is obliged to react. The use of force is not respected in prison. Even if you want to receive a certain service from the “blue” (offended), you cannot use force against him, you must come to an agreement with him. Otherwise they will ask you.

Regarding writing complaints. If you write a complaint regarding your criminal case, no one has the right to interfere with you - neither the convicts, nor the administration, this is your personal matter. If you complain about the conditions of detention, then everyone decides for themselves. There is a possibility that other prisoners under the control of the administration will try to dissuade you. They say, you write, and then they will organize a search for us. But everyone decides for themselves.

Some talk about “Caucasian” cameras that are used to scare people under investigation. Like, we’ll put you in jail, and they’ll tear you to pieces. There is definitely no such thing in the Sverdlovsk region. Caucasians are the same people, perhaps even more reserved and hospitable, they don’t even usually swear. There are no nationalities in prison at all. These edges are erased. Another thing is that we have “limitless” cameras. There is also a pre-trial detention center-1 in Yekaterinburg. These cameras are located in the basements. When some commissions arrive, they are quickly sent somewhere. Then they return it. If you go there, nothing good will happen, of course.

Alexei: Upon arrival at the pre-trial detention center, in the “krikushnik” (the place where the data of prisoners who have arrived in the pre-trial detention center are verified and where they receive additional information according to which the prisoner will be assigned to one or another category of prisoners), the DPNSI (the pre-trial detention center duty officer) will ask for your full name, date of birth, date of birth, article, you are brought in as an accused, until what date is the preventive measure chosen, and then he asks the question: “Who is in life?” or “What color are you?” If you don’t know what to answer, then don’t be confused, say “man” (this is not “red”, not “lowered”, not thieves). This is the “golden mean”. And you'll figure it out over time. Question: “Who in life?” is asked in order to assign you to the appropriate hut, that is, a cell, in accordance with your answer.

When entering a hut, remember that here you are entering someone’s house, in which someone lived and lives before you. Here it is necessary to adhere to the rule: “Don’t go into someone else’s monastery with your own rules.”

When you enter the house, say: “Hello everyone” or “It was great.” Then the “supervisor” (the head of the cell) will call you to talk. From the conversation he will find out what kind of fruit you are. In accordance with his conclusions, the attitude towards you in the house will be built. You must remember: how you place yourself in the house, so it will be. The attitude of others towards you depends on you. Living conditions in a pre-trial detention center are like in a well-kept basement of intelligent homeless people, however, in a pre-trial detention center, the bedroom, toilet and kitchen are one room.

Alyona: A lot can happen in a pre-trial detention center, or rather, anything can happen - it all depends on what kind of person you are in life, what kind of “bag” you have (that is, financial situation and help from outside). Well, some more nuances. Everything is individual. There is only one principle: if you lived like a human being before all the sad events, then after them you will live with dignity.

Sokolov: Complaints must be written about the actions of investigators. All answers must also be appealed. This will all come in handy in court. You need to behave politely with the administration. Some employees will provoke you into rudeness in order to get you involved in new criminal cases. The jailers provoke very professionally - they will get under your skin so that the person loses his temper. This is all done on purpose. A person must be self-disciplined and keep an eye on things. Here, too, there are “mother hens” who leak information to the operational services. Many people do this for tea and cigarettes.

The colony. Red and black

You can end up in a colony either after a temporary detention center or a pre-trial detention center, or without going through these stages. For example, you may be sentenced and taken into custody right in the courtroom.

Andrey: Convicts can be placed in either a general regime or a strict regime, it all depends on the severity of the crime. One way or another, there are no camps left in the Sverdlovsk region that have not fallen under the influence of convicts who are actively cooperating with the administration. Yes, that’s true, the administration, by transferring powers to such convicts, is committing arbitrariness and sometimes lawlessness. A terrible word - chaos. Such camps and zones are called “red”, and this is associated with blood. In such camps, all movements occur in formation or running. While singing songs, sometimes of an offensive nature. I personally know first-hand about torture, humiliation and beatings, so I can say with complete confidence: in the Sverdlovsk region there is chaos on the part of the administration employees and their accomplices in the person of the convicts.

Once in the quarantine department in the penal colony, upon arrival in the zone, almost 100% of newly arrived convicts are there for two weeks. During this time they undergo a medical examination. For your information, there are particularly cruel activists working in quarantine in the “red” zones, collaborating with the administration. After all, it is in quarantine that the initial “breaking” of new arrivals begins. Everything is selected, even hygiene items. A nightmare begins for those who respect themselves and others. Administration employees, as a rule, are not in quarantine, so all powers are assigned to the “active”. All illusions disappear for those who end up in such camps. I have personally heard more than once from those who create chaos: “They will be afraid, they will not sit down again, they will be obedient.” I have been judged many times and I can assure you that those who have gone through this hell become different, and not for the better. Morality breaks down, human values ​​disappear, compassion and empathy die. Only a few, having gone through the nightmares of the camps, become stronger without losing their human appearance.

“Black” camps are different - everything there is based on honesty and decency, insults to individuals or family and friends are unacceptable. Fighting and violence are not welcome. For something like this there is a strict demand, after which few people will want to violate human principles. They will always help you in word and deed; they will not remain indifferent to sadness and grief.

It is extremely difficult to remain a human in a “red” colony; it requires fortitude and endurance. Many are forced to write receipts: “I will cooperate with the administration.” Currently, videos of torture and “confessions” are being recorded everywhere. Activists and the administration warn that in case of disobedience, all video materials will be shown on domestic TV.

In many “red” camps there are workshops for the production of certain products. The pay is meager, it’s true, but it’s an option to avoid torture and abuse.

Alexei: The prevailing concept in society that in the “red” zones the rules of the internal life of prisoners are set by the administration of the correctional colony, and in the “black” zones - by thieves, are erroneous. The entire policy of the internal life of both the “red” and “black” colonies is set by the administration, and here everything depends on who carries out the administration’s instructions - the “actives” or the criminals (prisoners who are Chtutvorov’s ideas and openly promote them). I would like to note that in the “black” camps I saw more humanity, since the thieves who carry out the instructions of the administration must still maintain the defining image of thieves’ piety in order for the bulk of the prisoners to respect them.

For example, I came to a “black” colony. I ended up in quarantine. The thieves organize to ensure that new arrivals are treated normally by the “red” prisoners, who are also called “goats” in slang. Tea, cigarettes, sweets and other necessities are allocated from the common fund for the period of quarantine (14 days). Even if very modestly, but every day and for everyone. If, God forbid, during quarantine the “goats” in such a camp raised their hand against you, then the thieves must react. Therefore, in such “black” camps there is less torture and violence from the “goats” against the mass of prisoners. Although, to be honest, all this is present there, but to a lesser extent than in the “red” camps.

So I arrived at the “red” camp and ended up in quarantine. Here from the first minutes they start beating you. The “Goats” apply pressure during the entire 14 days of quarantine. By talking with you, the “goats” obtain information about your financial well-being. They look at your reaction to the concessions they offer, for which you must pay, and give you a cell phone to call home, while telling you that for the call, your relatives must put a certain amount of money on the phone or bank card. Naturally, in conditions when you are beaten and humiliated 24 hours a day, a call home is priceless, and you pay... But from now on you will pay for the entire term. They will milk you.

Alyona: One thing can be said about the women’s colony: the “baul system.” Buy, sell, exchange. Concepts as such exist when it is profitable or when there is nothing to lose, and basically everyone who is friends with common sense strives to leave on parole. After all, mothers are there. And when the drug haze subsides, the brain falls into place, then an understanding comes of how little a person needs to be happy: a house, a child, a family. I don't know a single woman who wouldn't want to go home. A woman has nothing to do in a colony, so she shouldn’t go there.

What a colony, such a routine. The difference is in the number of checks - two or three. And the rest depends on the detachment in which you live, the type of your activity and the mental state of the colony administration.

Even in the zone you can keep yourself busy and diversify your leisure time. Some read, some watch films, some take part in amateur activities, some knit, write, draw. Who cares? If a person wants to self-realize, self-express, self-educate - in a good sense of these words (not to be strange and not to shake the regime) - a person will find something to do for leisure and will not become dull over the years that are sentenced to him.

Sokolov: There is a very simple saying: “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask.” She needs to be guided. Also – listen more, talk less. When a person ends up in a colony, he usually internally resigns himself to the fact that he will be in prison. The shock goes away and he begins to actively communicate. But at first it’s better to listen more and try to think, then just talk.

Simple rules for the “first mover” from experienced prisoners

Be who you are. In prison, you shouldn’t pretend to be someone, because masks fall off quickly here. And when the masks come off, the consequences can be bad.
Don't become isolated. You shouldn’t live by the “me and my bedside table” principle. If a person withdraws, it is interpreted as if he considers himself superior to others.

Don't be greedy. Today you have tea and cigarettes, and tomorrow - nothing. Nobody says that you have to give your last, but mutual assistance is always welcome here.
Don't discuss others behind their backs. Here it is called “intrigue.” You cannot gossip about the actions and words of other prisoners. They may ask for “washing the bones.”

Stay away from the "low" ones. There is no escape from reality; in the colonies there is such a caste of people. They sit at separate tables and eat with separate cutlery. You cannot take cigarettes or other items from them. This cannot be washed off throughout the entire period.

Don't be afraid to ask your elders. First movers receive special treatment. If he unknowingly uses some expression that is considered normal in ordinary life, but not in prison, then everything will be explained to him, taught, and no one will immediately make a complaint. For example, if you want to know something, you should say: “I have an interest in you,” since the phrase “I have a question for you” means a specific claim, presented, for which the one you are addressing is obliged to answer.

Everything will be fine. The hope of liberation is something that warms not only the heart of those entering prison for the first time. This is a feeling that unites all prisoners. Remember that even the most dangerous-looking inhabitants of the camp are people just like you. They are simply accustomed to living by different laws. Your task is to accept these laws and live by them. Maintain your dignity and don't put yourself above others. Then you will be treated with respect.