Love horoscope for Aquarius woman December.

  • 17.02.2024

For Aquarius, December 2016 will be moderately dynamic. As is customary in your personal life scenario, you will at first be somewhat skeptical about the fact that everyone around you is eagerly preparing for the New Year. Without holding back your cynical chuckles, you will make fun of your friends: “Do you still believe in Santa Claus?” However, the inexorably approaching December 31st will also involve you in the general turmoil. Moreover, you will approach the pre-holiday chores in a very unusual way! Gifts purchased for relatives will be presented to you before the Chimes strike. Why? The thing is that on New Year's Day you will find yourself far from home (somewhere on the seashore or in the hot African desert). It is impossible to guess how exactly you will decide to celebrate the coming of 2017. One thing is clear, you will hold this celebration in a very original way and on a colossal scale.

In general, not once in December 2016 have you been overcome by pessimistic moods. You will face the truth - yes, much of what was planned for the outgoing year did not come true. Yes, you had to postpone some goals and dreams until later, not seeing the strength in yourself to achieve them. However, there were many positive moments in your life in 2016. You will focus on them, mentally conducting an intermediate analysis of your own life.

Lonely Aquarius in December 2016 will shock the opposite sex with their eccentric behavior. You suddenly imagine yourself as the brightest star, which unilaterally decides who to warm with the rays of its light, and who should be steadfastly “ignored”. The most offensive thing is that among the people whom you will bypass with your “royal” attention, there will be a lot of worthy contenders for the role of your soulmate. Alas, in December you will categorically refuse to get close to anyone, and therefore you will be celebrating the New Year 2017 alone with your overly inflated self-esteem.

Family Aquarius in December 2016 also runs the risk of becoming a star. Even if you have objective prerequisites for “star fever” behind you, you should not offend your household! Agree, it’s unlikely that anyone will like it when you tactlessly interrupt his monologue about his own successes and achievements with phrases like “oh, is this a reason for pride, better listen to how I managed to achieve much more!” With these remarks, as well as the lack of lively attention to anyone, you risk greatly offending both your marriage partner and, what is especially scary, the younger members of the family! Do you like receiving compliments? So why are you sure that others do not want to receive praise and verbal thanks for their achievements? At least once, put yourself in the shoes of the people around you and try to give them sincere, selfless attention (this is more valuable than any gift).

The career successes of Aquarius in December 2016 will not be particularly large. You will carry out your usual job duties without much enthusiasm, sometimes catching yourself thinking that it would not hurt you to go on vacation. By the end of the working year, you will be pretty fed up with both routine service and the usual “decor” of the boring faces of your colleagues. Without the opportunity to somehow stir up this “idyll,” you will increasingly wander through social networks during the working day, for some reason register on a dating site, or begin to “troll” people chatting about something on the next thematic forum. This is how you pass the days remaining until the New Year, and then retire with a clear conscience (if you can call the 10 stormy days of the New Year holidays that way).

Attention, the Aquarius horoscope for the month of December 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Horoscope 2016 Monkeys.

As the horoscope for the Aquarius woman for December 2016 says, peace and harmony will reign on the personal front for the Aquarius woman. This month it will be useful for spouses to take a short joint “excursion into the past.” A first date, a walk in the park, a declaration of love - after all, there is so much hidden and unique in your family history! Enjoy these moments.

For a lonely representative of the Aquarius sign, December will provide an opportunity to understand herself. Why is your personal life unsuccessful? Perhaps you are insecure or overly demanding of people. This is a period of reflection and introspection that must be experienced on the path to happiness.

Financial horoscope for Aquarius woman for December 2016

The second ten days of the month is a great time for additional part-time work. If you are looking for a job, then during this period you can count on a successful outcome. Our accurate horoscope recommends being active and soon luck will smile on you in the form of a long-awaited vacancy.

In terms of finances, the position of the Aquarius lady will be extremely unstable. On the one hand, very significant cash injections into the budget cannot be ruled out. However, the presence of unforeseen expenses in December may well swing the “financial pendulum” in the other direction, says the horoscope for the Aquarius woman for December 2016.

December pleases Aquarius with pleasant surprises. Only, due to various circumstances, not every Aquarius is able to discern positive changes - there are too many worries that require immediate solutions.

In general, December will be quite calm, but only if this overly suspicious sign does not attach importance to random difficulties that can simply be ignored. Doubts and soul-searching will become very characteristic of Aquarius’ behavior at the end of the year, because he will begin to take stock. The main thing you need to understand is that the results are never rosy. You need to come to terms with this thought and live with a positive attitude.

The beginning of the month will mark dramatic changes in the professional sphere. If before this time Aquarius had little understanding of what was expected of him and what was required, then with the acceptance of a new position, the pieces of the puzzle will come together into a single picture. The position will meet all bold expectations. In addition, a lot of time will be freed up, which Aquarius will finally be able to devote to himself or his family.

By the way, even a short vacation is possible this month - a weekend in a boarding house or at a friends’ country house. Don't miss this opportunity. This will most likely happen in the middle of the month in order to gain strength before the final push in the outgoing year.

Finances in December are simply pleasing! Never before has Aquarius felt such financial confidence and independence. Now it will begin to seem to him that he can do anything. This may be true, but it will be necessary to take care of tomorrow, so if representatives of this sign have not yet opened a bank account or have not started a money box for a rainy day, this can be done in December.

Aquarius drivers will not be at their best in December, so it makes sense to avoid long trips and reckless driving on the road.

It is also worth paying attention to your health status. Even if nothing worries you and doesn’t hurt anywhere, then you can start taking a vitamin complex, this is always helpful.

Lonely Aquarius will finally have luck. They will not celebrate the New Year alone. If you do not speed things up and do not make excessive demands on your future soulmate, then it is quite possible that such a romance will result in a long-term relationship.

Favorable days in December: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 19, 22, 24, 31

Unfavorable days in December: 1, 8, 11, 12, 13, 21, 28

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Inga Polonskaya.

Astrological horoscope for the zodiac sign Aquarius for December 2016 from our regular astrologer Horoscope. Let's find out from the video horoscope what awaits Aquarius in December 2016, what new, interesting events the month of December has in store for him.

December is the time when everyone is waiting for the New Year 2017, preparing for the holiday - New Year's Eve, going to corporate parties, Christmas trees in kindergarten, school. December is a magical time.

So let's spend the month of December usefully, without making mistakes: great and strong love, or an increase in wages and promotion on the career ladder, or moving and improving living conditions, or maybe... Why fantasize, let's find out from a real astrologer from the video how December 2016 will turn out for Aquarius. Advice from the stars from a professional astrologer for you.

Horoscope for December 2016 Aquarius. Video

Horoscope for Aquarius for December 2016. Video text

You want to have guarantees that the effort you put into your work is not wasted. December 2016 will make Aquarius feel that their efforts are not in vain. This feeling will make you happy, strive for self-realization, and then be proud of yourself - so successful and determined. Sometimes it is important to wedge into some current in time, and it does not matter that you were not at its source. If you do the same, you most likely won’t go wrong. Among all your affairs, not only serious achievements will require your attention, but also everyday life and family. How else? You, as a connoisseur of beauty, cannot entrust the preparation of the New Year holidays to someone else.

In the first half of the month, you will be a dreamer who only thinks about what and how will happen in his relationship with his other half. And from mid-December you will understand that thoughts will not materialize without your participation, and you will move on to decisive action. True, this is unlikely to force you to become wasteful. Rather, on the contrary, you will be too practical. The main thing is that your passion does not regard this approach as stinginess. Otherwise he can run away. But you won’t be greedy with your emotions and actions, and this is a clear plus.

In the first half of December, new prospects regarding work will turn your head. If you say goodbye to laziness and get down to business with vigor, success cannot be avoided. The main thing is to try to get a lot done before the middle of the month. Why? Because then laziness will overcome you - there are no options. And the stars will probably get tired, so it’s unlikely that the work will stick together, and empty hopes for a reward will remain empty hopes.

P.S. And most importantly. No matter how hard you try to switch your attention and energy to new activities, you will not be able to escape far from your usual activities. And it’s good - you’re a pro there, which means you have a great chance of success.

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In December 2016, Aquarians will experience complete freedom of action. This period is favorable for the implementation of the most daring plans, ideas and desires. The desire to learn more, learn new things, and get to know yourself will be an excellent tool for achieving goals and expanding your knowledge and experience. During this period, you will be surrounded only by interesting, sociable and optimistic people. The life of representatives of your zodiac sign will be very eventful. First of all, this will be due to the desire to get as many things done as possible before the start of the new year.

In order to effectively use their potential and energy, in the first ten days of the month Aquarius needs to concentrate all their efforts on completing the work they have begun and summing up the results of the outgoing year. In the second ten days of December 2016, you will have an excellent opportunity to travel a little, which will bring a lot of brilliant and promising ideas and new potential partners. You shouldn't refuse such a chance. This is a great opportunity to broaden your horizons and look at your life from a different angle. Be attentive to what is happening, try to discern opportunity where there is none. Use every situation to your advantage, get the most out of your life. Be decisive and confident in your abilities. This will provide additional incentive and motivation to achieve success.

A favorable and fruitful period awaits Aquarius in the professional field. Under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn aspects, representatives of your zodiac sign will be more productive than ever. With incredible ease, you will be given solutions to all work issues and tasks that were previously put aside. This month, Aquarians may not worry about financial stability. All financial matters will be quite satisfactory. And even more than that, you will have the opportunity to start saving or put a certain amount on deposit, which was previously difficult for you. The financial situation will not be a problem for organizing a winter holiday or a family trip. There is a high probability of monetary gains from unexpected sources. This could be winning a lottery or a bet. A gift from distant relatives or patrons is possible. Now is a favorable time to strengthen your financial platform and create a source of passive income that will help you open your own lifelong business and realize your long-time dream. The main thing is to learn how to properly manage money and invest it in promising businesses.

Under the influence of the aspects of Venus, Aquarius in December 2016 will be filled with passion and romantic feelings that will fill you with a certain magnetism and charm. Be prepared for the fact that there will be no end to fans of the opposite sex. Throughout this period, you will radiate incredible energy, charging everyone around you with it. This will help single representatives of your zodiac sign start new romantic relationships with serious prospects for development. For family Aquarius, these qualities will help diversify everyday life and add bright colors to their usual relationship with their partner. It is important not to lose your sanity and sense of self-control. Being under the influence of playful Venus can deprive even the most pedantic and pragmatic representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign of common sense in December 2016. Try to control your emotions and listen to the voice of reason. The family life of Aquarius will be filled with harmony and subtle understanding on the part of the partner. For Aquarius, the home will become a place where they can hide from the bustle of the world and devote time to self-improvement.

It will be very useful to engage in active sports as an emotional release. Start with a morning jog or a regular visit to the pool. This will help expand your circle of acquaintances and make new friends.