Download Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune. Tao of Jeet Kune Do

  • 15.02.2024

My husband Bruce has always considered himself a martial artist first and an artist second. At the age of 13, Bruce began Wing Chun style kung fu lessons for self-defense. Over the next 19 years, he turned his knowledge into science, into art, into philosophy and a way of life. He trained his body with exercise and practice; he trained his mind by reading and thinking and wrote down his thoughts and ideas constantly for 19 years. The pages of this book represent his life's work.... .... Bruce's own records indicate that he was impressed by the work of Edwin Hasleyt, Julio Martinez Castello, Hugo and James Castello and Roger Crosnier. Many of Bruce's own theories are closely related to the ideas expressed by these authors. Bruce decided to finish the book in 1971, but his film work prevented him from completing it. He also doubted whether to publish this book, as he felt that it could be used for other purposes. He didn't intend for his book to be like an "instruction manual" or "learn kung fu in ten easy lessons." He wanted the book to be a record of his meaningful experiences and a teacher, not a list of instructions. If you can read it in this light, there is much to be learned from these pages. And you will probably have many questions, the answers to which you must look within yourself. When you finish this book, you will know not only Bruce Lee, but also yourself. Now open your mind and read, understand and gain experience, and when you achieve all this, put the book out of service. As you will see, her pages are designed to clear up confusion.... Linda Lee In a real fight, there is no referee to say, “Stop!” - A match in the ring is not really a fight. Even a great boxer can be beaten in a street fight, but put him back in the ring and he is the master of the situation. Real combat is scary. These are throwing people face first onto the asphalt, these are stabbings. No one knows if your skill will help you. And, of course, everything will change as soon as the enemy has a weapon in his hands. Even ten years of kickboxing doesn't mean anything anymore. Bruce often fought on the streets of Hong Kong. He was, in his own words, “a punk who gets his kicks from fighting.” I've seen him in brutal fights that I can't even call fights. I saw fighters who just wanted to maim and destroy Bruce. But nothing worked for them, and every time Bruce taught them a lesson in real combat, literally playing with them. He was constantly changing in the fight, either throwing kicks or exploding like a ferocious street fighter or a professional boxer. Sometimes it was like kickboxing, sometimes like wing chun, sometimes, after a fall, like jiu-jitsu. Bruce knew how and when to use a particular fighting style. The basis of such knowledge is the understanding of combat distances.... Dan Inosanto.... In the hands of a wonderful man, carefully arranged simple things sound with undeniable harmony. Bruce's Martial Arts Orchestra has the same property. After being immobile for several months, with an injured back, he took up his pen. He wrote the same way he spoke and acted - directly and honestly. Tao Jeet Kune Do began long before Bruce Lee was born. The classical style of wing chun with which he began was developed four hundred years before him. The two thousand books he read described the individual "discoveries" of thousands of people before him. There is nothing new in this book, no secrets. “Nothing special,” Bruce used to say. But that's not true. Bruce's specialty was knowing himself and his abilities, the ability to correctly choose what would work for him, and turn it into movements and words. With the help of the philosophy of Confucius, Spinoza, Krishnamurti, he developed his concepts and with them he began a book about his tao. When he died, the book was completely completed. Although seven parts were planned, only one was completed. Between the main blocks of the manuscript were unnumbered pages containing only headings. Sometimes he wrote introspectively, asking himself questions. Most often he wrote addressing his invisible student, the reader. When he wrote quickly, he sacrificed grammar, but when he had time, he wrote brightly and eloquently. Some materials were written in one sitting and had clearly defined forms. Others bore traces of sudden inspiration, and fragmentary ideas were carelessly sketched as they occurred to Bruce. And this is throughout the book. In addition to the seven planned parts, Bruce took notes throughout his work on Jeet Kune Do and left them in bookcases and desk drawers. Some were old, others were recent and valuable for the book.... .... It should be mentioned that Tao Jeet Kune Do is not finished. Bruce's art changed every day. In the chapter “Five Ways of Attack,” for example, he first started with a category called “hand immobilization.” He later found this too limiting, since immobilization could be applied to both the legs and the head. This was a simple example of how bad it is to attach rigid labels to any concept. The Tao of Jeet Kune Do has no end. On the contrary, it serves as a beginning. It has no style, no level, although it is easily perceived by those who know their weapon. There is an exception to almost every statement in this book - no book can give a complete picture of martial arts. This is simply a work that describes the direction of Bruce's research. The research remained unfinished. Questions (some basic and some complex) were left unanswered to force the student to question himself. In the same way, drawings often do not explain, but give a vague hint. But if they raise a question, if they generate an idea, they serve their purpose. We hope that this book will serve as a source of ideas for all martial arts practitioners, ideas that should then be developed further. Unfortunately, it is inevitable that the book may serve as the impetus for the establishment of "Jeet Kune Do schools" led by people who know the author's name but know very little about the technique. Beware of these schools! If their instructors missed the last, most important line, they won't understand the book at all. Next, creating a book means nothing. There is no real line between speed and power, between precision and kicking, or between punching and tempo; Each element of the fight affects all the others. The divisions I have made are for ease of reading only, do not take them too seriously. Use a pencil as you read and mark sections that are related. Jeet Kune Do, as you can see, has no defined boundaries, only those that you create yourself.... Gilbert L. Johnson

Bruce Lee- the greatest martial artist, actor, philosopher, screenwriter - a multifaceted outstanding personality, for whom there was no limit to perfection. Spike TV - an American cable channel showed a fascinating documentary film "I Am Bruce Lee" about this exceptional man.

The article, presenting advice from the great Master on achieving success in training, will be useful to everyone who has decided to change something in their life, who does not take reality for granted, who is determined to become more disciplined and open. Seven lessons from Bruce Lee will tell you how to become cleaner and freer, how to love life.

In the age of the Internet and the latest technologies, we are bombarded with a huge amount of information about various technologies for the improvement and development of man and his physical form. There is a lot of contradictory and ambiguous information in articles about training programs, nutrition systems, various trainings and tests, in which it is difficult to find something useful for yourself. However, for those who understand issues related to improving the human body, the question increasingly arises of how to increase the effect of exercises and training. Despite the huge selection of programs and methods offered, which often contradict each other, everyone tries to choose the best option for themselves, based on their own feelings, knowledge and available information.

The presence of a huge number of methods and programs on this topic leads to the fact that a person loses confidence in his abilities, becomes vulnerable and indecisive, and his self-esteem decreases. It is difficult to really evaluate events and actions if you are not confident in yourself and your capabilities. Having become acquainted with some training technologies, having assessed their effectiveness and usefulness from your own experience, you want to prove to everyone around you that your path is the most correct. Opinions that do not coincide with our point of view on the chosen training program, the desire of people to go a different way - all this causes misunderstanding and uncertainty.

It is not the lack of technical knowledge about training courses to improve the body that leads to doubts, but the inability to take a philosophical approach to understanding the everyday, to change the attitude towards events and towards oneself.

Seven lessons from Bruce Lee will be useful to anyone who wants to get closer to perfection. They are applicable in any area of ​​our lives, since we are talking not just about physical training and fitness, but about the connection between Bruce Lee's philosophical considerations and modern training and martial arts.

The problems that Bruce Lee dealt with 30-40 years ago are still relevant today. Today's fitness and bodybuilding industry faces the same challenges it faced back then. Bruce Lee was a great martial artist, and he managed to create his own philosophical system, the results of which are difficult to overestimate.

This is a program for all times, and in order to better understand its meaning as applied to modern programs for improving the human body, it is necessary to replace the terms that Bruce Lee used with expressions applicable in modern fitness.

For example, a fight is a training, an instructor is a coach, a fighting style is a training style, an opponent is a client, martial arts is a fitness training, Jeet Kune Do is a mixed training, etc. If you use modern terms when reading the recommendations from Bruce Lee, you can comprehend the full correctness and depth of his judgments contained in seven lessons on improving a person’s physical form.

Lesson #1. There are no perfect styles or systems. The “no style” style is the path to achieving high results.

“In order to attract more followers, certain training standards are usually adopted and must be strictly followed. However, it is not at all necessary to create a large, extensive community of followers who diligently follow the rules of the established system. With such an organization of classes, you can become a hostage to systematized training and strict rules. Very often, standard classical methods slow down and hinder development in sports. Those who practice such clearly defined programs, practicing monotonous exercises, deprive themselves of moving forward, often finding themselves in a dead end.”

“Each style has its own idea, so applying a certain style often divides people. Once a direction in training has been adopted, it is then difficult to change and accept something new. Therefore, if you do not have a style, then you are free in your choice, and you can decide for yourself how to express yourself more fully. Style is a stop, a crystallization, and a person must change and grow constantly.”

“It cannot be denied that there are training styles that can claim recognition, some of which have completeness, common sense and ideas.”

“It’s not worth arguing about who is better and who is worse, who is making mistakes and who is not.”

“The highest style of technology is the absence of technology. There cannot be just one method in training. However, there must be a deep understanding of what is being done and why.”

Lesson #2. Jeet Kune Do or mixed training is not a special style, but an independent training theory.

“Jeet Kune Do is not a “new style” that is subject to certain standards and has fundamental differences from other training methods. No. For those who use the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, there is hope to free themselves from imitation of any model or template. It must not be forgotten that Jeet Kune Do is not an organization with members joining it, but a special world with a free consciousness, a world that can be compared to a mirror in which we ourselves are reflected.”

“If a Jeet Kune Do athlete claims that what he is passionate about is true Jeet Kune Do, he does not fully understand the concept of this philosophy. His consciousness has not yet freed itself from patterns and frameworks. He is limited in his choice, and most likely has not yet understood the simple fact that there are no standards or boundaries for truth. Patterns, accumulated knowledge, recognized models are not the exclusive ultimate truth.”

“Jeet Kune Do is just a name. The purpose of this theory can be compared to a boat ferrying a person to the other side of the river. Once you find yourself on the other side, leave the boat, it has already served its purpose, don’t drag it with you, move on lightly, striving only forward.”

Lesson No. 3. Only a sensitive, observant person can become the best coach who respects the individuality of the athlete.

“One of the basic rules of a good coach is to constantly change and adapt to the individual qualities of the athlete. A knowledgeable coach will not stick to a standard training program.”

“You shouldn’t force a program on a student that the coach likes. A real teacher will always guide the student on the path of self-discovery and point out shortcomings and weaknesses.”

“You can very quickly lose freedom of expression if you practice according to once and for all accepted training rules. This path leads to a stop in development and to a decrease in results. It is necessary to realize that combat (training) should change depending on the situation, without being tied to personal tastes and preferences. If this is not the case, then very soon the athlete will become disappointed in the chosen training program, as a result of which the results of the training will be ineffective.”

“What is happening around will become clear, the meaning of things will reveal itself if a person has internal flexibility.”

“During a fight, you must follow the rule: your actions in battle should become a shadow of your opponent’s movements. At the same time, the response to the enemy’s attacks should not be stereotyped or prepared. Your fighting technique is created as a consequence of your opponent’s technique; every movement is the result of his movement. Therefore, you need a clear head, quick reaction and good physical shape.”

Lesson #4: The right path is always the most direct and simple.

“In Jeet Kune Do, the highest degree of perfection is the pursuit of the simplest. Through understanding this thought comes clarity that it is necessary to spend more rather than save.”

“When a sculptor creates his masterpiece, he cuts off everything unnecessary from the block. And only when the master has removed all the unnecessary material, a work of art is revealed to the eye. So in Jeet Kune Do, the idea is to cut off everything that is unnecessary and unimportant.”

“The most correct path is the simple path. There is no guarantee that traditional classical training methods will lead to winning results. The right path to success is efficiency.”

Lesson #5: Strenuous training cannot guarantee athletic success.

“It is impossible to learn while standing on the shore.”

“It is worth remembering that even the most grueling workouts and exercises will not bring success. The ultimate goal of everyone who engages in wrestling is a real fight, and the training process is just preparation for sparring.”

Lesson No. 6. It’s not difficult to learn how to move correctly, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to rigid limits.

“It is necessary to find an individual approach to everyone; this is the only way to teach a person to act correctly. This means that the most productive training technique will be the one you are inclined to use. It is necessary to identify the specific abilities of each and continue to develop them in a given direction.”

“Most training programs are nothing more than monotonous repetition of certain movements. In the end, with this approach, a person’s individuality is quickly lost.”

Lesson #7. Be yourself. Don't turn learning into imitation.

“You are not given life to fulfill anyone else’s hopes and dreams, just as I am not here to guarantee the fulfillment of your expectations.”

“The stock of knowledge accumulated in martial arts (training) actually means self-knowledge.”


The philosophy of Bruce Lee, left to us as a legacy, helps us look at this world in a new way. She teaches you to appreciate the most important things without noticing the small things around you. Anyone who discovers it for himself, over time, begins to understand the importance of many things. Such a person will not enter into vain debates about the benefits of specific training programs; he will learn to feel for himself which path can benefit him. Bruce Lee's philosophy is a calm perception of the world, an understanding of why we are here, who we are and what we are doing on this earth.

Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris

Squeeze the edge of the sword with your palm,
Running on thin ice -
There is no need to have predecessors for this,
Walk along the cliffs empty-handed...

Recommendations for studying this section

…. My husband Bruce has always considered himself a martial artist first and an artist second. At the age of 13, Bruce began Wing Chun style kung fu lessons for self-defense. Over the next 19 years, he turned his knowledge into science, into art, into philosophy and a way of life. He trained his body with exercise and practice; he trained his mind by reading and thinking and wrote down his thoughts and ideas constantly for 19 years. The pages of this book represent his life's work...
…. Bruce's own records indicate that he was impressed by the work of Edwin Hazlitt, Julio Martinez Castello, Hugo and James Castello, and Roger Crosnier. Many of Bruce's own theories are closely related to the ideas expressed by these authors. Bruce decided to finish the book in 1971, but his film work prevented him from completing it. He also doubted whether to publish this book, as he felt that it could be used for other purposes. He didn't intend for his book to be like an "instruction manual" or "learn kung fu in ten easy lessons." He wanted the book to be a record of his meaningful experiences and a teacher, not a list of instructions. If you can read it in this light, there is much to be learned from these pages. And you will probably have many questions, the answers to which you must look within yourself.
When you finish this book, you will know not only Bruce Lee, but also yourself.
Now open your mind and read, understand and gain experience, and when you achieve all this, put the book out of service. As you will see, her pages are designed to clear up the confusion….
Linda Lee

In a real fight there is no referee who would say: “Stop!”
— A match in the ring is not really a fight. Even a great boxer can be beaten in a street fight, but put him back in the ring and he is the master of the situation. Real combat is scary. These are throwing people face first onto the asphalt, these are stabbings. No one knows if your skill will help you.
And, of course, everything will change as soon as the enemy has a weapon in his hands. Even ten years of kickboxing doesn't mean anything anymore.
Bruce often fought on the streets of Hong Kong. He was, in his own words, “a punk who gets his kicks from fighting.” I've seen him in brutal fights that I can't even call fights. I saw fighters who just wanted to maim and destroy Bruce. But they didn’t succeed, and every time Bruce taught them a lesson in real combat, literally playing with them. He was constantly changing in the fight, either throwing kicks or exploding like a ferocious street fighter or a professional boxer. Sometimes it was like kickboxing, sometimes like wing chun, sometimes, after a fall, like jiu-jitsu. Bruce knew how and when to use a particular fighting style. The basis of such knowledge is the understanding of combat distances...
Dan Inosanto

…. In the hands of a remarkable person, carefully arranged simple things sound with undeniable harmony.
Bruce's Martial Arts Orchestra has the same property.
After being immobile for several months, with an injured back, he took up his pen. He wrote the same way he spoke and acted - directly and honestly.
Tao Jeet Kune Do began long before Bruce Lee was born. The classical style of wing chun with which he began was developed four hundred years before him. The two thousand books he read described the individual “discoveries” of thousands of people before him. There is nothing new in this book, no secrets. “Nothing special,” Bruce used to say. But that's not true.
Bruce's specialty was knowing himself and his abilities, the ability to correctly choose what would work for him, and turn it into movements and words. With the help of the philosophy of Confucius, Spinoza, Krishnamurti, he developed his concepts and with them he began a book about his tao.
When he died, the book was completely completed. Although seven parts were planned, only one was completed. Between the main blocks of the manuscript were unnumbered pages containing only headings.
Sometimes he wrote introspectively, asking himself questions.
Most often he wrote addressing his invisible student, the reader. When he wrote quickly, he sacrificed grammar, but when he had time, he wrote brightly and eloquently.
Some materials were written in one sitting and had clearly defined forms. Others bore traces of sudden inspiration, and fragmentary ideas were carelessly sketched as they occurred to Bruce. And this is throughout the book. In addition to the seven planned parts, Bruce took notes throughout his work on Jeet Kune Do and left them in bookcases and desk drawers. Some were old, others were recent and were valuable for the book...
…. It should be mentioned that Tao Jeet Kune Do is not finished. Bruce's art changed every day. In the chapter “Five Ways of Attack,” for example, he first started with a category called “hand immobilization.” He later found this too limiting, since immobilization could be applied to both the legs and the head. This was a simple example of how bad it is to attach rigid labels to any concept.
The Tao of Jeet Kune Do has no end. On the contrary, it serves as a beginning. It has no style, no level, although it is easily perceived by those who know their weapon. There is an exception to almost every claim in this book - no book can give a complete picture of martial arts. This is simply a work that describes the direction of Bruce's research. The research remained unfinished. Questions (some basic and some complex) were left unanswered to force the student to question himself. In the same way, drawings often do not explain, but give a vague hint. But if they raise a question, if they generate an idea, they serve their purpose.
We hope that this book will serve as a source of ideas for all martial arts practitioners, ideas that should then be developed further. Unfortunately, it is inevitable that the book may serve as the impetus for the establishment of "Jeet Kune Do schools" led by people who know the author's name but know very little about the technique. Beware of these schools! If their instructors missed the last, most important line, they won't understand the book at all.
Next, creating a book means nothing. There is no real line between speed and power, between precision and kicking, or between punching and tempo; Each element of the fight affects all the others. The divisions I have made are for ease of reading only, do not take them too seriously. Use a pencil as you read and mark sections that are related. Jeet Kune Do, as you can see, has no defined boundaries, only those that you create yourself….
Gilbert L. Johnson

Martial arts are based on understanding, hard work and a general awareness of technique. Training power and using force is not a problem, but achieving a complete understanding of all the techniques is very difficult. To come to this understanding, you must study the natural movements of all living things. Then you will probably be able to understand the martial art of others. You will be able to study the distribution of movements over time and the weaknesses of your opponents. Knowing these two elements will give you the ability to defeat them quite easily.
To understand the techniques, you must understand that they contain many concentrated basic movements. This may seem quite difficult to understand. When you first start learning, you will find these techniques difficult to master. This is because a good technique contains quick changes, a wide variety of variations and speed. This can be a system of complete opposites, much like the situation of God and the Devil. In the rapid change of events, which of them is leading? Do they change places at lightning speed? The Chinese believe this. To place the heart of martial arts in your own heart and to make it a part of yourself means to fully understand and use the free style. Once you have this, you will realize that there are no limits.
Some martial arts are very popular, a real crowd pleaser as they are interesting and have beautiful techniques. But beware - they are like watered down wine. And diluted wine is not real wine, not good wine, there is almost nothing left of the real thing in it. Some martial arts don't look so colorful and attractive, but you know that there is something real, alive, a pungent smell, an original taste. They are like olives. The taste can be strong and bittersweet.
The aroma remains. You develop a taste for them. But no one has yet developed a taste for diluted wine.
Some people are born with good physical characteristics, a sense of speed and a reserve of endurance. This is good. But in martial arts, everything you learn is an acquired skill.
Mastering a martial art is similar to practicing Buddhism. The feeling comes from the heart. You become convinced that what you know is what you really need. When it has become a part of you, you know you have it. You have succeeded in this. You may never fully understand it all, but you are true to it and stick with it. As you progress, you will learn the nature of the simple path. You will be able to join some temple or school.
You will discover the simplicity of nature. You will begin to live as you have never lived before.
. To be enlightened in martial art means to get rid of everything that obscures “true knowledge”, real life. At the same time, this implies an unlimited expansion of consciousness and perception. And indeed, the emphasis should be placed not on cultivating any particular aspect of life, which disappears into universality, but more on universality, which absorbs and unites all its particular aspects.
. The path to superior karma is through the use of mind and will. The harmony of all life, including social life, is a truth that can be fully realized only when the false opinion of a separate “I”, whose fate can be considered in isolation from society, is forever destroyed.
. Emptiness is that which stands right in the middle between this and that. Emptiness is all-encompassing and has no opposites - there is nothing that it does not include or is opposite to. This emptiness is alive, since all forms come from it, and whoever ever becomes aware of it will feel life, strength and love for everything that exists.
. Let's turn into a wooden doll. She has no “I”, no thoughts, she is not greedy or picky. Let the body and all organs work as they are intended.
. Self-awareness is the greatest obstacle to the correct execution of all technical actions.
. If nothing is tense inside you, the surrounding objects and phenomena will open up on their own. As you move, be fluid like water. Be calm and calm, like the surface of a mirror. Respond to everything like an echo.
. It is impossible to define "nothing". The softest things cannot be grasped.
. I move and I don't move. I am like the moon under the waves that always continue to sway and sway. There is no such thing: “I am doing this,” but there is an inner understanding that: “This is being done for me.” Self-awareness is the greatest hindrance in performing a physical action correctly.
. Localizing the mind means freezing it. When it is prevented from flowing freely, when it needs something, it is no longer the mind as such. "Stillness" is the concentration of energy in a given focus, as in the axle of a wheel, rather than the dispersion of disorderly action.
. The goal is execution, not maintenance. There is no actor, but there is action; There is no tester, but there is a test.
. To see a thing purged of personal preferences and desires is to see it in its pristine beauty.
. Art reaches its highest point when it is devoid of self-awareness. Freedom opens its arms to a person at the moment when he stops caring about what impression he makes or can make on someone else.
. The perfect path is difficult only for those who choose.
Don't make preferences, then everything will become clear. Make minimal differences - heaven and earth will separate. If you want the truth before you, never be either for or against. The struggle between “for” and “against” is the worst disease of the mind.
. Wisdom consists not in trying to separate good from evil, but in the ability to “ride” them, just as a cork adapts to the crests and troughs of waves.
. Do not resist the disease, be with it, walk with it - this is the way to get rid of it.
. An affirmation is Zen only when it is an action and does not concern anything that is affirmed in it.
. There is no place for effort in Buddhism. Be ordinary, not special. Eat your food, move your bowels, carry water, and when you are tired, go and lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand.
. Don't create anything towards yourself. Glide quickly as if you are not there and be calm as innocence.
Don't be superior to others, always follow them.
. Don't run away: let him come. Don't look for it: it will come on its own when you least expect it.
. Refuse to think, but as if you never refused. Observe the techniques as if you were not observing.
. No ongoing training. All I can give is the appropriate medicine for a particular ailment.
Eightfold Path of Buddhism
The eight requirements for eliminating suffering by re-evaluating false values ​​and providing true knowledge about the meaning of life are as follows:
1. Right Views (Understanding): You must see clearly what is wrong.
2. Right Aim: Choose to be cured.
3. Correct speech: Speak only to follow what is said.
4. Right Conduct: You should act with detachment.
5. Correct activities: Your lifestyle should not contradict the treatment.
6. Right Effort: Healing should progress at a constant rate, that is, at the fastest rate that can be maintained for a long time.
7. Right Awareness (Mind Control): You should feel the essence and think about it continuously.
8. Right Concentration (Meditation): Learn to think with deep concentration.
. The task of art is to create an internal vision of the world, to formulate an aesthetic embodiment of a person’s deepest mental experiences and aspirations. It must make these experiences understandable and recognize them in the general structure of the ideal world.
. Art manifests itself in understanding the inner essence of things and creates a form of communication between a person and “nothing,” with the nature of the absolute.
. Art is an expression of life; it transcends the limits of both time and space.
. We must pass our souls through art in order to give a new, more perfect form and new meaning and content to the world around us.
. The self-expression of a master is his soul, manifested in any action, his school, as well as his “composure”.
Behind every movement, the music of his soul becomes visible. Otherwise, his movement is empty, and empty movement is like an empty word - it means nothing.
. Art is never decoration, decoration; on the contrary, it is work on the path of knowledge. Art, in other words, is a way to achieve freedom.
. Art requires perfect mastery of techniques, developed by thought in the soul.
. “Art without art” is the artistic process within the artist; its meaning is the art of the soul. All movements of various instruments are steps towards the absolute aesthetic threshold of the soul.
. Creativity in art is a psychic revelation of personality, which is rooted in nothingness. Its effect is to expand and deepen the framework of the soul.
. Art without art is the art of the soul, calm, like moonlight reflected on the surface of a deep lake. The ultimate goal of a master is to use his daily activities to become a master of the past life and thus master the art of the present. A master in any art must first be a master of the living, since the soul creates everything.

All ambiguities must disappear before the student can call himself a master.
. Art is the path to the absolute and to the essence of human life. The task of art is not one-sided support of the spirit, soul or feelings, but the complete and comprehensive disclosure of all human abilities - thoughts, feelings, will - the entire life rhythm of the natural world. So, let the inaudible voice be heard, and the soul itself merge with it in harmonious consonance.
. The high qualification of the master, therefore, does not yet mean creative perfection. It remains, rather, a continuing moderation or a reflection of a certain stage in mental development. Creative perfection should not be sought in form or its highest manifestations. It must come from the human soul.
. Creative activity does not lie in art itself as such. It penetrates into the deep world in which all forms of art flow together and in which the harmony of soul and cosmos in “nothingness” has its outlet into reality.
. Therefore, it is the creative process that is reality, and reality is truth.

The path to truth
2. RECOGNIZING THE TRUTH (and the forms of its existence).
3. PERCEPTION OF TRUTH (This process is similar to the perception of movement).
4. UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH (an experienced philosopher practices this to understand the TAO).

. For the sake of security, the unlimited living turns into the eternal dead, and the chosen template becomes meaningless. To understand Jeet Kune Do, one must discard all ideals, templates, styles; in fact, one must discard even the concept that there is an idea in Jeet Kune Do. Can you look at a situation without naming it? Naming it creates fear.
. Indeed, it is difficult to see the situation simply - our mind is very complex. It is easy to teach a man to be skilful, but it is difficult to teach him to have an attitude of his own.
. Jeet Kune Do prefers formlessness so that it can take on any form, and since Jeet Kune Do has no style, it fits any style. As a result, Jeet Kune Do uses all paths and is not attached to any one. It uses any techniques or means that serve its ultimate goal.
. Start studying Jeet Kune Do with the education, development and strengthening of your own will. Forget about victories and defeats, forget about pride and pain. Let the enemy tear your skin and you will tear his flesh; let him destroy your flesh, you will break his bones; let him break your bones and you will take his life! Don't think about your own safety - put your life before him!
. A big mistake is waiting for the results of what you started. You shouldn't think about winning or losing.
Let things go as they go and your arms and legs strike at the appropriate moments.
. Jeet Kune Do teaches us not to look back once the course is set. It treats life and death indifferently.
. Jeet Kune Do avoids the superficial, penetrates the complexities, gets to the heart of the problem, pinpoints the key factors.
. Jeet Kune Do doesn't beat around the bush. It does not take roundabout paths, but goes straight to the goal. Simplicity is the shortest distance between two points.

Reality itself lies in its existence. Its meaning is freedom in its original form, freedom not limited by the mind that divides the world into parts, by beliefs, by the accumulation of difficulties, by the need to adapt.
. Jeet Kune Do is the knowledge of truth. It is a way of life, a movement towards control over body and spirit. But this knowledge must occur from within, through intuition.
. When training, the student must be mobile and dynamic in every sense. He should feel as if nothing special is happening. As he moves forward, his steps should be light and calm, his eyes should not be fixed on one point or look fiercely at the enemy. His behavior should not be different from usual, there should be no change in his facial expression, nothing should betray the fact that he has entered into mortal combat.
Your natural weapons have a dual purpose:
1. Destroy the enemy who stands in front of you, that is, eliminate everything that stands in the way of peace, justice and humanity.
2. Destroy your own fears that come from the instinct of self-preservation. Let go of everything that worries your mind. Don't harm anyone, but overcome your own greed, anger and stupidity. Jeet Kune Do is directed towards oneself.
. Punching and kicking are weapons to kill one's own self. This weapon represents a force of intuitive and instinctive direction, which, unlike the intellect or the confused "I", does not itself dismember reality, blocking its own freedom. The weapon follows a given course, without looking back or to the sides.
. Since sincerity and ease of thought are inherited by man, his weapon has a touch of these qualities and plays its part with the utmost freedom. The weapon acts as a symbol of the inner spirit, keeping the mind and body fully active.
. The art of Jeet Kune Do is the art of simplifying.
. The absence of stereotypical technique actually means integrity and freedom. All lines and movements of the body are their direct consequence.
. Lack of attachment as a basis is the innate nature of man. Usually thought moves without stopping; past, present, and future thoughts form a continuous stream.
. Lack of thought as a doctrine means non-involvement in a non-stop thought process, lack of absorbing fixation on external objects, but at the same time keeping the thought of devotion to thought in the field of attention.
. True harmony is the substance of thought, and thought is true harmony. It is impossible to think about harmony, to define it mentally, without destroying it.
. Bring the mind into sharp focus and make it tense so that it can immediately discover the truth that exists everywhere. The mind must be freed from old habits, prejudices, limiting thought processes and even ordinary thinking.
. Cleanse yourself of the dirt you have accumulated and free reality in its naked essence, and it will appear before you as it is. You will see emptiness, in full accordance with the Buddhist concept.
. Empty your cup so it can be filled, become empty so you can win.
. In the long history of martial arts, the instinct to imitate and follow the system seems to be hereditary in most practitioners, both instructors and students. This is partly due to human nature and partly to the strong traditions behind the many patterns of different styles. Therefore, finding a fresh, original teacher - a master - is very rare, and the need for a mentor rings the alarm bell.
. Each person unconsciously identifies himself with a certain style solely in order to claim possession of the truth and have a basis for denying other styles. All this becomes methodological instructions with their explanations of the “Way”, dissecting the harmony of hardness and softness, establishing certain rhythmic forms as the distinctive features of their techniques.
. Instead of treating combat as such, most martial arts systems accumulate impressive surrogates that confuse their followers and lead them away from the true reality of combat, which is simple and straightforward. Instead of going directly to the essence of things, streamlined forms (organized hopelessness) and imitative techniques are regularly and methodically practiced, replacing real combat with a conventional one. Thus, instead of "being" in combat, these practitioners are "doing something that resembles fighting."
. Even worse, the supermental and spiritual powers degenerate disastrously as these practitioners delve deeper and deeper into mysteries and abstractions. All these things are futile attempts to capture and record the constantly changing movements in battle, dissect them and study them like a corpse.
. When you move away from this, real combat stops being frozen and comes to life. Surrogates (a form of paralysis) cement and frame what has flowed and changed, and when you look at it realistically, it is nothing more than a blind devotion to the systematic futility of practicing routine techniques or acrobatic tricks that lead nowhere.
. When a real feeling comes, such as anger or fear, can the practitioner express himself in a classical way, or does he just scream and moan? Is he a living human being or a robot acting according to a pattern? Does the technique he has learned form a barrier between him and the enemy and protect him from “his” relations?
. Stylists, instead of facing the facts directly, go into theories and continue to get entangled further and further in a trap from which there is no way out.
. They do not and cannot see the facts of life as such, because their teaching is distorted, twisted and emasculated. They should understand: any discipline must adapt to the nature of things and their essence.
. Becoming mature does not mean becoming a prisoner of concepts. Maturity is the ability to realize what is within ourselves.
. When there is freedom from mechanical conventions, there is simplicity. Life is a relationship with everything that exists.
. A person who is clear and simple does not choose his own destiny. It is what it is. Action based on an idea is obviously an action of choice, and such action does not liberate. On the contrary, it generates further resistance, further conflict. Embrace flexible knowledge.
. Relationships are about understanding. This is a process of self-discovery. Relationships are a mirror in which you reveal yourself. “To be” means to be in relationship.
. Choosing techniques that are incapable of adaptation, of flexibility, offers only the best cage. The truth lies behind all the patterns.
. The most sophisticated forms are only vain repetitions that offer a clear and beautiful escape from self-discovery with a living opponent.
. Accumulation is a self-protecting resistance, and florid techniques strengthen the resistance.
. A classical person is a bundle of routine, ideas and traditions. When he performs an action, he imagines each present moment in terms of the past.
. Knowledge is fixed in time, but cognition is a continuous process. Knowledge comes from some source, from accumulation, from conclusions, while knowledge is an eternal search.
. The regular process is simply the ordering of memory, which becomes mechanical. Learning is never cumulative; it is a learning process that has neither beginning nor end.
. There should be a sense of freedom in cultivating martial arts. The conditioned mind is no longer a free mind. All conditioning limits the individual within a particular system.
. A classic person is a bundle of routine.
. To express yourself freely, you must die to everything yesterday. From the “old” experience you can only take security; from the “new” you gain the continuity of the flow of time.
. To realize freedom, the mind must learn to look at life as a broad movement, regardless of time, since freedom lies beyond the threshold of awareness. Watch, but don't stop and say "I am free" - you are living in the memory of something that has already disappeared. Understanding and living now means forgetting everything about the past. "Yesterday" must die.
. Freedom from knowledge is death. Therefore you live. There is no such thing as “right” or “wrong” when you are free.
. When a person does not express himself, he is not free. Then he begins to struggle, and the struggle gives rise to methodical order. Consequently, he makes his methodical routine more as a response to his own reaction than in response to what is actually happening.
. A fighter should always be focused on one thing - on the process of battle, and not look back or to the sides. He must get rid of everything that prevents him from moving forward either emotionally, physically or intellectually.
. One can act completely freely only if a person is outside the system. A person who really wants to discover the truth has no style. He lives only in what is.
. If you want to understand the truth in martial arts, to see any opponent clearly, you must discard the attitudes of styles or schools, prejudices, likes and dislikes, and so on. In this state, you will see everything clearly, freshly and completely.
. If the chosen style teaches you a method of fighting, then you can fight within the limitations of that method, but it will not be a real fight.
. If you are faced with an unexpected attack, such as someone throwing a punch in a jagged rhythm, your ready-made patterns of rhythmic classical blocks, your defenses and counterattacks will always lack vitality and flexibility.
. If you follow the classical model, you will know routine, tradition, form, but you will not know yourself.
. How can one respond to vastness with a partial, fragmented model?
. Simple mechanical repetition of various calculated or memorized movements interferes with the flow of the battle, its essence, its living reality.
. The accumulation of forms is simply another kind of conditioning. They become a burden that binds your arms and legs and pulls you in only one direction - down.
. Form is the accumulation of resistance; this is an exception to the choice of movement model. Instead of creating resistance, go straight into the prepared movement. Do not judge and do not forgive - indiscriminate knowledge leads to reconciliation with the enemy in the understanding of what “really” is.
. Conditioned by a preferred method, isolated in a closed pattern of behavior, the practitioner meets his opponent through a screen of prejudice: performing his stylized blocks, listening to his own cries, but not seeing what the opponent is actually doing.
. We are those same katas, those same classic blocks and strikes - we are so strongly programmed by them.
. To adapt to the enemy, direct perception is necessary. But there is no direct perception where there is resistance, where there is a “only one way” approach.
. To live fully means to be able to follow “what is,” because “what is” is constantly moving and changing. If you are attached to a certain point of view, then you are not able to follow the rapid changes of “what is.”
. There is no unchanging path to truth. It is alive and therefore changes. Whatever your opinion on, for example, side punches or part of a style, there can be no definitive opinion on mastering the perfect defense against them. Indeed, almost all fighters use this position. The martial artist uses variety in his attacks.
He must be able to strike at all times, no matter what position his hand is in.
. But in classical styles, the system becomes more important than the person himself! The classic is forced to act in accordance with the canons of style!
. What methods and systems then can exist that make it possible to achieve what lives? To everything that is static, fixed, dead, there can be a path, a certain direction. But not to what lives. Do not reduce reality to dead static, do not invent many methods to achieve the latter, there are already too many of these methods.
. Truth is interaction with the enemy, constantly changing, living and never static.
. There is no path to truth. It is alive and therefore changes. It does not have a permanent place, form, any attitudes, and has no philosophy. When you see this, you will realize that the truth is as living as you are. You cannot express yourself and be alive through static, put together forms through stylized movements.
. Classic forms reduce your ability to create, enclose you in boundaries, and undermine your sense of freedom. You no longer “are”, but simply “do” without feeling.
. Just as yellow leaves can become gold coins to soothe a crying child, in the same way so-called secret movements and contorted postures calm a knowledge-immune fighter.
. This does not mean such a convenient opportunity to do nothing at all. You can’t just dwell on anything that’s being done now. There is no need for a mind that chooses or rejects. To be without a deliberate mind means to not be attached to thoughts.
. Acceptance, denial and blame interfere with understanding.
Let your mind move with others in understanding what is happening. Then the possibility of real communication is created. To understand each other, you need to be in a state of indiscriminate cognition, where there are no feelings of comparison and blame, no demands, no expectation of further development of the discussion, no agreement or disagreement. First of all, don't start with the conclusion. Free yourself from conflicting styles. Become aware of yourself through close observation of what you usually practice. Don't blame or approve, just observe.
. When nothing affects you, when you are dead to the conditioning of classical reactions, then you will see and feel things completely fresh and new.
. Awareness. No choice, no demands, no worry. In this state of mind there is no sensation. Only perception will solve all our problems.
. Understanding requires not only heightened perception, but also a constant process of cognition, a constant state of questioning without conclusion.
. To understand combat, you need to approach it in a simple and direct way. Understanding comes through feeling, from moment to moment in the mirror of relationships.
. Understanding itself is formed through relationships, not through isolation.
. To know yourself, you need to study yourself in interaction with others, and not separately.
. Understanding reality requires knowledge, combat readiness and a completely free mind.
. Effort within the mind leads to limitation. Any effort involves overcoming obstacles in achieving a goal, and when you have a goal, an end point in front of your eyes, you thereby impose a limitation on the mind.
. Now I see something completely new, and this newness in knowing myself is deposited in the mind. But tomorrow this experience becomes mechanical if I try to repeat the feeling, the pleasure from it. The description is always unrealistic. What is real is the vision of truth immediately, now, because truth has no tomorrow.
. We will find the truth when we investigate the issue. The question never exists separately from the answer. The question is the answer—understanding the question dissolves it.
. Observe what is without sharing knowledge.
. Truth as such exists outside the endless stream of thoughts that pollute it. It cannot be known through concepts and thoughts.
. Thinking is not freedom; every thought is partial. It can never be all-encompassing. Thought is the response of memory, and memory is always partial, since memory is nothing more than the result of experience. It follows that thought is the reaction of a mind limited by experience.
. Experience the emptiness and peace of your mind. Be empty. Don't have a style or form, as the enemy might figure them out.
. The mind is initially inactive, the path is always without thought.
. The inner gaze reveals what the original nature hides behind the veil of external forms.
. Silence and tranquility are achieved when you are free from external objects and not disturbed. To be calm means to have no illusions or misconceptions about existence.
. No thoughts. Only existence, that which is. Existence does not move, but its movement and functioning are inexhaustible.
. To meditate means to realize equanimity, your natural nature. Of course, meditation can never be a process of concentration, because the highest form of thinking is emptiness, nothingness. Nothingness is a state in which there are no positive or negative reactions. This is a state of complete emptiness.
. Concentration is a form of exclusion, and where there is exclusion, there is someone who excludes. This is precisely the thinker, the exceptionalist, the person who concentrates, who generates contradiction. Because it forms the center from which dispersal occurs.
. There is a concept of action without an actor, a state of acquiring experience without a researcher and experience.
Unfortunately, this condition is limited and burdened by classic confusion.
. Classical concentration, or focusing on one thing to the exclusion of all others, and knowledge that is universal and excludes nothing, are states of mind that can only be understood through objective, unprejudiced observation.
. Knowledge has no boundaries, it is the acquisition of your entire being without exception.
. Concentration is a narrowing of the mind. But we are dealing with the total process of life, and concentrating exclusively on one aspect of life narrows life.
. The “moment” has neither yesterday nor tomorrow. It is not the result of thought and therefore it has no time.
. When your life is threatened in a split second, do you say, “Let me make sure my hand is on my hip and my stance is in style”? When your life is in danger, do you talk about the method you choose to protect yourself?
Why does duality arise?
. The so-called martial arts specialist is the result of three thousand years of propaganda and conditioning.
. Why do people depend on thousands of years of propaganda? They may see “softness” as an ideal over “hardness,” but when faced with what is, what happens? Ideals, principles, ideas about what “should be” all lead to hypocrisy.
. Since people don’t want anxiety, don’t want uncertainty, they establish patterns of behavior, thinking, and relationships with other people. They then become slaves to these models and mistake them for real life.
. Agreements on certain rules of movement to keep participants safe may be good for sports such as boxing or basketball, but the success of Jeet Kune Do lies in the freedom in both the use and non-use of techniques.
. A second-rate student who blindly follows his sensei or sifu accepts his models. As a result, all his actions, movements and, more importantly, thinking become mechanical. His responses become automatic, according to an accepted set of patterns, making him narrow and limited.
. Self-expression is always general and immediate, beyond the concept of time, and you can truly express yourself only when you are free, physically and spiritually, from fragmentation.
1. Economical structure in attack and defense (attack: live strikes / defense: sticky hands).
2. Versatile and “skillfully-unsophisticated”, “universal” weapons - punches and kicks.
3. Rough rhythm, half a beat, one beat, three and a half beats (JKD rhythm in attack and counterattack).
4. Multi-resistance training, scientifically proven complementary training plus comprehensive body conditioning.
5. JKD - movement to attack and counterattack, coming from any place without returning to the starting position or taking any positions.
6. Flexible body and easy movement.
7. Behavior that is indeterminable to the enemy and unprogrammed attack tactics.
8. Strong Melee:
a) tricky explosive attacks
b) throws
c) grips
d) pinning down the enemy
9. Full strength sparring and active contact training on moving targets.
10. Strength of the limbs obtained by constant hardening training.
11. A clearly expressed individual style is more significant than mastery of mass techniques; vitality is more significant than classicism (true relationships).
12. The comprehensive is greater than the particular in structure.
13. Training in “continuous self-expression” behind all physical movements.
14. Relaxed power and powerful controlled strike. Elastic relaxation, but not a slack body. As well as a flexible, conscious assessment of the situation.
15. Constant flow and change (straight movements combined with curved ones, lunges forward and backwards combined with moves to the left and right, side steps, circular movements of the arms, etc.).
16. Well-balanced body position while moving. An inextricable connection between almost complete surrender of strength and almost complete relaxation.
. I hope martial arts practitioners are more interested in the roots of martial arts rather than decorative branches, flowers and leaves. It is useless to argue which leaf, combination of branches or flowers you prefer; when you understand the roots, you will understand the whole plant, which means you will be able to put branches, leaves, flowers and fruits in their place.
. Please do not prefer softness to hardness, kicks to punches, grappling to punches, long-range combat to close combat. Drop the claim that “this” is better than “that.” One thing we must beware of is fragmentation, which robs us of the sense of the totality of life and causes us to lose community amid duality.
. There is a maturation problem in martial arts. This maturation is the progressive integration of the individual with his being, his essence. Such integration is possible only through persistent self-exploration and free self-expression, and not through the copying repetition of an imposed movement pattern.
. There are styles that prefer only straight lines and vice versa, there are styles that favor curved lines and circles.
Both are too tied to one particular aspect of combat. This is slavery. Jeet Kune Do is the way to achieve freedom, it is the work of knowledge. Art has never been decoration or decoration. The election method, although precise, fixes its adherents to a certain model. Real combat is never fixed and changes every moment. Model work is essentially a practice of resistance. This practice leads to entanglement in rules; understanding becomes impossible, and its followers will never be free.
. The manner of combat is based on personal choice and preference. The truth of combat is revealed moment by moment, but only when there is knowledge without judgment, justice, or any other form of identification.
. Jeet Kune Do prefers formlessness and has no style, as it wants to accept any form and style in its development. As a result, Jeet Kune Do uses all paths and is not bound to any one, and uses all techniques and means that serve to achieve its ultimate goal. In this art, everything that is truly beneficial is effective.
. Higher development leads to emptiness. Half-development leads to ornamentalism.
. It is not difficult to tidy up and polish the unimportant in the outer physical structure; however, getting rid of or at least reducing internal interference is a completely different matter.
. You cannot see a street fight in its entirety by observing it from the point of view of a boxer, kungfu fighter, karateka, wrestler, judoka, etc. This can only be seen clearly when style does not interfere. Then you see a fight without "liking" or "disliking", you just see what you see - it is the whole, not the parts.
. “What is” exists only when there is no competition and no separateness. To live with “what is” is to be truly peaceful.
. Combat is not something that is dictated by the conventions of kung fu, karate or judo. And searching for the opposite of any system means entering other conventions.
. The follower of Jeet Kune Do enters the fight to face reality, not a crystallized form. His effective weapon is the "shapeless" weapon.
. Not having a place means that the main source of all things is beyond human understanding, beyond the categories of time and space. Since this position determines all modes of relationship, it is called “absence of residence”, and its properties apply everywhere.
. A fighter who is nowhere is no longer himself. He moves like an automaton. He himself refused the influences coming from outside his everyday consciousness, which are nothing more than the influence of his own deeply hidden subconscious, whose presence he had never felt before.
. Expression cannot be developed through form, although form is part of expression. The greater—the expression—is not found in the less, but the less is always within the greater. "Have no form" does not mean to be without form.
On the contrary, “not having a form” comes from having it. “Lack of form” is the highest individual realization of expression.
. “Lack of education” does not really mean the absence of any education. What this phrase means is education through "non-education."
To practice education through “education” means to act consciously, therefore, it will be a practice of self-affirming activity, not educational.
. Do not reject the classical approach automatically, without reflection. Be careful not to turn this approach into just an automatic reaction. So you will only create another model and fall into a new trap.
. The physical limit leads to shortness of breath and tension and makes it impossible to act accurately. The intellectual limit leads to idealism, exoticism, reduces the effectiveness of actions and distorts the actual perception of existing reality.
. Many martial arts practitioners are looking for “more,” “something different,” not knowing that the truth and the path to it lie in simple everyday movements. Most often, this is where they lose it, because if there is some kind of secret, it is lost during the search process.


Tao of Jeet Kune Do - The path of the leading fist (O.V. Maltsev)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Maltsev O.V.
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Martial Arts
Publisher: Samizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 43
Description: This book describes the technique and training methods of Bruce Lee's style (Tao of Jeet Kune Do).
The book is the result of scientific research based on the books and notes of Bruce Lee, and this textbook also compares Wing Chun and the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, since it was the Wing Chun style that was the starting point for creating the style of Bruce Lee.


Anti-pickup or an easy path from objections to full agreement (training)

Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Psychology
Author: Vadim Shlakhter
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Duration: 11:00:00
Description: This program is intended for those who would like to: - Conduct successful self-presentations - Learn to get acquainted effectively - Promote yourself in various types of life and activities In the program - Correction of upbringing defects: breaking down barriers, complexes, stereotypes - Creation of your own external, physical, role and mental image. Mastering a new image in society. - Technology of charm. Leadership charisma. Magnetism. Mastering the technology of magnetism. ABOUT...


The Tao of Toyota (Jeffrey K. Liker)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Jeffrey K. Liker
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Business literature
Publisher: Alpina Business Books
Performer: Oleg Isaev
Duration: 12:22:00
Description: The success of Toyota has been of constant interest to managers and businessmen around the world for many decades. The reliability of Toyota cars has become a standard for the global automotive industry, so everyone who is interested in improving the quality of goods and services is one way or another familiar with the experience of this corporation. The author of the book, Professor Jeffrey Liker, tells readers about the origins of Toyota's success, analyzing...


Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 224kbps(VBR)
Author: Lao Tzu
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: philosophy, esoteric

Artist: Nikosho
Duration: 03:16:52
Description: The treatise Tao Te Ching (IV-III centuries BC) sets out the foundations of Taoism and the philosophy of Lao Tzu. At the center of the doctrine is the doctrine of the great Tao, universal Law and the Absolute. Tao dominates everywhere and in everything, always and limitlessly. Nobody created him, but everything comes from him. Invisible and inaudible, inaccessible to the senses, constant and inexhaustible, nameless and formless, it gives origin, name and form to everything...


Tao: Harmony of the World (Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Le Tzu, Guan Yu)

Author: Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Le Tzu, Guan Yu
Year of manufacture: 2005
Genre: Philosophy
Publisher: Talking Book
Performer: Andrey Prohoda
Duration: 34:48:11
Description: Tao (Way) is an ancient Chinese teaching, the founder of which is Lao Tzu. The book of the great sage Lao Tzu, written about two and a half thousand years ago, contains texts of classical Taoism - one of the central philosophical and religious concepts of both Ancient and modern China. The task of man is to cognize the Tao, living in unity with nature, without violating the “harmony of the world.” Arose...


The Tao of Winnie the Pooh (Benjaman Hoff)

Author: Benjamin Hoff
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Philosophical prose
Publisher: Amphora-media
Performer: Sergey Venzelev
Duration: 03:25:00
Description: He thinks he is a philosopher, but this doesn’t annoy you, but touches you? Plush Tao is just for such an occasion. Plush Tao Eeyore is annoying, Piglet is afraid of everything, Rabbit is endlessly counting, and Owl is obsessed with power. Only Winnie the Pooh is absolutely calm. In his calmness lies the original secret of the wisdom of the Taoists. “He was a sage, even if there was sawdust in his head - / Just think, son, / With brains, not everyone could do it, / And he - with sawdust! ...


Tao of Emperor Qin. Borderland. Book 1 (Vladimir Sizov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Sizov Vladimir
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Historical novel
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Andrey Matyushin
Duration: 23:13:24
Description: A fictional novel about the vicissitudes of fate, extraordinary love and the search for immortality of the first emperor of China - Qin Shi Huang, also known as the builder of the Great Wall of China. The novel opens up to the reader a wide and multifaceted panorama of the life of medieval China; it combines palace intrigues, military events and the everyday life of different strata of Chinese society. According to its structure...


The Tao of Deception or the Show of Alexander Medvedev (Yuri Razhev)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Yuri Razhev
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Taoism
Publisher: Yuri Razhev Foundation
Russian language
Number of pages: 318
Description: Nowadays, spiritual development is a very fashionable trend, allowing you to feel part of something different, new, higher. To become not like everyone else, but to be part of the circle of “chosen ones”. However, the spiritual market is also developing and today there are not much fewer of those “not like everyone else” than “everyone”. Everywhere you look, everyone is doing nothing but sitting in asanas, meditating and raising kundalini, as well as opening and closing chakras,...


Tao Te Ching. The Book of Path and Grace (collection) (Lao Tzu)

ISBN: 978-5-699-00874-2, 5-699-00874-8, Anthology of Wisdom
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Lao Tzu
Year of manufacture: 2002
Genre: Philosophical treatise
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 322
Description: Western civilization was not always wise, but it strictly adhered to its basic principles: life is a battlefield where you must be first or immediately prepare to be trampled. This combative rhythm of existence did not suit everyone, and then, in search of spiritual guidelines, the gaze of the dissatisfied turned to the East. It is there that this same world can be...


The Tao of Chess. 200 Principles to Transform Your Game / The TAO of Chess: 200 Principles to Transform Your Game and Your Life (Peter Kurzdorfer)

ISBN: 978-5-8183-1258-3
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Peter Kurzdorfer
Year of manufacture: 2007
Publisher: FAIR
Genre: Sports
Russian language
Number of pages: 224
Description: The author of the book, Peter Kurzdorfer, formulates 200 principles for the correct conduct of a chess game, explaining in detail strategic and technical techniques. Following the principles will help you improve your chess skill, enjoy the game more, gain insight into the essence of chess and discover the underlying truth through which you can adapt the laws of chess to all aspects of everyday life. For...


Type: audiobook
Genre: Legends
Author: Kun N. A.
Performer: Fedosov S.
Publisher: Ardis Total playing time: 10 hours. 23 min.
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 128
Description: Ancient myths and legends, which are more than three thousand years old, are extremely interesting and educational. They testify to that distant time when Olympus was inhabited by omnipotent gods who decided the destinies of people, when heroes took part in exciting fights and bravely rushed to fight evil. The book by Nikolai Albertovich Kun belongs to the Russian classics: according to it, many generations of our compatriots have discovered...


ON THE. Kun - Legends and myths of Ancient Greece: "Agamemnon and his son Orestes", "Theban cycle"

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Roland Habersetzer
Year of manufacture: 1995-1997
Genre: Reference books
Publisher: Modus
Russian language
Number of books: 6 books
Description: The book contains all the necessary information for a systematic and in-depth study of karate-do, from the first steps to obtaining a black belt. A detailed description of all basic karate techniques and derivative forms is given. Comprehensive methodological recommendations are provided that make it possible to correctly and clearly master karate techniques. List of booksBook 1. Basic principles of karate.
Fundamentals of technology: racks,...


Path of the Demon 4. Path of the Demon (Alexey Glushanovsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Glushanovsky Alexey
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Andrey M_
Duration: 11:05:42
Description: Putting a ruler on the throne turns out to be a very thankless task. Everyone is trying to do some nasty things to you. For example, poke someone in the back with a magic dagger. Naturally, only for the sake of “state necessity”, and nothing else. But the betrayers did not take into account all the possibilities of Oleg - once a cheerful student from our world, and now a powerful necromancer demon. And his friends, personal...


The Way of the Male (Trachtenberg Roman)

Format: audiobook, AAC, 128kbps
Author: Trakhtenberg Roman
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: humor, prose
Performer: Trakhtenberg Roman
Duration: 06:38:29
Description: To read Trachtenberg, you need to be a cynic and/or a dirty aesthete. This is, in principle, good prose and an honest autobiography. The speech of the author, who can easily “rumble from the stage without stopping for exactly four hours,” flows easily, the vocabulary is huge, the sense of humor is specific, but many people like it. The fact that he intends to kill many birds with one stone with his book is to shock everyone once again, even more...

Bruce Lee (November 27, 1940, San Francisco - July 20, 1973, Hong Kong) - martial artist, American and Hong Kong film actor, as well as film director, producer and screenwriter.

He began acting in films since childhood and appeared in 36 films in total. Short in stature and not naturally athletic, he subsequently managed to achieve extraordinary speed of movement and develop phenomenal coordination, and began to have excellent control of his body.

It was he who popularized eastern martial arts in Western countries in the second half of the 20th century. He became a legend in the field of martial arts and inspired many imitators in film and television. About 30 films have been made around the world about the life and work of Bruce Lee, which claims to be an absolute record.

Books (7)

Bruce Lee's Combat School. Book 1. Self-defense techniques

Bruce Lee's Combat School. Book 2. Basic training course

Bruce Lee began his martial arts training with Wing Chun. Perhaps because in his training he almost reached the point of fanaticism, he was able to turn into a philosopher, a master of his craft and an innovator. Lee developed his own concept of martial arts, Jeet Kune Do, or 'The Way of the Leading Fist'.

This book in the series, prepared by his friend and student M. Uehara, uses photographs from Lee's personal album.

Bruce Lee's Combat School. Book 3. Improving technology

Bruce Lee began his martial arts training with Wing Chun. Perhaps because in his training he almost reached the point of fanaticism, he was able to turn into a philosopher, a master of his craft and an innovator. Lee developed his own concept of martial arts, Jeet Kune Do, or 'The Way of the Leading Fist'.

This book in the series, prepared by his friend and student M. Uehara, uses photographs from Lee's personal album.

Bruce Lee's Combat School. Book 4. Mastering techniques for the master

Bruce Lee began his martial arts training with Wing Chun. Perhaps because in his training he almost reached the point of fanaticism, he was able to turn into a philosopher, a master of his craft and an innovator. Lee developed his own concept of martial arts, Jeet Kune Do, or 'The Way of the Leading Fist'.

This book in the series, prepared by his friend and student M. Uehara, uses photographs from Lee's personal album.

Fighting technique. Higher technology

This manual is not related to the training methods of any particular type of wrestling, although Bruce Lee created his own style of kung fu, which was called Jeet Kune Do. The exercises that are described in it are useful for any athlete, but especially for those who practice martial arts.

Although this manual cannot in any way replace a real, live teacher and give you the art that Bruce Lee mastered, it will help you improve and enhance your fighting art.

The path of the leading fist

This book is the most complete collection of the creative heritage of the legendary martial arts master Bruce Lee. The style he created - Jeet Kune Do, the Way of the Leading Fist, Bruce Lee himself called - a style without style. He has absorbed all the best from different types and styles of martial arts.

The book was published in a total circulation of over 750,000 copies in 9 languages, 50 copies were published in the USA! It is addressed to all martial arts fans seeking real progress.

Reader comments

Arthur/ 11.11.2018 Bruce Lee is a legend of our time and I have been practicing according to his method all my life

Mongol/ 02/23/2018 An unsurpassed athlete to this day!

Nick/ 09/12/2017 in China he is respected as an actor who has done little to make him a god

Edward/ 07/18/2017 Bruce Lee developed his own system and called it Jeet Kune Do, he always worked ahead of the enemy, and delivered short blows, in physics it is called reactive force, the stance and movement in the stance were “borrowed” from fencing, .

Victor/ 04/15/2017 Bruce Lee is a man who does not need any praise, he proved his self-respect to the whole World and no matter what religion he was, the main thing is that he was Great

Alex/ 03/30/2017 Guys, when talking about the “philosophy of Bruce Lee,” we are talking about the philosophy of D. Krishnamurti. His favorite thinker. But Bruce’s skill is of course super!

Boogeyman/ 03/23/2017 Those who were interested in the biography of Ip Man know that the Master gave nicknames to his students. This one received the nickname “upstart” from Ip Man, so I have nothing to say about him, because Ip Man already said everything about him.

Igor/ 03/9/2017 Dagestani, Google - DIM MAK.. The art of delayed death.. Death can occur in 2 weeks, or maybe in the morning. Depending on what task is set, the blow is delivered in this way... One missed blow from a monk could well cost him his life. Even if a person is just practicing wushu, he could deliver such a blow unintentionally.. The chance is scanty, but it is there..

Igor/ 03/09/2017 edilkhanov musa. gentlemen, this is a legend and there is no need to prove it, it’s a pity that he is not a Muslim
only a Muslim is able to stick his religion everywhere.. there is nothing more for people to think about..

kashchey77/ 03/6/2017 Bruce was a good athlete. Still, he can be considered a master of wushu! His films were very different from that time, he showed the realism of wushu in the movies. His fighting method is really applicable in practice. Bruce practiced boxing and performed in competitions and he was not afraid to enter the ring who challenged him. His speed and strength are amazing. Eternal memory to him!

sanek/ 04/08/2016 King of Kung Fu and all martial arts

/ 02/26/2016 edilkhanov musa. gentlemen, this is a legend and there is no need to prove it; it’s a pity that he is not a Muslim