Causes of stagnant water at the bottom of the dishwasher. The dishwasher does not drain water - what to do? The dishwasher does not drain the water and there is water in the dishwasher

  • 15.06.2019

Many housewives have already got rid of their unloved occupation - washing dishes with their hands and purchased a dishwasher. But like any technique, this assistant also sometimes fails. It happens that the dishwasher does not drain the water. In some cases, you can manage on your own. First check the status drain hose, its bending is possible. If the drain hose is kinked or severely bent, water cannot flow freely down the drain. It needs to be straightened out.

The main reason is blockages

The very first and most common reason why the dishwasher does not drain water is blockages. And this happens due to the fact that dishes with food remnants, packages, toothpicks, napkins are loaded into the machine. Users ignore the recommendations of manufacturers to rinse the dishes before immersing in the dishwasher, and then they have to repair the equipment.

Do not load dishes with obvious defects (cracks, chips). In the process of washing, such utensils can further collapse and important elements will be clogged with small fragments:

  • filter. It must be cleaned, rinsed with water. It is located at the bottom of the machine.
  • pump. To get to it, you need to disassemble the machine. In some models, it is not difficult to remove it. It is only necessary to unscrew the screws that secure the bottom, while the machine must be placed on the back wall. Unfasten the pump, remove the blockage and check the ease of rotation of the inner impeller. It is better to entrust the cleaning of the pump to an experienced craftsman, without proper skills and dexterity, not everyone will be able to cope.
  • hose. Debris can also accumulate in the drain hose, which will prevent the water from draining freely. Disconnect the hose from the sewer and try to drain the water into some container. If the water pressure is good, then the junction of the hose and the sewer may be clogged. If the water from the hose does not flow well, then you need to check the hose itself. To do this, it is disconnected from dishwasher and washed under a powerful stream of water.

For these reasons, the Bosch dishwasher and dishwashers from other manufacturers do not drain the water.
If the blockages are removed, and the water does not drain, then the malfunction of the machine is even more serious:

  • "Burned" drain pump. Without it, water will not drain.
  • The water level sensor (pressure switch) has failed. It signals to the software module the water level required for each cycle. If the sensor is faulty, the dishwasher will malfunction. The pressure switch needs to be changed.
  • Breakdown of the software module. The software module is the brain of any technology. If it fails, programs will not be served. The module needs to be "reflashed" or changed to a new one.

Water drains constantly

There is another situation when the dishwasher constantly drains water. Perhaps this is a problem in the microswitch or the water level sensor is faulty.

If the dishwasher draws in and drains water, the water outlet may not be blocked. Check the drain hose, it may be below the recommended level, and the water is constantly draining, and the dishes are not being washed. The required height is written in the instructions, study it carefully!

"guilty" can be software module. This can only be fixed at a service center.

Often, repairing a dishwasher is a laborious and rather complicated process for a simple layman. If the dishwasher does not drain the water, what should I do? Do not aggravate the situation, contact the experts in time! Call the master from "RemonTehnika". The problem will be fixed as soon as possible. Parts that need to be replaced will be replaced with original ones with a guarantee, everything that needs to be cleaned - cleaned, repaired - repaired. And your assistant will again delight you with impeccable work.

Video on repairing a dishwasher if it does not drain water

What to do if the Bosch dishwasher does not drain and the water remains in the hopper? For what reason does such a problem occur and how to fix it yourself, without calling the wizard? Why is water worth and what to do - you will find the answers to these questions in the article.

The machine itself will indicate the problem

You may not have noticed that the machine does not drain the water, and you are already seeing the washing process stop. High-tech Bosch brand technology will notify you that the water does not leave the hopper by highlighting the error code on the screen. These can be such alphanumeric combinations:

Also, the image of the faucet can be displayed on the scoreboard. All this indicates that water remains in the dishwasher tray and the equipment cannot drain it into the sewer system.

Causes of failure

So, you noticed that the spent liquid remains in the PMM. This error could be caused by the following reasons:

  • blockage of the drain system;
  • blockage of the siphon or other drainage element;
  • breakdown of the drain pump;
  • failure of the control module (electronic board).

Each of these problems is quite difficult to fix, but often you can handle it on your own.

How to drain water? Procedure

Evaluation of the scope of work begins with an inspection drainage system, namely, the places where the drain hose is connected. If a blockage is found in the outflow hose or where it connects to the drain, the problem is not with the dishwasher at all. It is necessary to clean the clogged element. If there is no such problem, then an inspection of the machine itself follows. What to look for when checking:

  1. Filter. It is unscrewed clockwise along with the mesh included in the kit. The filtration block is washed under the tap or cleaned with an old toothbrush. Liquid residues in the hopper are removed manually.

  1. Drain pump impeller. Open the lid - it is screwed on with self-tapping screws or fastened with latches, it all depends on the model of the Bosch dishwasher. After dismantling the cover, all foreign objects that could penetrate inside are removed - you need to carefully check that nothing is blocking the operation of the impeller. What can prevent its rotation? Usually these are food remnants, napkins, fragments of broken dishes, undissolved powder or tablets, and so on. After checking, all parts are installed in their places, a test run of the equipment is carried out. If nothing has changed, then the pump is broken. To eliminate the malfunction, the machine is disassembled and the part is replaced with a new one.

  1. Breakage or failure of the electronic board. Reasons that could cause this:
  • a sharp drop in voltage in the mains, especially if the equipment is not protected by a stabilizer;
  • the board is accidentally flooded;
  • overheating or burnout of the drain pump;
  • the resource of the components of the control module has been exhausted.

It is possible to understand what kind of repair is necessary in this case only after a thorough check of the element. Based on the results of the diagnostics, the master makes a decision: to flash or completely change the block. The latter procedure can be expensive, so consider adding more money and buying a new dishwasher.

Draining process

To drain the remaining water from the machine in manual mode, you need to carry out a series of actions, the sequence of which depends on the Bosch PMM model. Older machines have a special ratchet switch - it rotates clockwise to drain the liquid. In models from the SRV, SGV lines, a program reset is required with the hopper door closed. This action will open the valve automatically. To start forced draining in models of the SMV, SPV series, it is enough to hold down the start button for a few seconds.

Now you know what emergency measures to take if the dishwasher refuses to drain the used liquid. It is enough to localize the problem and fix it yourself. In the event of a failure of the control board, it is recommended to entrust the repair of the equipment to a specialist. Successful repair and operation of the dishwasher from the most reliable European brand Bosch!

The dishwasher is already finishing the wash cycle, but suddenly stops before draining. There is water in the bunker, while the pump may be “silent” or buzz. What happened? Why won't my dishwasher drain water? There are two reasons for these problems:

  • the first is incorrect connection or blockage;
  • the second is technical breakdowns that require repair.

We will tell you how to forcefully drain the water from the PMM and remove the cause of the breakdown.

Let's analyze the problems that users most often complain about. You can fix them yourself:

How to restart the drain in the dishwasher

We will analyze in detail how to act if you find a blockage or problems with electronic control.

Filter cleaning

A similar problem happens in PMM of any brand: Veko (Beko), Ariston, Virpul, Zanussi, Krona. All you need to do is to carry out periodic cleaning. But first drain the water from the bunker. Prepare a deep container, disconnect the hose and start the drain mode. At the same time, check for clogging of the pipe and sewer.

Before performing work, be sure to unplug the equipment from the network.

What to do:

  1. Open the hopper door.
  2. Take out the dish baskets.
  3. Unscrew and pull out the filter. It is located at the bottom of the compartment.
  4. Take out the mesh from below.
  5. Clean the parts from debris and rinse under pressure from the tap.
  6. Remove the pump cover, put on gloves and check the impeller - it may have been blocked by broken glass. Depending on the PMM model, the pump cover can be fastened with a latch or a screw.

Start a cycle. Water won't drain again? Then keep checking.

Some users complain that there is water in the salt compartment (tank). Should she stay there? This is normal. Pour salt into the compartment and start the wash cycle.

Checking the drain pump

If there is water in the dishwasher, it's time to check the pump. To get to it, dismantle and inspect, you will have to disassemble the PMM. Work can take place in different ways for the brands Daewoo, Whirlpool, Candy, Hansa. We will describe the general sequence:

If the pump is clogged, the water does not drain and remains in the sump. To fix this, it is enough to eliminate the cause of the blockage.

Malfunctions of the pressure switch (level sensor)

If water remains at the bottom of the dishwasher, the pump does not pump out the residue, the reason may be in the level sensor. When a defect occurs in one of its parts, the device gives incorrect readings. The control board does not receive a signal about the problem, therefore it does not issue a command to turn on the pump.

If you have already checked the pump, take on the pressure switch. The level sensor is also located under the bottom and is a plastic box to which the pressure tube leads. Disconnect the tube with pliers, remove the fixing screws, remove the sensor. Found a problem? Then change the part to a new one, because the broken one cannot be repaired.

Electronic module

In all modern models"Electrolux" (Electrolux), "Siemens" (Siemens), Hotpoint Ariston built-in electronic module. This is the "brain" of the dishwasher, which controls the operation of all systems. Due to a power surge or moisture ingress, the board may be damaged. Sometimes a module needs to be repaired if one of the elements is faulty. But do not try to fix it yourself, leave this matter to specialists.

Now you know the reasons why water does not leave the pan or remains in the hopper.

How to prevent drain problems in the future

To avoid breakage, follow these simple rules:

Our tips will help extend the life of your dishwasher for years to come. Take care of the equipment, then breakdowns will not be terrible.

At one point, without any warning, your dishwasher stops without finishing washing dishes. There is water inside and does not leave, but instead of the sounds of a running pump and the murmur of water, you hear a strange buzz and click.

What to do? Let's try to figure it out and find the reason why the dishwasher drain does not work.

Causes of the malfunction

All the reasons that may be associated with the drain can be divided into two groups. The first group is associated with all kinds of blockages, and the second involves a breakdown (malfunction) of some kind of dishwasher unit. We list all the reasons for such a malfunction:

  • the drain hose is kinked in some place, so the water does not physically leave the machine. It is enough to straighten it and try to turn on the machine again. Such a trivial problem rarely happens.
  • clogged coarse filter. Don't neglect simple rule- Before loading, clean the dishes from food residues. Bones, napkins and other debris clog the filter holes, and water will not be able to leave the tank.
  • blockage of drain areas. Food that has passed through the filter can create a blockage in any part of the drain system, such as pipes, a drain hose, or a pump.
  • the pump burned out;
  • the pressure switch is faulty;
  • the software module is broken.

In Bosch dishwashers from the SRV, SRS or SKF series, in some models, a drain problem is detected only at the end of the program. In the middle of the cycle, the machine does not drain the water, but continues to wash dishes only in waste water. But when you open the door, you will see that there is water left in the tank. Some machine models may stop in the middle of a program and the display will show the word “END” and an indicator in the form of a drawn faucet, which indicates an error in the program process.

In Bosch dishwashers from the SMV, SPS or SKS series, if equipped with a display, will appear informing you of a drain problem. If there is no display in the dishwasher, the lights will light up and a beep will sound, the machine will stop working.

For your information! Error TO03 will appear on Ariston dishwashers, on Electrolux I20 machines, on Kandy E2 typewriters.

Clear blockage and replace pump

So, the dishwasher does not drain the water, what should I do? Disconnect it from the mains. Next, inspect the machine for blockages, it is best to start with the drain hose. Disconnect it from the sewer and lower it into a bucket, if water comes out, then the siphon or sewer is clogged. If the water does not go, look for a blockage in the dishwasher itself. Clean the filters first, here's what to do:

If, after starting the dishwasher, the water still stands, then you need to look for the reason in the internal parts and, above all, in the pump. Let's describe how to get there.

Checking the pressure switch and software module

When there is water in the pan and does not leave, the water level sensor may be the reason for this. If a defect occurs in the pressure tank or in the tube connected to the pressostat, then the indication of the amount of water in the dishwasher is distorted. And with a full water pan, the sensor may not send a signal to the control module, as a result, the pump will not work, and water will remain in the tank. In this situation, it is necessary.

As you can see, the control module is involved in the water drain chain. Therefore, if it fails, the water will not merge. This could be a short circuit, wear on the device, or a bug in the firmware. In general, the software module is the most complex part in the machine and expensive. And it is better to entrust the work of replacing it to a specialist, it may even be possible to repair the part.

So, having eliminated the reason that there is water in the dishwasher tank, you need to run a test wash and check if the machine is working, if the water is draining. We hope that the article was informative and thanks to the enthusiasts who post videos on how to repair a Bosch, Ariston, Indesit or any other dishwasher with their own hands.