How to brew cloudberry dolls. Cloudberry - composition, beneficial properties and harm

  • 02.04.2021

Cloudberry is a creeping herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. The taste of the berry is tart, but pleasant, it can be described as a combination of red currant and raspberry. Cloudberry is the earliest northern berry.

The Eskimos and the Sami gather cloudberries in autumn to freeze them for the winter. In the markets of northern Scandinavia, cloudberries are used in the preparation of jam, liquor, pie fillings and confectionery.

The berries cure colds, the root helps with infertility, and the fresh or dried leaves are used as a tea substitute.

The composition and calorie content of cloudberries

All parts of the northern plant are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Berries are especially valuable as a source of carotenoids.

Nutritional composition 100 gr. cloudberries as a percentage of the daily requirement:

  • vitamin C– 32.2%. Strengthens blood vessels, protects the body from infections and binds free radicals;
  • cellulose– 31.5%. Normalizes digestion and cleanses the body of toxins;
  • vitamin A- eighteen%. Important for skin and eye health;
  • iron– 3.9%. Reduces the risk of developing anemia;
  • elaginic acid. . Relieves inflammation and prevents cancer.

Cloudberries contain a lot of phytoncides, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, phosphorus and silicon.

Cloudberry calories - 40 kcal per 100 gr.

The benefits of cloudberries

Useful properties of cloudberries are used in the northern Arctic regions. Cloudberries were used by Norwegian sailors and North American Eskimos to protect against scurvy.

Cloudberry improves blood circulation because it contains iron.

The product is rich in carotenoids and vitamin A, which are good for vision.

Berries help in the treatment of colds and coughs. Both fresh berries and in the form of jam will be useful. But do not forget - vitamin C in berries and jam is destroyed when exposed to high temperatures.

Cloudberry is useful for getting rid of salmonella and staphylococcus aureus.

Cloudberries contain elaginic acid, which minimizes the appearance of wrinkles caused by UV radiation.

Dry berries are more effective in reducing inflammation than fresh ones. Cloudberry is a strong antipyretic agent - it is useful to use it at a high temperature.

Cloudberries contain vitamin A and carotenoids, which act as antioxidants and boost the immune system. Vitamin C in cloudberries is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and helps prevent cancer.

Wild berries have always been valued for their ability to positively affect human health, but cloudberry is the most unique of them. A northern berry with a simple name is a record holder for the content of nutrients that are so necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Cloudberry is a polar arctic berry of the Rose family. It is valued not so much for its excellent taste, but for its useful properties. You can recognize cloudberries by their amber color and sweet and sour taste. It, like raspberries, consists of balls-segments, only it does not grow on tall bushes, but on undersized bushes. The berry is popular not only among the inhabitants of the Arctic, but also healers who use both the fruit itself and shrubs to prepare healthy decoctions and tinctures. The locals call it northern raspberry. In the north, cloudberries are the main source of micro and macro elements.

Cloudberry prefers swampy areas, shrub tundra and pine forests. It is difficult to get to the place of its growth, but it is easy to collect because of the bright conspicuous color and abundant fruiting. Those who will pick berries for the first time may be misled by the red color as a sign of ripeness. It is not advisable to pick such fruits, but even if you pick an unripe berry, it will ripen in a few days. In an unripe form, it is easy to transport - it will not wrinkle or deteriorate. Honey, orange, yellow, amber are the colors of ripe cloudberries. The ripening period falls on the end of July - the beginning of August (as with raspberries).

Cloudberries are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. For medical purposes, decoctions, tinctures, lotions, syrups are made from it. In this case, not so much the berry itself is used, but rather roots, flowers, leaves, also stalks, sepals. Each part of the plant is just a storehouse of vitamins.

The composition of the berries includes:

  • vitamins A, C, PP, B1, B2, E;
  • magnesium, potassium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus, silicon, calcium, sodium;
  • pectin, tannins, phytoncides, antioxidants, phytosterol (vegetable alcohol), phenol, carotene.

The plant is used both fresh and dried. Useful properties are not lost during drying.

In the North, where the disease of scurvy is widespread due to lack of sunlight, cloudberries have long been the first remedy to combat it. In terms of carotene content, it is many times superior to carrots. Also, cloudberries are ahead of orange and rose hips in terms of the amount of vitamin C.

Hemostatic, wound-healing, antibacterial properties of cloudberries are given by pectins, tannins and organic acids. Thanks to them, the healing effect of the juice from the berries is preserved for several weeks. The leaves and other parts of the plant are used as dressings.

A large amount of tocopherol contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and the healthy development of the fetus.

The list of diseases for which cloudberries are used is huge. The diaphoretic property relieves colds and flu. Decoctions are used as a diuretic for diarrhea, ascites, gout. Cloudberry also helps out as a diuretic for diseases of the urinary system (kidney stones, etc.). Helps with diseases such as malaria, beriberi, and metabolic disorders. It has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body.

Cloudberry has a great benefit on the cardiovascular system due to the potassium and magnesium it contains. It is an excellent prophylactic against the formation of cancer cells. Useful substances in the berry have an effect on free radicals, and this property, in turn, slows down the aging of the body.

Cloudberries are very useful as an immunomodulatory agent, they can be used both for prevention and for a quick recovery from flu and colds.

Promotes rapid recovery after a severe or protracted illness. Breaks down and removes cholesterol, lowers blood sugar.

Thanks to cloudberry leaves, local residents get rid of scabies mites.

Cloudberries are good for weight loss. With an energy value of 40 kcal, this is a very satisfying product that can be quickly absorbed and burn fat. When used, metabolism is activated, accelerated breakdown of fat cells and removal of excess fluid. In addition, the fruits are useful for the beauty of the skin, for its internal health. They are a source of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of cells. Slow down skin aging, prolong beauty and youth.

Many cosmetic companies use cloudberry extract in the manufacture of anti-aging and nourishing face creams. It is also found in cleansing masks and washing gels. In the summer, it helps to soothe the skin, has a refreshing property. In winter, it protects against the effects of cold weather.

The plant is equally useful for men, women, children, pregnant women:

  1. It is recommended for men to use it to restore sexual functions, for the prevention and auxiliary treatment of the prostate. Often it is included in the menu of athletes and people involved in heavy physical work. Helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, increases efficiency and physical strength. It is an excellent energy drink necessary for athletes;
  2. In women, cloudberries should also be present in the diet. It has a positive effect on the female reproductive system in particular and the entire body as a whole. It also has a beneficial effect on the growth and strengthening of hair and nails. The skin heals, becomes firm, elastic due to increased production of collagen, provoked by the useful components of cloudberries. Cloudberry is also necessary for the nervous system - it provides resistance to stress, affects the quality of sleep;
  3. Berries are also beneficial for the child's body. Proper development of the baby is impossible without the use of vitamins and minerals. Cloudberry rich in them helps children cope with colds and intestinal colic. Normalizes the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Pediatricians recommend introducing berries into the diet of children in the form of jelly from the year;
  4. Pregnant women need berries no less than children. Proper development of the fetus depends mainly on a sufficient amount of nutrients in the mother's body. Cloudberry is rich in them, so it must be present in the diet of a future or nursing mother. Its use will help relieve attacks of toxicosis, eliminate dizziness, regulate pressure, and improve the digestion process. Do not use if you have kidney problems.

What is the harm to health

Cloudberries are practically harmless. However, it should not be eaten by people with high acidity of the stomach and individual intolerance to certain substances contained in fruits. Also, you can’t overeat it - you can provoke an allergy attack if there is a tendency to react. With ulcers and gastritis, berries can be consumed, only infrequently and little by little.

Cloudberries are widely used in cooking. Naturally, the berries are good for fresh consumption. So they will give more useful and nutrients. They are also added to ice cream, milk, kefir, fruit salads to improve taste.

Fresh cloudberries are not stored for long, so they try to conserve them for the winter: they soak, soar, dry, candied or prepare jams, jams, jams. From it you can make compotes, juices, fruit drinks. It is not excluded the preparation of alcoholic products - cocktails, cognacs, liqueurs, wines, liqueurs. For about a month and a half, the berries can be stored in their own juice due to their antibacterial properties.

Heat treatment, freezing, canning reduce the content of nutrients, but even in this case, cloudberries retain their medicinal properties.

  1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was very fond of cloudberries, and even before his death he asked to bring it;
  2. In Finland, coins of 2 euros are minted, which depict cloudberries;
  3. Cloudberry kvass could be found in any tavern;
  4. The royal table was incomplete if there was no cloudberry on it;
  5. Lapland can be called the champion in terms of the number of cloudberries grown and harvested there.

Cloudberry is a perennial plant found in peat bogs and marshy forests of Russia and Belarus, as well as in the tundra (Polar-Arctic region). Its red sweet and sour berries, which have a similar name, are incredibly healthy and tasty.

The chemical composition of cloudberries

Cloudberries are rich primarily in vitamins and fiber. In terms of the amount of vitamin A, cloudberries are several times ahead of carrots, and they contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Also, this berry is rich in B and E vitamins.

Among the mineral substances, the source of which is cloudberry, first of all, phosphorus, potassium, iron, aluminum, silicon and cobalt should be distinguished.

In addition, the chemical composition of the berry is represented by malic, citric and salicylic organic acids, sugar (monosaccharides useful for the body - glucose and fructose), pectins, tannins and natural dyes. The composition of the fruit also includes unsaturated fatty acids and ash. The main part of the chemical composition of cloudberries (83.3%) is water. The protein content in the berry is very small - only 0.8%.

Cloudberry is a northern plant that grows where there is a pronounced deficiency in natural vitamins due to the unsuitability of climatic conditions not only for growing oranges, bananas, pomegranates and other heat-loving plants, but also such fruits that are familiar to the middle zone, such as apples, pears , strawberries and raspberries. Actually, this circumstance primarily determines the attitude towards this berry, since it is it that is the main source of vitamins, as well as minerals and other elements necessary for a person for peoples living in the Arctic and suffering from beriberi more than anyone else.

Did you know? The high content of vitamin C in cloudberries allows the inhabitants of the North to use this berry as a prophylactic against scurvy. It is interesting that if the fruits of cloudberries are frozen and then warmed up, the amount of ascorbic acid in them will not change. Therefore, the procedure performed by the hero of the famous song “Snowflake” by the group “Accident” (“I will pick up cloudberries from under the snow, warm and suck out the juice”) allowed him to fully use all the useful qualities of this berry. But soaked cloudberries retain only 85% of vitamin C.

The manifestation of scientific interest in cloudberries is associated with the Soviet period: the first scientific description of the berry was compiled more than 75 years ago by Professor Tserevitinov Fedor Vasilyevich. He also determined the chemical composition of the berries of this species.

Medicinal properties of cloudberries

Cloudberry leaves, roots and berries have numerous beneficial properties that allow you to get rid of a number of ailments. In particular, the potassium contained in cloudberries restores the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes liver function, and promotes the excretion of bile. Cloudberry slows down the processes of fermentation and decay, and therefore has a beneficial effect on the intestines and stomach, normalizes biochemical processes in the body, especially after poisoning.

Vitamin E contained in cloudberries improves eyesight, improves blood circulation, and regulates blood clotting. In addition, thanks to an increased dose of this vitamin, the tissues of the body receive an impetus for rapid regeneration, which is especially important, for example, in case of burns.

The benefits of cloudberries for the body as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent are also manifested in the symptoms of respiratory diseases, especially of a bacterial nature, and sore throat. The bactericidal properties of cloudberries make it possible to use it for the treatment of purulent wounds, applying freshly picked leaves of the plant lubricated with fish oil to them.

Cloudberry also has the ability to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid from the body, which makes the berry a very useful element of the diet during pregnancy.

Cloudberries are also used for cystitis, dropsy, scabies, gout and many other diseases. It is believed that the berry can reduce the likelihood of malignant tumors. If such a tumor already exists, it is recommended to apply gruel from crushed cloudberry fruits to it, however, the effectiveness of this method of treatment is questionable.

For a person weakened after any illness or stress, the use of cloudberries will help to quickly recover, cheer up and feel much better. It is enough to take berry juice diluted with the same amount of water several times a day.

How to prepare and store cloudberry raw materials for medicinal purposes

Cloudberries are harvested at the end of summer. An indicator of maturity is the easy separation of the fruit from the sepals and the abundant release of juice from the berry, if it is crushed.

Important! The period of picking berries from cloudberries does not last long at all, after a couple of weeks the fruits become too soft and blur in the hands. Therefore, if cloudberries are not planned to be processed immediately or transported, it is better not to wait until the fruits are fully ripe, otherwise they will deteriorate very quickly.

There are many ways to store cloudberries. They can be used as a raw material for the preparation of jams, purees, jams and other sweets; drying, freezing, and soaking are also used among the possible harvesting methods.

Cloudberries should be dried in a well-ventilated place, protected from bright light, or in a dryer or oven at a temperature not exceeding 50º C. In any case, the berries should be stirred from time to time to evenly dry.

For freezing, the berries are washed, dried and laid in one layer on a horizontal surface, which is placed in a deep freezer. A day later, the fruits are laid out in special bags or plastic containers and sent to the freezer for permanent storage.

Cloudberry jam is cooked like this: the berries are poured with hot sugar syrup, left for several hours, after which they are boiled for 30 minutes, trying not to disturb the integrity of the fruit while stirring. If desired, you can add a little white wine to the jam (1.5 cups per 1 kg of berries). The finished jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. For 1 kg of cloudberries, you need 1 kg of sugar and 0.3 liters of water.

Cloudberry Jam it is cooked in a similar way, but after making the jam, it is rubbed through a sieve, then boiled for another 10-20 minutes and only then laid out in jars.

To prepare cloudberry jelly, the berries are crushed, mixed with water (1 part of water per 5 parts of fruits), boiled for no more than five minutes after boiling, then filtered, sugar is added (in an amount equal to the weight of the berries), gelatin soaked in advance (30 g per 1 kg of berries), heated without boiling, poured into jars and rolled up.

Cloudberries are also used to make puree, which, in turn, can then be used as the basis for other dishes. The berries are brought to a boil, rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added (0.4 parts by weight of the berries), laid out in jars, cooled and stored in a cool place.

To get a marshmallow from cloudberries, the puree prepared in the manner described above is dried in an oven over low heat.

The original recipe for cloudberry compote: the berries are immediately laid out in sterilized jars, covered with sugar (200 g per liter) and left until the fruit starts to juice. Then the jar is filled with boiling water, covered with a lid and rolled up.

Candied cloudberries are prepared in a similar way, only instead of boiling water, sugar is added to the jar again until it covers the berries, and, covered with a lid, is stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

To harvest cloudberry juice, the berries are blanched, the juice is squeezed through cheesecloth, heated without boiling, then poured into jars, sterilized for 10-15 minutes (for half-liter and liter jars, respectively) and rolled up.

soaked cloudberries prepared in a variety of ways. For example, you can put the sorted berries in a sterilized jar and pour boiled water at room temperature, then cover and insist in a cold place. To ensure the sterility of the jar, instead of treating it with boiling water or steam, wipe the dishes from the inside with vodka, alcohol, and even better - with rum, this will give the soaked berry an additional aromatic note. To soak cloudberries in a tub or barrel, the berries are poured with syrup (0.08 g of sugar per 1 liter of water, while boiling, a pinch of salt and spices are added to taste - cloves, cinnamon, hot and allspice). The tub is covered with a smaller diameter lid or plate, oppression is placed on top. The container should be covered with a cloth and taken out to the cellar.

Did you know? A great admirer of soaked cloudberries was the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. They say that even his last wish before his death was connected with this delicacy.

Most of the listed types of harvesting allow not only to store cloudberries for a long time, but also retain the bulk of their healing qualities.

Important! Cloudberry berries are best used in pureed or mashed form for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since the hard seeds of the berry can irritate the walls of the stomach or intestines.

In the cloudberry plant, in addition to berries, leaves, roots and flowers are also used. Leaves, stems and flowers of cloudberries should be collected during the flowering period (late spring - early summer), and rhizomes - in the fall, before the dormant phase. When picking berries, you can also pick the sepals, they are dried and mixed with dry leaves.

The collected raw materials are dried in the same way as berries - in an open, shaded place, after which they are laid out in linen bags or glass jars and stored at room temperature in a dry room.

Use in folk medicine: cloudberry treatment

The benefits of cloudberries

Cloudberries are the strongest natural antioxidant, they restore immunity and contribute to the overall rejuvenation of the body. With the help of the fruits of this plant, you can also lower the level of bad cholesterol and prevent the development of cancer cells.

The ability of cloudberries to stop various inflammations and heal wounds is widely used in folk medicine. These fruits are recommended for people suffering from hypertension, genitourinary disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. It is good to eat cloudberries at the first signs of intoxication of the body, this will prevent the absorption of poison into the blood thanks to the protective film that covers the walls of the stomach contained in the fruits of tannins and pectins.

Cloudberry berries are very low in calories, so they should be highly appreciated by people who are overweight. Among other things, the chemical composition of cloudberries determines the removal of excess fluid from the body and the breakdown of fats, while there is a general normalization of metabolism.

Cloudberry does not lose its beneficial properties when frozen, other types of processing are associated with certain losses.

Cloudberry tea can be prepared in different ways. First of all, for these purposes, of course, dried leaves of the plant are used. The drink is brewed at the rate of approximately 2 tbsp. l leaves per glass of water and is an excellent general tonic during the off-season, when flu and various viral infections are rampant.

You can mix cloudberry leaves with leaves of other plants - raspberries, strawberries, cherries, as well as rose hips. In addition, cloudberry leaves are added to regular black tea. Instead of sugar, it is recommended to add honey to such a drink.

Cloudberry leaf tea is drunk for cystitis and other disorders of the genitourinary system.

Based on dried cloudberries, you can also prepare a delicious drink, but to improve the therapeutic effect, it is better to drink it chilled. This decoction is used 80 ml three times a day to stop bleeding, and if kidney stones are found, 125 g four times a day.

You can also make tea from cloudberry sepals. Even a small pinch of the dried mixture added to tea will give it a completely unique thick aroma of woody freshness, taiga romance and campfire songs. In addition, after drinking a cup of such tea, you will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, and fatigue and stress will be removed as if by hand.

Important! Cloudberry tea has medicinal properties, but it should not be consumed uncontrollably. Taking more than two glasses during the day is considered an overdose.

Cloudberry juice

Cloudberry juice also has healing properties. Inside it is taken in a form diluted with water, to improve appetite and as a general tonic. It is also used externally - to combat certain skin diseases, in particular scabies.

A decoction of the leaves and roots of cloudberries

A decoction of the leaves and roots of cloudberries in a ratio of 1: 1 is a cure for gout, dropsy and intestinal disorders, if you drink 50 g half an hour before each meal. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials should be poured with a glass of cold water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain.

To combat bleeding and kidney stones, you can prepare a decoction not only from berries, but also from cloudberry leaves (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). The mixture must be steamed, cooled and strained. Take with the above diagnoses three times a day for 0.3 cups or four times a day for 0.5 cups, respectively.

Cloudberry leaf infusion

An infusion of cloudberry leaves is the best way to get rid of attacks of painful and debilitating cough, which allows you to use this plant not only for colds, but even for tuberculosis.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of dried cloudberry leaves are poured with an incomplete glass of boiling water, steamed and infused for at least five hours. You need to drink the resulting infusion in small sips over a long period of time, this will help ensure the maximum effect.

Similarly, prepared infusions can be used to relieve the symptoms of urolithiasis, as well as salt deposition.

How is it used in cosmetology

As a remedy for the treatment of skin diseases, cloudberries are unmatched. However, in addition to this, it is widely used for cosmetic purposes. Moreover, everything is used here - decoctions and extracts are made from leaves, roots and berries, oil is squeezed out of seeds, and the pulp of berries is also used.

The ability of cloudberries to have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails determines the use of elixirs and decoctions based on it as additives in shampoos, creams, lotions, shower gels and soaps. Seeds with sufficient rigidity are an excellent abrasive in the composition of scrubs and peels.

The rejuvenating and restorative effect that the use of the plant gives makes it possible to include cloudberry seed oil in the composition of masks, serums and creams of the anti-aging group. Such products saturate the skin well and even out the complexion, removing peeling and age spots. The skin becomes elastic, smooth and tender. Massage creams and energy masks improve with the pulp of cloudberry drupes.

It should be recognized that not all companies can afford to use cloudberries in professional cosmetology, and such products, as a rule, are expensive. But you can prepare certain compositions yourself, having the necessary raw materials at hand.

So, if you grind fresh cloudberries and mix them with fatty sour cream, you get an excellent mask for dry and delicate skin (to avoid micro-scratches, it is better to pass the berries through a fine sieve beforehand, and to achieve a peeling effect, just apply very carefully, not forgetting about hard seeds ).

To prepare a mask for dry and brittle hair, you need to beat 5 tablespoons of a rich infusion of cloudberry leaves with a raw chicken egg, immediately apply the mixture to the hair, spread over the entire length and leave for 30 minutes. After a while, the mask is washed off with warm water, and there is no need to wash your hair after that. It’s a good idea to add a few drops of cloudberry seed oil to such a mask, but not everyone has such an exclusive at hand.


The high content of organic acids in cloudberries can cause a severe allergic reaction. therefore, contraindications primarily concern people who are prone to various allergies, in particular to ascorbic acid.

With some caution, cloudberries should be used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis against the background of high acidity and enterocolitis. With an exacerbation of such diseases, the berry should be completely excluded from the diet.

Clinical medicine does not have a clearly established list of direct and unambiguous contraindications to the use of cloudberries and preparations based on it. Therefore, if you take the measure and do not ignore the first signs of individual intolerance, cloudberries will only bring benefits, as well as the pleasure of eating a delicious product.

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In nature, there are many food plants, which include a huge number of useful components, which makes them also healing. One of these plants is cloudberry- a very rare and special berry. What exactly are its features, you can find out right now.

General information

Cloudberry is a species of perennial herbaceous plants that are representatives of the raspberry genus of the rose family. The name of the plant comes from the word morus", which in Latin means " mulberry". In ancient times it was called swamp guard», « moss currant», « swamp amber», « northern orange», « arctic raspberry" etc. Immediately, we note that cloudberry is the name of both the plant itself and its fruits. A distinctive feature of the berries is considered to be that in an unripe form they have a red color, but when ripe they acquire a bright yellow color, reminiscent of the color of amber.

Distribution and ecology

This plant grows mainly in the northern hemisphere, as well as in the middle zone of the European part of Siberia, in Belarus, Russia and the Far East. Especially often it can be seen in swampy forests, peat bogs, shrub and moss tundras. Most often, berries are located close to lingonberries, wild rosemary and sphagnum moss. The berry is very capricious - it is very afraid of both frost and wind, as well as rain. Reproduction of the plant is carried out by rhizomes, seeds or vegetatively.

Botanical description

A semi-shrub or herbaceous plant reaches a height of no more than 30 cm. Its rhizome is creeping, but the stems are erect and thin. On each stem there are 2 - 3 leaves and 1 apical flower with white petals. From this it follows that only one berry is formed on each stem. In addition to the fact that the flowers are white, they are also solitary, as well as unisexual. Male flowers are slightly larger than female flowers. The plant blooms in June - July. Berries ripen on it 40-45 days after flowering. The leaves are rounded kidney-shaped, and the fruit is a combined drupe, the diameter of which is 1.5 cm. The shape of the fruits resembles raspberries, but they have a special taste and smell. From 1 hectare it is possible to collect about 1000 kg of fruits.

Collection and drying

The berries of the plant are recommended to be collected in late June - early July. It was during this period that they are endowed with a red-yellow color. From 10 to 14 days are allotted for their collection, after which the fruits overripe, and it is no longer possible to collect them, as they begin to flow. The berries should be plucked together with the sepals, after which the collected raw materials are dried and used if necessary.

It is interesting!

In ancient times, in Russia, cloudberries were served at the royal table, as they were considered the most valuable northern berry. Some nations still call her " royal berry". The great Russian poet also loved her very much. Alexander Pushkin. It is a well-known fact that before his death he asked for soaked cloudberries. In Finland, since 1999, a coin of 2 euros has been minted, which depicts this particular berry. This coin was created by designer and architect Raimo Heino.

Significance and application

This plant is an excellent honey plant. Since the composition of the berries and leaves of this plant includes numerous useful substances, they have found their wide application in medicine, cosmetology, dietetics, and also cooking. Various peoples use this berry in the fight against a wide variety of diseases. So, for example, the Nenets and Khanty use the leaves as a hemostatic and dressing material.

Useful composition

The composition of cloudberries includes the following useful components:
  • proteins;
  • pectin substances;
  • tannins;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • organic acids;
  • Sahara;
  • cellulose;
  • carotenoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins A, B1, B3, C, PP, E;
  • antioxidants;
  • fatty acid;
  • plant sterols;
  • phytosterols.
This is not the whole list of useful substances, however, this is enough to understand how useful this plant is. Vitamin C alone in this plant is 3 times more than in an orange. By the amount of provitamin A, it surpasses carrots.

Therapeutic properties

The plant has numerous therapeutic properties, namely:
  • hemostatic;
  • restorative;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • thirst-quenching;
  • rejuvenating;
  • regenerating;
  • restoring;
  • anticancer;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-febrile;
  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • fixing;
  • antiscorbutic.

Cloudberry treatment

With the help of both leaves and roots, as well as the berries of this plant, you can fight a huge number of pathological conditions. Cloudberries treat both pathologies of the kidneys, and diseases of the liver, intestines, biliary tract, as well as the entire cardiovascular system. With its help, you can significantly reduce putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines, regulate hydrogen transport, restore various biochemical processes, improve capillary permeability, rejuvenate skin cells, and also alleviate general well-being in case of heavy metal poisoning.

Berries are also used in the treatment of hypovitaminosis, beriberi, skin pathologies, burns, internal bleeding and colds. If you need to strengthen a weakened person, these berries will also come to your aid. You can’t do without them even if we are talking about diseases of the bladder, disorders of digestibility of food or metabolism, chronic fatigue syndrome, poor appetite or poor blood clotting. Diarrhea, cystitis ( inflammation of the bladder), dropsy ( swelling and accumulation of fluid in tissues), gout ( uric acid metabolism disorder), ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen) - all these are also indications for the use of this healing berry. Cloudberry is considered to be an excellent means of prevention, as well as the treatment of cancer. It also treats scurvy ( vitamin C deficiency disease), festering wounds, nephrolithiasis, malaria ( intermittent fever), scabies, tonsillitis, as well as skin cancer.


  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • The period of exacerbation of gastritischaracterized by high acidity.

Use during pregnancy

Modern experts are 100% sure that the berries of this plant should be included in the diet of all expectant mothers. The thing is that their regular use will make it possible to enrich the body of a pregnant woman with the necessary amount of tocopherols, which in turn is the guarantor of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a full-fledged healthy baby.

Folk recipes

1. Hemostatic and fixative: 1 st. l. dried crushed leaves are steamed in 1 cup boiling water. As soon as the infusion has cooled, we filter it and take 1/3 cup inside in the morning, afternoon and evening.

2. Remedy for kidney stones: 1 st. l. pour dried cups with 2 cups of boiling water and leave to infuse until cool. Then we filter the infusion and take it inside half a glass 4 times a day.

3. Remedy for cystitis: 1 st. l. crushed leaves pour 200 ml of boiled water. After half an hour, we filter the infusion and use it for oral administration, 0.25 cups four times a day. The course of treatment should be continued until complete healing.

4. Remedy for scurvy and jade: daily we drink 1 glass of juice obtained from berries.

5. Remedy for festering wounds: take cloudberry leaves, lubricate them with fish oil and apply to the affected areas of the skin. Change such compresses should be 2 times a day.

6. Appetite improver: mix the juice of berries with the same amount of water and take it inside.

7. Cough remedy: 2 tsp leaves, pour 1 cup of boiled water and leave to infuse for 4 hours, carefully wrapping the infusion with a towel. After that, we filter the resulting product and drink it during the day.

8. Skin Cancer Remedy: we take the berries, crush them and lubricate the areas affected by the tumor with the resulting gruel.

Healing effect of juice

The juice from these berries is considered to be an excellent general tonic. It also has diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is especially useful to use it for all those people whose fate has been a long and very serious illness. In addition, this juice is recommended for use in colds, as well as inflammatory ailments of the bladder and the entire urinary system. It is also useful for pathologies of the biliary tract, heart or liver.

Juice Recipes

  • Cloudberry juice without sugar: thoroughly wash the berries in hot water and pass them through a juicer. We pasteurize the juice and pour it into bottles, after boiling them. We close the bottles with corks, fill them with wax or resin and store in a cool place.
  • Cloudberry juice with sugar: thoroughly wash the berries, pour over them with boiled water, rub through a sieve and add sugar at the rate of 500 gr. for 1 liter of juice. For long-term storage, the juice must be pasteurized.
It is important! The juice from the berries of this plant is strictly forbidden to use both for gout and for some pathologies of the kidneys. Its prolonged or irrational use can cause the development of a severe allergic reaction, accompanied by skin rashes, itching and swelling.

Oil and its use in cosmetology

Cloudberry oil has a light aroma of the berries of this plant. It is obtained exclusively from seeds by extraction. It contains plant sterols, vitamins, oleic and linoleic acids, acids, carotenoids, and alpha-linoleic acid. Cosmetologists recommend this oil to people with dry skin, which needs a lot of nutrients.
Under its influence, the skin is regenerated, cleansed, acquires a pleasant color, softens, and also rejuvenates. The carotenoids present in the oil are actively involved in the prevention of wrinkles. They also relieve the skin from redness, inflammation, acne and blackheads. Under the influence of carotene oxygen, an increase in skin metabolism is noted. Vitamin E, in turn, reduces the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays and free radicals. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, fresh and silky. This oil has a beneficial effect on hair and nails. Given all these facts, it is included in the composition of both sunscreens and anti-aging cosmetics, medical cosmetics, shampoos, foams, gels, liquid soaps and some other hygiene products.

In cooking

Cloudberries are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and drinks. Their list can include both lemonade and jam, juices, kvass, compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, jams, and jelly. Often, alcoholic beverages are also prepared from the berry, namely liqueurs and cocktails. The leaves of the plant are often brewed as tea in equal proportions with lingonberry or strawberry leaves. Cloudberry juice is most often canned. The berries themselves are usually frozen. They can also be stored wet.

Cooking recipes

1. Cloudberry pastille: we wash and sort out fresh berries, after which we place them in an enamel pan and put in the oven. We take out the softened warmed berries and wipe them through a sieve or colander. Then we mix the resulting puree with granulated sugar, adhering to the proportion for 1 kg of puree - 0.5 kg of sugar. We boil the resulting mixture and transfer it to trays, which we subsequently place in the oven and hold until the mass dries.

2. Cloudberry soaked: thoroughly wash the tubs and fill them with fresh berries. Pour cloudberries with cold boiled water, a small amount of sugar syrup and store in the cellar.

3. Cloudberry compote: prepare the berries and fill them with hot 50% syrup. After 3 - 4 hours, heat the syrup to a boil and let it boil for 6 - 8 minutes. After that, pour the fruits with hot syrup. Sterilize compote in boiling water. It is recommended to sterilize half-liter jars from 10 to 15 minutes, liter - from 15 to 20 minutes.

4. Cloudberry syrup: fresh selected berries in the amount of 1 kg are combined with 1 kg of sugar. Add 1 liter of water to the resulting mixture and cook everything for a quarter of an hour. Drain the resulting syrup and use it to make marmalade, jelly or mousse.

5. Cloudberry jelly: thoroughly wash the freshly picked berries and let them drain. After that, crush them with a wooden pestle. In the resulting mass, add 1 - 1.5 cups of water and heat it to a boil. After 2 - 4 minutes, drain the resulting broth, add sugar to it at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries, as well as gelatin and bring everything to a boil again. Boil for half an hour, and then pour into hot jars.

In the northern regions of our country, an interesting berry - cloudberry is very common. It attracts not only with its taste, but also with a bright yellow color. For its attractive aroma, it has been recognized since ancient times. It especially attracted Russian rulers, for which it received its second name - “royal berry”.

But for medicinal purposes, not only fruits are used, but almost the entire plant. Mostly leaves and roots. Despite the wide range of beneficial actions of the royal berry, consider those that relate to the treatment of cough.

Useful properties of cloudberries in the treatment of cough

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, including coughs, this plant is used quite often, especially in those areas where it grows.

Cloudberry features include:

  • It has antibacterial properties, thanks to which it copes with the source of cough.
  • Improves the functions of the respiratory system.
  • Strengthens the immune system, improves blood composition.
  • Softens cough, reduces the number of respiratory attacks and contributes to the treatment of even chronic forms.
  • An antipyretic that helps alleviate the course of the disease

The composition of the royal berry contains many vitamins, trace elements, minerals and acids. People who constantly consume cloudberries are distinguished by good health and resistance to infections.

Cloudberry Cough Recipes

As described above, various parts of this plant are used to prepare cough remedies. In our recipes, we will look at some of the ways to prepare these ingredients.

Infusion of cloudberry leaves for cough

To prepare this cough remedy, you can take both dry and fresh cloudberry leaves. The cooking method is very simple:

Infusion of cloudberry sepals for cough

The sepals of the royal berry have long been a well-known remedy for prolonged and chronic cough. They are brewed, insisted and decoctions are prepared from them. Consider the simplest, but no less effective way to prepare a cure for respiratory disorders. For this you will need:

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of dried cloudberry sepals and several strawberry leaves into a non-metallic liter dish (preferably a thermos).
  • Pour boiling water over everything, close tightly and put in a warm place for several hours.

You need to use the remedy instead of tea throughout the entire period of illness.

Contraindications to cloudberry treatment

No matter how useful this plant may seem, it has a number of very serious contraindications. But with care, you can easily avoid any problems.